February 1989, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 69-74 Vocational education in the secondary school: The case for continuation
by Dunham, Daniel B. - 75-81 Co-ordination of public vocational education with theJob Training Partnership Act
by Lewis, Morgan V. - 83-92 The implementation of the Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act in a large industrial state: Pennsylvania
by Herr, Edwin L. - 93-105 Implementation of the Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act in Texas
by Kapes, Jerome T. - 107-116 The federal role in vocational education: A case study of South Carolina
by Cohn, Elchanan
August 1988, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 375-383 Cohort size effects on earnings: Differences by college major
by Berger, Mark C. - 385-392 Differential effects of advanced degrees on lawyers' earnings
by Stager, David A. A. & Foot, David K. - 393-403 University policies under varying market conditions: The training of electrical engineers
by Eckstein, Zvi & Weiss, Yoram & Fleising, Asher - 405-421 Supply, human capital, and the average quality level of the science and engineering labor force
by Tuckman, Howard P. - 423-437 Adult education and earnings: A 45-year longitudinal study of 834 Swedish men
by Tuijnman, Albert & Chinapah, Vinayagum & Fagerlind, Ingemar - 439-443 Assessing personnel practices in higher education: A cautionary note
by Dometrius, Nelson C. & Sigelman, Lee - 445-449 Assessing personnel practices in higher education: A misleading note of caution
by Becker, William E. - 451-452 The Schools We Deserve: Reflections on the educational crises of our time : Diane Ravitch. New York: Basic Books, 1985, 337 pp. U.S.$19.95 (cloth)
by Shanker, Albert
June 1988, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 275-290 Higher education enrollment: The interaction of labor market conditions, curriculum, and selectivity
by Paulsen, Michael B. & Pogue, Thomas F. - 291-299 Student achievement in public schools: Do principals make a difference?
by Eberts, Randall W. & Stone, Joe A. - 301-319 Vocationalizing higher education: The causes of enrollment and completion in public two-year colleges, 1970-1980
by Grubb, W. Norton - 321-332 Education and the labor market in Venezuela, 1975-1984
by Psacharopoulos, George & Steier, Francis - 333-343 Education's role in rural areas of Latin America
by Jameson, Kenneth P. - 345-355 Merit scholarships are no quick fix for college quality
by Kealy, Mary Jo & Rockel, Mark L. - 357-364 Reexamining teacher preferences and compensating wages
by Levinson, Arik M. - 365-366 A place called school : By John I. Goodlad. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1984. 396 pp. U.S. $9.95 (paper)
by Rossmiller, Richard A. - 366-367 Review of education for development : By George Psacharopoulos and Maureen Woodhall. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985. (A World Bank publication). 337 pp. U.S.$29.95 (cloth), $10.95
by Colclough, Christopher - 367-367 Education's smoking gun : By Reginal G. Damerell. New York: Freundlich Books, 1985. 312 pp. U.S.$17.95 (cloth)
by Folger, John - 367-368 Education and national development: A comparative perspective : By Ingemar Fagerlind and Lawrence J. Saha. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1983. 237 pp. U.S.$32 (cloth), U.S.$13 (paper)
by Psacharopoulos, G. - 368-368 New futures: Changing women's education : By Mary Hughes and Mary Kennedy. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985. 183 pp. [UK pound]5.95 (paper)
by Bird, Elizabeth - 369-370 Tuition tax deductions and parent school choice: A case study of minnesota : By Linda Darling-Hammond, Sheila Nataraj Kirby, with Priscilla M. Schlegel. Santa Monica, CA: The Rand Corporation, R-3294-NIE, December 1985. xviii +
by Geske, Terry G. - 370-371 The future for higher education : Edited by David Jaques and John Richardson. Windsor: SRHE and NFER-Nelson, 1985. vi + 239 pp. [UK pound]12.95 (paper)
by Lewis, Darrell R. - 371-372 Controversies and decision making in difficult economic times : Edited by Billie Wright Dziech. New directions for community colleges, no. 53. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, March 1986. 116 pp. U.S.$19.95 (paper)
by Tuckman, Howard P. - 372-372 Sociology of adult education : By R. Kenneth Jones. Brookfield, Vermont: Gower Publishing Co., 1984. 159 pp. U.S.$29.95
by Groves, M. A.
