2015, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 12-37 Analysis of Selected Seasonality Effects in the Following Agricultural Markets: Corn, Wheat, Coffee, Cocoa, Sugar, Cotton and Soybeans
by Krzysztof Borowski & Malgorzata Lukasik - 38-53 Inter-Firm Cooperation and Internationalization Process: The Example of Polish Manufacturing Companies
by Paulina Adamczyk & Mariusz Sagan - 54-73 Guan-Xi, Loyalty, Contribution And ‘Speak-Up Behavior: The Role of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) as Mediator and Political Skill as Moderator
by Chin-Yi Shu & Nguyen Thi Nhu Quynh
2015, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-7 Hazards to Effective Due Diligence
by Michael Benoliel - 8-19 The 2008 Global Financial Crisis: The Case of a Market with Consistent Losses Ever Since
by Hadeel Yaseen & Ghassan Omet & Morad Abdel-Halim - 20-29 The Impact of Globalization on the Changes in Industrial Relations and Development of Employee Participation – Evidence from Poland
by Katarzyna Skorupinska - 30-37 The Marketing & Positive Impacts of Behavioral Control System on Societies & Countries
by Ahmad Adel Mostafa & Ahmed Mohamed Tawfik
2014, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 1-10 Environmental Management Practices in Polish Enterprises - An Empirical Analysis
by Oksana Seroka-Stolka - 11-16 The Company Liquidation - A Path to Avert the Accrual of New Liabilities
by Alexandra-Gabriela Rolea - 17-25 Development of Public Market of Corporate Bonds in Poland
by Piotr Prewysz-Kwinto & Grazyna Voss - 26-33 Gender and Management - Changing Perceptions and Attitudes
by Angela On
2014, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-13 An Analysis of the Influencing Factors of Customer Retention in Tourism Resort Industry: A Case Study of Lingnan Impression Park, Guangzhou, China
by Li Li & Shen mei Yuan & Nan Jiang - 14-24 Business and Entrepreneurship in South Coastal Zone of Attica Region, in Greece
by Agisilaos Economou & Roido Mitoula - 25-49 What Job will Bring Satisfaction? An Analysis based on Responses of Students Studying Business in Kazakhstan
by Yuliya Frolova - 50-60 The Use of Virtual Project Teams for Project Management in Jordanian Corporations
by Belal Hashem Alnsour
2014, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-13 How Small Businesses Market Their Products during the Different Phases of the Product Life Cycle: The Case of Swedish Ice Cream Manufacturers
by Annika Hallberg & Susana Friberg & Paulina Myhrman - 14-23 Measurement of CSR Performance of the Corporate Located in Talegaon Industrial Belt, Pune, India
by Yukiko Hashimoto & Mahesh Thakur - 24-35 The Impact of Visual Merchandising on Consumer Impulse Buying Behavior
by Khurram L. Bhatti & Seemab Latif - 36-45 Examination of Innovation Sources and Cooperation Alternatives for Turkish Firms
by Arif Orcun Sakarya - 46-54 Good Governance and Successful Development: Cross Countries Investigation
by Tabthip Kraipornsak
2013, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-15 Intangible Assets and Profitability in the Italian Banking Industry: Which Relationship?
by Fabio Piluso - 16-23 Economic Reform and Entrepreneurship in Barbados
by Paul Pounder - 24-32 Manager of Educational Project and His Competencies
by Katerina Hrazdilova Bockova & Daniela Matovcikova - 33-43 The Need for Social and Environmental Accounting Standard: Can Islamic Countries have the Lead?
by Ayman Zerban - 44-57 A Research towards the Examination of Relationship Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Academics
by Serdar Oge & Arif Damar - 58-62 Information Support of Processes in Warehouse Logistics
by Gordei Kirill & Borisova Vera
2013, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-14 Development of Capital Markets in Turkey and Analysis of Financial Structure of the Intermediary Institutions
by Fikret Kartal - 15-31 Building a Privacy Model in the Business Processes of the Enterprise An Information Systems Design Science Research
by Munir Majdalawieh - 32-40 Challenge in Sharing Tacit Knowledge: Academicians’ Behavior towards Developing a Web Portal for Sharing Research Ideas
by Hafiza Adenan & Dang Merduwati Hashim & Adnan Jamaludin & Haziah Sa’ari - 41-50 Competitive Strength of Nations: Doing Business in a Global Market
by Nisar Ahmad