January 2000, Volume 4
- 1-8 Chaotic numerical instabilities arising in the transition from differential to difference nonlinear equations
by Alicia Serfaty de Markus - 1-8 The study of bray–Liebhafsky reaction over a wide range of temperatures. II. modelling
by R. Vîlcu & T. Danciu & D. Bala - 1-9 Using chaos synchronization to estimate the largest lyapunov exponent of nonsmooth systems
by Andrzej Stefanski & Tomasz kapitaniak - 1-9 Chaotic dynamics in a flexible exchange rate system:A study of noise effects
by Toichiro Asada & Tetsuya Misawa & Toshio Inaba - 1-9 Self-fulfilling chaotic mistakes: Some examples and implications
by J. Barkley Rosser - 1-10 The effect of radiation on the stochastic web
by Y. Ashkenazy & L. P. Horwitz - 1-10 Chaos and maps in relativistic rynamical systems
by L. P. Horwitz & Y. Ashkenazy - 1-11 Nonlinear control of chaotic systems:A switching manifold approach
by Jin-Qing Fang & Yiguang Hong & Huashu Qin & Guanrong Chen - 1-11 Rationals, periodicity and chaos: A Pythagorean view and a conjecture into socio-spatial dynamics
by Dimitrios S. Dendrinos - 1-11 Critical bifurcation surfaces of 3D discrete dynamics
by Michael Sonis - 1-12 Invariant manifolds and cluster synchronization in a family of locally coupled map lattices
by Vladimir belykh & Igor Blykh & Nikolai Komrakov & Erik Moseklide - 1-12 Discretized representations of harmonic variables by bilateral Jacobi operators
by Andreas Ruffing - 1-13 The dirichlet boundary conditions and related natural boundary conditions in strengthened sobolev spaces for discretized parabolic problems
by E. D'Yakonov - 1-13 Monitoring the complexity of ventricular response in atrial fibrillation
by H. Käsmacher & S. Wiese & M. Lahl - 1-13 A nonlinear macrodynamic model with fixed exchange rates: Its dynamics and noise effects
by Toichiro Asada & Toichio Inaba & Tetsuya Misawa - 1-13 Phase multistability of synchronous chaotic oscillations
by T. E. Vadivasova & O. V. Sosnovtseva & A. G. Balanov & V. V. Astakhov - 1-14 Quasi-discreted dynamics of a neural net: The lighthouse model
by Hermann Haken - 1-14 Phase fronts and synchronization patterns in forced oscillatory systems
by Ehud Meron - 1-15 Discrete versus continual description of solid state reaction dynamics from the angle of meaningful simulation
by A. Korobov - 1-15 A preliminary nonlinear analysis of the earth's chandler wobble
by V. Frede & P. Mazzega - 1-20 Long-term dependence in exchange rates
by A. Karytinos & A. S. Andreou & G. Pavlides - 1-20 The thermodynamic natural path in chemical reaction kinetics
by Moishe garfinkle - 1-26 “Discrete” Oscillations and multiple attractors in kick-excited systems
by V. Damgov & I. Popov
January 1999, Volume 3
- 1-1 Editorial
by Vladimir Gontar & Michael Sonis - 1-2 Foreword
by Vladimir Gontar & Michael Sonis - 1-2 Book review: Chaos in discrete dynamical systems: A visual introduction in 2 dimensions, by Ralph H. Abraham, Laura Gardini, and Christian Mira
by James Sochacki - 1-2 Introduction
by E. P. Velikhov - 1-3 Population, society, and environment on the verge of the 21 st century: An overview
by Juval Portugali - 1-4 Metaphors and social science
by Eric D. Macpherson - 1-4 Book review: The economy as an evolving complex system II, edited by W. Brian Arthur, Steven N. Durlauf, and David A. Lane
by J. Barkley Rosser Jr. - 1-5 Blowout bifurcation of chaotic saddles
by Tomasz Kapitaniak & Ying-Cheng Lai & Celso Grebogi - 1-5 A note on the global attractivity of a discrete model of nicholson's blowflies
by B. G. Zhang & H. X. Xu - 1-6 Female contraception in the coming years
by Caspi Eliahu - 1-7 Stability of a time discrete perturbed dynamical system with delay
by Michael I. Gil' & Sui Sun Cheng - 1-7 Cognition: Differential-geometrical view on neural networks
by S. A. Buffalov - 1-8 Transition from the chaotic turbulence to the turbulent structures
by A. Kingsep - 1-8 Towards a theory of mind
by Abraham Boyarsky - 1-8 Coupled flare attractors – a discrete prototype for economic modelling
by Georg C. Hartmann & Otto E. Rossler - 1-9 Emergence of collective behavior in a system of autonomous agents
by I. Antoniou & F. Bosco & V. V. Ivanov & I. V. Kisel - 1-9 Anomalous resistance of the fractal current-carrying corona of Z-pinch
by A. Kingsep - 1-9 The stalled revolution of contraception
by H. Peter Tarnesby - 1-10 On the fractality of the biological tree-like structures
by Jaan Kalda - 1-11 From fast to slow processes in the evolution of urban and regional settlement structures
by Wolfgang Weidlich - 1-12 Self-organization in interface dynamics and urban development
by Ehud Meron - 1-12 Population growth and the environment: Can we eat the cake and have it?
