June 2011, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 647-668 Effects of organizational ethical culture on the ethical decisions of tax practitioners in mainland China
by William E. Shafer & Richard S. Simmons - 672-672 Pandora's box
by Barbara L'Huillier - 673-673 After the holiday
by Maggie Butt - 674-675 Complainsong
by Maggie Butt
May 2011, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 408-439 University corporatisation
by Aleksandra Pop‐Vasileva & Kevin Baird & Bill Blair - 440-470 Preferences, constraints and work‐lifestyle choices
by Sonja Gallhofer & Catriona Paisey & Clare Roberts & Heather Tarbert - 471-501 Corporate governance and strategic information on the internet
by Isabel‐María García Sánchez & Luis Rodríguez Domínguez & Isabel Gallego Álvarez - 502-547 The emergence and change of management accounting routines
by Martijn van der Steen - 551-552 The man from Sydney City
by Dianne Dean - 553-553 The research proposal
by Lyn Daff
March 2011, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 288-314 Trying to operationalise typologies of the spectacle
by Shahzad Uddin & Bernard Gumb & Stephen Kasumba - 315-344 Impression management and retrospective sense‐making in corporate narratives
by Doris M. Merkl‐Davies & Niamh M. Brennan & Stuart J. McLeay - 345-376 Organizational identity and management accounting change
by Gun Abrahamsson & Hans Englund & Jonas Gerdin - 377-402 From care of the self to care for the other: neglected aspects of Foucault's late work
by Katarzyna Kosmala & John Francis McKernan
February 2011, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 140-160 The introduction of French theory into English language accounting research
by Eve Chiapello & C. Richard Baker - 161-193 Effects of actor‐network theory in accounting research
by Lise Justesen & Jan Mouritsen - 194-228 Investigating interdisciplinary translations
by Bertrand Malsch & Yves Gendron & Frédérique Grazzini - 229-249 Justification and accounting: applying sociology of worth to accounting research
by Marcia Annisette & Alan J. Richardson - 250-283 Barthesian perspectives on accounting communication and visual images of professional accountancy
by Jane Davison
January 2011, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 5-14 The relationship between academic accounting research and professional practice
by Lee D. Parker & James Guthrie & Simon Linacre - 15-37 Strategy, strategists and fantasy: a dialogic constructionist perspective
by Robert MacIntosh & Nic Beech - 38-62 Budgeting China. Macro‐policies and micro‐practices in public sector changes
by Luca Zan & Qingmei Xue - 63-92 Social capital and accountability in grass‐roots NGOs
by Godwin Awio & Deryl Northcott & Stewart Lawrence - 93-128 Environmental management accounting in local government
by Wei Qian & Roger Burritt & Gary Monroe - 131-131 Risk assessment
by Maggie Butt - 132-132 A counting history
by Sriya Kumarasinghe
October 2010, Volume 23, Issue 8
- 956-981 Anglo‐American capitalism: the role and potential role of social accounting
by David Collison & Colin Dey & Gwen Hannah & Lorna Stevenson - 982-1011 Adaptability to fair value accounting in an emerging economy
by Songlan Peng & Kathryn Bewley - 1012-1031 Using Foucault to make strategy
by Alan McKinlay & Chris Carter & Eric Pezet & Stewart Clegg - 1032-1059 Extending the application of stakeholder influence strategies to environmental disclosures
by Evangeline Elijido‐Ten & Louise Kloot & Peter Clarkson - 1063-1063 Office window
by Max Baker - 1064-1066 The governance model
by Dianne Dean
September 2010, Volume 23, Issue 7
- 829-846 Sustainability accounting and reporting: fad or trend?
by Roger L. Burritt & Stefan Schaltegger - 847-867 Re‐conceiving managerial capture
by Max Baker - 868-889 Corporate social disclosures in the context of national cultures and stakeholder theory
by René Orij - 890-919 The “equator principles”: a success for voluntary codes?
