- 00111 Selfishness and fairness in economic and evolutionary perspective: An experimental economic study in papua new guinea
by David Tracer - 00103 Religious ritual and cooperation: Testing for a relationship on israeli religious and secular kibbutzim
by Bradley Ruffle & Richard Sosis - 00051 Fairness in the mail and opportunism in the internet - a newspaper experiment on ultimatum bargaining
by Werner Guth & Carsten Schmidt & Matthias Sutter - 00021 Metodos experimentales y participativos para el analisis de la accion colectiva y la cooperaci_n en el uso de recursos naturales por parte de comunidades rurales
by Juan-Camilo Cardenas
- 00082 Testing neoclassical competitive market theory in the field
by John List - 00066 Are peasants risk-averse decision makers?
by Joseph Henrich & Richard McElreath - 00062 Estimating individual discount rates in denmark: A field experiment
by Glenn Harrison & Morten Lau & Elisabet Rutstrom & Melonie Williams - 00055 Risk attitudes of children and adults: Choices over small and large probability gains and losses
by William Harbaugh & Kate Krause & Lise Vesterlund - 00050 Bargaining outside the lab - a newspaper experiment of a three person-ultimatum game
by Werner Guth & Carsten Schmidt & Matthias Sutter - 00033 Using cross-cultural experiments to understand the dynamics of a global commons
by Juan-Camilo Cardenas & Jeff Carpenter - 00030 Economic inequality and burden-sharing in the provision of local environmental quality
by Juan-Camilo Cardenas & John Stranlund & Cleve Willis - 00020 Rethinking local commons dilemmas: Lessons from experimental economics in the field
by Juan-Camilo Cardenas - 00019 Real wealth and experimental cooperation: Evidence from field experiments
by Juan-Camilo Cardenas - 00011 One, two, (three), infinity: Newspaper and lab beauty-contest experiments
by Antoni Bosch-Domenech & Jose Garcia-Montalvo & Rosemarie Nagel & Albert Satorra
- 00517 A random nth-price auction
by Cannon Koo & John List & Michael Margolis & Jason Shogren - 00068 In search of homo economicus: Experiments in 15 small-scale societies
by Samuel Bowles & Robert Boyd & Colin Camerer & Ernst Fehr & Herbert Gintis & Joseph Henrich & Richard McElreath - 00056 Garp for kids: On the development of rational choice behavior
by Timothy Berry & William Harbaugh & Kate Krause - 00029 Should the state regulate the local commons? Lessons from economic experiments in the field
by Juan-Camilo Cardenas & John Stranlund & Cleve Willis - 00018 How do groups solve local commons dilemmas? Lessons from experimental economics in the field
by Juan-Camilo Cardenas
- 00519 Preference Learning in Consecutive Experimental Auctions
by Dermot Hayes & John List & Jason Shogren - 00101 The performance of professionals and students in an experimental study of lobbying
by Jan Potters & Frans van Winden - 00067 Does culture matter in economic behavior? Ultimatum game bargaining among the machiguenga
by Joseph Henrich - 00054 Children's altruism in public good and dictator experiments
by William Harbaugh & Kate Krause - 00028 Local environmental control and institutional crowding-out
by Juan-Camilo Cardenas & John Stranlund & Cleve Willis
- 00076 Are economists more selfish than other `social' scientists?
by Richard Biel & David Laband - 00038 Gaming against managers in incentive systems: Experimental results with chinese students and chinese managers
by David Cooper & John Kagel & Qing Liang Gu & Wei Lo
- 00531 The Deadweight Loss from Christmas: Comment
by John List & Jason Shogren - 00100 Ultimatum bargaining by children and adults
by J.Keith Murnighan & MIchael Saxon
- 00015 Compensation schemes for negative externalities: A field experiment
by David Brookshire & Donald Coursey & Howard Kunreuther
- 00039 A note on the use of businessmen as subjects in sealed offer markets
by Douglas DeJong & Robert Forsythe & Wilfred Uecker
- 00010 Attitudes toward risk: Theoretical implications of an experiment in rural india
by Hans Binswanger
- 00009 Attitudes toward risk: Experimental measurement in rural india
by Hans Binswanger
- 00003 Non-businessmen as surrogates for businessmen in behavioral experiments
by Alpert Bernard