April 1995, Volume 65, Issue 2
- 627-634 Risk Avoidance under Limited Liability
by Suen Wing - 635-639 A Simple Proof of a Basic Result in Nonexpected Utility Theory
by Conlon John R.
February 1995, Volume 65, Issue 1
- 1-42 Financial Market Innovation and Security Design: An Introduction
by Duffie Darrell & Rahi Rohit - 43-78 Welfare Effects of Financial Innovation in Incomplete Markets Economies with Several Consumption Goods
by Elul Ronel - 79-116 Financial Innovation in a General Equilibrium Model
by Pesendorfer Wolfgang - 117-135 Financial Innovation and Arbitrage Pricing in Frictional Economies
by Chen Zhiwu - 136-170 Destructive Interference in an Imperfectly Competitive Multi-Security Market
by Bhattacharya Utpal & Reny Philip J. & Spiegel Matthew - 171-197 Optimal Incomplete Markets with Asymmetric Information
by Rahi Rohit - 198-217 Endogenous Determination of the Degree of Market-Incompleteness in Futures Innovation
by Ohashi Kazuhiko - 218-232 Optimality of Incomplete Markets
by Demange Gabrielle & Laroque Guy - 233-257 Private Information and the Design of Securities
by Demange Gabrielle & Laroque Guy - 258-298 Commission-Revenue Maximization in a General Equilibrium Model of Asset Creation
by Hara Chiaki
December 1994, Volume 64, Issue 2
- 305-324 Nash Equilibrium under Knightian Uncertainty: Breaking Down Backward Induction
by Dow James & Werlang Sergio Ribeiro Da Costa - 325-371 Normal Form Structures in Extensive Form Games
by Mailath George J. & Samuelson Larry & Swinkels Jeroen M. - 372-389 Efficient Monetary Equilibrium: An Overlapping Generations Model with Nonstationary Monetary Policies
by Esteban Joan & Mitra Tapan & Ray Debraj - 390-423 Equilibrium Mechanisms in a Decentralized Market
by Peters Michael - 424-442 Rationing and Sunspot Equilibria
by Goenka Aditya - 443-467 Linear Measures, the Gini Index, and The Income-Equality Trade-off
by Porath Elchanan Ben & Gilboa Itzhak - 468-485 Learning Equilibria
by Bullard James - 486-499 The Axiomatic Basis of Anticipated Utility: A Clarification
by Quiggin John & Wakker Peter - 500-519 Bayesian and Weakly Robust First Best Mechanisms: Characterizations
by Makowski Louis & Mezzetti Claudio - 520-530 The Normative Significance of Using Third-Degree Stochastic Dominance in Comparing Income Distributions
by Davies James & Hoy Michael - 531-540 A Note on Woodford's Conjecture: Constructing Stationary Sunspot Equilibria in a Continuous Time Model
by Shigoka Tadashi - 541-553 On Learning and the Nonuniqueness of Equilibrium in an Overlapping Generations Model with Fiat Money
by Duffy John - 554-567 Hicks' Neutrality and Trade Biased Growth: A Taxonomy
by Chambers Robert G. & Fare Rolf - 568-584 Implementation of Linear Cost Share Equilibrium Allocations
by Tian Guoqiang
October 1994, Volume 64, Issue 1
- 1-19 Exact Implementation
by Abreu Dilip & Matsushima Hitoshi - 20-34 Auctioning the Provision of an Indivisible Public Good
by Kleindorfer Paul R. & Sertel Murat R. - 35-65 Stochastic Stability in Games with Alternative Best Replies
by Samuelson Larry - 66-77 Equilibrium Refinements in Sender-Receiver Games
by Blume Andreas - 78-102 Sequential Equilibria and Stable Sets of Beliefs
by Hillas John - 103-114 Incentive-Consistent Matching Processes for Problems with ex Ante Pricing
by Peters Michael - 115-129 Anonymity and Optimality of Competitive Equilibria when Markets Are Incomplete
by Kajii Atsushi - 130-141 Bayesian Implementation: The Necessity of Infinite Mechanisms
by Dutta Bhaskar & Sen Arunava - 142-161 On the Local Stability of Sunspot Equilibria under Adaptive Learning Rules
by Evans George W. & Honkapohja Seppo - 162-177 Oligopolistic Pricing and Advertising
by Stahl II Dale O. - 178-201 Average Cost Pricing versus Serial Cost Sharing: An Axiomatic Comparison
by Moulin Herve & Shenker Scott - 202-220 Non-cooperative Bargaining in Natural Monopolies
by Winter Eyal - 221-233 A Proof of the Existence of Speculative Equilibria
by Jackson Matthew O. - 234-241 A Note on Sunspot Equilibria in Search Models of Fiat Money
by Wright Randall - 242-252 Local Externalities, Convex Adjustment Costs, and Sunspot Equilibria
by Gali Jordi - 253-264 The Burden of Proof in a Game of Persuasion
by Shin Hyun Song - 265-276 Weak Dominance and Approximate Common Knowledge
