- 13061 International Transport and the Environment: Environmental regulations and international emissions trading (Japanese)
by TAKARADA Yasuhiro - 13059 An Empirical Study on International Trade in Cultural Goods (Japanese)
by JINJI Naoto & TANAKA Ayumu - 13058 How did the Cross-Prefectural Difference of Human Capital Change in Japan? (Japanese)
by TOKUI Joji & MAKINO Tatsuji & KODAMA Naomi & FUKAO Kyoji - 13057 Low Pricing Regulation: Remaining issues (Japanese)
by KAWAHAMA Noboru - 13056 Concept of Cultural Diversity in the Context of the WTO Agreement: Some thoughts on the treatment of content items and the relationship with the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity (Japanese)
by KAWASE Tsuyoshi - 13055 "New" Cultural Diversity Policy in the Digital World: Net-neutrality regulation on bottleneck players (Japanese)
by TOJO Yoshizumi - 13054 Spatial Aspects of Firm-level Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Japan (Japanese)
by OKUBO Toshihiro & Robert J.R. ELLIOTT & Matthew A. COLE & Ying ZHOU - 13053 Impacts of the Great East Japan Earthquake on Regional Potentials and Labor Distribution in Miyagi Prefecture (Japanese)
by IHARA Ryusuke & NAKAMURA Ryohei & MORITA Manabu - 13052 Exchange Rate Pass-through and Market Power: Empirical analysis on Japanese automobile exports (Japanese)
by SASAKI Yuri - 13051 An Essay on the Relationship between "Cool Japan" and Trade Policy (Japanese)
by MIHARA Ryotaro - 13050 Patent Infringement, Technology Selection, and Non-Practicing Entities (Japanese)
by OHNO Yuka - 13049 Trade Policy Preferences and Individual Characteristics: Descriptive report of a survey on approximately 10,000 individuals (Japanese)
by TOMIURA Eiichi & ITO Banri & MUKUNOKI Hiroshi & WAKASUGI Ryuhei & KUWAHATA Hiroyuki - 13048 Migration and Economic Development in China: Evidence from the latest population census (Japanese)
by MENG Jianjun - 13047 Current Status of Third-Sector Organizations and Issues in Sector Development: From diversity through division to lateral diversity (Japanese)
by USHIRO Fusao - 13046 Postgraduate Education, Labor Participation, and Wages: An empirical analysis using micro data from Japan (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 13045 Quantitative Analysis on a Dynamic Inconsistency Problem with Constructing a Disaster Prevention Facility: A case study of a seawall in the city of Rikuzentakata (Japanese)
by KONO Tatsuhito & KITAMURA Naoki & YAMASAKI Kiyoshi & IWAKAMI Kazuki - 13044 A Comparison of the Wage Structure between the Public and Private Sectors in Japan (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 13043 Policy Uncertainty and Business (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 13042 International Trade, Emissions Trading Systems, and Sectorally Differentiated Environmental Regulations (Japanese)
by TAKARADA Yasuhiro - 13041 Empirical Analysis of the Crowding out Occurring in Corporate Finance (Japanese)
by SHOJI Keishi - 13040 A Survey of Existing Theories Related to the Real Effects of Public Debt (Japanese)
by SHOJI Keishi - 13039 Compatibility of Jobs and Marriage and Nursery Schools: Evidence from the 2010 Population Census (Japanese)
by UNAYAMA Takashi - 13038 Intangible Investment and Firm Value in Japan (Japanese)
by TAKIZAWA Miho - 13037 Compilation of the Regional-Level Japan Industrial Productivity Database (R-JIP) (Japanese)
by TOKUI Joji & MAKINO Tatsuji & FUKAO Kyoji & MIYAGAWA Tsutomu & ARAI Nobuyuki & ARAI Sonoe & INUI Tomohiko & KAWASAKI Kazuyasu & KODAMA Naomi & NOGUCHI Naohiro - 13036 Productivity Dynamics and R&D Spillovers in the Japanese Manufacturing Industry: An empirical analysis based on micro-level data (Japanese)
