- 00810 The Role of Risk and Ambiguity Preferences on Early-Childhood Investment: Evidence from Rural India
by Michael Cuna & Lenka Fiala & Min Sok Lee & John List & Sutanuka Roy - 00805 What Happens When the Taliban Leave? Survey and Field Experimental Evidence from Pakistan
by Michael Cuna & Musharraf Cyan & M. Taha Kasim & John List & Michael Price - 00803 A Summary Of Artefactual Field Experiments On Fieldexperiments.Com In 2024: The Who'S, What'S, Where'S, And When'S
by John List - 00800 An Ode to Giants and Some Facts About Publishing in the JPE
by John List
- 00796 12 Best Practices for Leveraging Generative AI in Experimental Research
by Samuel Chang & Andrew Kennedy & Aaron Leonard & John List - 00795 Evidence-Based Interventions Need to Consider Scale-Up From the Start
by Omar Al-Ubaydli & John List - 00782 A Summary Of Artefactual Field Experiments On Fieldexperiments.Com In 2023:The Who'S, What'S, Where'S, And When'S
by John List
- 00780 How Can We Make Experimental Research Results More Reliable and Replicable?
by John List - 00777 Generation Next: Experimentation with AI
by Gary Charness & Brian Jabarian & John List - 00774 Reconciling Seemingly Contradictory Results from the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment and the Massachusetts Health Reform
by Amanda Kowalski - 00769 Editor's Introduction to JPE Micro
by John List - 00767 2022: A Summary Of Artefactual Field Experiments On Fieldexperiments.Com: The Who'S, What'S, Where'S, And When'S
by John List - 00766 A Simple Rational Expectations Model Of The Voltage Effect
by Omar Al-Ubaydli & Jason Chien-Yu & John List - 00728 What Do Names Reveal? Impacts of Blind Evaluations on Composition and Quality
by Haruka Uchida
- 00761 The centipede game at school: does developing backward induction logic drive behavior?
by Isabelle Brocas & Juan Carrillo - 00759 Testing the Hayek hypothesis: Recent theoretical and experimental evidence
by Brian Albrecht & Omar Al-Ubaydli & Peter Boettke - 00758 Nothing Propinks Like Propinquity: Using Machine Learning to Estimate the Effects of Spatial Proximity in the Major League Baseball Draft
by Majid Ahmadi & Nathan Durst & Jeff Lachman & Mason List & Noah List & John List & Atom Vayalinkal - 00755 Some Tips for Doing Better Field Experiments and Getting Your Work Published
by John List - 00753 Can Wishful Thinking Explain Evidence for Overconfidence? An Experiment on Belief Updating
by Uri Gneezy & Moshe Hoffman & Mark A. Lane & John List & Jeffrey Livingston & Michael J. Seiler - 00751 Time and Risk Preferences of Children Predict Health Behaviors but not BMI
by Greta List & John List & Lina Ramirez & Anya Samek
- 00749 2021 Summary Data of Artefactual Field Experiments Published on
by John List - 00743 WTO must ban harmful fisheries subsidies
by U. Sumalia & Daniel Skerritt & Anna Schuhbauer & Sebastian Villasante & Andres Cisneros-Montemayor & Hussain Sinan & Duncan Burnside & PatrÃzia Abdallah & Keita Abe & Juliano Abrantes & Kwasi Addo & Julia Adelsheim & Ibukun Adewumi & Olanike Adeyemo & Neil Adger & Joshua Adotey & Sahir Advani & Zahidah Afrin & Denis Aheto & Shehu Akintola & Wisdom Akpalu & Lubna Alam & Juan Alava & Edward Allison & Diva Amon & John Anderies & Christopher Anderson & Evan Andrews & Ronaldo Angelini & Zuzy Anna & Werner Antweiler & Evans Arizi & Derek Armitage & Robert Arthur & Noble Asare & Frank Asche & Berchie Asiedu & Francis Asuquo & Marta Aviles & Lanre Badmus & Megan Bailey & Natalie Ban & Edward Barbier & Shanta Barley & Colin Barnes & Scott Barrett & Xavier Basurto & Dyhia Belhabib & Nathan Bennett & Elena Bennett & Dominique Benzaken & Robert Blasiak & John Bohorquez & Cesar Bordehore & Virginie Bornarel & David Boyd & Denise Breitburg & Cassandra Brooks & Lucas Brotz & Duncan Burnside & Donovan Campbell & Sara Cannon & Ling Cao & Juan Cardenas Campo & Griffin Carpenter & Steve Carpenter & Richard Carson & Adriana Carvalho & Mauricio Castrejón & Alex Caveen & M Chabi & Kai Chan & F Chapin & Tony Charles & William Cheung & Villy Christensen & Ernest Chuku & Trevor Church & Andrés Cisneros-Montemayor & Colin Clark & Tayler Clarke & Andreea Cojocaru & Brian Copeland & Brian Crawford & Anne-Sophie Crépin & Larry Crowder & Philippe Cury & Allison Cutting & Gretchen Daily & Jose Da-Rocha & Abhipsita Das & Savior Deikumah & Mairin Deith & Santiago de la Puente & Boris Dewitte & Nancy Doubleday & Carlos Duarte & Nicholas Dulvy & Bárbara e Costa & Tyler Eddy & Maeghan Efford & Paul Ehrlich & Laura Elsler & Kafayat Fakoya & A Falaye & Jessica Fanzo & Clare Fitzsimmons & Ola Flaaten & Katie Florko & Carl Folke & Andrew Forrest & Peter Freeman & Kátia Freire & Rainer Froese & Thomas Frölicher & Austin Gallagher & Veronique Garcon & Maria Gasalla & Mark Gibbons & Kyle Gillespie & Alfredo Giron-Nava & Kristina Gjerde & Sarah Glaser & Christopher Golden & Line Gordon & Hugh Govan & Rowenna Gryba & Benjamin Halpern & Quentin Hanich & Mafaniso Hara & Christopher Harley & Sarah Harper & Michael Harte & Rebecca Helm & Cullen Hendrix & Christina Hicks & Lincoln Hood & Carie Hoover & Kristen Hopewell & Jonathan Houghton & Johannes Iitembu & Moenieba Isaacs & Sadique Isahaku & Gakushi Ishimura & Monirul Islam & Ibrahim Issifu & Jeremy Jackson & Jennifer Jacquet & Olaf Jensen & Xue Jin & Alberta Jonah & Jean-Baptiste Jouffray & S Juniper & Sufian Jusoh & Isigi Kadagi & Masahide Kaeriyama & Michel Kaiser & Brooks Kaiser & Omu Kakujaha-Matundu & Selma Karuaihe & Mary Karumba & Jennifer Kemmerly & Ahmed Khan & Katrick Kimani & Kristin Kleisner & Nancy Knowlton & Dawn Kotowicz & John Kurien & Lian Kwong & Steven Lade & Dan Laffoley & Vicky Lam & Glenn-Marie Lange & Mohd Latif & Philippe Le Billon & Valérie Le Brenne & Frédéric Le Manach & Simon Levin & Lisa Levin & Karin Limburg & John List & Amanda Lombard & Priscila Lopes & Heike Lotze & Tabitha Mallory & Roshni Mangar & Daniel Marszalec & Precious Mattah & Juan Mayorga & Carol Mcausland & DOuglas McCauley & Jeffrey McLean & Karley McMullen & Frank Meere & Annie Mejaes & Michael Melnychuk & Jaime Mendo & Fiorenza Micheli & Katherine Millage & Dana Miller & Kolliyil Mohamed & Essam Mohammed & Mazlin Mokhtar & Lance Morgan & Umi Muawanah & Gordon Munro & Grant Murray & Saleem Mustafa & Prateep Nayak & Dianne Newell & Tu Nguyen & Frederik Noack & Adibi Nor & Francis Nunoo & David Obura & Tom Okey & Isaac Okyere & Paul Onyango & Maartje Oostdijk & Polina Orlov & Henrik Österblom & Tessa Owens & Dwight Owens & Mohammed Oyinlola & Nathan Pacoureau & Evgeny Pakhomov & Unai Pascual & Aurélien Paulmier & Daniel Pauly & Rodrigue Pèlèbè & Daniel Peñalosa & Maria Pennino & Garry Peterson & Thuy Pham & Evelyn Pinkerton & Stephen Polasky & Nicholas Polunin & Ekow Prah & Ingrid Putten & Jorge RamÃrez & Jorge Ramon & Veronica Relano & Gabriel Reygondeau & Don Robadue & Callum Roberts & Alex Rogers & Katina Roumbedakis & Enric Sala & Gret Santen & Marten Scheffer & Anna Schuhbauer & Kathleen Segerson & Juan Seijo & Karen Seto & Jason Shogren & Jennifer Silver & Hussain Sinan & Gerald Singh & Daniel Skerritt & Ambre Soszynski & Dacotah-Victoria Splichalova & Margaret Spring & Jesper Stage & Fabrice Stephenson & Bryce Stewart & Riad Sultan & U Sumaila & Curtis Suttle & Alessandro Tagliabue & Amadou Tall & Nicolás Talloni-à lvarez & Alessandro Tavoni & D Taylor & Lydia Teh & Louise Teh & Jean-Baptiste Thiebot & Torsten Thiele & Shakuntala Thilsted & Romola Thumbadoo & Michelle Tigchelaar & Richard Tol & Philippe Tortell & Max Troell & M Uzmanoglu & Sebastian Villasante & Juan Villaseñor-Derbez & Colette Wabnitz & Melissa Walsh & J Walsh & Nina Wambiji & Elke Weber & Frances Westley & Stella Williams & Mary Wisz & Boris Worm & Lan Xiao & Nobuyuki Yagi & Satoshi Yamazaki & Hong Yang & Aart Zeeuw & Dirk Zeller - 00739 Who's Afraid of Evidence-Based Policymaking?
