October 2019, Volume 51, Issue 5
- 805-826 Survey of Recent Work in the History of Econometrics: A Witness Report
by Marcel Boumans - 827-865 The Death of Welfare Economics: History of a Controversy
by Herrade Igersheim - 867-900 Income Distribution, Consumption, and Economic Growth in Italy: Kaldor’s Theory versus the Life Cycle Hypothesis, 1960s and 1970s
by Antonella Rancan - 901-934 Jean-Baptiste Say on Free Trade
by Guy Numa - 935-955 Back to Agriculture? Malthus, Torrens, and Ricardo on International Trade and Structural Change
by Giuseppe Freni & Neri Salvadori & Rodolfo Signorino
August 2019, Volume 51, Issue 4
- 601-669 Five Decades of HOPE
by Yann Giraud - 671-702 Women in the Early Years of the American Economic Association: A Membership beyond the Professoriate Per Se
by Ann Mari May & Robert W. Dimand - 731-751 Malthus on the Desire of Bettering Our Condition and the Vis Medicatrix Reipublicae
by John Pullen - 753-777 On Terry Peach’s Unconvincing “Reconsideration†of Adam Smith’s Theory of Value
by Roy H. Grieve
June 2019, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 391-400 The History of Macroeconometric Modeling: An Introduction
by Marcel Boumans & Pedro Garcia Duarte - 401-423 Lawrence R. Klein and the Making of Large-Scale Macroeconometric Modeling, 1938–55
by Erich Pinzon-Fuchs - 425-447 The Ordinary Business of Macroeconometric Modeling: Working on the Fed-MIT-Penn Model, 1964–74
by Roger E. Backhouse & Beatrice Cherrier - 449-470 Empirical Macroeconomics in a Policy Context: The Fed-MIT-Penn Model versus the St. Louis Model, 1965–75
by Antonella Rancan - 471-491 Bank Behavior in Large-Scale Macroeconometric Models of the 1960s
by Juan Acosta & Goulven Rubin - 493-513 Inference to the Best Model of the Consumption Function
by Hsiang-Ke Chao - 515-534 The Vatican Conferences of October 7–13, 1963: Controversies over the Neutrality of Econometric Modeling
by Ariane Dupont-Kieffer - 535-556 Reacting to the Lucas Critique: The Keynesians' Replies
by Aurelien Goutsmedt & Erich Pinzon-Fuchs & Matthieu Renault & Francesco Sergi - 557-578 A Tale of a Tool: The Impact of Sims's Vector Autoregressions on Macroeconometrics
by Boris Salazar & Daniel Otero - 579-599 How Saline Is the Solow Residual? Debating Real Business Cycles in the 1980s and 1990s
by Aurelien Saidi
April 2019, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 193-236 "Capitalism and the Jews": Milton Friedman and His Critics
by Jeff Lipkes - 237-257 "From Each according to Ability; To Each according to Needs": Origin, Meaning, and Development of Socialist Slogans
by Luc Bovens & Adrien Lutz - 259-296 "The Group": The Making of the Chicago Monetary Tradition, 1927–36
by George S. Tavlas - 297-327 The "Riefler-Keynes" Doctrine and Federal Reserve Policy in the Great Depression
by Judge Glock - 329-359 A Tale of Two Critics: Erich Fromm and Tibor Scitovsky on the Consumer Society
by Viviana Di Giovinazzo
February 2019, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 1-9 Craufurd D. W. Goodwin (1934–2017)
by Kevin D. Hoover - 23-69 Interpreters of Economic Ideas: Thurman Arnold (1891–1969)
by Craufurd D. W. Goodwin - 73-76 Maynard Keynes of Bloomsbury
by Craufurd D. W. Goodwin - 77-81 Keynes as Policy Adviser
by E. Roy Weintraub - 83-88 Keynes and Economics
by Kevin D. Hoover - 89-94 Keynes and Hayek
by Bruce Caldwell - 95-99 Craufurd Goodwin: A Historian of Political Economy
by Neil De Marchi - 101-113 Craufurd Goodwin, Storyteller
by Tiago Mata & Harro Maas - 115-127 Craufurd Goodwin as a Historian of Canadian Economic Thought
by Robert W. Dimand - 129-135 Craufurd Goodwin and Duke University, 1955–1970
by E. Roy Weintraub - 137-143 Craufurd Goodwin: Philanthropy and International Education
by Michael Nacht - 145-153 Craufurd Goodwin as Teacher and Editor
by Paul Dudenhefer - 155-168 Craufurd Goodwin as Graduate Mentor
by Robert Leonard - 169-172 Craufurd Goodwin and Graduate Education
by Leigh Deneef - 173-182 Craufurd Goodwin and Graduate Liberal Studies at Duke University: A Tribute
by Donna Zapf - 183-185 Cosmopolitan Craufurd Goodwin
by David Warsh - 187-191 Craufurd Goodwin: Economist as Collector
by Kevin D. Hoover
Supplement 2018, Volume 50, Issue 5
- 1-14 Writing the History of Development Economics
by Michele Alacevich & Mauro Boianovsky - 17-38 Changing Approaches to Development since 1950: Drawing on Polanyi
by Frances Stewart - 41-58 Yankee Ingenuity in Theories of American Economic Development, from the Founding to the Closing of the Frontier
by Stephen Meardon - 59-75 Aspects of Indian Economic Thought and the Birth and Poverty of Development Economics
by Amitava Krishna Dutt - 76-93 Sun Yat-sen as a Pioneer of International Development
by Eric Helleiner - 97-113 The Colonial Office and British Development Economics, 1940–60
by Keith Tribe - 114-132 The Birth of Development Economics: Theories and Institutions
by Michele Alacevich - 133-151 Modernization Theory Never Dies
by Nils Gilman - 152-171 CEPAL, Economic Development, and Inequality
by Joseph L. Love - 172-190 When the History of Ideas Meets Theory: Arthur Lewis and the Classical Economists on Development
by Mauro Boianovsky - 193-210 Measuring Development—from the UN’s Perspective
by Mary S. Morgan & Maria Bach - 211-230 Quantifying Economic Development: Kuznets, Chenery, and the Quantitative Approach to Development Economics
by Moshe Syrquin - 231-248 Models, Measurement, and “Universal Patterns†: Jan Tinbergen and Development Planning without Theory
by Marcel Boumans & Neil De Marchi - 249-265 E. F. Schumacher and Intermediate Technology
by Robert Leonard - 269-285 The Counterrevolution in Development Economics
by John Toye - 286-302 From Anxiety to Nonchalance: “Neoclassical Economic Development†from 1950 to 2000
by Salim Rashid - 303-322 The Making of Behavioral Development Economics
by Allison Demeritt & Karla Hoff
December 2018, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 649-678 Karl Menger as Son of Carl Menger
by Scott Scheall & Reinhard Schumacher - 679-707 Denazifying the Economy: Ordoliberals on the Economic Policy Battlefield (1946–50)
by Raphaël Fèvre - 709-733 The Machine Taxers
by Gregory R. Woirol - 735-775 The Midway and Beyond: Recent Work on Economics at Chicago
by Douglas A. Irwin
September 2018, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 421-424 Professor Donald Norman Winch, 1935–2017
by Julia Stapleton & D. P. O’Brien - 425-481 The Indeterminate Fate of Sunspots in Economics
by Beatrice Cherrier & Aurélien Saïdi - 483-509 Price Stability and the Origins and Early Influence of the Phillips Curve on British Policy Debates
by Carlo Cristiano & Paolo Paesani - 511-548 The Making of a Constitutionalist: James Buchanan on Education
by Jean-Baptiste Fleury & Alain Marciano - 551-553 Contemporary Historiography of Economics: Editors’ Introduction
by Till Düppe & E. Roy Weintraub - 555-561 Interest Conflicts
by Till Düppe - 563-570 Practices of Using Interviews in History of Contemporary Economics: A Brief Survey
by Dorian Jullien - 571-577 The Method of the Witness Seminar
by Harro Maas - 579-585 Textbooks in the History of Recent Economics: The Case of Samuelson’s Economics
by Yann Giraud - 587-595 Syllabi and Examinations
by Irwin L. Collier - 597-603 Network Analysis in the History of Economics
by François Claveau & Catherine Herfeld - 605-613 The Missing Link: Prosopography in the History of Economics
by Andrej SvorenÄ Ãk - 615-621 Why Historians of Economics Should Tweet
by Beatrice Cherrier - 623-628 Economics—and History—as Communicative Action
by Tiago Mata - 629-634 Following Artifacts
by Verena Halsmayer
June 2018, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 229-259 Edwin B. Wilson and the Rise of Mathematical Economics in America, 1920–40
by Juan Carvajalino - 261-287 Clower’s Volte-Face regarding the “Keynesian Revolutionâ€
by Romain Plassard - 289-320 Calculation in Kind and Substantive Rationality: Neurath, Weber, Kapp
by Thomas Uebel - 321-344 Benjamin Franklin and Adam Smith: Two Strangers and the Spirit of Capitalism
by Geoffrey C. Kellow - 345-371 A Reexamination of John Stuart Mill’s and William Stanley Jevons’s Analyses of Unpaid Domestic Work: What Prevents Its Inclusion within the Production Boundary
by Virginie Gouverneur - 373-401 Rights, the Distribution of Wealth, and Happiness: Gaetano Filangieri’s Constitutional Ideal of Justice
by Fabrizio Simon - 403-412 Cassel and Fisher on Interest and Opportunity Cost
by Leland B. Yeager
March 2018, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-48 From Theories of Human Behavior to Rules of Rational Choice: Tracing a Normative Turn at the Cowles Commission, 1943–54
by Catherine Herfeld - 49-81 Alfred Marshall on Cooperation: Restraining the Cruel Force of Competition
by Miriam Bankovsky - 83-117 Invented in America: Birth and Evolution of the Cyclically Adjusted Budget Rule, 1933–61
by Orsola Costantini - 119-154 The Old Economics of Science and the Nonlinear Model of Innovation: The Case of Richard Nelson
by Matthieu Ballandonne - 155-190 The European Payments Union and the Origins of Triffin’s Regional Approach toward International Monetary Integration
by Ivo Maes & Ilaria Pasotti - 191-219 Classical and Catholic Political Economy: A Re-examination of Matteo Liberatore’s Principii di Economia Politica
by Giacomo Costa
Supplement 2017, Volume 49, Issue 5
- 1-33 The Age of the Applied Economist: The Transformation of Economics since the 1970s
by Roger E. Backhouse & Béatrice Cherrier - 34-57 Theory and Measurement: Emergence, Consolidation, and Erosion of a Consensus
by Jeff E. Biddle & Daniel S. Hamermesh - 58-77 Theorizing Application: The Case of Evolutionary Biology’s Theory of Games
by Paul Erickson - 78-102 Applied General Equilibrium Analysis: Birth, Growth, and Maturity
by Charles L. Ballard & Marianne Johnson - 103-126 “It’s Computers, Stupid!†The Spread of Computers and the Changing Roles of Theoretical and Applied Economics
by Roger E. Backhouse & Béatrice Cherrier - 127-157 The Empirical Economist’s Toolkit: From Models to Methods
by Matthew T. Panhans & John D. Singleton - 158-186 A Model to “Make Decisions and Take Actions†: Leif Johansen’s Multisector Growth Model, Computerized Macroeconomic Planning, and Resilient Infrastructures for Policymaking
by Verena Halsmayer - 187-212 From Economic to Social Regulation: How the Deregulatory Moment Strengthened Economists’ Policy Position
by Elizabeth Popp Berman - 213-239 Constructing Markets: Environmental Economics and the Contingent Valuation Controversy
by H. Spencer Banzhaf - 240-263 Allocating Airport Slots: The History of Early Applied Experimental Research
by Andrej SvorenÄ Ãk - 264-291 Theory and Practice in Development Economics
by Michele Alacevich
December 2017, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 535-536 William J. Barber (1925–2016)
by Robert W. Dimand - 537-574 The Introduction of Human Capital Theory into Education Policy in the United States
by Laura Holden & Jeff Biddle - 575-606 Natural Theology, Theodicy, and Political Economy in Nineteenth-Century Britain: William Whewell’s Struggle
by Paul Oslington - 607-630 The Muthesius Controversy: A Tale of Two Liberalisms
by Ekkehard A. Köhler & Daniel Nientiedt - 631-666 Geometry of Money in the Neapolitan Eighteenth Century: Trojano Spinelli’s Riflessioni Politiche
by Rosario Patalano - 667-707 From One Sympathy to Another: Sophie de Grouchy’s Translation of and Commentary on Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments
by Laurie Bréban & Jean Dellemotte
September 2017, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 383-404 Perceptions of the (In)stability of Consumer Behavior: A Preliminary Case Study of Interactions among Theory, Testing, and Policy
by Craufurd Goodwin - 405-436 Modeling Economic Growth: Domar on Moving Equilibrium
by Mauro Boianovsky - 437-450 Joan Robinson and MIT
by Harvey Gram & G. C. Harcourt - 451-486 We Are Not the Center of the Universe: The Role of Astronomy in the Moral Defense of Commerce in Adam Smith
by Maria Pia Paganelli - 469-495 “Survival Value and a Robust, Practical, Joyless Individualism†: Thomas Nixon Carver, Social Justice, and Eugenics
by Luca Fiorito & Cosma Orsi - 497-529 A Previously Unnoticed Swiss Connection in the Dissemination of Cameralist Ideas during the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century
by Alexandre Mendes Cunha
June 2017, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 165-176 Introduction to the Symposium on the Contributions of Business to Economics
by Robert Van Horn & Edward Nik-Khah - 177-206 “It Was Their Business to Know†: British Merchants and Mercantile Epistemology in the Eighteenth Century
by William Deringer - 207-232 Capitalist Threads: Engels the Businessman and Marx's Capital
by Tiago Mata & Robert Van Horn - 233-265 Business and the Making of American Econometrics, 1910–1940
by Thomas A. Stapleford - 267-314 The Harvard Research Center in Entrepreneurial History and the Daimonic Entrepreneur
by Robert Fredona & Sophus A. Reinert - 315-345 “Fraught with Controversy†: Organizing Expertise against Contingent Valuation
by Harro Maas & Andrej SvorenÄ Ãk - 347-381 The Social Trajectory of a Finance Professor and the Common Sense of Capital
by Marion Fourcade & Rakesh Khurana
March 2017, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-30 Gold, the Brains Trust, and Roosevelt
by Sebastian Edwards - 31-58 The (Rail)Road to Lochner: Reproduction Cost and the Gilded Age Controversy Over Rate Regulation
by Nicola Giocoli - 59-92 Musgrave, Samuelson, and the Crystallization of the Standard Rationale for Public Goods
by Maxime Desmarais-Tremblay - 93-112 A Previously Unpublished Correspondence between Adam Smith and Joseph Nicolas de Windischgrätz
by José M. Menudo & Nicolas Rieucau - 113-136 Is Food Self-Sufficiency Conducive to Long-Term Growth? An Assessment of Malthus (1803) on the International Corn Trade
by Neri Salvadori & Rodolfo Signorino - 137-159 Lucas's Research in the Late 1960s and the Natural Rate of Unemployment
by Danilo Freitas Ramalho da Silva
Supplement 2016, Volume 48, Issue 5
- 1-15 Introduction
by Marina Bianchi & Neil De Marchi - 16-43 Letts Calculate: Moral Accounting in the Victorian Period
by Harro Maas - 44-70 War of the Ghosts: Marshall, Veblen, and Bartlett
by Simon J. Cook & Tiziana Foresti - 71-169 Economics and Psychology: Why the Great Divide?
by Craufurd D. Goodwin - 170-197 Behaviorism and Control in the History of Economics and Psychology
by José Edwards - 198-225 Implementation Rationality: The Nexus of Psychology and Economics at the RAND Logistics Systems Laboratory, 1956–1966
by Judy L. Klein - 226-238 Psychology Fails to Trump the Multiyear, Structural Development Plan: Albert Hirschman's Largely Frustrated Efforts to Place the “Ability to Make and Carry Out Development Decisions†At the Center of the Development Economics of the Late 1950s and the 1960s
by Neil De Marchi - 239-269 Measuring the Economizing Mind in the 1940s and 1950s: The Mosteller-Nogee and Davidson-Suppes-Siegel Experiments to Measure the Utility of Money
by Ivan Moscati - 270-294 The Sidney Siegel Tradition: The Divergence of Behavioral and Experimental Economics at the End of the 1980s
by Andrej SvorenÄ Ãk - 295-315 The Economics of Motivations: Tibor Scitovsky and Daniel Berlyne
by Marina Bianchi - 316-331 Theoretical Behaviorism, Economic Theory, and Choice
by John Staddon
December 2016, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 551-592 Macrodynamics of Economics: A Bibliometric History
by François Claveau & Yves Gingras - 593-634 The 1920s Viennese Intellectual Community as a Center for Ideas Exchange: A Network Analysis
by Claire Wright - 635-655 Losing Equilibrium: On the Existence of Abraham Wald's Fixed-Point Proof of 1935
by Till Düppe & E. Roy Weintraub - 657-679 Malinowski, Herskovits, and the Controversy Over Economics in Anthropology
by Scott Cook & Michael W. Young - 681-704 The Victorian Crisis of Laissez-Faire: George Eliot, Political Economy, and the Common Good
by Benjamin Kohlmann - 705-731 An Activist Stance: The 1828 French Translation of Jeremy Bentham's Defence of Usury
by Nathalie Sigot - 733-740 Mises and Montaigne: A Comment
by Philipp Bagus & David Howden & Amadeus Gabriel & Eva MarÃa Carrasco Bañuelos - 741-745 Mises and Montaigne: A Reply to Bagus Et Al
by Casto MartÃn Montero Kuscevic & Marco Antonio del RÃo Rivera
September 2016, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 373-421 Other Histories of Recent Economics: A Survey
by Philippe Fontaine - 423-447 Marginalizing Maclaurin: The Attempt to Develop an Economics of Technological Progress at Mit, 1940–50
by Roger E. Backhouse & Harro Maas - 449-470 Rudolf Hilferding on English Mercantilism
by Daniel Gaido - 471-487 The Early Days of English Political Economy (1911)
by Rudolf Hilferding & Daniel Gaido - 489-514 Joseph Schumpeter's Credit View of Money: A Contribution to a “Monetary Analysis†Of Capitalism
by Odile Lakomski-Laguerre - 515-544 From the Treatise on Money to The General Theory: John Maynard Keynes's Departure from the Doctrine of Forced Saving
by Ho-Po Crystal Wong
June 2016, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 191-223 Mechanism Designers in Alliance: A Portrayal of a Scholarly Network in Support of Experimental Economics
by Kyu Sang Lee - 225-263 Burying Money? Monetary Origins and Afterlives of Luther's Reformation
by Philipp Rössner - 265-306 A Path Through the Wilderness: Time Discounting in Growth Models
by Pedro Garcia Duarte - 307-340 Knut Wicksell on Utility and Market Aggregation
by Mauro Boianovsky - 341-347 John F. Muth and the Creation of Rational Expectations: Amendments, Corrections, and Extensions
by Bennett T. McCallum - 349-363 Paul Samuelson's Historiography: More Wag Than Whig
by E. Roy Weintraub
March 2016, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-34 A Certain Amount of "Recantation": On the Origins of Frank H. Knight's Antipositivism
by Luca Fiorito - 35-64 The Use (and Abuse) of Robinson Crusoe in Neoclassical Economics
by Fritz Söllner - 65-110 The Other Correspondence of T. R. Malthus: A Preliminary List and Selected Commentary
by John Pullen - 111-150 The Emergence of “Emergence†In the Work of F. A. Hayek: A Historical Analysis
by Paul Lewis - 151-180 F. A. Hayek and the Economic Calculus
by Bruce Caldwell
Supplement 2015, Volume 47, Issue 5
- 1-19 Market Failure in Context: Introduction
by Alain Marciano & Steven G. Medema - 23-48 The British Tariff Reform Controversy and the Genesis of Pigou's Wealth and Welfare, 1903–12
by Nahid Aslanbeigui & Guy Oakes - 49-76 Progressive Era Origins of the Regulatory State and the Economist as Expert
by Thomas C. Leonard - 77-98 Institutionalism and the Social Control of Business
by Malcolm Rutherford - 99-126 Economic Power and the Financial Machine: Competing Conceptions of Market Failure in the Great Depression
by Roger E. Backhouse - 127-144 Analyzing Market Failure: Adam Smith and John Maynard Keynes
by Bradley W. Bateman - 147-173 Paul Samuelson on Public Goods: The Road to Nihilism
by J. Daniel Hammond - 174-198 Public Goods, Market Failure, and Voluntary Exchange
by Marianne Johnson - 199-226 Sorting Charles Tiebout
by John D. Singleton - 227-252 K. William Kapp's Social Theory of Social Costs
by Sebastian Berger - 253-266 Framing the Economic Policy Debate
by David Colander
December 2015, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 547-575 Social Interdependencies in Consumption: An Early Economic Debate on Social Distinction, Emulation, and Fashion
by Marina Bianchi & Eleonora Sanfilippo - 577-603 Adam Smith's “Two Distinct Benefits†from Trade: The Dead End of “Vent-for-Surplus†Interpretations
by Reinhard Schumacher - 605-629 The Baffling New Inflation: How Cost-Push Inflation Theories Influenced Policy Debate in the Late-1950s United States
by Norikazu Takami - 631-664 Reconstructing Eclecticism: Bulgarian Economic Thought in the Ottoman Empire in the Nineteenth Century
by Nikolay Nenovsky & Pencho Penchev - 665-675 Geraldus Odonis, Franciscan Minister General and Scholar: The Life and Thought of a Controversial Friar
by Odd Langholm
September 2015, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 363-394 Recent Engagements with Adam Smith and the Scottish Enlightenment
by Maria Pia Paganelli - 395-417 Solow's Struggle with Medium-Run Macroeconomics, 1956-95
by Michaël Assous - 419-448 Early English Mercantilists and the Support of Liberal Institutions
by Bruce Elmslie - 449-479 Creating Increasing Returns: The Genesis of Arrow's "Learning by Doing" Article
by Matthieu Ballandonne - 481-510 From the Firm to Economic Policy: The Problem of Coase's Cost
by Elodie Bertrand - 511-534 Quality Uncertainty in Early Economic Thought
by Sylvie Lupton
June 2015, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 207-240 Textbooks on the Phillips Curve
by James Forder - 241-269 Indian Currency and Finance: John Maynard Keynes’s Prismatic View of the International Monetary System
by Filippo Cesarano - 271-305 Hans Mayer, Last Knight of the Austrian School, Vienna Branch
by Hansjörg Klausinger - 307-333 Keynes and the Psychology of Economic Behavior: From Stout and Sully to The General Theory
by Vincent Barnett - 335-341 Mises and Montaigne: A Note
by Casto MartÃn Montero Kuscevic & Marco Antonio del RÃo Rivera
March 2015, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-39 A Book, the Application, and the Outcomes: How Right Was Alfred Kahn in The Economics of Regulation about the Effects of the Deregulation of the US Domestic Airline Market?
by Kenneth Button - 41-89 On Robinson, Robertson, and the Industrial Organization View
by Lowell R. Jacobsen - 91-118 Economics and Anti-Semitism: The Case of Maffeo Pantaleoni
by Luca Michelini & Terenzio Maccabelli - 119-150 The Legacy of Mathématique Sociale in Italy and Ricardian Economics: The Case of Francesco Fuoco
by Rosario Patalano - 151-184 Defense versus Opulence? An Appraisal of the Malthus-Ricardo 1815 Controversy on the Corn Laws
by Neri Salvadori & Rodolfo Signorino - 185-199 The First Translator in English of Turgot’s Réflexions sur la formation et la distribution des richesses: Benjamin Vaughan
by Giancarlo de Vivo & Gabriel Sabbagh
Supplement 2014, Volume 46, Issue 5
- 1-12 Introduction: Telling the Story of MIT Economics in the Postwar Period
by E. Roy Weintraub - 15-44 Toward a History of Economics at MIT, 1940-72
by Beatrice Cherrier - 45-59 MIT’s Openness to Jewish Economists
by E. Roy Weintraub - 60-77 Paul A. Samuelson’s Move to MIT
by Roger E. Backhouse