by Borgers Tilman - 277-285 A Foundation for Pareto Aggregation
by Campbell Donald E. & Nagahisa Ryo-ichi - 286-297 An Implementable State-Ownership System with General Variable Returns
by Tian Guoqiang & Li Qi - 298-300 Gift Equilibria and Pareto Optimality Reconsidered
by Kranich Laurence
August 1994, Volume 63, Issue 2
- 147-169 Optimality and the Theory of Value
by Luenberger David G. - 170-188 Dynamic Consistency Implies Approximately Expected Utility Preferences
by Border Kim C. & Segal Uzi - 189-207 Incentive-Compatible Cost-Allocation Schemes
by Schmeidler David & Tauman Yair - 208-218 The Foundation of the Theory of Monopolistic Competition Revisited
by Bohm Volker - 219-245 Consistent Solutions to the Problem of Fair Division When Preferences Are Single-Peaked
by Thomson William - 246-270 Polynomially Bounded Rationality
by Board Raymond - 271-298 Inequality Reducing and Inequality Preserving Transformations of Incomes: Symmetric and Individualistic Transformations
by Moyes Patrick - 299-325 Farsighted Coalitional Stability
by Chwe Michael Suk-Young - 326-345 Ranking Opportunity Sets: An Axiomatic Approach
by Bossert Walter & Pattanaik Prasanta K. & Xu Yongsheng - 346-369 Technology Adoption, Learning-by-Doing, and Economic Growth
by Parente Stephen L. - 370-391 A Model of Pre-game Communication
by Rabin Matthew - 392-407 Monopoly Insurance under Adverse Selection When Agents Differ in Risk Aversion
by Landsberger Michael & Meilijson Isaac - 408-416 The General Existence of Extended Price Equilibria with Infinitely Many Commodities
by Araujo A. & Monteiro P. K.
June 1994, Volume 63, Issue 1
- 1-18 Introduction to the Symposium on Growth, Fluctuations, and Sunspots: Confronting the Data
by Benhabib Jess & Rustichini Aldo - 19-41 Indeterminacy and Increasing Returns
by Benhabib Jess & Farmer Roger E. A. - 42-72 Real Business Cycles and the Animal Spirits Hypothesis
by Farmer Roger E. A. & Guo Jang-Ting - 73-96 Monopolistic Competition, Business Cycles, and the Composition of Aggregate Demand
by Gali Jordi - 97-112 Divergence in Economic Performance: Transitional Dynamics with Multiple Equilibria
by Xie Danyang - 113-142 Uniqueness and Indeterminacy: On the Dynamics of Endogenous Growth
by Benhabib Jess & Perli Roberto
April 1994, Volume 62, Issue 2
- 257-293 Consumption-Portfolio Policies: An Inverse Optimal Problem
by He Hua & Huang Chi-fu - 294-320 Intertemporal Asset Pricing with Heterogeneous Beliefs
by Detemple Jerome & Murthy Shashidhar - 321-345 A Statistical Equilibrium Theory of Markets
by Foley Duncan K. - 346-362 Monopolistic Competition, Increasing Returns, and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
by Rivard Brian A. - 363-384 Strategic Information Manipulation in Duopolies
by Mirman Leonard J. & Samuelson Larry & Schlee Edward E. - 385-393 An Equilibrium Result for Games with Private Information and Infinitely Many Players
by Balder E. J. & Rustichini A. - 394-419 A Ricardo Model with Economies of Scale
by Gomory Ralph E. - 420-427 Two Problems in Applying Ljung's Projection Algorithms to the Analysis of Decentralized Learning
by Moreno Diego & Walker Mark - 428-443 The Strategic Effects of Long-Term Debt in Imperfect Competition
by Glazer Jacob - 444-468 Some Results on Optimal Penal Codes in Asymmetric Bertrand Supergames
by Lambson Val Eugene - 469-479 Choquet Expected Utility with a Finite State Space: Commutativity and Act-Independence
by Hong Chew Soo & Karni Edi - 480-498 The Conjunction of Direct and Indirect Separability
by Blackorby Charles & Russell R. Robert - 499-512 A Generalization of Kaneko's Ratio Equilibrium for Economies with Private and Public Goods
by Diamantaras Dimitrios & Wilkie Simon
February 1994, Volume 62, Issue 1
- 1-23 On the Strategic Equivalence of Extensive Form Games
by Elmes Susan & Reny Philip J. - 24-47 Endogenous Availability, Cartels, and Merger in an Equilibrium Price Dispersion
by McAfee R. Preston - 48-69 Switching Costs and Sectoral Adjustments in General Equilibrium with Uninsured Risk
by Dixit Avinash & Rob Rafael - 70-85 Dual Pareto Efficiency
by Luenberger David G. - 86-102 An N-Person Pure Bargaining Game
by Chae Suchan & Yang Jeong-Ae - 103-135 Efficiency and Observability with Long-Run and Short-Run Players
