- 10026 Verification and Evaluation of Limestone and Dolomite Origin CO₂ Emissions Using I/O Table and Industrial Statistics Data and Information in Japan (Japanese)
by KAINOU Kazunari - 10025 Measuring Social Exclusion of Non Regular Workers in Japan (Japanese)
by KUME Koichi & OHTAKE Fumio & OKUDAIRA Hiroko & TSURU Kotaro - 10024 Construction of Eco-system for NTBFs to Thrive, Grow and Agglomerate (Japanese)
by NISHIZAWA Akio & WAKABAYASHI Naoki & SABURI Masataka & KUTSUNA Kenji & HIBARA Nobuhiko & KANAI Kazuyori - 10023 Volatility of Firm Performance and Atypical Employment: An empirical analysis using firm-level data (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 10022 Working Hours of Part-timers and the Measurement of Firm-level Productivity (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 10021 Evaluating the Merger and its Remedies in a Dynamic Environment: Revisiting the 1970 Yawata-Fuji steel merger (Japanese)
by OHASHI Hiroshi & NAKAMURA Tsuyoshi & MYOJO Satoshi - 10020 Business Startups: An analysis of selection and post-startup performance (Japanese)
by YASUDA Takehiko - 10019 Can the WTO Law be Applied Indirectly in Municipal Courts? Analysis of the trade remedies cases in the United States and NAFTA (Japanese)
by ITO Kazuyori - 10018 Wages and Productivity in Firms using Foreign Trainees (Japanese)
by HASHIMOTO Yuki - 10017 Institutional Reform of Working Hours from a Workplace Standpoint: With a focus on incorporated national universities (Japanese)
by KOJIMA Noriaki - 10016 Do Education Vouchers Prevent Dropouts at Private High Schools? Evidence from Japanese Policy Changes (Japanese)
by AKABAYASHI Hideo & ARAKI Hiroko - 10015 Legislative Issues of the Working Hours System for White Collar Workers (Japanese)
by SHIMADA Yoichi - 10014 Working Hours Reform: A bird's-eye perspective (Japanese)
by TSURU Kotaro - 10013 Is Work Sharing Effective? (Japanese)
by KAWAGUCHI Daiji & TSURU Kotaro - 10012 Legal Issues of Working Hours and the Direction of Reforms (Japanese)
by MIZUMACHI Yuichiro - 10011 Working Hours, Management, and Workers: What kinds of people in what kinds of companies feel their working hours are becoming longer? (Japanese)
by MORISHIMA Motohiro - 10010 Working Hours Policy From an Economics Standpoint (Japanese)
by HIGUCHI Yoshio - 10009 Simulation Analysis of Community Farming: Is there any room for growth in Japanese rice farming? (Japanese)
by SAITO Keiji & OHASHI Hiroshi & NISHIMURA Kiyohiko - 10008 The Over-employment of Regular Employees and their Work-family Conflict (Japanese)
by YAMAGUCHI Kazuo - 10007 Agenda for R&D Globalization of Japanese Firms: From an organizational and strategic perspective (Japanese)
by ASAKAWA Kazuhiro - 10006 Product Innovation and Economic Growth (Japanese)
by YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi & ANDO Koichi & MIYAKAWA Shuko - 10005 Demand Driven Innovation and Uncertainty: Evidence from diffusion of flat panel TV (Japanese)
by UNAYAMA Takashi & KEIDA Masayuki - 10004 Marriage Rate and Female Labor Participation Rate: Evidence from Japanese prefectural cross-section (Japanese)
by UNAYAMA Takashi - 10003 Discrepancy between Saving Rates in SNA and Family Income and Expenditure Survey and Its Implications (Japanese)
by UNAYAMA Takashi - 10002 A Study about the Job Training Expenditure of Japanese Firms in the 1990s (Japanese)
by SUGA Yutaka - 10001 Backward Patent Citations and Inventors' Recognition of Differential Influences (Japanese)
by WADA Tetsuo
- 09035 A Comparison of Japanese and U.S. Nuclear Power Plants in Reactor Operating and Incident Rates (Japanese)
