2021, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 176-197 Determinants of the technological intensity of state exports for the period of rising commodity prices
by Felipe Orsolin Teixeira & Daniel Arruda Coronel & José Luis da Costa Oreiro - 198-201 Comment on “Sraffa and the Labour Theory of Value: a note”
by William Jefferies - 202-206 Comment on “Sraffa and the Labour Theory of Value: a note” – Reply to William Jefferies
by Fabio Anderaos de Araujo - 207-214 Comments to the article “The political role of the State in Cambridge theories of growth and distribution”
by João Gabriel de Araujo Oliveira & Renato Nozaki Sugahara & Joanilio Rodolpho Teixeira
2020, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 587-603 The decline of neoliberalism: a play in three acts
by Fernando Rugitsky - 604-621 Financing COVID-19, inflation and fiscal constraint
by Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira - 622-646 The COVID-19 pandemic: theoretical scenarios of its socioeconomic impacts in Latin America and the Caribbean
by Cintya Lanchimbra & Andrea Bonilla-Bolaños & Juan Pablo Díaz-Sánchez - 647-668 Impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on the Brazilian labor market
by Lauro Mattei & Vicente Loeblein Heinen - 669-688 Capital account liberalization and its effects on economic growth and financial instability: the exante orthodox models were wrong
by Diego Garcia Angelico & Giuliano Contendo de Oliveira - 689-711 Redesign or demise of old Developmental States? East Asia in the post-financial crisis of 2008
by Roberta Rodrigues Marques da Silva & Rafael Shoenmann de Moura - 712-727 The role of credit in regional divergence: Spanish regions and Eurozone countries
by Sheila C. Dow & Carlos J. Rodríguez-Fuentes - 728-745 How competition drove social complexity: the role of war in the emergence of States, both ancient and modern
by Eduardo Alberto Crespo & Tiago Nasser Appel - 746-765 Thorstein Veblen’s Institutional Economics and Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky’s Behavioral Economics: an analysis of convergent points
by Tainari Taioka & Felipe Almeida & Ramón Garcia Fernádez - 766-787 Marx and the 21st century capitalism
by Rosa Maria Maques & Patrick Rodrigues Andrade - 788-806 Geopolitical Rivalry and Development Policy in the Vargas Era (1930-1950)
by Ricardo Zortéa Vieira
2020, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 435-445 Walras in the light of Marx, Lacan and his own
by Eleutério F. S. Prado - 446-461 Dragon in the “backyard”: China’s investment and trade in Latin America in the context of crisis
by Roberto Goulart Menezes & Milton Carlos Bragatti - 462-483 Targeting economic development with science and technology parks and gateway cities: Schumpeterian possibilities of new developmental states in fostering local and global development
by Patricia Alencar Silva Mello & Mario Gomes Schapiro & Nelson Marconi - 484-492 Developmentalism as a comparative-historical model: From Friedrich List to Bresser-Pereira
by Walid Tijerina - 493-509 Friedrich List and Dutch Disease: two sides of the same coin?
by Kunibert Raffer - 510-531 The debate about Sraffian Supermultiplier Model and the future of heterodox growth models
by Jose Luís da Costa Oreiro & Guilherme Jonas Costa da Silva & Júlio Fernando Costa Santos - 532-553 Lights and Shadows: a Keynes’s view on the left
by João Sicsú - 554-565 Agriculture in Kazakhstan: effective financial management
by Madina Uspambayeva & Altay Zeinelgabdin & Bazhan Turebekova & Aliya Rakayeva & Anvar Tulaganov & Timur Taipov - 566-583 Citizen’s basic income and Kenya
by Eduardo Matarazzo Suplicy & Mônica Dallari
2020, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 189-192 Principles of New Developmentalism
by Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira - 193-213 The New developmentalism and productive sophistication
by Isaías Albertin de Moraes & Hermano Caixeta Ibrahim - 214-237 Determinants of real exchange rate movements in 15 emerging market economies
by Thomas Goda & Jan Priewe - 238-242 New Developmentalism: beyond competitive exchange rate
by José Luis Oreiro - 243-263 Structural change and productivity growth in Brazil: where do we stand?
