- WP-08-14 Realized volatility
by Torben G. Andersen & Luca Benzoni - WP-08-13 New vehicle characteristics and the cost of the corporate average fuel economy standard
by Thomas H. Klier & Joshua Linn - WP-08-12 Investment shocks and business cycles
by Alejandro Justiniano & Giorgio E. Primiceri & Andrea Tambalotti - WP-08-11 Consumer choice and merchant acceptance of payment media
by Wilko Bolt & Sujit Chakravorti - WP-08-10 The choice between arm's-length and relationship debt: evidence from e-loans
by Sumit Agarwal & Robert Hauswald - WP-08-09 Does it pay to read your junk mail? evidence of the effect of advertising on home equity credit choices
by Sumit Agarwal & Brent W. Ambrose - WP-08-08 School vouchers and student achievement: recent evidence, remaining questions
by Lisa Barrow & Cecilia Elena Rouse - WP-08-07 Inventories, lumpy trade, and large devaluations
by George Alessandria & Joseph P. Kaboski & Virgiliu Midrigan - WP-08-06 Scale and the origins of structural change
by Francisco J. Buera & Joseph P. Kaboski - WP-08-05 Global inflation
by Matteo Ciccarelli & Benoit Mojon - WP-08-04 Bank lending, financing constraints and SME investment
by Santiago Carbó-Valverde & Francisco Rodríguez-Fernández & Gregory F. Udell - WP-08-03 BankCaR (Bank Capital-at-Risk): a credit risk model for U.S. commercial bank charge-offs
by Jon Frye & Eduard A. Pelz - WP-08-02 Displacement, asymmetric information and heterogeneous human capital
by Luojia Hu & Christopher Taber - WP-08-01 A leverage-based model of speculative bubbles
by Gadi Barlevy - WP-07-23 The consumption response to minimum wage increases
by Daniel Aaronson & Sumit Agarwal & Eric French - WP-07-22 The effects of maternal fasting during Ramadan on birth and adult outcomes
by Douglas Almond & Bhashkar Mazumder
- WP-07-24 The impact of Mexican immigrants on U.S. wage structure
by Maude Toussaint-Comeau - WP-07-21 Cyclical dumping and U.S. antidumping protection: 1980-2001
by Meredith A. Crowley - WP-07-20 A conversation with 590 nascent entrepreneurs
by Jeffrey R. Campbell & Mariacristina De Nardi - WP-07-19 Demand volatility and the lag between the growth of temporary and permanent employment
by Sainan Jin & Yukako Ono & Qinghua Zhang - WP-07-18 The widow’s offering: inheritance, family structure, and the charitable gifts of women
by Leslie McGranahan - WP-07-17 Technology’s edge: the educational benefits of computer-aided instruction
by Lisa Barrow & Lisa Markham & Cecilia Elena Rouse - WP-07-16 Establishments dynamics and matching frictions in classical competitive equilibrium
by Marcelo Veracierto - WP-07-15 First-time home buyers and residential investment volatility
by Jonas D. M. Fisher & Martin Gervais - WP-07-14 Labor market transitions and self-employment
by Ellen R. Rissman - WP-07-13 How the credit channel works: differentiating the bank lending channel and the balance sheet channel
by Lamont K. Black & Richard J. Rosen - WP-07-12 Nonparametric analysis of intergenerational income mobility with application to the United States
by Debopam Bhattacharya & Bhashkar Mazumder - WP-07-11 Portfolio choice over the life-cycle when the stock and labor markets are cointegrated
by Luca Benzoni & Pierre Collin-Dufresne & Robert S. Goldstein - WP-07-10 The reaction of consumer spending and debt to tax rebates – evidence from consumer credit data
by Sumit Agarwal & Chunlin Liu & Nicholas S. Souleles - WP-07-09 Conflict of interest and certification in the U.S. IPO market
by Luca Benzoni & Carola Schenone - WP-07-08 Estate taxation, entrepreneurship, and wealth
by Marco Cagetti & Mariacristina De Nardi - WP-07-07 Monetary policy, output composition and the Great Moderation
by Benoit Mojon - WP-07-06 Information acquisition in financial markets: a correction
by Gadi Barlevy & Pietro Veronesi - WP-07-05 The age of reason: financial decisions over the lifecycle
by Sumit Agarwal & John C. Driscoll & Xavier Gabaix & David I. Laibson - WP-07-04 Debit card and cash usage: a cross-country analysis
by Gene Amromin & Sujit Chakravorti - WP-07-03 Assessing a decade of interstate bank branching
by Christian A. Johnson & Tara N. Rice - WP-07-02 Fast micro and slow macro: can aggregation explain the persistence of inflation?
