March 2023, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 521-521 The Populist Significance of Thomas' “Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night†, and Henley’s “Invictus†in Tarrant's Manifesto "The Great Replacementâ€
by Reimundus Raymond Fatubun - 529-529 Challenges Saudi EFL Learners Face Developing Communication Skills: A Conceptual Study
by Wael A Holbah - 537-537 Contrastive View Between Several English and Albanian Prepositions
by Fridrik Dulaj & Petrit Duraj & Shemsi Haziri & Senad Neziri - 543-543 Reviewer Acknowledgements for World Journal of English Language, Vol. 13, No. 2
by Joe Nelson
January 2023, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-1 Functions of L1 Use in the L2 Classes: Jordanian EFL Teachers’ Perspectives
by Muath Algazo - 1-9 Readability of PISA-like Reading Texts: A Lesson Learned from Indonesian Teachers
by Eva Tuckyta Sari Sujatna & Emi Emilia & Nia Kurniasih - 1-19 The Pattern and Translation of Chinese Address Terms in Contemporary Film Happiness Around the Corner
by Yu Chunli & Nor Shahila Mansor & Lay Hoon Ang & Sharon Sharmini - 1-29 Feminism in the Middle East: The Influence of Religion and Nationalism on Women’s Narrative
by Asma Jahamah & Aseel Alshbeekat & Bara' Yousef Alrabee - 1-34 Autopathographical Life Writing as Distributed Subjectivity, Cognition, and Prostheses for People living with Dementia
by Niranjana Ganesan & Bhuvaneswari Gopalakrishnan - 1-39 Employing Bennett’s Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (DMIS) to Understand Intercultural Sensitivity in ELT
by Walead Etri - 1-54 Falling Knights: Sir Gawain in Pre and Post Malory Arthurian Tradition
by Majed Kraishan & Wasfi Shoqairat - 1-62 The Sense of an Ending: A Postmodern Challenge of Truth
by Kaya ÖZÇELİK - 1-69 Contrastive Analysis of Translation Shifts in Lexical Repetition in Arabic-English Legal Translations
by Rula Tahsin Tarawneh & Islam Mousa Al-Momani - 1-77 The Myth of Rape in Eighteenth-Century Literature
by Zakarya Aldukhayil - 1-86 Amelioration of Google Assistant – A Review of Artificial Intelligence Stimulated Second Language Learning and Teaching
by Moulieswaran N & Prasantha Kumar N S - 1-92 Voice Assistant as a Modern Contrivance to Acquire Oral Fluency: An Acoustical and Computational Analysis
by Abdur Rahman & Prajeesh Tomy - 105-105 The Taboos of Occupation in Diana Abu Jaber’s Crescent and Naomi Shihab Nye’s Habibi
by Nasaybah Awajan - 113-113 Folklores of the Zos of Manipur as a Reportorial Emporium of Indigenous Existentialism
by P. Hoideiniang Zou & Evangeline Priscilla. B - 121-121 Investigating Saudi EFL University Teachers' Knowledge in Adopting Learning-Oriented Assessment
by Mahdi Aben Ahmed - 131-131 Use of Google Translate for Translating Scientific Texts: An Investigation with Saudi English-Major Students
by Bader Alharbi - 138-138 Deconstructing Betrayal, Discrimination and Guilt in Khaled Hosseini’s “The Kite Runnerâ€
by Hussein K. Kanosh - 146-146 Medieval European Dramas and Ankiya Nats (One-Act play) of Srimanta Sankardeva in Assamese Literature: A Comparative Study
by Mohammad Rezaul Karim - 151-151 The Effect of Transitivity, Futurity, and Aspectuality on the Translation of English Present Progressive into Arabic Verbal and Active Participle Counterparts
by Ayman Yasin & Omar Nofal - 163-163 The Oriental Journey -A Trajectory in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s The Mistress of Spices
by Nisha Gangan & S.Henry Pandian & Shilpi Agarwal & Retna Mony R & S. Moorthi & Venetia Savionna Ross - 167-167 Exploring Online Arabic Complaints in Hotel Reviews on TripAdvisor: A Discourse-Pragmatic Study
