Fall 2005, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 593-616 The Case for the National Endowment for the Arts: Federal Funding for the Arts in America in the 1960s and 1970s
by Shauna Saunders - 617-646 Lionel Robbins's “Art and the Stateâ€
by Susan Howson
Summer 2005, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 177-178 Misusing History: A Minisymposium
by E. Roy Weintraub - 179-184 Misunderstanding the History of the Business Cycle
by Roger E. Backhouse - 185-190 Scholarship in Deficit: Buchanan and Wagner on John Maynard Keynes
by Bradley W. Bateman - 191-196 Robbins, Textbooks, and the Extreme Value Neutrality View
by John B. Davis - 197-203 “Chicago Smith†versus “Kirkaldy Smithâ€
by Jerry Evensky - 205-210 Same View, Many Lenses
by Evelyn L. Forget - 211-218 Playing Fast and Loose with the Facts about the Writings of Malthus and the Classical School
by Laurence S. Moss - 219-226 Freeing Smith from the “Free Market†: On the Misperception of Adam Smith on the Economic Role of Government
by Warren J. Samuels & Steven G. Medema - 227-232 Simplifying Herbert Simon
by Esther-Mirjam Sent - 233-243 Carl Menger's “Money as Measure of Value†: An Introduction
by Gilles Campagnolo - 245-261 Carl Menger's “Money as Measure of Valueâ€
by Gilles Campagnolo & Charles Menger - 263-292 Isaac de Pinto (1717-1787): An Enlightened Economist and Financier
by José LuÃs Cardoso & António de Vasconcelos Nogueira - 293-307 Edgeworth on Complementarity, or Edgeworth, Auspitz-Lieben, and Pareto De-Homogenized
by Christian E. Weber - 309-342 Incommensurability, Ecology, and Planning: Neurath in the Socialist Calculation Debate, 1919-1928
by Thomas E. Uebel - 343-370 The Laws of the Market versus the Laws of God: Scholastic Doctrine and the Early California Economy
by Marie Christine Duggan - 371-379 Two Unpublished Letters of Malthus, with Notes on the Connections between Malthus and William Smith, MP
by Hitoshi Hashimoto & John Pullen
Spring 2005, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-25 “Marginalizing†Government: From la scienza delle finanze to Wicksell
by Steven G. Medema - 27-59 A Conceptual History of the Emergence of Bounded Rationality
by Matthias Klaes & Esther-Mirjam Sent - 61-78 Comparing the Development of Economics during the Twentieth Century in Belgium and the Netherlands
by Erik Buyst & Ivo Maes & Henk W. Plasmeijer & Evert Schoorl - 79-101 Money in the “Body Politick†: The Analysis of Trade and Circulation in the Writings of Seventeenth-Century Political Arithmeticians
by Ludovic Desmedt - 103-122 Keynes's Estimates of the Multiplier for the United States
by Richard J. Kent - 123-132 Thiruvalluvar's Vision: Polity and Economy in Thirukkural
by K. V. Nagarajan - 133-155 Roy F. Harrod and the Interwar Years
by E. Roy Weintraub
Supplement 2004, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 1-11 Introduction: Seven Decades of the IS-LM Model
by Michel De Vroey & Kevin D. Hoover - 12-24 Keynote Address to the 2003 HOPE Conference: My Keynesian Education
by Robert E. Lucas, Jr. - 25-56 What Was Lost with IS-LM
by Roger E. Backhouse & David Laidler - 57-91 The History of Macroeconomics Viewed against the Background of the Marshall-Walras Divide
by Michel De Vroey - 92-126 The IS-LM Model and the Liquidity Trap Concept: From Hicks to Krugman
by Mauro Boianovsky - 127-164 IS-LM-BP: An Inquest
by Warren Young & William Darity, Jr. - 165-189 James Tobin and the Transformation of the IS-LM Model
by Robert W. Dimand - 190-216 Patinkin on IS-LM: An Alternative to Modigliani
by Goulven Rubin - 217-239 IS-LM and Monetarism
by Michael D. Bordo & Anna J. Schwartz - 240-270 How Have Monetary Regime Changes Affected the Popularity of IS-LM?
