Fall 2001, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 577-608 Joint Supply and the Development of Economic Theory: A Historical Perspective
by Robert B. Ekelund, Jr. & John Thompson - 609-626 John Stuart Mill's Equilibrium Terms of Trade: A Special Case of William Whewell's 1850 Formula
by Andrea Maneschi - 627-640 The Flow and Ebb in Mixter's Treatment of Rae: A Note
by Syed Ahmad - 641-648 Hans Brems (1915-2000)
by Royall Brandis - 649-654 There Really Was a German Historical School of Economics: A Comment on Heath Pearson
by Bruce Caldwell - 655-662 Response to Bruce Caldwell
by Heath Pearson
Summer 2001, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 193-218 Jean-Baptiste Say and Spontaneous Order
by Evelyn L. Forget - 219-239 The Case against Harry Dexter White: Still Not Proven
by James M. Boughton - 241-267 Gustav Stolper, Der deutsche Volkswirt, and the Controversy on Economic Policy at the End of the Weimar Republic
by Hansjörg Klausinger - 269-281 Rational Equity Valuation at the Time of the South Sea Bubble
by Paul Harrison - 283-313 Britain in the 1950s: A "Keynesian" Managed Economy?
by Alan Booth - 315-344 Francesco Ferrara and Subjective Value Theory
by Emilia Bonaccorsi di Patti - 345-367 Sir James Steuart and a General Sales Tax
by Takuo Dome - 369-374 Why Didn't Hayek Review Keynes's General Theory? A Partial Answer
by Susan Howson
Spring 2001, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-19 The Origins of the von Thünen-Mill-Pareto-Wicksell-Cobb-Douglas Function
by P. J. Lloyd - 21-49 Vilfredo Pareto and the Epistemological Foundations of Choice Theory
by Luigino Bruni & Francesco Guala - 51-69 The Monarch and the Marketplace: Economic Policy and Royal Finance in William of Pagula's Speculum regis Edwardi III
by Cary J. Nederman - 71-116 The Schmoller Renaissance
by Helge Peukert - 117-138 Keynes as the Einstein of Economic Theory
by Teodoro Dario Togati - 139-160 The Link between David Hume's Treatise of Human Nature and His Fiduciary Theory of Money
by Carl Wennerlind - 161-165 Magnan de Bornier on Cournot-Bertrand
by Clarence C. Morrison - 167-174 Magnan de Bornier on Cournot-Bertrand: A Rejoinder to Clarence Morrison
by Jean Magnan de Bornier
Supplement 2000, Volume 32, Issue 5
- 1-24 The Concept of Applied Economics: A History of Ambiguity and Multiple Meanings
by Roger E. Backhouse & Jeff Biddle - 25-70 Economics for a Client: The Case of Statistical Quality Control and Sequential Analysis
by Judy L. Klein - 71-94 Atomic Energy and the Application of Early Models of Technological Change in Economics, 1946-1954
by Warren Young - 95-116 Why Do Empirical Results Change? Forecasts as Tests of Rational Expectations
by Robert S. Goldfarb & H. O. Stekler - 117-144 The Very Idea of Applying Economics: The Modern Minimum-Wage Controversy and Its Antecedents
by Thomas C. Leonard - 145-176 On the Concept of Applied Economics: Lessons from Cambridge Economics and the History of Growth Theories
by Flavio Comim - 177-198 Applied Economics in a Political Economy Tradition: The Case of Scotland from the 1890s to the 1950s
by Alexander Dow & Sheila Dow & Alan Hutton - 199-226 Strategic Games from Theory to Application
by Robert W. Dimand - 227-256 Personnel/Human Resource Management: Its Roots as Applied Economics
by Bruce E. Kaufman - 257-288 A Portrait of the Economics of Education, 1960-1997
by Pedro Nuno Teixeira - 289-324 “Related Disciplines†: The Professionalization of Public Choice Analysis
by Steven G. Medema - 325-360 Eclecticism, Inconsistency, and Innovation in the History of Geographical Economics
by Stephen J. Meardon
Winter 2000, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 711-732 The Significance of John Locke's Medical Studies for His Economic Thought
by William O. Coleman - 733-764 Patinkin, Johnson, and the Shadow of Friedman
by Robert Leeson - 765-788 Wicksell and the Problem of the "Missing" Equation
by Heinz D. Kurz - 789-832 The Loanable Funds Fallacy in Retrospect
by Jörg Bibow - 833-856 The Anti-Semitism of Some Eminent Economists
by Melvin W. Reder - 857-888 The Economic Thought of Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali and St. Thomas Aquinas: Some Comparative Parallels and Links
by S. M. Ghazanfar - 889-908 Hawtrey on the Keynesian Multiplier: A Question of Cognitive Dissonance?
