December 2016, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 1-38 R&D and Non-R&D Innovators During the Global Financial Crisis: The Role of Binding Credit Constraints
by Sandra M. Leitner & Robert Stehrer - 39-60 Does Industrial Employment React to Movements in the Real Exchange Rate? An Empirical Analysis for Colombia, 2000-2010
by José Tomás Peláez S. & Lya Paola Sierra S. - 61-94 The Right Fit for the Wrong Reasons: Real Business Cycle in an Oil-dependent Economy
by Miguel Santos - 95-110 Institutional Impact of Brain Drain, Human Capital, and Inequality: A Political Economy Analysis
by Maurice Schiff & Frédéric Docquier - 111-147 Cost of Capital in Emerging Markets: Bridging Gaps between Theory and Practice
by Eduardo Walker
November 2015, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 117-148 Working and Caring: The Simultaneous Decision of Labor Force Participation and Informal Elderly and Child Support Activities in Mexico
by Edwin van Gameren & Durfari Velandia Naranjo - 149-183 The Effectiveness of Prenatal Care in Uruguay's Low-Income Population: A Panel Data Approach
by Ana Inés Balsa & Patricia Triunfo - 185-211 Application of a Short Memory Model With Random Level Shifts to the Volatility of Latin American Stock Market Returns
by Gabriel Rodríguez & Roxana Tramontana Tocto - 213-240 On the Sustainability and Synchronization of Fiscal Policy in Latin America
by Paul Alagidede & George Tweneboah
May 2015, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 1-23 Reexamining the link between instability and growth in Latin America: A dynamic panel data estimation using k-median clusters
by Cecilia Bermúdez & Carlos D. Dabús & Germán H. González - 25-56 A cluster analysis of FDI in Latin America
by Rosa Forte & Nancy Santos - 57-77 Foreign direct investment in Latin America and the Caribbean: an empirical analysis
by Kevin Williams - 79-94 A note on the S-curve dynamics of commodity trade between Brazil and the United States
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Dan Xi - 95-116 U.S. Monetary Policy’s impact on Latin America’s structure of production (1960-2010)
by Nicolás Cachanosky
November 2014, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 179-194 Is Entrepreneurship a Channel of Social Mobility in Latin America?
by Francesca Castellani & Eduardo Lora - 195-226 Intergenerational Mobility and Entrepreneurship in Uruguay
by Nestor Gandelam & Virginia Robano - 227-245 Intra-Generational Social Mobility and Entrepreneurship in Uruguay
by Daniel Bukstein & Nestor Gandelman - 247-278 Is Entrepreneurship Inherited? A Study of Intergenerational Social Mobility in Mexico
by Viviana Velez-Grajales & Roberto Velez-Grajales - 279-305 Middle-Class Entrepreneurs and Inadequate Prospects for Social Mobility through Entrepreneurship in Colombia
by Marcela Melendez & Paula Mejia - 307-341 Mobility and Entrepreneurship in Ecuador: A Dynamic Pseudo-Panel Approach
by Xavier Ordeñana & Ramon Villa
May 2014, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 1-39 Could an Increase in Education Raise Income Inequality? Evidence for Latin America
by Diego Battistón & Carolina García-Domench & Leonardo Gasparini - 41-83 Inflation Targeting and an Optimal Taylor Rule for an Open Economy: Evidence for Colombia 1990-2011
by Edgar Villa & Martha A. Misas & Andrés F. Giraldo - 85-107 Has the National Agreement for the Modernization of Basic Education contributed to improving levels of basic education and reducing disparities between the states?
by Manuel Gómez-Zaldívar - 109-146 Teenage Pregnancy in Mexico: Evolution and Consequences
by Eva O. Arceo-Gómez & Raymundo M. Campos-Vázquez - 147-178 A Cohort Analysis of the College Premium in Mexico
by Francisco Benita
November 2013, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 163-177 The Real Options Approach to Valuation: Challenges and Opportunities
by Eduardo Schwartz - 179-208 Finance, Growth, and Institutions in Latin America: What are the Links?
