- 750408 The Spatial Political Economy of Discontent
by Jakob Vanschoonbeek - 743621 Public Debt in a Federal State: Warnings from Belgium
by Dieter Van Esbroeck & Erik Buyst - 741800 Cluster policy, innovation, and firm productivity. An econometric assessment of the Flemish Spearhead Cluster program
by Pierluigi Angelino & Dirk Czarnitzki & Astrid Volckaert
- 727153 Multinationale aanwezigheid in de Vlaamse economie
by Yannick Bormans
- 685401 Price-cost Margins and Fixed Costs
by Filip Abraham & Yannick Bormans & Jozef Konings & Werner Roeger
- 643831 Wage Indexation and Jobs. A Machine Learning Approach
by Gert Bijnens & Shyngys Karimov & Jozef Konings - 643063 Confederalisme? Federalisme is beter. Naar een deblokkering van de Belgische federale overheid
by Geert Jennes
- 632245 The impact of electricity prices on jobs and investment in the Belgian manufacturing industry
by Gert Bijnens & Joep Konings & Stijn Vanormelingen - 627726 Electorale verfransing in Vlaams-Brabant. Op zoek naar een verklaring op gemeentelijk niveau
by Gert-Jan Put & Bart Maddens - 627696 Compositional Changes in Aggregate Productivity in an Era of Globalisation and Financial Crisis
by Catherine Fuss & Angelos Theodorakopoulos - 627690 Markup Cyclicality: Evidence From Belgian Manufacturing Firms
by Asmae EL GALLAA - 627689 Productivity Effects of Internationalisation Through the Domestic Supply Chain: Evidence from Europe
by Bruno Merlevede & Angelos Theodorakopoulos - 622050 The Effectiveness of Regional State Aid in Flanders
by Sander Ramboer & Jo Reynaerts - 616442 Het succes van Franstalige lijsten in de Vlaamse Rand bij de federale en regionale verkiezingen van 2014
by Gert-Jan Put & Bart Maddens - 614199 Declining Business Dynamism
by Gert Bijnens & Joep Konings
- 627700 Where has the Belgian Business Dynamism gone?
by Gert Bijnens & Jozef Konings - 627699 What Drives Labor Market Polarization in Advanced Countries? The Role of China and Technology
by Koen Breemersch & Joze Damijan & Jozef Konings - 627697 Competition and Multi product Exporters
by Koen Erik Michelle Breemersch - 622053 Staatshervorming goed voor Vlaamse Werkloosheid?
by Sander Ramboer & Jo Reynaerts - 616436 Een simulatie van de toekomstige verdeling van zetels over de provincies bij Kamerverkiezingen
by Gert-Jan Put & Bart Maddens - 614206 Agglomeratie en congestie in Vlaanderen
by Lieselot Baert & Jo Reynaerts - 614189 An Enterprise Map of Belgium
by Gert Bijnens & Joep Konings - 600374 Productivity Growth over the Business Cycle: Cleansing Effects of Recessions
by Jeroen Van den bosch & Stijn Vanormelingen - 598935 • Betalen om te blijven! Kunnen transfers naar Catalonië een afscheiding voorkomen?
by Jakob Vanschoonbeek - 594933 Waar is onze ondernemingsdynamiek gebleven?
by Gert Bijnens & Joep Konings - 591756 De Vlaams-Nederlandse grenspendel in kaart
by Wouter Vanderbiesen & Daan Goutsmet & Sarah Vansteenkiste & J van der Valk & H Bierings & J Schmitt - 579988 Het veranderende ondernemingslandschap: feiten en een kader voor industrieel beleid
by Gert Bijnens & Joep Konings - 579986 America first! Wat is het banenverlies voor België en Europa
by Hylke Vandenbussche & William Connell Garcia & Wouter Simons & Elena Zaurino - 569533 America first! What are the job losses for Belgium and Europe?
by Hylke Vandenbussche & William Connell Garcia & Wouter Simons & Elena Zaurino
- 627698 Corruption and macro performance
by Sandra Damijan & Joze Damijan - 622054 Regionale determinanten van hoge-groei-ondernemingen
by Sander Ramboer & Leo Sleuwaegen - 598945 De economische gevolgen van het uiteenvallen van landen
by Jakob Vanschoonbeek - 598943 Regionale (in)stabiliteit in Europa
by Jakob Vanschoonbeek - 598939 Regional (In)Stability in Europe: a Quantitative Model of State Fragmentation
by Jakob Vanschoonbeek - 579753 Competition and product mix adjustment of multi-product exporters: Evidence from Belgium
by Koen Breemersch - 579725 Corporate NPL portfolios in CESEE countries: how coprorate leverage and debt spillovers affect firm performance
by Joze Damijan - 547244 The economics of state fragmentation
by Jo Reynaerts & Jakob Vanschoonbeek - 547242 The economics of state fragmentation: Assessing the economic impact of secession - Addendum
by Jo Reynaerts & Jakob Vanschoonbeek - 545962 De impact van de notionele intrestaftrek op de kapitaalstructuur en tewerkstelling van multinationale ondernemingen in België
by Joep Konings & Catherine Lecocq & Bruno Merlevede & Robrecht Vandendriessche - 534510 “Managementpraktijken in Vlaanderen. Voorbereidende studie," Beleidsrapport STORE-B-15-013, Steunpunt Ondernemen & Regionale Economie, pp. 30
by Catherine Lecocq & Jeroen Van den bosch - 527378 Exportpromotie Vlaanderen als Buffer tegen de Crisis?
