- hal-04505472 Devenir des docteurs en management en France, de la thèse à la carrière
by Hugo Gaillard & Julien Cloarec & Juliette Senn & Albane Grandazzi
- hal-04093001 What you don’t know, can’t hurt you: Self-image motivation in charitable giving
by Valeria Fanghella & Lisette Ibanez & John Thøgersen
- halshs-03356278 Research report on ‘Renewable Energy Cooperative’ in France
by Adélie Ranville & Anne-Lorene Vernay
- halshs-03167609 Measuring democracy in cooperatives
[Mesurer la démocratie dans les coopératives]
by Adélie Ranville
- halshs-01566231 IBEST : construction et représentation des Indicateurs d’un Bien-Être Soutenable et Territorialisé dans l’agglomération grenobloise. Rapport final
by Valérie Fargeon & Pierre Le Quéau & Anne Le Roy & Claudine Offredi & Fiona Ottaviani - hal-01403743 Big Data: Evaluating business value and firm performance
by Claudio Vitari & Elisabetta Raguseo - hal-01403740 Données massives : l'évaluation de leur valeur économique et l'impact sur les performances des entreprises
by Claudio Vitari & Elisabetta Raguseo
- hal-04141411 Equity Prices and Fundamentals: a DDM-APT Mixed Approach
by Fredj Jawadi & Georges Prat - hal-02387363 Le numérique, une chance à saisir pour la France : 4 études et 33 propositions pour une France numérique
by Emmanuel Baudoin & Collectif Cgi - hal-02387343 Projet EgovBat - Rapport final
by Emmanuel Baudoin & Sébastien Tran & Mathilde Aubry & Patrick Loux - hal-02387229 Regulatory barriers to eco-innovation
by Cédric Gossart - hal-02387227 Barriers to ecodesign
by Cédric Gossart - hal-02387224 Solutions to barriers to eco-innovation in the LED sector
by Cédric Gossart - hal-02387218 Supporting LED eco-innovation and diffusion : what can policy makers do ?
by Cédric Gossart - hal-02387210 Geste de tri et consommateurs : pistes de réflexions sociologiques pour améliorer la collecte des DEEE
by Isabella Capurso & Cédric Gossart - hal-01528169 Projet ANR KINETIC (2012-2015)
by Sébastien Brion & Barthelemy Chollet & Gilles Garel - hal-01483018 Experimenting in the unknown : lessons from the Manhattan project
by Thomas Gillier & Sylvain Lenfle - hal-01335664 Situation Analyses Business Transfer Ecosystem in France: Situation Analysis in 2015
by Erno Tornikoski & Christophe Bonnet & Bérangère Deschamps & Gilles Lecointre & Mickael Buffart - hal-01182804 Angel Cognition and Active Involvement in BAN Governance and Management
by Christophe Bonnet & Laurence Cohen & Peter Wirtz
- hal-02397721 Orientations des business models et plan de déploiement
by Joëlle Ensminger & Olivier Segard - hal-01107733 Creazione di dati digitali (Digital Data Genesis) – evoluzione nel tempo
by Claudio Vitari & Elisabetta Raguseo - hal-01107728 Génération de données numériques -évolution dans le temps Capacité dynamique et systèmes d'information
by Claudio Vitari & Elisabetta Raguseo - hal-01107725 Digital Data Genesis – evolution over time Dynamic Capability and Information Systems
by Claudio Vitari & Elisabetta Raguseo - hal-00975432 Electronic currencies for purposive degrowth?
by Claudio Vitari - hal-00962391 Knowledge systematisation, reconfiguration and the organisation of firms and industry: the case of design
by Beatrice d'Ippolito & Marcela Miozzo & Consoli Davide - hal-00961288 Commoning and common information systems for social equity and ecological sustainability
by Claudio Vitari - hal-00961234 Private environmental governance through cross-sector partnerships: Tensions between competition and effectiveness
by Tobias Hahn & Jonatan Pinkse - hal-00961226 The role of short-termism and uncertainty in organizational inaction on climate change: multilevel framework
by Natalie Slawinski & Jonatan Pinkse & Timo Busch & Subhabrata Bobby Banerjeed - hal-00936947 The importance of design for firms' competitiveness: a review of the literature
by Beatrice d'Ippolito
- hal-00969204 From capability to strategic action: the case of Green IT/S Dynamic Capability
by Paola Floreddu & Claudio Vitari - hal-00969198 Capability Lifecycle and its motivating force on strategy: the case of Green IT/S Dynamic Capability
by Paola Floreddu & Claudio Vitari - hal-00969190 The development of the DDG-capability in firms: An evaluation of its impact on firm financial performance
by Elisabetta Raguseo & Claudio Vitari - hal-00969189 Social Equity and Ecological Sustainability: New Framework and Directions for the IS Community
by Claudio Vitari - hal-00965173 Proposition d'une politique publique en faveur du capital immatériel pour la France - Sous la direction d'Alan Fustec
by Karim Bounebache & Vincent Bouznad & Stéphane Cartier & Yves Dieulesaint & Alan Fustec & Eric Galiègue & Pierre-François Gouiffes & Sébastien Grandfils & Bernard Gumb & Bruno Jacquemin & Jean-Louis Jourdan & Yves Lapierre & Alain Marion & Bénédicte Sergent - hal-00877140 Lack of material resources causes harsher moral judgments
by Marko Pitesa & Stefan Thau - hal-00864334 Génération de données numériques (Digital Data Genesis) Capacité dynamique et systèmes d'information
by Claudio Vitari & Elisabetta Raguseo - hal-00853900 Cognitive control and socially desirable behavior: The role of interpersonal impact