by Scott Sumner - 271-304 Money and the Transmission Mechanism in the Optimizing IS-LM Specification
by Edward Nelson - 305-322 The Strange Persistence of the IS-LM Model
by David Colander
Winter 2004, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 587-588 History of Economics for the Nonhistorian: A Collection of Papers
by Neil De Marchi & Craufurd Goodwin & E. Roy Weintraub - 589-616 The Form and Function of Price Indexes: A Historical Accounting
by H. Spencer Banzhaf - 617-637 Contested Histories of an Applied Field: The Case of Health Economics
by Evelyn L. Forget - 639-666 Nash Equilibrium
by Nicola Giocoli - 667-688 What Can We Learn for Today from 300-Year-Old Writings about Stock Markets?
by Paul Harrison - 689-734 Swinging All the Way: The Education of Doctor Lucas and Foes
by Francisco Louçã - 735-760 Behavioral Economics: How Psychology Made Its (Limited) Way Back Into Economics
by Esther-Mirjam Sent
Fall 2004, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 413-443 The Origins of Lionel Robbins's Essay on the Nature and Significance of Economic Science
by Susan Howson - 445-474 The Tableau Économique as Rational Recreation
by Loïc Charles - 475-495 The Common Sense of Political Economy of Philip Wicksteed
by Flavio Comim - 497-504 Frank Knight, Worst-Case Theorizing, and Economic Planning: Socialism as Monopoly Politics
by Andrew Farrant - 505-519 Frank Knight's Proposal to End Distinctions among Factors of Production and His Objection to the Single Tax
by Florenz Plassmann & T. Nicolaus Tideman - 521-531 Friedman and Money in the 1930s
by Frank G. Steindl - 533-556 “The ruine of their Diana†: Lowndes, Locke, and the Bankers
by Richard A. Kleer - 557-578 Lawrence Kelso Frank's Proto-Ayresian Dichotomy
by Pier Francesco Asso & Luca Fiorito
Summer 2004, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 227-271 In the Lobby of the Energy Hotel: Jevons's Formulation of the Postclassical “Economic Problemâ€
by Michael V. White - 273-293 A Proposal for a “European Currency†in 1861: The Forgotten Contribution of Carlos Morato Roma
by José LuÃs Cardoso - 295-322 William Thomas Thornton's Career at East India House: 1836-1880
by Mark Donoghue - 323-349 Overconsumption and Forced Saving in the Mises-Hayek Theory of the Business Cycle
by Roger W. Garrison - 351-386 Informative Prices, Rational Investors: The Emergence of the Random Walk Hypothesis and the Nineteenth-Century “Science of Financial Investmentsâ€
by Alex Preda - 387-400 From Pain Cost to Opportunity Cost: The Eclipse of the Quality of Work as a Factor in Economic Theory
by David A. Spencer
Spring 2004, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-29 “The Equilibrium Is Never Perfect†: The Dynamic Analysis of C.-F.-J. d'Auxiron
by Richard van den Berg & Gurjeet Dhesi - 31-78 Institutional Economics at Columbia University
by Malcolm Rutherford - 79-101 Tugan-Baranovsky, the Methodology of Political Economy, and the “Russian Historical Schoolâ€
by Vincent Barnett - 103-129 Really Pushing the Envelope: Early Use of the Envelope Theorem by Auspitz and Lieben
by Torsten Schmidt - 131-161 The Death Penalty as Monetary Policy: The Practice and Punishment of Monetary Crime, 1690-1830
by Carl Wennerlind - 163-186 “Zirkel vicieux†or Trend Fall? The Course of the Profit Rate in Marx's Capital III