by Luisa Blanco - 209-231 Foreign Investment and Wages: A Crowding-Out Effect in Mexico
by Enrique L. Kato-Vidal - 233-255 The Relationship between Energy Consumption and GDP: Evidence from a Panel of 10 Latin American Countries
by Jacobo Campo & Viviana Sarmiento - 257-287 Income and Wealth Distribution with Physical and Human Capital Accumulation: Extending the Uzawa-Lucas Model to a Heterogeneous Households Economy
by Wei-Bin Zhang - 289-326 Polarization and the Middle Class in Uruguay
by Fernando Borraz & Nicolás González & Máximo Rossi
May 2013, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-47 Access to finance and funding composition during the crisis: A firm-level analysis of Latin American countries
by Sandra M. Leitner & Robert Stehrer - 48-81 Changes in pension inequality: A decomposition analysis of Argentina, 1995-2009
by Vanesa Valeria D'Elia - 83-105 The composition of government expenditures and economic growth in Bolivia
by Antonio N. Bojanic - 107-131 Governance and foreign direct investment in Latin America: A panel gravity model approach
by Turan Subasat & Sotirios Bellos - 133-161 How informative are in-sample information criteria to forecasting? The case of Chilean GDP
by Carlos A. Medel
November 2012, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 147-183 Economic Impact of Freer Trade in Latin America and the Caribbean: A GTAP Analysis
by Kakali Mukhopadhyay & Paul J. Thomassin & Debesh Chakraborty - 185-215 Human Capital Contracts in Chile: An Exercise Based on Income Data on chilean HE Graduates
by Felipe Andrés Lozano-Rojas - 217-236 Regional Output Convergence in Mexico
by Manuel Gómez-Zaldívar & Daniel Ventosa-Santaulária - 237-276 Vote Buying, Political Patronage and Selective Plunder
by Andrés Cendales - 277-305 Does Corruption Affect Economic Growth?
by Eatzaz Ahmad & Muhammad Aman Ullah & Muhammad Irfanullah Arfeen
May 2012, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-35 Estimating Private Returns to Education in Mexico
by Arnold C. Harberger & Sylvia Guillermo-Peón - 37-65 (Re)Counting the Poor in Peru: A Multidimensional Approach
by Juan F. Castro & Jessica Baca & Juan P. Ocampo - 67-98 Family Income Inequality and the Role of Married Females' Earnings in Mexico: 1988-2010
by Raymundo M. Campos-Vázquez & Andrés Hincapié & Ruben Irvin Rojas-Valdés - 99-123 Payroll Taxes and the Labor Market: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
by Gustavo Hernández - 125-145 Openness and Productivity: The Role of Imports, FDI and International Telecommunications
by Yanling Wang
2011, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 113-132 Two Hundred Years of Economic Growth: Latin America at its Bicentennial Celebration
by Raimundo Soto & Felipe Zurita - 133-156 The Argentine Economy after Two Centuries
by Francisco Buera & Gaston Navarro & Juan Pablo Nicolini - 157-179 A Unified Growth Model for Independent Chile
by J. Rodrigo Fuentes - 181-198 Two Hundred Years of Colombian Economic Growth: The Role of TFP
by Alvaro J. Riascos - 199-226 Venezuela’s Growth Experience
by Omar D. Bello & Juan S. Blyde & Diego Restuccia - 227-268 Catch-up Growth Followed by Stagnation: Mexico 1950–2008