by Ori Heffetz & John List - 00737 Cognitive skills, strategic sophistication, and life outcomes
by Eduardo Fe & David Gill & Victoria Prowse - 00735 Recommendations for Mitigating Threats to Scaling
by Snigdha Gupta & Maggie Kane & John List & Liz Sablich & Lauren Supplee & Dana Suskind - 00734 Failed to Scale: Embracing the Challenge of Scaling in Early Childhood
by Snigdha Gupta & John List & Lauren Supplee & Dana Suskind - 00733 The Voltage Effect in Behavioral Economics
by John List - 00729 How Experiments with Children Inform Economics
by John List & Ragan Petrie & Anya Samek - 00726 Enhancing Critical Thinking Skill Formation: Getting Fast Thinkers to Slow Down
by John List - 00723 Detecting Drivers of Behavior at an Early Age: Evidence from a Longitudinal Field Experiment
by Marco Castillo & John List & Ragan Petrie & Anya Samek
- 00721 2020: A Summary of Artefactual Field Experiments on The Who's, What's, Where's, and When's
by John List - 00711 Non est Disputandum de Generalizability? A Glimpse into The External Validity Trial
by John List - 00703 Research Registries: Facts, Myths, and Possible Improvements
by Eliot Abrams & Jonathan Libgober & John List - 00700 Three doors anomaly, "should I stay or should I go": an artefactual field experiment
by Rocco Caferra & Alessia Casamassima & Alessandro Cascavilla & Andrea Morone & Paola Tiranzoni - 00685 Market Design, Human Behavior and Management
by Yan Chen & Peter Cramton & John List & Axel Ockenfels - 00684 A New Mechanism to Alleviate the Crises of Confidence in Science - With an Application to the Public Goods Game
by Luigi Butera & Philip Grossman & Daniel Houser & John List & Marie-Claire Villeval - 00683 Fundraising Design: Key Issues, Unifying Framework, and Open Puzzles
by Greg Allenby & Russell Belk & Catherine Eckel & Robert Fisher & Ernan Haruvy & John List & Yu Ma & Peter Popkowski Leszczyc & Yu Wang & Sherry Xin Li
- 00679 How Can Experiments Play a Greater Role in Public Policy? 12 Proposals from an Economic Model of Scaling
by Omar Al-Ubaydli & John List & Claire Mackevicius & Min Sok Lee & Dana Suskind - 00676 Impacts of Urbanisation on Trust: Evidence from a Lab in the Field on a Natural Experiment
by Elvis Cheng Xu - 00671 A Summary of Artefactual Field Experiments On The Who's, What's, Where's, and When's
by John List - 00670 The science of using science: Towards an understanding of the threats to scaling experiments
by Omar Al-Ubaydli & John List & Dana Suskind - 00668 Risk Preferences of Children and Adolescents in Relation to Gender, Cognitive Skills, Soft Skills, and Executive Functions
by James Andreoni & Amalia Di Girolamo & John List & Claire Mackevicius & Anya Samek - 00650 A Summary Of Papers On Fieldexperiments.Com: All Field Experiments Posted
by John List - 00648 The Dozen Things Experimental Economists Should Do (More of)
by Eszter Czibor & David Jimenez-Gomez & John List
- 00708 Time Delay and Investment Decisions: Evidence from An Experiment in Tanzania
by Plamen Nikolov - 00652 Workfare, wellbeing and consumption: Evidence from a field experiment with Kenya's urban poor
by Syon Bhanot & Jiyoung Han & Chaning Jang
- 00672 Discrimination Among Pre-School Children: Field Experimental Evidence
by Annika List & John List & Anya Samek - 00663 Field Experiments in Markets