by André Nassif & Lucilene Morandi & Eliane Araújo & Carmem Feijó - 264-284 South Korea’s and China’s catching-up: a new-developmentalist analysis
by Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira & Elias Jabbour & Luiz Fernando de Paula - 285-309 Profit margins, exchange rates and structural change: empirical evidences for the period 1996-2017
by Nelson Marconi & Guilherme Magacho & João Guilherme R. Machado & Rafael de Azevedo Ramires Leão - 310-331 On the role of the exchange rate as a tool for industrial competitiveness
by Ariel Dvoskin & Germán David Feldman & Guido Ianni - 332-354 “Developmentalist Brazil” (1945-1964) as a concept: historicizing and (re)periodizing development in Brazil
by Alexandre de Freitas Barbosa - 355-375 Coalitions for development: a new-developmentalist interpretation for the abandonment of industrial capitalist from PT political coalition
by Tiago Couto Porto - 376-397 Pragmatism as a pillar of the New Developmentalism
by João Paiva-Silva - 398-404 The Iconomics of New Developmentalism
by Gilson Schwartz - 405-410 The liberalization trap: Why did Latin America fall behind in the 1980s while East Asia continue to grow?
by Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira - 411-431 The responses of the authoritarian national developmentalism to the structural economic crisis (1973-1985)
by Carlos Eduardo Santos Pinho
2020, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 3-21 The geoeconomics of the empire and the mutations of the capital: the two cycles of US economic expansion in the late twentieth century
by Maria da Conceição Tavares & Maurício Metri - 22-36 Geoeconomics in the light of international political economy: a theoretical discussion
by Bruna Coelho Jaeger & Pedro Vinicius Pereira Brites - 37-52 The convergences between post Keynesian and developmental approaches: the post Keynesianism applied to emerging countries
by João Vicente Novaes Camargo Manna - 53-67 Chinese industrialization from the New-Developmental perspective
by Luís Felipe Lopes Milaré - 68-85 The consequences of the international financial crisis and the great recession in Argentina and Brazil
by Andrés Ernesto Ferrari Haines & Fernando Ferrari-Filho & Hernan Neyra - 86-99 Karl Polanyi and substantivism in economic development
by Waldecy Rodrigues & Nayara Silva dos Santos - 100-116 New starting point(s): Marx, technological revolutions and changes in the centre-periphery divide
by João Antonio de Paula & Leonardo Gomes de Deus & Hugo Eduardo da Gama Cerqueira & Eduardo da Motta e Albuquerque - 117-137 Foreign savings and Brazilian economic growth: an analysis of two disparate views
by Kelly Cardoso Faro & Cleomar Gomes da Silva - 138-160 Multidimensional poverty in Brazil: analysis of the period 2004-2015
by José Jaime da Silva & Miguel Antonio Pinho Bruno & Denise Britz do Nascimento Silva - 161-182 Evaluation of the economic costs associated to the neet youth in Brazil
by Maitê Rimekká Shirasu & Ronaldo de Albuquerque e Arraes
2019, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 571-590 The role of the State in fostering innovation activity: case studies of the USA and Germany
by José Luis Gordon - 591-613 Real exchange rate, financial support and exports in Brazil: estimation of the sector export equation with implicit exchange rates
by Débora Freire & Marco Flávio Cunha Resende & Gustavo Britto - 614-637 Sraffa and the Labour Theory of Value: a note
by Fabio Anderaos de Araújo - 638-657 Theoretical considerations on the land as pure financial asset and the financialization process
by Mariana Fix & Leda Maria Paulani - 658-674 Celso Furtado as ‘Romantic Economist from Brazil’s Sertão
by Jonas Rama & John Battaile Hall - 675-688 Recessions and a changing theoretical basis of the recoveries: a view from the state-corporation hegemonic stability theory
by Dariusz Eligiusz Staszczak - 689-709 The origins of anti-capitalism in the young Marx
by Ricardo Luis Chaves Feijó - 710-735 The social doctrine of the catholic church, the new developmentalism and the social market economy: possible dialogues?