by Geert Reuten - 187-193 “A vested intellectual interest... tinged with a dose of pique†? D. H. Robertson on the National Debt Enquiry
by D. E. Moggridge - 195-206 Keynes's Lectures at the New School for Social Research
by Richard J. Kent
Supplement 2003, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 1-13 Introduction to Oeconomies in the Age of Newton
by Margaret Schabas & Neil De Marchi - 14-41 “Peaches Which the Patriarchs Lacked†: Natural History, Natural Resources, and the Natural Economy in France
by E. C. Spary - 42-73 The “Spirit of System†and the Fortunes of Physiocracy
by Jessica Riskin - 74-100 The Agricultural Foundation of the Seventeenth-Century English Oeconomy
by S. Todd Lowry - 101-128 Epicurean and Stoic Sources for Boisguilbert's Physiological and Hippocratic Vision of Nature and Economics
by Paul P. Christensen - 129-153 “The Possibilities of the Land†: The Inventory of “Natural Riches†in the Early Modern German Territories
by Alix Cooper - 154-172 Nature as a Marketplace: The Political Economy of Linnaean Botany
by Staffan Müller-Wille - 173-203 Underwriting the Oeconomy: Linnaeus on Nature and Mind
by Lisbet Rausing - 204-233 Medical Metaphors and Monetary Strategies in the Political Economy of Locke and Berkeley
by C. George Caffentzis - 234-261 Credit-Money as the Philosopher's Stone: Alchemy and the Coinage Problem in Seventeenth-Century England
by Carl Wennerlind - 262-281 Adam Smith's Debts to Nature
by Margaret Schabas - 282-308 Evocations of Sympathy: Sympathetic Imagery in Eighteenth-Century Social Theory and Physiology
by Evelyn L. Forget - 309-337 Business Ethics, Commercial Mathematics, and the Origins of Mathematical Probability
by Edith Dudley Sylla - 338-360 Where Mechanism Ends: Thomas Reid on the Moral and the Animal Oeconomy
by Harro Maas - 361-385 Economia civile and pubblica felicità in the Italian Enlightenment
by Luigino Bruni & Pier Luigi Porta
Winter 2003, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 611-653 On the Economic Frontier: Walton Hamilton, Institutional Economics, and Education
by Malcolm Rutherford - 655-678 Ethics, Engineering, and Natural Monopoly: The “Modern Debate†between Léon Walras and Jules Dupuit
by Robert B. Ekelund Jr. & Robert F. Hébert - 679-684 Keynes and Wartime Finance: A Clarification
by L. S. Pressnell - 685-686 Prejudice and the History of Economics: A Minisymposium
by E. Roy Weintraub - 687-712 “More Merciful and Not Less Effective†: Eugenics and American Economics in the Progressive Era
by Thomas C. Leonard - 713-730 Race, Intellectual History, and American Economics: A Prolegomenon to the Past
by Bradley W. Bateman - 731-757 “Who Are the Canters?†The Coalition of Evangelical-Economic Egalitarians
by David M. Levy & Sandra J. Peart - 759-777 Anti-Semitism in Anti-economics
by William Coleman
Fall 2003, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 361-384 H. D. Macleod and the Origins of the Theory of Finance in Economic Development
by Neil T. Skaggs - 385-436 Wicksell, Cassel, and the Idea of Involuntary Unemployment
by Mauro Boianovsky & Hans-Michael Trautwein - 437-467 The Origins and Interpretation of the Prebisch-Singer Thesis
by John Toye & Richard Toye - 469-490 The Hayek/Knight Capital Controversy: The Irrelevance of Roundaboutness, or Purging Processes in Time?