by Omar Al-Ubaydli & John List - 00645 Learned Generosity? An Artefactual Field Experiment with Parents and their Children
by Avner Ben-Ner & John List & Louis Putterman & Anya Samek - 00616 Scaling for economists: lessons from the non-adherence problem in the medical literature
by Omar Al-Ubaydli & John List & Danielle LoRe & Dana Suskind - 00615 Field experiments on the development of time preferences
by James Andreoni & Michael Kuhn & John List & Anya Samek & Charles Sprenger - 00612 Redefine Statistical Significance
by Daniel Benjamin & James Berger & Magnus Johannesson & Brian Nosek & E. Wagenmakers & Richard Berk & Kenneth Bollen & Bjorn Brembs & Lawrence Brown & Colin Camerer & David Cesarini & Christopher Chambers & Merlise Clyde & Thomas Cook & Paul De Boeck & Zoltan Dienes & Anna Dreber & Kenny Easwaran & Charles Efferson & Ernst Fehr & Fiona Fidler & Andy Field & Malcom Forster & Edward George & Tarun Ramadorai & Richard Gonzalez & Steven Goodman & Edwin Green & Donald Green & Anthony Greenwald & Jarrod Hadfield & Larry Hedges & Leonhard Held & Teck Hau Ho & Herbert Hoijtink & James Jones & Daniel Hruschka & Kosuke Imai & Guido Imbens & John Ioannidis & Minjeong Jeon & Michael Kirchler & David Laibson & John List & Roderick Little & Arthur Lupia & Edouard Machery & Scott Maxwell & Michael McCarthy & Don Moore & Stephen Morgan & Marcus Munafo & Shinichi Nakagawa & Brendan Nyhan & Timothy Parker & Luis Pericchi & Marco Perugini & Jeff Rouder & Judith Rousseau & Victoria Savalei & Felix Schonbrodt & Thomas Sellke & Betsy Sinclair & Dustin Tingley & Trisha Zandt & Simine Vazire & Duncan Watts & Christopher Winship & Robert Wolpert & Yu Xie & Cristobal Young & Jonathan Zinman & Valen Johnson - 00611 Gender, Age, and Competition: a Disappearing Gap?
by Jeffrey Flory & Uri Gneezy & Kenneth Leonard & John List - 00608 An Economic Approach to Alleviate the Crisis of Confidence in Science: With an Application to the Public Goods Game
by Luigi Butera & John List - 00595 Combining Behavioral Economics and Field Experiments to Reimagine Early Childhood Education
by John List & Anya Samek & Dana Suskind
- 00640 An experimental investigation of intra-household resource allocation in rural India
by Hansika Kapoor & Savita Kulkarni & Anirudh Tagat - 00633 Using Neurological Evidence to Differentiate between Informational and Social Herding among Strategic Mortgage Defaulters
by Michael J. Seiler & Eric Walden - 00565 Disentangling Social Capital: Lab-in-the-Field Evidence on Coordination, Networks, and Cooperation
by Sandra Polania-Reyes - 00560 Doing more when you're running LATE: Applying marginal treatment effect methods to examine treatment effect heterogeneity in experiments
by Amanda Kowalski - 00559 The Richness of Giving: Charity Selection and Charitable Gifts in a Large Field Experiment
by Shachar Kariv & Daniel Lee & John List & Michael Price - 00557 What is the Price Elasticity of Charitable Giving? Toward a Reconciliation of Disparate Estimates
by Daniel Hungerman & Mark Ottoni-Wilhelm - 00545 Reducing crime and violence: Experimental evidence from cognitive behavioral therapy in Liberia [Appendix]
by Christopher Blattman & Julian Jamison & Margaret Sheridan - 00544 Reducing crime and violence: Experimental evidence from cognitive behavioral therapy in Liberia
by Christopher Blattman & Julian Jamison & Margaret Sheridan - 00542 Inflation Expectations, Learning and Supermarket Prices: Evidence from Survey Experiments
by Alberto Cavallo & Guillermo Cruces & Ricardo Perez-Truglia - 00448 Supply and Demand for Discrimination: Strategic Revelation of Own Characteristics in a Trust Game
by Anthony Heyes & John List - 00445 Moral Costs and Rational Choice: Theory and Experimental Evidence
