2016, Volume 36, Issue 3
2016, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 237-265 Reflecting on new developmentalism and classical developmentalism
by Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira - 266-285 The Swedish model: an alternative to macroeconomic policy
by Alexandre Guedes Viana & Patrícia Helena F. Cunha - 286-308 The structural inertia in the national productive base: the FDI and the international transference of technology
by Tulio Chiarini - 309-329 Latin American countries and the establishment of the multilateral trading system: the Havana Conference (1947-1948)
by Norma Breda dos Santos - 330-352 Why transaction costs are so relevant in political governance? A new institutional survey
by Gonzalo Caballero & David Soto-Oñate - 353-371 From physiology to political economy: Quesnays intellectual itineraty towards the Tableau Économique
by Fernando Ribeiro & Nelson Mendes Cantarino - 372-388 The structure and the market: Comparative analysis of Plano Trienal and PAEG
by Leandro Vizin Villarino - 389-409 Testing the models of transition in practice: the case-studies of Estonia and Slovenia
by Viljar Veebel & Andra Nam - 410-429 Systemically important financial institutions in Latin America - A Primer
by Jacob Kleinow & Mario Garcia Molina & Andreas Horsch - 430-447 A radical proposal for direct democracy in large societies
by John Asimakopolos
2016, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-3 João Paulo de Almeida Magalhães
by Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira - 4-13 Classic growth and laggard growth: a new approach to development policies
by João Paulo de Almeida Magalhães - 14-28 From gold money to fictitious money
by Eleutério F. S. Prado - 29-45 The recent debate on alternative growth models for Brazil has revealed an almost unanimous assessment regarding the end of the validity of the domestic consumption-led model
by Celia Lessa Kerstenetzky - 46-69 The concept of emerging power in international politics and economy
by Pedro Cezar Dutra Fonseca & Lucas de Oliveira Paes & André Moreira Cunha - 70-90 Reflections on the method of Keynes
by Fernando Ferrari Filho & Fábio Henrique Bittes Terra - 91-108 Nature of the state economic expanded functions in the Brazilian economy
by Niemeyer Almeida Filho - 109-129 Price movement in the Brazilian land market (1994-2010): an analysis in the light of post-Keynesian theory
by Tiago Santos Telles & Alex Willhans Antonio Palludeto & Bastiaan Philip Reydon - 130-149 Households in the Minskyan Approach: issues and consequences of the indebtness of American households in the XX and early XXI century
by Everton S. T. Rosa - 150-167 Assessing the dynamics of terms of trade inamodelof cumulative causation andstructural change
by Ricardo Azevedo Araujo - 168-189 On the creative economy chain in Brazil: potential and challenges
by Anita Kon - 190-213 Revisiting the quarterly investment dynamics in Brazil: 1996-2012
by Cláudio Hamilton Matos dos Santos & André de Melo Modenesi & Gabriel Squeff & Lucas Vasconcelos & Monica Mora & Thais Fernandes & Thiago Moraes & Ricardo Summa & Julia Braga - 214-230 Boulevard to broken dreams, Part 1: the Polonoroeste road Project in the Brazilian Amazon, and the World Bank’s environmental and indigenous peoples’ norms
by Robert H. Wade
2015, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 683-707 From restrained golden age to creeping platinum age: A periodization of Latin American development in the Robinsonian tradition
by Matias Vernengo - 708-727 Exchange rate policy in Brazil: An analytical framework
by Pedro Rossi - 728-744 Finance, development and the Chinese entrepreneurial state: A Schumpeter- Keynes – Minsky approach
by Leonardo Burlamaqui - 745-762 The developmental debate: reflections on Marxists developmental alternatives
by Maria de Lourdes Rollemberg Mollo - 763-779 Profits and votes: entrepreneurs and the government in Brazilian housing policy
by Edney Cielici Dias - 780-798 The Neoclassical economics: a Lakatosian analysis. Fom full minstream until its implosion
by Alain Herscovici - 799-824 On the Brazilian ground-rent appropriated by landowners
by Nicolas Grinberg - 825-844 A historical critical edition of the works of Karl Marx
by Hugo E. A. da Gama Cerqueira - 845-858 Building governance in the international financial system: Context and challenges
by Leandro Pignatari Silva - 859-877 A critique to the usual economic indicators of de-industrialization in Brazil
by Ricardo Lobato Torres & Henrique Cavalieri - 878-894 Social control of public expenditures in a multilevel principal–agent approach
by Valdemir Pires & André Sathler Guimarães
2015, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 388-402 Globalization and democracy
