- 06035 Shareholder Sovereignty Versus Employee Sovereignty: A dilemma as seen in listed companies in Japan (Japanese)
by TANAKA Kazuhiro - 06034 Economic Analysis of M&As: Why has the number of M&As increased? (Japanese)
by ARIKAWA Yasuhiro & MIYAJIMA Hideaki - 06033 Analysis of the Impact of Pension System Reforms on the Labor Supply Behavior of Elderly Males (Japanese)
by HIGUCHI Yoshio & KUROSAWA Masako & MATSUURA Toshiyuki - 06032 Simulation Analysis of Debt Management Policies to Ensure the Sustainability of Japan's Public Debt (Japanese)
by DOI Takero - 06031 Changing Roles of Economic Technocrats in the "Small Country" Malaysia (Japanese)
by TORII Takashi - 06030 Issues for Japanese Firms from Metanational Management Perspective (Japanese)
by ASAKAWA Kazuhiro - 06029 Roles of Regimes under the Gold Standard and Impact on Prices (Japanese)
by TAKEMORI Shumpei & Liudmila SAVCHENKO - 06028 Analysis of China's Exchange Rate Reform (Japanese)
by ITO Takatoshi - 06027 Productivity and Financing of Startups (Japanese)
by MIYAGAWA Tsutomu & KAWAKAMI Atsushi - 06026 Transparency and International Investment Treaties - Definition and responses (Japanese)
by KOTERA Akira - 06025 Quantitative Policy Evaluation of the Top Runner Method Household Appliance Efficiency Standards Regulations in Japan by Cost-benefit Analysis (Japanese)
by KAINOU Kazunari - 06024 M&A Activities and the Performance of Target Firms - Comparison of Out-In M&As with In-In M&As (Japanese)
by FUKAO Kyoji & YKWON Hyeog Ug & TAKIZAWA Miho - 06023 The Implementation Issue under the WTO Dispute Settlement Procedure - Procedural factors and proposals for improvement (Japanese)
by KAWASE Tsuyoshi - 06022 The Governance and Management Structure of Public Corporations - Achieving Efficient Division of Roles between the Public (National and Local Government) and Private Sectors under Decentralization (Japanese)
by AKAI Nobuo - 06021 The Banking Crisis and Productivity of Borrowing Firms - Evidence from Japan (Japanese)
by KOBAYASHI Keiichiro & AKIYOSHI Fumio - 06020 True Relationship Between Female Labor Force Participation and Total Fertility Rate: An Analysis of OECD Countries (Japanese)
by YASUDA Takehiko - 06019 Overcoming Inferior External Environments in the Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology Industries via R&D Management (Japanese)
by NAKAMURA Hiroshi & ASAKAWA Kazuhiro - 06018 Indicators for Identifying Important Patents (Japanese)
by GOTO Akira & GEMBA Kiminori & SUZUKI Jun & TAMADA Schumpeter - 06017 Failure to Capture Value Because of Commoditization - the Case of Digital Home Electronics (Japanese)
by NOBEOKA Kentaro & ITO Munehiko & MORITA Hirokazu - 06016 The Enterprise Value Creation Management Process and Intangible Assets - the CERM/ROIAM Approach (Japanese)
by KARIYA Takeaki - 06015 TEmpirical Analyses of Product Architecture Theory and International Trade Theory (2006 revised version) (Japanese)
by OSHIKA Takashi & FUJIMOTO Takahiro - 06014 Coordination Problem for Leniency Programs against International Cartels (Japanese)
by IWANARI Hiroo & KAWAGOE Toshiji & KIMURA Yuji & MATSUBAE Taisuke & TAKIZAWA Hirokazu - 06013 The Governance of Regional Banks (Japanese)
by UEMURA Shuichi & WATANABE Yoshitsugu - 06012 Establishing Principles for a More Sustainable Pension System in Japan, and Identifying Challenges (Japanese)
by FUKAO Mitsuhiro & KANEKO Yoshihiro & NAKATA Daigo & HASUMI Ryo - 06011 Measurement of the Fatigue Cost of Commuting without Making Specific Assumptions about the Utility Function (Japanese)
by HATTA Tatsuo & YAMAGA Hisaki - 06010 A Simulation Analysis of Transmission - Constrained Oligopoly in the Wholesale Electricity Market (Japanese)
by TANAKA Makoto - 06009 Life Duration and Debt Structure of Financially Distressed SMEs (Japanese)
by XU Peng & TSURUTA Daisuke - 06008 What Are the Characteristics of Companies Prone to Become a Hostile Takeover Target? (Japanese)
by XU Peng - 06007 Product Architecture as a Coordination System (Japanese)
by OKUNO Masahiro & WATANABE Yasunori - 06006 Complementarity between Regional Trade Agreements and Multilateral Trade Liberalization: Economic consideration and future challenges (Japanese)
