2014, Volume 2014/2, Issue 2
- 153-164 Market and policy shocks in economic systems: interrelated dynamics in the sustainability transition
by Massimiliano Mazzanti - 165-169 Abstracts
by Comitato di Redazione
2014, Volume 2014/1, Issue 1
- 5-26 Progress with Energy Markets in Europe
by Steve Thomas - 27-51 The EU climate and energy policy: what about the new targets for 2030?
by Luigi De Paoli - 53-61 Robert stav ins on the carbon-pricing regime, the New York times , 1 june 2014: dodgy arguments
by Michel Damian - 63-91 Local Climate Action Plans - Tools to Address Energy Consumption and Improve Environmental Performance of Local Communities
by Arturo Lorenzoni & Fabio Disconzi & Fabio Bignucolo - 93-121 Two birds with one stone: improving ecological quality and flood protection through river restoration in Northern Italy
by Antonio Massarutto & Alessandro De Carli - 123-144 Extended producer responsibility and e-waste management: do institutions matter ?
by Marinella Favot - 145-166 The applicability of the indicators proposed by the European and national regulatory framework to the Energy and Environmental Masterplan of the Sicilian Region
by Luana Filogamo - 167-170 Abstracts
by Comitato di Redazione
2013, Volume 2013/3, Issue 3
- 5-29 Science adva ncements, policy immobility: the two fac es of climate (in)action
by Carlo Carraro & Marinella Davide & Valeria Barbi & Giacomo Marangoni - 31-65 EU-Russia Cooperation in a rapidly changing interregional gas market
by Morena Skalamera - 67-89 Influence of new fac tors on global energy prospects in the medium term: compar ison among the 2010, 2011 and 2012 editions of the IEA?s World Energy Outlook reports
by Lo Giudice Gino Moncada & Francesco Asdrubali & Antonella Rotili - 91-120 The impac t of carbon prices on CCS investment in South East Europe
by Alfredo Viskovic & Vladimir Valentic & Vladimir Franki - 121-144 Quality of Life in Major Italian Cities: Do Local Governments Cost Efficiency Contribute to Improve Urban Life Style? An Introductory Analysis
by Simona Bigerna & Paolo Polinori - 145-180 Nautical tourism, carrying capac ity and environmental externality in a protected Lagoon of Northern Adriatic Sea
by Francesco Silvestri & Stefano Ghinoi & Vincenzo Barone - 181-184 Abstracts
by Comitato di Redazione
2013, Volume 2013/2, Issue 2
- 5-18 Energy and environmental observatory. The Italian National Energy Strategy: a critical view of the power sector
by Chiara Bustreo & Guido Meneghini & Irene Vignotto & Giuseppe Zollino - 19-38 The role of the National Energy Strategy in boosting italian economy
by Carlo Andrea Bollino - 39-59 Special section: Local Governments and Environmental Taxation. Introduction
by Fabio Fiorillo & Raffaella Santolini - 43-59 Environmental taxation in Italian fiscal federalism
by Caterina Verrigni - 61-92 Environmental taxation and municipal fiscal federalism: remarks and perspectives on the Italian case study
by Andrea Zatti & Fiorenza Carraro - 93-112 Environmental protection, land-use regulation and local government taxation: theory and evidence on Italian municipalities
by Barbara Ermini & Fabio Fiorillo & Raffaela Santolini - 113-127 Carbon-energy tax and emission permits to fight climate changes
by Alberto Majocchi - 129-152 Environmental tax and regional government consumption expenditure in a fiscal federalism system
by Maurizio Ciaschini & Rosita Pretaroli & Francesca Severini & Claudio Socci - 153-181 Estimating welfare losses and gains in explicit auctions for power trade: an application to the Italian case
by Luigi De Paoli & Elena Fumagalli - 183-187 Abstracts
by Comitato di Redazione
2013, Volume 2013/1, Issue 1
- 5-22 Economia e tecnologia del teleriscaldamento: alcune riflessioni
by Francesco Gull? - 23-40 Infrastructural equip ment and regulati on. Key interv entions for sustaining security and development of the Italian natural gas market
by Alessandro Fiorini & Antonio Sileo - 41-68 Cooperation in the initial stages of infrastructure projects: a conceptual model and surv ey of Italian utility managers
by Giuseppe Cappiello & Paola Garrone & Paolo Nardi - 69-71 Economic, environmental and energy systems: market dynamics, innova tion and policy toward s sustainability
by Alessio D'Amato & Massimiliano Mazzanti & Anna Montini & Francesco Nicolli - 73-89 Cost-benefit analysis of carbon dioxide capture and storage considering the impact of two different climate change mitigation regimes
by Sebastiano Cupertino - 91-124 Non-CO2 greenhouse gas mitigation modeling with marginal abatement cost curv es: technical change, emission scenarios and policy costs
by Samuel Carrara & Giacomo Marangoni - 125-146 Tools and models to support wa ter management in agriculture under policy and climate change. The Trebbia irrigation district experience
by Guido Maria Bazzani - 147-174 Hydrocarbon exploitation and macroeconomic performance: a structural var approach for Basilicata1
by Floriana Florestano - 175-200 Sustainability in organic and conventional farm ing: toward s a multicriteria model based on simulated farm indicators
by Maurizio Canavari & Nicola Cantore & Sergio Albertazzi & Chiara Marco Della & Giuliano Vitali & Claudio Signorotti & Guido Baldoni & Concetta Cardillo & Antonella Trisorio & Guido Maria Bazzani & Roberta Spadoni & Domenico Regazzi - 201-204 Summaries and abstracts
by Comitato di Redazione
2012, Volume html10.3280/efe2012-001010, Issue 1
- 169-174 Summaries and abstracts
by n.d.
