- 1408 Dynamic Programming for the Minimum Tour Duration Problem
by Christian Tilk & Stefan Irnich - 1407 Dual Inequalities for Stabilized Column Generation Revisited
by Timo Gschwind & Stefan Irnich - 1406 Monopoly Profit Maximization: Success and Economic Principles
by Korbinian von Blanckenburg & Milena Neubert - 1405 Expectations as Reference Points: Field Evidence from Professional Soccer
by Bjoern Bartling & Leif Brandes & Daniel Schunk - 1403 Throwing the Spanner in the Works: The Mixed Blessing of FDI
by Jakob Schwab
- 1511 Reciprocity towards Groups
by David Hugh-Jones & Martin A. Leroch - 1310 Capital Regulation with Heterogeneous Banks
by Andreas Barth & Christian Seckinger - 1308 Hartz IV ist tot – Es leben die Hartz-Reformen!
by Andrey Launov & Klaus Wälde - 1307 Thumbscrews for Agencies or for Individuals? How to Reduce Unemployment
by Andrey Launov & Klaus Wälde - 1306 Endogenous Trade Policy with Heterogeneous Firms
by Jennifer Abel-Koch - 1305 Bank Bailouts and Market Discipline: How Bailout Expectations Changed During the Financial Crisis
by Florian Hett & Alexander Schmidt - 1304 Financial Sector Reform After the Crisis: Has Anything Happened?
by Alexander Schaefer & Isabel Schnabel & Beatrice Weder di Mauro - 1303 Competitiveness in dynamic group contests: Evidence from combined field and lab data
by Yann Girard & Florian Hett
- 1212 In-Depth Analysis of Pricing Problem Relaxations for the Capacitated Arc-Routing Problem
by Claudia Bode & Stefan Irnich - 1211 Effective Handling of Dynamic Time Windows and Synchronization with Precedences for Exact Vehicle Routing
by Timo Gschwind & Stefan Irnich - 1210 Branch-and-Cut Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Trailers and Transshipments
by Michael Drexl - 1209 On the Generalized Directed Rural Postman Problem
by Michael Drexl - 1208 The Determinants of Joint Sovereign Default Risk in the Euro Area
by Denis Gorea & Deyan Radev - 1207 Systemic Risk, Banking and Sovereign Debt in the Euro Area
by Deyan Radev - 1206 On the estimation of the volatility-growth link
by Andrey Launov & Klaus Wälde & Olaf Posch - 1205 A Note on the Separation of Subtour Elimination Constraints in Asymmetric Routing Problems
by Michael Drexl - 1204 Other-Regarding Preferences, Concerns for Others Opportunities and Violations of Stochastic Dominance—A Choice Theoretic Analysis
by Abhinash Borah - 1203 Bank Bonuses and Bail-outs
by Hendrik Hakenes & Isabel Schnabel - 1202 Die Einstellung zu Geld bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen - Entwicklung eines Instruments in deutscher Sprache
by Daniela Barry & Klaus Breuer - 1201 Solving Elementary Shortest-Path Problems as Mixed-Integer Programs
by Michael Drexl & Stefan Irnich
- 1115 Demasking the impact of microfinance
by Helke Waelde - 1114 Monitoring, Sanctions and Front-Loading of Job Search in a Non-Stationary Model
by Bart Cockx & Muriel Dejemeppe & Andrey Launov & Bruno Van der Linden - 1111 Existence, Uniqueness and Stability of Invariant Distributions in Continuous-Time Stochastic Models
by Christian Bayer & Klaus Waelde - 1110 Describing the Dynamics of Distributions in Search and Matching Models by Fokker-Planck Equations
by Christian Bayer & Klaus Waelde - 1109 Trade Liberalization and Self-Control Problems
by Jennifer Abel-Koch - 1108 The safe are rationed, the risky not – an extension of the Stiglitz-Weiss model
by Helke Waelde - 1106 To switch or not to switch - Can individual lending do better in microfinance than group lending?
by Helke Waelde - 1105 Firm Size and the Choice of Export Mode
by Jennifer Abel-Koch
- 1101 Some preliminary but troubling evidence on group credits in microfinance programmes
by Helke Waelde - 1013 Financial Integration and Growth -Is Emerging Europe Different?
by Christian Friedrich & Isabel Schnabel & Jeromin Zettelmeyer - 1011 How Bad is Globalization for Labour Standards in the North?
by Alejando Donado & Klaus Wälde - 1011 Monetary Transmission Right from the Start: The (Dis)Connection Between the Money Market and the ECB’s Main Refinancing Rates
by Puriya Abbassi & Dieter Nautz - 1010 How Trade Unions Increase Welfare
by Alejando Donado & Klaus Wälde - 1008 A Computationally Practical Simulation Estimation Algorithm for Dynamic Panel Data Models with Unobserved Endogenous State Variables
by Michael P. Keane & Robert M. Sauer - 1007 Estimating Incentive and Welfare Effects of Non-Stationary Unemployment Benefits
by Andrey Launov & Klaus Wälde - 1005 Matching and Saving in Continuous Time: Proofs
by Christian Bayer & Klaus Wälde - 1004 Matching and Saving in Continuous Time: Theory
by Christian Bayer & Klaus Wälde - 1003 Competition, Risk-Shifting, and Public Bail-out Policies
by Reint Gropp & Hendrik Hakenes & Isabel Schnabel - 1002 On the Non-Causal Link between Volatility and Growth
by Olaf Posch & Klaus Wälde - 1001 A Problem-Specific and Effective Metaheuristic for Flexibility Design
by Jörn Grahl & Michael Schneider & David Francas