- 201429 “The Spatial effects of transportation on industrial employment ”
by Xavier Fageda & Marta Gonzalez-Aregall - 201428 “Does absorptive capacity determine collaborative research returns to innovation? A geographical dimension”
by Erika Raquel Badillo & Rosina Moreno - 201427 “Job loss among immigrant and native workers: evidence from Spain’s economic downturn”
by Elisabet Motellón & Enrique López-Bazo - 201426 “Are we wasting our talent? Overqualification and overskilling among PhD graduates”
by Antonio Di Paolo & Ferran Mañé - 201425 “Income inequality in Europe. Analysis of recent trends at the regional level”
by Raul Ramos & Vicente Royuela - 201424 “European government bond market integration in turbulent times”
by Pilar Abad & Helena Chuliá - 201423 “An Institutional, Social and Economic Performance Index (ISEPI) with an application to the European Neighbourhood Policy”
by Jordi López-Tamayo & Raul Ramos & Jordi Suriñach i Caralt - 201422 “Industrial Emissions Abatement: Untangling the Impacts of the EU ETS and the Economic Crisis”
by Germà Bel & Stephan Joseph - 201421 “Forward Looking Banking Stress in EMU Countries”
by Manish K. Singh & Marta Gómez-Puig & Simón Sosvilla-Rivero - 201420 “Effects of unit-based pricing on the waste collection demand: a meta-regression analysis”
by Germà Bel & Raymond Gradus - 201419 “Job Accessibility, Employment and Job-Education Mismatch in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona”
by Antonio Di Paolo & Anna Matas & Josep Lluís Raymond - 201418 “Public and Private Production in a Mixed Delivery System: Regulation, Competition and Costs”
by Germà Bel & Jordi Rosell - 201417 “A multivariate neural network approach to tourism demand forecasting”
by Oscar Claveria & Enric Monte & Salvador Torra - 201416 “Factor Accumulation, Externalities and Absorptive Capacity in Regional Growth: Evidence from Europe”
by Juan Jung & Enrique López-Bazo - 201415 “Are traffic violators criminals? Searching for answers in experiences of European countries”
by José I. Castillo-Manzano & Mercedes Castro-Nuño & Xavier Fageda - 201414 “What hurts the dominant airlines at hub airports?”
by Xavier Fageda - 201413 “Innovation Adoption and Productivity Growth: Evidence for Europe”
by Rosina Moreno & Jordi Suriñach - 201412 “Task Trade and its determinants in Spain: a national and regional analysis”
by José Ramón García & Fabio Manca & Jordi Suriñach - 201411 “Overeducation, skills and wage penalty: Evidence for Spain using PIAAC data”
by Sandra Nieto - 201410 “Are R&D collaborative agreements persistent at the firm level? Empirical evidence for the Spanish case”
by Erika Raquel Badillo & Rosina Moreno - 201409 “When supply travels far beyond demand: Causes of oversupply in Spain’s transport infrastructure”
by Daniel Albalate & Germà Bel & Xavier Fageda - 201408 “Decomposition of Differences in PISA Results in Middle Income Countries”
by Sandra Nieto & Raul Ramos - 201407 “An Update on EMU Sovereign Yield Spread Drivers in Times of Crisis: A Panel Data Analysis”
by Marta Gómez-Puig & Simón Sosvilla-Rivero & María del Carmen Ramos-Herrera - 201406 “Dollarization and the Relationship Between EMBI and Fundamentals Latin American Countries”
by María Lorena Mari del Cristo & Marta Gómez-Puig - 201404 “A panel data analysis of FDI and informal labor markets”
by Antonio Baez - 201403 “Causality and Contagion in EMU Sovereign Debt Markets”
by Marta Gómez-Puig & Simón Sosvilla-Rivero - 201402 “EMU sovereign debt market crisis: Fundamentals-based or pure contagion?”