April 1988, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 165-166 History and prospects of the economics of education review
by Cohn, Elchanan - 167-183 Expansion of public school expenditures and enrollments: Intercountry evidence on the effects of income, prices, and population growth
by Sciiultz, T. Paul - 185-194 Education, allocation and earnings in the Netherlands: 0verschooling?
by Hartog, Joop & Oosterbeek, Hessel - 195-207 Working less to earn more: An application to the analysis of rigidity in educational choices
by Jarousse, Jean-Pierre - 209-220 Education and asset composition
by Bradley, Michael G. & Grahamt, John W. - 221-229 Education, occupation, hierarchy and earnings
by Tachibanaki, Toshiaki - 231-243 An empirical analysis of foreign student brain drain to the United States
by Huang, Wei-Chiao - 245-250 Equity trends in Ohio school finance, 1976-1984
by Mitroff, Robert C. & Erekson, O. Homer - 251-255 Effects of department size and organization on the research productivity of academic economists
by Jordan, John M. & Meador, Mark & Walters, Stephen J. K. - 257-260 Two approaches to the economics of education: A methodological note
by Frais, S. J. - 261-261 The education dilemma: Policy issues for developing countries in the 1980s : Edited by John Simmons. Oxford, New York, Toronto: Pergamon Press, 1980. 262 pp. U.S.$18.50 (paper), $38.00 (cloth)
by Kareklas, Petros M. - 261-261 Educational research and policy : Edited by T. Husen and M. Kogan. Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1984. 297 pp. U.S.$32.00
by Frey, Donald E. - 261-262 Policy-making in education : Edited by Ian McNay and Jenny Ozga. Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1985, 341 pp. $15.00 (paper), $32.00 (cloth)
by Frey, Donald E. - 262-263 The educational thought of the classical political economists : Margaret G. O'donnell. New York: University Press of America, 1985. 164 pp. $10.75 (paper)
by West, Edwin G. - 263-264 Maintaining institutional integrity : Edited by Donald E. Puryear and George B. Vaughan. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1985. 107 pp. U.S.$9.95 (paper)
by Leonard, W. Patrick - 264-264 The state of graduate education : Edited by Bruch L.R. Smith. Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1985. 193 pp. U.S.$0.95 (paper)
by Bowen, Howard R. - 264-265 The roots of success: Why children follow in their parents' career footsteps : David N. Laband and Bernard F. Lentz. Praeger Publishing, 1985. 182 pp
by Heath, Julia A. - 265-265 Teacher evaluation and merit pay: An annotated bibliography : Elizabeth Lueder Karnes and Donald Black. Greenwood Press, 1986. 400 pp. U.S.$45.00 (photographed typescript)
by Borich, Gary D. - 266-266 Evaluating teaching effectiveness : Larry Braskamp, Dale Brandenburg and John Oryl. Sage Publications, 1984. 136 pp. U.S.$19.75 (paper)
by Borich, Gary D. - 267-268 Anything goes: A summary report on chapter 2, the education block grant : Anne Henderson. Columbia, Maryland: National Committee for Citizens in Education, 1985. 105 pp. U.S.$10.00
by Verstegen, Deborah A. - 268-269 New policies for the young : Paris: OECD Publications, 1985. 115 pp. U.S.$13.00, [UK pound]6.50 (paper)
by Hills, Stephen M. - 269-270 Effective budgeting in continuing education : Gary W. Matkin. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1985. 447 pp. U.S.$29.95 (cloth)
by Leonard, W. Patrick - 270-271 Educating republicans: The college in the era of the American Revolution, 1750-1800 : David W. Robson. Contributions to the study of education, no. 15. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1985. vi + 272 pp. U.S.$35.00
by Rchter, Daniel K. - 271-271 Forecasting skilled manpower needs: The experience of eleven countries : Edited by R.V. Youdi and K. Hinchliffe. Paris: UNESCO: International Institute for Educational Planning, 1985. 259 pp. U.S.$10.50, (paper)
by Tsang, Mun C. - 272-272 School business administration -- A comparative perspective : Guilbert C. Hentschke. Berkeley: McCutchan Publishing Company, 1986. xi + 584 pp. U.S.$35.00 (hardcover)
by Westbrook, Kathleen C.