by KAINOU Kazunari - 09034 Empirical Analysis of the Functions of the National University System: For appropriate allocation of subsidies (Japanese)
by SHIMA Kazunori - 09033 JSR Challenges Increasing Market and Technology Complexities: In search of its radical transformation process (Japanese)
by CHUMA Hiroyuki - 09032 Do large scale investments improve corporate performance? (Japanese)
by TANAKA Kenji & MIYAGAWA Tsutomu - 09031 Managerial and Policy Agenda for Improving Japanese R&D: Inventors' views (Japanese)
by NISHIMURA Junichi & Tingting Wang & NAGAOKA Sadao - 09030 Proposals for the Environment and Trade to the WTO (Japanese)
by YAMASHITA Kazuhito - 09029 Economic Analysis of the Environment and Trade (2) - Cross-border or global environmental problems and trade - (Japanese)
by YAMASHITA Kazuhito - 09028 Economic Analysis of the Environment and Trade (1) - Environmental policies and trade policies - (Japanese)
by YAMASHITA Kazuhito - 09027 Legal Analysis of the Environment and Trade (Japanese)
by YAMASHITA Kazuhito - 09026 Assessment of Policies of Local Public Corporations to Improve Business Efficiency - The Case of Niigata Prefecture's Bureau of Public Enterprise Management Reform Program (Industrial Water Project and Electricity Project) - (Japanese)
by KAINOU Kazunari - 09025 How Were Monetary Polices Implemented before and after the Showa Depression? - Interpretation based on the Taylor Rule and the McCallum Rule - (Japanese)
by HARADA Yutaka & SATO Ayano - 09024 Changes of Industrial Structure and Post-war Economic Growth in Japan (Japanese)
by YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi & MIYAGAWA Shuko - 09023 Main Bank Relationships in Japan: From monitoring to risk hedging (Japanese)
by HIROTA Shinichi - 09022 Spatial Structure of Cities and Distribution of Retail Sales - Analysis based on a Potential NEG Model (Japanese)
by NAKAMURA Ryohei & TAKATSUKA Hajime - 09021 White Collar Exemption and Working Conditions: Impact of overtime regulations on hours worked and hourly wages (Japanese)
by KURODA Sachiko & YAMAMOTO Isamu - 09020 The Current Status of SME Financing under the Financial Crisis: A summary of the Survey on the Status of Transactions between Businesses and Financial Institutions (Feb. 2008) and the Survey on the Status of Transactions between Businesses and Financial Institutions following the Financial Crisis (Feb. 2009). (Japanese)
by UESUGI Iichiro & UCHIDA Hiroshi & OGURA Yoshiyuki & ONO Arito & XU Peng & TSURUTA Daisuke & NEMOTO Tadanobu & HIRATA Hideaki & YASUDA Yukihiro & YAMORI Nobuyoshi & WATANABE Wakou & HOTEI Masaki - 09019 Knowledge Base of Software Innovation (Japanese)
by SUZUKI Jun - 09018 Productivity Disparities Between Self-Employed Workers and Employees (Japanese)
by TOKUI Joji & MAKINO Tatsuji & TAKAHASHI Yoko - 09017 Pluralistic Evolution of the Japanese-Style Enterprise System: Toward the Hybrid Model (Japanese)
by MIYAJIMA Hideaki - 09016 IT Innovation and Economic Growth: The importance of Moore's Law in productivity from a macro perspective (Japanese)
by MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki - 09015 Quantitative Assessment and Analysis of the Household Electricity Rates System (Japanese)
by KAINOU Kazunari - 09014 Household Consumption and Long-Term Structural Changes in Regional Retail and Service Industries (Japanese)
by KAINOU Kazunari - 09013 Determinants of Currency Invoicing in Japanese Exports: A firm-level analysis (Japanese)
by ITO Takatoshi & KOIBUCHI Satoshi & SATO Kiyotaka & SHIMIZU Junko - 09012 Rise of China and Its Neighborhood Diplomacy - Implications for Japanese foreign policy (Japanese)