by Filippo Altissimo & Benoit Mojon & Paolo Zaffaroni - WP-07-01 Risk taking and the quality of informal insurance: gambling and remittances in Thailand
by Douglas L. Miller & Anna L. Paulson
- WP-06-29 Oligopoly dynamics with barriers to entry
by Jaap H. Abbring & Jeffrey R. Campbell - WP-06-28 Last-in first-out oligopoly dynamics
by Jaap H. Abbring & Jeffrey R. Campbell - WP-06-27 Welfare implications of the transition to high household debt
by Jeffrey R. Campbell & Zvi Hercowitz - WP-06-26 Bank imputed interest rates: unbiased estimates of offered rates?
by Evren Ors & Tara N. Rice - WP-06-25 What can we learn about financial access from U.S. immigrants?
by Una Okonkwo Osili & Anna L. Paulson - WP-06-24 Manufacturing plants’ use of temporary workers: an analysis using census micro data
by Yukako Ono & Daniel G. Sullivan - WP-06-23 How did schooling laws improve long-term health and lower mortality?
by Douglas Almond & Bhashkar Mazumder - WP-06-22 The agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures: tying one's hands through the WTO
by Meredith A. Crowley - WP-06-21 Mortality, mass-layoffs, and career outcomes: an analysis using administrative data
by Daniel G. Sullivan & Till von Wachter - WP-06-20 Evolving agglomeration in the U.S. auto supplier industry
by Thomas H. Klier & Daniel P. McMillen - WP-06-19 How professional forecasters view shocks to GDP
by Spencer D. Krane - WP-06-18 Will writing and bequest motives: early 20th century Irish evidence
by Leslie McGranahan - WP-06-17 How did the 2003 dividend tax cut affect stock prices?
by Gene Amromin & Paul Harrison & Steven A. Sharpe - WP-06-16 Transforming payment choices by doubling fees on the Illinois tollway
by Gene Amromin & Carrie Jankowski & Richard D. Porter - WP-06-15 Do bonds span volatility risk in the U.S. Treasury market? a specification test for affine term structure models
by Torben G. Andersen & Luca Benzoni - WP-06-14 Eat or be eaten: a theory of mergers and firm size
by Gary Gorton & Matthias Kahl & Richard J. Rosen - WP-06-13 Female offenders use of social welfare programs before and after jail and prison: does prison cause welfare dependency?
by Kristin F. Butcher & Robert J. LaLonde - WP-06-12 Chronicles of a deflation unforetold
by Francois R. Velde - WP-06-11 Do consumers choose the right credit contracts?
by Sumit Agarwal & Souphala Chomsisengphet & Chunlin Liu & Nicholas S. Souleles - WP-06-10 Two flaws in business cycle accounting
by Lawrence J. Christiano & Joshua M. Davis - WP-06-09 Mergers and risk
by Craig H. Furfine & Richard J. Rosen - WP-06-08 A new social compact: how university engagement can fuel innovation
by Larry Isaak & Richard H. Mattoon & Laura Melle - WP-06-07 Taxation, entrepreneurship, and wealth
by Marco Cagetti & Mariacristina De Nardi - WP-06-06 Why are safeguards needed in a trade agreement?
by Meredith A. Crowley - WP-06-05 The tradeoff between mortgage prepayments and tax-deferred retirement savings
by Gene Amromin & Jennifer Huang & Clemens Sialm - WP-06-04 Tax riots
by Marco Bassetto & Christopher Phelan - WP-06-03 Identification of search models with initial condition problems
by Gadi Barlevy & H. N. Nagaraja - WP-06-02 Redistribution, taxes, and the median voter
by Marco Bassetto & Jess Benhabib - WP-06-01 U.S. corporate and bank insolvency regimes: an economic comparison and evaluation
by Robert R. Bliss & George G. Kaufman
- WP-05-24 The changing pattern of wage growth for low skilled workers
by Eric French & Bhashkar Mazumder & Christopher Taber - WP-05-23 Do enclaves matter in immigrants’ self-employment decision?