by IKEUCHI Kenta & YoungGak KIM & KWON Hyeog Ug & FUKAO Kyoji - 13035 Internationalization of the Japanese Manufacturing Industry and the Structure of the Global Value Chain (Japanese)
by ITO Koji - 13034 Impact of Growing Imports: A comparison of international and domestic firms in the Japanese manufacturing industry (Japanese)
by ITO Koji - 13033 What Can Japan Learn from the Swedish Budget Consolidation? (Japanese)
by YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi & ANDO Koichi & MIYAGAWA Shuko - 13032 What Can Japan Learn from the Swedish Budget Consolidation? (Japanese)
by OKINA Yuri - 13031 New Theoretical Trends and Political Approaches in Labor and Employment Law (Japanese)
by MIZUMACHI Yuichiro - 13030 New Theoretical Trends and Political Approaches in Labor and Employment Law (Japanese)
by ISHIDA Shinpei - 13029 Development of the "Right to Work" Theory: Focusing on discussions on the Anglo-American labor law (Japanese)
by ARITA Kenji - 13028 Theoretical Issues for the Integral Reform of Minimum Wage Regulation and the Social Security System: The implications from the experience of the United Kingdom on the National Minimum Wage, Working Tax Credit, and Universal Credit (Japanese)
by KANKI Chikako - 13027 The Legal Approach and Problems Concerning Employment Discrimination Laws (Japanese)
by HASEGAWA Tamako - 13026 New Forms of Employee Participation in the United States: Practice and theory (Japanese)
by TAKEUCHI-OKUNO Hisashi - 13025 Cultural Policies under the Mechanism for Foreign Investment Protection (Japanese)
by ITO Kazuyori - 13024 Determinants of Transaction Partners' Quality: Evidence from the Great East Japan Earthquake (Japanese)
by NAKAJIMA Kentaro & TODO Yasuyuki - 13023 Global Performance of Japanese Manufacturing Multinational Firms: Productivity comparison between parent firms and their affiliates abroad (Japanese)
by ITO Keiko & TANAKA Kiyoyasu - 13022 Accuracy Improvement Measures for Energy Consumption Statistics of Japan (Japanese)
by KAINOU Kazunari - 13021 A Study on the Creation of Collaborative Organizations and Collaborative Capabilities among Top Managers of Small-and Medium-sized Manufacturers (Japanese)
by INAGAKI Kyosuke - 13020 Time-space Analyses of Oil Shortages in the Tohoku Region after the 3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake (Japanese)
by AKAMATSU Takashi & YAMAGUCHI Hiromichi & NAGAE Takeshi & MARUYAMA Takuya & IANAMURA Hajime - 13019 A Comparative Analysis of the Diversification of University Admissions Systems: A labor market-based assessment (Japanese)
by URASAKA Junko & NISHIMURA Kazuo & HIRATA Junichi & YAGI Tadashi - 13018 Impact of IT Investment in Japan: An empirical analysis based on micro-level data (Japanese)
by YoungGak KIM & KWON Hyeog Ug - 13017 Regional Development with Local Firms Which Use Regional Resources (Japanese)
by NAKANISHI Hodaka & SAKATA Junichi & SUZUKI Katsuhiro & HOSOYA Jun - 13016 Entrepreneurship and Human Capital: Empirical study using a survey of entrepreneurs in Japan (Japanese)
by BABA Ryota & MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki - 13014 Minimum Wages and Anti-Poverty Policies (Japanese)
by OHTAKE Fumio - 13013 Determinants of Minimum Wages and Welfare Benefits in Japan (Japanese)
by TAMADA Keiko & MORI Tomoharu - 13012 Minimum Wages and Workers' "Motivation": An approach using an economic experiment (Japanese)
by MORI Tomoharu - 13011 Minimum Wages and Regional Disparity: An analysis on the evolution of price-adjusted minimum wages and their effects on firm profitability (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 13010 How do Firms Respond to an Increase in Minimum Wages? Primary evidence on plants' internal adjustments (Japanese)