by Jo Van Biesebroeck & Joep Konings & C. Volpe Martincus
- 622057 Fiscal interest in Flanders: the impact of tax autonomy on productive expenditure
by Sander Ramboer - 614210 Het belang van transport voor de Belgische industrie en de implicaties van een kilometerheffing op vrachtwagens
by Lieselot Baert & Jo Reynaerts - 614191 De economische activiteit en het transformatieproces van lead firms in Vlaanderen sinds 2005
by Lieselot Baert & Jo Reynaerts - 547322 The political geography of the federal public debt in Belgium
by Geert Jennes - 547283 A test of the Law of 1/n for Belgium: Does “more politicians” mean “more public spending”?
by Geert Jennes - 547246 Employment Growth in Europe: The Roles of Innovation, Local Job Multipliers and Institutions
by Maarten Goos & Joep Konings & Marieke Vandeweyer - 537770 De internationalisering van de Vlaamse dienstensector: Dataproblematiek rond de verzameling van statistische informatie en karakteristieken van de Vlaamse dienstenexport in 2005
by Catherine Lecocq & Rene Belderbos & Leo Sleuwaegen - 534542 "Managementpraktijken in Vlaanderen. Voorbereidende studie," Beleidsrapport STORE-B-15-013
by Catherine Lecocq & Jeroen Van den bosch - 534541 Het belang van de strategische context voor de ontwikkeling van Hoge Groei Ondernemingen
by Stijn De Ruytter & Sander Ramboer & Leo Sleuwaegen - 534537 "Regionale productiviteitsontleding van de Vlaamse industrie," Beleidsrapport STORE-B-14-009
by Catherine Lecocq & Stijn De Ruytter - 534535 'Lead firms' in de Vlaamse industrie en de productiviteit van andere ondernemingen in de regio," Beleidsrapport STORE-B-14-017
by Catherine Lecocq & Stijn De Ruytter - 534515 "De economische activiteit van middle firms in Vlaanderen," Beleidsrapport STORE-B-14-014
by Lieselot Baert & Jo Reynaerts - 534502 “De economische activiteit van lead en middle films in de Vlaamse dienstensector,” Beleidsrapport STORE-B-15-005, Steunpunt Ondernemen & Regionale Economie
by Lieselot Baert & Jo Reynaerts & Jakob Vanschoonbeek - 513064 Een tax shift in de regionale vastgoedfiscaliteit
by Geert Goeyvaerts & Erik Buyst - 504893 Why is wage inequality so high in the United States? Pitching cognitive skills against institutions (once again)
by Stijn Broecke & Glenda Quintini & Marieke Vandeweyer - 494201 Decentralisatie van het Sociaal Overleg
by Joep Konings & Catherine Lecocq & Robrecht Vandendriessche - 490066 The Law of 1/n for the supra-local governments of Belgium: does “more politicians” mean “more public spending”?
by Geert Jennes - 480458 Loonkosten en export
by Stefaan Decramer & Joep Konings
- 627714 Determinants of Firm Performance and Growth during Economic Recession: The Case of Central and Eastern European Countries
by Anze Burger & Joze Damijan & Crt Kostevc & Matija Rojec - 627713 Impact of innovation on employment and skill upgrading
by Joze Damijan & Crt Kostevc & Metka Stare - 627711 Productivity gains after outward FDI: evidence from Slovenia
by Joze Damijan & Stefaan Decramer - 598941 Schotse onafhankelijkheid? Een politiek-economische analyse
by Jakob Vanschoonbeek - 534539 Smells like team spirit? How entrepreneurial founding team motivations affect new venture financial and innovation performance," Beleidsrapport STORE-B-14-011, (Nederlandstalige samenvatting door Sander Ramboer)
by Jonas Debrulle & Johan Maes & Sander Ramboer - 491000 Micro- en Nano-Electronica in Vlaanderen
by Catherine Lecocq & Jakob Vanschoonbeek - 490996 "Assistive technologies” in Vlaanderen
by Catherine Lecocq & Stijn De Ruytter - 482554 Economische analyse van de Waarborgregeling
by Koen Breemersch & Stefaan Decramer & Catherine Lecocq & Jo Reynaerts - 482533 KMO portefeuille - pijler opleiding. Een evaluatie van de opleidingssubsidies in Vlaanderen
by Lieselot Baert & Stefaan Decramer & Jo Reynaerts - 478777 The geography of incentives to run a federal budget deficit in Belgium
by Geert Jennes - 478776 Has Belgian fiscal decentralisation reduced the size of government and the budget deficit ?