by Arthur Rizzi Ribeiro & Ricardo da Silva Carvalho & José Luis Oreiro - 736-754 Ideas, institutions and coalitions: the reasons for the failure of Lulista industrial policy
by Michelli Gonçalves Stumm & Wellington Nunes & Renato Perissinotto - 755-767 Multilateral development banks, new developmentalism and local currency financing
by Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira & Cinthia Bechelaine
2019, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 387-407 USA’s trade policy in the context of global crisis and the decline of North American hegemony
by Arturo Guillén - 408-426 Economics and economic methodology in a core-periphery economic world
by John B. Davis - 427-448 Commodity prices shocks and the Brazilian economy in the 2000s
by Marcos Tadeu Caputi Lélis & André Moreira Cunha & Priscila Linck - 449-469 Inequalities and capital accumulation in China
by Isabela Nogueira & João Victor Guimarães & João Pedro Braga - 470-484 Economic globalization in the global post-crisis of 2008: limits and deadlocks
by Rafael Henrique Dias Manzi - 485-508 Cambridge Equation and the Neo-Pasinetti Theorem in post-Keynesian models of growth and distribution
by José Luis Oreiro & Luís Carlos G. de Magalhães - 509-526 An attempt to integrate Keynes and Kalecki: investment and dynamics
by Maria Isabel Busato & Ana Cristina Reif & Mario Luiz Possas - 527-543 Is it still possible for the developing countries to do their catching up in the 21st century?
by Ligia Zagato - 544-560 Historical performance of BNDES: what can data tell us?
by Ricardo de Menezes Barboza & Mauricio Furtado & Humberto Gabrielli - 561-567 I support my propositions in the concept of monetary production economy
by José Luís Oreiro
2019, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 187-210 From classical developmentalism and post-Keynesian macroeconomics to new developmentalism
by Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira - 236-252 Geopolitics and Development in Petty, Hamilton and List
by Raphael Padula & José Luís Fiori - 253-262 An alert on the recent fall of the fiscal reaction in Brazil
by Eduardo Lima Campos & Rubens Penha Cysne - 263-284 Non-linearity between exchange and prices in Brazil and implications for an economic development strategy
by Mateus Ramalho Ribeiro da Fonseca & Eliane Cristina de Araújo & Elisangela Araújo - 285-305 How QUALIS CAPES influences Brazilian academic production? A stimulus or a barrier for advancement?
by Gustavo Andrey Almeida Lopes Fernandes & Leonardo de Oliveira Manchini - 306-327 The Brazilian constitutional paradox: social rights cum regressive taxation
by Pedro Fandiño & Celia Lessa Kerstenetzky - 328-343 Historical errors in the initial conception of the euro and its subsequent development
by David Ramiro Troitiño & Karoline Faerber - 344-361 Growth and distribution endogenously determined: a theoretical model and empirical evidence
by Hernán Borrero & Nestor Garza - 362-383 PT’s managerial shock? Rethinking the PT’s relationship with managerial reform
by Leandro Heitich Fontoura
2019, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 3-22 Are currency depreciation processes expansionary or contractionary in Brazil? An assessment of the effect of private sector foreign exchange mismatch
by Francisco Eduardo Pires de Souza - 23-38 Exchange rate policy, class conflict and economic development from Furtado’s view
by Lucio Barbosa & Fabricio Missio & Frederico Jayme Jr. - 39-50 An analysis of Brazilian Golden rule
by Manoel Pires - 51-70 Reviewing perspectives on third-party impacts of mega-regional trade agreement: implications for Brazil
by Niels Sondergaard - 71-87 Industrial policies and international division of labor
by Carlos Aguiar de Medeiros - 88-107 Fiscal crisis in Brazil: causes and remedy
by Márcio Holland - 108-127 The New Developmentalism and the challenge for 2019: to overcome the structural stagnation of the Brazilian economy
by João Villaverde & José Marcio Rego - 128-151 Lula Governments: the consumption era?
