- 2009/35 Efficiency measurement in the Spanish cadastral units through DEA
by José Manuel Cordero Ferrera & Francisco Pedraja Chaparro & Javier Salinas Jiménez - 2009/34 Optimal country's policy towards multinationals when local regions can choose between firm-specific and non-firm-specific policies
by Osiris J. Parcero - 2009/33 Sharing the blame? Local electoral accountability and centralized school finance in California
by Marcelin Joanis - 2009/32 Inter-Regional redistribution through infrastructure investment: tactical or programmatic?
by Albert Solé-Ollé - 2009/31 Economic incongruities in the European patent system
by Malwina Mejer & Bruno van Pottelsberghe - 2009/30 Suggesting an alternative electoral proportional system. Blank votes count
by Orestis Troumpounis - 2009/29 Effects of fiscal decentralisation and electoral accountability efficiency evidence from the Italian health care sector
by Francesco Porcelli - 2009/28 Optimal taxes and pensions in a society with myopic agents
by Kerstin Roeder - 2009/27 Plurality versus proportional electoral rule: which is most representative of voters?
by Amedeo Piolatto - 2009/26 Central command, local hazard and the race to the top
by Edoardo Di Porto & Federico Revelli - 2009/25 On the optimal design of disaster insurance in a federation
by Timothy J. Goodspeed & Andrew F. Haughwout - 2009/24 (Uncontrolled) Aggregate shocks or vertical tax interdependence? Evidence from gasoline and cigarettes
by Alejandro Esteller-Moré & Leonzio Rizzo - 2009/23 Pension funding and individual accounts in economies with life-cyclers and myopes
by Hans Fehr & Fabian Kindermann - 2009/22 Voluntary pension savings: the effects of the finnish tax reform on savers’ behaviour
by Jarkko Harju - 2009/21 Optimal risk allocation in the provision of local public services: can a private insurer be better than a public mutual fund?
by Gilberto Turati & Luigi Buzzacchi - 2009/20 Soft budgets and local borrowing regulation in a dynamic decentralized leadership model with saving and free mobility
by Nobuo Akai & Motohiro Sato - 2009/19 Corporate tax competition between firms
by Simon Loretz & Padraig J. Moore - 2009/18 Competition for FDI with vintage investment and agglomeration advantages
by Kai A. Konrad & Dan Kovenoch - 2009/17 Decentralization, Competition and the local tax mix: evidence from Flanders
by Benny Geys & Federico Revelli - 2009/16 Tax competition and equalization: the impact of voluntary cooperation on the efficiency goal
by Petra Ens - 2009/15 Partial tax coordination in a repeated game setting
by Jun-ichi Itaya & Makoto Okamuraz & Chikara Yamaguchix - 2009/14 On the equivalence of location choice models: conditional logit, nested logit and poisson
by Kurt Schmidheiny & Marius Brülhart - 2009/13 The determinants of university patenting: Do incentives matter?
by Tomás del Barrio-Castro & José García-Quevedo - 2009/12 Bohemians, human capital and regional economic growth
by Oliver Falck & Michael Fritsch & Stephan Heblich - 2009/11 Strategic tax collection and fiscal decentralization: the case of Russia
by Alexander Libman & Lars P. Feld - 2009/10 Evaluating the effects of decentralization on educational outcomes in Spain
by Paula Salinas & Albert Solé-Ollé - 2009/9 What does it take for and R&D tax incentive policy to be effective?
by Pierre Mohnen & Boris Lokshin - 2009/8 Immigrant wages in the Spanish labour market: does the origin of human capital matter?
by Esteban Sanromà & Raúl Ramos & Hipólito Simón - 2009/7 The dynamic adjustment of local government budgets: does Spain behave differently?
by Albert Solé-Ollé & Pilar Sorribas-Navarro - 2009/6 Risk selection in natural disaster insurance
by Mario Jametti & Thomas von Ungern-Sternberg - 2009/5 Agglomeration, tax competition, and fiscal equalization
by Matthias Wrede - 2009/4 Regional Fiscal Flows: Measurement Tools
by Giuseppe C.Ruggeri - 2009/3 Federalism and Inter-Regional Redistribution
by Jonathan Rodden - 2009/2 Cheaper Child Care, More Children
by Eva Mörk & Anna Sjögren & Helena Svaleryd - 2009/1 Reciprocity and Competition: Is There a Connection?