by Geert Jennes - 478528 Publieke transferten tussen de Belgische gewesten 2007 - 2011
by Geert Jennes - 478526 Begrotingsgevolgen van de opsplitsing van de Belgische federale overheid over de 3 gewesten (2005-2010)
by Geert Jennes - 478521 The allocation of grants to Brussels municipalities : the effect of partisan alignment
by Geert Jennes - 478516 Interregional net fiscal transfers resulting from the interest bill on the Belgian federal debt
by Geert Jennes
- 627721 Do wages reflect labor productivity? The case of Belgian regions
by Jozef Konings & Luco Marcolin - 627720 High-Technology Employment in the European Union
by Maarten Goos & Ian Hathaway & Jozef Konings & Marieke Vandeweyer - 627717 Global Supply Chains at Work in Central and Eastern European Countries: Impact of FDI on export restructuring and productivity growth
by Joze Damijan & Crt Kostevc & Matija Rojec - 627716 Is there a premium in the size of nations?
by Joze Damijan & Sandra Damijan & Osiris Jorge Parcero - 546925 Explaining the distribution of fiscal transfers between Belgian regions: The effect of political representation
by Geert Jennes & Damiaan Persyn - 545961 Modelling Migration and Regional Labour Markets: An Application of the New Economic Geography Model RHOMOLO
by Andries Brandsma & d'Artis Kancs & Damiaan Persyn - 491012 Wat zijn de Distinctieve Kenmerken van Topregio’s in Biotech?
by Catherine Lecocq - 491011 De co-locatie van industriële sectoren in Europa
by Stijn De Ruytter & Catherine Lecocq - 491008 De geografische clustering van industriële sectoren in Europa en Vlaanderen
by Stijn De Ruytter & Catherine Lecocq - 491007 De geografische co-locatie van industriële en dienstensectoren in Vlaanderen
by Stijn De Ruytter & Catherine Lecocq - 491005 Productiviteitsontleding van de Vlaamse Industrie. Een analyse op basis van bedrijfsgegevens
by Stijn De Ruytter & Catherine Lecocq - 482575 Zijn West-Vlamingen meer ondernemend dan Limburgers ?
by Jo Reynaerts - 482573 IE-Scan: representativiteit van de gescande ondernemingen
by Lieselot Baert & Catherine Lecocq & Jo Reynaerts - 482567 VRWI Toekomstverkenningen 2025
by Lieselot Baert & Joep Konings & Jo Reynaerts - 482564 Het transformatiepotentieel van de Vlaamse economie. De competitieve evolutie van industrie en diensten 2005-2011
by Lieselot Baert & Jo Reynaerts - 482557 Competitiviteit en exportperformantie van de Vlaamse economie: een international vergelijking 2010-2011
by Lieselot Baert & Jo Reynaerts - 478524 De hervorming van de Bijzondere Financieringswet : gevolgen voor het Belgische begrotingsfederalisme
by Geert Jennes - 38 Do wages reflect labor productivity? The case of Belgian regions
by Jozef Konings & Luca Marcolin - 37 Global Supply Chains at Work in Central and Eastern European Countries:Impact of FDI on export restructuring and productivity growth
by Jože Damijan & Črt Kostevc & Matija Rojec - 36 Modelling Migration and Regional Labour Markets: An Application of the New Economic Geography Model RHOMOLO
by Andries Brandsma & d'Artis Kancs & Damiaan Persyn
- 546211 Automatic Fiscal Stabilisers: What they are and what they do
by Jan in’t Veld & Martin Larch & Marieke Vandeweyer - 545998 A Gravity Equation for Commuting
by Damiaan Persyn & Wouter Torfs - 491013 VRWI Toekomstverkenningen 2025
by Lieselot Baert & Joep Konings & Catherine Lecocq & Jo Reynaerts - 482582 Sectoranalyse van de Vlaamse industrie
by Stijn De Ruytter & Tim Goesaert & Joep Konings & Jo Reynaerts - 482579 Nieuwe ondernemingen in Vlaanderen: de impact van agglomeratie van economische activiteit op het aantal startups in de industrie 1999-2007
by Tim Goesaert & Jo Reynaerts - 482576 De concurrentiepositie van de Vlaamse industrie. Een nationaal en internationaal perspectief
by Tim Goesaert & Jo Reynaerts - 482526 Estimating Lock Congestion
by Jo Reynaerts - 482522 Enhencing the Convergence Properties of the BLP (1995) Contraction Mapping
by Jo Reynaerts & R Varadha & JC Nash - 35 Enhancing the Convergence Properties of the BLP (1995) Contraction Mapping
by Jo Reynaerts & Ravi Varadhan & John C. Nash - 34 Estimating Lock Congestion
by Jo Reynaerts - 33 A gravity equation for commuting
by Damiaan Persyn & Wouter Torfs - 32 Start-up export intensity: An empirical investigation of the impact of absorptive capacity and business owner human and social capital
by Jonas Debrulle - 31 Pass-on Trade: Why do Firms Simultaneously Engage in Two-Way Trade in the Same Varieties?