by Gaida Saad Alqreeni & Mohammad Mahzari - 185-185 Student-Centered Online Assessment in Foreign Language Classes
by Olena Bratel & Maryna Kostiuk & Ivan Okhrimenko & Lidiia Nanivska - 195-195 Gender Roles in Giambattista Basile’s Sun, Moon, and Talia, and Walt Disney’s Sleeping Beauty
by Irwan Sumarsono & Eny Kusumawati & Elizabeth Anggraeni Amalo & Imam Dui Agusalim & Radina Anggun Nurisma - 200-200 Functions of the Terminological Units of English Border Terminology
by Olena Yankovets & Tetiana Mitrousova & Olesia Svintsitska & Vanda Mychkovska & Hanna Bahrii & Oksana Herasimova & Olha Mysechko & Ilona Isaieva & Ihor Bloshchynskyi - 205-205 Linguistic Dimension of Political Advertising: Analysis of Linguistic Means of Manipulative Influence
by Olena Kuzmenko & Olha Kyryliuk & Tetiana Bublyk & Yuliya Boyko & Vira Ruban - 212-212 Gender Differences in Online Identity: A Linguistic Contrastive Study of Arabic and English Screen Names in the Saudi Context
by Ali Mohammed Alqarni - 220-220 Instructional Language Dichotomy on Foundation Phase Learning: A Case of University Student Teachers
by Bulelwa Makena & Ntando Elliot Mpahla - 225-225 The Impact of Self-Efficacy, Learning Preferential, Learning Motivation and Academic Achievement on EFL Students in Saudi Arabia
by Ziyad Alkhalifah - 234-234 The Sequential Schematic Scene-building Theory in Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code: A Cognitive Semantic Study
by Mustafa Abdulsahib Abdulkareem & Ahmed Sahib Mubarak - 248-248 The Impact of Studying English in China on Thai University Students’ Intercultural Competence
by Kannikar Kantamas - 254-254 In-service Middle School Teachers’ Cognition in the Use of Technology in English as a Second Language (ESL) Teaching and Learning Context in Dingxi City, China
by Wenyang Wei & Nur Surayyah Madhubala Abdullah & Nooreen Noordin - 263-263 A Study of Saudi Students’ Attitude Towards E-learning Through Blackboard During Covid-19
by Abdullah Alshayban - 278-278 Integrating Literature with Technology and Use of Digital Tools: Impact on Learning Outcomes
by Sabina Yasmin Alfaruque & Sufia Sultana & Richa Rastogi & Zakira Jabeen - 286-286 PAD Class Teaching in Undergraduate English Courses in the Era of Information Technology
by Lihong Ding & Jirarat Sitthiworachart & John Morris - 298-298 Arabian Jazz: The Challenges of Being an Arab American
by Sultan Alghofaili - 303-303 The Influence of Educational Background on Malaysian Chinese Learners’ Mispronunciation of /l/ and /r/
by Souba Rethinasamy & Cecilia Xin-Li Chen & Ruey Shing Soo - 312-312 Utilization of Teaching Language Skills Across the Curriculum for Developing Language Skills to Rich Academic Content in All Subjects
by Nibal Malkawi & Tamara Krishan - 319-319 Embedded Cultural Patterns in Abu Firas Al-Hamadani’s Ra’iyyah: Arabic Poetry
by Ahmad Talafha & Mushira Talafha & Khetam Shraideh & Imad Ababneh & Lina AlJarah & May Al. Shaikhli - 330-330 Lovelorn Gender and Nature: Revenge of the Scorned in Mahabharata
by Praveena T & R.L.N. Raju - 337-337 A Comparative Analysis of Politeness Strategies in the Animated Cartoon Angelo Rules and Its Dubbed Arabic Version
by Majedah A. Alaiyed - 346-346 Using Mobile Phone Based Tasks to Improve Jordanian Grade 7 EFL Students’ Composition Writing Skills
by Nofah Sameh Almawadeh - 353-353 Student-Teacher Email Requests: Comparative Analysis of Politeness Strategies Used by Malaysian and Filipino University Students
