- 99-29 Cartel stability and suality signalling
by J. M. Crespi & S. Marette - 99-28 Capital structures and compensation policies
by K. Dachraoui & G. Dionne - 99-27 Proper risk behavior
by K. Dachraoui & G. Dionne & L. Eeckhoudt & P. Godfroid - 99-26 Social security in a stochastic economy
by V. Touzé - 99-25 Insurance prevention and macroeconomics
by V. Touzé - 99-24 Inequality decomposition values : the trade-off between marginality and consistency
by F. Chantreuil & A. Trannoy - 99-23 Dividing one euro democratically
by J.-F. Laslier & N. Picard - 99-22 Delegated portfolio management, no churning, and relative performance-based incentive/sorting schemes
by S. Bhattacharya - 99-21 Induction de la demande de soins par les médecins libéraux français. Etude microéconométrique sur données de panel
by E Delattre & B. Dormont - 99-20 Normes et jugements de valeur en économie normative
by P. Mongin - 99-19 L'impact de la négociation et des prises de contrôle sur l'ampleur de l 'effet de Cliquet
by G. Chemla - 99-18 Downstream competition, foreclosure, and vertical integration
by G. Chemla - 99-17 Real exchange rates and real interest rates : A nonlinear perspective
by F. Bec & M. Ben Salem & R. MacDonald - 99-16 Mondialisation, mobilité du capital et stabilité macro-économique
by F. Bec - 99-15 Contrôle de qualité et sondages : Le recours aux usagers dans la gestion de services publics avec exclusion
by T. Jaaidane - 99-14 Surveys and incentives : A principal-agent-users model
by T. Jaaidane - 99-13 Quality signaling and international trade in food products
by J.-C. Bureau & E. Gozlan & S. Marette - 99-12 Analysis of travel cost components using large-scale dynamic traffic models
by A. de Palma & F. Marchal - 99-11 Les modèles de décision et la politique comme processus collectif. Application aux systèmes de transports urbains
by A. de Palma & S. Pahaut - 99-10 Tax incidence in differentiated product oligopoly
by S. P. Anderson & A. de Palma & B. Kreider - 99-09 The efficiency of indirect taxes under imperfect competition
by S. P. Anderson & A. de Palma & B. Kreider - 99-08 La méthodologie économique au XXe siècle. Les controverses en théorie de l'entreprise et la théorie des préférences révélées
by P. Mongin - 99-07 Repeated games played by cryptographically sophisticated players
by O. Gossner - 99-06 Incentive compatible core and competitive equilibria in differential information economies
by F. Forges & A. Heifetz & E. Minelli - 99-05 Models of exchange rate expectations : heterogeneous evidence from Panel data
by A. Bénassy-Quéré & S. Larribeau & R. MacDonald - 99-04 Protecting minorities through voting rules
by Regis Renault & A. Trannoy - 99-03 A behavioral learning process in games
by J.-F. Laslier & R. Topol & B. Walliser - 99-02 A note on the incentive compatible core
by F. Forges & E. Minelli - 99-01 Assurance chômage des emprunteurs
by P.-A. Chiappori & J. Pinquet
- 98-38 Variabilité des coûts hospitaliers et tarification par pathologie. Le cas de l'infarctus du myocarde aigu
by B. Dormont & C. Milcent - 98-37 Constrained egalitarianism in a simple redistributive model
by J.- Y. Jaffray & Ph. Mongin - 98-36 Excess returns, portfolio choices and exchange rates dynamics. The Yen/Dollar case, 1980-1998
by Ph. Andrade & C. Bruneau - 98-35 Distribution equilibrium I : Definition and examples
by S. Sorin - 98-34 Information structure, labour contracts and the strategic use of debt
by K. Dachraoui & G. Dionne - 98-33 La mesure empirique des problèmes d'information
by G. Dionne - 98-32 Trading costs for goods and PPP. A nonlinear alternative for real exchange rate dynamics
by F. Bec & M. Ben Salem - 98-31 Analyse factorielle dynamique : Test du nombre de facteurs, estimation, et application à l'enquête de conjoncture dans l'industrie
by C. Doz & F. Lenglart - 98-30 ARCH Models and Option Pricing : The Continuous Time Connection
by F. Fornari & A. Mele - 98-29 Le cœur d'une économie d'échange en information asymétrique
by F. Forges - 98-28 Technology choice and tacit collusion
by J. M. Bourgeon & R. Smith - 98-27 Decentralized markets with informed sellers
by J. M. Bourgeon - 98-26 Insurance fraud : theory
by P. Picard - 98-25 Probability logic for type spaces
by A. Heifetz & Ph. Mongin - 98-24 Employment subsidies, unemployment and monopolistic competition
by M. Fleurbaey - 98-23 Welfare comparisons with bounded equivalence scales
by M. Fleurbaey & C. Hagneré & A. Trannoy - 98-22 Evidence of adverse selection in automobile insurance markets
by G. Dionne & C. Gouriéroux & C. Vanasse - 98-21 Portfolio response to a shift in a return distribution : comment
by K. Dachraoui & G. Dionne - 98-20 Trente années de politique financière de Danone au service de sa stratégie industrielle
by D. Jacquet - 98-19 Designing optimal bonus-malus systems from different types of claims
by J. Pinquet - 98-18 On the transition from local regular to global irregular fluctuations
by P. Pintus & D. Sands & R. de Vilder - 98-17 Does optimization imply rationality ?
by P. Mongin - 98-16 Redistribution, inégalité et chômage
by V. Touzé - 98-15 Réforme du financement de la Sécurité Sociale : Les enseignements des modèles d'équilibre général calculable à générations imbriquées
by V. Touzé - 98-14 Understanding individual travel decisions : results from a behavioral survey in Geneva with special emphasis on mode choice
by A. de Palma & D. Rochat - 98-13 L'économie politique simplifiée du "mammouth" : vers une théorie normative des contrats liant l'Etat et les universités
by R. Gary-Bobo & A. Trannoy - 98-12 Comparison functions and choice correspondences
by B. Dutta & J-F. Laslier - 98-11 Fixed agenda social choice correspondences
by J. E. Peris & M-C. Sánchez - 98-10 Ex post individually rational trading mechanisms
by F. Forges. - 98-09 Regulation by negotiation :on the role of private benefits
by A.Lambert-Mogiliansky & P. Picard - 98-08 Optimal insurance under random auditing
by M-C. Fagart & P. Picard - 98-07 Fondements des concepts de solution en théorie des jeux
by O. de Wolf - 98-06 The informational content of household decisions with applications to insurance under adverse selection
by G. Dionne & D. Gouriéroux & C. Vanasse - 98-05 Offre d'assurance non vie : une revue de la littérature récente
by G. Dionne - 98-04 Accessibilité dans un système de transport en environnement concurrentiel
by A. de Palma & O. Sanchez - 98-03 Analytical and numerical solutions for a simple dynamic network equilibrium model
by A. de Palma - 98-02 Evaluation of new transport demand management measures on the city of Geneva with the use of innovative dynamic traffic models
by A. de Palma & F. Marchal - 98-01 METROPOLIS - A dynamic simulation model designed for ATIS applications
by A. de Palma & F. Marchal
- 97-39 Strategic uniformed traders
by L. Augier & M. Mokrane - 97-38 Pareto on idealisation and the method of analysis-synthesis
by F. Guala - 97-37 On the determination of subjective probability by choices
by E. Karni & Ph. Mongin - 97-36 Option pricing with a general marked point process
by J. L. Prigent - 97-35 Incomplete markets : Convergence of options values under the minimal martingale measure. The multidimensional case
by J. L. Prigent - 97-34 Convergence of discrete time options pricing models under stochastic
by J. P. Lesne & J. L. Prigent & O. Scaillet - 97-33 Individual moral consistency and aggregative collective choices