by OKUDAIRA Hiroko & TAKIZAWA Miho & OHTAKE Fumio & TSURU Kotaro - 13009 Minimum Wages and Youth Employment in Japan: The impact of the 2007 revision of the Minimum Wage Law (Japanese)
by KAWAGUCHI Daiji & MORI Yuko - 13008 Effects of Minimum Wages on Labor Markets and the Overall Economy: A bird's-eye view on Japanese and overseas research (Japanese)
by TSURU Kotaro - 13007 Study on Global Niche-top Enterprises as Representatives of Excellent Small and Medium Manufacturing Companies in Japan (Japanese)
by HOSOYA Yuji - 13006 On the Necessity of International Disciplines on Food Export Restriction (Japanese)
by YAMASHITA Kazuhito - 13005 Transition of Employment Status of Non-regular Workers: Determinants of obtaining regular jobs or becoming unemployed (Japanese)
by KUME Koichi & TSURU Kotaro - 13004 Wage Premiums for Firms' Work-Life Balance Practice: Evidence from Japanese matched firm-worker data (Japanese)
by KURODA Sachiko & YAMAMOTO Isamu - 13003 Wages of Non-regular Workers: Compensation for employment insecurity and lack of work flexibility (Japanese)
by TSURU Kotaro & KUME Koichi & OHTAKE Fumio & OKUDAIRA Hiroko - 13002 Determinants of the Reconstruction Period from the Great East Japan Earthquake: Evidence from manufacturing firms in Tohoku (Japanese)
by WAKASUGI Ryuhei & TANAKA Ayumu - 13001 Tax and Public Pension Reform Compatible with Economic Growth: Simulation analysis using macro-econometric model (Japanese)
by IWATA Kazumasa & SARUYAMA Sumio
- 12035 Network Broadening and Reinforcing for Facilitating Innovation: Value creation networks in the Japanese music industry (Japanese)
by INOUE Tatsuhiko & NAGAYAMA Susumu - 12034 Innovation Process in Japan in the Early 2000s as Seen from Inventors: Agenda for strengthening innovative capability (Japanese)
by ISOGAWA Daiya & OHASHI Hiroshi - 12033 Innovation Process in Japan in the Early 2000s as Seen from Inventors: Agenda for strengthening innovative capability (Japanese)
by NAGAOKA Sadao & TSUKADA Naotoshi & ONISHI Koichiro & NISHIMURA Yoichiro - 12032 Analysis of the Characteristics of the Innovation System for the JSIC Service Sector: A measurement of innovation factor sensitivities using a text mining method (Japanese)
by OZAKI Masahiko - 12031 A Study of a Decline in Wages in Japanese Service Industries: From experiences in the 1990s and the 2000s (Japanese)
by KODAMA Naomi & INUI Tomohiko & KWON Hyeog Ug - 12030 Patent Citations and Triadic Closures as Private Value Indicators (Japanese)
by WADA Tetsuo - 12029 Catch-Down Innovation in Developing Countries and the Strategy of Japanese Companies: The Case of Karasawa Seisakusho, Ltd. in the Chinese electric bicycle industry (Japanese)
by MARUKAWA Tomoo & KOMAGATA Tetsuya - 12028 Redistribution Effect of Taxes and Social Security: Evidence from JSTAR (Japanese)
by NAKATA Daigo - 12027 Emotion and Consumer Confidence: A preliminary study (Japanese)
by SEKIZAWA Yoichi & KUWAHARA Susumu - 12026 Distribution of Labor Productivity: Advanced small- and medium-sized firms (Japanese)
by AOYAMA Hideaki & IYETOMI Hiroshi & IKEDA Yuichi & SOUMA Wataru & FUJIWARA Yoshi & YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi - 12025 Information and Export Decisions: Banks as a conduit of information (Japanese)
by INUI Tomohiko & ITO Keiko & MIYAKAWA Daisuke & SHOJI Keishi - 12024 A Multiplier Analysis of the Impact of a Negative Supply Shock Caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake and Subsequent Rebuilding Policies: Utilizing the two-regional SAM (Japanese)