by Marta Gómez-Puig & Simón Sosvilla-Rivero - 201401 “Tracking positive and negative effects of inequality on long-run growth”
by David Castells-Quintana & Vicente Royuela
- 201325 “European Government Bond Markets and Monetary Policy Surprises: Returns, Volatility and Integration”
by Pilar Abad & Helena Chuliá - 201324 “One more lie: the ‘Monday effect’ in Spain’s retail petrol market”
by Juan Luis Jiménez & Jordi Perdiguero - 201323 “The use of flexible quantile-based measures in risk assessment”
by Jaume Belles-Sampera & Montserrat Guillén & Miguel Santolino - 201322 “The Economic Costs of Separatist Terrorism in Turkey”
by Firat Bilgel & Burhan Can Karahasan - 201321 “Tourism demand forecasting with different neural networks models”
by Oscar Claveria & Enric Monte & Salvador Torra - 201320 “Forecasting Business surveys indicators: neural networks vs. time series models”
by Oscar Claveria & Salvador Torra - 201319 “Returns to Foreign Language Skills in a Developing Country: The Case of Turkey”
by Antonio Di Paolo & Aysit Tansel - 201318 “Skill mismatches in the EU: Immigrants vs. natives”
by Sandra Nieto & Alessia Matano & Raul Ramos - 201317 “A gravity model of migration between ENC and EU”
by Raul Ramos & Jordi Suriñach - 201316 “Mobility, networks and innovation: The role of regions’ absorptive capacity”
by Ernest Miguélez & Rosina Moreno - 201315 “The relationship between debt level and fiscal sustainability in OECD countries”
by Mariam Camarero & Josep Lluís Carrion-i-Silvestre & Cecilio Tamarit - 201314 “Do labour mobility and technological collaborations foster geographical knowledge diffusion? The case of European regions”
by Ernest Miguélez & Rosina Moreno - 201313 “Prevalence of alcohol-impaired drivers based on random breath tests in a roadside survey”
by Manuela Alcañiz & Montserrat Guillén & Daniel Sánchez-Moscona & Miguel Santolino & Oscar Llatje & Lluís Ramon - 201312 “When supply travels far beyond demand: Institutional and regulatory causes of oversupply in Spain’s transport infrastructure”
by Daniel Albalate & Germà Bel & Xavier Fageda - 201311 “Indicators for the characterization of discrete Choquet integrals”
by Jaume Belles-Sampera & Montserrat Guillén & José M. Merigó & Miguel Santolino - 201310 “La liberalización de las telecomunicaciones en España: control de la inflación y universalización del servicio”
by Joan Calzada & Anton Costas - 201309 “Broadband prices in the European Union: competition and commercial strategies”
by Joan Calzada & Fernando Martínez - 201308 “Firm exports, innovation, … and regions”
by Enrique López-Bazo & Elisabet Motellón - 201307 “Double Penalty in Returns to Education: Informality and Educational Mismatch in the Colombian Labour market”
by Paula Herrera & Enrique López-Bazo & Elisabet Motellón - 201306 “Fiscal sustainability and fiscal shocks in a dollarized and oil-exporting country: Ecuador”
by María Lorena Marí del Cristo & Marta Gómez-Puig - 201305 “Informality and Overeducation in the Labor Market of a Developing Country”
by Paula Herrera & Enrique López-Bazo & Elisabet Motellón - 201304 “GLS based unit root tests for bounded processes”
by Josep Lluís Carrion-i-Silvestre & María Dolores Gadea - 201303 “Determinants of Broadband Access: Is Platform Competition always the Key Variable to Success?”
by Xavier Fageda & Rafael Rubio & Montserrat Termes - 201302 “Beyond Value-at-Risk: GlueVaR Distortion Risk Measures”
by Jaume Belles-Sampera & Montserrat Guillén & Miguel Santolino - 201301 “How systemic is Spain for Europe?”