by Mohammad Awad AlAfnan & Lourdes dela Cruz-Rudio - 362-362 Factors Underlying Difficulties Saudi Undergraduate Male Students Encountered in Writing Traditional Argument Essays: A Case Study of Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University
by Omar Yassin & Popoola Kareem Hamed - 382-382 Language Learners’ Disengagement in e-Learning during COVID-19: Secondary Teachers’ Views
by Ahmed Al Shlowiy - 390-390 Correlations Between Expressing Feelings, Conveying Thoughts, and Gaining Confidence when Writing Personal Narratives in One’s First and Second Language
by Ahdab Abdalelah Saaty - 405-405 Developing Worksheet through Socrative to Improve Students’ English Writing Skill
by I Wy Dirgayasa & Safrida Lubis & Asrita Sari - 410-410 Reviewer Acknowledgements for World Journal of English Language, Vol. 13, No. 1
by Joe Nelson
December 2022, Volume 12, Issue 8
- 1-1 EFL Undergraduate Learners’ Politeness Strategies in the Speech Act of Disagreement
by Obaida Mohammed Chaqmaqchee & Zainab Faiz Jasim - 1-9 Action Research-based Online Teaching in Oman: Teachers’ Voices and Perspectives
by Abdelrahman Abdalla Salih & Lamis Ismail Omar - 1-20 Telecollaboration and Intercultural Communicative Competence: Revealing Students’ Experiential Insights in Saudi Arabia and the U.S
by Ahmed Al Khateeb & Mohamed Hassan - 1-28 Torn between Determinism and Freewill: Self-alienation and Hiding of Identity in Barbery’s The Elegance of the Hedgehog
by Tariq Jameel Alsoud - 1-39 Analysis of the Interrelatedness of Self -Regulation, Learners’ Engagement, and Self-Perceived Development in a Synchronous Online EFL Reading Course
by Alanazi. Zaha - 1-49 Review of Formative Assessment Practices: Primary Evidence on Relationship with Self-efficacy and Self-esteem
by Li Yan & Charanjit Kaur Swaran Singh - 1-60 Enhancing Thai-English Translation Capabilities of EFL Undergraduates with the Principle of Haujai Nakpraj (Learned-man Approach)
by Singkham Rakpa - 1-68 The Effect of Micro-Flipped Classroom in the Context of Distance Learning on TESOL Master Students' Achievement
by Ghaida Alzahrani - 1-74 The Effect of Pragmatic Instruction on Developing Learners’ Use of Request Modifiers in the EFL Context
by Mia Huimin Chen & Shelly Xueting Ye & Jingxin He & Don Dong Yao - 1-86 Students’ Perceptions of Social Networking Sites for English Language Learning: A Study in an Indonesian Higher Education Context
by Anna Riana Suryanti Tambunan & Winda Setia Sari & Rasmitadila Rasmitadila - 1-91 Challenges University Students Faced in Their Online Paragraph Writing
by Mahmoud Ali Al-Sobh - 1-97 Exploring Learner Autonomy: Secondary School EFL Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices in the Saudi Context
by Oqab Alrashidi - 106-106 A Meta-analysis of the Literature on Mobile Assisted Language Learning in Response to COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia
by Khaled Almudibry - 113-113 Code-switching between English and Arabic in Vernacular Poetry
by Majedah A. Alaiyed - 121-121 Cultural Relativism and Ethnocentrism as Two Alternative Principles of Сross-cultural Communication
by Boyko Yuliya & Sierhieieva Oksana & Kupchyshyna Yulia & Matsiuk Olena & Dmytroshkin Denys - 127-127 Surrogacy: A Bio-economical Exploitation of Proletariats in Amulya Malladi’s A House for Happy Mothers
by Suganya C & Vijayakumar M - 133-133 Teachers’ Linguistic Politeness in Classroom Interaction: A Pragmatic Analysis
by Christian Jay O. Syting & Phyll Jhann E. Gildore - 142-142 The Symbolic Dimension of Mahfouz’s Novel, al-Ṭarīq, The Search (1964): From the Symbol of God/Spirituality to Social Problems