by Deepak Nayyar - 403-425 The macroeconomic challenge for 2015-2018
by Nelson Barbosa Filho - 426-443 The tripod traps of Brazilian macroeconomic policy
by André Nassif - 444-460 Crisis and industrialization in Brazil between 1929 and 1954: The reconstruction of the National State and the national development policy
by Wilson Cano - 461-474 The Brazilian industrial policy puzzle
by José Tavares de Araújo Jr. - 475-491 The distorted formation of administered prices in recent Brazilian experience
by Arthur Barrionuevo Filho - 492-509 The geographic dynamics of industry employment in Brazilian metropolitan areas: Lessons for São Paulo
by Ciro Biderman & Marcos Lopes - 510-530 Administered Prices and Government Discretion
by Paulo Furquim de Azevedo & Felipe C. Serigati - 531-556 Impact of fuel prices contention in Brazil and pricing mechanisms options
by Edmar de Almeida & Patricia de Oliveira & Luciano Losekann - 557-575 Rethinking “energy nationalism”: a study of the relationship between nation states and companies in the oil industry
by Noele de Freitas Peigo & José Augusto Gaspar Ruas - 576-600 Deindustrialization and investment in infrastructure as a conciliatory alternative for the Brazilian industrial policy
by Marwil Dávila-Fernández - 601-621 Why budget accountability fails? The elusive links between parliaments and audit agencies in the oversight of the budget
by Carlos Santiso - 622-644 Performance and fragmentation of Mercosur high-tech industry
by Camila Hermida & Ana Paula Avellar & Clésio Xavier & Marisa Botelho - 645-660 The reaction of the political incumbent elites in the Brazilian democratic opening
by Raphael Bruce & Rudi Rocha - 661-679 David Hume and the finances of James I
by Rogério Arthmar
2015, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 203-226 Chronic macro-economic and financial imbalances in the world economy: a meta-economic view
by Robert Guttmann - 227-246 The Brazilian deindustrialization: financialization is not guilty
by Mylène Gaulard - 247-266 The structuralist tradition in economics: methodological and macroeconomics aspects
by Fabricio Missio & Frederico Gonçalves Jayme Jr. & José Luis Oreiro - 267-284 Neoliberalism and global capital mobility: A necessary reconsideration of textbook trade theory
by Kunibert Raffer - 285-305 Emerging markets and the international financial architecture
by Jan Kregel - 306-324 The general equilibrium theory as economic metatheory
by Mauricio Martinelli Silva Luperi - 325-342 The boom and crisis of the Convertibility Plan in Argentina
by Sebastián Pedro Salvia - 343-359 Dr. Brasilia and Mr. Nacala: the apparent duality behind the Brazilian state-capital nexus
by Tomaso Ferrando - 360-383 Continuity or rupture? An analysis of some aspects of the social philosophy of John Stuart Mill, Alfred Marshall and John Maynard Keynes
by Laura Valladão de Mattos
2015, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 3-27 Overvaluation trend of the Brazilian currency in the 2000s: Empirical estimation
by André Nassif & Carmem Feijó & Eliane Araújo - 28-42 The impact of China’s rise on Latin-american countries
by Carlos Aguiar de Medeiros & Maria Rita Vital Paganini Cintra - 43-63 Hirschman and the desecration of epic development by a developmentalist
by Renato Sérgio Maluf - 64-74 A statistical interpretation of the IGP, of NHS e the minimum wage
by Edmar Bacha & Rodolfo Hoffmann - 75-94 Historical origins of Brazilian relative backwardness
by Alexandre Rands Barros - 95-113 Institutions, credibility and crisis: the inconsistencies of Argentine exchange rate policy (1991-2006)
by Nicolás Cherny - 114-132 The developmental state in Brazil: Comparative and historical perspectives
by Ben Ross Schneider - 133-155 Interest rate and monetary transmition mechanisms in Brazil
by Ricardo de Menezes Barboza - 156-174 Crawling up the value chain: domestic institutions and non-traditional foreign direct investment in Brazil, 1990-2010
by Patrick J. W. Egan - 175-198 Global instability of currencies: reasons and perspectives according to the State-corporation hegemonic stability theory
by Dariusz Eligiusz Staszczak
2014, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 523-526 Ignácio Rangel, 100 years
by Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira - 527-543 Notes on the thought of Ignácio Rangel on the centenary of his birth
by Marcio Henrique Monteiro de Castro & Ricardo Bielschowsky & Cesar Benjamin - 544-564 The centenary of Ignácio Rangel
by José Maria Dias Pereira - 565-586 The Rangel curve: origin, development and formalization of Bresser-Pereira and Nakano
by Osmani Pontes Moreno & André de Melo Modenesi - 587-607 Inconvenient glow: Cliometrics and the “golden age” of capitalism
by Fernando Rugitsky - 608-627 Can Brazil repeat the economic miracle?