by Maude Toussaint-Comeau - WP-05-22 Supplier switching and outsourcing
by Yukako Ono & Victor Stango - WP-05-21 Universal access, cost recovery, and payment services
by Sujit Chakravorti & Jeffery W. Gunther & Robert R. Moore - WP-05-20 The incidence of inflation: inflation experiences by demographic group: 1981-2004
by Leslie McGranahan & Anna L. Paulson - WP-05-19 Why are immigrants' incarceration rates so low? evidence on selective immigration, deterrence, and deportation
by Kristin F. Butcher & Anne Morrison Piehl - WP-05-18 Clustering of auto supplier plants in the U.S.: GMM spatial logit for large samples
by Thomas H. Klier & Daniel P. McMillen - WP-05-17 Why do firms go public? evidence from the banking industry
by Richard J. Rosen & Scott B. Smart & Chad J. Zutter - WP-05-16 Competition in large markets
by Jeffrey R. Campbell - WP-05-15 Causality, causality, causality: the view of education inputs and outputs from economics
by Lisa Barrow & Cecilia Elena Rouse - WP-05-14 Fixed term employment contracts in an equilibrium search model
by Fernando Alvarez & Marcelo Veracierto - WP-05-13 Differential mortality, uncertain medical expenses, and the saving of elderly singles
by Mariacristina De Nardi & Eric French & John Bailey Jones - WP-05-12 Intergenerational economic mobility in the U.S., 1940 to 2000
by Daniel Aaronson & Bhashkar Mazumder - WP-05-11 What determines bilateral trade flows?
by Marianne Baxter & Michael A. Kouparitsas - WP-05-10 Wealth inequality: data and models
by Marco Cagetti & Mariacristina De Nardi - WP-05-09 Entrepreneurship, frictions, and wealth
by Marco Cagetti & Mariacristina De Nardi - WP-05-08 Rigid prices: evidence from U.S. scanner data
by Jeffrey R. Campbell & Benjamin Eden - WP-05-07 Politics and efficiency of separating capital and ordinary Government budgets
by Marco Bassetto & Thomas J. Sargent - WP-05-06 Price discovery in a market under stress: the U.S. Treasury market in fall 1998
by Craig H. Furfine & Eli M. Remolona - WP-05-05 Characterizations in a random record model with a non-identically distributed initial record
by Gadi Barlevy & H. N. Nagaraja - WP-05-04 Risk overhang and loan portfolio decisions
by Robert DeYoung & Anne Gron & Andrew Winton - WP-05-03 Derivatives and systemic risk: netting, collateral, and closeout
by Robert R. Bliss & George G. Kaufman - WP-05-02 Do returns to schooling differ by race and ethnicity?
by Lisa Barrow & Cecilia Elena Rouse
- WP-05-01 Firm-specific capital, nominal rigidities and the business cycle
by David E. Altig & Lawrence J. Christiano & Martin S. Eichenbaum & Jesper Lindé - WP-04-30 Monetary policy with single instrument feedback rules
by Bernardino Adão & Isabel Correia & Pedro Teles - WP-04-29 Where do manufacturing firms locate their headquarters?
by J. Vernon Henderson & Yukako Ono - WP-04-28 China's export growth and U.S. trade policy
by Chad P. Bown & Meredith A. Crowley - WP-04-27 Comparing location decisions of domestic and foreign auto supplier plants
by Thomas H. Klier & Paul Ma & Daniel P. McMillen - WP-04-26 Monetary policy with state contingent interest rates
by Bernardino Adão & Isabel Correia & Pedro Teles - WP-04-25 Advertising and pricing at multiple-output firms: evidence from U.S. thrift institutions
by Robert DeYoung & Evren Ors - WP-04-24 The role of households' collateralized debts in macroeconomic stabilization
by Jeffrey R. Campbell & Zvi Hercowitz - WP-04-23 Not working: demographic changes, policy changes, and the distribution of weeks (not) worked
by Lisa Barrow & Kristin F. Butcher - WP-04-22 Betcha can’t acquire just one: merger programs and compensation
by Richard J. Rosen - WP-04-21 The minimum wage and restaurant prices
by Daniel Aaronson & Eric French & James M. MacDonald - WP-04-20 Are technology improvements contractionary?