by Peter Claeys & Borek Vašícek - 201224 “Changes in Wage Structure in Mexico Going Beyond the Mean: An Analysis of Differences in Distribution, 1987-2008”
by Claudia Tello & Raul Ramos & Manuel Artís - 201223 “Decomposing the Rural-Urban Differential in Student Achievement in Colombia Using PISA Microdata”
by Raul Ramos & Juan Carlos Duque & Sandra Nieto
- 201222 “Recovery Risk and Labor Costs in Public-Private-Partnerships: Contractual Choice in the U.S. Water industry”
by Daniel Albalate & Germà Bel & R. Richard Geddes - 201221 “Beyond pure public and pure private management models: Mixed firms in the European Airport Industry”
by Daniel Albalate & Germà Bel & Xavier Fageda - 201220 “The determinants of contractual choice for private involvement in infrastructure projects in the United States”
by Daniel Albalate & Germà Bel & R. Richard Geddes - 201219 “Measuring Sovereign Bond Spillover in Europe and the Impact of Rating News”
by Peter Claeys & Borek Vašícek - 201218 “Entry Regulation Asymmetries and Gasoline Competition in a Mixed Motorway Network”
by Daniel Albalate & Jordi Perdiguero - 201217 “Regulation of Port Charges in Spain: Global versus Local Competition”
by Xavier Fageda & Marta Gonzalez-Aregall - 201216 “Pass-through in dollarized countries: should Ecuador abandon the U.S. Dollar?”
by María Lorena Marí del Cristo & Marta Gómez-Puig - 201215 “A Note on the Relationship Between the Cyclicality of Markups and Fiscal Policy”
by Peter Claeys & Luis Costa - 201214 “Do intra- and inter-industry spillovers matter? CDM model estimates for Spain”
by Esther Goya & Esther Vayá & Jordi Suriñach - 201213 “What Drives the Choice of Partners in R&D Cooperation? Heterogeneity across Sectors”
by Erika Badillo & Rosina Moreno - 201212 “Corruption and local politics: does it pay to be a crook?”
by Juan Luis Jiménez & Carmen García - 201211 “Not always sunny in paradise: prices and brand diversity in touristic areas supermarkets”
by Javier Campos & Juan Luis Jiménez & Ancor Suárez-Alemán - 201210 “The Institutional, Economic and Social Determinants of Local Government Transparency”
by Daniel Albalate - 201209 “The Business Excellence Attraction Composite Index (Beaci). Design And Application To The Municipalities Of The Barcelona Province”
by Joaquim Murillo & Javier Romaní & Jordi Suriñach - 201208 “Policy options for the promotion of electric vehicles: a review”
by Jordi Perdiguero & Juan Luis Jiménez - 201207 “Price differences between domestic and international air markets: an empirical application to routes from Gran Canaria”
by Xavier Fageda & Juan Luis Jiménez & Carlos Díaz Santamaría - 201206 “Building a “quality in work” index in Spain”
by Jordi López-Tamayo & Vicente Royuela & Jordi Suriñach - 201205 “Mergers and difference-in-difference estimator: why firms do not increase prices?”
by Juan Luis Jiménez & Jordi Perdiguero - 201204 “What attracts knowledge workers? The role of space, social connections, institutions, jobs and amenities”
by Ernest Miguélez & Rorina Moreno - 201203 What Drives the Urban Wage Premium? Evidence along the Wage Distribution
by Alessia Matano & Paolo Naticchioni - 201202 Location Patterns of Creative Capital and Regional Disparities in Spain
by Ebru Kerimoglu & B. Can Karahasan - 201201 The connection between distortion risk measures and ordered weighted averaging operators
by Jaume Belles-Sampera & José M. Merigó & Montserrat Guillén & Miguel Santolino
- 201126 Productivity and innovation spillovers: Micro evidence from Spain
by Esther Goya & Esther Vayá & Jordi Suriñach - 201125 The regional distribution of unemployment. What do micro-data tell us?