by MUKUNOKI Hiroshi - 06005 Characteristics of Small and Medium-size Enterprises that Have Changed Their Main Bank (Japanese)
by KANO Masaji - 06004 The Role of Government-Affiliated Financial Institutions in the Startup Period (Japanese)
by NEMOTO Tadanobu & FUKUNUMA Hikaru & WATANABE Wako - 06003 Corporate Demand for Financial Services and Issues in SME Finance (Japanese)
by YAMORI Nobuyoshi - 06002 Examining Main Bank Relationships in SME Finance - The Correlation between Efficiency and Lending Attitude among Regional Financial Institutions - (Japanese)
by HARIMAYA Kozo & NAGATA Takahiro - 06001 Efficiency Structure Hypothesis versus Structure-Conduct-Performance Hypothesis Revisited (Japanese)
by TSUTSUI Yoshiro & SATAKE Mitsuhiko & UCHIDA Hirofumi
- 05036 True Relationship Between Female Labor Force Participation and Total Fertility Rate: An Analysis of OECD Countries (Japanese)
by YAMAGUCHI Kazuo - 05035 Nonbank Financing and the Moral Hazard of SMEs (Japanese)
by TSURUTA Daisuke - 05034 Quantitative Analysis of the Impact of Changes in Policies and Regulations for Electricity and Town Gas Supply Industries (Japanese)
by KAINOU Kazunari - 05033 Economic Analysis of Interregional Electricity Transmission Networks in Japan (Japanese)
by KAINOU Kazunari - 05032 Exploring Frontiers to Expand Banks' Lending to SMEs (Japanese)
by MASUDA Yasuyoshi - 05031 Does Main Bank's Health Matter in Firm Customers' Behavior? A Study Based on Bank-Firm Matching Data of SMEs (Japanese)
by OGAWA Kazuo - 05030 Study on the Classification of and Reporting Methods for Intangible Assets (Japanese)
by YAMAGUCHI Fujio - 05029 Role and Challenges of Securitization (Japanese)
by YANAGAWA Noriyuki - 05028 Competition with Imports from Low- and Lower-Middle-Income Countries and its Impact on the Growth of Japanese Companies: Empirical Analysis Based on Micro-Data of the "Basic Survey of Japanese Business Structure and Activities" (Japanese)
by ITO Keiko - 05027 Test of the Efficiency Structure Hypothesis with an Application to Japanese Major Banks (Japanese)
by TSUTSUI Yoshiro & SATAKE Mitsuhiko & UCHIDA Hirofumi - 05026 The Role of Product - Developing SMEs in Industrial Cluster Formation - Based on Empirical Analysis on TAMA (Technology Advanced Metropolitan Area) (Japanese)
by KODAMA Toshihiro - 05025 Global Management and Innovation of Japanese Companies (Japanese)
by SANBONMATSU Susumu - 05024 Policy Evaluation for Oligopolistic Markets - A Case of Wholesale Electricity Market - (Japanese)
by HASUIKE Katsuhito & KANEMOTO Yoshitsugu - 05023 Corporate Governance and Employment Adjustments at Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) (Japanese)
by SAITO Takashi & TACHIBANAKI Toshiaki - 05022 Modeling Credit Risk with Long-term and Short-term Debts (Japanese)
by KOBAYASHI Takao & IKEDA Ryoichi - 05021 New Developments on Investor-Versus-State Arbitration and their Implications: Impact of "Legalization" of Investment Treaties (Japanese)
by KOTERA Akira - 05020 Problems in the WTO Agriculture Agreement and the Current State and Prospects for Agricultural Negotiations: The Perspective of a Participant in the Uruguay Round Negotiations (Japanese)
by YAMASHITA Kazuhito - 05019 Conceptual Framework for Understanding Intangible Assets and Problems Concerning Information Disclosure (Japanese)
by KARIYA Takeaki - 05018 Business Succession and the Performance of Post-succession SMEs (Japanese)
by YASUDA Takehiko & KYO Nobue - 05017 The Impact of Raising the Maximum Floor Area Ratio on Commuting Congestion (Japanese)
by TERASAKI Tomoyoshi - 05016 The Cost and Benefit of Relaxing Floor Area Ratio Requirements in Urban Centers - Including the Impact of Congestion Charges via ITS (Japanese)
by HATTA Tatsuo & KUME Yoshiaki & KARATO Koji - 05015 Determinants of R&D Investment by Start-up Firms (Japanese)
by OKAMURO Hiroyuki - 05014 Determinants of Regional Variations in the Business Start-up Ratio (Japanese)
by OKAMURO Hiroyuki & KOBAYASHI Nobuo - 05013 A Note on Comparative Advantage of Architectures (Japanese)