by Susanto Basu & John G. Fernald & Miles S. Kimball - WP-04-19 Institutional quality and financial market development: evidence from international migrants in the U.S
by Una Okonkwo Osili & Anna L. Paulson - WP-04-18 Prospects for immigrant-native wealth assimilation: evidence from financial market participation
by Una Okonkwo Osili & Anna L. Paulson - WP-04-17 Learning by observing: information spillovers in the execution and valuation of commercial bank M&As
by Gayle DeLong & Robert DeYoung - WP-04-16 Reading, writing, and raisinets: are school finances contributing to children’s obesity?
by Patricia M. Anderson & Kristin F. Butcher - WP-04-15 The occupational assimilation of Hispanics in the U.S.: evidence from panel data
by Maude Toussaint-Comeau - WP-04-14 Determinants of business cycle comovement: a robust analysis
by Marianne Baxter & Michael A. Kouparitsas - WP-04-13 Sibling similarities, differences and economic inequality
by Bhashkar Mazumder - WP-04-12 Policy externalities: how U.S. antidumping affects Japanese exports to the EU
by Chad P. Bown & Meredith A. Crowley - WP-04-11 On the timing of innovation in stochastic Schumpeterian growth models
by Gadi Barlevy - WP-04-10 Nominal debt as a burden on monetary policy
by Javier Diaz-Gimenez & Giorgia Giovannetti & Ramon Marimon & Pedro Teles - WP-04-09 Platform competition in two-sided markets: the case of payment networks
by Sujit Chakravorti & Roberto Roson - WP-04-08 Earnings inequality and the business cycle
by Gadi Barlevy & Daniel Tsiddon - WP-04-07 Merger momentum and investor sentiment: the stock market reaction to merger announcements
by Richard J. Rosen - WP-04-06 Fiscal policy in the aftermath of 9/11
by Martin S. Eichenbaum & Jonas D. M. Fisher - WP-04-05 The dynamics of work and debt
by Jeffrey R. Campbell & Zvi Hercowitz - WP-04-04 Finance as a barrier to entry: bank competition and industry structure in local U.S. markets
by Nicola Cetorelli & Philip E. Strahan - WP-04-03 Real effects of bank competition
by Nicola Cetorelli - WP-04-02 Netting, financial contracts, and banks: the economic implications
by William J. Bergman & Robert R. Bliss & Christian A. Johnson & George G. Kaufman - WP-04-01 Standing facilities and interbank borrowing: evidence from the Federal Reserve’s new discount window
by Craig H. Furfine
- WP-03-35 Where the headquarters are – evidence from large public companies 1990-2000
by Tyler Diacon & Thomas H. Klier - WP-03-34 Self-employment as an alternative to unemployment
by Ellen R. Rissman - WP-03-33 Compatibility and pricing with indirect network effects: evidence from ATMs
by Christopher R. Knittel & Victor Stango - WP-03-32 Deregulation and the relationship between bank CEO compensation and risk taking
by Elijah Brewer & William C. Hunter & William E. Jackson - WP-03-31 Government equity and money: John Law’s system in 1720 France
by Francois R. Velde - WP-03-30 Spatial organization of firms
by Yukako Ono - WP-03-29 Firing costs and business cycle fluctuations
by Marcelo Veracierto - WP-03-28 International business cycles under fixed and flexible exchange rate regimes
by Michael A. Kouparitsas - WP-03-27 China and emerging Asia: comrades or competitors?