by Mohamed Elarabawy Hashem & Sukron Kamil & Abdulfattah Omar - 151-151 Is There Tremendous Advancement in Educational Setting during COVID-19 Age? A Case Study of Nabhanya College, KSA
by Jayashree Premkumar Shet & Christy Paulina J - 162-162 Needs Analysis of Chilean Students of Dentistry for Dental English Course Development
by Olusiji Adebola Lasekan & Paulina Salazar-Aguilar & Anna MarÃa Botto-BeytÃa & Alvarez Boris - 172-172 A Corpus-Based Comparative Study on Syntactic Complexity in University Students’ EFL Writing in Southwestern China: A Case of Pu’er University
by Yang Yang & Ngee Thai Yap & Afida Mohamad Ali - 181-181 Machiavellian Imperial Dominance and Division of the Subcontinent: A Reflective Study on Indo- English Partition Literatures
by Kamlesh Dangwal & Ali Alshhre - 189-189 Social Intelligence and General Self-Efficacy as Predictors of Public Speaking Skills among University Students
by Malek Alkhutaba - 196-196 Exploring the Global Issues in English Language Teaching: EFL Teachers’ Perspective
by Sami Hussein A. Ahmed - 201-201 Code-Mixing in the Conversation of Northern Khmer Speakers in Thailand: A Case Study of Teenagers and Middle-Aged Northern Khmer Speakers in Buriram Province
by Chaowalit Kuemphukhieo & Suwaree Yordchim & Behrad Aghaei & Cholthicha Sudmuk & Yothin Sawangdee & Krisada Krudthong - 212-212 Functioning of Directive Speech Acts in Modern German Linguistic Culture
by Ð damova Hanna & Yevtimova Diana & Plokhotna Valeriia & Zahura Oksana & Chernenko Tetiana - 219-219 Identification of Content Knowledge Required for Chinese Pre-service EFL Teachers to Teach Phonics
by Chen Min Jie & Goh Hock Seng & Soo Ruey Shing & Yin Guo Jie & Raja Nor Safinas Raja Harun & Charanjit Kaur Swaran Singh - 230-230 Digital-Based Genuine Invitation Strategies of Najdi Arabic Speakers: A Socio-Pragmatic Analysis
by Nuha Abdullah Alsmary - 242-242 The Syntactic Structure of an Introductory PP in Standard Arabic: A Non-Transformational Approach
by Abdulrahman, A., Althawab - 252-252 Arthur and Kingship as Represented by the Historia Regum Britanniae of Geoffrey of Monmouth
by Majed Kraishan & Wasfi Shoqairat - 260-260 The Effect of Video- and Audio-Assisted Reading on Saudi EFL Learners’ Reading Fluency and Comprehension
by Fawaz Al Mahmud - 271-271 “My dearest Mamma†: Mutual Reception between Epistolary Communicators
by Olga Semeniuk & Volodymyr Kuzmenko & Iryna Anderson & Svitlana Baidatska & Ihor Bloshchynskyi & Oleksandr Lahodynskyi - 282-282 A Journey of Emotional Tumult Life of Surrogacy in Amulya Malladi’s A House for Happy Mothers
by Sharmila C & Mohamed Sahul Hameed M. A - 287-287 The Role of Blended Learning on Moderating Self-Motivation to Mitigate Foreign Language Anxiety among EFL Students
by Sultan Alghofaili - 296-296 Exploring the Perspectives of EFL Instructors toward the Employment of L1 in EFL Reading Classes
by Abdulfattah Omar & Bader Deraan Aldawsari & Yasser Muhammad Naguib Sabtan - 304-304 The Perspectives of EFL Students at Yarmouk University towards Using YouTube in Learning and Understanding English during Covid-19 Pandemic
by Maisa Yahya Abu Athreh & Hussein Obeidat - 313-313 Building Learning Communities in Saudi EFL Online Classes
by Amal M. Almalki & Mona Sabir - 326-326 Mobilization Strategies: Evidence from King Abdullah II’s Speeches during COVID-19 Pandemic in Jordan
by Hanan Al-Madanat & Ala Yaghi & Khaled Aldheisat - 334-334 Google Meet and Foreign Language Teaching: Anxious Already?