by Fernando de Holanda Barbosa & Fernando de Holanda Barbosa Filho - 628-637 Update analysis on the international crisis and its impact on the Mexican economy
by Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid & Carlos Alberto Fraga-Castillo - 638-655 Global crisis, geopolitical changes and insertion of Brazil
by Bernardo Campolina & Clélio Campolina Diniz - 656-669 Just how capitalist is China?
by Tiago Nasser Appel - 670-688 The advancement of the mathematization process in the economic Brazilian academy since the 1980s
by Mauricio Martinelli Silva Luperi - 689-725 Economic stagnation in the United States: underlying causes and global consequences
by Robert A. Blecker
2014, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 347-369 Effects of overvaluation and exchange rate volatility over industrial investment: empirical evidence and economic policy proposals for Brazil
by José Luís Oreiro & Flavio A. C. Basilio & Gustavo J. G. Souza - 370-395 Trade rules and exchange rate misalignments: in search for a WTO solution
by Vera Thorstensen & Emerson Marçal & Lucas Ferraz - 396-412 Revelations of the crisis: fiat currency and the Treasury/Central Bank relations
by Maryse Farhi - 413-432 A regional arrangement proposal for the UNASUR
by Fernando Ferrari Filho - 433-450 The crisis of the contemporary global financial system
by Ernani Teixeira Torres Filho - 451-470 Financialization and financial profit
by Arturo Guillén - 471-484 External vulnerability and composition of the international investment position: Brazil 2001-2010
by Paulo Van Noije - 485-502 Industry and economic growth: evidences for developed and developing countries
by Flavio Vilela Vieira & Ana Paula Avellar & Michele Polline Veríssimo - 503-519 State elites and industrialization: comparison between Brazil, Argentina and Mexico (1920-1970
by Renato Perissinotto & Paulo Roberto Neves Costa & Wellington Nunes & Angela Ilha
2014, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 187-197 Alice Amsden’s impact on Latin America
by Helen Shapiro & Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid - 198-211 The political formation of Brazil according to Furtado
by Mauro Boianovsky - 212-229 Economic growth, labor and productivity in Brazil and the United States: a comparative analysis
by Alexandre Gori Maia & Esther Menezes - 230-248 Development projects of contemporary Brazil
by Rui Mesquita Cordeiro - 249-265 The reduction of income inequality and the participation of the top 1% in the Brasil, 2000-2010
by Claudio Salvadori Dedecca - 284-293 Price synchronization in retailing: some empirical evidence
by Marcelo Resende & Rodrigo Zeidan & Gabriel Rega - 294-316 Uncertainty and non-ergodicity: critique of the neoclassical
by Marcelo Mallet Siqueira Campos & Tulio Chiarini - 317-326 Mário Henrique Simonsen and the construction of the concept of inertial inflation
by Andrea Felipe Cabello - 327-343 Hicks’ first review of the General Theory
by Jorge Eduardo de Castro Soromenho - v:34:y:2014:i:2:id:272 The persistence of indexation in post-Real Brazil
by André Roncaglia de Carvalho
2014, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 3-14 On high interest rates in Brazil
by Francisco Lafaiete Lopes - 15-38 Minsky on “Big Government”
by Daniel de Santana Vasconcelos - 39-60 State, power block and capitalist accumulation: a theoretical approach
by Eduardo Costa Pinto & Paulo Balanco - 61-71 Consolidated democracy and size of the State
by Felipe Scudeler Salto - 72-79 Global coordination: weighted voting
by Jan-Erik Lane - 80-102 Public management, policy capacity, innovation and development
by Erkki Karo & Rainer Kattel - 103-119 Industrial policy and economic development: a review of the contemporary debate
by Daniel Arruda Coronel & André Filipe Zago de Azevedo & Antônio Carvalho Campos - 120-138 Industrialization in Sub-Saharan Africa and import substitution policy
by Ana Paula F. Mendes & Mário Augusto Bertella & Rudolph F. A. P. Teixeira - 139-157 Chinese industrial policy as determinant of its going global strategy
by Gilmar Masiero & Diego Bonaldo Coelho - 158-180 Políticas productivas y competitividad industrial. El caso de Argentina y Brasil
by Marta Bekerman & Gonzalo Dalmasso
2013, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 555-576 Liberal versus neo-developmental convention to growth: why has Brazil shown a poor performance since the 1980s?