by Enrique López-Bazo & Elisabet Motellón - 201124 Vertical relations and local competition: an empirical approach
by Jordi Perdiguero - 201123 Air services on thin routes: Regional versus low-cost airlines
by Xavier Fageda & Ricardo Flores-Fillol - 201122 Measuring early childhood health: a composite index comparing Colombian departments
by Ana María Osorio & Catalina Bolancé & Manuela Alcañiz - 201121 A relational approach to the geography of innovation: a typology of regions
by Rosina Moreno & Ernest Miguélez - 201120 Does Rigidity of Prices Hide Collusion?
by Juan Luis Jiménez & Jordi Perdiguero - 201119 Factors affecting hospital admission and recovery stay duration of in-patient motor victims in Spain
by Miguel Santolino & Catalina Bolancé & Manuela Alcañiz - 201118 Why do municipalities cooperate to provide local public services? An empirical analysis
by Germà Bel & Xavier Fageda & Melania Mur - 201117 The "farthest" need the best. Human capital composition and development-specific economic growth
by Fabio Manca - 201116 Causality and contagion in peripheral EMU public debt markets: a dynamic approach
by Marta Gómez-Puig & Simón Sosvilla-Rivero - 201115 The influence of decision-maker effort and case complexity on appealed rulings subject to multi-categorical selection
by Miguel Santolino & Magnus Söderberg - 201114 Agglomeration, Inequality and Economic Growth
by David Castells & Vicente Royuela - 201113 A correlation sensitivity analysis of non-life underwriting risk in solvency capital requirement estimation
by Lluís Bermúdez & Antoni Ferri & Montse Guillén - 201112 Assessing agglomeration economies in a spatial framework with endogenous regressors
by Michael J. Artis & Ernest Miguélez & Rosina Morenos - 201111 Privatization, cooperation and costs of solid waste services in small towns
by Germà Bel & Xavier Fageda & Melania Mur - 201110 Privatization and PPPS in transportation infrastructure: Network effects of increasing user fees
by Daniel Albalate & Germà Bel - 201109 Debating as a classroom tool for adapting learning outcomes to the European higher education area
by Juan Luis Jiménez & Jordi Perdiguero & Ancor Suárez - 201108 “Influence of the claimant’s behavioural features on motor compensation outcomes”
by Mercedes Ayuso & Lluís Bermúdez & Miguel Santolino - 201107 “Geography of talent and regional differences in Spain”
by Ebru Kerimoglu & Burhan Can Karahasan - 201106 “How Important to a City Are Tourists and Daytrippers? The Economic Impact of Tourism on The City of Barcelona”
by Joaquim Murillo & Esther Vayá & Javier Romaní & Jordi Suriñach - 201105 “Singling out individual inventors from patent data”
by Ernest Miguélez & Ismael Gómez-Miguélez - 201104 “¿La sobreeducación de los padres afecta al rendimiento académico de sus hijos?”
by Sandra Nieto & Raul Ramos - 201103 The Transatlantic Productivity Gap: Is R&D the Main Culprit?
by Raquel Ortega-Argilés & Mariacristina Piva & Marco Vivarelli - 201102 The Spatial Distribution of Human Capital: Can It Really Be Explained by Regional Differences in Market Access?
by Enrique López-Bazo & Burhan Can Karahasan - 201101 If you want me to stay, pay
by Peter Claeys
- 201016 Infrastructure and nation building: The regulation and financing of network transportation infrastructures in Spain (1720-2010)
by Germà Bel - 201015 Fiscal policy and economic stability: does PIGS stand for Procyclicality In Government Spending?