by Timothy Kehoe & Felipe Meza
2011, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-37 Fighting Informality in Segmented Labor Markets. A General Equilibrium Analysis Applied to Uruguay
by Carmen Estrades & María Inés Terra - 39-64 On the Properties of General Equilibrium with Default in Economies with Incomplete Markets
by Eduardo A. Rodríguez - 65-88 The Impact of Financial Transactions Taxes on Money Demand in Colombia
by Marcela Giraldo & Brian W. Buckles - 89-111 Revenue Elasticity of the Main federal Taxes in Mexico
by Felipe J. Fonseca & Daniel Ventosa-Santaulària
2010, Volume 47, Issue 136
- 169-189 The Political Economy of Unsustainable Fiscal Deficits
by Roberto Pasten & James P. Cover - 191-215 Equivalencia de Ingresos en un Duopolio Eléctrico
by Estrella Alonso & Juan Tejada - 217-247 ¿Qué Incentivos al Retiro Genera la Seguridad Social? El Caso Uruguayo
by Ignacio Álvarez & Natalia da Silva & Álvaro Forteza & Ianina Rossi - 249-272 Diferencias Regionales en la Participación Laboral Femenina en Chile
by Luz María Ferrada & Pilar Zarzosa - 273-303 Metodología para generar Indicadores de Actividad en Infraestructura y Vivienda
by Juan Carlos Caro & Byron Idrovo
2010, Volume 47, Issue 135
- 3-13 The Asymmetric Effects of Oil Shocks on an Oil-exporting Economy
by Omar Mendoza & David Vera - 15-55 NAFTA and Productivity Convergence between Mexico and the US
by Tadashi Ito - 57-89 El Consumo Eléctrico Residencial en Chile en 2008
by Daniela Marshall - 91-124 The Impact of Exchange Rate Regime on Interest Rates in Latin America
by Caroline Duburcq - 125-150 Estimando Indigencia y Pobreza Indígena Regional con Datos Censales y Encuestas de Hogares
by Claudio Agostini & Philip Brown & Andrei Roman
2009, Volume 46, Issue 134
- 149-159 La Macroeconomía, los Economistas y la Crisis
by José De Gregorio - 161-182 La Macroeconomía y la Crisis: ¿La Crisis de la Macroeconomía?
by Francisco Rosende - 183-195 La Economía Financiera Frente a la Crisis
by Felipe Zurita - 197-224 Costo-Efectividad de Instrumentos Económicos para el control de la Contaminación. El Caso del Uso de Leña
by Carlos Chávez & Walter Gómez & Sandra Briceño - 225-241 El Efecto del Trabajador Adicional. Evidencia para Argentina (2003-2007)
by Jorge A. Paz - 243-271 Impact of the Uruguayan Conditional Cash Transfer Program
by Fernando Borraz & Nicolás González - 273-288 Imputación Múltiple en Encuestas Microeconómicas
by Rodrigo Alfaro & Marcelo Fuenzalida
2009, Volume 46, Issue 133
- 3-33 Gravity, Bilateral Agreements, and Trade Diversion in the Americas
by Raymond Robertson & Antoni Estevadeordal. - 33-50 Evidence of Non-Markovian Behavior in the Process of Bank Rating Migrations
by José E. Gómez-González & Nicholas M. Kiefer. - 51-66 Is it Risk? An Automated Approach to Explain the ex ante UIP Deviations of Brazil
by Alex Luiz Ferreira. - 67-105 China, Precios de Commodities y Desempeño de América Latina: Algunos Hechos Estilizados
by Patricio Jaramillo & Sergio Lehmann & David Moreno. - 107-134 Transmisión de Tasas de Interés bajo el Esquema de Metas de Inflación: Evidencia para Colombia
by Óscar Reinaldo Becerra & Luis Fernando Melo Velandia.