by James Cox & John List & Michael Price & Vjollca Sadiraj & Anya Samek - 00438 Incentivizing Quantity and Quality of Output: An Experimental Investigation of The Quantity-Quality Trade-Off
by Jared Rubin & Anya Samek & Roman Sheremeta - 00410 Using Field Experiments in Accounting and Finance
by Eric Floyd & John List - 00402 Multiple Hypothesis Testing in Experimental Economics
by John List & Azeem Shaikh & Yang Xu - j0002 Field Experiments in Markets
by Omar Al-Ubaydli & John List
- 00632 A Neurological Explanation of Strategic Mortgage Default
by Michael J. Seiler & Eric Walden - 00588 Estimating Individual Ambiguity Aversion: A Simple Approach
by Uri Gneezy & Alex Imas & John List - 00458 Do Natural Field Experiments Afford Researchers More or Less Control than Laboratory Experiments? A Simple Model
by Omar Al-Ubaydli & John List - 00450 The Curious Relation Between Theory of Mind and Sharing in Preschool Age Children
by Daniel Houser & John List & Anya Samek - 00449 On the Origins of Dishonesty: from Parents to Children
by Daniel Houser & John List & Marco Piovesan & Anya Samek & Joachim Winter - 00434 Learned Generosity? A Field Experiment with Parents and Their Children
by Avner Ben-Ner & John List & Louis Putterman & Anya Samek - 00427 An Experimental Study of Decision Process with Interactive Technology
by Inkyoung Hur & Sung-Hee Kim & Anya Samek & Ji Soo Yi - 00418 Dishonesty: From Parents to Children
by Daniel Houser & John List & Marco Piovesan & Anya Samek & Joachim Winter - 00399 Globalization and Redistribution Towards the Poor in Developing Countries: Experimental Evidence from India
by Sera Linardi & Nita Rudra - 00397 Control in Experiments: A Simple Model
by Omar Al-Ubaydli & John List
- 00696 Internet piracy and book sales: A field experiment
by Wojciech Hardy & Michal Krawczyk & Joanna Tyrowicz - 00624 Lender Characteristics and the Neurological Reasons for Strategic Mortgage Default
by Michael J. Seiler & Eric Walden - 00589 On the Role of Group Size in Tournaments: Theory and Evidence from Lab and Field Experiments
by John List & Jan Stoop & Daan van Soest & Haiwen Zhou - 00442 When Charities Compete: A Laboratory Experiment with Simultaneous Public Goods
by Justin Krieg & Anya Samek - 00441 Divided Loyalists or Conditional Cooperators? Creating Consensus About Cooperation in Multiple Simultaneous Social Dilemmas
by Matthew McCarter & Anya Samek & Roman Sheremeta - 00440 Recognizing Contributors: An Experiment on Public Goods
by Anya Samek & Roman Sheremeta - 00432 When Identifying Contributors is Costly: An Experiment on Public Goods
by Anya Samek & Roman Sheremeta - 00416 Facing Your Opponents: Social Identification and Information Feedback in Contests
by Shakun Mago & Anya Samek & Roman Sheremeta - 00405 Field experiments in the developed world: an introduction
by John List & Robert Metcalfe
- 00602 Guest Editors' Preface to the Special Symposium on Field Experiments
by Iwan Barankay & Magnus Johannesson & John List & Richard Friberg & Matti Liski & Kjetil Storesletten - 00601 Guest Editors' Preface to the Special Issue of Field Experiments in Economics and Management
by John List & Anya Samek & Michael Price - 00466 No More Despairing over Disparities: A Dynamic Explanation of the Willingness to Pay and Willingness to Accept Disparity
by Catherine Kling & John List & Jinhua Zhao - 00464 Consumers Misunderstanding of Health Insurance
by Sarah Ahmed & John Beshears & James Choi & Joelle Friedman & Jonathan Kolstad & Suzanne Linck & John List & George Loewenstein & Brigitte Madrain & Barbara McGill & Stacey Sinkula & Kevin Volpp - 00461 Is the Endowment Effect an Expectations Effect?