by OKIYAMA Mitsuru & TOKUNAGA Suminori & AKUNE Yuko - 12023 Bank Deposit Interest Rate Pass-through and Geographical Segmentation in Japanese Banking Markets: A panel cointegration approach (Japanese)
by UCHINO Taisuke - 12022 Determinants of Headquarters Location Choices and Productivity Sorting: Evidence from Japanese firm-level data (Japanese)
by MATSUURA Toshiyuki - 12021 The Impact of Changes in JGB Yields on the Japanese Financial Institutions and the Real Economy: Simulation analysis using the Financial Macro-econometric Model (Japanese)
by KAMADA Koichiro & KURACHI Yoshiyuki - 12020 The Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake on Companies in the Non-affected Areas: Structure of the inter-company network of supply chains and its implication (Japanese)
by SAITO Yukiko - 12019 Beer and Low Malt Beer Taxation and Welfare in Japan (Japanese)
by KEIDA Masayuki - 12018 The Sustainability of Budget Deficit in Japan (Japanese)
by FUKAO Mitsuhiro - 12017 Structural Changes of Japanese Firms: Strategy, organization, and behavior (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 12016 Credit Constraints in Intangible Investments (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 12015 China's Economic Growth, Structural Change and Lewisian Turning Point (Japanese)
by FUKAO Kyoji & Tangjun YUAN - 12014 E-commerce and Productivity: An empirical analysis based on the Basic Survey of Japanese Business Structure and Activities (Japanese)
by Sanghoon AHN & YoungGak KIM & KWON Hyeog Ug - 12013 Determinants and Impact of Training in Japanese Firms: An empirical analysis based on the Basic Survey of Human Resources Development (Japanese)
by KWON Hyeog Ug & YoungGak KIM & MAKINO Tatsuji - 12012 Current Status and Challenges of Third-Sector Organizations in Japan: A comparison of their organizations, governance, and finance based on corporate forms (Japanese)
by USHIRO Fusao - 12011 Temporary Housing and Disaster Victim Assistance: Evidence from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake (Japanese)
by UNAYAMA Takashi - 12010 Public Burdens and Corporate Behavior (Japanese)
by KOBAYASHI Yohei & KUME Koichi & OIKAWA Keita & SONE Tetsuro - 12009 China's Prospects for Realizing a Well-off Society in the 2020s (Japanese)
by MENG Jianjun - 12008 Effects of a Domestic Merger on Exports: The case study of a merger of Korean automakers in 1998 (Japanese)
by OHASHI Hiroshi & TOYAMA Yuta - 12007 Electricity Supply and Industrial Specialization: A neoclassical evaluation on Japan's electricity supply constraints (Japanese)
by SATO Hitoshi - 12006 Measuring the Impact of Establishment Level Agglomeration on Productivity: Industrial specialization and urbanization effects (Japanese)
by KONISHI Yoko & SAITO Yukiko - 12005 Changes in the Size Distribution of Manufacturing Establishments: Analysis in view of industrial structure and firm dynamics (Japanese)
by GOTO Yasuo - 12004 Offshoring of Japanese Small and Medium Enterprises (Japanese)
by KWON Hyeog Ug - 12003 Does E-commerce Increase Employment in Japan? An empirical analysis based on the Establishment and Enterprise Census (Japanese)
by KWON Hyeog Ug - 12002 Stock Options and Productivity (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 12001 The Impact on Employment of Science Learning in High School: Evidence from income data of university graduates in employment (Japanese)
by NISHIMURA Kazuo & HIRATA Junichi & YAGI Tadashi & URASAKA Junko
- 11073 Labor Market Gender Disparity and Corporate Performance in Japan (Japanese)