2008, Volume 45, Issue 132
- 161-183 What Exactly is "Bad News" in Foreign Exchange Markets? Evidence from Latin American Markets
by Cecilia Maya & Karoll Gómez - 185-215 Volatility Spillovers between Equity and Currency Markets: Evidence from Major Latin American Countries
by Lucía de las Nieves Morales - 217-233 Volatilidad de Indices Accionarios: El caso del IPSA
by Rodrigo A. Alfaro & Carmen Gloria Silva - 235-255 The Determinants of Relative Price Variability: Further Evidence from Argentina
by María Ángeles Caraballo & Carlos Dabús. - 257-291 Cambios de la Tasa de Política y su Efecto en la Estructura a Plazo de Colombia
by Luis Eduardo Arango & Andrés González & John Jairo León & Luis Fernando Melo. - 293-302 A Note on the Export-Led Growth Hypothesis: A Time Series Approach
by Per-Ola Maneschiöld
2008, Volume 45, Issue 131
- 3-28 Optimal Bidding in the Mexican Treasury Securities Primary Auctions: Results of a Structural Econometric Approach
by Sara Castellanos & Marco Oviedo - 29-58 Interest Rate Pass-Through in Colombia: a Micro-Banking Perspective
by Rocío Betancourt & Hernando Vargas & Norberto Rodríguez. - 59-103 Economic Reforms, Financial Development and Growth: Lessons from the Chilean Experience
by Leonardo Hernández & Fernando Parro - 105-128 Capitalización Heterogénea de un Bien Semipúblico: El Metro de Santiago
by Claudio A. Agostini & Gastón Palmucci - 129-143 Metodología para Estimar un Indice Regional de Costo de Vivienda en Chile
by Dusan Paredes & Patricio Aroca
2007, Volume 44, Issue 130
- 141-150 An Auction Mechanism for the Commons: Some Extensions
by Juan Pablo Montero - 151-181 The Determinants of Sovereign Bond Spreads: Theory and Facts From Latin America
by Martín Grandes - 183-209 Is Latin America Overcoming its Fear of Floating?
by Carlos AIbarra - 211-231 ¿Cuánto Dura el Desempleo para la Población más Pobre en Chile?
by Rodrigo Montero - 233-262 Costos de Transacción y Formas de Gobernación de los Servicios de Consulta en Colombia
by Sergio Torres & Rafael Guillermo García & John Jairo Quintero
2007, Volume 44, Issue 129
- 1-1 Subastando la Energía Eléctrica para Clientes Regulados: Equilibrio con Información Completa y Aversión al Riesgo
by Francisco Caravia & Eduardo Saavedra - 31-58 Efectos Distributivos de la Reforma de la Seguridad Social. El Caso Uruguayo
by Álvaro Forteza - 59-89 ¿Puede el Diseño de un Torneo Deportivo Afectar su Asistencia?
by Giorgo Sertsios - 91-108 Convergencia y Estabilidad de los Tipos de Cambio Europeos: Una Aplicación de Exponentes de Lyapunov
by Elena Olmedo & Ricardo Gimeno & Lorenzo Escot & Ruth Mateos - 109-126 Evidence of a Bank Lending Channel for Argentina and Colombia
by José Gómez-González & Fernando Grosz
2006, Volume 43, Issue 128
- 235-250 El Estado de Salud de los Jóvenes Uruguayos
by R Todd Jewell & Maximo Rossi & Patricia Triunfo - 251-284 Modelos de Algoritmos Genéticos y Redes Neuronales en la Predicción de Índices Bursátiles Asiáticos
by Antonino Parisini & Franco Parisini & David Díaz - 285-300 A Proposal to Obtain a Long Quarterly Chilean GDP Series
by Juan de Dios Tena & Miguel Jerez & Sonia Sotoca & Nicole Carvallo - 301-330 Impacto de la Percepción de la Calidad del Aire sobre el Precio de las Viviendas en Concepción-Talcahuano, Chile
by Cristián Mardones - 331-354 La Productividad Científica de Economía y Administración en Chile. Un Análisis Comparativo
by Claudia Contreras & Gonzalo Edwards & Alejandra Mizala
2006, Volume 43, Issue 127
- 5-48 Chile's Economic Growth
by Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel - 49-80 Complementarities between Institutions and Openness in Economic Development: Evidence for a Panel of Countries
by César Calderón & Rodrigo Fuentes - 81-112 Regional Convergence in Chile: New Tests, Old Results
by Roberto Duncan & Rodrigo Fuentes - 113-142 Sources of Growth and Behavior of TFP in Chile
by Rodrigo Fuentes & Mauricio Larraín & Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel - 143-168 Productividad Sectorial en Chile: 1986-2001
by Rodrigo Vergara & Rosario Rivero - 169-192 Micro Efficiency and Aggregate Growth in Chile
by Raphael Bergoeing & Andrea Repetto - 193-220 Procyclical Productivity in Manufacturing
by Lucas Navarro & Raimundo Soto
2005, Volume 42, Issue 126
- 199-208 Learning and Belief-Based Trade
by Drew Fudenberg & David K Levine - 209-255 Beyond Earthquakes: The New Directions of Expected Utility Theory
by Felipe Zurita - 257-281 Inversión Privada e Impuestos Corporativos: Evidencia para Chile
by Rodrigo Cerda & Felipe Larraín - 283-305 Diseño de Instrumentos Económicos para la Internalización de Externalidades de Accidentes de Tránsito
by Luis Ignacio Rizzi - 307-328 Measuring Security Price Performance Using Chilean Daily Stock Returns: The Event Study Method
by Rodrigo Saens & Eduardo Sandoval - 329-356 Análisis del Tipo de Cambio Real: Chile 1986-1999
by Rodrigo Cerda & Álvaro Donoso & Aldo Lema - 357-385 Subsidios en Educación: Impacto en la Migración y Convergencia Regional
by Gonzalo Durán
2005, Volume 42, Issue 125
- 3-30 Income Wealth, and Socialization in Argentina
by Daniel Lederman - 31-61 Estimando la Demanda Residencial por Electricidad en Chile: El Consumo es Sensible al Precio
by José Miguel Benavente & Alexander Galetovic & Ricardo Sanhueza & Pablo Serra - 63-77 Efectos Dinámicos de la Política Fiscal
by Rodrigo Cerda & Luis Felipe Lagos & Hermann González - 79-101 El Tramo Corto de la Estructura a Plazo como Predictor de Expectativas de la Actividad Económica en Colombia
by Luis E Arango & Luz Adriana Flórez & Angélica M Arosemena - 103-131 The Behavior of Interest Rate Differentials Under Shifting Exchange Rate Regimes: The Experience of Chile, Colombia and Israel
by Carlos Ibarra - 133-136 Symposium on Spatial Inequality in Latin America
by Ravi Kanbur & Luis López & Anthony J Venables - 137-164 Measuring the Impact of Asset Complementarities: The Case of Rural Peru
by Javier Escobal & Máximo Torero - 165-192 Income, Mortality, and Literacy Distribution Dynamics Across States in Mexico: 1940-2000
by Rodrigo García Verdú
2004, Volume 41, Issue 124
- 315-343 Orientación Exportadora y Productividad en la Industria Manufacturera Chilena
by Roberto Alvarez & Ricardo López - 345-360 Firm and Corporate Bond Valuation: A Simulation Dynamic Programming Approach
by Augusto Castillo - 361-381 Spatial Patterns of Crop Yields in Latin America and the Caribbean
by Stanley Wood & Liangzhi You & Xiaobo Zhang - 383-399 Can Non-Agricultural Employment Reduce Rural Poverty? Evidence from Mexico
by Caridad Araujo - 401-424 Spatial Inequality, Migration and Economic Growth in Chile
by Raimundo Soto & Arístides Torche
2004, Volume 41, Issue 123
- 173-198 Deserción Escolar y Trabajo Juvenil: ¿Dos Caras de una Decisión?
by Claudio Sapelli & Arístides Torche - 199-215 The Intertemporal Relation Between Money and Prices: Evidence from Argentina
by Florencia Gabrielli & George Mc Candless & Josefin Rouillet - 217-230 Does Foreign Direct Investment Decrease Corruption?
by Felipe Larraín & José Tavares - 231-253 Principios para Tarificar la Transmisión Eléctrica
by José Pablo Arellano - 255-283 Notas para una Regulación Eficiente de la Transmisión Eléctrica
by Juan Pablo Montero & Salvador Valdés - 285-314 Tarificación de la Transmisión Eléctrica Usando Factores GGDF y GLDF: Una Estimación de sus Efectos Distributivos
by Alexander Galetovic & Rodrigo Palma
2004, Volume 41, Issue 122
- 3-34 Comerciando con Incertidumbre: Los Mercados de Agua en la Agricultura Chilena
by Ereney Hadjigeorgalis - 35-64 On the Relationship Between Exchange Rates and Interest Rates: Evidence from the Southern Cone
by Ansgar Belke & Kai Geisslreither & Daniel Gros - 65-89 The Conditional Relationship Between Portfolio Beta and Return: Evidence from Latin America
by Eduardo Sandoval & Rodrigo Saens - 91-123 Costos de Cumplimiento y Poder de Mercado: Aplicación al Programa de Compensación de Emisiones de Santiago
by Cara Inés Villegas & Carlos Chávez - 125-162 ¿Ventajas Absolutas o Comparativas en las Habilidades Laborales? Evidencia Para el Mercado del Trabajo Chileno a Partir de la Encuesta IALS
by Ignacio Rodríguez
2004, Volume 41, Issue 121
- 399-412 Introductory Paper: Latin American and U.S. Universities: A Forty Years Analysis
by Sebastián Edwards
2003, Volume 40, Issue 121
- 413-413 Latin America in the Era of Glabalization - Introduction
by Sebastián Claro - 414-422 A Comparison of Latin American and Asian Product Exports to the United States, 1972 to 1999
by Peter K Schott - 423-433 The Course of Geography: A View about the Process of Wealth. Creation and Distribution
by Bernardo Blum - 434-440 Labor Market Implications of Limited Integration
by Sebastián Claro - 441-441 Topics in the Economics of Integration in the Americas - Introduction
by Maurice Schiff - 442-451 The Region as an Export Platform to the World? The Case of Mercosur
by Alessandro Nicita & Marcelo Olarreaga & Isidro Soloaga - 452-459 Mercosur's Labyrinth and World Regionalism
by Julio Nogués - 460-468 Rules of Thumb for Evaluating Preferential Trading Arrangement: Evidence from CGE Assessments
by Glenn W Harrison & Thomas F Rutherford & David G Tarr - 469-476 Nafta, Technology Diffusion and Productivity in Mexico
by Maurice Schiff & Yanling Wang - 477-477 Labor Market and Unemployment - Introduction
by Rodrigo Cerda - 478-484 Labor Demand: Chile 1986-2001
by Rodrigo Cerda - 485-494 Long-term Disability Insurance in the Netherlands: A Problem of Hidden Unemployment?
by Damien de Walque - 495-504 Not Working? The West German Labor Market 1964-2001
by Fabián Lange - 505-514 The Link between Unemployment and the Marriage Rate: Buenos Aires, Argentina
by Julio Elías - 515-515 Economic Analysis of Education Policies - Introduction
by Claudio Sapelli - 516-529 Evaluating Education Policies when the Rate of Return Varies Across Individuals
by Pedro Carneiro - 530-538 The Chilean Voucher System: Some New Results and Research Challenges
by Claudio Sapelli - 539-546 Education in Chile: Looking for Better Institutional Design
by Harald Beyer - 547-547 Markets and Regulation - Introduction
by Juan Pablo Montero - 548-558 Electricity Sector Restructuring and Competition: Lessons Learned
by Paul Joskow - 559-565 Is it Possible to Move the Copper Market?