by Shmuel Amir - 1-12 Environmental refugees: Consequences and policies from a western perspective
by Alan E. Nash - 1-13 Will there be enough food on the table?
by John E. Ross - 1-14 Numerical simulations in astrophysics:Supernovae explosions, magnetorotational model and neutrino emission
by G. S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan - 1-14 Demographic processes and ethnic residential segregation
by Itzhak Omer - 1-15 Inefficient equilibria in transition economy
by Sergei Guriev & Igor Pospelov - 1-16 Rotating shallow water modeling of planetary,astrophysical and plasma vortical structures (plasma transport across a magnetic field,model of the jupiter's GRS, prediction of existence of giant vortices in spiral galaxies)
by M. V. Nezlin & A. Yu Rylov & E. N. Snezhkin & K. B. Titishov & G. P. Chernikov - 1-16 Self-organized criticality and urban development
by Michael Batty & Yichun Xie - 1-22 Modeling population dynamics in the city: From a regional to a multi-agent approach
by Itzhak Benenson - 1-28 Population growth and environment as a self-organizing system
by Peter M. Allen
January 1998, Volume 2
- 1-3 Book review: Armin Bunde and Shlomo Havlin, (Fractals and disordered systems). second revised and enlarged edition
by T. Gregory Dewey - 1-5 New feedback functions for synchronizing chaotic maps
by M. K. Ali - 1-5 Thermal noise and the incessant vibration of the outer hair cells in the cochlea
by W. Fritze & M. Steurer - 1-5 Book review: A review of chaos, catastrophe, and human affairs: Applications of nonlinear dynamics to work, organizations, and social evolution by Stephen J. Guastello
by Frederick David Abraham & Stephen J. Guastello - 1-5 Morphogenesis of an institution on a lattice game
by Elettra Agliardi & Emanuele Giovannetti - 1-5 Pattern recognition using chaotic neural networks
by Z. Tan & B. S. Hepburn & C. Tucker & M. K. Ali - 1-5 Some remarks on second order linear difference equations
by B. G. Zhang & Chuan Jun Tian - 1-6 Statistical polymer method: Modeling of macromolecules and aggregates with branching and crosslinking, formed in random processes
by Freddy A. Romm & Oleg L. Figovsky - 1-6 Dynamic ensembles with variable structure and friction simulation
by I. V. Feldstein & N. N. Kuzmin - 1-7 The study of bray– liebhafsky reaction over a wide range of temperatures. I. experimental contributions
by R. Vîlcu & T. Danciu & D. Bala - 1-7 Coupled flare attractors – a discrete prototype for economic modelling
by Georg C. Hartmann & Otto E. Rossler - 1-8 Chaotic attractors of two-dimensional invertible maps
by Vadim S. Anishchenko & Tatjana E. Vadivasova & Galina I. Strelova & Andrey S. Kopeikin - 1-8 Symbolic dynamics, entropy and complexity of the feigenbaum map at the accumulation point
by Werner Ebelings & Katja Rateitschak - 1-9 Oscillation of certain partial difference equations
by Sung Kyu Choi & Bing Gen Zhang - 1-11 On the derivation of the nonlinear discrete equations numerically integrating the Euler PDE s
by F. N. Koumboulis & M. G. Skarpetis & B. G. Mertzios - 1-12 Nonlinear dynamics of the additive-pulse modelocked laser
by E. J. Mozdy & C. R. Pollock - 1-13 Simulation of earthquakes with cellular automata
by P. G. Akishin & M. V. Altaisky & I. Antoniou & A. D. Budnik & V. V. Ivanov - 1-14 Simulation of land use evolution by discrete events method: Application to “la chaîne des puys” from XV to XVIII Century
by Y. Michelin & C. Poix - 1-15 Cities and cellular automata
by Roger White - 1-16 Morphometric relations of fractal-skeletal based channel network model
by B. S. Daya Sagar & Charles Omoregie & B. S. Prakasa Rao - 1-18 Numerical simulations through first order nonlinear difference equation to study highly ductile symmetric fold (HDSF) dynamics: A conceptual study
by B. S. Sagar - 1-19 Fractal geometry of urban patterns and their morphogenesis
by Pierre Frankhauser - 1-20 Irregular Attractors
by Vadim S. Anishchenko & Galina I. Strelkova - 1-28 How and why do neurons generate complex rhythms with various frequencies?