by Jordan SIEGEL & KODAMA Naomi - 11072 Postgraduate Education and Human Capital Productivity in Japan (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 11071 Bank Dependence and Financial Constraints on Investment: Evidence from the corporate bond market paralysis in Japan (Japanese)
by UCHINO Taisuke - 11070 Invoice Currency Choice and Exchange Rate Risk Management in Japanese Firms' Trade Network: "RIETI Survey on Japanese Overseas Subsidiaries 2010" (Japanese)
by ITO Takatoshi & KOIBUCHI Satoshi & SATO Kiyotaka & SHIMIZU Junko - 11069 Labor Productivity and Gender Equality: Why do Japanese firms keep failing, what they should do, and what the government should do? (Japanese)
by YAMAGUCHI Kazuo - 11068 Investment Liberalization Treaty and Direct Taxation: Focusing on the European Court of Justice's ruling in the Cadbury Schweppes case (Japanese)
by SUAMI Takao - 11067 Characteristics of Subsidies Granted by China and Practical Challenges: Referring to the U.S.-China dispute (Japanese)
by KAWASHIMA Fujio - 11066 Sources of Learning-by-Exporting Effects: Does exporting promote innovation? (Japanese)
by ITO Keiko - 11065 State Aid amid a Global Financial Crisis and WTO Rules on Subsidies (Japanese)
by KAWASE Tsuyoshi - 11064 Determinants of Management Practices (Japanese)
by ASABA Shigeru - 11063 How Far Has China's Urbanization Come? (Japanese)
by MENG Jianjun - 11062 Energy Efficiency in the Service Industry: An empirical analysis using establishment data (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 11061 An Empirical Analysis on the Happiness of Japanese Non-Regular Workers (Japanese)
by KUME Koichi & OHTAKE Fumio & OKUDAIRA Hiroko & TSURU Kotaro - 11060 Issues Related to Creating a System of Laws for Fixed-Term Employment Contracts (Japanese)
by SHIMADA Yoichi - 11059 Is Equivalent Wages for Equivalent Work an Illusion?: Legal principles for eliminating the disparity between regular and non-regular employees (Japanese)
by MIZUMACHI Yuichiro - 11058 Expected Tightening of Employment Regulations and the Reality We Need to Look Straight (Japanese)
by KOJIMA Noriaki - 11057 Diverse Regular Employees and Non-regular Employment (Japanese)
by MORISHIMA Motohiro - 11056 Analyzing the Relationship Between Poverty and Work: Exploring ways to solve the problem of the working poor (Japanese)
by HIGUCHI Yoshio & ISHII Kayoko & SATO Kazuma - 11055 What Does a Temporary Help Service Offer?: Preliminary evidence from Japan (Japanese)
by OKUDAIRA Hiroko & OHTAKE Fumio & KUME Koichi & TSURU Kotaro - 11054 A Behavioral Economic Analysis of Dispatched Workers (Japanese)
by OHTAKE Fumio & LEE Sun Youn - 11053 When Do People Work?: An analysis on work timing between regular and non-regular workers (Japanese)
by KURODA Sachiko & YAMAMOTO Isamu - 11052 Involuntary Non-Regular Workers in Japan and Their Mental Health (Japanese)
by YAMAMOTO Isamu - 11051 Why Has the Fraction of Contingent Workers Increased?: A case study of Japan (Japanese)
by ASANO Hirokatsu & ITO Takahiro & KAWAGUCHI Daiji - 11050 Life and Employment of Temporary Workers: Evidence from RIETI survey (Japanese)
by OHTAKE Fumio & OKUDAIRA Hiroko & KUME Koichi & TSURU Kotaro - 11049 A Bird Eye's View for Coping with Non-Regular Employment Problems: Towards reform of the temporary employment system (Japanese)
by TSURU Kotaro - 11048 Special District for Foreign Trainees and Policy Evaluation (Japanese)
by HASHIMOTO Yuki - 11047 Consumption Behavior of Elderly Households and Price Index (Japanese)
by UNAYAMA Takashi & KEIDA Masayuki - 11046 Urban Density, Human Capital, and Productivity: An empirical analysis using individual wage data (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 11045 Sources of Future Economic Growth in Japan: An empirical analysis based on micro-data (Japanese)