by Jonathan C. Rork & Gary A. Wagner
- 2008/9 The economic impact of the spanish public university system. An analysis for the period 1998 - 2004
by Néstor Duch & Javier García & Martí Parellada - 2008/8 Regulatory federalism in network industries
by Francesc Trillas - 2008/7 Portabilidad del capital humano y asimilación de los inmigrantes. Evidencia para España
by Esteve Sanromà & Raul Ramos & Hipólito Simón - 2008/6 Does urban sprawl increase the costs of providing local public services? Evidence from Spanish municipalities
by Albert Solé-Ollé & Miriam Hortas Rico - 2008/5 Assessing the assignation of public subsidies: Do the experts choose the most efficient R&D projects?
by Néstor Duch-Brown & José García-Quevedo & Daniel Montolio - 2008/4 Which communities should be afraid of mobility? The effects of agglomeration economies on the sensitivity of firm location to local taxes
by Jordi Jofre-Monseny & Albert Solé-Ollé - 2008/3 Rethinking public auditing institutions: Empirical evidence from Swiss municipalities
by Mark Schelker & Reiner Eichenberger - 2008/2 Does partisan alignment affect the electoral reward of intergovernmental transfers?
by Albert Solé-Ollé & Pilar Sorribas-Navarro - 2008/1 Political parties and the economy: Macro convergence, micro partisanship?
by Pau Castells & Francesc Trillas
- 2007/8 A comparison of the economic and environmental performances of conventional and organic farming: Evidence from financial statements
by Josep Mª Argilés & Néstor Duch Brown - 2007/7 Evaluación de servicios educativos: El rendimiento en los centros públicos y privados medido en PISA-2003
by Jorge Calero & Josep-Oriol Escardíbul - 2007/6 Barriers to innovation and public policy in Catalonia
by Agustí Segarra-Blasco & José García-Quevedo & Mercedes Teruel-Carrizosa - 2007/5 Economic and political determinants of urban expansion: Exploring the local connection
by Albert Solé-Ollé & Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal - 2007/4 Influencia de la inmigración en la elección escolar
by Adriana Sánchez Hugalde - 2007/3 Evaluating the impact of public subsidies on a firm's performance: A quasi-experimental approach
by Néstor Duch & Daniel Montolio & Mauro Mediavilla - 2007/2 Tax differentials and agglomeration economies in intraregional firm location
by Jordi Jofre-Monseny & Albert Solé-Ollé - 2007/1 An empirical analysis of wealth taxation: Equity vs. tax compliance
by José Mª Durán Cabré & Alejandro Esteller Moré
- 2006/7 (When) Are Intergovernmental Transfers Used to Bail Out Regional Governments? Evidence from Spain 1986-2001
by Pilar Sorribas-Navarro - 2006/6 El uso por las PYMEs de servicios intensivos en conocimiento. Factores relacionados e implicaciones de política
by José García Quevedo & Francisco Mas Verdú - 2006/5 Industrial location at the intra-metropolitan level: The role of agglomeration economies
by Josep Maria Arauzo-Carod & Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal - 2006/4 The choice of banking firm: are the interest rate a significant criteria?
by Antoni Garrido Torres & Pere Arqué Castells - 2006/3 Productive efficiency and regulatory reform: The case of vehicle inspection services
by Francesc Trillas & Daniel Montolio & Néstor Duch - 2006/2 Regional foreign direct investment in manufacturing. Do agglomeration economies matter?
by Àngels Pelegrín & Catalina Bolancé - 2006/1 Local human capital and productivity: An analysis for the Spanish regions
by Raúl Ramos & Esteve Sanromà
- 2005/7 Collective bargaining and regional wage differences in Spain: An empirical analysis
by Hipólito J. Simón & Raúl Ramos & Esteve Sanromà - 2005/6 Vertical linkages, agglomeration and the organization of production in European regions
by Néstor Duch - 2005/5 Does decentralization improve the efficiency in the allocation of public investment? Evidence from Spain
by Alejandro Esteller & Albert Solé - 2005/4 On the scope of agglomeration economies: Evidence from Catalan zip codes
by Jordi Jofre Monseny - 2005/3 Expenditure spillovers and fiscal interactions: Empirical evidence from local governments in Spain
by Albert Solé Ollé - 2005/2 The effects of party competition on budget outcomes: Empirical evidence from local governments in Spain
by Albert Solé Ollé - 2005/1 The measurement of scope, scale and diversification economies: How (in)efficient is electricity restructuring and unbundling?