2012, Volume html10.3280/efe2012-001009, Issue 1
- 153-168 Investment, public resources and the transport system: some simulations with the astra-it model
by Davide Fiorello & Dorota Bielanska & Silvia Mafii & Angelo Martino
2012, Volume html10.3280/efe2012-001008, Issue 1
- 121-152 An assessment of the tools of incentive regulation in electricity networks
by Haikel Khalfallah & Jean-Michel Glachant
2012, Volume html10.3280/efe2012-001007, Issue 1
- 95-120 Taxation within electricity auctions with dominant firm
by Francesco Gull?
2012, Volume html10.3280/efe2012-001006, Issue 1
- 65-93 Nuclear power generation, renewable resources and endogenous growth
by Riccardo Costantini
2012, Volume html10.3280/efe2012-001005, Issue 1
- 55-63 The power sector in italy: an (almost) forced path
by Giovanni Battista Zorzoli
2012, Volume html10.3280/efe2012-001004, Issue 1
- 43-53 100% renewable electricity by mid century in italy?
by Gianni Silvestrini
2012, Volume html10.3280/efe2012-001003, Issue 1
- 19-41 A proposito di strategia energetica nazionale
by Tullio Fanelli & Federico Testa
2012, Volume html10.3280/efe2012-001002, Issue 1
- 9-18 Lo sterile dibattito sulla nuova strategia energetica
by Alberto Cl?
2012, Volume html10.3280/efe2012-001001, Issue 1
- 5-18 EPEE: a new name for a journal with more than 50 years of life
by Luigi De Paoli
2012, Volume 2012/3, Issue 3
- 5-13 l?Italia hub euromediterraneo del gas naturale: politiche, infrastrutture, collaborazioni europee e internazionali
by Sergio Garribba - 15-17 Special section: Integrated urban solid waste management. Editorial
by Marco Frey & Francesco Rizzi - 19-35 Willingness to pay for more sustainable e-waste management: a contingent valuation study in greece
by Charisios Achillas & Christos Vlachokostas & Avraam Karagiannidis & Eftichios Sophocles Sartzetakis & Nicolas Moussiopoulos - 37-50 Solid state anaerobic digestion as a possible solution for managing existing mechanical biological treatment plants in a more efficient way: a real case analysis
by Francesco Di Maria - 51-64 How to divide the costs of urban solid wastes collection among citizens?
by Vito Fragnelli - 65-79 Adopting rational waste management schemes: The case of Preveza municipality
by Christos Karkanias & Avraam Karagiannidis & Ioannis S. Antonopoulos & Petros Samaras - 81-110 The brown side of the green economy: urban garbage and the zero-waste utopia
by Antonio Massarutto - 111-133 "Sunny" prospects: an analysis of the photovoltaic industry in Italy
by Bernardina Algieri & Antonio Aquino & Marianna Succurro - 135-154 A new-institutional framework to explore the trade-off between agriculture, environment and landscape
by Francesco Caracciolo & Pasquale Lombardi - 155-174 Issues in the calculation of antitrust damages in the energy industry
by Elisabetta Linares - 175-180 Abstracts / Errata corrige
by n.d.