by James C. W. Ahiakpor - 909-914 Hawtrey on the Keynesian Multiplier: A Response to Ahiakpor
by Robert W. Dimand - 915-918 Reply to Ahiakpor
by William Darity Jr. & Warren Young
Fall 2000, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 415-420 An Antiquarian Note on Optimal Tariffs
by Murray C. Kemp & Koji Shimomura - 421-436 A Golden Jubilee Note on Graaff's Optimum Tariff Structures
by Edward Tower & John Gilbert - 437-439 Optimal Tariffs Revisited
by Jan Graaff - 441-471 Negotiating at the Boundary: Patinkin vs. Phipps
by Ted Gayer & E. Roy Weintraub - 473-515 Guilt by Association? Lauchlin Currie's Alleged Involvement with Washington Economists in Soviet Espionage
by Roger J. Sandilands - 517-551 Productive Nature and the Net Product: Quesnay's Economies Animal and Political
by H. Spencer Banzhaf - 553-584 The “Secret Concatenation†in the Mid-nineteenth Century: The Case of George Poulett Scrope, a Still Neglected Political Economist
by David Stack - 585-606 Unions and the Natural Standard of Wages: Another Look at “the J. B. Clark Problemâ€
by Donald R. Stabile - 607-629 The Puritan Roots of Daniel Raymond's Economics
by Donald E. Frey - 631-648 Luxury, Economic Development, and Work Motivation: David Hume, Adam Smith, and J. R. McCulloch
by M. G. Marshall - 649-657 Aquinas and Aristotle's Distinction on Wealth
by João César das Neves - 659-691 Curiosities of Early Economic Literature: An Address to His Fellow Members of the Hobby Club of New York
by Edwin R. A. Seligman & Luca Fiorito
Summer 2000, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 187-232 Sraffa and the Interpretation of Ricardo: The Marxian Dimension
by Samuel Hollander - 233-266 Early Inflation Tax Theory and Estimates
by Ephraim Kleiman - 267-292 Bodin's Analysis of Inflation
by Denis P. O'Brien - 293-316 IS-LM Ã la Hicks versus IS-LM Ã la Modigliani
by Michael De Vroey - 317-346 On the “Insurmountable Difficulties, Obscurity, and Embarrassment†of Smith's Fifth Chapter
by Glenn Hueckel - 347-380 On the Spread of an Idea: The Strange Case of Mr. Harrod and the Multiplier
by Daniele Besomi - 381-394 Marx's Concept of an Economic Law of Motion
by John P. Burkett
Spring 2000, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-38 The Economist Dupuit on Theory, Institutions, and Policy: First of the Moderns?
by Robert B. Ekelund, Jr. - 39-60 Classical Monetary Theory and the Quantity Theory
by David Glasner - 61-82 Early Views on Monetary Policy: The Neapolitan Debate on the Theory of Exchange
by Annalisa Rosselli - 83-102 Nicholas Barbon and the Quality of Infinity
by Andrea Finkelstein - 103-137 Productivity, Value, and Plan: Fritz Behrens and the Economics of Revisionism in the German Democratic Republic
by Peter C. Caldwell - 139-157 Could a Basic Result in Optimum Commodity Taxation Theory Have Been Derived Much Earlier than It Was?