by Ori Heffetz & John List - 00447 Using Field Experiments in Environmental and Resource Economics
by John List & Michael Price - 00436 Is There a Gender Gap in Preschoolers' Competitiveness? An Experiment in the U.S
by Anya Samek - 00430 Recognizing Contributors and Cost of Information: An Experiment on Public Goods
by Anya Samek & Roman Sheremeta - 00425 Divided Loyalties or Conditional Cooperation? An Experimental Study of Contributions to Multiple Public Goods
by Matthew McCarter & Anya Samek & Roman Sheremeta - 00413 The Demographics of Cooperation: Evidence from a Field Experiment in the Gori-Ganga Basin
by Sujoy Chakravarty & Carine Sebi & E Somanathan & Emmanuel Theophilus - 00389 Using field experiments to change the template of how we teach economics
by John List - j0001 On the Generalizability of Experimental Results in Economics: With A Response To Camerer
by Omar Al-Ubaydli & John List
- 00467 On the Generalizability of Experimental Results in Economics
by Omar Al-Ubaydli & John List - 00439 An Experimental Study of Reputation with Heterogeneous Goods
by Anya Samek - 00435 Exploring the Origins of Charitable Acts: Evidence from an Artefactual Field Experiment with Young Children
by John List & Anya Samek - 00426 Simultaneous Decision-Making in Competitive and Cooperative Environments
by Anya Samek & Roman Sheremeta - 00098 Eliciting donor preferences
by Frode Alfnes & Maren Bachke & Mette Wik - 00072 Sex, competitiveness, and investment in offspring: On the origin of preferences
by Jeffrey Flory & Uri Gneezy & Kenneth Leonard & John List
- 00600 Introduction to Charitable Giving and Fundraising Special issue
by James Andreoni & John List - 00582 Are Social Preference Related to Market Perfomance
by Andreas Leibbrandt - 00469 Empirical Implementation of Nonparametric First-Price Auction Models
by Daniel Henderson & John List & Daniel Millimet & Christopher Parmeter & Michael Price - 00089 Why economists should conduct field experiments and 14 tips for pulling one off
by John List - 00017 Using artefactual field experiments to learn about the incentives for sustainable forest use in developing economies
by Erwin Bulte & Andreas Kontoleon & John List & Ty Turley & Maarten Voors
- 00475 Toward an understanding of the relative strengths of positive and negative reciprocity
by Omar Al-Ubaydli & Uri Gneezy & John List & Min Sok Lee - 00474 Auctions with Resale When Private Values Are Uncertain: Evidence from the Lab and Field
by Andreas Lange & John List & Michael Price - 00423 Behavioral Spillovers in Coordination Games
by Timothy Cason & Anya Samek & Roman Sheremeta - 00094 So you want to run an experiment, now what? Some simple rules of thumb for optimal experimental design
by John List & Sally Sadoff & Mathis Wagner - 00092 Field experiments in labor economics
by John List & Imran Rasul - 00090 Are ceos expected utility maximizers?
by John List & Charles Mason - 00081 Checkmate: Exploring backward induction among chess players
by Steven Levitt & John List & Sally Sadoff - 00080 What happens in the field stays in the field: Professionals do not play minimax in laboratory experiments
by Steven Levitt & John List & David Reiley - 00077 Is a donor in hand better than two in the bush? Evidence from a natural field experiment
by Craig Landry & Andreas Lange & John List & Michael Price & Nicholas Rupp - 00053 Investment under uncertainty: Testing the options model with professional traders
by Michael Haigh & John List - 00002 How can behavioral economics inform non-market valuation? An example from the preference reversal literature
by Vic Adamowicz & Jonathan Alevy & John List
- 00088 Social preferences: Some thoughts from the field
by John List - 00087 Introduction to field experiments in economics
by John List - 00070 Do people invest in local public goods with long-term benefits? Experimental evidence from a shanty town in peru
by Thomas de Hoop & Ricardo Fort & Luuk van Kempen - 00069 Can field experiments return agricultural economics to the glory days?