by Alessandro Maravalle & Peter Claeys - 201014 Economic and social convergence in Colombia
by Vicente Royuela & Gustavo Adolfo García - 201013 “Symmetric or asymmetric gasoline prices? A metaanalysis approach”
by Jordi Perdiguero-García - 201012 Ownership, Incentives and Hospitals
by Xavier Fageda & Eva Fiz - 201011 Prediction of the economic cost of individual long-term care in the Spanish population
by Catalina Bolancé & Ramon Alemany & Montserrat Guillén - 201010 On the Dynamics of Exports and FDI: The Spanish Internationalization Process
by Jaime Martínez-Martín - 201009 Urban transport governance reform in Barcelona
by Daniel Albalate & Germà Bel & Joan Calzada - 201008 Cómo (no) adaptar una asignatura al EEES: Lecciones desde la experiencia comparada en España
by Carmen Florido & Juan Luis Jiménez & Jordi Perdiguero - 201007 Price rivalry in airline markets: a study of a successful strategy of a network carrier against a low-cost carrier
by Xavier Fageda & Juan Luis Jiménez & Jordi Perdiguero - 201006 La reforma de la contratación en el mercado de trabajo: entre la flexibilidad y la seguridad
by Vicente Royuela & Manuel Sanchis - 201005 Discrete distributions when modeling the disability severity score of motor victims
by Jean Philippe Boucher & Miguel Santolino - 201004 Does privatization spur regulation?Evidence from the regulatory reform of European airports
by Germà Bel & Xavier Fageda - 201003 High-Speed Rail:Lessons for Policy Makers from Experiences Abroad
by Daniel Albalate & Germà Bel - 201002 Speed limit laws in America: Economics, politics and geography
by Daniel Albalate & Germà Bel - 201001 Research Networks and Inventors’ Mobility as Drivers of Innovation: Evidence from Europe
by Ernest Miguelez & Rosina Moreno
- 200926 Social Preferences and Transport Policy:The case of US speed limits
by Daniel Albalate - 200925 Human Capital Spillovers Productivity and Regional Convergence in Spain
by Raul Ramos & Manuel Artís & Jordi Suriñach - 200924 Human Capital and Regional Wage Gaps
by Enrique López-Bazo & Elisabet Motellón - 200923 Is Private Production of Public Services Cheaper than Public Production? A meta-regression analysis of solid waste and water services
by Germà Bel & Xavier Fageda & Mildred E. Warner - 200922 Institutional Determinants of Military Spending
by Germà Bel & Ferran Elias-Moreno - 200921 Fiscal Regime Shifts in Portugal
by António Afonso & Peter Claeys & Ricardo M. Sousa - 200920 Health care utilization among immigrants and native-born populations in 11 European countries. Results from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe
by Aïda Solé-Auró & Montserrat Guillén & Eileen M. Crimmins - 200919 La efectividad de las políticas activas de mercado de trabajo para luchar contra el paro. La experiencia de Cataluña
by Raul Ramos & Jordi Suriñach & Manuel Artís - 200918 Is The Wage Curve Formal Or Informal? Evidence For Colombia
by Raul Ramos & Juan Carlos Duque & Jordi Suriñach - 200917 General Equilibrium Long-Run Determinants for Spanish FDI: A Spatial Panel Data Approach
by Jaime Martínez-Martín - 200916 Scientists on the move: tracing scientists’ mobility and its spatial distribution
by Ernest Miguélez & Rosina Moreno & Jordi Suriñach - 200915 The First Privatization Policy In A Democracy: Selling State-Owned Enterprises In 1948-1950 Puerto Rico
by Germà Bel - 200914 Appropriate IPRs, Human Capital Composition and Economic Growth
by Fabio Manca - 200913 Human Capital Composition and Economic Growth at a Regional Level
by Fabio Manca - 200912 Technology Catching-up and the Role of Institutions
by Fabio Manca - 200911 A missing spatial link in institutional quality
by Peter Claeys & Fabio Manca - 200910 Tourism and Exports as a means of Growth
by Isabel Cortés-Jiménez & Manuela Pulina & Carme Riera i Prunera & Manuel Artís - 200909 Evidence On The Role Of Ownership Structure On Firms’ Innovative Performance
by Raquel Ortega-Argilés & Rosina Moreno - 200908 ¿Por qué se privatizan servicios en los municipios (pequeños)?Evidencia empírica sobre residuos sólidos y agua
by Germà Bel & Xavier Fageda & Melania Mur - 200907 Empirical analysis of solid management waste costs: Some evidence from Galicia, Spain
by Germà Bel & Xavier Fageda - 200906 Intercontinental Fligths From European Airports: Towards Hub Concentration Or Not?