by João Sicsú - 152-172 War and international trade: impact of trade disruption on international trade patterns and economic development
by Oldrich Krpec & Vladan Hodulak - 173-181 Analysis of the work of Ramiro Guerra: Latifundia, Slavery and Economic Dependence
by Cinara Barbosa Franco de Sá & Izamara Nunes Souza
2018, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 611-628 Crossing boundaries: an assessment to the influence of post-Keynesianism on developmental macroeconomics
by Victor Cruz e Silva & Marcelo Curado - 629-649. Does wage reflect labor productivity? A comparison between Brazil and the United States
by Alexandre Gori Maia & Arthur Sakamoto - 650-669 The crisis of the contemporary global financial system: perspectives from the post-2008 global regulatory reform
by Norberto Montani Martins - 670-689 Ideology versus sociology in the Brazilian state politics
by Fabiano Santos & Cristiane Batista & Steven Dutt-Ross - 690-707 Dynamics of the Brazilian industrial inflation: a sectoral approach (1999-2014)
by Flávia Carvalho de Moraes e Silva & Carmem Feijó & André de Melo Modenesi - 708-730 The states, the capitalist world system and the interstate system: a critical analysis on the contributions of Immanuel Wallerstein
by Marco Antonio Acco - 731-739 The international competitiveness: notes for a non-orthodox approach
by Enéas Gonçalves de Carvalho & Sebastião Neto Ribeiro Guedes - 740-748 Global warming: preventing irreversibility
by Jan-Erik Lane - 749-765 Social capital and poverty in Brazil
by Lilian Lopes Ribeiro & Jair Andrade de Araujo - 766-780 Education and development projects in Brazil, 1932-2004: a critique
by Thomas H. Kang - 781-799 Who supported the "Plano Collo"?
by Alexandre F. S. Andrada
2018, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 395-413 A formal assessment of new-developmentalist theory and policy
by Ariel Dvoskin & Germán David Feldman - 414-433 U.S. banks profitability after the 2007/2008 crisis
by Marco Bulhões Cecilio - 434-449 Is it the end of North-American hegemony? A structuralist perspective on Arrighis systemic cycles of accumulation and the theory of hegemonic stability
by Marcos Vinicius Isaias Mendes - 450-468 The market for the "old" and the economicse "new" institutional
by Adriano José Pereira & Herton Castiglioni Lopes - 469-488 Summers after Hansen? Comparison of conventional and nonconventional explanations for stagnation in advanced economies
by Assilio Luiz Zanella de Araujo - 489-509 Revisiting the inercialist debate of Brazilian inflation
by Hugo Carcanholo Iasco Pereira & Marcelo Luiz Curado - 510-525 The Economic-Monetary Virtù
by Mauricio Metri - 526-547 Lula and Dilma governments in terms of social security and access to higfer education
by Rosa Maria Marques & Salomão Barros Ximenes & Camila Kimie Ugino - 548-558 Composition of net interest payments of the Brazilian Government: 2002-2017
by Nelson Henrique Barbosa-Filho - 559-583 Feminist economics: methodologies, research problems and theoretical proposals toward gender equality
by Brena Paula Magno Fernandez - 584-605 Services innovation as a tool to social innovations: an integrative vision
by Anita Kon
2018, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 219-236 The structuralist revenge: economic complexity as an important dimension to evaluate growth and development