by Pablo Arocena
- 2004/8 Rentabilidad social de la inversión pública española en infraestructuras
by Jaime Alonso & María Jesús Freire-Serén & Baltasar Manzano - 2004/7 Taxation and Conditional Taxation
by Bruno S. Frey & Benno Torgler - 2004/6 The rise and fall of industrial clusters: Technology and the life cycle of region
by Mario A. Maggioni - 2004/5 Yardstick competition and the political costs of raising taxes: An empirical analysis of Spanish municipalities
by Núria Bosch & Albert Solé - 2004/4 Income Taxation and Equity
by Peter J. Lambert - 2004/3 Full Characterisation of the Political Economy of Fiscal Adjustment: Evidence from Spanish Municipalities
by Antoni Castells & Alejandro Esteller & Maite Vilalta - 2004/2 Tax Evasion in Interrelated Taxes
by Alejandro Esteller - 2004/1 Movilidad intergeneracional de ingresos y educativa en España (1980-90)
by Adriana Sánchez Hugalde
- 2003/6 Regional Distribution of Foreign Manufacturing Investment in Spain. Do Agglomeration Economies Matter?
by Àngels Pelegrín - 2003/5 Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries Versus Joint Ventures: The Determinant Factors in the Catalan Multinational Manufacturing Case
by Montserrat Álvarez - 2003/4 FDI Determinant Factors: The Case of Catalan Multinational Manufacturing Firms
by Montserrat Álvarez - 2003/3 Public Capital, Growth and Convergence in Spain. A Counterfactual Density Estimation Approach
by Leone Leonida & Leone Leonida & Daniel Montolio - 2003/2 Telecommunications Policies: Determinants and Impact
by Jordi Gual & Francesc Trillas - 2003/1 Fiscal and growth spillovers in large urban areas
by Albert Solé Ollé & Elisabet Viladecans Marsal
- 2002/6 Las ayudas a la I+D empresarial. Un an lisis sectorial
by María Callejón & José García Quevedo - 2002/5 The redistributive, stabiliser and insurance effects at territorial level of "federal" government budgets
by Nuria Bosch & Marta Espasa & Pilar Sorribas - 2002/4 Discontinuidades en el crecimiento económico en el periodo 1870-1994: España en perspectiva comparada
by Jordi Pons Novell & Daniel A. Tirado Fabregat - 2002/3 The growth of cities: Does agglomeration matter?
by Elisabet Viladecans Marsal - 2002/2 The location of innovation. Universities and technological infrastructure in Spain
by José García Quevedo - 2002/1 La capacidad redistributiva y estabilizadora del presupuesto del Gobierno Central Español
by Núria Bosch & Marta Espasa & Pilar Sorribas
- 2001/11 España y la senda de desarrollo de la inversión directa: una aproximación
by Montserrat Álvarez - 2001/10 Fiscalidad medioambiental sobre la energía: propuestas para España
by José María Durán Cabré & Cristina de Gispert Brosa - 2001/9 Tax Setting in a Federal System: The Case of Personal Income Taxation in Canada
by Alejandro Esteller & Albert Solé - 2001/8 University research and the location of patents in Spain
by José García Quevedo - 2001/7 Convergence and Inter-Distributional Dynamics among the Spanish Provinces. A Non-parametric Density Estimation Approach
by Leone Leonida & Daniel Montolio - 2001/6 Local human capital and external economies: evidence for Spain
by Esteve Sanromà & Raúl Ramos - 2001/5 Budget spillovers in a metropolitan area: typology and empirical evidence
by Albert Solé-Ollé - 2001/4 The efficiency of refuse collection services in Spanish municipalities: do non-controllable variables matter?
by Núria Bosch & Francisco Pedraja & Javier Suárez-Pandiello - 2001/3 La descentralización de las políticas sociales en el Estado del Bienestar
by Antoni Castells - 2001/2 La concentración territorial de las empresas industriales: un estudio sobre la unidad geogr fica de an lisis mediante técnicas de econometría espacial
by Elisabet Viladecans Marsal - 2001/1 Territorial redistribution through the EU budget. Empirical evidence at national and regional levels
by Marta Espasa
- 2000/6 The Redistributive Power of the Central Government Budget
by Ramón Barberán & Núria Bosch & Antoni Castells & Marta Espasa - 2000/5 Determinantes del gasto público local: Necesidades de gastos vs. capacidad fiscal
by Albert Solé Ollé - 2000/4 Determinantes de la innovación y efectos sobre la competitividad: el caso de las empresas téxtiles
by Maria Teresa Costa & Néstor Duch & Josep Lladós - 2000/3 Pautas de localización de las nuevas empresas y flexibilidad territorial
by Maria Teresa Costa & Agustí Segarra & Elisabet Viladecans - 2000/2 The role of intergovernmental finance in achieving diversity and cohesion: the case of Spain
by Antoni Castells - 2000/1 Vertical income tax externalities and fiscal interdependence: Evidence from the US Model
by Alejandro Esteller-Moré & Albert Solé-Ollé