by Alan Martina
Supplement 1999, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 1-30 Introduction
by Neil De Marchi - 31-40 Francisco Pacheco: Economist for the Art World
by Zarinés Negrón - 41-56 The Problem of Unique Goods as Factors of Production: Rousseau on Art and the Economy
by Bertil Fridén - 57-84 Obscure Objects of Desire?: Nineteenth-Century British Economists and the Price(s) of “Rare Artâ€
by Michael V. White - 85-120 Pacifying the Workman: Ruskin and Jevons on Labor and Popular Culture
by Harro Maas - 121-156 Jevons's Music Manuscript and the Political Economy of Music
by Bert Mosselmans & Ernest Mathijs - 157-184 The Economics of Art through Art Critics’ Eyes
by Craufurd D. Goodwin - 185-208 Art Exports and the Construction of National Heritage in Late-Victorian and Edwardian Great Britain
by Helen Rees - 209-235 International Commerce in the Fine Arts and American Political Economy, 1789–1913
by William J. Barber - 235-255 “Sweet Are the Uses of Adversity†: Federal Patronage of the Arts in the Great Depression
by William J. Barber - 256-284 Positive Science, Normative Man: Lionel Robbins and the Political Economy of Art
by Márcia Balisciano & Steven G. Medema - 285-300 Economy, Architecture and Politics: Colonialist and Cold War Hotels
by Annabel Wharton - 301-331 The Economics of Art in Early Modern Times: Some Humanist and Scholastic Approaches
by Toon Van Houdt - 332-378 Liberalitas, Magniï¬ centia, Splendor: The Classic Origins of Italian Renaissance Lifestyles
by Guido Guerzoni - 379-412 Ingenuity, Preference, and the Pricing of Pictures: The Smith-Reynolds Connection
by Neil De Marchi & Hans J. Van Miegroet - 413-422 Production and Reproduction: Commerce in Images in Late-Eighteenth-Century London
by Sara Zablotney - 423-451 Dealer in Magic: James Cox's Jewelry Museum and the Economics of Luxurious Spectacle in Late-Eighteenth-Century London
by Marcia Pointon - 452-478 “Seeing Is Believing†Otto Neurath, Graphic Art, and the Social Order
by Robert J. Leonard
Winter 1999, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 607-651 Statistical Economics, 1900-1950
by Jeff Biddle - 653-673 Public Debt Policy and Public Extravagance: The Ricardo-Malthus Debate
by Nancy Churchman - 675-697 Paradox Lost: Mountifort Longfield and the Poor
by Dennis A. Johnson - 699-721 Hayek versus Keynes on How the Price Level Ought to Behave
by George Selgin - 723-752 A World Ruled by Venus: On Henry L. Moore's Transfer of Periodogram Analysis from Physics to Economics
by Philippe Le Gall - 753-769 Why Didn't Hayek Favor Laissez Faire in Banking?
by Lawrence H. White
Fall 1999, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 423-448 Birth Control: The Political-Economic Rationale behind Jean Bodin's Démonomanie
by Gunnar Heinsohn & Otto Steiger - 449-471 Labels and Substance: Friedman's Restatement of the Quantity Theory
by J. Daniel Hammond - 473-492 The Road to Heterodoxy: F. S. Constâncio and the Critical Acceptance of Classical Political Economy
by José LuÃs Cardoso - 493-509 Keynes and the “Keynesian†Phillips Curve
by Robert Leeson - 511-523 Generalized Increasing Returns, Euler's Theorem, and Competitive Equilibrium
by James M. Buchanan & Yong J. Yoon - 525-545 Aspects of the Influence of Francis Hutcheson on Adam Smith
by Enzo Pesciarelli - 547-562 Was There Really a German Historical School of Economics?
by Heath Pearson - 563-574 The Ricardo-Malthus Debate on Underconsumption: A Case Study in Economic Conversation
by F. Cameron Maclachlan - 575-586 More on Slutsky's Equation as Pareto's Solution
by Christian E. Weber - 587-589 Consumer Theory and Axiomatics: A Note on an Early Contribution by Luigi Amoroso
by Antonio Guccione & Enrico Minelli
Summer 1999, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 213-236 Misunderstanding Classical Economics: The Sraffian Interpretation of the Surplus Approach
by Mark Blaug - 237-254 Adam Ferguson, Adam Smith, and the Concept of Economic Growth
by Anthony Brewer - 255-272 Thorstein Veblen and the Engineers: A Reinterpretation
by Janet Knoedler & Anne Mayhew - 273-296 American Institutionalism and Durkheimian Positive Economics: Some Connections
by Jean-Jacques Gislain & Philippe Steiner & John Holland - 297-315 The Nature and Causes of Corporate Negligence, Sham Lectures, and Ecclesiastical Indolence: Adam Smith on Joint-Stock Companies, Teachers, and Preachers
by Andreas Ortmann - 317-335 When Political Economy “Crossed the Sea†: An Unpublished Paper by Maupertuis on Bimetallism
by David Beeson & William Oliver Coleman - 337-359 Adam Smith and Thomas Chalmers on Financing Religious Instruction
by Charles G. Leathers & J. Patrick Raines - 361-391 Changing Views: Twentieth-Century Opinion on the Banking School-Currency School Controversy
by Neil T. Skaggs - 393-416 Slutsky and Additive Utility Functions, 1947–1972
by Christian E. Weber
Spring 1999, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-28 Classical Political Economy between Two Fires: Jean-Baptiste Say and Frank H. Knight on the Enterprise Economy
by Philippe Fontaine - 29-52 The Economist and the Entrepreneur: Modernist Impulses in Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit
by Ross B. Emmett - 53-78 John Kells Ingram, the Comtean Movement, and the English Methodenstreit
by Gregory C. Moore - 79-107 Free and Not So Free Banking Theories among the Classicals; or, Classical Forerunners of Free Banking and Why They Have Been Neglected
by Arie Amon - 109-131 Canard on Direct Exchange and Taxation: A Perspective on Cournot
by Bruce Larson
Supplement 1998, Volume 30, Issue 5
- 1-26 American Economics: The Character of the Transformation
by Mary S. Morgan & Malcolm Rutherford
Winter 1998, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 545-569 Why Didn't Hayek Review Keynes's General Theory?