by Paulo Gala & Igor Rocha & Guilherme Magacho - 237-260 Determinants of the rates of profit and accumulation in Brazil: the structural factors of the cyclical deterioration of 2014-2015
by Miguel Antonio Pinho Bruno & Antonio Ricardo Dantas Caffe - 261-279 Varieties of capitalism, growth and redistribution in Asia and Latin America
by Ilan Bizberg - 280-303 Real exchange rate and innovation: Empirical evidences
by Keynis Cândido de Souto & Marco Flávio Cunha Resende - 304-323 Integration, spurious convergence, and financial fragility: a post-Keynesian interpretation of the Spanish crisis
by Estaban Pérez Caldentey & Matias Vernengo - 324-337 The Creative Economy in times of crises: Brazilian endogenous development in the composition of Celso Furtado
by Adriano Pereira de Castro Pacheco & Elcio Gustavo Benini - 338-357 Insights on deflation theory
by Angel Asensio - 358-376 Labor market trends in a low and heterogeneous productivity country. Evidence from Argentina’s manufacturing
by Juan M. Graña - 377-391 A review on defense innovation: from spin-off to spin-in
by Ariela D. C. Leske
2018, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 3-27 Growth and distribution: a revised classical model
by Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira - 28-47 Monetary stability and ECLAC: the heterogeneity of developmental structuralist doctrine of Latin America
by Pedro Luiz Aprigio & André Roncaglia de Carvalho - 48-69 Real exchange rate and structural change in a Kaldorian balance of payments constrained growth model
by Bernardo Mattos Santana & José Luis Oreiro - 70-75 Reflections on the old and new developmentalism
by Jan Kregel - 76-98 Developmental macroeconomics: a post-Keynesian assessment
by Marco Flávio da Cunha Resende & Fábio Henrique Bittes Terra - 99-114 Exchange rate determination and the flaws of mainstream monetary theory
by Heiner Flassbeck - 115-124 Financial flows and the New Developmentalism
by Fernando J. Cardim de Carvalho - 125-149 Development and nation in Bresser-Pereira: a “round journey”?
by Daniel Estevão Ramos de Miranda - 150-166 Notes for the discussion of time in economics: a heterodox approach
by Enéas G. de Carvalho - 167-183 The degradation of Brazilian socioeconomics
by Marcus Alban - 184-200 Ideology on pure state: Interest and inflation beyond the neoclassical appearance
by Jorge Armindo Aguiar Varaschin - 201-214 Value objectivity and value form. Marx’s preparatory notes to the second edition of Capital
by Rômulo Lima & Michael Heinrich
2017, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 660-679 Productivity, social expenditure and income distribution in Latin America
by Mario Cimoli & Gabriel Porcile & Antonio Martins Neto & Fernando Sossdorf - 680-703 The two forms of capitalism: developmentalism and economic liberalism
by Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira - 704-718 Brazil: The cost of delaying fiscal consolidation
by Rubens Penha Cysne & Carlos Thadeu de Freitas Gomes - 719-733 Empiricism in Herbert Simon: “Administrative Behavior” within the evolution of the Models of Bounded and Procedural Rationality
by Alejandro Hortal - 735-754 The impacts of the early 20th century physics and mathematics crisis on contemporary economics discourse
by Mauricio Martinelli Silva Luperi - 755-771 Underdevelopment in contemporary world: is structuralism still relevant?