by Fudenberg Drew & Levine David K. - 136-151 Second Price Auctions without Expected Utility
by Neilson William S. - 152-160 WARP Does Not Imply SARP for More Than Two Commodities
by Peters Hans & Wakker Peter - 161-185 Convergence Theorems on the Core of a Public Goods Economy: Sufficient Conditions
by Conley John P. - 186-208 A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Walrasian Social Choice
by Nagahisa Ryo-ichi - 209-220 On the Non-neutrality of Money with Incomplete Markets
by Gottardi Piero - 221-229 A Simpler Mechanism That Stops Agents from Cheating
by Glover Jonathan - 230-237 Destroying the Pretending Equilibria in the Demski-Sappington-Spiller Model
by Kerschbamer Rudolf - 238-252 Atavistic Dynamics in a Two-Sector Economy
by Berkowitz Daniel
December 1993, Volume 61, Issue 2
- 189-205 Intertemporal Transfer Institutions
by Esteban Joan Maria & Sakovics Jozsef - 206-229 Finite Bubbles with Short Sale Constraints and Asymmetric Information
by Allen F. & Morris S. & Postlewaite A. - 230-261 Sustainable Plans and Debt
by Chari V. V. & Kehoe Patrick J. - 262-289 Generalized Median Voter Schemes and Committees
by Barbera Salvador & Gul Faruk & Stacchetti Ennio - 290-301 The Simplest Equilibrium of a Majority-Rule Division Game
by Baron David & Kalai Ehud - 302-330 Principals Competing for an Agent in the Presence of Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard
by Biglaiser Gary & Mezzetti Claudio - 331-371 The First-Order Approach to the Continuous-Time Principal-Agent Problem with Exponential Utility
by Schattler Heinz & Sung Jaeyoung - 372-394 Measuring Social Mobility
by Dardanoni Valentino - 395-411 On the Convergence of Informational Cascades
by Lee In Ho - 412-422 Comparative Statics under Uncertainty for a Class of Economic Agents
by Ormiston Michael B. & Schlee Edward E. - 423-435 Stationary Equilibria in an Overlapping Generations Economy with Stochastic Production
by Wang Yong
October 1993, Volume 61, Issue 1
- 1-22 Dynamically Consistent Beliefs Must Be Bayesian
by Epstein Larry G. & Le Breton Michel - 23-41 Implementation of First-Best Allocations via Generalized Tax Schedules
by Piketty Thomas - 42-73 Efficiency and Renegotiation in Repeated Games
by Bergin James & MacLeod W. Bentley - 74-103 Expectationally Driven Market Volatility: An Experimental Study
by Marimon Ramon & Spear Stephen E. & Sunder Shyam - 104-119 Preemptive Innovation
by Lippman Steven A. & Mamer John W. - 120-138 The Demand for Housing: Theoretical Considerations
by Dusansky Richard & Wilson Paul W. - 139-159 Lp-Frechet Differentiable Preference and Local Utility Analysis
by Wang Tan - 160-168 Finite Automata Play a Repeated Extensive Game
by Piccione Michele & Rubinstein Ariel - 169-183 Ignorance in Agency Problems
by Lewis Tracy R. & Sappington David E. M. - 184-184 Erratum: Volume 57, Number 1 (1992), in the article Savage's Theorem with a Finite Number of States, by Faruk Gul, pages 99-110
by Gul Faruk
August 1993, Volume 60, Issue 2
- 217-240 Renegotiation and Symmetry in Repeated Games
by Abrea Dilip & Pearce David & Stacchetti Ennio - 241-276 Belief-Based Refinements in Signalling Games
by Mailath George J. & Okuno-Fujiwara Masahiro & Postlewaite Andrew - 277-305 Adverse Selection in the Overlapping Generations Model: The Case of Pure Exchange
by Azariadis Costas & Smith Bruce D. - 306-321 Deadline Effects and Inefficient Delay in Bargaining with Endogenous Commitment
by Fershtman Chaim & Seidmann Daniel J. - 322-334 Social Welfare and Measurement of Segregation
by Philipson Tomas - 335-353 Noncooperative Equilibrium and Chamberlinian Monopolistic Competition
by Pascoa Mario Rui - 354-377 A Model of Choice Where Choice Is Determined by an Ordered Set of Irreducible Criteria
by Moldau Juan Hersztajn - 378-409 An Elementary Approach to Approximate Equilibria with Infinitely Many Commodities
by Nomura Yoshimasa - 410-427 Coalitions, Incentives, and Risk Sharing
by Itoh Hideshi - 428-438 Subjective Expected Utility Theory with State-Dependent Preferences
by Karni Edi - 439-442 Convexity and Sunspots: Another Remark
by Sorger Gerhard
June 1993, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 1-13 Logical Structure of Common Knowledge
by Shin Hyun Song - 14-41 Non-transitive Smooth Preferences
by Al-Najjar Nabil - 42-61 How Different Can Strategic Models Be?