by Bruce Caldwell - 571-599 Malthus, Mathematics, and the Mythology of Coherence
by A. M. C. Waterman - 601-625 Beyond the Dark Clouds: Pigou and Coase on Social Cost
by Nahid Aslanbeigui & Steven G. Medema - 627-651 Wage Slavery
by Joseph Persky - 653-681 Seeking the Roots of Adam Smith's Division of Labor in Medieval Persia
by Hamid Hosseini
Fall 1998, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 369-412 Jack Downie's Competitive Process: The First Articulated Population Ecological Model in Economics
by John Nightingale - 413-426 Myrdal's Immanent Critique of Utility Theory
by Lars PÃ¥lsson Syll - 427-450 Monetary Calculation and Mises's Critique of Planning
by Steven Horwitz - 451-468 Everybody's Business: Jean-Baptiste Say's “General Fact†Conception of Political Economy
by Richard Whatmore - 469-487 John Rae on Trade, Inventions, and Infant Industries: A Capital-Theoretic Perspective
by Andrea Maneschi - 489-513 A Study into Smith's Conception of the Human Character: Das Adam Smith Problem Revisited
by Amos Witztum - 515-536 Mill's Recantation of the Wages-Fund Doctrine: Was Mill Right, after All? Revisited
by Oskar Kurer
Summer 1998, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 171-187 Pareto's Theory of Choice
by Martin Gross & Vincent J. Tarascio - 189-217 The Place of Biological Science in Veblen's Economics
by Ann Jennings & William Waller - 219-275 Wicksell on Deflation in the Early 1920s
by Mauro Boianovsky - 277-283 The Metaphoric Entrepreneur: A Comment on CoÅŸgel
by Philippe Fontaine - 285-287 The Power of the Rhetorical Perspective: A Reply to Fontaine
by Metin M. CoÅŸgel - 289-291 Introduction to Minisymposium: Malthus at 200
by Neil De Marchi - 293-334 Reappraisal of “Malthus the Economist,†1933–97
by A. M. C. Waterman - 335-341 An Invited Comment on “Reappraisal of ‘Malthus the Economist,’ 1933–97,†by A. M. C. Waterman
by Samuel Hollander - 343-352 The Last Sixty-Five Years of Malthus Scholarship
by John Pullen - 353-363 The Reappraisal of Malthus: A Comment
by Donald Winch
Spring 1998, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-16 Keynes, Hicks, and the Cambridge School
by Paul Mizen & John R. Presley - 17-42 Adam Smith's Moral Philosophy: The Role of Religion and Its Relationship to Philosophy and Ethics in the Evolution of Society
by Jerry Evensky - 43-50 Gossen's Laws
by Albert Jolink & Jan van Daal - 51-94 “The Ghosts I Called I Can't Get Rid of Now†: The Keynes-Tinbergen-Friedman-Phillips Critique of Keynesian Macroeconometrics
by Robert Leeson - 95-120 French Lecturers in Political Economy, 1815–1848: Varieties of Liberalism
by Martin S. Staum - 121-163 Marshall on Tendencies, Equilibrium, and the Statical Method
by Stephen Pratten
Winter 1997, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 573-592 The Papers of Dennis Robertson: The Discovery of Unexpected Riches
by Paul Mizen & Don Moggridge & John Presley - 593-633 Monetary Base Control and the Bank Charter Act of 1844
by D. P. O'Brien - 635-638 Influence (or The Lack of It) in the Economics Profession: The Case of Lucien Albert Hahn
by Robert Leeson - 639-673 The Trials and Misadventures of Schumpeter's Treatise on Money
by Marcello Messori - 675-684 Justice and Price: Comment on Jeffrey T. Young
by John Salter - 685-689 Justice and Price: Reply to John Salter
by Jeffrey T. Young
Fall 1997, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 371-390 Wesley Clair Mitchell
by Eli Ginzberg - 391-412 Biology and Environment: Montesquieu's Relativist Analysis of Gender Behavior
by Chris Nyland - 413-443 Implications of an Endogenous Theory of Growth in Allyn Young's Macroeconomic Concept of Increasing Returns
by Lauchlin Currie & Roger Sandilands - 445-496 The Eclipse of the Goal of Zero Inflation
by Robert Leeson - 497-522 Necessity and the “Perverse†Supply of Labor in Pre-Classical British Political Economy