by Germà Bel & Xavier Fageda - 200905 Factors explaining urban transport systems in large European cities: A cross-sectional approach
by Daniel Albalate & Germà Bel - 200904 Regional Economic Growth And Human Capital: The Role Of Overeducation
by Raul Ramos & Jordi Suriñach & Manuel Artís - 200903 Regional heterogeneity in wage distributions. Evidence from Spain
by Elisabet Motellón & Enrique López-Bazo & Mayssun El-Attar - 200902 Modelling the disability severity score in motor insurance claims: an application to the Spanish case
by Miguel Santolino & Jean-Philippe Boucher - 200901 Quality in work and aggregate productivity
by Vicente Royuela & Jordi Suriñach
- 200816 Intermunicipal cooperation and privatization of solid waste services among small municipalities in Spain
by Germà Bel & Melania Mur - 200815 Similar problems, different solutions: Comparing refuse collection in the Netherlands and Spain
by Germà Bel & Elbert Dijkgraaf & Xavier Fageda & Raymond Gradus - 200814 Determinants of the decision to appeal against motor bodily injury settlements awarded by Spanish trial courts
by Miguel Santolino - 200813 Does social capital reinforce technological inputs in the creation of knowledge? Evidence from the Spanish regions
by Ernest Miguélez & Rosina Moreno & Manuel Artís - 200812 Testing the FTPL across government tiers
by Peter Claeys & Raúl Ramos & Jordi Suriñach - 200811 Internet Banking in Europe: a comparative analysis
by Francesca Arnaboldi & Peter Claeys - 200810 Fiscal policy and interest rates: the role of financial and economic integration
by Peter Claeys & Rosina Moreno & Jordi Suriñach - 200809 Health of Immigrants in European countries
by Aïda Solé-Auró & Eileen M.Crimmins - 200808 The Role of Firm Size in Training Provision Decisions: evidence from Spain
by Laia Castany - 200807 Forecasting the maximum compensation offer in the automobile BI claims negotiation proces
by Mercedes Ayuso & Miguel Santolino - 200806 Prediction of individual automobile RBNS claim reserves in the context of Solvency II
by Mercedes Ayuso & Miguel Santolino - 200805 Panel Data Stochastic Convergence Analysis of the Mexican Regions
by Josep Lluís Carrion-i-Silvestre & Vicente German-Soto - 200804 Local privatization, intermunicipal cooperation,transaction costs and political interests: Evidence from Spain
by Xavier Fageda & Germa Bel - 200803 Choosing hybrid organizations for local servicesdelivery: An empirical analysis of partial privatization
by Xavier Fageda & Germa Bel - 200802 Motorways, tolls and road safety.Evidence from European Panel Data
by Daniel Albalate & Germa Bel - 200801 Shaping urban traffic patterns through congestion charging: What factors drive success or failure?
by Daniel Albalate & Germa Bel
- 200719 La Distribución Regional De La Temporalidad En España, Análisis De Sus Determinantes
by Elisabet Motellón - 200718 Regional returns to physical capital: are they conditioned by educational attainment?
by Enrique Lopez-Bazo & Rosina Moreno - 200717 Does Human Capital Stimulate Investment In Physical Capital? Evidence From A Cost System Framework
by Enrique Lopez-Bazo & Rosina Moreno - 200716 Do innovation and human capital explain the productivity gap between small and large firms?