by Avi J. Cohen - 491-519 Keynes's Revindication of Classical Monetary Theory
by Filippo Cesarano - 521-558 “A Certain Rude Honesty†: John Bates Clark as a Pioneering Neoclassical Economist
by Thomas C. Leonard
Summer 2003, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 175-204 “Conjecturizing†Cournot: The Conjectural Variations Approach to Duopoly Theory
by Nicola Giocoli - 205-240 The Seligman-Edgeworth Debate about the Analysis of Tax Incidence: The Advent of Mathematical Economics, 1892-1910
by Laurence S. Moss - 241-268 Time-Inconsistent Preferences in Adam Smith and David Hume
by Ignacio Palacios-Huerta - 269-304 Philosophical Psychology and Economic Psychology in David Hume and Adam Smith
by Gordon F. Davis - 305-322 Harrod, Hansen, and Samuelson on the Multiplier-Acceleration Model: A Further Note
by Daniele Besomi - 323-327 Heertje, Heemeijer, and Samuelson on the Origin of Samuelson's Multiplier-Accelerator Model
by Claes-Henric Siven - 329-331 Further Evidence on the Origin of Samuelson's Multiplier-Accelerator Model
by Arnold Heertje - 333-334 Multiple Priorities in Evolving Scholarly Disciplines
by Paul A. Samuelson
Spring 2003, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-19 The Lender-of-Last-Resort Concept in Britain
by Denis O'Brien - 21-48 In Medio Stat Virtus: An Alternative View of Usury in Adam Smith's Thinking
by Maria Pia Paganelli - 49-75 On the Methodological Foundations of Modern Microeconomics: Frank Knight and the “Cost Controversy†in the 1920s
by Roberto Marchionatti - 77-104 Milton Friedman and the Emergence of the Permanent Income Hypothesis
by Hsiang-Ke Chao - 105-134 Death of a Revolutionary Textbook
by J. E. King & Alex Millmow - 135-162 The Place of Gestalt Psychology in the Making of Hayek's Thought
by Nicolò De Vecchi
Supplement 2002, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 1-14 Will Economics Ever Have a Past Again?
by E. Roy Weintraub - 17-34 Sitting on a Log with Adam Smith: The Future of the History of Economic Thought at the Liberal Arts Colleges
by Bradley W. Bateman - 35-61 Graduate Studies in the History of Economic Thought
by Ted Gayer - 62-76 The History of Economics as a Subdiscipline: The Role of the History of Economics Society Meetings
by John B. Davis - 79-97 The Future of the History of Economic Thought in Britain
by Roger E. Backhouse - 98-109 Economics as History of Economics: The Italian Case in Retrospect
by Maria Cristina Marcuzzo & Annalisa Rosselli - 110-124 The Present Situation of the History of Economic Thought in France
by Ghislain Deleplace - 125-136 Reflections on the Past and Current State of the History of Economic Thought in Germany
by Bertram Schefold - 137-147 The History of Economic Thought in Spain and Portugal: A Brief Survey
by José LuÃs Cardoso - 148-153 A Brief History of History of Economic Thought Teaching in the Netherlands
by Mark Blaug & Albert Jolink - 154-164 The History of Economic Thought in Australia and New Zealand
by John Lodewijks - 165-175 History of Economics in Japan: A Turning Point
by Aiko Ikeo - 179-189 The Future of Publication in the History of Economic Thought: The View from HOPE
by Craufurd D. Goodwin - 190-207 Heaven Can Wait: Gatekeeping in an Age of Uncertainty, Innovation, and Commercialization
by Steven G. Medema & José LuÃs Cardoso & John Lodewijks - 208-225 Coming Together: History of Economics as History of Science
by Margaret Schabas - 226-244 A Hunger for Narrative: Writing Lives in the History of Economic Thought