by Teresa Ree Chay & Young Seek Lee - 1-33 Dynamic system evolution and markov chain approximation
by Roderick V. Nicholas Melnik
January 1998, Volume 1
- 1-4 Necessary and sufficient conditions for oscillations of linear delay partial difference equations
by B. G. Zhang & S. T. Liu - 1-5 Book review: John Horgan, The end of science: Facing the limits of knowledge in the twilight of the scientific age
by Daniel Siegel - 1-7 Absorbers: Definitions, properties and applications
by G. Belitskii - 1-10 Predictability problems of global change as seen through natural systems complexity description. 2. Approach
by Vladimir V. Kozoderov & Victor A. Sadovnichii & Sergey A. Ushakov & Oleg A. Timoshin - 1-11 Predictability problems of global change as seen through natural systems complexity description. 1. General Statements
by Vladimir V. Kozoderov & Victor A. Sadovnichii & Sergey A. Ushakov & Oleg A. Timoshin - 1-13 Discrete dynamics in transitional economies
by J. Barkley Rosser, Jr. & Marina Vcherashnaya Rosser - 1-23 Nonlinear feedback control of spatiotemporal chaos in coupled map lattices
by Jin-Qing Fang & M. K. Ali
January 1997, Volume 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Vladimir Gontar & Michael Sonis - 1-2 Book review: Complex economic dynamics volume I: An introduction to dynamical systems and market mechanism, Richard H. Day
by Cars Hommes - 1-3 Book review: Thinking in complexity: The complex dynamics of matter, mind, and mankind, by Klaus Mainzer
by J. Barkley Rosser Jr. - 1-4 Book review: Tonu Puu, Nonlinear economic dynamics, third, revised and enlarged edition
by Marji Lines - 1-6 Synchronization of spatiotemporal chaos using nonlinear feedback functions
by M. K. Ali & Jin-Qing Fang - 1-7 Chaos: Challenges from and to socio-spatial form and policy
by Dimitrios S. Dendrinos - 1-7 Spatio-temporal patterns with hyperchaotic dynamics in diffusively coupled biochemical oscillators
by Gerold Baier & Sven Sahle - 1-7 Fixed points of log-linear discrete dynamics
by Ken Sawada & Yoshio Togawa - 1-8 Active stabilization of a chaotic urban system
by Günter Haag & Tilo Hagel & Timm Sigg - 1-8 Discrete dynamics of complex systems
by Hermann Haken - 1-9 About chaotization mechanisms of the distributed dynamical systems which are close to discrete
by Yu. P. Bliokh & M. G. Lyubarsky & V. O. Podobinsky - 1-12 Universality of oscillation theory laws. types and role of mathematical models
by Polina S. Landa - 1-12 Linear bifurcation analysis with applications to relative socio-spatial dynamics
by M. Sonis - 1-12 Ergodic cobweb chaos
by Akio Matsumoto - 1-13 Theoretical foundation for the discrete dynamics of physicochemical systems: Chaos, self-organization, time and space in complex systems
by V. Gontar - 1-13 Well-posedness of difference elliptic equation
by Pavel E. Sobolevskii - 1-13 Characteristic phenomena in combustion
by Dirk Meinköhn - 1-14 Sociodynamics applied to the evolution of urban and regional structures
by Wolfgang Weidlich - 1-14 The new science of complexity
by Joseph L. McCauley - 1-15 Endogenous oscillations in a discrete dynamic model with inventory
by Akio Matsumoto - 1-16 Nonlinearity in social dynamics – order versus chaos
by Åke E. Andersson & Wei-Bin Zhang - 1-18 Catastrophe models and the expansion method: A review of issues and an application to the econometric modeling of economic growth
by Emilio Casetti - 1-20 Collision patterns on mollusc shells
by P. J. Plath & J. K. Plath & J. Schwietering