by Marko Pitesa & Stefan Thau & Madan M. Pillutla - hal-00825599 Creazione di dati digitali (Digital Data Genesis) Capacità dinamica e sistemi informativi
by Claudio Vitari & Elisabetta Raguseo - hal-00815506 Diagnostiquer la proximité perçue en vente directe de produits alimentaires
by Catherine Herault & Aurelie Merle & Anne-Hélène Prigent-Simonin
- hal-00866968 Gaining Competitive Advantage from Digital Data Genesis Dynamic Capability: the Moderating Role of Environmental Turbulence
by Elisabetta Raguseo & Claudio Vitari & Gabriele Piccoli, - hal-00848027 The Effects of De-energizing Ties in Organizations and How to Manage Them
by Andrew Parker & Alexandra Gerbasi & Christine L. Porath - halshs-00827191 Rapport intermédiaire n°1, Ecoquartier NEXUS Energie
by Gilles Debizet & Odile Blanchard & Stéphane La Branche & Philippe Menanteau & Xavier Long & Patrice Schneuwly & Stéphanie Prost-Boucle & Celine Julien & Sylvie Blanco - hal-00802173 Improving Change Management: How Communication Nature Influences Resistance To Change
by Paula Matos Marques Simoes & Mark Esposito - hal-00794944 Underpinning Strategic Behaviours and Posture of Principal Investigators in Transition/Uncertain Environments
by Conor O'Kane & James Cunningham & Vincent Mangematin
- hal-00658535 Community as a locus of innovation: co-innovation with users in the creative industries
by Guy Parmentier & Vincent Mangematin - hal-00658038 How do Academics adopt new practices during a reform ? The Evolution of doctoral education in France 1992-2009
by Vincent Mangematin - hal-00638266 The Determinants of Preventive Health Behavior: Literature Review and Research Perspectives
by Carolina Werle - hal-00607840 Consommer des produits alimentaires locaux : comment et pourquoi ?
by Aurelie Merle & Piotrowski Mathilde - hal-00588788 L'inter-fonctionnalité des équipes de développement de nouveaux produits affecte-t-elle leur performance ?
by David Gotteland & Christophe Haon
- hal-00542258 Moving Beyond Human and Organizational Incongruence
by Mark Esposito & Lloyd C. Williams - hal-00542249 The Role Of Learning Organizations In The Growing Discussion On Social Responsibility
by Mark Esposito - hal-00526742 Que peut nous apprendre le courant de la Corporate Social Responsiveness sur les démarches de développement durable des entreprises contemporaines
by Thibault Daudigeos & Aurélien Acquier & Bertrand Valiorgue - hal-00526721 The Role Of Practices In Institutional Change The Evolution Of Doctoral Programs In France 1990 – 2008
by Aubépine Dahan & Charles Dhanaraj & Vincent Mangematin - hal-00521610 From Consumer Resistance to Stakeholder Resistance The case of nanotechnology
by Caroline Gauthier - hal-00512539 The creative intelligence
by Kaies Samet - hal-00512374 Convention Theory : Is There A French School Of Organizational Institutionalism?
by Thibault Daudigeos & Bertrand Valiorgue - hal-00477357 Conséquences de la diffusion des innovations technologiques sur l'emploi industriel en Tunisie : Une analyse par les données de panel
by Sami Saafi - hal-00475202 Impact des éléments de gouvernement d'entreprise sur le contenu informationnel des accruals discrétionnaires cas du contexte Français
by Afef Dhahbi
- hal-00492986 Dynamiques industrielles et reconfiguration des réseaux d'alliances : une comparaison des biotechnologies appliquées à la santé humaine et à l'agro-alimentaire en France
by David Catherine & Frédéric Corolleur & Corine Genet
- hal-00461996 Capital budgeting practices in compagnies with activity abroad : the evolution of the use of tools through time
by Véronique Blum - hal-00461628 La notion de responsabilité de l'entreprise : fondements conceptuels et utilisation managériale
by Christine Noël Lemaitre - halshs-00456910 Les plates-formes technologiques dans les sciences du vivant : quels effets sur les pratiques de recherche et les formes de couplage science-innovation ?
by Anne Branciard & Corine Genet & Caroline Lanciano-Morandat & Pascal Le Masson & Vincent Mangematin & Hiroatsu Nohara & Catherine Paradeise & Ahsveen Peerbaye
- hal-00461622 Nouvelles technologies et servuctions: le choix par les clients du mode d'obtention d'une prestation
by Hervé Bregeard - hal-00460743 L'adaptation des pratiques de communication orale aux missions des contrôleurs de gestion
by Jocelyne Deglaine & Armelle Godener & Marianela Fornerino
- hal-00460738 Understanding Mexican High-tech Organizations: A Conceptualization Problem?
by Jacob Ramirez
- hal-00461993 An Epistemological Literature Review on Knowledge and Knowledge Management
by Thomas Trautmann - hal-00460757 Servuction, marketing des services et technologies
by Annie Munos - hal-00450167 The impact of leverage reduction on the equity risk level of the firm : an exploratory study of French firms
by Rahim Bah - hal-00450165 « High-tech, High-touch » Reconstruire de l'humain dans les entreprises à fort contenu technologique
by Loïck Roche & John Sadowsky - hal-00450059 Marketing et technologie : un duo gagnant pour l'internationalisation des services
by Annie Munos