by Evelyn L. Forget - 245-260 Surfing the Past: The Role of the Internet in the Future of the History of Economics
by Ross Emmett - 263-271 Confusion and “Interstanding†: A Figured Account of Hope
by Matthias Klaes - 272-283 The Interesting Narrative of a Duke-Trained Historian of Economics, from Prospectus to Ph.D. to Profession; or, How I Learned to Love Weintraub and Start Worrying
by Stephen Meardon - 284-297 So You Want to Be a Historian of Economics? Reflections of a Recent Recruit
by Esther-Mirjam Sent - 298-308 Once and Future Historians: Notes from Graduate Training in Economics
by Derek S. Brown & Shauna Saunders - 309-316 Reflections on the Tales of the Next Generation
by Evelyn L. Forget - 319-336 History of Economic Thought in the Post-Keynesian Tradition
by Sheila C. Dow - 337-360 The Use and Abuse of the History of Economic Thought within the Austrian School of Economics
by Peter J. Boettke - 361-377 The Marxist Tradition in the History of Economics
by Anthony Brewer - 378-390 A Pall along the Watchtower: On Leaving the HOPE Conference
by Philip Mirowski
Winter 2002, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 659-683 Doctoring Adam Smith: The Fable of the Diamonds and Water Paradox
by Michael V. White - 685-726 “In some parts rather rough†: A Recently Discovered Manuscript Version of William Stanley Jevons's “General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy†(1862)
by I. Grattan-Guinness - 727-748 David Ricardo's Discovery of Comparative Advantage
by Roy J. Ruffin - 749-787 Keynes on Central Banking and the Structure of Monetary Policy
by Jörg Bibow - 789-809 H. D. Fong and the Study of Chinese Economic Development
by Paul B. Trescott
Fall 2002, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 515-532 An Early Harvard Memorandum on Anti-Depression Policies: An Introductory Note
by David Laidler & Roger Sandilands - 533-552 Memorandum
by L. B. Currie & P. T. Ellsworth & H. D. White - 553-597 Slutsky's 1915 Article: How It Came to Be Found and Interpreted
by John S. Chipman & Jean-Sébastien Lenfant - 599-631 Kalokagathia: The Ethical Basis of Hellenic Political Economy and Its Influence from Plato to Ruskin and Sen
by George A. Petrochilos - 633-655 Skidelsky on Keynes: A Review Essay
by D. E. Moggridge - 657-657 Postscript to the Review of The Development of Economics in Western Europe
by Jürg Niehans
Summer 2002, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 291-320 How (Not) to Influence People: The Contrary Tale of John F. Muth
by Esther-Mirjam Sent - 321-364 Aggregate Demand-Aggregate Supply Analysis: A History
by Amitava Krishna Dutt - 365-398 One Theory or Two? Walras's Critique of Ricardo
by Heinz D. Kurz & Neri Salvadori - 399-420 Interpretation: The Case of David Hume
by Sheila C. Dow - 421-448 The Collaboration between J. M. Keynes and R. F. Kahn from the Treatise to the General Theory
by Maria Cristina Marcuzzo - 449-478 Agriculture, Agronomy, and Political Economy: Some Missing Links
by Lluis Argemà - 479-498 Wheat and Wood: Wicksell, Heckscher, and the Theory of Foreign Trade, 1896-1920
by Lars Herlitz - 499-504 On Ricardo's Method: The Unitarian Influence Examined
by Christophe Depoortère - 505-508 The Unitarian Connection and Ricardo's Scientific Style
by Sergio Cremaschi & Marcelo Dascal
Spring 2002, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-30 Female Contributions to Economic Thought, 1900-1940
by Kirsten K. Madden - 31-53 Money Supply Theory and the Great Depression: What Did the Fed Know?