by Bahadır Cahit Tosun & Mehmet Akif Balkaya - 345-345 A Hybrid Curriculum Framework for Developing Content, Sequence and Methodology in the Saudi EFL Context
by Sami Ali Nasr Al-wossabi - 355-355 Investigating the Effectiveness of Professional Development Presentations in Language Institute: Needs More or Enough
by Wael Holbah - 363-363 The Investigation of Self-Regulated Learning among Low Proficiency EFL Students
by Patcharee Imsri & Suttida Sangpoom - 371-371 Research on Online Classroom Language between Teachers and Students
by GAO JIE & Samah Ali Mohsen Mofreh & Sultan Salem - 382-382 Learning Through Correction: Oral Corrective Feedback in Online EFL Interactions
by Ali Abbas Falah Alzubi & Mohd Nazim & Khaled Nasser Ali Al-Mwzaiji - 390-390 Markedness-Based Analysis of Englyn Meter
by Aliaa Aloufi - 396-396 Woman and Nature: Reading Farah's From a Crooked Rib from an Ecofeminist Perspective
by Aisha O. Alharbi - 402-402 Teachers’ and Students’ Perception on Acquiring English Vocabulary for Young Learners Using Mobile Apps in EFL Context
by Suhartawan Budianto & Nur Sayidah & Sucipto Sucipto & Amirul Mustofa - 410-410 Challenges and Solutions of Online Language Teaching and Assessment During Covid-19
by Nur Rasyidah Mohd Nordin & Wafa Omar & Iliya Nurul Iman Mohd Ridzuan - 420-420 Children and Adolescents' Voices and Experiences in Climate Fiction
by Abdelazim Sultan & Deema Ammari - 426-426 Exploring Saudi University English Teachers' Perceptions of Global Englishes
by Mohammed Aldawsari - 434-434 Literature on Humanity Campaign: Facts from Quaker Writers in the United States
by Nuriadi Nuriadi & Lalu Ali Wardana & Muhammad Sukri & Boniesta Melani - 443-443 Assessment of the Governance Quality of the Departments of English in Saudi Universities: Implications for Sustainable Development
by Abdulfattah Omar & Waheed Altohami & Muhammad Afzaal - 450-450 The Rescue Discourse: Representations of Saudi Women in the Western Media
by Ibtesam AbdulAziz Bajri & Amirah Abdulrahman Alqurayqiri - 461-461 Flipped Classroom-Based Corpus for EFL Grammar Instruction: Outcomes and Perceptions
by Nurul Lailatul Khusniyah & Husnawadi Husnawadi - 471-471 A Computational-Augmented Critical Discourse Analysis of Tweets on the Saudi General Entertainment Authority Activities
by Waheed M. A. Altohami & Abdulfattah Omar - 485-485 The Impact of Multilingualism on Productive Language Skills: Modelling Some Saudi Multilingual Learners
by Mohammad Awad Al-Dawoody Abdulaal & Basem Okleh Salameh Al-Hawamdeh & Amal Zakaria Mahmoud Hal - 495-495 A Pedagogic-Phonetic Critique of the BBC’s Internet-Based L2 teaching of English Vowels
by Amir H.Y. Salama - 513-513 Effects of Interaction in Online Language Classroom: A Case Study in Najran University
by Taj Mohammad & Jalal Ahmed & Soada Idris - 523-523 Reviewer Acknowledgements
by Joe Nelson
December 2022, Volume 12, Issue 7
- 1-01 Editorial: Covid19 EFL/ESL/English Teaching Environment and Digital EFL/ESL/English Learning Methods
by Ahdi Hassan - 1-1 Digital Teaching-Learning Technologies: Fostering Critical Thinking in Language Classrooms in Saudi Arabia
by Mahdi Aben Ahmed - 1-18 The Impact of Gamification “Kahoot App†in Teaching English for Academic Purposes
by Rabea Ali & MOHAMMED ABDALGANE - 1-28 Did they Manage to Meet Students’ Needs? English Language Instructors’ Experiences of Remote Instruction Differentiation
by Fahad Alzahrani & Nahla Zamakhshari & Radwa Elshemy - 1-45 Individual Face-To-Face Feedback and the Saudi EFL Learners: Evaluating Enhancement of Writing Skills
by Shatha Ahmed Abdulaziz Alkhalaf - 1-55 Arabic-Speaking EFL Learners’ Recognition, and Use of English Phrasal Verbs in Listening and Writing
by Abdullah Alshayban - 1-69 The EFL Learning Process: An Examination of the Potential of Social Media
by Mohammed Abdalgane - 1-76 Teach Smarter, not Harder: A Call for Empowering EFL Teachers with Strategies to Activate Learner-Centeredness
by Sultan Abdulaziz Albedaiwi - 1-85 Use of L2 Appropriate Formal Written Words by EFL Learners: A Study of the Contribution of DCF and MCF
by Reham Alkhudiry - 1-98 Investigating the Adaptation of Saudi High School Students to Electronic Dictionaries as Language Learning Tools
by Bader Alharbi - 106-106 Students' Attitudes to the Implementation of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Writing Task
by Zuraina Ali & Samira Ahmadi Mehr & Shouket Ahmad Tilwani & Noraisah Nurul Fatwa binti Mohd Razali & Alia Najaa binti Md Nor & Norsuhaily Abu Bakar - 117-117 Climate Change and Linguistic Assistance to Overcome Its Risks: An Eco Linguistic Analysis of Greta Thunberg Speech
by Nazish Naz & Aqsa Atta & Ahdi Hassan - 125-125 The Concept and the Scopes of Applied linguistics from the EFL Perspectives at Qassim University
by Abdulghani Eissa Tour Mohammed - 132-132 Foreign Language Literature in the Online Mode: A Quasi-Experimental Study with College EFL Learners in Saudi Arabia
by Khaled Abkar Alkodimi & Arif Ahmed Mohammed Hassan Al-Ahdal - 141-141 Interwoven Factors that Influence EFL Learning at Tertiary Level in the Saudi Context: A Case Study
by Ayed T Alharbi - 148-148 Metalinguistic Awareness and Language Dominance: How Do Bilingual Saudi Graduate EFL Learners Use These in Learning?