by Alan G. Ahearne & John G. Fernald & Prakash Loungani & John W. Schindler - WP-03-26 Trade deflection and trade depression
by Chad P. Bown & Meredith A. Crowley - WP-03-25 Should we teach old dogs new tricks? the impact of community college retraining on older displaced workers
by Louis S. Jacobson & Robert J. LaLonde & Daniel G. Sullivan - WP-03-24 The growing importance of family and community: an analysis of changes in the sibling correlation in earnings
by David I. Levine & Bhashkar Mazumder - WP-03-23 Evaluating the Calvo model of sticky prices
by Martin S. Eichenbaum & Jonas D. M. Fisher - WP-03-22 Women and the Phillips curve: do women’s and men’s labor market outcomes differentially affect real wage growth and inflation?
by Katharine Anderson & Lisa Barrow & Kristin F. Butcher - WP-03-21 Managerial incentives and financial contagion
by Sujit Chakravorti & Anna Ilyina & Subir Lall - WP-03-20 Creating a national state rainy day fund: a modest proposal to improve future state fiscal performance
by Richard H. Mattoon - WP-03-19 Banking market conditions and deposit interest rates
by Richard J. Rosen - WP-03-18 Estimating models of on-the-job search using record statistics
by Gadi Barlevy - WP-03-17 Product market evidence on the employment effects of the minimum wage
by Daniel Aaronson & Eric French - WP-03-16 Revised estimates of intergenerational income mobility in the United States
by Bhashkar Mazumder - WP-03-15 Measuring productivity growth in Asia: do market imperfections matter?
by John G. Fernald & Brent Neiman - WP-03-14 The past, present, and probable future for community banks
by Robert DeYoung & William C. Hunter & Gregory F. Udell - WP-03-13 The cost of business cycles under endogenous growth
by Gadi Barlevy - WP-03-12 Market size matters
by Jeffrey R. Campbell & Hugo A. Hopenhayn - WP-03-11 A structural empirical model of firm growth, learning, and survival
by Jaap H. Abbring & Jeffrey R. Campbell - WP-03-10 The importance of check-cashing businesses to the unbanked: racial/ethnic differences
by William H. Greene & Sherrie L. W. Rhine & Maude Toussaint-Comeau - WP-03-09 Inside-outside money competition
by Ramon Marimon & Juan Pablo Nicolini & Pedro Teles - WP-03-08 The case of the missing productivity growth: or, does information technology explain why productivity accelerated in the United States but not the United Kingdom?
by Susanto Basu & John G. Fernald & Nicholas Oulton & Sylaja Srinivasan - WP-03-07 Resolution of large complex financial organizations
by Robert R. Bliss - WP-03-06 Distinguishing limited commitment from moral hazard in models of growth with inequality
by Anna L. Paulson & Robert M. Townsend - WP-03-05 Tenure choice with location selection: the case of Hispanic neighborhoods in Chicago
by Sherrie L. W. Rhine & Maude Toussaint-Comeau - WP-03-04 When is inter-transaction time informative?
by Craig H. Furfine - WP-03-03 Subordinated debt and prompt corrective regulatory action
by Douglas D. Evanoff & Larry D. Wall - WP-03-02 Depositor liquidity and loss-sharing in bank failure resolutions
by George G. Kaufman - WP-03-01 A proposal for efficiently resolving out-of-the-money swap positions at large insolvent banks
by George G. Kaufman
- WP-02-31 Estimating the returns to community college schooling for displaced workers
by Louis S. Jacobson & Robert J. LaLonde & Daniel G. Sullivan - WP-02-30 Trade structure, industrial structure, and international business cycles
by Marianne Baxter & Michael A. Kouparitsas - WP-02-29 The crime of 1873: back to the scene
by Francois R. Velde - WP-02-28 Teachers and student achievement in the Chicago public high schools
by Daniel Aaronson & Lisa Barrow & William Sander - WP-02-27 Private school location and neighborhood characteristics
by Lisa Barrow - WP-02-26 Life-cycle dynamics in industrial sectors. The role of banking market structure
by Nicola Cetorelli - WP-02-25 Local market consolidation and bank productive efficiency
by Douglas D. Evanoff & Evren Ors - WP-02-24 State-contingent bank regulation with unobserved action and unobserved characteristics