by TAKAHARA Akio - 09011 Settlement Between Electric Transmission Companies under the Point of Connection Tariff or "Postal Stamp" System (Japanese)
by HATTA Tatsuo - 09010 Financial Analysis of the Efficient and Effective Development and Operation of Ports and Harbors: Structural analysis of development, regulation and operation (Japanese)
by AKAI Nobuo & UEMURA Toshiyuki & SAWANO Koichiro & TAKEMOTO Toru & YOKOMI Muneki - 09009 Productivity Shocks and National Food Security for Japan (Japanese)
by TANAKA Tetsuji & HOSOE Nobuhiro - 09008 Evaluation and Allocation of Resources in Higher Education: The Potential and Challenges of Performance-Based Funding (Japanese)
by TANAKA Hideaki - 09007 Internal Governance and Financial Operation of National Universities: Does governance reform after incorporation improve university management? (Japanese)
by AKAI Nobuo & NAKAMURA Yoshihiro - 09006 Discussion of the Financial Systems of National Universities: Structural analysis of subsidies for operating expenses (Japanese)
by AKAI Nobuo & NAKAMURA Yoshihiro & SENOH Wataru - 09005 Do Mergers Improve Corporate Performance? Analysis of corporate activities based on joint RIETI/METI survey (Japanese)
by TAKIZAWA Miho & TSURU Kotaro & HOSONO Kaoru - 09004 Impact of Greater Longevity on Pension Financing (Japanese)
by NAKATA Daigo & HASUMI Ryo - 09003 A State of Necessity as an Economic Safeguard Clause under Investment Treaties: Limitations and implications as seen in the Argentine economic crisis (Japanese)
by KAWASE Tsuyoshi - 09002 The Software Industry's Multilayered Subcontracting Structure: Empirical analysis of innovation and productivity (Japanese)
by MINETAKI Kazunori & MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki - 09001 Economic Study Regarding the System of Cost Measures for the Transmission and Storage of Renewable Electricity (Japanese)
by KAINOU Kazunari
- 08065 Is Aid Allocation Consistent with Global Poverty Reduction?: A Cross-donor comparison (Japanese)
by SAWADA Yasuyuki & YAMADA Hiroyuki & KUROSAKI Takashi - 08064 A Simulation Analysis of Electricity Markets: Cournot oligopoly and new entry of large-scale generators in the extra-high voltage commercial electricity market (Japanese)
by TANAKA Makoto & KANEMOTO Yoshitsugu - 08063 Forward and Spot Markets for Electricity and Emissions Trading (Japanese)
by TANAKA Makoto - 08062 Corporate Organizational Reform and Corporate Performance: Empirical analysis based on interviews with Tokyo-area firms (Japanese)
by MIYAGAWA Tsutomu & OZAKI Masahiko & KAWAKAMI Atsushi & EDAMURA Kazuma - 08061 Dynamic Analysis of Price Pass-Through Accompanying Events Such as Steep Rises in Crude Oil Prices (Japanese)
by KAINOU Kazunari - 08060 Fairness Today: From the perspective of organizational justice (Japanese)
by MORISHIMA Motohiro - 08059 The Impact of Expectations of the Transfer of Agricultural Land to Other Uses on the Management Scale and Productivity of Rice Cultivation (Japanese)
by SAITO Keiji & OHASHI Hiroshi - 08058 The Productivity Dynamics of Japanese Commerce: An empirical analysis based on microdata from the basic survey of Japanese business structure and activities (Japanese)
by KWON Hyeog Ug & Kim Young Gak - 08057 The Stickiness of Firm Shipping Prices: Analysis based on questionnaire and scanner data (Japanese)
by ABE Naohito & TONOGI Akiyuki & WATANABE Tsutomu - 08056 The Reform of Labor Market Institutions from the Perspectives of Law and Economics (Japanese)
by HIGUCHI Yoshio - 08054 The Decline in Capital Utilization and TFP in the 1990s (Japanese)
by MIYAZAWA Kensuke - 08053 Regional Disparities in the Effects of Trade Liberalization: Computable general equilibrium analysis based on an inter-regional input-output table (Japanese)
by TAKEDA Shiro & BAN Kanemi - 08052 Statistical Analysis of Price Fluctuations in the Online Market (Japanese)
by MIZUNO Takayuki & WATANABE Tsutomu - 08051 Overemployment: The structure, determinants, and countermeasures of involuntarily long work hours (Japanese)
by YAMAGUCHI Kazuo - 08050 Why Has Japan's TFP Growth Recovered?: An empirical analysis based on the basic survey of Japanese business structure and activities (Japanese)
by KWON Hyeog Ug & Kim YoungGak & FUKAO Kyoji - 08049 How Does FDI in East Asia Affect Performance at Home?: Evidence from electrical machinery manufacturing firms (Japanese)
by MATSUURA Toshiyuki & MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki & HAYAKAWA Kazunobu - 08048 労働法学は労働市場制度改革とどう向き合ってきたか
by 諏訪 康雄 - 08047 The Impact of Deregulation in the Retail Sector: Implications for the aging society (Japanese)
by UNAYAMA Takashi & KEIDA Masayuki - 08046 The Internationalization of Japanese Firms: New findings based on firm-level data (Japanese)
by WAKASUGI Ryuhei & TODO Yasuyuki & SATO Hitoshi & NISHIOKA Shuichiro & MATSUURA Toshiyuk & ITO Banri & TANAKA Ayumu - 08045 Gasoline Tax Rates from the Perspective of Optimal Taxation Theory: Comparison among Japan, the U.S., and the UK (Japanese)
by KAWASE Akihiro - 08044 Reform of Governance in Cooperative Financial Institutions: The scale of shinkin banks' boards of directors and management performance (Japanese)
by YAMORI Nobuyoshi & TOMIMURA Kei & HARIMAYA Kozo - 08043 Why the Female Labor Force Participation Rate in Metropolitan Areas is Low: A reexamination of the current situation and of the issues (Japanese)
by HASHIMOTO Yuki & MIYAGAWA Shuko - 08042 Why the Demand Fluctuations and Productivity of Service Industries (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 08041 Dynamic Applied General Equilibrium Analysis for Fiscal Reconstruction Based on a Multi-sector Overlapping Generations Model (Japanese)
by KIMURA Shin & HASHIMOTO Kyoji - 08040 Reform of the labor market (Japanese)
by YASHIRO Naohiro - 08039 Structural Modeling of the Value of Patent (Japanese)
by SUZUKI Jun - 08038 Number of Backward Patent Citations as a Quantitative Indicator of Prior Art (Japanese)
by WADA Tetsuo - 08037 Structure of Economic Globalization: Multiple games among firms, sovereign states, and international organizations (Japanese)
by SHIRAISHI Shigeaki - 08036 The Efficiency versus Equity Trade-off: Observations from survey data (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 08035 Impacts of Aid-Funded Technical Assistance Programs: Firm-level evidence from the Indonesian foundry industry (Japanese)
by TODO Yasuyuki - 08034 Tax and Insurance Premiums as Financial Resources for Social Security (Japanese)
by IWAMOTO Yasushi - 08033 Estimation of Future Tax Revenue (Japanese)
by HASHIMOTO Kyoji & OH Sunchung - 08032 Attribution of Conduct to a State in Investment Disputes: Conditions under which a state is responsible for the conduct of local governments, para-statal entites and public corporations (Japanese)
by NISHIMURA Yumi - 08031 How to Enhance the Productivity of Service Industries: Suggestions from recent studies and agenda for future research (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 08030 What Do Japanese Unions Do for Productivity?: An empirical analysis using firm-level data (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 08029 Productivity and Survival of Family Firms in Japan: An analysis using firm-level microdata (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 08028 Incentive Design of Investment Treaty Arbitration Procedures (Japanese)
