- 128 Pension financing and macroeconomic equilibrium
by Enrico D’Elia - 127 The Effects of Product Dropping on Firm's Productivity and Employment Composition
by Sergio De Nardis & Marco Ventura - 125 Heterogeneous Expectations and the Predictive Power of Econometric Models
by Maurizio Bovi - 120 The Effects of Product Dropping on Firm's Productivity and Employment Composition
by Sergio De Nardis & Marco Ventura - 126 JEL classification: E22, F23, H25 The Effectiveness Evaluation of Selected Tax Expenditures: a Novel Approach An Application to Regional Tax Incentives for Business Investment in Italy
by Antonella Caiumi
- 123 Pricing to market when quality matters
by Roberto Basile & Sergio de Nardis & Alessandro Girardi - 122 Specialization and risk sharing: evidence from European regions
by Roberto Basile & Alessandro Girardi - 120 A Discrete Model for Patent Valuation
by Roy Cerqueti & Marco Ventura - 120 A Discrete Model for Patent Valuation
by Roy Cerqueti & Marco Ventura - 119 Non-linear relation between industrial production and business surveys data
by Giancarlo Bruno - 118 Tassazione e Sostegno del Reddito Familiare
by Fernando DI NICOLA - 117 A new notion of progress: Institutional quality
by Germana Bottone - 116 Factor based Composite Indicators for the Italian Economy
by Luciana Crosilla & Solange Leproux & Marco Malgarini & Francesca Spinelli - 115 (String Matching Algorithms,An Applicatione ti ISAE and ISTAT Firms's Registers)
by Emma De Angelis & Carmine Pappalardo - 114 Estimation and Decomposition of Total Factor Productivity Growth in the EU Manufacturing Sector: a Stochastic Frontier Approach
by Marco Fioramanti - 113 Some New Evidence on the Role of Collateral: Lazy Banks or Diligent Banks?
by Amedeo Argentiero - 112 (Il sostegno al reddito dei disoccupati: note sullo stato dell'arte, inerzie dell'impianto categoriale e incerti orizzonti di flexicurity (A note on italian Unemployment Compensation schemes)
by Bruno Anastasia & Massimo Mancini & Ugo Trivellato - 111 Why is the Tax Evasion so Persistent?
by Maurizio Bovi & Roy Cerqueti - 110 Export, Productivity and Product Switching: The Case of Italian Manufacturing Firms
by Sergio de Nardis & Carmine Pappalardo - 109 Education in Italy: is there any return?
by Germana Bottone - 108 Business cycle volatility and inventories behavior:new evidence for the Euro Area
by Tatiana Cesaroni & Louis Maccini & Marco Malgarini
- 93 Classification-JEL E62, E63, O17 Treasury V Dodgers. A Tale of Fiscal Consolidation and Tax Evasion
by Maurizio Bovi & Peter Claeys - 95 Classification-JEL C42, C53, C82, D12, D84. The “Psycho-analysis” of Common People’s Forecast Errors. Evidence from European Consumer Surveys
by Maurizio Bovi - 107 Human Capital: an Institutional Economics point of view
by Germana Bottone - 106 Economic integration and industrial sector fluctuations: evidence from Italy
by Tatiana Cesaroni - 105 The contribution of domestic, regional, and international factors to Latin America’s business cycle
by Melisso Boschi & Alessandro Girardi - 104 A model of public and private partnership through concession contracts
by Pasquale L. Scandizzo & Marco Ventura - 103 Valuing environmental patents legal protection when data is not available
by Simona Tenaglia & Marco Ventura - 102 Structural Reforms and Fiscal Discipline in Europe
by Alessandro Girardi & Paolo Paesani - 101 The Euro adoption’s impact on extensive and intensive margins of trade: the Italian case
by Sergio de Nardis & Carmine Pappalardo & Claudio Vicarelli - 100 Theories of fiscal federalism and the European experience
by Alberto Majocchi - 99 Land use, congestion and urban management
by Alberto Majocchi & Andrea Zatti - 98 Forecasting Using Functional Coefficients Autoregressive Models
by Giancarlo Bruno - 97 The Informational Content of Trades on the EuroMTS Platform
by Alessandro Girardi - 96 Technology and non-technology shocks in a two-sector economy
by Francesco Busato & Alessandro Girardi & Amedeo Argentiero - 94 Aliquote d'imposta sul lavoro dipendente:analisi per figure tipo e con dati campionari Mind the hidden gaps
by Rita Di Biase - 92 Re-thinking the ISAE Consumer Survey Processing Procedure
by Flora Fullone & Bianca Maria Martelli - 91 Contingent valuation of natural resources: a case study for Sicily
by Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo & Marco Ventura - 90 Quantitive Inflation Perceptions and Exectations of Italian Consumers
by Marco Malgarini
- 89 Cyclical features of the ISAE business services series
by Bianca Maria Martelli & Gaia Rocchetti - 88 The single currency’s effects on Eurozone sectoral trade: winners and losers?