by FUJIMOTO Takahiro - 05012 Selection Between Workouts and Court-administered Proceedings in Corporate Financial Restructuring (Japanese)
by XU Peng - 05011 The Benefits of Urban Agglomeration: Is Tokyo a Unique Case? (Japanese)
by HATTA Tatsuo & UEDA Kohei & KARATO Koji - 05010 "Study on Science - Technology - Industry Network" - Analysis of Japanese companies' return to core business and absorption of new technologies - (Japanese)
by SUZUKI Jun & KODAMA Fumio - 05009 Which Industries Are Most Science-Based? (Japanese)
by TAMADA Schumpeter & KODAMA Fumio - 05008 Development Governance in Malaysia: Institutions and Structures (Japanese)
by TORII Takashi - 05007 Exit or Continue? An Empirical Analysis of SMEs in Ota-ku and Higashiosaka, Japan (Japanese)
by HONJO Yuji & YASUDA Takehiko - 05006 Withdrawal from Business by Small Enterprises (Japanese)
by HARADA Nobuyuki - 05005 The WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism in Cases Involving "Law as Such" with a Focus on U.S. Cases (Japanese)
by KAWASE Tsuyoshi - 05004 Competitiveness of the Chinese Manufacturers in the Digital Appliances Industry: Limits of Combination Capabilities for Product Development of Modular Products (Japanese)
by NOBEOKA Kentaro & UENO Masaki - 05003 Innovation and Organizational/Management Reform (Japanese)
by SANBONMATSU Susumu - 05002 Industry-University Collaboration and the R&D Network of SMEs in Changing Japan's National Innovation System (Japanese)
by MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki - 05001 The GATS Structure Relating to Telecommunications Services - WTO Panel Report on the U.S.-Mexico Telecommunications Dispute: Impact and Issues (Japanese)
by KOTERA Akira
- 04047 Overcoming the Technology Selection Dilemma - The Case of Fanuc Ltd. (Japanese)
by SHIBATA Tomoatsu & KODAMA Fumio - 04046 A Small-Scale Microeconomic Model for Policy Evaluation - Evaluating Measures to Combat Global Warming in the Passenger Vehicle Sector (Japanese)
by FUJIWARA Toru & HASUIKE Katsuhito & KANEMOTO Yoshitsugu - 04045 The Declining Fertility Rate at the Below-Replacement Level: Determining Factors and Countermeasures - The Roles of Husbands, Workplaces, the Government and Society (Japanese)
by YAMAGUCHI Kazuo - 04044 The Realities and Changes of "Lifetime Employment": Trends from 1945 to 1995 (Japanese)
by YAMAGUCHI Kazuo - 04043 The Impact of Computerization on Regular Employment (Japanese)
by SUNADA Mitsuru & HIGUCHI Yoshio & ABE Masahiro - 04042 Policy Evaluation Using a Consumer Surplus Approach (Japanese)
by KANEMOTO Yoshitsugu - 04041 Trading Firm Finance: The Relationship between Trade Credit and Loans (Japanese)
by UESUGI Iichiro - 04040 In Which Industries Does Japan Excel? The Compatibility between Architecture and Organizational Capability (Japanese)
by FUJIMOTO Takahiro & NOBEOKA Kentaro - 04039 Organizational Capabilities of Product Development: International Competitiveness of Japanese Automakers (Japanese)
by NOBEOKA Kentaro & FUJIMOTO Takahiro - 04038 Japanese Companies Operating in South Vietnam (Japanese)
by SEKI Mitsuhiro - 04037 SME Globalization: Causes and Results (Japanese)
by KAWAI Hiroki - 04036 A Comparative Analysis of Job Entry Methods in Japan, the U.S. and Europe (Japanese)
by KODAMA Toshihiro & HIGUCHI Yoshio & ABE Masahiro - 04035 The Effects of Job Entry Methods on Outcomes in Switching Jobs (Japanese)
by KODAMA Toshihiro & HIGUCHI Yoshio & ABE Masahiro - 04034 Fiscal Rules and Public Expenditure Management - Case Study (2): New Zealand (Japanese)
by TANAKA Hideaki - 04033 Fiscal Rules and Public Expenditure Management - Case Study (1): Australia (Japanese)
by TANAKA Hideaki - 04032 Constraints on Liquidity for Start-ups: Entrepreneurial Motivation and the Effect of Government Funding Schemes (Japanese)
by YASUDA Takehiko - 04031 Coordination as a Political Problem - Changes in Industrial Relations in Coordinated Market Economies (Japanese)
by KUME Ikuo & Kathleen THELEN - 04030 Incentive Schemes for Japanese Companies' Voluntary Environmental Initiatives - Empirical Analysis Based on Case Studies and Questionnaires (Japanese)
by TANIKAWA Hiroya