by SHIMIZU Takashi - 08027 Regulations and Indirect Expropriation: Major criteria for deciding indirect expropriations in investment treaty arbitration (Japanese)
by MATSUMOTO Kayo - 08026 "Fair and Equitable Treatment" in Investment Treaties: Function of general provisions (Japanese)
by KOTERA Akira - 08025 International Investment Arbitration and Parallel Proceedings: Focusing on regulation and coordination under national law (Japanese)
by NAKAMURA Tatsuya - 08024 Applicable Laws in ICSID Arbitration: Direct application of international law and its implications (Japanese)
by KOMETANI Kazumochi - 08023 Comparative Analysis of the Internal Price Gap in Community Gas and General Gas Businesses (Japanese)
by KAINOU Kazunari - 08022 Age-Free Law and Policy: A labor market approach or an approach of guaranteeing human rights (Japanese)
by MORITO Hideyuki - 08021 Dispute Resolution Systems and Collective Bargaining: From the perspective of disputes over dismissal (Japanese)
by KAMBAYASHI Ryo - 08020 Issues for Labor Law and Changes in Corporate Organization (Japanese)
by SHIMADA Yoichi - 08019 Economic Analysis of Long Working Hours (Japanese)
by OHTAKE Fumio & OKUDAIRA Hiroko - 08018 Basis and Direction of Labor Law Reform: Japan and the debate in Europe and the United States (Japanese)
by MIZUMACHI Yuichiro - 08017 Does Employment Protection Reduce Productivity?: An analysis using Basic Survey of Japanese Business Structure and Activities microdata (Japanese)
by OKUDAIRA Hiroko & TAKIZAWA Miho & TSURU Kotaro - 08016 Labor Market Reform and Labor Law (Japanese)
by KOJIMA Noriaki - 08015 Labor Market Institution Reform in Japan: Problems and recommendations (Japanese)
by TSURU Kotaro - 08014 Breach of Contracts in Investor-State Arbitration Based on International Investment Agreements (Japanese)
by HAMAMOTO Shotaro - 08013 Categories of Rulings on Compensation and Reparation in the International Investment Arbitration : A tentative reclassification of cases (Japanese)
by TAMADA Dai - 08012 Objections to Jurisdiction and their Settlement in International Investment Arbitration (Japanese)
by IWATSUKI Naoki - 08011 Types of Foreign "Investor" and "Investment" Covered by Arbitral Jurisdiction (Japanese)
by ITO Kazuyori - 08010 Chinese Foreign Exchange Policies and Asian Currencies (Japanese)
by ITO Takatoshi - 08009 Currency Invoicing and Foreign Exchange Risk Management: A Case Study of Japanese Firms (Japanese)
by ITO Takatoshi & KOIBUCHI Satoshi & SASAKI Yuri & SATO Kiyotaka & SHIMIZU Junko & HAYAKAWA Kazunobu & YOSHIMI Taiyo - 08008 Economies of Density and Productivity in Service Industries: An analysis of personal service industries based on establishment-level data (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 08007 International Trade in Cultural Goods: Survey and Prospects (Japanese)
by TANAKA Ayumu - 08006 Deep-seated Value Creation in Japanese Manufacturing Firms: Accumulation of Organizational Capabilities and Management of Non-functional Premium Value (Japanese)
by NOBEOKA Kentaro - 08005 Assessment and Prospects of Intellectual Property Rights Provisions in RTAs (Japanese)
by SUZUKI Masabumi - 08004 Measuring Effects of Competition on Retail Power Charges in Public Procurement Bidding (Japanese)
by TAKAGI Shingo & HOSOE Nobuhiro - 08003 Analysis of Joint Patent Applications by Universities or Public Research Institutes and Private-Sector Firms (Japanese)