by David Herberich & Steven Levitt & John List - 00049 Gender differences in competition: Evidence from a matrilineal and a patriarchal society
by Uri Gneezy & Kenneth Leonard & John List - 00047 Choices under risk in rural peru
by Francisco Galarza
- 00477 Exploring the Impact of Financial Incentives on Stereotype Threat: Evidence from a Pilot Study
by Roland Fryer & Steven Levitt & John List - 00476 Rebate Rules in Threshold Public Good Provision
by John List & Jason Shogren & Michael Spencer & Stephen Swallow - 00108 Do women supply more public goods than men? Preliminary experimental evidence from matrilineal and patriarchal societies
by Steffen Andersen & Erwin Bulte & Uri Gneezy & John List - 00095 Homo economicus evolves
by Steven Levitt & John List - 00091 Field experiments
by John List & David Reiley - 00086 Informed consent in social science
by John List - 00085 Introduction to field experiments in economics with applications to the economics of charity
by John List - 00084 Homo experimentalis evolves
by John List - 00079 Field experiments in economics: The past, the present, and the future
by Steven Levitt & John List - 00041 Is hypothetical bias a universal phenomenon? A multinational investigation
by Mariah Ehmke & John List & Jayson Lusk
- 00480 What do Laboratory Experiments Measuring Social Preferences Reveal About the Real World
by Steven Levitt & John List - 00479 On the Interpretation of Giving in Dictator Games
by John List - 00387 Experimenting with Fish has some Advantages
by John List - 00381 Using lotteries to finance public goods: theory and experimental evidence
by Andreas Lange & John List & Michael Price - 00110 Trust and trustworthiness across different age groups
by Martin Kocher & Matthias Sutter - 00109 Outcomes versus intentions. on the nature of fair behavior and its development with age
by Matthias Sutter - 00107 How to pay traders in information markets? Results from a field experiment
by Stefan Luckner & Christof Weinhardt - 00102 Measuring altruistic behavior in surveys: The all-or-nothing dictator game
by Rene Bekkers - 00046 What determines giving to hurricane katrina victims? Experimental evidence on income, race, and fairness
by Christina Fong & Erzo Luttmer - 00043 Patience among children
by Eric Bettinger & Robert Slonim - 00014 Does it pay to pray? Costly ritual and cooperation
by Bradley Ruffle & Richard Sosis - 00001 Viewpoint: On the generalizability of lab behaviour to the field
by Steven Levitt & John List
- 00105 Competition and cooperation in divisible good auctions: An experimental examination
by Orly Sade & Charles Schnitzlein & Jaime Zender - 00104 Cooperation and the in-group-out-group bias: A field test on israeli kibbutz members and city residents
by Bradley Ruffle & Richard Sosis - 00083 Field experiments: A bridge between lab and naturally occurring data
by John List - 00078 The effect of financial rewards on students' achievement: Evidence from a randomized experiment
by Edwin Leuven & Hessel Oosterbeek & Bas van der Klaauw - 00075 Is group lending a good enforcement scheme for achieving high repayment rates? Evidence from field experiments in vietnam
by Hisaki Kono - 00071 What's love got to do with it? An experimental test of household models in east uganda
by Vegard Iversen & Cecile Jackson & Bereket Kebede & Alistair Munro & Arjan Verschoor - 00063 Eliciting risk and time preferences using field experiments: Some methodological issues
by Glenn Harrison & Morten Lau & Elisabet Rutstrom & Melonie Williams - 00048 The limits of self-governance in the presence of spite: Experimental evidence from urban and rural russia
by Herrmann Benedikt & Simon Gachter - 00042 Risk preference, ambiguity aversion and technology choice: Experimental and survey evidence from rural peru
by Jim Engle-Warnick & Javier Escobal & Sonia Laszlo - 00037 Are experienced managers experts at overcoming coordination failure?