by Ademir Pedro Vilaça Junior - 772-788 The dynamic intensity of CO2 emissions: empirical evidence for the 20th century
by Diego Carneiro & Guilherme Irffi - 789-807 The political economy of reforms and the present Chinese transition
by Elias Jabbour & Alexis Dantas - 808-831 Recent dynamics of Brazilian inflation in different environments of forward-looking expectations
by Elano Ferreira Arruda & Maria Thalita Arruda Oliveira & Ivan Castelar - 832-849 Dismemberment of Municipalities: Impacts on the Municipal Legislative
by Enlinson Mattos & Lucas Garcez - 850-869 Regional distribution of the National System of Innovation actors and economic development: an international comparison
by Ulisses Pereira dos Santos - 870-893 The impact of the Chinese exchange policy on foreign trade with the European Union
by Ana Cardoso & António Portugal Duarte - 894-915 Economic growth and structural change in a multi-sector and multilateral approach to balance-of-payments constrained growths
by Ricardo Azevedo Araújo & Mateus Silva de Paiva & Júlio Fernando Costa Santos & Guilherme Jonas Costa da Silva - 916-918 Comments on the paper "The exchange rate as an instrument of economic development"
by Rodolfo Hoffmann - 919-927 The exchange rate as an instrument of economic development: a dialogue with Professor Rodolfo Hoffmann
by Lauro Mattei & Guilherme de Oliveira & Thaís Scaramuzzi
2017, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 459-477 Dutch Disease-cum-financialization booms and external balance cycles in developing countries
by Alberto Botta - 478-503 On the explanation for the quasi-stagnation of the capitalist economy in Brazil
by Eleutério F. S. Prado - 504-526 Transforming natural resources into industrial advantage: the case of China’s rare earths industry
by Carlos Aguiar de Medeiros & Nicholas M. Trebat - 527-550 Marxist economic theories and the Great Recession
by Alex Wilhans Antonio Palludeto & Rogerio P. de Andrade - 551-564 Towards an intellectual history of evolutionary economics: competition and struggle versus cooperation and mutual aid
by John Hall & Svetlana Kirdina-Chandler - 565-586 Law and Economic Institutionalism: notes on a promising research agenda
by Diogo R. Coutinho - 587-604 Understanding and overcoming the “positive profits with negative surplus-value” paradox
by Gustavo Daou Lucas & Franklin Serrano - 605-614 Impact of economic growth on international reserve holdings in Brazil
by Mohammad Kashif & P. Sridharan & S. Thiyagarajan - 615-635 Pension reform and fully funded complimentary regime
by Lena Lavinas & Eliane de Araújo - 636-655 The Multi-sectoral Thirlwalls Law with capital flows: an analysis of the national export plan (2015-2018) using computational simulations
by Guilherme Jonas C. da Silva & Júlio Fernando Costa Santos & Lívia Nalesso Baptista
2017, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 267-286 Taxation and distribution of income in Brazil: new evidence from personal income tax data
by Sérgio Wulff Gobetti & Rodrigo Octávio Orair - 287-303 The new development banks: conflicting independence or strategic partnerships?
by Renato Baumann - 304-323 Alternate paths to economic development: a comparative analysis of Brazil and India in the era of neoliberalism
by Rahul A. Sirohi - 324-342 Financial interests and the capture of the State in Brazil
by Marcus Ianoni - 343-362 Economics and interdisciplinarity: an open-systems approach
by Vítor Neves - 363-380 The behavioral turn in development economics: A tentative account through the lens of economic methodology
by Roberta Muramatsu & Flavia Avila - 381-400 Changes in China: transition and development strategies
by Marcos Antonio Macedo Cintra & Eduardo Costa Pinto - 401-416 The special drawing right: a formal critic to the dollar dominance in the international monetary system
by Aline Regina Alves Martins - 417-436 Land rent and the urban space in contemporary capitalism
by Renan Pereira Almeida & Roberto Luís de Melo Monte-Mór - 437-455 The husbandry state and the tax incentives in the automobile sector
by Mario G. Schapiro
2017, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 3-22 The theory of endogenous money and the LM schedule: prelude to a reconstruction of ISLM
by Thomas I. Palley - 23-44 The economy as a socially constructed object in the regulationnist and the Social Market Economy analyses
by Miguel Bruno & Ricardo Caffe - 45-64 Monetary policy in the post Keynesian theoretical framework
by Philip Arestis & Fábio Henrique Bittes Terra - 65-87 Raúl Prebisch and the conception and evolution of the core-periphery system
by Joaquim Miguel Couto - 88-107 Democracy and growth in pre-industrial countries
by Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira - 108-129 Capital account regulation in Brazil: an assessment of the 2009-2013 period
by Daniela Magalhães Prates & Luiz Fernando de Paula - 130-146 Why Dilmas governmente cannot be classified as new developmentalist?