by Juan Pablo Montero & Matti Liski - 566-576 Using a Hypothetical-Efficient Firm to Benchmark Water Utilities in Chile
by José Miguel Sánchez & Jessica Coria - 577-578 Project Evaluation: From Theory to Applications - Introduction
by Arístides Torche - 579-588 Some Recent Advances in Economic Project Evaluation
by Arnold C Harberger - 589-598 Assesing Real Benefits of a Social Program. From Counterfactual to a Measure of its Impact
by Arístides Torche - 599-606 The CIAPEP and its Contributions to the Profession
by Ernesto R Fontaine - 607-607 The Two sides of the Force: Economic Analysis of Production and Appropriation - Introduction
by Edgardo Barandiarán - 608-616 Distributional Disputes and Civil Conflict
by Herschel Grossman - 616-616 Distributional Disputes and Civil Conflict - Mathematical Appendix
by Herschel Grossman - 617-625 Prevention and Insurance of Conflict and Terrorism: Issues and Evidence for Latin America
by Andrés Solimano - 625-625 Prevention and Insurance of Conflict and Terrorism: Issues and Evidence for Latin America - Tables
by Andrés Solimano - 626-632 Protecting Property from Stationary Bandits
by Edgardo Barandiarán - 633-634 Exchange Rates, Currency Crises and Recessions - Introduction
by Felipe Larraín - 635-645 ¿Importa la Opción de Régimen Cambiario? Evidencia para Países en Desarrollo
by Felipe Larraín & Francisco Parro - 646-655 ¿Por Qué Crecen Menos los Regímenes de Tipo de Cambio Fijo?: El Efecto de los Sudden Stops
by Federico Sturzenegger - 656-667 ¿Qué Sabemos Realmente sobre las Crisis Cambiarias?
by Gerardo Esquivel & Felipe Larraín - 668-678 Recesiones, Apertura y Régimen Cambiario
by Felipe Larraín & Se Kyu Choi-Ha - 679-680 Money and Inflation: The End of Monetarism - Introduction
by Francisco Rosende - 681-689 ¿El Fin del Monetarismo?
by Francisco Rosende - 690-697 La Regla de Taylor para la Tasa de Interés
by Alberto Herrou-Aragón - 698-706 Dinero y Conducción de la Política Monetaria con Metas de Inflación
by Pablo García & Rodrigo Valdés - 707-715 El Dinero como Indicador de Política Monetaria en Chile
by Rodrigo Vergara - 716-724 Mucho Dinero y Poca Inflación: Chile y la Evidencia Internacional
by José De Gregorio - 725-727 Liquidity and Financial Markets - Introduction
by Felipe Zurita - 728-751 Determinants of Daily Fluctuations in Liquidity and Trading Activity
by Tarun Chordia & Richard Roll & Avanidhar Subrahmanyam - 752-759 Risk Management in the Chilean Banking Industry: The VaR Revolution
by José Miguel Cruz - 761-761 The Final Hours of the Argentinean Agony - Introduction
by Osvaldo Schenone - 762-767 La Crisis Argentina de 2001-2002
by Roberto Cortés - 768-773 Déficit y Convertibilidad en Argentina 1991-2001: Inconsistencia Asimétrica
by Osvaldo Schenone - 774-784 Intrigas del Crecimiento en Argentina
by Adrián Guisarri - 785-785 Understanding Development in Chile: Are the 1930s a Turning Point? - Introduction
by Rolf Lüders - 786-791 The Great Depression: A Defining Moment in Chile’s Development?
by Rolf Lüders & Gert Wagner - 792-795 Early 1930’s: A Unique Period in Fiscal Evolution?
by Rolf Lüders & Gert Wagner - 796-802 Nitrate Export Collapse and the Great Depression: Trigger or Chance?
by Rolf Lüders & Gert Wagner - 803-812 The Peculiar Post Great Depression Protectionism
by Rolf Lüders & Gert Wagner
2003, Volume 40, Issue 120
- 117-205 Financial Innovation in Multi-Period Economies
by Enrique Kawamura