by TAMADA Schumpeter & INOUE Hiroyasu - 08002 Legitimacy and Transparency of the WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures: An analysis of the present state of the DSU negotiations using private-interest/public-interest models (Japanese)
by KOBAYASHI Kenichi - 08001 Quantitative Evaluation and Analysis of the Internal Price Gap in the Town Gas Industry in Japan (Japanese)
by KAINOU Kazunari
- 07051 Homogeneity of Law in the European Economic Area: A Case of Integration of Multiple Regional Communities and Implementation of Common Rules in the Integrated Community (Japanese)
by OBASE Takuma - 07050 Competition and Coordination in Dispute Settlement Procedures between WTO and Regional Economic Communities: Comparative Review of Forum-choice Clauses (Japanese)
by KAWASE Tsuyoshi - 07049 What Kinds of Company Have High Productivity? Company Characteristics and TFP (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 07048 Is Productivity in the Service Industries Low? An Analysis Using Firm-level Data on the Dispersion and the Dynamics of Productivity (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 07047 Increasing Complexity of Artifacts and the Response of Manufacturing Firms: Design of control systems and integration of mechanism, electronics, and software (Japanese)
by FUJIMOTO Takahiro - 07046 Innovation Process in Japan: Findings from the RIETI Inventors Survey (Japanese)
by NAGAOKA Sadao & TSUKADA Naotoshi - 07045 Empirical Analysis of Administrative and Financial Systems for Utilizing Infrastructure Assets of Local Governments: A study of the governance systems in operation at regional airports (Japanese)
by AKAI Nobuo & UEMURA Toshiyuki & SAWANO Koichiro & TAKEMOTO Toru & YOKOMI Muneki - 07044 Evaluation and Analysis of Economic Welfare in the Wholesale Electric Power Market Using an Optimal Model of the Composition of Electric Power Sources (Japanese)
by KAINOU Kazunari - 07043 Development of a Multiregional Dynamic Applied General Equilibrium Model for the Japanese Economy - Regional economic analysis based on a forward-looking perspective (Japanese)
by BAN Kanemi - 07042 Quantitative Policy Evaluation of the Energy-Conservation Judgement Standards Regulations for Commercial Buildings under the Energy Conservation Act in Japan by Cost-benefit Analysis (Japanese)
by KAINOU Kazunari - 07040 Relationships between Investor-State Arbitration and Local Remedy Procedures in Bilateral Investment Treaties/Economic Partnership Agreements (Japanese)
by ABE Yoshinori - 07039 Current status of tariff liberalization under regional trade agreements and the implications for the clarification of the discipline of GATT Article XXIV (Japanese)
by UENO Asako - 07038 A Way to Resolve the Gender Inequality in Wage: Economic irrationality of statistical discrimination (Japanese)
by YAMAGUCHI Kazuo - 07037 Comparison of the Economic Partnership Agreements Concluded by Japan: Features Regarding Institutional Arrangement (Japanese)
by KOBAYASHI Tomohiko - 07036 Denial of Benefit Provisions in FTAs Accompanying the Liberalization of Trade in Services: Does the "Backdoor" Open for Signatory Countries Faced with FTA Inflexibility? (Japanese)
by WATANABE Shintaro - 07035 体化された技術進歩と資本の平均ヴィンテージ
by 徳井 丞次 & 乾 友彦 & 金 榮愨 - 07034 The Rise of China and the Transformation of Southeast Asia - A preliminary study (Japanese)
by SHIRAISHI Takashi - 07033 The Rise of China and the Transformation of Southeast Asia - A preliminary study (Japanese)
by TAKIZAWA Miho & TSURU Kotaro & HOSONO Kaoru - 07032 国際技術移転における技術協力援助の役割
by 澤田 康幸 & 松田 絢子 & 木村 秀美 - 07031 援助氾濫と経済成長:クロスカントリーデータによる分析
by 木村 秀美 & 澤田 康幸 & 森 悠子 - 07030 ミレニアム開発目標と援助配分:質の高い援助を行っているのはどの供与国か?
by 春日 秀文 - 07029 日米韓企業のit経営に関する比較分析
by 元橋 一之 - 07028 Regional Electric Power Demand in Japan (Japanese)
by AKIYAMA Shuichi & HOSOE Nobuhiro - 07027 Choice of Capacity and Wholesale Transactions in an Electric Power Market Using the Third Party Access Method (Japanese)
by KANEMOTO Yoshitsugu - 07026 Economic Analysis of M&A in Japan: International Characteristics and Economic Role (Japanese)
by MIYAJIMA Hideaki - 07025 Design-Based Comparative Advantage: An Explanatory Analysis (Japanese)
by FUJIMOTO Takahiro & OKUMA Shingo - 07024 Macroeconomic Implications of Declines in Nominal Exchange Rate Pass-through Rates (Japanese)
by SHIOJI Etsuro & VU Tuan Khai & TAKEUCHI Hiroko - 07023 Network Dynamics in the 12 Regional Clusters (Japanese)
by SAKATA Ichiro & KAJIKAWA Yuya & TAKEDA Yoshiyuki & HASHIMOTO Masahiro & SHIBATA Naoki & MATSUSHIMA Katsumori - 07022 Entry and Exit of Companies and Establishments, and Productivity at the Industry Level (Japanese)
by KIM Young Gak & KWON Hyeog Ug & FUKAO Kyoji - 07021 Driving Force That Shifted the LCD Industry in Taiwan from Sustained Progress to Rapid Growth - The Metanational Management Viewpoint (Japanese)
by WANG Shwu-Jen - 07020 Simulation Analysis of the Revision of the Survivors' Pension System (Japanese)
by FUKAO Mitsuhiro & NAKATA Daigo & HASUMI Ryo - 07019 Declining Fertility and Aging of Society, Lifecycle, and Public Pension Finance (Japanese)
by FUKAO Mitsuhiro & HASUMI Ryo & NAKATA Daigo - 07018 Empirical Analysis of Industrial Structure and Productivity of the Japanese Software Industry (Japanese)
by MINETAKI Kazunori & MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki - 07017 Japanese Competitiveness in Liquid Crystal Display Industry - Analysis of Causes of its Decline, and Proposal of "Core National Management" (Japanese)
by NAKATA Yukihiko - 07016 Determinants of Japanese Companies' Financial Attitudes and Behavior - Analysis based on a survey of companies in the Kansai region (Japanese)
by YAMORI Nobuyoshi - 07015 Impact of Machinery-manufacturing Industry on Globalization and Productivity (Japanese)
by MATSUURA Toshiyuki & MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki & FUJISAWA Mihoko - 07014 MEAs in WTO Dispute Settlement Proceedings: Can They Become Applicable Law? (Japanese)
by TAIRA Satoru - 07013 共同研究開発における情報共有
by 中馬 宏之 & 藤村 修三 & 川越 敏司 & 松八重 泰輔 & 奥野(藤原)正寛 & 瀧澤 弘和 & 渡邊 泰典 & 横山 泉 - 07012 Impact of Regional Factors on Births and Wives' Continuation in Employment - Panel survey of consumers by the Institute for Research on Household Economics (Japanese)
by HIGUCHI Yoshio & MATSUURA Toshiyuki & SATO Kazuma - 07011 Effect of Social Capital on Raising Productivity of Urban Centers - Measurement that takes the benefits of agglomeration into consideration (Japanese)
by HATTA Tatsuo & KATO Hidetada - 07010 貿易政策を対象とした応用一般均衡分析
by 武田 史郎 - 07009 Product-developing SMEs and State of Formation of an Industrial Cluster in the Keiji (Kyoto-Shiga) Area (Japanese)
by KODAMA Toshihiro & SAITO Takashi & KAWAMOTO Shinya - 07008 Liberalization of Movement of Natural Persons in Regional Trade Agreements: A Convenient Framework of International Cooperation for Managing Cross-Border Labor Mobility (Japanese)
by TOJO Yoshizumi - 07007 Empirical Analysis of Fertility Rates - Focus on its relationship with the state of economic activity and family policy (Japanese)
by TODA Akihito - 07006 Quantitative Policy Evaluation of the Top Runner Method Regulations for Fuel Consumption Standards for Passenger Cars in Japan by Cost-benefit Analysis (Japanese)
by KAINOU Kazunari - 07005 リスクマネーと企業成長―金融仲介の役割―
by 小林 孝雄 & 久武 昌人 - 07004 Innovation and Financing Structure (Japanese)
by YANAGAWA Noriyuki - 07003 開発援助は直接投資の先兵か? 重力モデルによる推計
by 木村 秀美 & 戸堂 康之 - 07002 Importance of Regional Innovation Systems (Japanese)
by TAMADA Schumpeter - 07001 Possibility of Inefficient Breaches under WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures: Analysis from the Viewpoint of Law and Economics (Japanese)
by SHIMIZU Takashi - 06038 Increasing Complexity of Artifacts and the Role of Product Architecture (Japanese)
by OKUNO Masahiro & TAKIZAWA Hirokazu & WATANABE Yasunori
- 06061 Innovation and East Asian and Global Management of Startups and SMEs (Japanese)
by SANBONMATSU Susumu - 06060 Developments in and an Evaluation of Intellectual Property Rights in Japan (Evaluation of the pro-patent trend since the latter part of the 1990s, in particular the patent system) (Japanese)
by KIYOKAWA Yutaka - 06059 Cost-Effect Analysis of the Japanese Steel Industry's Energy Conservation Measures (Japanese)
by KAINOU Kazunari - 06058 Opinion Survey and Econometric Analysis of the Benefit of Public Spending and the National Burden (Japanese)
by TACHIBANAKI Toshiaki & OKAMOTO Akira & KAWADE Masumi & HATANO Toshiya & MIYAZATO Naomi - 06057 The Optimal Funding Method for the Social Security System (Japanese)
by TACHIBANAKI Toshiaki & OKAMOTO Akira & KAWADE Masumi & HATANO Toshiya & MIYAZATO Naomi & SHIMA Toshihiko & ISHIHARA Akifumi - 06056 Aging Japan and the National Burden Rate (Japanese)
by OKAMOTO Akira - 06055 Regional Knowledge Networks of Corporations, Universities and Public Institutions (Japanese)
by SAKATA Ichiro & KAJIKAWA Yuya & TAKEDA Yoshiyuki & SHIBATA Naoki & HASHIMOTO Masahiro & MATSUSHIMA Katsumori - 06054 Marital Satisfaction and Work-Life Balance: A Viewpoint Indispensable to Mitigating Fertility Decline (Japanese)
by YAMAGUCHI Kazuo - 06053 Disciplines on the Application of Antidumping Measures in Regional Economic Integration: A Quest of prerequisites for introducing disciplines through horizontal comparison (Japanese)
by KAWASHIMA Fujio - 06052 Competition Policy and Law in Regional Economic Integration (Japanese)
by TAKIZAWA Miho - 06051 Entry and Exit of Large-Scale Retail Stores and Revitalization of City Center Districts (Japanese)
by MATSUURA Toshiyuki & MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki - 06050 Empirical Analysis of the Trading Structure Changes in East Asia under the Modularization of Product Architecture (Japanese)
by KUWAHARA Satoshi - 06049 The Impact of Regional Factors on the Business Startup Ratio in the Japanese Manufacturing Sector: A comparative analysis of high-tech and low-tech industries (Japanese)
by OKAMURO Hiroyuki - 06048 The Quantitative Assessment of Organization Capital (Japanese)
by MIYAGAWA Tsutomu & KIM Young Gak - 06047 Start-up Financing and Human Capital of Entrepreneurs (Japanese)
by HONJO Yuji - 06046 Development of a Multi-region CGE Model that Incorporates Monopolistic Competition and other Factors (Japanese)
by HISATAKE Masato & YAMASAKI Kiyoshi - 06045 Relationships Between Locally-oriented Corporate Reconstruction Funds and Local Financial Institutions (Japanese)
by MATSUO Junsuke - 06044 Understanding the Rapid Increase of M&As: Historical background and the economic role of M&As (Japanese)
by MIYAJIMA Hideaki - 06043 Exploring Factors Behind the Weakening Competitiveness of Japan's Semiconductor Production System: from the viewpoint of meta-level integration capability (Japanese)
by CHUMA Hiroyuki - 06042 Treatment of Technical Standards in Regional Trade Agreements - Some lessons for mutual recognition arrangements (Japanese)
by NAIKI Yoshiko - 06041 Relatively High Interest Rates for Okinawa Companies: A quantitative analysis by means of a nationwide comparison (Japanese)
by ABIKO Yuichi - 06040 Integrating Modular Products beyond Industrial Boundary - Analysis of the integration process of a PC system and NC system (Japanese)
by SHIBATA Tomoatsu & KODAMA Fumio