by Sergio de Nardis & Roberta De Santis & Claudio Vicarelli - 87 La concentrazione geografica dell'industria in Italia: 1971-2001
by Roberto Basile & Marianna Mantuano - 86 Estimates of Structural Changes in the Wage Equation:Some Evidence for Italy
by Mauro Costantini & Sergio de Nardis - 85 The Rule Incentives that Rule Civil Justice
by Daniela Marchesi - 84 Inventories and business cycle volatility: an analysis based on ISAE survey data
by Marco Malgarini - 83 Inspecting the cyclical properties of the Italian Manufacturing Business survey data
by Tatiana Cesaroni - 82 Did the FED Inflate a Housing Price Bubble? A Cointegration Analysis between the 1980s and the 1990s
by Clemente De Lucia - 81 The Changing Nature of the OECD Shadow Economy
by Maurizio Bovi & Roberto Dell'Anno - 80 The Euro's Effect on Trade on a Dynamic Setting
by Sergio de Nardis & Roberta De Santis & Claudio Vicarelli - 79 The “deeper” and the “wider” EU strategies of trade integration.An empirical evaluation of EU Common Commercial Policy effects
by Roberta De Santis & Claudio Vicarelli - 78 Non parametric Fractional Cointegration Analysis
by Mauro Costantini & Roy Cerqueti - 77 Leading indicators on construction and retail trade sectors based on ISAE survey data
by Luciana Crosilla & Solange Leproux - 76 National accounts, fiscal rules and fiscal policy. Mind the hidden gaps
by Maurizio Bovi - 75 Intra-distribution dynamics of regional per-capita income in Europe: evidence from alternative conditional density estimators
by Roberto Basile - 74 Macchinari del made in Italy e dinamiche dei distretti industriali
by Giovanni Ferri & Marco Ventura
- 73 Public Credit Guarantees and SME Finance
by Salvatore Zecchini & Marco Ventura - 72 Predicting Sovereign Debt Crises Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Comparative Approach
by Marco Fioramanti - 71 The ISAE Market Services Survey: Methodological Upgrading, Survey Reliability, First Empirical Results
by Bianca Maria Martelli & Gaia Rocchetti - 70 Pricing to market of Italian exporting firms
by Roberto Basile & Sergio de Nardis & Alessandro Girardi - 69 money demand and futures
by Chiara Oldani - 68 The seasonality of ISAE business and consumer surveys: methodological aspects and empirical evidence
by Luciana Crosilla - 66 Consumers Sentiment and Cognitive Macroeconometrics Paradoxes and Explanations
by Maurizio Bovi - 65 Consumer sentiment and householde expenditures in Italy: a disaggregated analysis according to the income of the people interviewed
by Solange Leproux & Marco Malgarini - 64 Il futuro dei fondi pensione: opportunità e scelte sulla destinazione del TFR
by Maria Cozzolino & Fernando Di Nicola - 63 The cross-country effects of EU holidays on domestic GDP's
by Giancarlo Bruno & Claudio Lupi & Carmine Pappalardo & Gianfranco Piras - 62 The Cyclical Behavior of Shadow and Regular Employment
by Maurizio Bovi
- 61 Book-Tax Gap. An Income Horse Race
by Maurizio Bovi - 60 Euro Area inflation: long-run determinants and short-run dynamics
by Melisso Boschi & Alessandro Girardi - 59 Equivalenza Ricardiana in economia aperta:un’analisi dinamica su dati panel
by Patrizia Margani & Roberto Ricciuti - 58 Psychology, consumer sentiment and household expenditures: a disaggregated analysis
by Marco Malgarini & Patrizia Margani - 57 Structural changes and deviations from the PPP within the Euro Area
by Daniele Antonucci & Alessandro Girardi - 56 Using the results of qualitative surveys in quantitative analysis
by Enrico D’Elia - 55 Using Spatial Panel Data in Modelling Regional Growth and Convergence
by Giuseppe Arbia & Roberto Basile & Gianfranco Piras - 54 Does job security matter for consumption? An analysis on Italian microdata
by Clemente De Lucia & Mara Meacci - 53 Unit root and cointegration tests for cross-sectionally correlated panels. Estimating regional production functions
by Roberto Basile & Mauro Costantini & Sergio Destefanis - 52 Hub-and-Spoke or else? Free trade agreements in the “enlarged” European Union
by Luca De Benedictis & Roberta De Santis & Claudio Vicarelli - 51 Convergence in per-capita GDP across European regions using panel data models extended to spatial autocorrelation effects
by Giuseppe Arbia & Gianfranco Piras - 50 L'inchiesta ISAE sugli investimenti delle imprese manifatturiere ed estrattive: aspetti metodologici e risultati
by Tatiana Cesaroni & Marco Malgarini & Gaia Rocchetti - 49 Building smooth indicators nearly free of end-of-sample revisions
by Claudia Cicconi - 48 Things change. Foreign market penetration and firms’ behaviour in industrial districts: an empirical analysis
by Roberto Basile & Anna Giunta - 47 Re-engineering the ISAE manufacturing survey
by Marco Malgarini & Patrizia Margani & Bianca Maria Martelli
- 46 The Dark, And Independent, Side Of Italy
by Maurizio Bovi - 45 How intense is Competition in International Markets of Traditional goods?