by Dutta Prajit K. & Sundaram Rangarajan K. - 62-82 Stable Coalition Structures with a Unidimensional Set of Alternatives
by Greenberg Joseph & Weber Shlomo - 83-113 The Use of an Agent in a Signalling Model
by Caillaud Bernard & Hermalin Benjamin - 114-139 Commitment through Incomplete Information in a Simple Repeated Bargaining Game
by Schmidt Klaus M. - 140-158 Search Market Equilibrium, Bilateral Heterogeneity, and Repeat Purchases
by Benabou Roland - 159-180 An Axiomatic Foundation for Regret Theory
by Sugden Robert - 181-190 Sunspot Equilibria and Efficiency in Economies with Incomplete Financial Markets: A Remark
by Pietra Tito - 191-212 The Declining Price Anomaly
by McAfee R. Preston & Vincent Daniel
April 1993, Volume 59, Issue 2
- 239-256 Trembling Invisible Hand Equilibrium
by Levine David K. - 257-274 Common Belief and the Theory of Games with Perfect Information
by Reny Philip J. - 275-287 The Timing of Information in a General Equilibrium Framework
by Berk Jonathan B. & Uhlig Harald - 288-310 The Organization and Scope of Agents: Regulating Multiproduct Industries
by Dana Jr. James D. - 311-323 Double Implementation in Nash and Undominated Nash Equilibria
by Yamato Takehiko - 324-332 Fixed Agenda Social Choice Theory: Correspondence and Impossibility Theorems for Social Choice Correspondences and Social Decision Functions
by Denicolo Vincenzo - 333-363 The Local Recoverability of Risk Aversion and Intertemporal Substitution
by Wang Susheng - 364-384 Competitive Equilibrium in Sobolev Spaces without Bounds on Short Sales
by Chichilnisky Graciela & Heal Geoffrey M. - 385-402 Optimal Information Acquisition for Heterogenous Duopoly Firms
by Hwang Hae-shin - 403-416 Experience Advantages and Entry Dynamics
by Cabral Luis M. B. - 417-425 Core Equivalence in an Overlapping Generations Model
by Chae Suchan & Esteban Joan - 426-444 The Proportional Solution for Economies with Both Private and Public Ownership
by Roemer John E. & Silvestre Joaquim - 445-450 Endogenous Firm Efficiency in a Cournot Principal-Agent Model
by Martin Stephen - 451-465 The Possibility of Efficient Mechanisms for Trading an Indivisible Object
by Makowski Louis & Mezzetti Claudio
February 1993, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 1-16 Cournot Competition, Forward Markets and Efficiency
by Allaz Blaise & Vila Jean-Luc - 17-32 Repeated Games with Finite Automata
by Ben-Porath Elchanan - 33-49 Updating Ambiguous Beliefs
by Gilboa Itzhak & Schmeidler David - 50-77 A Non-cooperative Bargaining Model with Strategically Timed Offers
by Perry Motty & Reny Philip J. - 78-95 Delay in Bargaining Games with Complete Information
by Sakovics Jozsef - 96-106 The Inner Core and the Strictly Inhibitive Set
by Qin Cheng-Zhong - 107-121 Bayesian Monotonicity with Side Payments
by Matsushima Hitoshi - 122-144 Existence and Characterization of Optimal Employment Contracts on a Continuous State Space
by Kahn Charles M. - 145-168 An Evolutionary Model of Bargaining
by Young H. P. - 169-182 Endogenous Sequencing of Firm Decisions
by Mailath George J. - 183-188 A Unifying Approach to Axiomatic Non-expected Utility Theories: Correction and Comment
by Hong Chew Soo & Epstein Larry G. & Wakker Peter - 189-198 Hierarchies of Beliefs and Common Knowledge
by Brandenburger Adam & Dekel Eddie - 199-213 The Integrability Problem of Asset Prices
by Wang Susheng - 214-221 The Value of Money in an Overlapping Generations Model: A Note
by Burnell Stephen J. - 222-234 Monopoly Pricing
by Spulber Daniel F.