by André Nassif & Carmen Feijó - 577-598 Autonomy of the State and devepment in the democratic capitalism
by Marcus Ianoni - 599-618 Financial conventions and basic interest rate in Brazil: a first approach
by Luciana Seabra & David Dequech - 619-637 Institutions and economic growth: The theoretical models of Thorstein Veblen and Douglass North
by Herton Castiglioni Lopes - 638-648 Democracy over Governance
by Amelia Correa & Romar Correa - 649-658 Two methods or two anthropologies?
by Eleutério F. S. Prado - 659-670 The (un)predictability of the crisis and the pluralism in Economics
by Luís Felipe Lopes Milaré - 671-691 The Three-Year Plan in the context of the US-Brazilian relations (1962-1963)
by Felipe Pereira Loureiro - 692-703 Complementarity of trade between Brazil and Japan with a view to a free trade agreement
by Silvio Miyazaki & Nobuaki Hamaguchi - 704-725 Political bases of intergovernamental transferences in Brazil (1985-2004)
by Octavio Amorim Neto & Andrei Gomes Simonassi
2013, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 371-387 The value of the exchange rate and the Dutch disease
by Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira - 388-410 Labor values, reproduction prices and land rent
by Rodolfo Hoffmann - 411-426 Assessing development and the idea of development in the 1950s in Brazil
by Rafael Rossotto Ioris & Antonio Augusto Rossotto Ioris - 427-445 Brazil: an economy caught in a financial trap (1993-2003)
by Bibiana Medialdea - 446-462 The complexity and the constructivism in economics
by Arnaldo Mauerberg Jr. - 463-485 De-industrialization and foreign trade: recent evidences to Brazil
by André Moreira Cunha & Marcos Tadeu Caputi Lelis & Flavio Benevett Fligenspan - 486-504 Keynes and the concept of capital: Some epistemological observations in regard to the sraffian premises of the General Theory
by Alain Herscovici - 505-526 Financial exclusion: a regional investigation
by Marco Aurelio Crocco & Fabiana Santos & Ana Figueiredo - 527-537 The grab of the worlds land and water resources
by Franklin Obeng-Odoom - 538-550 La estructura económica del (sub)desarrollo y el equilibrio general. O que ocurrió con la teoría del desarrollo yh con as estructuras económicas?
by Fidel Aroche Reyes
2013, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 203-221 Narratives of emergence: Rising powers and the end of the Third World?