by Richard Macve & Xiaoli Chen - 920-948 Environmental management accounting and innovation: an exploratory analysis
by Aldónio Ferreira & Carly Moulang & Bayu Hendro
August 2010, Volume 23, Issue 6
- 733-758 Towards a paradigmatic foundation for accounting practice
by Hanne Nørreklit & Lennart Nørreklit & Falconer Mitchell - 759-763 A comment on “Towards a paradigmatic foundation for accounting practice”
by Richard Laughlin - 764-773 Paradigms and pragmatic constructivism: a reply
by Hanne Nørreklit & Lennart Nørreklit & Falconer Mitchell - 774-792 Neoliberalism, deregulation and Sarbanes‐Oxley
by Barbara D. Merino & Alan G. Mayper & Thomas D. Tolleson - 793-813 Control or collaboration?
by Carolyn Cordery & Rachel Baskerville & Brenda Porter - 816-816 Variance analysis
by Maggie Butt - 817-818 Pissing down your leg
by B.N. Oakman
June 2010, Volume 23, Issue 5
- 573-594 Re‐framing strategy: power, politics and accounting
by Chris Carter & Stewart Clegg & Martin Kornberger - 595-625 Ostensive versus performative approaches for theorising accounting‐strategy research
by Christina Boedker - 626-646 Strategy, enrolment and accounting: the politics of strategic ideas
by Andrea Whittle & Frank Mueller - 647-670 Value, profit and risk: accounting and the resource‐based view of the firm
by Steven Toms - 671-698 Congestion charging: a tale of two cities
by Irvine Lapsley & Filippo Giordano - 699-721 Extreme events, organizations and the politics of strategic decision making
by David C. Wilson & Layla Branicki & Bridgette Sullivan‐Taylor & Alexander D. Wilson
May 2010, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 449-481 The global and the local: Arabian Gulf States and imagery in annual reports
by Rania Kamla & Clare Roberts - 482-505 Accounting and visual cultural studies: potentialities, challenges and prospects
by Judy Brown - 506-531 Analysing societal regulatory control systems with specific reference to higher education in England
by Jane Broadbent & Carolyn Gallop & Richard Laughlin - 532-557 Stakeholder inclusivity in social and environmental report assurance
by Carla Rhianon Edgley & Michael John Jones & Jill Frances Solomon - 560-563 Secrets
by Dianne Dean - 564-565 Musings
by Lee Parker - 566-566 The big sell
by Lee Parker
March 2010, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 305-324 Accounting for the city
by Irvine Lapsley & Peter Miller & Fabrizio Panozzo - 325-349 Manufacturing competition: how accounting practices shape strategy making in cities
by Martin Kornberger & Chris Carter - 350-372 Do environmental and task characteristics matter in the control of externalized local public services?
by Daniela Cristofoli & Angelo Ditillo & Mariannunziata Liguori & Mariafrancesca Sicilia & Ileana Steccolini - 373-391 Contending legitimations
by Antti Rautiainen - 392-419 Asset management in cities: polyphony in action?
by Michela Arnaboldi & Irvine Lapsley - 420-437 Translation impossible? Accounting for a city project
by Barbara Czarniawska
February 2010, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 149-174 Social responsibilities of MNCs in downsizing operations
by Hannele Mäkelä & Salme Näsi - 175-200 Strategies for dealing with standard‐setting resistance
by Kim K. Jeppesen - 201-228 Accounting's chaotic margins
by Brian West & Garry D. Carnegie - 229-255 Financial black holes
by Jean Shaoul & Anne Stafford & Pam Stapleton - 256-289 Accountability, narrative reporting and legitimation
by Grant Samkin & Annika Schneider - 292-292 The pros and cons
by Maggie Butt - 293-295 Adam, Inc
by James Hazelton
January 2010, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 5-13 Business schools in an age of globalization
by Lee D. Parker & James Guthrie - 14-54 Accounting as story telling
by S. Mc_W Cheryl & Yannick Lemarchand - 55-81 The edge of legitimacy
by Matthew V. Tilling & Carol A. Tilt - 82-110 Accounting for needs? Formula funding in the UK schools sector
by Gloria Agyemang - 111-132 Human capital measures, strategy, and performance: HR managers' perceptions
by Stephen Gates & Pascal Langevin - 135-137 Easter Island – recent findings and a paradox explained
by David Collison
October 2009, Volume 22, Issue 8
- 1161-1186 Reflecting on the production of intellectual capital visualisations
by Suresh Cuganesan & John C. Dumay - 1187-1210 Shifting NPM agendas and management accountants' occupational identities
by Janne Järvinen - 1211-1257 Words not actions! The ideological role of sustainable development reporting
by Markus J. Milne & Helen Tregidga & Sara Walton - 1258-1283 Beyond commercial in confidence: accounting for power privatisation in Victoria
by Kerry Jacobs - 1284-1307 Social disclosure, legitimacy theory and the role of the state
by Pablo Archel & Javier Husillos & Carlos Larrinaga & Crawford Spence - 1310-1310 Back from fantasyland
by Lee Parker - 1311-1314 Auditing Santa
by Dianne Dean
September 2009, Volume 22, Issue 7
- 997-1028 Religious “spirit” and peoples' perceptions of accountability in Hindu and Buddhist religious organizations
by Kelum Jayasinghe & Teerooven Soobaroyen - 1029-1054 Ensuring legitimacy through rhetorical changes?