2012, Volume 2012/2, Issue 2
- 5-9 Transport economics and the environment: an introduction
by Gerardo Marletto - 11-30 The design of a strategy to encourage voluntary travel behaviour change: a cap and save programme
by Italo Meloni & Erika Spissu - 31-47 To drive or not to drive? A simple evolutionary model
by Angelo Antoci & Simone Borghesi & Gerardo Marletto - 49-83 A medium term evaluation of the Ecopass road pricing scheme in Milan: economic, environmental and transport impacts
by Romeo Danielis & Lucia Rotaris & Edoardo Marcucci & J?rome Massiani - 85-112 Comparison of social and perceived marginal costs of road transport in Italy
by Paolo Beria & Raffaele Grimaldi & Marco Ponti - 113-130 Emission savings through a re-scheduling of maritime services: possible implications for the Mediterranean ports
by Claudio Ferrari & Alessio Tei - 131-155 Estimating electric car?s emissions in Germany: an analysis through a pivotal marginal method and comparison with other methods
by J?rome Massiani & Jens Weinmann - 157-192 Energy efficiency in the transport sector: policy evolution and evaluation in some european countries
by Eva Valeri & Amanda Stathopoulos & Edoardo Marcucci - 193-218 Stop that train! Ideological conflict and the TAV
by Lucie Greyl & Hali Healy & Emanuele Leonardi & Leah Temper - 219-244 Transport and the environment in Italy (1950-2006)
by Federico Paolini - 245-253 Summaries and abstracts
by n.d.
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-003009, Issue 3
- 167-174 Abstracts
by n.d.
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-003008, Issue 3
- 141-165 Sui costi di generazione dell?energia elettrica da fonte nucleare
by Carlo Mari
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-003007, Issue 3
- 115-140 Energia e ambiti materiali connessi: la lettura della Corte costituzionale
by Camilla Buzzacchi
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-003006, Issue 3
- 87-113 I Payments for Ecosystem Services: opportunit? di sviluppo nella tutela delle risorse paesaggistico-ambientali
by Stefania Troiano & Francesco Marangon
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-003005, Issue 3
- 61-86 Wind power industry in Italy: State and competitiveness factors. An adjusted diamond model approach
by Marco Frey & Roberta Squillace
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-003004, Issue 3
- 31-44 L?Italia e il nuovo nucleare: un?intricata questione di norme, regole e sentenze
by Antonio Di Martino & Antonio Sileo
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-003003, Issue 3
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-003002, Issue 3
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-003001, Issue 3
- 5-16 Yellow Book 2011 - I dati sul servizio di distribuzione e vendita del gas naturale in Italia
by Lorenzo Bardelli
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-002008, Issue 2
- 159-170 Abstracts
by n.d.
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-002007, Issue 2
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-002006, Issue 2
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-002005, Issue 2
- 103-135 Rifiuti generati, rifiuti in discarica ed efficacia delle politiche ambientali in Europa
by Valentina Iafolla & Massimiliano Mazzanti & Francesco Nicolli
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-002004, Issue 2
- 85-101 Environmental governance in China: taking policy instruments seriously
by Miron Mushkat & Roda Mushkat
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-002003, Issue 2
- 57-83 Ownership Separation of the Gas Transportation Network: Theory and Practice
by Susanna Dorigoni & Federico Pontoni
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-002002, Issue 2
- 39-55 Nucleare, "modello finlandese" e mercato: una strada percorribile per l?Italia?
by Carlo Stagnaro & Federico Testa
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-002001, Issue 2
- 5-38 Bilancio della liberalizzazione del mercato dell'elettricit? e del gas in Italia: 1999-2009
by Luigi De Paoli & Francesco Gull?
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-001012, Issue 1
- 165-173 Abstracts
by n.d.
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-001011, Issue 1
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-001010, Issue 1
- 129-150 L?impatto economico dei cambiamenti climatici sulla disponibilit? di acqua irrigua in un?area del Mediterraneo
by Gabriele Dono & Graziano Mazzapicchio
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-001009, Issue 1
- 105-127 The economics of environmental policy implementation: Chinese insights
by Miron Mushkat & Roda Mushkat
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-001008, Issue 1
- 87-103 Technical efficiency drivers for the Italian water industry
by Tiziana Caliman & Paolo Nardi
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-001007, Issue 1
- 83-86 La teoria economica alla fine dell?incontro a Copenaghen
by Ferdinand E. Banks
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-001006, Issue 1
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-001005, Issue 1
- 61-66 Prospettive del negoziato globale sui cambiamenti climatici
by Corrado Clini
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-001004, Issue 1
- 49-59 Cambiamenti climatici e condizionamenti culturali
by Giovanbattista Zorzoli
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-001003, Issue 1
- 31-47 Lo sviluppo delle rinnovabili nel settore elettrico verso il traguardo del 2020
by Gerardo Montanino & Luca Benedetti & Silvia Morelli & Andros Racchetti
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-001002, Issue 1
- 13-29 Auto elettrica o reti di trasporto ad alta efficienza?