by Elmus Wicker - 55-82 The Rise of Adam Smith: Articles and Citations, 1970-1997
by Jonathan B. Wight - 83-110 Pietro Verri's Political Economy: Commercial Society, Civil Society, and the Science of the Legislator
by Pier Luigi Porta & Roberto Scazzieri - 111-153 Analytical Foundations of Erik Lindahl's Monetary Analysis, 1924-1930
by Claes-Henric Siven - 155-176 Knight and the Austrians on Capital, and the Problem of Socialism
by Peter Boettke & Karen Vaughn - 177-206 Keynes and the “National Emission Caisse†of North Russia: 1918-1920
by Jean-François Ponsot - 207-218 On the Origin of Samuelson's Multiplier-Accelerator Model
by Arnold Heertje & Peter Heemeijer - 219-223 Reply: Complementary Innovations by Roy Harrod and Alvin Hansen
by Paul A. Samuelson - 225-236 Mark Blaug on the “Sraffian Interpretation of the Surplus Approachâ€
by Heinz D. Kurz & Neri Salvadori - 237-240 Kurz and Salvadori on the Sraffian Interpretation of the Surplus Approach
by Mark Blaug - 241-254 Misunderstanding Classical Economics? A Reply to Blaug
by Pierangelo Garegnani - 255-260 A Note on Hayek and Anti-Semitism
by Ronald Hamowy - 261-272 Reply to Hamowy's Note on Hayek and Anti-Semitism
by Melvin W. Reder - 273-281 Primitive Economics: A Reply
by Heath Pearson
Supplement 2001, Volume 33, Issue 5
- 23-56 A. F. W. Crome's Measurements of the "Strength of the State": Statistical Representations in Central Europe around 1800
by Sybilla Nikolow - 57-85 Make a Righteous Number: Social Surveys, the Men and Religion Forward Movement, and Quantification in American Economics
by Bradley W. Bateman - 86-110 March to Numbers: The Statistical Style of Lucien March
by Franck Jovanovic & Philippe Le Gall - 137-161 Measuring Causes: Episodes in the Quantitative Assessment of the Value of Money
by Kevin D. Hoover & Michael E. Dowell - 162-189 Quantity Theory and Needs-of-Trade Measurements and Indicators for Monetary Policymakers in the 1920s
by Thomas M. Humphrey - 190-212 Leontief and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1941-54: Developing a Framework for Measurement
by Martin C. Kohli - 213-234 Richard Stone and Measurement Criteria for National Accounts
by Flavio Comim - 252-276 "Facts Carefully Marshalled" in the Empirical Studies of William Stanley Jevons
by Sandra J. Peart - 277-302 An Instrument Can Make a Science: Jevons's Balancing Acts in Economics
by Harro Maas - 313-344 Fisher's Instrumental Approach to Index Numbers
by Marcel Boumans - 345-370 Quantifying the Qualitative: Quality-Adjusted Price Indexes in the United States, 1915-61
by H. Spencer Banzhaf - v:33:y:2001:i:5:p: The Reader's Essential Non-Guide to The Age of Economic Measurement
by Judy L. Klein & Mary S. Morgan
Winter 2001, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 671-696 Economists and the Laity: Economic Articles in the Three Leading British Reviews, 1870-1910
by Jeff Lipkes - 697-716 Malthus, Population, and the Generational Bargain
by David Collard - 717-741 Nascent Keynesianism? Denmark in the 1930s
by W. R. Garside & N.-H. Topp - 743-772 Frequentist Probability and Choice under Uncertainty
by Alberto Baccini - 773-813 The Early History of Rational and Implicit Expectations
by Warren Young & William Darity, Jr. - 815-824 Maynard would not have wished"? Second-Guessing the Author of "The Balance of Payments of the United States
by D. E. Moggridge - 825-842 John Henry Newman, Nassau Senior, and the Separation of Political Economy from Theology in the Nineteenth Century
by Paul Oslington - 843-854 The Technique of Comparative-Static Analysis in Whewell's "Mathematical Exposition"
by Jinbang Kim
Fall 2001, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 387-410 The Changing Place of Empathy in Welfare Economics
by Philippe Fontaine - 411-436 David Hume on Experimental Natural Philosophy, Money, and Fluids
by Margaret Schabas - 437-458 Max Weber's Analysis of Marginal Utility Theory and Psychology Revisited: Latent Propositions in Economic Sociology and the Sociology of Economics
by Milan Zafirovski - 459-484 The Enigmatic Legacy of Charles Fourier: Joseph Charlier and Basic Income
by John Cunliffe & Guido Erreygers - 485-508 An Early Manuscript by Knut Wicksell on the Bank Rate of Interest
by Mauro Boianovsky & Hans-Michael Trautwein - 509-516 Knut Wicksell's "Bank Rate of Interest as the Regulator of Prices"
by K. Wicksell - 517-540 The De-Germanization of Swedish Economics
by Bo Sandelin - 541-576 Pareto and the 53 Percent Ordinal Theory of Utility
by Christian E. Weber