by Raniyah Mohammad Almarshedi - 157-157 Saudi EFL Learners’ Use of Alternative Forms to the English Past Tense: An Aspectual Analysis
by Ahmed Yahya Almakrob - 166-166 Fostering Motivation in ESL Collaborative Online Writing Through Google Docs
by Sharifahtun Naim Shahidan & Zuraina Ali & Shouket Ahmad Tilwani - 179-179 The Main Trends of Linguoecological Research
by Abyzova Aina & Chukenayeva Gulim & Tlegenova Gulnur & Sarzhigitov Erik - 186-186 Psychological Basis of Linguoecology Study
by Chukenayeva Gulim & Abyzova Aina & Tlegenova Gulnur & Galymova Alima - 196-196 Code-Switching and English Language: A Linguistic Study in the Saudi Perspective
by Ali Mohammed Alqarni - 206-206 Predictors of Online Learning Readiness and Their Consequences on Learning Engagement and Perceived Teaching Quality during Covid19
by Mikail Ibrahim & Saleh Hamood Nasser AL-Sinawi & Suo Yanju & Mohammed Borhandden Musah - 222-222 Impact of Higher Education Learning and Teaching Course as an Academic Confirmation Practice in Public University
by Aida Binti Abdul Razak & Siti Hajar Salwa Binti Ahmad Musadik & Hanis Binti Wahed - 236-236 Call Up Approach: An Intervention Program Driving Effects on Learners’ Performance in the Core Subject Areas
by Joji T. Recamara - 250-250 The Impact of Using Short Films on Learning Idioms in EFL Classes
by Saad Aljebreen & Aseel Alzamil - 265-265 Lived Experiences of Higher Education Institution Students in Online Learning Classes in the New Normal
by John N. Cabansag - 276-276 Teachers’ Experiences in Engaging Students Cognitively of English as a Foreign Language during the Covid-19 Pandemic
by Indah Sari & Berlin Sibarani & Rahmad Husein - 284-284 Exploring L2 Written Corrective Feedback in the Saudi Context: A Critical Review
by Fahad Alqurashi - 294-294 Cultural Problems and Challenges Encountering Translator of Children’s Literature: Snow White as a Case Study
by Ali Alidmat & Mohamed Ayassrah - 303-303 Monodrama and Self- Reconstruction: Exploration of Form in Selected Arab Plays
by Ieman Abdulrahman Alkhayal - 313-313 Towards the Description of the Cultural Images Translation of Li Qingzhao's: A Study of the Medio – Translatology
by Liang Cheng & Sang Seong Goh - 319-319 Hyperreality in the Meratus Dayak Basambu Umang in South Kalimantan (Hipersemiotic Study): An Overview of Language and Culture
by Rosida Tiurma Manurung & Nanda Saputra & Indra Rahayu Setiawan & Yuentie Sova Puspidalia & Fatmahwati A & Fairul Zabadi & Sy. Nurul Syobah & Endang Fatmawati - 328-328 The Impact of Social Class on Speech and Speech Inventiveness in George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion
by Tribhuwan Kumar & Abdulrhman Musabal & MOHAMMED ABDALGANE & Mehrunnisa M. Yunus - 335-335 The Educational Impact of Distance Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic on Students' Interaction in the Educational Process
by Faisal Bin Shabib Mosleet Alsubaie - 346-346 Narrative Ideology and Repercussions: Representation of the Kashmir Conflict in Modern Literature
by Shouket Ahmad Tilwani
September 2022, Volume 12, Issue 6
- 1-1 Religious and Sociocultural Values and Their Role in Self-Identity Construction
by Rashad Mohammed Moqbel Al Areqih - 1-8 How Gender Influences Arab Academics’ Using of Certainty Markers
by Sir Al Khatim Mohammed Ahmed Mohammed & Sami Hussein A. Ahmed - 1-13 Arden of Faversham: Failure of Arden’s Marriage
by Gassim H. Dohal - 1-19 Media Representation of States Involved in the South China Sea Dispute: International News in Context
by Phyll Jhann E. Gildore & Christian Jay O. Syting - 1-29 Online Collaborative Flipped Writing Classroom: A Framework for Online English Writing Instruction
by Syarifudin Syarifudin & Husnawadi Husnawadi - 1-39 The Effects of STAD Method on Chinese Students’ Motivation in Learning English Communicative Competence
by Yingting Zhang & Subadrah Madhawa Nair & Walton Wider - 1-50 Uniting for Peace: A Speech Act Analysis of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 377 A (V)
by Mohammad Awad AlAfnan - 1-59 The McChicken Phenomenon: How Has English Become a Prevalent Language among Kuwaiti Youths?
