May 2006, Volume 2006
- 1-18 Global existence of periodic solutions in a simplified four-neuron BAM neural network model with multiple delays
by Xiang-Ping Yan & Wan-Tong Li - 1-35 The Apollonian decay of beer foam bubble size distribution and the lattices of young diagrams and their correlated mixing functions
by S. Sauerbrei & E. C. Haß & P. J. Plath
June 2006, Volume 2006
- 1-7 Strong law of large numbers for Ï * -mixing sequences with different distributions
by Guang-Hui Cai - 1-8 Existence of positive solutions of PBVPs for first-order difference equations
by Yinggao Zhou - 1-9 Hopf bifurcation in a delayed model for tumor-immune system competition with negative immune response
by Radouane Yafia - 1-11 Multiple positive solutions of Strum-Liouville equations with singularities
by Zenggui Wang & Lishan Liu & Yonghong Wu - 1-12 Stability and bifurcation of numerical discretization Nicholson blowflies equation with delay
by Xiaohua Ding & Wenxue Li - 1-16 A new view on one problem of asymptotic behavior of solutions of delay difference equations
by L. Shaikhet - 1-16 Nonlinear reaction-diffusion models of self-organization and deterministic chaos: Theory and possible applications to description of electrical cardiac activity and cardiovascular circulation
by V. Kardashov & Sh. Einav & Y. Okrent & T. Kardashov - 1-17 On the performance of the particle swarm optimization algorithm with various inertia weight variants for computing optimal control of a class of hybrid systems
by M. Senthil Arumugam & M. V. C. Rao - 1-18 Robust adaptive tracking for Markovian jump nonlinear systems with unknown nonlinearities
by Jin Zhu & Hong-Sheng Xi & Hai-Bo Ji & Bing Wang - 1-18 Computation of the topological entropy in chaotic biophysical bursting models for excitable cells
by Jorge Duarte & LuÃs Silva & J. Sousa Ramos - 1-19 Stabilization criteria for continuous linear time-invariant systems with constant lags
by M. De La Sen - 1-21 Harmless delays in a discrete ratio-dependent periodic predator-prey system
by Yong-Hong Fan & Wan-Tong Li
August 2006, Volume 2006
- 1-8 Stability and assignment of spectrum in systems with discrete time lags
by M. De la Sen - 1-9 Exponential stability of a kind of stochastic delay difference equations
by Xiaohua Ding - 1-11 Hypothesis of quantum as a distributed self-organized computation by collective of particles
by Pavel V. Kurakin - 1-11 Rational expectations and the Cournot-Theocharis problem
by Tönu Puu - 1-12 Detection of the permutation symmetry in pattern sets
by Dong Ji-Yang & Zhang Jun-Ying - 1-12 On the global behavior of the nonlinear difference equation x n + 1 = f ( p n , x n − m , x n − t ( k + 1 ) + 1 )
by Taixiang Sun & Hongjian Xi - 1-13 One-dimensional and two-dimensional dynamics of cubic maps
by Djellit Ilhem & Kara Amel - 1-14 Extinction and permanence of two-nutrient and one-microorganism chemostat model with pulsed input
by Xinyu Song & Zhong Zhao - 1-19 Dynamics of a nonautonomous semiratio-dependent predator-prey system with nonmonotonic functional responses
by Hai-Feng Huo & Wan-Tong Li - 1-25 Equivalence between subshrubs and chaotic bands in the Mandelbrot set
by G. Pastor & M. Romera & G. Alvarez & D. Arroyo & F. Montoya - 1-27 Adaptive control of time-invariant systems with discrete delays subject to multiestimation
by M. De la Sen & S. Alonso
September 2006, Volume 2006
- 1-7 On boundedness of the solutions of the difference equation x n + 1 = x n − 1 / ( p + x n )
by Taixiang Sun & Hongjian Xi & Hui Wu - 1-7 Dynamics of markets: Econophysics and finance By Joseph L. McCauley, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004, 209 + xvi pages, ISBN 0-521-82447-8