by Andrew Hurrell - 222-239 Developmentalism and new-developmentalism. Theoretical roots and conceptual precision
by Maria de Lourdes Rollemberg Mollo & Pedro Cezar Dutra Fonseca - 240-259 The circular causation of growth in developing economies: a bridge between evolutionary and post Keynesian approaches
by Daniela Almeida Raposo Torres & Marco Flávio da Cunha Resende - 260-280 A note on the Pazos-Simonsen mechanism and Kaldor s early research on Latin American inflation
by Leonardo Vera - 281-297 Law and economic order in John R.Commons thought
by Sebastião Guedes - 298-314 Income-transfer policies in Brazil and Argentina
by Rosa Maria Marques - 315-321 The effects of fiscal policy after the global recession: Assessing the evidences
by Luiz Fernando de Paula & Manoel Carlos de Castro Pires - 322-340 Corporate banking credit in Brazil: recent evolution and perspectives
by Daniela Magalhães Prates & Maria Cristina Penido de Freitas - 341-359 Perspectives of the negotiations between Mercosur and the European Union in a context of multilateral system paralysis and new global economic geography
by Patrícia Luíza Kegel & Mohamed Amal - 360-366 Ignacy Sachs and the Spaceship Earth
by Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira
2013, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 3-16 Germany's social-economic model and the euro crisis
by Michael Dauderstädt - 17-40 Competitiveness and external constraint in the Eurozone
by André Sander Diniz & Frederico G. Jayme Jr. - 41-59 Origin and agenda of Brazilian new developmentalism
by Lauro Mattei - 60-81 The real exchange rate and external constraint: a re-reading proposal with endogenous elasticity
by Marcos Adolfo Ribeiro Ferrari & Fabio Neves Freitas & Nelson Henrique Barbosa Filho - 82-101 Exchange rate, xports and growth: an investigation on the hypothesis of Dutch disease in Brazil
by Michele Polline Veríssimo & Clesio Lourenço Xavier - 102-119 Brazilian, Chinese, and Indian exports: is the regional market really a source of learning?
by Renato Baumann - 120-145 Exports and inovation: an analysis for Latin America and South-Southeast Asia
by Marcelo José Braga Nonnenberg - 146-165 Education and development projects in Brazil (1932-2004): a political economy perspective
by Bernardo Stuhlberger Wjuniski - 166-178 intragerational earnings mobility in Brazil
by Mariângela Furlan Antigo & Ana Flávia Machado - 179-199 Minimum wage, poverty alleviation income policies, and the relative performance of the Brazilian Northeastern economy
by Alexandre Rands Barros & Diloá Athias
2012, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 531-556 Coping with globalization: Asian versus Latin American Strategies of development, 1980-2010
by Atul Kohli - 557-579 Why interest rates are so high in Brazil? An empirical evaluation
by José Luis Oreiro & Luiz Fernando de Paula & Guilherme Jonas Costa da Silva & Rafael Quevedo do Amaral - 580-596 Alternative banking: Theory and evidence from Europe
by Kurt Von Mettenheim & Olivier Butzbach - 597-614 The Institutional pillars of the foreign exchange policy and industrialization in Brazil in the 1930s
by Cesar Rodrigues Van der Laan & André Moreira Cunha & Pedro Cezar Dutra Fonseca - 615-633 Democracy and efficiency: hard relations between politics and economy
by Maria Rita Loureiro & Fernando Luiz Abrucio - 634-655 Exchange rate pass-through inflation and wage differentials in late-industrializing economies: the Mexican case
by Teresa S. Lópes & Quadalupe Mantéy & Luis Quintana - 656-669 The industrial equilibrium exchange rate in 2000: an estimation
by Nelson Marconi - 670-688 Theory of functional finance and the role of fiscal policy: A post-keynesian critique to the new consensus macroeconomics
by Gabriel Caldas Montes & Rômulo do Couto Alves - 689-699 The internationalization of Spanish companies
by Lídia Ruppert & Mario Augusto Bertella - 700-702 A graphic explanation on how a tax on exports neutralizes the Dutch disease without costs to exporters
by Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira
2012, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 347-366 Structuralist macroeconomics and the new developmentalism
by Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira - 367-388 The “hot money” phenomenon in Brazil
by Mylène Gaulard - 389-411 Fifteen years of monetary rigidity in Brazil after the Real Plan: a research agenda
by André de Melo Modenesi & Rui Lyrio Modenesi - 412-423 Brazil as an emerging economy: a new economic miracle?