February 1988, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-13 Student aid and college attendance: Where are we now and where do we go from here?
by James, Estelle - 15-27 Did college choice change during the seventies?
by Jackson, Gregory A. - 29-46 The targeting and packaging of student aid and its effect on attrition
by Stampen, Jacob O. & Cabrera, Alberto F. - 47-63 How public policy at the state level affects private higher education institutions
by Astin, Alexander W. & Inouye, Carolyn J. - 65-76 Attendance at higher-cost colleges: Ascribed, socioeconomic, and academic influences on student enrollment patterns
by Hearn, James C. - 77-84 On assessing the impact of federal student aid
by McPherson, Michael S. - 85-99 Implications of redefining independent student status
by Lee Hansen, W. & Reeves, Roxanne W. & Stampen, Jacob O. - 101-112 Student debt crisis: Are students incurring excessive debt?
by Lee Hansendn, W. & Rhodes, Marilyn S. - 113-126 The impact of student earnings in offsetting unmet need
by Stampen, Jacob O. & Reeves, Roxanne W. & Lee Hansen, W. - 127-134 Merit aid to college students
by Baum, Sandra R. & Schwartz, Saul - 135-152 Potential resource recovery in higher education in the developing countries and the parents' expected contribution
by McMahon, Walter W. - 153-161 Designing a student loan programme for a developing country: the relevance of international experience
by Woodhall, Maureen
August 1987, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 317-318 Daniel H. Saks: In memoriam
by Brown, Byron W. - 319-332 The microeconomics of the allocation of teachers' time and student learning
by Brown, Byron W. & Saks, Daniel H. - 333-338 The case for evaluating training programs with randomized trials
by Ashenfelter, Orley - 339-344 Federal and state grants to education: Are they stimulative or substitutive?
by Cohn, Elchanan - 345-355 University marginal instructional costs: Implications for charges to overseas students
by Hoenack, Stephen A. & Davidson, Colleen T. - 357-364 The economics of student time
by Levin, Henry M. & Tsang, Mun C. - 365-377 School district enrollment and inequality in the supply of classes
by Monk, David H. - 379-388 Changes in teacher salaries during the 1970s: The role of school district demographics
by Murnane, Richard J. & Singer, Judith D. & Willett, John B. - 389-399 The impact of salary differentials on teacher shortages and turnover: The case of mathematics and science teachers
by Rumberger, Russell W.
June 1987, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 207-226 Economic issues in faculty retirement plans in American higher education institutions
by Weiler, William C. - 227-238 The effects of tuition level and financial aid on the demand for undergraduate and advanced terminal degrees
by Heath, Julia A. & Tuckman, Howard P. - 239-254 The impact of underutilization of education on productivity: A case study of the U.S. Bell companies
by Tsang, Mun Chiu - 255-262 The rate of return on educational expansion
by Knight, J. B. & Sabot, R. H. - 263-273 The Scholastic Aptitude Test: Participation and performance
by Dynarski, Mark - 275-283 The Eilberg Act, new seed immigration, and professional labor markets
by Agarwal, Vinod B. & Yochum, Gilbert R. - 285-299 Assessing the impact of expenditure on achievement: Some methodological and policy considerations
by Dolan, Robert C. & Schmidt, Robert M. - 301-305 Schooling and other human capital investments: Can the effects be identified?
by Behrman, Jere R. - 307-309 Countertrading textiles for tuitions: A way to secure more foreign students
by Blum, Albert A. - 311-311 The Financing of American Higher Education: a bibliographic handbook : Richard H. Quay and Peter P. Olevnik. Phoenix, AZ: The Oryx Press, 1984. xvi + 142 pp. Price: $36.00 (cloth)
by Geske, Terry G. - 311-312 Closing the Gap: Forty years of economic progress for blacks : James P. Smith and Finis R. Welch, Santa Monica, CA: The Rand Corporation, 1986, 128 pp. Price $10.00 (paper)
by Hughes, Woodrow Jr
April 1987, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 63-65 Introduction
by Millot, Benoit - 67-79 The importance of examining cohort uniqueness in the formulation of human investment policies
by Bowman, Mary Jean - 81-89 Self-employment vs wage employment: Estimation of earnings functions in LDCs
by Soon, Lee-Ying - 91-98 Initial vs recurrent training for skilled trades in Israel -- results of a 7-year follow-up study
by Ziderman, Adrian - 99-110 The external efficiency of diversified secondary schools in Colombia
by Velez, Eduardo & Psacharopoulos, George - 111-127 Schooling in developing countries: Which countries are the Over- and underachievers and what is the schooling impact?