by J. Barkley Rosser - 1-9 Weighted power mean discrete dynamical systems: Fast convergence properties
by Francisco J. Solis - 1-10 Global attractivity of positive periodic solutions for an impulsive delay periodic food limited population model
by Jian Song - 1-10 Asymptotic behavior of a class of nonlinear difference equations
by Stevo Stevic - 1-11 Moving equilibria in the public health care sector: A low-quality trap and a resolution
by Ahmet Kara - 1-13 Novel, useful, and effective definitions for fuzzy linguistic hedges
by Aarthi Chandramohan & M. V. C. Rao - 1-15 Existence criteria and classification schemes for positive solutions of second-order nonlinear difference systems
by Wan-Tong Li & Can-Yun Huang & Sui Sun Cheng - 1-16 Constructing chaotic transformations with closed functional forms
by Weihong Huang - 1-24 Modeling, description, and characterization of fractal pore via mathematical morphology
by Lay Lian Teo & B. S. Daya Sagar - 1-32 A dynamical model of terrorism
by Firdaus Udwadia & George Leitmann & Luca Lambertini
January 2006, Volume 2006
- 1-10 Linear and nonlinear approach for DEM smoothening
by S. Dinesh & P. Radhakrishnan
December 2006, Volume 2006
- 1-1 Preface to “A discrete-time interpretation of the Planck-Einstein equation”
by Vladimir Gontar - 1-5 A discrete-time interpretation of the Planck-Einstein equation
by A. Boyarsky - 1-9 On periodic orbits in discrete-time cascade systems
by Huimin Li & Xiao-Song Yang - 1-18 Bounds on coefficients of reciprocals of formal power series with rapidly decreasing coefficients
by Kenneth S. Berenhaut & Edward E. Allen & Sam J. Fraser
March 2006, Volume 2006
- 1-10 Horseshoe in a class of planar mappings
by Yan Huang & Xiao-Song Yang - 1-12 Well-posedness of the difference schemes of the high order of accuracy for elliptic equations
by Allaberen Ashyralyev & Pavel E. Sobolevskiĭ - 1-16 Fractal Newton basins
by M. L. Sahari & I. Djellit - 1-22 Investigation of a spatial double pendulum: an engineering approach
by S. Bendersky & B. Sandler
January 2005, Volume 2005
- 1-4 A new chaotic attractor from 2D discrete mapping via border-collision period-doubling scenario
by Zeraoulia Elhadj - 1-5 Book review of Wolfgang Weidlich's Sociodynamics: A Systematic Approach to Mathematical Modelling in the Social Sciences
by J. Barkley Rosser Jr. - 1-6 Detecting synchronization in spatially extended discrete systems by complexity measurements
by Juan R. Sánchez & Ricardo López-Ruiz - 1-6 A simple mathematical model for Batesian mimicry
by Terence R. Blows & Barry J. Wimmer - 1-6 Fractional hold circuits versus positive realness of discrete transfer functions
by M. de la Sen & A. Bilbao-Guillerna - 1-7 A remark on positive topological entropy of N -buffer switched flow networks
by Xiao-Song Yang - 1-7 Multiscale behavior of a simple model for stock markets
by Juan R. Sánchez - 1-8 Stability and global attractivity for a class of nonlinear delay difference equations
by Binxiang Dai & Na Zhang - 1-9 A discrete economic growth model with endogenous labor
by Wei-Bin Zhang - 1-10 Permanence and global stability of positive solutions of a nonautonomous discrete ratio-dependent predator-prey model
by Hai-Feng Huo & Wan-Tong Li - 1-11 Exploring the q -Riemann zeta function and q -Bernoulli polynomials
by T. Kim & C. S. Ryoo & L. C. Jang & S. H. Rim - 1-11 Heterogeneous traders, price-volume signals, and complex asset price dynamics
by Frank H. Westerhoff - 1-12 Stability of difference analogue of linear mathematical inverted pendulum
by L. Shaikhet - 1-13 Attractors for maps with fractional inverse