by FUKAO Kyoji & KWON Hyeog Ug - 11044 Spillovers and Risk of R&D Projects, and Targeting of Public R&D Support (Japanese)
by NAGAOKA Sadao & TSUKADA Naotoshi - 11043 Contribution of Local Agglomeration Economies to Productive Efficiency: Stochastic Frontier Estimation with Establishment-level Data on Japanese Manufactures (Japanese)
by NAKAMURA Ryohei - 11042 Productivity Dynamics and Japan's Economic Growth: An empirical analysis based on the Financial Statements Statistics of Corporations by Industry (Japanese)
by INUI Tomohiko & KIM Young Gak & KWON Hyeog Ug & FUKAO Kyoji - 11041 Firm Dynamics and Changes in Firm Size Distribution: Non-parametric analysis of the effects of technological and other conditions (Japanese)
by GOTO Yasuo - 11040 Work-Life Balance in Sweden: Working in a flexible and autonomous manner (Japanese)
by TAKAHASHI Mieko - 11039 WLB in the UK: Present situation and challenges for national and corporate initiatives, suggestions for Japan (Japanese)
by YAJIMA Yoko - 11038 Work Life Balance Programs at Workplaces in the US (Japanese)
by KUROSAWA Masako - 11037 Working Hours and Satisfaction: A comparative analysis of Japan, the United Kingdom, and Germany (Japanese)
by ASANO Hirokatsu & KENJOH Eiko - 11036 The Significance and Problems of Tax Treaty Arbitration: An analysis of the new Japan-Netherlands tax treaty (Japanese)
by KOTERA Akira - 11035 Human Resource Development and Productivity of Japanese Firms: An empirical analysis using unique surveys on human resource management
by MIYAGAWA Tsutomu & NISHIOKA Yumi & KAWAKAMI Atsushi & EDAMURA Kazuma - 11034 Entry of Foreign Multinational Firms and Productivity Growth of Domestic Firms: The case for Japanese firms (Japanese)
by ITO Keiko - 11033 Preferred Work Hours of Japanese, UK, and German Workers: Estimating labor supply elasticity based on hypothetical questions (Japanese)
by KURODA Sachiko & YAMAMOTO Isamu - 11032 Do Work-Life Balance Policies Increase a Firm's Total Factor Productivity?: Evidence from panel data of Japanese firms (Japanese)
by YAMAMOTO Isamu & MATSUURA Toshiyuki - 11031 Human Resources Management and Effective Function of WLB Policies: A cross-national comparison of influence on workplace productivity (Japanese)
by MATSUBARA Mitsuyo - 11030 Work Life Balance in the Netherlands: Flexible working hours and a flexible working place (Japanese)
by KENJOH Eiko - 11029 Corporate and Workplace Challenges for Work-Life Balance (Japanese)
by TAKEISHI Emiko - 11028 Japanese Banks' Decision Making Process in SME Lending: An analysis of the SME database and the utilization of investment and trust funds for SME financing (Japanese)
by YOSHINO Naoyuki - 11027 Definition and Management of the Third Sector in Japan (Japanese)
by USHIRO Fusao - 11026 Applying the Mincer Wage Equation to Japanese Data (Japanese)
by KAWAGUCHI Daiji - 11025 Industrial Agglomeration and Labor Market Pooling (Japanese)
by NAKAJIMA Kentaro & OKAZAKI Tetsuji - 11024 An Analysis of Transaction and Joint-Patent Application Networks (Japanese)
by INOUE Hiroyasu & TAMADA Schumpeter - 11023 Product Innovation and Economic Growth, Part II: The role of intermediate goods for product innovation (Japanese)
by YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi & ANDO Koichi & MIYAKAWA Shuko - 11022 Efficiency Considerations in Merger Regulation (Japanese)
by KAWAHAMA Noboru & TAKEDA Kuninobu - 11021 Consumption Responses to the Child Allowance (Japanese)