by Andrea Molocchi
2010, Volume html10.3280/efe2010-001001, Issue 1
- 5-12 L?esperienza francese nel processo europeo di liberalizzazione del mercato dell?energia
by Jean-Marie Chevalier
2009, Volume LII, Issue 3
- 5-32 Economie di scala e dimensione ottimale nella distribuzione del gas: una meta-analisi
by Francesco Gull? - 33-34 Parte monografica: La contabilit? ambientale. Introduzione: qualcosa di nuovo sul fronte"contabilit? ambientale"?
by Silvana Dalmazzone - 35-60 I conti Namea per le regioni italiane
by Angelica Tudini & Giusy Vetrella - 61-86 L'applicazione dell'approccio NAMEA per emissioni in atmosfera e rifiuti speciali a livello regionale, provinciale e comunale
by Silvana Dalmazzone & Alessandra La Notte - 87-107 Come strutturare un sistema di contabilit? ambientale per il territorio e gli enti locali. Una proposta di integrazione fra il sistema CLEAR e l'approccio NAMEA
by Alessandra La Notte & Luca Frappiccini - 109-139 La contabilizzazione di emissioni e concentrazioni degli inquinanti in atmosfera utilizzando conti ambientali e chain modeling
by Alessandra La Notte & Giorgio Arduino & Franca Sordi & Gianluigi Truffo - 141-164 I conti ambientali del territorio e delle risorse: due casi studio a supporto delle future linee guida a livello locale
by Alessandra La Notte & Margherita Turvani - 165-186 Come applicare l'approccio NAMEA ai Rifiuti Solidi Urbani: un caso studio nella provincia di Torino
by Alessandra La Notte - 187-195 Abstracts
by n.d.
2009, Volume LII, Issue 2
- 5-30 La strategia energia-clima europea nel contesto globale e le sue implicazioni per l'Italia
by Andrea Molocchi - 31-46 Non ci resta che piangere per le politiche climatiche?
by Carlo Stagnaro - 47-62 Il negazionismo climatico e il ritardo nelle politiche di mitigazione
by Stefano Caserini - 63-75 Alcune riflessioni sul problema del cambiamento del clima globale
by Ernesto Pedrocchi - 77-87 I dieci anni decisivi per il clima
by Gianni Silvestrini - 89-104 Riscaldamento climatico e nuova modernit?: un banco di prova per rendere sostenibile e riflessivo lo sviluppo
by Enzo Rullani - 105-122 Politica ambientale e concorrenza imperfetta: i mercati della CO2
by Liliya Chernyavs'ka & Francesco Gull? - 123-143 I costi economici della siccit?: il caso del Po
by Antonio Massarutto & Alessandro de Carli - 145-162 Rapport de la commission sur l'organisation du march? de l'?lectricit?
by Paul Champsaur - 163-164 Letture
by n.d. - 165-171 Summaries and abstracts
by n.d.
2009, Volume LII, Issue 1
- 5-10 I cambiamenti climatici: a che punto siamo?
by Luigi De Paoli - 11-23 Le controversie del cambiamento climatico
by Luigi Ciattaglia - 25-33 Heterodox Environmental Economix: Theoretical Strands in Search of a Paradigm
by Gerardo Marletto - 35-60 Beyond the tragedy of the Commons
by Xavier Basurto & Elinor Ostrom - 61-86 Governing the Environment: the Intitutional Economics Approach
by Arild Vatn - 87-101 From market failure paradigm to an institutional theory of environmental governance
by Jouni Paavola - 103-124 Eco-Innovation and Transitions
by Ren? Kemp - 125-136 Corporate Strategy in Relation to Environmental protection issues
by Damien Bazin - 137-159 GNL, competizione e sicurezza di approvvigionamento: il segmento dello shipping
by Susanna Dorigoni & Luigi Mazzei & Federico Pontoni & Antonio Sileo - 161-180 Un'analisi sulla gestione dei rifiuti urbani nei comuni capoluogo di provincia
by Filippo Vergara Caffarelli - 181-185 G8 Declaration: "Responsible leadership for a sustainable future", l'Aquila, Italy, 8 July 2009
by n.d. - 187-195 Summaries and abstracts
by n.d.