by M. R. Ferchichi & I. Djellit - 1-15 Analytic solutions of nonlinear Cournot duopoly game
by Akio Matsumoto & Mami Suzuki - 1-16 Constructing complete chaotic maps with reciprocal structures
by Weihong Huang - 1-17 Synchronization in ensembles of coupled maps with a major element
by Iryna Omelchenko & Yuri Maistrenko & Erik Mosekilde - 1-17 Global stability of delayed Hopfield neural networks under dynamical thresholds
by Fei-Yu Zhang & Wan-Tong Li - 1-17 Existence and global stability of periodic solution for delayed discrete high-order Hopfield-type neural networks
by Hong Xiang & Ke-Ming Yan & Bai-Yan Wang - 1-17 Irreducible complexity of iterated symmetric bimodal maps
by J. P. Lampreia & R. Severino & J. Sousa Ramos - 1-23 On the optimal control of single-stage hybrid manufacturing systems via novel and different variants of particle swarm optimization algorithm
by M. Senthil Arumugam & M. V. C. Rao - 1-26 Topology in nonlinear extensions of hypernumbers
by M. S. Burgin - 1-31 Two new approaches for construction of the high order of accuracy difference schemes for hyperbolic differential equations
by Allaberen Ashyralyev & Pavel E. Sobolevskii - 1-31 Adaptive control of single-input single-output hybrid systems possessing interacting discrete- and continuous-time dynamics
by M. de la Sen - 1-37 Robustly stable multiestimation scheme for adaptive control and identification with model reduction issues
by A. Bilbao-Guillerna & M. De La Sen & A. Ibeas & S. Alonso-Quesada
January 2004, Volume 2004
- 1-2 In memory of Ilya Prigogine
by Ioannis Antoniou & Vladimir Gontar - 1-5 Toy quantum mechanics using hidden variables
by Pavel V. Kurakin & George G. Malinetskii - 1-6 Time in dynamical systems
by Maurice Courbage - 1-6 Nonlinear Volterra difference equations in space l p
by Michael I. Gil' & Rigoberto Medina - 1-8 Symmetries, variational principles, and quantum dynamics
by J. Manjavidze & A. Sissakian - 1-8 Economic system dynamics
by Joseph L. McCauley & Cornelia M. Küffner - 1-8 Acceleration of Runge-Kutta integration schemes
by Phailaung Phohomsiri & Firdaus E. Udwadia - 1-9 Quadratic regular reversal maps
by Francisco J. Solis & Lucas Jódar - 1-9 Quantum fluctuations of elementary excitations in discrete media
by Hermann Haken - 1-9 Irreversibility in quantum mechanics
by R. C. Bishop & A. Bohm & M. Gadella - 1-9 Physics and the foundations of economic science: comments in memory of Ilya Prigogine
by Richard H. Day - 1-11 The dynamics of living and thinking systems, biological networks, and the laws of physics
by V. Gontar - 1-12 On the stabilization of internally coupled map lattice systems
by Weihong Huang - 1-14 Microscopic irreversibility
by Karl Gustafson - 1-14 Summaries of certain spatial patterns retrieved from multidate remote-sensing data
by Hema Nair - 1-14 On well-posedness of the nonlocal boundary value problem for parabolic difference equations
by A. Ashyralyev & I. Karatay & P. E. Sobolevskii - 1-15 Superfluidity in the stochastic limit
by L. Accardi & S. V. Kozyrev - 1-15 Relativity and irreversibility
by I. Antoniou & E. Karpov & I. Prigogine & G. Pronko - 1-16 On a kinetic model of the internet traffic
by I. Antoniou & Victor V. Ivanov & Valery V. Ivanov & Yu. L. Kalinovsky & P. V. Zrelov - 1-19 Periodic solutions and stability for a delayed discrete ratio-dependent predator-prey system with Holling-type functional response
by Lin-Lin Wang & Wan-Tong Li - 1-22 On Prigogine's approaches to irreversibility: a case study by the baker map
by S. Tasaki - 1-23 Quantum theory and consciousness: an overview with selected examples
by Harald Atmanspacher - 1-26 Could the classical relativistic electron be a strange attractor?