by UNAYAMA Takashi - 11020 Comparing Annual Incomes of Science Graduates and Arts Graduates: Results of an Analysis based on JHPS Data (Japanese)
by URASAKA Junko & NISHIMURA Kazuo & HIRATA Junichi & YAGI Tadashi - 11019 A Comparison of TFP Levels of Listed Firms in the United States and Japan (Japanese)
by KWON Hyeog Ug - 11018 The Role of Intangible Assets on the Economic Performances in Japan and Korea (Japanese)
by MIYAGAWA Tsutomu & TAKIZAWA Miho - 11017 Research Project on the Design for the Optimum Disclosure System Volume 5: An evaluation and future direction of quarterly disclosures in Japan (Japanese)
by KAGAYA Tetsuyuki & NAKANO Takayuki & MATSUMOTO Yoshinao & MACHIDA Yoshihiro - 11016 Research Project on the Design for the Optimum Disclosure System Volume 4: Reinforcing audit quality through considering implications of evolving nature of IFRS (Japanese)
by IGARASHI Norio & URASAKI Naohiro & MACHIDA Yoshihiro - 11015 Research Project on the Design for the Optimum Disclosure System Volume 3: The Status quo and Problems with the Internal Control Report System (Japanese)
by HASHIMOTO Takashi & MATSUMOTO Yoshinao - 11014 Research Project on the Design for the Optimum Disclosure System Volume 2: Sustainable Growth of Japanese Companies and the Direction of Non-financial Information Disclosure (Japanese)
by KOKUBU Katsuhiko & SAKAUE Manabu & KOGA Chitoshi & KONISHI Noriyuki & HISAMOCHI Eiji & YAO Jun & SHIMADA Yoshinori - 11013 Research Project on the Design for the Optimum Disclosure System Volume 1: The Introduction of IFRS and Design of an Optimal Disclosure System (Japanese)
by KOGA Chitoshi & KAGAYA Tetsuyuki & MUKAI Ichiro & URASAKI Naohiro & UMEHARA Hidetsugu - 11012 Patent and Knowhow Licensing in Japan (Japanese)
by NISHIMURA Junichi & OKADA Yosuke - 11011 A Diversification of Ownership Structure and its Effect on Corporate Performance: Unwinding and resurgence of cross-shareholdings and the role of surging foreign investors (Japanese)
by MIYAJIMA Hideaki & NITTA Keisuke - 11010 Do Illegal Copies of Movies Reduce the Revenue of Legal Products? The case of TV animation in Japan (Japanese)
by TANAKA Tatsuo - 11008 Impact of Tax Cuts on the Purchasing Behavior of Low-Pollution Vehicles, Fuel-Efficient Vehicles (Japanese)
by FUJIWARA Toru - 11007 Laos: Seeking a relationship with China (Japanese)
by HARA Yonosuke & YAMADA Norihiko & KEOLA, Souknilanh - 11006 China's Rise and Cataclysmic Changes on the Korean Peninsular (Japanese)
by OOE Shinobu - 11005 The Chinese Market and Thai Fragrant Jasmine Rice: Why does China, the world's largest rice producer, import rice from Thailand? (Japanese)
by MIYATA Toshiyuki - 11004 Hong Kong as an Economic Gateway (Japanese)
by HISASUE Ryoichi - 11003 China's Rise as an Economic Power and the Future Direction of the Cross-Strait Relationship (Japanese)
by ITO Shingo - 11002 The Structure of the R&D Lag in Japanese Firms: R&D project, patent application and commercial use (Japanese)
by SUZUKI Jun - 11001 Structure of Comparative Advantage for Japan, South Korea, and China in East Asia Based on Progress, Changes in the Shift to a Modular Product Architecture (Japanese)
by KUWAHARA Satoru
- 10058 Market Power and TFP: Service differentiation in quality (Japanese)
by KODAMA Naomi & KATO Atsuyuki - 10057 Business Unit Governance in Japan: Focusing on corporate boundaries and two-layer agency relationships (Japanese)
by AOKI Hideaki & MIYAJIMA Hideaki - 10056 Japanese SMEs' Choice between Private Placement Bonds and Bank Loans (Japanese)
by SATO Toyohiko & XU Peng - 10055 Time Variations in the Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Japan: A reexamination using the time-varying parameter VAR (Japanese)