by David Cooper - 00032 Competitive work environments and social preferences: Field experimental evidence from a japanese fishing community
by Jeff Carpenter & Erika Seki - 00016 The role of trust in access to bank loans: Results from field experiments in the ecuadorian amazon
by Carlos Alpizar & Steven Buck - 00008 Using experimental economics to measure the effects of a natural educational experiment on altruism
by Eric Bettinger & Robert Slonim
- 00599 Experimental approaches to public economics: guest editors' introduction
by James Andreoni & John List - 00106 Traditional trust measurement and the risk confound: An experiment in rural paraguay
by Laura Schechter - 00093 A simple test of expected utility theory using professional traders
by Michael Haigh & John List - 00065 In search of worker's real effort reciprocity - a field and a laboratory experiment
by Heike Hennig-Schmidt & Bettina Rockenbach & Abdolkarim Sadrieh - 00064 Choice under uncertainty in developing countries
by Glenn Harrison & Steven Humphrey & Arjan Verschoor - 00061 Risk attitudes, randomization to treatment, and self-selection into experiments
by Glenn Harrison & Morten Lau & Elisabet Rutstrom - 00060 Dynamic consistency in denmark: A longitudinal field experiment
by Glenn Harrison & Morten Lau & Elisabet Rutstrom - 00057 Field experiments and control
by Glenn Harrison - 00052 Do professional traders exhibit myopic loss aversion? An experimental analysis
by Michael Haigh & John List - 00045 Cultural diversity, discrimination and economic outcomes: An experimental analysis
by Ronald Cummings & Paul Ferraro - 00040 The economics of altruistic punishment and the demise of cooperation
by Martijn Egas & Arno Riedl - 00036 The effect of social capital on group loan repayment: Evidence from artefactual field experiments
by Alessandra Cassar & Lucas Crowley & Bruce Wydick - 00034 Field experiments in economics: An introduction
by Jeff Carpenter & Glenn Harrison & John List - 00026 Groups, commons and regulations: Experiments with villagers and students in colombia
by Juan-Camilo Cardenas - 00012 Social capabilities preserved in alzheimer patients
by Antoni Bosch-Domenech & Rosemarie Nagel & Juan Sanchez-Andres - 00007 Actions and beliefs: Estimating distribution-based preferences using a large scale experiment with probability questions on expectations
by Charles Bellemare & Sabine Kroger & Arthur van Soest - 00006 On representative social capital
by Charles Bellemare & Sabine Kroger
- 00491 Examining the Role of Social Isolation on Stated Preferences
by Robert Berrens & Alok Bohara & Joe Kerkvliet & John List - 00112 Market integration, reciprocity and fairness in rural papua new guinea: Results from a two-village ultimatum game study
by David Tracer - 00099 Redesigning teams and incentives in a merger: An experiment with managers and students
by Claude Montmarquette & Jean-Louis Rulliere & Marie-Claire Villeval & Romain Zeiliger - 00097 Experimental auction procedure: Impact on valuation of quality differentiated goods
by Ty Feldkamp & Jayson Lusk & Ted Schroeder - 00096 Are choice experiments incentive compatible? A test with quality differentiated beef steaks
by Jayson Lusk & Ted Schroeder - 00074 Using experimental economics to measure social capital and predict financial decisions
by Dean Karlan - 00059 Estimating risk attitudes in denmark: A field experiment
by Glenn Harrison & Morten Lau & Elisabet Rutstrom - 00058 Field experiments
by Glenn Harrison & John List - 00044 The hidden costs and returns of incentives - trust and trustworthiness among ceos
by Ernst Fehr & John List - 00035 Cooperation, trust, and social capital in southeast asian urban slums
by Jeff Carpenter & Amrita Daniere & Lois Takahashi - 00027 What do people bring into the game? Experiments in the field about cooperation in the commons
by Juan-Camilo Cardenas & Elinor Ostrom - 00025 Norms from outside and from inside: An experimental analysis on the governance of local ecosystems
by Juan-Camilo Cardenas - 00024 Bringing the lab to the field: More than changing subjects
by Juan-Camilo Cardenas - 00023 Regulaciones y normas en lo publico y lo colectivo: Exploraciones desde el laboratorio economico
by Juan-Camilo Cardenas - 00022 Social preferences among the sanquianga (colombia) people
by Juan-Camilo Cardenas - 00013 Finite mixture analysis of beauty-contest data from multiple samples
by Antoni Bosch-Domenech & Jose Garcia-Montalvo & Rosemarie Nagel & Albert Satorra - 00004 Preference heterogeneity in experiments: Comparing the field and lab
by Steffen Andersen & Glenn Harrison & Morten Lau & Elisabet Rutstrom
- 00507 The impact of challenge gifts on charitable giving: an experimental investigation
by John List & Daniel Rondeau