by N. Gravel & J.-F. Laslier & A. Trannoy - 97-32 Intermédiation et affichage des prix dans un contexte d'anti-sélection
by S. Marette - 97-31 Voluntary provision of a public good and individual morality
by M. Bilodeau & N. Gravel - 97-30 A representation theorem for a decision theory with conditionals
by R. Bradley - 97-29 Increases in risk and optimal portfolio
by G. Dionne & F. Gagnon & K. Dachraoui - 97-28 Diffidence theorem and state dependent preferences
by G. Dionne & M-G. Ingabire - 97-27 Managing funds in the US market : how to distinguish between transitory distortions and structural changes in the stock prices ?C. Bruneau
by Ch. Duval-Kieffer & J.P. Nicolaï - 97-26 Long-run causality, with an application to international links between long-term interest rates
by C. Bruneau & E. Jondeau - 97-25 Experience rating through heterogeneous models
by J. Pinquet - 97-24 A note on mixture sets in decision theory
by P. Mongin - 97-23 The non-optimality of deductible contracts against fraudulent claims : an empirical evidence in automobile insurance
by G. Dionne & R. Gagné - 97-22 Une évaluation empirique de la nouvelle tarification de l'assurance automobile (1992) au Québec
by G. Dionne & C. Vanasse - 97-21 Insurance fraud estimation : more evidence from the Quebec automobile insurance industry
by L. Caron & G. Dionne - 97-20 Uncertainty and labour demand rigidity
by B. Dormont & M. Pauchet - 97-19 Urban amenities as risky : an empirical analysis within Paris Metropolitan Area
by N. Gravel & M. Martinez & A. Trannoy - 97-18 No-commitment and dynamic contracts in competitive insurance markets with adverse selection
by N. Fombaron - 97-17 Optimization formulations and static equilibrium in congested transportation networks
by A. de Palma & Y. Nesterov - 97-16 Network externalities and the Polya-Logit model
by A. de Palma & K. Kilani & J. Lesourne - 97-15 The paradox of the Bayesian experts and state-dependent utility theory
by P. Mongin. - 97-14 Testing heterogenity through consistent estimators
by J. Pinquet. - 97-13 Information and time-of-usage decisions in the bottleneck model with stochastic capacity and demand
by R. Arnott & A. de Palma & R. Lindsey - 97-12 In Memoriam William
by S. Vickrey & R. Arnott & A. de Palma - 97-11 Intertemporal equity and the extension of the Ramsey criterion
by M. Fleurbaey & P. Michel - 97-10 From local to global competition
by S. P. Anderson & A. de Palma - 97-09 Reverse discrete choice models
by S. P. Anderson & A. de Palma - 97-08 Commuters' departure time decisions in Brussels
by A. de Palma & A. J. Khattak & D. Gupta - 97-07 Optimal pegs for asian currencies
by A. Bénassy-Quéré - 97-06 Allowance for hidden information by heterogeneous models and applications to insurance rating
by J. Pinquet - 97-05 Estimating and testing for time-dependent heterogeneity in a Poisson model
by J. Pinquet - 97-04 Tests de racines unitaires multiples et saisonnalité
by F. Barthélémy - 97-03 Party identification and the existence of a voting equilibrium
by J.-F. Laslier - 97-02 Intermédiation et coordination avec anti-sélection
by S. Marette - 97-01 Accords commerciaux en présence de différentiation de produits
by A. Schiavina
- 96-32 Utility theory and ethics
by P. Mongin & C. d'Aspremont - 96-31 Polling mechanisms and the demand revelation problem
by R. J. Gary-Bobo & T. Jaaidane - 96-30 Implied risk neutral probability measures on options markets : The L2 approach
by F. Magnien & J.-L. Prigent & A. Trannoy - 96-29 A general subordinated stochastic process for the derivatives pricing
by J.-Ph. Lesne & J-L. Prigent - 96-28 Aggregation of preferences with a variable set of alternatives
by J.-F. Laslier - 96-27 Simultaneous determination of house prices and rents in Paris : financial and demographic factors