by SHIOJI Etsuro - 10054 原子力発電設備投資・費用支出と稼働率・トラブル発生率の相関分析
by 戒能 一成 - 10053 Several Issues regarding the Mutual Agreement Procedures (Japanese)
by ITO Tsuyoshi - 10052 Regional Financial Soundness and R&D Activities (Japanese)
by GOTO Yasuo - 10051 The Non-Discrimination Clause under Bilateral Tax Treaties (Japanese)
by MASUI Yoshihiro - 10050 Ownership Structure and TFP: Evidence from Japanese firms (Japanese)
by KWON Hyeog Ug & KIM Younggak - 10049 Firms are Creating Negative Stereotypes of Female Employees: Theoretical analyses of two kinds of self-fulfilling prophecies and their counter measures (Japanese)
by YAMAGUCHI Kazuo - 10048 Transition to a Multipolar Global Order and Diplomatic Challenges for Japan (Japanese)
by NAKANISHI Hiroshi - 10047 Meaning of FDI toward Emerging Economies - An analysis of firm heterogeneity model - (Japanese)
by ITO Koji - 10046 The Parliamentary Cabinet System—Principles and Reality: Between constitutional scholarship and political science (Japanese)
by NISHIGAKI Atsuko - 10045 Macro-econometric Models and the Outline of the MEAD-RIETI Model (Japanese)
by FUKUYAMA Mitsuhiro & OIKAWA Keita & YOSHIHARA Masayoshi & NAKAZONO Yoshiyuki - 10044 An Analysis of Foreign Policies of the Obama Administration: From January 2009 to May 2010 (Japanese)
by KUBO Fumiaki - 10043 Regional Economic Disparity: Real wages and happiness (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 10042 Instability of Employment and the Lack of Work Life Balance: From the viewpoint of compensating wage differentials (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 10041 Hospital Productivity: An analysis at medical-area level (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 10040 The Origin of Non-discrimination in Tax Conventions (Japanese)
by FUCHI Keigo - 10039 Dissemination of Regenerative Medicine - A comparison of the regulatory systems between Japan and Korea - (Japanese)
by KURATA Kenji & Youn-Hee CHOI - 10038 Economic Effects of Financing Public Pension Plans from Tax Revenue (Japanese)
by HASHIMOTO Kyoji & KIMURA Shin - 10037 Eco-labeling of Fish and Fishery Products in Japan: Analysis of a web survey (Japanese)
by MORITA Tamaki & MANAGI Shunsuke - 10036 Notes: Several Problems with Advance Ruling (Japanese)
by KOHYAMA Hiroyuki - 10035 On the Future of Government Subsidies to Health and Long-term Care Insurance (Japanese)
by IWAMOTO Yasushi & FUKUI Tadatoshi - 10034 A Simulation Analysis of the Incidence of Corporate Income Tax (Japanese)
by DOI Takero - 10033 International Cooperation for Improving Tax Compliance and How Japan Should Respond (Japanese)
by ISHII Michitoo - 10032 2009 RIETI Survey on Currency Invoicing and Exchange Rate Risk Management of Japanese Firms (Japanese)
by ITO Takatoshi & KOIBUCHI Satoshi & SATO Kiyotaka & SHIMIZU Junko - 10031 Regional Potential and Wage Differentials, Simulation of Regional Integration and Employment Distribution across Regions: NEG approach by interregional IO table (Japanese)
by NAKAMURA Ryohei & IHARA Ryusuke & MORITA Manabu - 10030 "Serious Prejudice" Through the Use of Subsidies in the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures in the WTO: Focusing on U.S. Upland Cotton case (Japanese)
by HAMADA Taro - 10029 Japan's Exports and Employment (Japanese)
by KIYOTA Kozo - 10028 Construction of Electronics Database for East Asian Countries and Empirical Analysis of International Competitiveness of Japanese Companies (Japanese)
by MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki - 10027 Software Choice and Productivity in Japan - Custom Software vs. Packaged Software (Japanese)
by TANAKA Tatsuo