by Noor A. Hayat & Yousuf B. AlBader - 1-71 English-Medium Instruction and Content Learning in Freshman Year: An Investigation of a Saudi University Students’ Challenges and Learning Strategies
by Nourah A. Altheyab & Fahd Sh. Alalwi - 1-83 Voice Onset Time of Initial Stops in Najdi Arabic
by Mohammad, F., Aljutaily & Bader, Y., Alharbi - 1-97 Gender Differences and Language Variation: A Theoretical Framework
by Khaled B. Albesher - 105-105 Absence of English Phonemes from Arabic; The Impact on EFL and ESL learners’ Production of Loanwords
by Mohammed Q. Ruthan - 114-114 The Sociolinguistic Salience of Linguistic Variables in Najdi Arabic
by Nasser Mohammed Alajmi & Abdullah Ghannam Alghannam - 129-129 Cognitive and Intersemiotic Model of the Visual and Verbal Modes in a Screen Adaptation to Literary Texts
by Nataliia Holubenko - 137-137 Translation Strategies Utilized in Rendering Social Etiquette in Holy Quran
by Zakaryia Almahasees & Yousef Albudairi & Hélène Jaccomard - 147-147 Exploring EFL Learners’ Intercultural Sensitivity and Communication Apprehension
by Chaleomkiet Yenphech & Suphakit Phoowong & Somyong Som-In & Sittisak Pongpuehee & Jariyaporn Amatiratna & Kampeeraphab Intanoo - 155-155 Students' Perceptions of Online Foreign Language Learning during the Corona Virus
by Khaled Alnajjar & Fatima Rasheed Al- Qeyam & Anas Awwad & Malek Alkhutaba - 166-166 The Impact of EFL Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence and Teacher-Related Variables on Self-Reported EFL Teaching Practices
by Anas A. Awwad - 176-176 The Impact of Implementing Contextual Guessing Strategy on Improving EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Competence and Reading Comprehension
by Abeer Al-Ghazo & Issam Ta'amneh - 184-184 English Language Teacher’s Multimedia Knowledge in Teaching Using Technology
by Daniel Ginting & Teguh Sulistyo & Nining Ismiyani & Murpin Josua Sembiring & Raida Asfihana & Arfan Fahmi & Gusti Ayu Made Rai Suarniti & Yani Sri Mulyani - 204-204 Move-Step Analysis of Research Article Abstracts
by Loan, Thi Kim Bui - 220-220 Thematic Development Analysis on Sunday Sermon Texts in Batak Christian Protestant Church
by Hiace Vega Fernando Siahaan & Eddy Setia & Amrin Saragih & Ridwan Hanafiah - 229-229 A Qualitative Case Study on Reading Practices and Habits of High School Students
by Sheikha Ali Al-Buraiki - 241-241 Research Progress and Trend of Business English Writing Instruction in China (2002-2021): A Bibliometric Analysis
by Lixuan Sun & Adelina Asmawi - 255-255 The Indigenous Vision of Ecology in The Storyteller by Mario Vargas Llosa
by K. Monika & S. Meenakshi - 262-262 Willingness to Communicate in an ESP Class: A Qualitative Study
by Achmad Sjaifullah & Ekaning Dewanti Laksmi - 274-274 The Use of Linguistic Landscape as a Training Resource for Developing Students’ Translation Competence
by Ali Algryani - 286-286 Difficulties in Speaking English among the EFL students in Iraqi Kurdistan Region
by Zanyar Nathir Ghafar & Momen Yaseen M. Amin - 294-294 ‘This novel is not totally full of tears...’: Graduation Resources as Appraisal Strategies in EFL Students’ Fiction Book Review Oral Presentation
by Heri Kuswoyo & Eva Tuckyta Sari Sujatna & Afrianto . & Akhyar Rido - 304-304 The Effect of Technology Based Instruction Lesson Plan on EFL Pre-Service Teachers’ TPACK Self-Efficacy