by Marcelo Curado - 147-166 The Euro and the recent european crisis vis-à-vis the gold standard and the great depresssion: Institutionalities, specificities and interfaces
by Giuliano Contento de Oliveir & Paulo José Whitaker Wolf - 167-188 Why was there no capitalism in early modern China?
by Tiago Nasser Appel - 189-207 Transformation in the global productive structure, deindustrialization and industrial development in Brazil
by Celio Hiratuka & Fernando Sarti - 208-225 A critical realist perspective on collective action in economics
by Thiago Duarte Pimentel & Rodrigo Siqueira Rodriguez - 226-242 Is the balance of payments a restriction to the economic growth of Brazilian states? An analysis for the 1991-2009 period
by Felipe de Souza Bastos & Guilherme Irffi & Ivan Castelar - 243-258 Monetary cooperation: an analysis on SUCRE
by Alexandre Jerônimo de Freitas & Marcelo Pereira Fernandes - 259-261 Marxista e pós-Keynesiana
by Maria de Lourdes Rollemberg Mollo
2016, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 667-683 Piketty in the light of Pasinetti and Foley: Income distribution, economic growth and financial fragility
by Marwil Dávila-Fernández & José Luis Oreiro - 684-703 Critical notes on Thomas Pikettys The Capital in the XXI Century
by Rosa Maria Marques & Marcel Guedes Leite - 704-725 Exchange rate misalignment, exchange rate volatility and economic growth: an analysis for the Brazilian economy
by Flávio Vilela Vieira & Aderbal Oliveira Damasceno - 726-747 Exchange rate as economic development device
by Lauro Mattei & Thaís Scaramuzzi - 748-768 National innovation system and external constraint on growth
by Marco Flávio da Cunha Resende & Daniela Almeida Raposo Torres - 769-787 The role of transnational corporations in the international insertion of Brazilian manufactures in the context of productive restructuring
by Adriano José Pereira & Ricardo Dathein - 788-806 Economic raptures, political legitimacy: an analysis of 1987 foreign debt moratorium
by Ivan Salomão & Pedro Cezar Dutra Fonseca - 807-826 The new developmentalism: an institutional contribution
by Herton Castiglioni Lopes - 827-839 Local multiplier of industrial employment: Brazilian mesoregions (2000-2010)
by Guilherme Macedo & Leonardo Monasterio - 840-863 Transport infrastructure investment and regional inequalities in Brazil: an Analysis of the impacts of the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC)
by Guilherme Jonas Costa da Silva & Humberto Eduardo de Paula Martins & Henrique Dantas Neder
2016, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 451-469 Is this ‘it’? An outline of a theory of depressions
by Fernando J. Cardim de Carvalho - 470-492 Sectoral capabilities and productive structure: An input-output analysis of the key sectors of the Brazilian economy
by Nelson Marconi & Igor L. Rocha & Guilherme R. Magacho - 493-513 The reconstruction of the Brazilian industry: the connection between the macroeconomic regime and the industrial policy
by Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira & André Nassif & Carmem Feijó - 514-535 Renstism and capital accumulation: rescuing Marxs theory of rent to think about contemporaneous capitalism
by Leda Maria Paulani - 536-556 Brazil: Geopolitics and "opening for Pacific"
by Raphael Padula & José Luís Fiori - 557-579 Fiscal costs of monetary policy: indirect effects of an interest rate shock on Brazilian public net debt
by Laura Carvalho & André Diniz & Ítalo Pedrosa & Pedro Rossi - 580-602 The sources for orthodox and heterodox trade and industrial policies in Brazil
by Jan-Ulrich Rothacher - 603-621 Macroeconomic Foundations in the perspectives of Marx and Keynes: contributions to the heterodox thought
by Pedro Garrido da Costa Lima & Adriana Moreira Amado & Maria de Lourdes Rollemberg Mollo - 622-645 Bounded rationality and decision-making in complex systems
by Tatiana Massaroli Melo & José Ricardo Fucidji