by R. J. Gary-Bobo & S. Larribeau - 96-26 Compagnies d'assurance informées et équilibre sur le marché de l'assurance
by M.- C. Fagart - 96-25 Individual freedom of choice in a social setting
by N. Gravel & J.-F. Laslier & A. Trannoy - 96-24 Self-fulfilling Mechanisms in Bayesian Games
by F. Forges & E. Minelli - 96-23 Rational Choice in Strategic Environments : Further Observations
by O. De Wolf & F. Forges - 96-22 Investment under Demand Uncertainty : The Newsboy Problem Revisited
by G. Dionne & T. Mounsif - 96-21 METROPOLIS : Un outil de simulation du trafic urbain
by A. de Palma & F. Marchal - 96-20 On the Design of Optimal Insurance Policies under Manipulation of Audit Cost
by P. Picard - 96-19 Private Versus Public Product Labeling
by J.M. Bourgeon & B. Coestier - 96-18 Imput versus output incentives schemes
by Ph. Bontems & J.M. Bourgeon - 96-17 Bargaining versus price competition under adverse selection
by S. Marette - 96-16 A note on the estimation of confidence bands for structural dynamic multipliers in non-stationary possibly cointegrated systems
by C. Bruneau - 96-15 Test de causalité indirecte entre deux séries extraites d'un modèle vectoriel autorégressif stationnaire
by C. Bruneau - 96-14 Test of persistent causality with an application of the expectations theory of the term structure
by C. Bruneau & E. Jondeau - 96-13 Impulse-response analysis in econometrics
by C. Bruneau - 96-12 Analyse économétrique de la causalité : un bilan de la littérature
by C. Bruneau - 96-11 Hétérogénéité inexpliquée
by J. Pinquet - 96-10 Prise en compte du coût des sinistres dans les systèmes de bonus-malus
by J. Pinquet - 96-09 A model of comparative statics for changes in stochastic returns with dependent risky assets
by G. Dionne & C. Gollier - 96-08 Bluff and reputation
by S. Sorin - 96-07 On second-best compensation
by W. Bossert & M. Fleurbaey & D. Van de gaer - 96-06 Diversification internationale sous contrainte et couverture contre le risque de change
by D. Namur - 96-05 Self-fulfilling mechanisms and rational expectations
by F. Forges & E. Minelli - 96-04 Availability constraints in the housing market
by A. de Palma & J. Rouwendal - 96-03 Bank financing strategies, diversification by certificates of deposit and securitization
by M. Mokrane - 96-02 Impact of adverse weather conditions on travel decisions : experience from a behavioral survey in geneva
by A. de Palma & D. Rochat - 96-01 METROPOLIS : A modular architecture for dynamic traffic simulation
by A. de Palma & F. Marchal & Y. Nesterov
- 2025-03 Production Regulation Principles and Tax Reforms
by Laurence Jacquet & Etienne Lehmann - 2025-02 Why combating climate change is so challenging
by André de Palma & R. Lindsey & S. Proost & Y. Riou & A. Trannoy - 2025-01 Competing for opportunity:Transport infrastructures and localized unemployment
by Guillaume Chapelle & Morgan Ubeda - 2024-13 Carbon Disclosures on Investors The Impact on French Manufacturing and Carbon Imports
by Melanie Marten & Thomas Michael Rowley - 2024-12 Mandatory or Voluntary? Optimal Public Good Funding
by Eddy Zanoutene - 2024-11 Spatial heterogeneity in vehicle license plate lottery rationing
by Zhi-Chun Li Author-Name : Wen-Jing Liu Author-Name : André de Palma - 2024-10 Speeding Towards Cleaner Air: An Evaluation of Maximum Speed Restrictions in Île-de-France during High Pollution Days
by Romuald Le Frioux Author-Name : André de Palma Author-Name : Nadège Blond - 2024-09 Autonomous vehicles, parking, and urban spatial structure
by Zhi-Chun Li Author-Name : Wen-Jing Liu Author-Name : André de Palma Author-Name : Yuki Takayama Author-Name : Takao Dantsuji - 2024-08 Children Costs in a One-adult Household: Empirical Evidence from the UK
by Anderson Vil