by Joze Damijan & Joep Konings & Saso Polanec - 30 Start-up absorptive capacity: Does the owner’s human and social capital matter?
by Jonas Debrulle - 29 Automatic Fiscal Stabilisers: What they are and what they do
by Jan in't Veld & Martin Larch & Marieke Vandeweyer - 28 The effect of effective tax rate differentials and clustering on investment in Belgium
by Tim Goesaert - 27 Why was Belgium so late in adopting Keynesian ideas and devising regional development policies?
by Erik Buyst
- 547232 Interregional redistribution, growth and convergence
by Damiaan Persyn & Koen Algoed - 546943 Globalisation, concentration and footloose firms: in search of the main cause of the declining labour share
by Damiaan Persyn - 546214 Does Everybody Need Good neighbors? Labor Mobility Costs, Cities and Matching
by Liqiu Zhao & Wouter Torfs - 478513 Een kritische evaluatie van de studie Vanraes: "720 mio extra voor Brussel"
by Geert Jennes - 26 Does Everybody Need Good neighbors? Labor Mobility Costs, Cities and Matching
by Liqiu Zhao & Wouter Torfs - 25 Explaining the distribution of fiscal transfers between Belgian regions: The effect of political representation
by Geert Jennes & Damiaan Persyn - 24 Sustainability of Belgian Public Finance: Challenges and Vulnerabilities
by Joep Konings & Bas van Aarlen - 23 Corporate Taxation, Agglomeration and FDI: Firm Level Evidence for Belgium
by Tim Goesaert - 22 Markups and Agglomeration: Price Competition versus Externalities
by Liqiu Zhao - 21 Agglomeration Economies, Globalization and Productivity: Firm level evidence for Slovenia
by Joze P. Damijan & Joep Konings - 20 The Political Economy of Linguistic Cleavages
by Klaus Desmet & Ignacio Ortuño-Ortín & Romain Wacziarg - 19 Urban Accounting and Welfare
by Klaus Desmet & Esteban Rossi-Hansbergh - 18 Globalisation, concentration and footloose firms: in search of the main cause of the declining labour share
by John Hutchinson & Damiaan Persyn - 17 Functional labor markets in Belgium: Evolution over time and intersectoral comparison
by Damiaan Persyn & Wouter Torfs - 16 The competitiveness of regions. A comparison between Belgian and German regions
by Joep Konings & Luca Marcolin - 15 Taxes, agglomeration rents and location decision of firms
by Karen Crabbe & Karolien De Bruyne
- 14 Does firm agglomeration drive product innovation and renewal?
by Filip De Beule & Ilke Van Beveren - 13 The feasibility to regionalise corporate income taxation
by Axel Haelterman - 12 Staying Home or Moving Away? The effect of restructuring on employment in multinational headquarters and their affiliates
by Filip Abraham & Tim Goesaert & Jozef Konings
- 546951 De Agglomeratie van Economische activiteit in België
by Wouter Torfs - 11 Devolution in the United Kingdom: origins, forms and evolution
by Elodie Fabre - 10 The Stability and Breakup of Nations: A Quantitative Analysis
by Klaus Desmet & Michel Le Breton & Ignacio Ortuno-Ortin & Shlomo Weber - 9 Unionized Wage Setting and the Location of Firms
by Karolien De Bruyne - 8 Reversal of Fortune in a Small, Open Economy: Regional GDP in Belgium, 1896-2000
by Erik Buyst - 7 De Agglomeratie van Economische activiteit in België
by Wouter Torfs - 6 The incentive effects of the Belgian equalization scheme: proposals for reform
by Koen Algoed - 5 Belgian Federalism In A Comparative Perspective
by Elodie Fabre - 4 Interregional redistribution, growth and convergence
by Damiaan Persyn & Koen Algoed - 3 Union wage demands with footloose firms
by Damiaan Persyn
- 2 Enlargement versus Deepening: The Trade-off Facing Economic Unions
by Oliver Lorz & Gerald Willmann - 1 The Efficiency and Stability of National Borders
by Enrico Spolaore