by David A. Marshall & Edward Simpson Prescott - WP-02-23 Inter-industry contagion and the competitive effects of financial distress announcements: evidence from commercial banks and life insurance companies
by Elijah Brewer & William E. Jackson - WP-02-22 The effects of progressive taxation on labor supply when hours and wages are jointly determined
by Daniel Aaronson & Eric French - WP-02-21 On the distribution and dynamics of health costs
by Eric French & John Bailey Jones - WP-02-20 The value of banking relationships during a financial crisis: evidence from failures of Japanese banks
by Elijah Brewer & Hesna Genay & William C. Hunter & George G. Kaufman - WP-02-19 Location of headquarter growth during the 90s
by Thomas H. Klier - WP-02-18 Bank procyclicality, credit crunches, and asymmetric monetary policy effects: a unifying model
by Robert R. Bliss & George G. Kaufman - WP-02-17 Real exchange rate fluctuations and the dynamics of retail trade industries on the U.S.-Canada border
by Jeffrey R. Campbell & Beverly Lapham - WP-02-16 Optimal fiscal and monetary policy: equivalence results
by Isabel Correia & Juan Pablo Nicolini & Pedro Teles - WP-02-15 Money as a mechanism in a Bewley economy
by Edward J. Green & Ruilin Zhou - WP-02-14 Technology shocks matter
by Jonas D. M. Fisher - WP-02-13 Do safeguard tariffs and antidumping duties open or close technology gaps?
by Meredith A. Crowley - WP-02-12 On the cyclical behavior of employment, unemployment and labor force participation
by Marcelo Veracierto - WP-02-11 The costs and benefits of moral suasion: evidence from the rescue of Long-Term Capital Management
by Craig H. Furfine - WP-02-10 Maternal employment and overweight children
by Patricia M. Anderson & Kristin F. Butcher & Phillip B. Levine - WP-02-09 The immediacy implications of exchange organization
by James T. Moser - WP-02-08 Choosing the right parents: changes in the intergenerational transmission of inequality between 1980 and the early 1990s
by David I. Levine & Bhashkar Mazumder - WP-02-07 Technological progress and the geographic expansion of the banking industry
by Allen N. Berger & Robert DeYoung - WP-02-06 Regulatory incentives and consolidation: the case of commercial bank mergers and the Community Reinvestment Act
by Raphael W. Bostic & Hamid Mehran & Anna L. Paulson & Marc R. Saidenberg - WP-02-05 Monetary policy in a financial crisis
by Lawrence J. Christiano & Christopher J. Gust & Jorge E. Roldós - WP-02-04 Expectation traps and monetary policy
by Stefania Albanesi & V. V. Chari & Lawrence J. Christiano - WP-02-03 The optimal mix of taxes on money, consumption and income
by Fiorella De Fiore & Pedro Teles - WP-02-02 Strategic responses to regulatory threat in the credit card market
by Victor Stango - WP-02-01 Outsourcing business services and the role of central administrative offices
by Yukako Ono
- WP-01-26 Opportunity cost and prudentiality: an analysis of collateral decisions in bilateral and multilateral settings
by Herbert L. Baer & Virginia G. France & James T. Moser - WP-01-25 Pricing IPOs of mutual thrift conversions: the joint effect of regulation and market discipline
by Elijah Brewer & Douglas D. Evanoff & Jacky C. So - WP-01-24 The mis-measurement of permanent earnings: new evidence from Social Security earnings data
by Bhashkar Mazumder - WP-01-23 A note on the estimation of linear regression models with Heteroskedastic measurement errors
by Daniel G. Sullivan - WP-01-22 Is the United States an optimum currency area? an empirical analysis of regional business cycles
by Michael A. Kouparitsas - WP-01-21 Antidumping policy under imperfect competition
by Meredith A. Crowley - WP-01-20 The effect of part-time work on wages: evidence from the Social Security rules
by Daniel Aaronson & Eric French - WP-01-19 The effects of health insurance and self-insurance on retirement behavior
by Eric French & John Bailey Jones - WP-01-18 Earnings mobility in the US: a new look at intergenerational inequality
by Bhashkar Mazumder - WP-01-17 Price level uniformity in a random matching model with perfectly patient traders
by Edward J. Green & Ruilin Zhou - WP-01-16 Economic determinants of the nominal treasury yield curve
by Charles L. Evans & David A. Marshall