December 1992, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 117-134 Introduction: Symposium on economic growth, theory and computations
by Jones, Larry E. & Stokey, Nancy L. - 135-170 Random earnings differences, lifetime liquidity constraints, and altruistic intergenerational transfers
by Laitner, John - 171-197 Finite lifetimes and growth
by Jones, Larry E. & Manuelli, Rodolfo E. - 198-218 Dynamic externalities, multiple equilibria, and growth
by Boldrin, Michele - 219-249 Communication, commitment, and growth
by Marcet, Albert & Marimon, Ramon - 250-289 Optimal fiscal policy in a stochastic growth model
by Zhu, Xiaodong - 290-316 Tax distortions in a neoclassical monetary economy
by Cooley, Thomas F. & Hansen, Gary D. - 317-334 Agricultural productivity, comparative advantage, and economic growth
by Matsuyama, Kiminori - 335-354 The last shall be first: Efficient constraints on foreign borrowing in a model of endogenous growth
by Chamley, Christophe - 355-376 Efficient equilibrium convergence: Heterogeneity and growth
by Tamura, Robert - 377-409 In search of scale effects in trade and growth
by Backus, David K. & Kehoe, Patrick J. & Kehoe, Timothy J. - 410-452 Projection methods for solving aggregate growth models
by Judd, Kenneth L.
October 1992, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 1-8 The set of regular equilibria
by Balasko, Yves - 9-40 Evolution and market behavior
by Blume, Lawrence & Easley, David - 41-60 Entry and R & D in procurement contracting
by Tan, Guofu - 61-76 The impossibility of involuntary unemployment in an overlapping generations model with rational expectations
by Schultz, Christian - 77-92 Sustained growth in the model of overlapping generations
by Fisher, Eric ON. - 93-104 Fully revealing outcomes in signalling models: An example of nonexistence when the type space is unbounded
by Hellwig, Martin - 105-109 Equilibrium of repeated games with cost of implementation
by Neme, Alejandro & Quintas, Luis - 110-111 Corrigendum
by Rabin, Matthew - 112-113 Corrigendum
by Berliant, Marcus & Raa, Thijs ten
August 1992, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 259-277 Introduction: Symposium on evolutionary game theory
by Mailath, George J. - 278-305 Evolutionary stability in repeated games played by finite automata
by Binmore, Kenneth G. & Samuelson, Larry - 306-332 Evolutionary stability with equilibrium entrants
by Swinkels, Jeroen M. - 333-342 Evolution and strategic stability: From maynard smith to kohlberg and mertens
by Swinkels, Jeroen M. - 343-362 Best response dynamics and socially stable strategies
by Matsui, Akihiko - 363-391 Evolutionary stability in asymmetric games
by Samuelson, Larry & Zhang, Jianbo - 392-406 On the evolution of optimizing behavior
by Dekel, Eddie & Scotchmer, Suzanne - 407-419 On the limit points of discrete selection dynamics
by Cabrales, Antonio & Sobel, Joel - 420-441 Evolutionary dynamics with aggregate shocks
by Fudenberg, D. & Harris, C. - 442-472 Average behavior in learning models
by Canning, David - 473-504 Laws of large numbers for dynamical systems with randomly matched individuals
by Boylan, Richard T.
1992, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 1-35 Transformations of the commodity space, behavioral heterogeneity, and the aggregation problem
by Grandmont, Jean-Michel - 36-51 Signaling future actions and the potential for sacrifice
by Ben-Porath, Elchanan & Dekel, Eddie - 52-72 Two-part marginal cost pricing equilibria: Existence and efficiency
by Brown, Donald J. & Heller, Walter P. & Starr, Ross M.