by Bruce C. Baird - 523-548 Capital in Disequilibrium: A Reexamination of the Capital Theory of Ludwig M. Lachmann
by Peter Lewin - 549-556 Hawtrey and the Multiplier
by Robert W. Dimand - 557-559 Reply to “Hawtrey and the Multiplier†by Robert W. Dimand
by William Darity, Jr. & Warren Young
Summer 1997, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 185-200 Adam Smith and the Welfare Cost of Optimism
by Jürg Niehans - 201-217 Capital Theory and Equilibrium Method in Wicksell's Cumulative Process
by Claes-Henric Siven - 219-273 Major Douglas and Social Credit: A Reappraisal
by J. M. Pullen & G. O. Smith - 275-294 Malthus on Taxation and National Debt
by Takuo Dome - 295-326 The Preclassical Theory of Development: Increased Consumption Raises Productivity
by Cosimo Perrotta
Spring 1997, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-20 Turgot's “Institutional Individualismâ€
by Philippe Fontaine - 21-53 Metal, Money, and the Prince: John Buridan and Nicholas Oresme after Thomas Aquinas
by André Lapidus - 55-81 Academic McCarthyism and Keynesian Economics: The Bowen Controversy at the University of Illinois
by Winton U. Solberg & Robert W. Tomilson - 83-116 Exchange-Value Determination: Scholastic Just Price, Economic Theory, and Modern Catholic Social Thought
by Albino Barrera - 117-156 The Political Economy of the Inflation-Unemployment Trade-Off
by Robert Leeson
Supplement 1996, Volume 28, Issue 5
- 3-11 Introduction
by A. W. Coats - 12-30 Postwar Changes in American Graduate Education in Economics
by William J. Barber - 33-60 The Changing Character of British Economics
by Roger E. Backhouse - 61-79 The Australian Experience
by Peter Groenewegen - 80-96 The Professionalization of Economics in India
by S. Ambirajan - 97-122 The Americanization of Economics in Korea
by Young Back Choi - 123-141 The Internationalization of Economics in Japan
by Aiko Ikeo - 142-164 The Dissolution of the Swedish Tradition
by Bo Sandelin & Ann Veiderpass - 165-183 Italian Economics through the Postwar Years
by Pier Luigi Porta - 184-207 The Professional and Political Impacts of the Internationalization of Economics in Brazil
by Maria Rita Loureiro - 211-224 The Contribution of the International Monetary Fund
by Jacques J. Polak - 225-244 The World Bank as an International Player in Economic Analysis
by Barend A. de Vries - 245-276 The Development of Economic Thought at the European Community Institutions
by Ivo Maes - 279-300 Economists in Political and Policy Elites in Latin America
by Verónica Montecinos - 301-311 Good Economics Comes to Latin America, 1955–95
by Arnold C. Harberger - 312-336 The Evolution of Postwar Doctrines in Development Economics
by William Ascher - 337-354 The Internationalization of Economic Policy Reform: Some Recent Literature
by A. W. Coats - 357-363 Comments
by Margaret Garritsen de Vries - 364-368 Comments
by John Williamson - 369-391 Report of Discussions
by A. W. Coats - 395-400 Conclusion
by A. W. Coats
Winter 1996, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 533-557 Platonic Deception as a Theme in the History of Economic Thought: The Administration of Social Order
by Laurence S. Moss - 559-581 J. S. Mill on the Income Tax Exemption and Inheritance Taxes: The Evidence Reconsidered
by Robert B. Ekelund, Jr. & Douglas M. Walker - 583-606 Brassey's Law and the Economy of High Wages in Nineteenth-Century Economics
by Ray Petridis - 607-632 The Monetary Thought of Allyn Abbott Young
by Perry Mehrling - 633-640 L. L. Price: Memories and Notes of an Oxford Economist
by Gerard M. Koot & Salim Rashid - 641-662 Memories and Notes on British Economists
by L. L. Price & Gerard M. Koot & Salim Rashid - 663-690 Kalecki's Pricing Theory: Marginalist to the End?
by John D. Carson - 691-702 Ricardo's “Curious Effect†: A Mathematical Formulation
by Giuliana Campanelli