by Laia Castany & Enrique Lopez-Bazo & Rosina Moreno - 200715 Estimating the effects of fiscal policy under the budget constraint
by Peter Claeys - 200714 Fiscal sustainability across government tiers: an assessment of soft budget constraints
by Peter Claeys & Raúl Ramos & Jordi Suriñach - 200713 The institutional vs. the academic definition of the quality of work life. What is the focus of the European Commission?
by Vicente Royuela & Jordi Lopez-Tamayo & Jordi Suriñach - 200712 Cambios En La Distribución Salarial En España, 1995-2002. Efectos A Través Del Tipo De Contrato
by Elisabet Motellón & Enrique López-Bazo & Mayssun El-Attar - 200711 Eu-15 Sovereign Governments Cost Of Borrowing After Seven Years Of Monetary Union
by Marta Gomez-Puig - 200710 Another Look at the Null of Stationary RealExchange Rates. Panel Data with Structural Breaks and Cross-section Dependence
by Syed A. Basher & Josep Lluís Carrion-i-Silvestre - 200709 Multicointegration, polynomial cointegration and I(2) cointegration with structural breaks. An application to the sustainability of the US external deficit
by Vanessa Berenguer-Rico & Josep Lluís Carrion-i-Silvestre - 200708 Has concentration evolved similarly in manufacturing and services? A sensitivity analysis
by Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela & Rosina Moreno-Serrano & Esther Vaya-Valcarce - 200707 Defining housing market areas using commuting and migration algorithms.Catalonia (Spain) as an applied case study
by Vicente Royuela & Miguel Vargas - 200706 Regulating Concessions of Toll Motorways, An Empirical Study on Fixed vs. Variable Term Contracts
by Daniel Albalate & Germa Bel - 200705 Decomposing differences in total factor productivity across firm size
by Laia Castany & Enrique Lopez-Bazo & Rosina Moreno - 200704 Privatization and regulation of toll motorways in europe
by Daniel Albalate & Germa Bel & Xavier Fageda - 200703 Is the influence of quality of life on urban growth non-stationary in space? A case study of Barcelona
by Vicente Royuel & Rosina Moreno & Esther Vaya - 200702 Sustainability of EU fiscal policies, a panel test
by Peter Claeys - 200701 Research networks and scientific production in Economics, The recent Spanish Experience
by Raul Ramos & Vicente Royuela & Juan Carlos Duque
- 200610 Term structure of interest rate. european financial integration
by Hortènsia Fontanals & Elisabet Ruiz & Catalina Bolancé - 200609 Patrones de publicación internacional (ssci) de los autores afiliados a universidades españolas, en el ámbito económico-empresarial (1994-2004)
by Juan Carlos Duque & Vicente Royuela & Jordi Suriñach - 200608 Supervised regionalization methods, a survey
by Juan Carlos Duque & Raul Ramos & Jordi Suriñach - 200607 Against the mainstream, nazi privatization in 1930s Germany
by Germà Bel - 200606 Economía Urbana y Calidad de Vida. Una revisión del estado del conocimiento en España
by Vicente Royuela & Diona Lambiri & Bianca Biagi - 200605 Calculation of the variance in surveys of the economic climate
by Manuela Alcañiz & Àlex Costa & Montserrat Guillén & Cristina Rovira & Carme Luna - 200604 Time-varying effects when analysing customer lifetime duration, application to the insurance market
by Montserrat Guillen & Jens Perch Nielsen & Tomas Scheike & Ana Maria Perez-Marin - 200603 Lowering blood alcohol content levels to save lives, the european experience
by Daniel Albalate - 200602 An analysis of the determinants in economics and business publications by spanish universities between 1994 and 2004
by Raul Ramos & Vicente Royuela & Jordi Suriñach - 200601 Job losses, outsourcing and relocation, empirical evidence using microdata
by Manuel Artis & Raul Ramos & Jordi Suriñach