by Matias Laine - 1055-1086 Construction and effects of markets in a local authority in New Zealand
by Robert Ochoki Nyamori - 1087-1110 Ethical climate, organizational‐professional conflict and organizational commitment
by William E. Shafer - 1111-1129 Photo‐elicitation: an ethno‐historical accounting and management research prospect
by Lee D. Parker - 1130-1141 Discussion of photo‐elicitation: an ethno‐historical accounting and management research prospect
by Tom Tyson - 1142-1146 Performance, emotion and photographic histories
by Samantha Warren - 1149-1149 Value in exchange
by Kerry Jacobs - 1150-1150 A bird in the hand
by Lee Parker - 1151-1151 On leaving a job
by Kate Deller‐Evans - 1152-1152 No‐one now is at my desk
by Steve Evans
July 2009, Volume 22, Issue 6
- 845-857 Imag[in]ing accounting and accountability
by Jane Davison & Samantha Warren - 858-882 The image of accountants: from bean counters to extreme accountants
by Gudrun Baldvinsdottir & John Burns & Hanne Nørreklit & Robert W. Scapens - 883-906 Icon, iconography, iconology
by Jane Davison - 907-932 Face work in annual reports
by David Campbell & Ken McPhail & Richard Slack - 933-952 Media richness, user trust, and perceptions of corporate social responsibility
by Charles H. Cho & Jillian R. Phillips & Amy M. Hageman & Dennis M. Patten - 953-972 Accounting for the Bhopal disaster: footnotes and photographs
by Sumohon Matilal & Heather Höpfl - 973-990 The triple visual
by Lise Justesen & Jan Mouritsen
June 2009, Volume 22, Issue 5
- 677-708 “Going to the movies”: accounting and twentieth century cinema
by Ingrid Jeacle - 709-735 New Labour, Network Rail and the third way
by Robert Jupe - 736-761 Inertia and management accounting change
by Martijn van der Steen - 762-788 Responsibility and accountability without direct control?
by Gloria Agyemang - 789-832 Methodological Insights
by Niamh M. Brennan & Encarna Guillamon‐Saorin & Aileen Pierce - 834-834 The plenary lecture
by Rob Gray - 835-835 New and improved poem
by Simon Lenthen
May 2009, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 525-552 Accounting and the moral economy of illness in Victorian England: the Newcastle Infirmary
by Andy Holden & Warwick Funnell & David Oldroyd - 553-587 Stakeholder perspectives on a financial sector legitimation process
by Niamh O'Sullivan & Brendan O'Dwyer - 588-625 Initiating sustainable development reporting: evidence from New Zealand
by Jan Bebbington & Colin Higgins & Bob Frame - 626-660 Currency options trading practices and the construction and governance of operational risk
by Habib Mahama & Chen Yu Ming - 662-662 A question of economics
by B.N. Oakman - 663-664 E‐mail infatuation
by Lee Parker
March 2009, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 309-318 Accounting and subalternity: enlarging a research space
by Cameron Graham - 319-350 Accounting assemblages, desire, and the body without organs
by Dean Neu & Jeff Everett & Abu Shiraz Rahaman - 351-378 The preservation of indigenous accounting systems in a subaltern community
by Kelum Jayasinghe & Dennis Thomas - 379-404 Weapons of the weak: subalterns' emancipatory accounting in Ceylon Tea
by Chandana Alawattage & Danture Wickramasinghe - 405-428 Accounting and Chilean pension reform
by Darlene Himick - 429-468 Profession, race and empire: keeping the centre pure, 1921‐1927
by Chris Poullaos - 469-514 Management accounting in less developed countries: what is known and needs knowing
by Trevor Hopper & Mathew Tsamenyi & Shahzad Uddin & Danture Wickramasinghe
January 2009, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 169-199 “A witches' dance of numbers”
by Lisa Evans - 200-220 A critical analysis of the independence of the internal audit function: evidence from Australia
by Joe Christopher & Gerrit Sarens & Philomena Leung - 221-246 Exploring auditor independence: an interpretive approach
by Mohammad Hudaib & Roszaini Haniffa - 247-271 British public accountants in America
by Thomas A. Lee - 272-297 Path dependence and path creation
by Marie‐Andrée Caron & Marie‐France B. Turcotte - 300-301 Reflections of a new academic
by Corinne Cortese - 302-302 Now it is the moving time
by Kerry Jacobs
January 2009, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 5-12 Championing intellectual pluralism
by Lee Parker & James Guthrie - 13-34 Legitimacy and parliamentary oversight in Australia
by Kerry Jacobs & Kate Jones - 35-58 FTSE4Good: exploring its implications for corporate conduct
by David Collison & George Cobb & David Power & Lorna Stevenson - 59-90 Bundling management control innovations
by Sven Modell - 91-117 Institutionalization and practice variation in the management control of a global/local setting
by Inês Cruz & Maria Major & Robert W. Scapens - 118-143 Conceptualising future change in corporate sustainability reporting
by Carol A. Adams & Glen Whelan - 146-160 Economia, or a woman in a man's world
by Michael Page & Laura F. Spira
October 2008, Volume 21, Issue 8
- 1085-1115 A privatization success story: accounting and narrative expression over time
by Russell Craig & Joel Amernic - 1116-1143 Social reporting, engagements, controversies and conflict in an arena context
by Georgios Georgakopoulos & Ian Thomson - 1144-1184 Accounting change in central government
by Delfina Gomes & Garry D. Carnegie & Lúcia Lima Rodrigues - 1185-1209 The transition to financial capitalism and its implications for financial reporting
by A.J. Arnold & S. McCartney - 1212-1215 The new researcher
by Graham Bowrey
September 2008, Volume 21, Issue 7
- 885-906 Corporate governance, accountability and mechanisms of accountability: an overview
by Niamh M. Brennan & Jill Solomon - 907-932 Does superior firm performance lead to higher quality outside directorships?
by Aditi Gupta & David Otley & Steven Young - 933-954 Stakeholder accountability
by Paul M. Collier - 955-977 Corporate governance: what about the workers?
by Prem Sikka - 978-1000 The individualization of corporate governance
by Ian P. Dewing & Peter O. Russell - 1001-1025 Beyond the boardroom: governmental perspectives on corporate governance
by Mitchell J. Stein - 1026-1051 Rationality, traditionalism and the state of corporate governance mechanisms
by Shahzad Uddin & Jamal Choudhury - 1052-1075 Internal control, accountability and corporate governance
by Michael John Jones
August 2008, Volume 21, Issue 6
- 765-790 Accountability re‐examined: evidence from Hull House
by Leslie S. Oakes & Joni J. Young - 791-826 Rhetoric, repetition, reporting and the “” era: words, pictures, intangibles
by Jane Davison - 827-849 Disciplinary action against members of the founding bodies of the ICAEW
by Roy Chandler & John Richard Edwards & Malcolm Anderson - 850-874 Motivations for an organisation within a developing country to report social responsibility information
by Muhammad Azizul Islam & Craig Deegan - 877-878 With all due respect to the board
by James Prescott
June 2008, Volume 21, Issue 5
- 645-670 On professional accounting body complaints procedures
by Brendan O'Dwyer & Mary Canning - 671-694 Towards a socially responsible management control system
by Chris Durden - 695-720 Social responsibility, Machiavellianism and tax avoidance
by William E. Shafer & Richard S. Simmons - 721-751 The roles, responsibilities and characteristics of audit committee in China
by Z. Jun Lin & Jason Z. Xiao & Qingliang Tang - 753-754 Old professors never die
by Lee Parker - 755-756 Computer error
by Dianne Dean
May 2008, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 465-473 Glass ceilings, glass cliffs or new worlds?
by Jane Broadbent & Linda Kirkham - 474-506 Mothering or auditing? The case of two Big Four in France
by Claire Dambrin & Caroline Lambert - 507-538 Towards the feminization of accounting practice
by Naoko Komori - 539-555 Moving the gender agenda or stirring chicken's entrails?
by Kathryn Haynes - 556-579 Green Owl and the Corn Maiden
by Jesse Dillard & MaryAnn Reynolds - 580-610 Accounting histories of women: beyond recovery?
by Stephen P. Walker - 611-631 Strategic management and accounting processes: acknowledging gender
by Lee D. Parker
March 2008, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 337-361 Corporate social reporting and reputation risk management
by Jan Bebbington & Carlos Larrinaga & Jose M. Moneva - 362-364 Strategic reputation risk management and corporate social responsibility reporting
by Jeffrey Unerman - 365-370 A commentary on: corporate social responsibility reporting and reputation risk management
by Carol A. Adams - 371-374 Legitimating reputation/the reputation of legitimacy theory
by Jan Bebbington & Carlos Larrinaga‐González & Jose M. Moneva‐Abadía - 375-397 Different interpretations of a “fixed” concept
by David Emsley - 398-426 Globalization and its discontents
by Prem Sikka - 427-454 Performance management practices in public sector organizations
by Frank H.M. Verbeeten
February 2008, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 117-128 Into the light and engagement
by Markus Milne & James Guthrie & Lee Parker - 129-169 Public sector to public services: 20 years of “contextual” accounting research
by Jane Broadbent & James Guthrie - 170-203 Auditing research: a review across the disciplinary divide
by Christopher Humphrey - 204-228 Strategic management accounting: how far have we come in 25 years?
by Kim Langfield‐Smith - 229-239 Did Kaplan and Johnson get it right?
by David Otley - 240-267 Chronicles of wasted time?
by David Owen - 268-295 Enterprise culture and accountancy firms: new masters of the universe
by Prem Sikka - 296-322 Innovation, convergence and argument without end in accounting history
by Stephen P. Walker - 323-326 “A True Account”
by Steve Evans
January 2008, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 5-35 The composition of editorial boards in accounting: a UK perspective
by Tony Brinn & Michael John Jones - 36-48 Intellectual capital practices of firms and the commodification of labour
by Indra Abeysekera - 49-77 Diffusing financial practices in Latin American higher education
by Dean Neu & Leiser Silva & Elizabeth Ocampo Gomez - 78-103 Calculating customer intimacy: accounting numbers in a sales and marketing department
by Suresh Cuganesan - 105-105 No time
by Les Hardy - 106-107 Credit in the box
by Tom Lee - 108-109 The importance of $4.45
by Bruce Gurd
October 2007, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 805-824 Accounting as codified discourse
by Sue Llewellyn & Markus J. Milne - 825-854 Discourse and audit change
by Rihab Khalifa & Nina Sharma & Christopher Humphrey & Keith Robson - 855-882 Social and environmental reporting and hegemonic discourse
by Crawford Spence - 883-911 Enrolling discourse consumers to affect material intellectual capital practice
by Suresh Cuganesan & Christina Boedker & James Guthrie - 912-934 Analysing accounting discourse: avoiding the “fallacy of internalism”
by John Ferguson - 935-940 Reply to: “Analysing accounting discourse: avoiding the ‘fallacy of internalism’”
by Sonja Gallhofer & Jim Haslam & Juliet Roper
September 2007, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 637-670 Accounting and the move to privatize water services in Africa
by Abu Shiraz Rahaman & Jeff Everett & Dean Neu - 671-701 Mandatory audit firm rotation in Spain: a policy that was never applied
by Nieves Carrera & Nieves Gómez‐Aguilar & Christopher Humphrey & Emiliano Ruiz‐Barbadillo - 702-728 The construction of top management as a good steward
by Thomas Carrington & Gustav Johed