by Sergio de Nardis & Cristina Pensa - 44 Trade Potentials In Gravity Panel Data Models
by Luca De Benedictis & Claudio Vicarelli - 43 Has Trade Structure Any Importance in the Trasmission of Currency Shocks? An Empirical Application for Central and Eastern European Acceding Countries to Eu
by Roberta De Santis - 42 Vector-Autoregression Approach to Forecast Italian Imports
by Carmine Pappalardo & Gianfranco Piras - 41 Dating the Italian BUsiness Cycle: A Comparison of Procedures
by Bruno Giancarlo & Edoardo Otranto - 40 Non linearità e dinamica della dimensione d'impresa in Italia
by Roberto Basile & Sergio de Nardis
- 39 Productivity Slowdown and the Role of the ICT in Italy: A Firm Level Analysis
by Carlo Milana & Alessandro Zeli - 38 Regolazione del mercato del lavoro e crescita dimensionale delle imprese: Una verifica sull'effetto soglia dei 15 dipendenti
by Sergio de Nardis & Massimo Mancini & Carmine Pappalardo - 37 Nonparametric Analysis Of The International Business Cycles
by Maurizio Bovi - 36 Soglie Dimensionali e Regolazione del Rapporto di Lavoro in Italia
by Gianni Principe - 35 Estimation of Households Income from Bracketed Income Survey Data
by Enrico D’Elia & Bianca Martelli - 34 Wage Setters, Central Bank Conservatism and Economic Performance
by Clemente De Lucia - 33 Forecasting Euro-Area Industrial Production Using (Mostly) Business Surveys Data
by Bruno Giancarlo & Lupi Claudio - 32 L'inchiesta Isae-UE Presso le IMprese del Commercio al Minuto Tradizionale e della Grande Distribuzione: La Revisione dell'Impianto Metodologico
by Solange Leproux - 31 The Impact of Euro on Trade: The (Early) Effect is not so Large
by Sergio de Nardis & Claudio Vicarelli - 30 Il Mercato e le Politiche Economiche in Italia
by Fiorella Kostoris Padoa Schioppa - 26 The Nature Of The Underground Economy. Some Evidence From Oecd Countries
by Maurizio Bovi
- 29 Regional Convergence in Italy 1951-199: A Spatial Econometric Perspective
by Giuseppe Arbia & Roberto Basile & Mirella Salvatore - 28 An Indicator of Economic Sentiment for the Italian Economy
by Giancarlo Bruno & Marco Malgarini - 27 Acquisition versus greenfield investment: the location of foreign manufacturers in Italy
by Roberto Basile - 25 Recent Developments In The Environmental Debate Before And After The Kyoto Protocol: A Survey
by Margherita Cagiano de Azevedo
- 24 Taxes and Location of Foreign Direct Investments: an Empirical Analysys for the European Union Countries
by Roberta De Santis & Maria Cristina Mercuri & Claudio Vicarelli - 23 Regional inequalities and cohesion policies in the european union
by Roberto Basile & Sergio de Nardis & Alessandro Girardi - 22 A Tale on Information and Wage Expectations
by De Paola Maria & Lupi Claudio & Ordine Patrizia - 21 The Choice of Time Interval in Seasonal Adjustment: Characterization and Tools
by Bruno Giancarlo & Edoardo Otranto - 20 Forecasting Industrial Production and the Early Detection of Turning POints
by Bruno Giancarlo & Lupi Claudio - 19 Mediterraneo e Balcani: Due Aree di Crisi e di Opportunità alla periferia dell'unione Europea
by Mariateresa Fiocca - 18 Seasonal Adjustment of Italian Industrial Production Index using Tramo-Seats
by Giancarlo Bruno