by Afif Ikhwanul Muslimin & Nur Mukminatien & Francisca Maria Ivone - 315-315 The Value of Multiculturalism and Language in Children's Literature: A Critical Study
by Baker Mohammad Bani-Khair & Ziyad Khalifah Alkhalifah & Abdullah Jaradat - 320-320 Intelligibility between Iranun and Maranaw Languages through the Lens of Austin’s Speech Acts Theory
by Jerson Sabang Catoto - 331-331 Error Analysis on EFL Students’ Thesis Proposal Writing
by Like Raskova Octaberlina & Afif Ikhwanul Muslimin - 343-343 Social Attitudes Towards Bedouin and Sedentary Dialects in Central Najd
by Nasser Mohammed Alajmi - 352-352 The Frequency of the English Language Used in Social Media by Undergraduate English Majors in Jordan
by Lana, J., Kreishan & Renad, M., Abbadi - 361-361 Effect of Educational Technology on Students’ Foreign Language Anxiety: A Thematic Literature Review
by Mingyan Ma & Nooreen Noordin & Abu Bakar Razali - 370-370 Saudi EFL Learners’ Attitudes with Regard to Using Online and Virtual Solutions for Learning English Accents during the Covid-19 Pandemic
by Khaled Almudibry - 377-377 A Comparative Study of Chinese EFL Undergraduates’ Pragmatic Competence in English Letter Writing Between Urban and Suburban Universities
by Zhilan Zeng & Subadrah Madhawa Nair & Walton Wider - 388-388 Exploring Primary School Students’ Morphological Awareness in Thailand
by Apisak Sukying & Rangsawoot Matwangsaeng - 402-402 The Syntax of the Negation Marker Laa in Najdi Arabic: An HPSG Approach
by Abdulrahman, A., Althawab - 418-418 The Effectiveness of the Intensive English Course on EFL Learners
by Khaled N Almudibry - 425-425 Tripartite Confrontation of Social Translatology: Case Analysis of “Linyixiaoshuo†and Translation Trend in Late Qing China
by Ning Li - 435-435 Intratribe Variation in Language Among Obo-Manobo: An Ethnolinguistic Study
by Jerson Sabang Catoto - 470-470 Approaching Metaphorical Terms in Subject-specific Terminologies (Geologic and Geodetic): Semantic and Structural Aspects
by Yuliia Hrybinyk & Tetiana Halai & Nadia Yesypenko & Ihor Bloshchynskyi - 485-485 Challenges Facing Jordanian EFL Translation Students When Translating Literary Texts
by Muntaha Farah Samardali & Atika Mohammad Ismael - 492-492 Writing Abstracts for Research Articles: Towards a Framework for Move Structure of Abstracts
by Ho Yoong Wei & Abu Bakar Razali & Arshad Abd Samad - 505-505 Syntactic Means of Expressing Emotivity (On the Basis of the English Literary Works)
by Natalia Tsyntar & Volodymyr Kushneryk & Tetiana Tonenchuk & Olena Mudra & Ihor Bloshchynskyi - 514-514 Postcolonial Literature and Translation: A Grounded Commonality of Multiculturalism
by Anoud Abdulaziz Alhamad - 522-522 Reviewer Acknowledgements
by Joe Nelson
June 2022, Volume 12, Issue 5
- 1-1 An Optimality-theoretic Approach to Weight of Superheavy Syllables in Qassimi Arabic
by Metab, M., Alhoody & Mohammad, F., Aljutaily - 1-11 Do Americans Sound Smarter? The Effect of Accent on the Evaluation of Speakers’ Identities
by Dalal S. Almubayei & Hanan Taqi - 1-27 Examining Rhetorical Strategies in Humorous Discourses: A Systematic Review
by Zhou Tianli & Nor Shahila Mansor & Lay Hoon Ang & Sharon Sharmini - 1-41 Exile Testimonio in Kim Scott’s Benang from the Heart
by Santhosh Kumar. L & S. Sobana