by Edmund Amann & Werner Baer - 424-444 Exchange rate regime and structural changes in the Brazilian manufacturing industry
by Eliane Araújo & Miguel Bruno & Débora Pimentel - 445-458 Freedom of choice and bounded rationality A brief appraisal of behavioral economists plea for light paternalism
by Roberta Muramatsu & Patrícia Fonseca - 459-478 Structural changes and labor market in Brazil
by Rafael Camargo de Pauli & Luciano Nakabashi & Armando Vaz Sampaio - 479-496 Estimating the return to education considerate the legislation of education in Brazil as an instrumental variable
by Wladimir Teixeira & Naércio Aquino Menezes-Filho - 497-512 Age-grade gap from different theoretical perspectives
by Rosana Ribeiro & Maria Cristina Cacciamali - 513-526 Trade with China and strategy in South American recent economic development
by Ernesto A. O'Connor
2012, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 171-187 Neutralizing tendency of wages to grow below productivity rate
by Pierre Salama - 188-204 Implicit reciprocity and growth in the international economy: A structuralist perspective
by Mario Cimoli & Gabriel Porcile & Guilherme Souza e Silva - 205-212 Investiment in the Brasilian economy during the crisis
by Roberto Meurer - 213-228 Theories of international trade: a debate on the relationship between economic growth and foreign market inclusion
by Uallace Moreira - 229-240 The socal protection between the light and the shadow
by Stefania Vaccaro - 241-259 Fiscal policy and private investment. Latin America in a comparative perspective
by Emilio Caballero U. & Julio López G. - 260-281 The recent management of Brazilian public debt
by Pedro Maia da Cunha & Márcio G. P. Garcia - 282-304 Inflation targeting, Taylor rule and money neutrality: A post-Keynesian critic
by Mariana de Lourdes Moreira Lopes & Maria de Lourdes Rollemberg Mollo & Fabiana Silvio Colbano - 305-314 Corruption, income and rule of law: empirical evidence from developing and developed countriel
by Helder Ferreira de Mendonça & André da Fonseca - 315-335 The historical phases of the debate on the transformation of values into production prices
by Tiago Camarinha Lopes - 336-339 Ten theses on new developmentalism
by Manuel Agosin
2012, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 3-20 The rapid growth hypothesis. New arguments
by Antonio Barros de Castro - 21-32 Five models of capitalism
by Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira - 33-54 Brazil (1955-2005): 25 years of catching-up, 25 years of falling behind
by Marcelo Arend & Pedro Cezar Dutra Fonseca - 55-71 What inequality are we talking about?
by Claudio Salvadori Dedecca - 72-86 Evaluating the wage differential between public and private sectors in Brazil
by Daulins Emílio & Vladimir Ponczek & Fernando Botelho - 87-108 Karl Popper versus Theodor Adorno: lessons of a historical debate
by Angela Ganem - 109-127 Is there compatibility between Nelson’s ‘Social Technology’ and Hodgson’s ‘Veblenian Causality’?
by Octavio A. C. Conceição - 128-141 Quality of municipal public spending on primary education in Brazil
by Maria Dolores Montoya Diaz - 142-166 The Brazilian market in the XIX century: an approach through the cabotage commerce
by Renato Leite Marcondes
2011, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 684-698 Icelands Meltdown: The rise and fall of international banking in the North Atlantic
by Robert Wade & Silla Sigurgeirsdottir - 699-729 Financial liberalization, macroeconomic policy and economic growth within the BRIC’s countries
by Luiz Fernado de Paula & Fábio Campos Barcelos - 730-750 Finance-led growth regime in Brazil
by Miguel Bruno & Hawa Diawara & Eliane Araujo & Ana Carolina Reis & Mário Rubens - 751-770 Financial integration, foreign savings and income convergence: theory and evidence
by Aderbal Oliveira Damasceno - 771-793 Interests and international relations trajectories
by Jaime Cesar Coelho - 794-812 Countercyclical fiscal policy, international financial crisis and economic growth in Brazil
by Sergio Ricardo de Brito Gadelha - 813-831 Institutions and regional policies: a proposal for the new Sudene
by Dinilson Pedroza Júnior & Thiago Alexandro N. Andrade & Cristine Vieira do Bonfim - 832-832 SPECIAL SECTION: Growth with Financial Stability and New Developmentalism
by ... - 833-837 THE PROJECT: Financial Instability and Overvaluation of the Exchange Rate in Latin America
by Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira