- 35518 From a “normal recession” to the “Great Depression”: finding the turning point in Chicago bank portfolios, 1923-1933
by Postel-Vinay, Natacha - 31741 The contributions of warfare with Revolutionary and Napoleonic France to the consolidation and progress of the British industrial revolution
by O'Brien, Patrick
- 121709 Communal responsibility and the coexistence of money and credit under anonymous matching
by Boerner, Lars Michael & Ritschl, Albrecht - 37336 The evolution of the British entertainment business: film, music and videogames
by Bakker, Gerben - 30043 Economic effects of vertical disintegration: the American motion picture industry, 1945 to 1955
by Silver, Gregory Mead - 30016 Labour market dynamics in Canada, 1891-1911: a first look from new census samples
by Inwood, Kris & MacKinnon, Mary & Minns, Chris - 29960 The cost of living in London, 1740-1834
by Turvey, Ralph - 29409 The utility of a common coinage: currency unions and the integration of money markets in late medieval Central Europe
by Boerner, Lars & Volckart, Oliver - 28988 ‘Deep’ integration of 19th century grain markets: coordination and standardisation in a global value chain
by Velkar, Aashish - 28986 Books or bullion? Printing, mining and financial integration in Central Europe from the 1460s
by Chilosi, David & Volckart, Oliver - 28577 Exotic drugs and English medicine: England’s drug trade, c.1550-c.1800
by Wallis, Patrick - 28446 Becoming a London goldsmith in the seventeenth century: social capital and mobility of apprentices and masters of the guild
by Schwarzberg, Raphaelle - 28443 Rethinking the origins of British India: state formation and military-fiscal undertakings in an eighteenth century world region
by Roy, Tirthankar - 27946 Good or bad money?: debasement, society and the state in the late Middle Ages
by Chilosi, David & Volckart, Oliver - 27906 The amazing synchronicity of the Global Development (the 1300s-1450s). An institutional approach to the globalization of the late Middle Ages
by Badalian, Lucy & Krivorotov, Victor - 27889 Were British railway companies well-managed in the early twentieth century?
by Crafts, Nicholas & Leunig, Tim & Mulatu, Abay - 27888 Pirates, polities and companies: global politics on the Konkan littoral, c.1690-1756
by Elliott, Derek L. - 27887 From sickness to death: the financial viability of the English friendly societies and coming of the Old Age Pensions Act, 1875-1908
by Broten, Nicholas - 27886 Total factor productivity for the Royal Navy from victory at Texal (1653) to triumph at Trafalgar (1805)
by O'Brien, Patrick & Duran, Xavier - 27852 Re-evaluating the role of voluntary organisations: merchant networks, the Baltic and the expansion of European long-distance trade
by Sahle, Esther
- 51582 Depression econometrics: a FAVAR model of monetary policy during the Great Depression
by Ahmadi, Pooyan Amir & Ritschl, Albrecht - 32423 Seeking parts, looking for wholes
by Morgan, Mary S. - 32413 School resources and schooling outcomes in a frontier society: evidence from British Columbia, 1900-19201
by MacKinnon, Mary & Minns, Chris - 27958 The education and training of gentry sons in early-modern England
by Wallis, Patrick & Webb, Cliff - 27885 Regional market integration in Italy during the unification (1832-1882)
by Missiaia, Anna - 27884 Money, states and empire: financial integration cycles and institutional change in Central Europe, 1400-1520
by Chilosi, David & Volckart, Oliver - 27879 The economic legacies of the ‘thin white line’: indirect rule and the comparative development of sub-Saharan Africa
by Richens, Peter - 27878 Depression econometrics: a FAVAR model of monetary policy during the Great Depression
by Ahmadi, Pooyan Amir & Ritschl, Albrecht - 27877 Does trade explain Europe’s rise? Geography, market size and economic development
by Studer, Roman - 27876 Did globalization aid industrial development in colonial India?: a study of knowledge transfer in the iron industry
by Roy, Tirthankar - 27874 After the Great Debasement, 1544-51: did Gresham’s Law apply?
by Li, Ling-Fan - 27873 Leaving home and entering service: the age of apprenticeship in early modern London
by Wallis, Patrick & Webb, Cliff & Minns, Chris - 27872 Law and economic change in traditional China: a comparative perspective
by Ma, Debin - 27871 Wages, prices, and living standards in China, 1738-1925: in comparison with Europe, Japan and India
by Allen, Robert C. & Bassino, Jean-Pascal & Ma, Debin & Moll-Murata, Christine & Zanden, Jan Luiten van - 27870 Evolution of living standards and human capital in China in 18-20th century: evidences from real wage and anthropometrics
by Baten, Joerg & Ma, Debin & Morgan, Stephen & Wang, Qing - 27869 Bairoch revisited: tariff structure and growth in the late 19th century
by Tena-Junguito, Antonio - 27868 The pattern of trade in seventeenth-century Mughal India: towards an economic explanation
by Lally, Jagjeet - 27866 Time and productivity growth in services: how motion pictures industrialized entertainment
by Bakker, Gerben - 27865 Rules and reality: quantifying the practice of apprenticeship in early modern Europe
by Minns, Chris & Wallis, Patrick - 27864 Why Easter Island collapsed: an answer for an enduring question
by Pakandam, Barzin - 27863 The impact of school provision on pupil attendance: evidence from the early 20th century
by MacKinnon, Mary & Minns, Chris - 22402 Business cycles and economic policy, 1914-1945: a survey
by Ritschl, Albrecht & Straumann, Tobias - 22303 War and wealth: economic opportunity before and after the Civil War, 1850-1870
by Jaworski, Taylor - 12761 Multi-criteria analysis: a manual
by Dodgson, JS & Spackman, M & Pearman, A & Phillips, LD
- 36861 To take or to make?: contracting for legitimacy in the emerging states of twelth century Britain
by Gardner, Leigh - 22514 Escaping the laboratory: the rodent experiment of John B Calhoun and their cultural influence
by Ramsden, Edmund & Adams, Jon - 22513 Travelling in the social science community: assessing the impact of the Indian Green Revolution across disciplines
by Howlett, Peter - 22512 Circulating evidence across research contexts: the locality of data and claims in model organism research
by Leonelli, Sabina - 22510 The lives of ‘facts’: understanding disease transmission through the case of Haemophilus influenzae type b bacteria
by Mattila, Erika - 22509 Regulating data travel in the life sciences: the impact of commodification
by Leonelli, Sabina - 22507 A journey through times and cultures? Ancient Greek forms in American nineteenth-century architecture: an archaeological view
by Schneider, Lambert - 22506 Behind the façade: Elias Holl and the Italian influence on building techniques in Augsburg
by Valeriani, Simona - 22504 What happens to facts after their construction?: characteristics and functional roles of facts in the dissemination of knowledge across modelling communities
by Mansnerus, Erika - 22503 ‘Voice’ and the facts and observations of experience
by Morgan, Mary S. - 22502 Dilemmas in the constitution of and exportation of ethological facts
by Burkhardt, Richard - 22501 Travelling with the GDP through early development economics’ history
by Speich, Daniel - 22500 ‘On a mission' with mutable mobiles
by Morgan, Mary S. - 22492 Agri-technologies and travelling facts: case study of extension education in Tamil Nadu, India
by Howlett, Peter & Velkar, Aashish - 22310 ‘The big problem of the petty coins’, and how it could be solved in the late Middle Ages
by Volckart, Oliver - 22309 The Anglo-German productivity puzzle, 1895-1935: a restatement and a possible resolution
by Ritschl, Albrecht - 22308 The history, nature and economic significance of an exceptional fiscal state for the growth of the British economy, 1453-1815
by O'Brien, Patrick - 22307 The economic history of sovereignty: communal responsibility, the extended family, and the firm
by Boerner, Lars & Ritschl, Albrecht - 22306 A stakeholder empire: the political economy of Spanish imperial rule in America
by Grafe, Regina & Irigoin, Alejandra - 22305 The U.S. business cycle, 1867-1995: dynamic factor analysis vs. reconstructed national accounts
by Ritschl, Albrecht & Sarferaz, Samad & Uebele, Martin - 22304 Understanding West German economic growth in the 1950s
by Eichengreen, Barry & Ritschl, Albrecht - 19566 Real origins of the great depression: monopoly power, unions and the American business cycle in the 1920s
by Ebell, Monique & Ritschl, Albrecht
- 31459 Studying the past to plan for the future: a case study analysis of the unintended and indirect effects of regulation on productivity
by Bakker, Gerben & Iliopoulou, Stavroula - 22549 Were British railway companies well-managed in the early twentieth century?
by Crafts, Nicholas & Leunig, Tim & Mulatu, Abay - 22520 Battle in the planning office: biased experts versus normative statisticians
by Boumans, Marcel - 22519 Trading facts: Arrow's fundamental paradox and the emergence of global news networks, 1750-1900
by Bakker, Gerben - 22518 Accurate measurements and design standards: consistency of design and the travel of 'facts' between heterogeneous groups
by Velkar, Aashish - 22517 When rabbits became humans (and humans, rabbits): stability, order, and history in the study of populations
by Erickson, Paul & Mitman, Gregg - 22516 Contesting democracy: scientific popularisation and popular choice
by Adams, Jon - 22515 Apprenticeship and training in premodern England
by Wallis, Patrick - 22320 Universal banking failure?: an analysis of the contrasting responses of the Amsterdamsche Bank and the Rotterdamsche Bankvereeniging to the Dutch financial crisis of the 1920s
by Colvin, Christopher Louis - 22319 The triumph and denouement of the British fiscal state: taxation for the wars against Revolutionary and Napoleonic France, 1793-1815
by O'Brien, Patrick - 22318 Origins of catch-up failure: comparative productivity growth in the Hapsburg Empire, 1870-1910
by Schulze, Max-Stephan - 22317 Was Dick Whittington taller than those he left behind?: anthropometric measures, migration and the quality of life in early nineteenth century London
by Humphries, Jane & Leunig, Tim - 22316 The evolution of entertainment consumption and the emergence of cinema, 1890-1940
by Bakker, Gerben - 22315 Is social capital persistent?: comparative measurement in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
by Felis Rota, Marta - 22314 Structural change and the growth contribution of services: how motion pictures industrialized US spectator entertainment
by Bakker, Gerben - 22313 The Jesuits as knowledge brokers between Europe and China (1582-1773): shaping European views of the Middle Kingdom
by Millar, Ashley E. - 22311 Regional income dispersion and market potential in the late nineteenth century Hapsburg Empire
by Schulze, Max-Stephan - 21432 Carlyle and the French Enlightenment: transitional readings of Voltaire and Diderot
by Hochstrasser, Timothy - 4286 An historical analysis of the expansion of compulsory schooling in Europe after the Second World War
by Viarengo, Martina
- 50686 Bargaining for absolutism: a Spanish path to nation state and empire building
by Irigoin, Alejandra & Grafe, R. - 22541 Wormy logic: model organisms as case-based reasoning
by Ankeny, Rachel A. - 22540 How the mind worked: some obstacles and developments in the popularisation of psychology
by Adams, Jon - 22539 Mapping poverty in Agar Town: economic conditions prior to the development of St. Pancras Station in 1866
by Swensen, Steven P. - 22538 'A thing ridiculous'? Chemical medicines and the prolongation of human life in seventeenth-century England
by Haycock, David Boyd - 22537 Institutional facts and standardisation: the case of measurements in the London coal trade
by Velkar, Aashish - 22536 Confronting the stigma of perfection: genetic demography, diversity and the quest for a democratic eugenics in the post-war United States
by Ramsden, Edmund - 22535 Measuring instruments in economics and the velocity of money
by Morgan, Mary S. - 22534 The roofs of Wren and Jones: a seventeenth-century migration of technical knowledge from Italy to England
by Valeriani, Simona - 22530 Rodney Hilton, Marxism and the transition from feudalism to capitalism
by Epstein, Stephan R. - 22474 Provincializing the First Industrial Revolution
by O'Brien, Patrick - 22473 Shanghai-based industrialization in the early 20th century: a quantitative and institutional analysis
by Ma, Debin - 22472 Imperialism, globalization, and the soap/suds industry in Republican China (1912-37): the case of Unilever and the Chinese consumer
by Zurndorfer, Harriet T. - 22471 Melting markets: the rise and decline of the Anglo-Norwegian ice trade, 1850-1920
by Blain, Bodil Bjerkvik - 22470 The nature and linkages of China's tributary system under the Ming and Qing dynasties
by Andornino, Giovanni - 22468 East and West: textiles and fashion in Eurasia in the early modern period
by Lemire, Beverly & Riello, Giorgio - 22467 The Spanish Empire and its legacy: fiscal re-distribution and political conflict in colonial and post-colonial Spanish America
by Grafe, Regina & Irigoin, Alejandra - 22466 Colonialism, globalization and the economy of South-East India, c.1700-1900
by Washbrook, David - 22324 Harbingers of dissolution?: grain prices, borders and nationalism in the Hapsburg economy before the First World War
by Schulze, Max-Stephan & Wolf, Nikolaus - 22322 Mercantilist institutions for the pursuit of power with profit. The management of Britain’s national debt, 1756-1815
by O'Brien, Patrick - 22321 Gresham on horseback: the monetary roots of Spanish American political fragmentation in the nineteenth century
by Irigoin, Alejandra - 15601 Umbrella model of inquiry and the dynamics of scientific practices
by Mattila, Erika
- 22553 Total factor productivity growth on Britain's railways, 1852-1912: a reappraisal of the evidence
by Crafts, Nicholas & Mills, Terence C. & Mulatu, Abay - 22552 Efficiency among private railway companies in a weakly regulated system: the case of Britain's railways in 1893-1912
by Mulatu, Abay & Crafts, Nicholas - 22551 Time is money: a re-assessment of the passenger social savings from Victorian British railways
by Leunig, Tim - 22547 Transferring technical knowledge and innovating in Europe, c.1200-c.1800
by Epstein, Stephan R. - 22546 A dreadful heritage: interpreting epidemic disease at Eyam, 1666-2000
by Wallis, Patrick - 22545 Experimental farming and Ricardo's political arithmetic of distribution
by Morgan, Mary S. - 22544 Moral facts and scientific fiction: 19th century theological reactions to Darwinism in Germany
by Kleeberg, Bernhard - 22543 Interdisciplinarity "in the making": modelling infectious diseases
by Mattila, Erika - 22542 Market disciplines in Victorian Britain
by Johnson, Paul - 22483 States and markets in Latin America: the political economy of economic intervention
by Lewis, Colin M. - 22482 Colonial independence and economic backwardness in Latin America
by Prados de la Escosura, Leandro - 22481 'Trust in God - but tie your camel first.' The economic organization of the trans-Saharan slave trade between the fourteenth and nineteenth centuries
by Prange, Sebastian - 22479 Wu-Wei in Europe. A study of Eurasian economic thought
by Gerlach, Christian - 22478 Principle-agent problems in the French slave trade: the case of Rochelais Armateurs and their agents, 1763-1792
by Forestier, Albane - 22477 In what way, and to what degree, did the Mughal state inhibit Smithian growth in India in the seventeenth century?
by Ellis, Frank W. - 22476 Divided interests, divided migrants. The rationales of policies regarding labour mobility in Western Europe, c.1550-1914
by Winter, Anne - 22475 Pre-modern economic growth revisited: Japan and the West
by Saito, Osamu - 22333 Labour market adjustment to economic downturns in the Catalan textile industry, 1880-1910: did employers breach implicit contracts?
by Domenech, Jordi - 22332 Business culture and entrepreneurship in the Ionian Islands under British rule, 1815-1864
by Gekas, Sakis - 22327 Ottoman state finance: a study of fiscal deficits and internal debt in 1859-63
by Kiyotaki, Keiko - 22326 Fiscal and financial preconditions for the rise of British naval hegemony, 1485-1815
by O'Brien, Patrick - 22325 An estimate of imperial Austria’s gross domestic fixed capital stock, 1870-1913: methods, sources and results
by Schulze, Max-Stephan - 13299 Understanding the economic history of postal services: some preliminary observations from the case of Meiji Japan
by Hunter, Janet - 779 The impact of training on productivity and wages : evidence from British panel data
by Dearden, Lorraine & Reed, Howard & Van Reenen, John
- 22557 Regional GDP in Britain, 1871-1911: some estimates
by Crafts, Nicholas - 22556 Market potential in British regions, 1871-1931
by Crafts, Nicholas - 22555 How did the location of industry respond to falling transport costs in Britain before World War 1?
by Crafts, Nicholas & Mulatu, Abay - 22554 Social savings as a measure of the contribution of a new technology to economic growth
by Crafts, Nicholas - 22491 State building and the original push for institutional change in China, 1840-1950
by Deng, Kent - 22490 The state and the industrious revolution in Tokugawa Japan
by Sugihara, Kaoru - 22489 The world coffee market in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, from colonial to national regimes
by Topik, Steven - 22488 The role of the Chinese state in long-distance commerce
by Wong, R. Bin - 22487 Imperialism, globalization and public finance: the case of late Qing China
by Zurndorfer, Harriet T. - 22485 Japanese imperialism in global resource history
by Sugihara, Kaoru - 22484 Colonies in a globalizing economy 1815-1948
by O'Brien, Patrick - 22348 At the origins of increased productivity growth in services. Productivity, social savings and the consumer surplus of the film industry, 1900-1938
by Bakker, Gerben - 22338 The effects of the 1925 Portuguese Bank Note Crisis
by Wigan, Henry - 22337 Reconstructing the Industrial Revolution: analyses, perceptions and conceptions of Britain’s precocious transition to Europe’s first industrial society
by Riello, Giorgio & O'Brien, Patrick - 22336 The canton of Berne as an investor on the London capital market in the 18th century
by Altorfer, Stefan - 22335 News from London: Greek government bonds on the London Stock Exchange, 1914-1929
by Christodoulaki, Olga & Penzer, Jeremy - 22334 The world economy in the 1990s: a long run perspective
by Crafts, Nicholas - 20283 Term limits and electoral accountability
by Smart, Michael & Sturm, Daniel - 13300 Institutional change in Meiji Japan: image and reality
by Hunter, Janet - 13295 Trade, convergence and globalisation: the dynamics of change in the international income distribution, 1950-1998
by Epstein, Philip & Howlett, Peter & Schulze, Max-Stephan - 13294 Markets with, without, and in spite of states: West Africa in the pre-colonial nineteenth century
by Austin, Gareth - 12670 High quality public services for Scotland
by Crafts, Nicholas
- 50687 Macroeconomic aspects of Spanish American independence: the effects of fiscal and currency fragmentation, 1800s-1860s
by Irigoin, Alejandra - 22366 The decline and fall of the European film industry: sunk costs, market size and market structure, 1890-1927
by Bakker, Gerben - 22363 The globalisation of codfish and wool: Spanish-English-North American triangular trade in the early modern period
by Grafe, Regina - 22360 Piece rates and learning: understanding work and production in the New England textile industry a century ago
by Leunig, Tim - 22356 Workers and ‘subalterns’: a comparative study of labour in Africa, Asia and Latin America
by Lewis, Colin M. - 22355 Was the Bundesbank’s credibility undermined during the process of German reunification?
by Morys, Matthias - 22354 Steam as a general purpose technology: a growth accounting perspective
by Crafts, Nicholas - 22353 Fact or fiction? Re-examination of Chinese premodern population statistics
by Deng, Kent - 22352 Autarkic policy and efficiency in the Spanish industrial sector. An estimate of domestic resource cost in 1958
by Martínez Ruiz, Elena - 22351 The post-war rise of world trade: does the Bretton Woods System deserve credit?
by Terborgh, Andrew G. - 22350 Quantifying the contribution of technological change to economic growth in different eras: a review of the evidence
by Crafts, Nicholas - 22349 Bureau competition and economic policies in Nazi Germany, 1933-39
by Volckart, Oliver
- 22368 Precocious British industrialization: a general equilibrium perspective
by Crafts, Nicholas & Knick Harley, C. - 22367 Social insurance regimes: crises and 'reform' in the Argentine and Brazil, since c. 1900
by Lewis, Colin M. & Lloyd-Sherlock, Peter - 515 Can profitable arbitrage opportunities in the raw cotton market explain Britain’s continued preference for mule spinning?
by Leunig, Tim
- 22372 The formation of “modern” economics: engineering and ideology
by Morgan, Mary S. - 22371 Careers for the unskilled in the Great Eastern Railway Company, 1870-1913
by Howlett, Peter - 22370 The limits of social democracy? Tax and spend under Labour, 1974-1979
by Clark, Tom - 22369 Fiscal exceptionalism: Great Britain and its European rivals: from civil war to triumph at Trafalgar and Waterloo
by O'Brien, Patrick - 536 Britannia ruled the waves
by Leunig, Tim
- 22384 Development history
by Crafts, Nicholas - 22383 Market integration in the North and Baltic Seas, 1500-1800
by Jacks, David - 22382 From economic convergence to convergence in affluence? Income growth, household expenditure and the rise of mass consumption in Britain and West Germany, 1950-1974
by Kramper, Peter - 22381 Competition and innovation in 1950’s Britain
by Broadberry, Stephen & Crafts, Nicholas - 22380 Distribution dynamics: stratification, polarisation and convergence among OECD economies, 1870-1992
by Epstein, Philip & Howlett, Peter & Schulze, Max-Stephan - 22379 The ‘labour question’ in nineteenth century Brazil: railways, export agriculture and labour scarcity
by Lamounier, Lucia - 22378 New answers to old questions: explaining the slow adoption of ring spinning in Lancashire, 1880-1913
by Leunig, Tim - 22377 Explaining Victorian entrepreneurship: a cultural problem? A market problem? No problem?
by Kennedy, William & Delargy, Robert - 652 Great leaps backward: poverty under Mao
by Deng, Kent
- 22391 The impact of American aid in the Spanish economy in the 1950s
by Calvo-Gonzalez, Oscar - 22390 Quantitative economic history
by Crafts, Nicholas - 22389 The rise and decline of Italian city-states
by Epstein, Stephan R. - 22388 Nutrition and economic destitution in Northern Ghana, 1930-1957. A historical perspective on nutritional economics
by Destombes, Jerôme - 22387 Income distribution and convergence: the European experience, 1870-1992
by Epstein, Philip & Howlett, Peter & Schulze, Max-Stephan - 22386 Industrial growth revisited: manufacturing output in Greece during the interwar period
by Christodoulaki, Olga - 22385 The myth of meritocracy: an inquiry into the social origins of Britain’s business leaders since 1850
by Nicholas, Tom
- 22406 The abolition of resale price maintenance in Britain in 1964: a turning point for British manufacturers?
by Mercer, Helen - 22405 American business cycles since World War II: historical behaviour and statistical representation
by Epstein, Philip - 22403 Finance capital in the Weimar Republic: does evidence on supervisory board representation support Hilferding's view of the role of large banks in German capitalism?
by De Boer, Jeroen F - 22396 Productivity of growth during the First Industrial Revolution: inferences from the pattern of British external trade
by Knick Harley, C & Crafts, Nicholas - 22395 Clogs to clogs in three generations? Explaining entrepreneurial performance in Britain since 1850
by Nicholas, Tom - 22394 Industrial growth in the Third World, c.1870-c.1990: depressions, intra-regional trade and ethnic networks
by Austin, Gareth - 22393 In search of the 'traditional' working class: social mobility and occupational continuity in inter-war London
by Baines, Dudley & Johnson, Paul - 22392 The late medieval crisis as an 'integration' crisis
by Epstein, Stephan R.
- 22411 Were British "business cycles" cyclical? Evidence from historical statistics, 1700-1913
by Epstein, Philip