by L. P. Horwitz & N. Katz & O. Oron - 1-29 Spectral analysis for a class of integral-difference operators: known facts, new results, and open problems
by Yuri B. Melnikov - 1-41 Generalized fermionic discrete Toda hierarchy
by V. V. Gribanov & V. G. Kadyshevsky & A. S. Sorin
January 2002, Volume 7
- 1-1 Editorial
by Akio Matsumoto & Toichiro Asada - 1-2 Endophysics: The world as an interface
by Ichiro Tsuda & Takashi Ikegami - 1-3 Some results on stability of difference systems
by Xiao-Song Yang & Ping Zhou - 1-4 A dynamic system interpretation of irreducible complexity
by Abraham Boyarsky & Pawel Góra - 1-4 Boundedness of solutions of matrix nonlinear volterra difference equations
by Michael I. Gil' & Rigoberto Medina - 1-4 The coupling of dynamics in coupled map lattices
by J. Y. Chen & K. W. Wong & H. Y. Zheng & J. W. Shuai - 1-4 Book review
by J. Barkley Rosser - 1-5 Elastic neural net for the earthquake epicenter search
by I. Antoniou & V. V. Ivanov & I. V. Kisel - 1-5 Numerical simulation of fractal interface effect of mining-caused activation of fault
by Yu Guangming & Zhao Jianfeng & Xie Heping - 1-6 Aspects of the theory of environmental policy in developing countries
by Amitrajeet A. Batabyal & Hamid Beladi - 1-7 A theoretical analysis of season length restrictions in fisheries management
by Qing Xu & Amitrajeet A. Batabyal - 1-8 Optimal environmental policy and the dynamic property in LDC s
by Masahiro Yabuta - 1-8 Complex coupled system dynamics and the global warming policy problem
by J. Barkley Rosser - 1-8 Growth, technology, and environmental change—nonlinearity and non-constant returns
by Wei-Bin Zhang - 1-9 Trade typhoon over Japan: Turbulence metaphor and spatial production cycles feedback loops of the Japanese economy, 1980–85–90
by M. Sonis & G. J. D. Hedwings & Y. Okuyama - 1-9 Controlling chaos through growth rate adjustment
by Weihong Huang - 1-9 Growth versus environment in dynamic models of capital accumulation
by Toichiro Asada - 1-9 Markov chain analysis of weekly rainfall data in determining drought-proneness
by Pabitra Banik & Abhyudy Mandal & M. Sayedur Rahman - 1-10 Stabilizing high-order discrete dynamical systems by a lagged adaptive adjustment mechanism
by Wiehong Huang - 1-11 Modelling desert dune fields based on discrete dynamics
by Steven R. Bishop & Hiroshi Momiji & Ricardo Carretero-González & Andrew Warren - 1-11 Intergenerational equity and dynamic duality principles
by Hirofumi Uzawa - 1-11 Controlling halo-chaos via wavelet-based feedback
by Jin-Qing Fang & Guanrong Chen & Geng Zhao - 1-12 Economic dynamic model for small islands
by Akio Matsumoto - 1-12 Effect of parameter calculation in direct estimation of the Lyapunov exponent in short time series
by A. M. López Jiménez & C. Camacho Martínez Vara de Rey & A. R. García Torres - 1-12 Theory of hypernumbers and extrafunctions: Functional spaces and differentiation
by Mark Burgin - 1-13 Identification problem for stochastic models with application to carcinogenesis, cancer detection and radiation biology
by L. G. Hanin - 1-14 Sustainable economic growth and exhaustible resources: A model and estimation for the US
by Almuth Scholl & Willi Semmler - 1-14 A structural approach to control of transitional waves of nonlinear diffusion-reaction systems: Theory and possible applications to bio-medicine
by Victor Kardashov & Shmuel Einav - 1-15 In-phase and antiphase complete chaotic synchronization in symmetrically coupled discrete maps
by Vladimir Astakhov & Alexey Shabunin & Alexander Klimshin & Vadim Anishchenko - 1-17 Stimulus, expectations, desires and response strategies:The building blocks of nonlinear interaction dynamics
by Dimitrios S. Dendrinos
January 2001, Volume 6
- 1-2 Book review: Practical algorithms for image analysis: Description, examples, and code, edited by Michael Seul, Lawrence O'gorman, and Michael J. Sammon
by Jian'an Luan - 1-2 Editorial non-linearity in natural and social sciences
by E. Velikhof & A. Kingsep - 1-2 Book review: Complexity and real computation, by Lenore Blum, Felipe Cucker, Michael Shub, and Steve Smale
by Eric Bach - 1-2 Letter to editors hypothetical laws while dealing with effect by cause in discrete space
by B. S. Daya Sagar - 1-3 Book review: Random graphs, by V. F. Kolchin
by W. Klonowski - 1-3 Book review: An introduction to econophysics correlations and complexity in finance, by Rosario N. Mantegna and H. Eugene Stanley
by Jonathan Godbey - 1-3 Letter to editors phase space maps of a simulated sand dune: A scope
by B. S. Daya Sagar & M. Venu - 1-3 Book review: Self-organization and the city, by Juval Portugali
by Roger White - 1-4 Letter to the editor: Generation of self organized critical connectivity network map (SOCCNM) of randomly situated water bodies during flooding process
by B. S. Daya Sagar - 1-4 On the foundations of mathematical modeling of economy
by A. A. Petrov - 1-4 Book review: Descriptive complexity, by Neil Immerman
by W. Klonowski - 1-5 Short communication: Quantitative spatial analysis of randomly situated surface water bodies through f- α spectra
by B. S. Daya Sagar - 1-5 Analytical investigation of the onset of bifurcation cascade in two logistic-like maps
by S. Panchev - 1-6 On “open-economy macroeconomics using models of closed systems”
by Romar Correa & Shubhada Damle - 1-6 Synchronizing spatiotemporal chaos by introducing a finite flat region in the local map
by J. Y. Chen & K. W. Wong & H. Y. Zheng & J. W. Shuai - 1-7 Asymptotic behavior for second order lattice dynamical systems
by Shengfan Zhou - 1-8 On permutation symmetries of hopfield model neural network
by Jiyang Dong & Shenchu Xu & Zhenxiang Chen & Boxi Wu - 1-8 Dissipative nonlinear structures in tokamak plasmas
by K. A. Razumova - 1-8 Mathematical modeling of an industrial firm in transient economy
by I. G. Pospelov - 1-8 Complexity and state-transitions in social dependence networks
by Giuliano Pistolesi & Pierluigi Modesti - 1-8 Detection of the onset of numerical chaotic instabilities by lyapunov exponents
by Alicia Serfaty De Markus - 1-9 On the statistical properties of ergodic economic systems
by Weihong Huang & Richard H. Day - 1-10 Bertrand oligopoly revisited
by Tönu Puu - 1-10 Individual-based lattice model for spatial spread of epidemics
by Henryk Fuks & Anna T. Lawniczak - 1-10 Emergent volatility in asset markets with heterogeneous agents
by Honggang Li & J. Barkley Rosser - 1-10 Accelerated non-linear destruction of the earth's crust
by E. V. Artyushkov - 1-10 Identification of discrete chaotic maps with singular points
by P. G. Akishin & P. Akritas & I. Antoniou & V. V. Ivanov - 1-11 Generation of predictive price and trading volume patterns in a model of dynamically evolving free market supply and demand
by J. K. Wang - 1-13 Comparing algebraic and numerical solutions of classical diffusion process equations in computational financial mathematics
by Andreas Ruffing & Patrick Windpassinger & Stefan Panig - 1-14 Technological changes on the macroeconomic level—mathematical modeling
by A. A. Shananin - 1-15 Dynamic processes during accretion into a black hole
by G. S. Bisonvatyi-kogan - 1-16 The resonance phenomenon in the reaction–diffusion systems
by A. I. Lebanov & A. P. Chernyaev & T. K. Starozhilova - 1-17 Biomolecular nonlinear dynamic mechanisms as a foundation for human traits of information processing machine
by Nicholas G. Rambaidi - 1-19 Nonlinear dynamics in psychology
by Stephen J. Guastello - 1-20 The angular distribution of asset returns in delay space
by Roger Koppl & Carlo Nardone - 1-31 Asset price dynamics in a financial market with fundamentalists and chartists
by Carl Chairella & Roberto Dieci & Laura Gardini
January 2000, Volume 5
- 1-3 Foreword
by Erik Mosekilde - 1-3 Book review: Sociodynamics–A systematic approach to mathematical modelling in the social sciences, by Wolfgang Weidlich
by Günter Haag - 1-4 Multi-fractal-interslipface angle curves of a morphologically simulated sand dune
by B. S. Daya Sagar - 1-5 Self-organization through decoupling
by Romar Correa - 1-5 Book review: Idempotency, edited by J. Gunawardena
by Roderick V. N. Melnik & C. Math. Fima - 1-5 Controlling hopf bifurcations: Discrete-time systems
by Guanrong Chen & Jin-quing Fang & Yiguang Hong & Huashu Qin - 1-6 Fractal evolution of a crack network in overburden rock rtratum
by Guangming Yu & Heping Xie & Jianfeng Zhoa & Lun Yang - 1-7 Photosynthesis as a discrete biochemical process
by M. Štetina & J. KrempaskÝ - 1-7 A rainfall simulation model for agricultural development in Bangladesh
by M. Sayedur Rahman - 1-8 Unveiling uncertain forces in second-order driven oscillators via internal model: A discrete-time feedback
by R. Femat & C. Jiménez-gallegos - 1-9 Chaos and complexity in a simple model of production dynamics
by I. Katzorke & A. Pikovsky - 1-10 Differential representations of dynamical oscillator symmetries in discrete Hilbert space
by Andreas Ruffing - 1-10 Theoretical foundation for jung's “Mandala Symbolism” based on discrete chaotic dynamics of interacting neurons
by V. Gontar - 1-10 Different types of scaling in the dynamics of period–doubling maps under external periodic driving
by N. Yu. Ivank’ov & S. P. Kuznetsov - 1-10 A method for detection of repetitive local effects (RLE s ) in discrete recursive processes
by E. Kelman & M. Shoshany - 1-10 Difference equation for a population model
by Mami Suzuki - 1-11 p -Adic discrete dynamical systems and collective behaviour of information states in cognitive models
by Andrie Khrennikov - 1-11 Modeling and analysis of a simple manufacturing-oriented multi-agent system
by P. Levi & M. Schanz & V. Avrutin - 1-12 Global properties of symmetric competition models with riddling and blowout phenomena
by Giant-italo Bischi & Laura Gardini - 1-13 Simulated evolution in a linguistic model
by Carsten Knudsen & Lynne Cameron - 1-13 Type-II intermittency in a class of two coupled one-dimensional maps
by J. Laugesen & E. Mosekilde & T. Bountis & S. P. Kuznetsov - 1-13 Statistical analysis of time series with scaling indices
by Harald Atmnaspacher & Werner Ehm & Herbert Scheingraber & Gerda Wiedenmann - 1-14 Staircase baker's map generates flaring-type time series
by G. Radons & G. C. Hartmann & H. H. Diebner & O. E. Rossler - 1-15 Stability, instability and complex behavior in macrodynamic models with policy lag
by Toichiro Asada & Hiroyuki Yoshida - 1-15 The evolution of nonlinear dynamics in political science and public administration: Methods, modeling and momentum
by L. Douglas Kiel - 1-17 Theory of adaptive adjustment
by Weihong Huang - 1-17 In search of a warning strategy against exchange-rate attacks: Forecasting tactics using artificial neural networks
by A. S. Andreou & G. A. Zombanakis & E. F. Georgopoulos & S. D. Likothanassis - 1-17 Complex dynamics in a simple model of interdependent open economies
by Shahriar Yousef & Yuri Maistrenko & Svitlana Popovych - 1-19 Bifurcation analysis of the Henon map
by Erik Mosekilde & Zhanybai T. Zhusubaliyev & Vadim N. Rudakov & Evgeniy A. Soukhterin
January 2000, Volume 4
- 1-1 Letter to Editor's Fractal relation of medial axis length to the water body area
by B. S. Daya Sagar - 1-2 Book review: Self-organisation of complex structures, edited by Frank Schweitzer
by Günter Haag - 1-2 Preface
by V. Anishchenko - 1-3 A comparative dynamical analysis of Hebrew texts
by Abraham Boyarsky & Pawel Góra - 1-4 Book review: The economy as an evolving complex system II, edited by W. Brian Arthur, Steven N. Durlauf, and David A. Lane
by J. Barkley Rosser Jr. - 1-6 Synchronization of cardiorhythm by weak external forcing
by V. S. Anishchenko & A. G. Balanov & N. B. Janson & N. B. Igosheva & G. V. Bordyugov - 1-7 Discretizations of a perturbed logistic equation
by Miguel Angel Moreles & francisco Solis - 1-7 Deliberate ambiguity in a finite environment: The urban ecology of artificial items
by Abraham Akkerman