by Behrman, Jere R. - 129-135 Selecting the brightest for post secondary education in Colombia: The impact on equity
by Jimenez, Emmanuel & Tan, Jee-Peng - 137-150 Secondary school size and curriculum comprehensiveness
by Monk, David H. - 151-160 Human capital and economic cycles
by Ritzen, J. M. M. - 161-166 Education and earnings in the People's Republic of China
by Jamison, Dean T. & Van der Gaag, Jacques - 167-181 Education policy and schooling attainment in Malaysia and the Philippines
by King, Elizabeth M. & Lillard, Lee A. - 183-194 The relation of education and R&D to productivity growth in the developing countries of Africa
by McMahon, Walter W. - 195-204 Financing student flows: The effects of recent policy trends
by Woodhall, Maureen
February 1987, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-14 The public/private division of responsibility for education: An international comparison
by James, Estelle - 15-25 Union-negotiated employment rules and teacher quits
by Eberts, Randall W. - 27-34 The effect of education in Nepal's traditional agriculture
by Dhakal, Dharmendra & Grabowski, Richard & Belbase, Krishna - 35-40 The impact of consumer credentialism on employee and entrepreneur returns to higher education
by Tucker, Irvin III - 41-48 Determinants of youth's educational and occupational goals: Sex and race differences
by Hoffman, Emily P. - 49-54 University education as a homogenizing process: an exploratory study
by Matos-Diaz, Horacio - 55-55 Today's problems tomorrow's crises: A report of the National Science Board Commission on Precollege Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology, first report : Washington D.C.: National Science Board, National Science Foundation, 1982, pp. 8. free
by Rhine, Sherre L. W. - 55-55 Educating Americans for the 21st century: A plan of action for improving mathematics, science and technology education for all American elementary and secondary students so that their achievement is the best in the world by 1995, source materials and report : 2 vols. Washington D.C.: The National Science Board Commission on Precollege Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, National Science Foundation, 1983. pp. x, 251; pp. xvi, 124. Price: $5.00 (paper)
by Rhine, Sherre L. W. - 56-56 New directions for community colleges: Strengthening financial management : No. 50, edited by . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1985. pp. 135. Price: $8.95 (paper)
by Vaughan, George B. - 57-57 The great school debate: Which way for American education? : Edited by and . New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1985. pp. 544. Price: $9.95 (paper)
by Benson, Charles S.
August 1986, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 353-361 Municipal overburden: an empirical analysis
by Brazer, Harvey E. & McCarty, Therese A. - 363-371 Selectivity bias and the determinants of SAT scores
by Behrendt, Amy & Eisenach, Jeffrey & Johnson, William R. - 373-381 The merits of a longer school day
by Link, Charles R. & Mulligan, James G. - 383-394 U.K. research into school costs and resources
by Hough, J. R. & Warburton, S. J. - 395-401 Affective, cognitive and vocational skills: The employers' perspective
by Lee, Kiong-Hock - 403-414 State action and the distribution of school enrollments in Brazil, 1970
by Plank, David N. - 415-430 Tuition and U.S. private college characteristics: The hedonic approach
by Harford, Jon D. & Marcus, Richard D. - 431-431 Women, education, and employment: A bibliography of periodical citations, pamphlets, newspapers and government documents, 1970-1980 : Renee Feinberg. Hamden, Connecticut: The Shoe String Press, 1982. pp. 274. Price: $25.00 (cloth)
by Roos, Patricia - 432-433 The schools, the courts and the public interest : John C. Hogan. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1985. pp. xx, 199. $22.00 (cloth)
by Marcus, Laurence R. - 433-434 Schooling in Western Europe: A social history : Mary Jo Maynes, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1985. pp. 192. $29.50 (cloth), $9.95 (paper)
by Harrigan, Patrick J. - 434-434 Forecasting the wages of young men: The effects of cohort size : Hong W. Tan and Michael P.Ward. The Rand Corporation, R-3115-Army, May 1985. pp. 58. $7.50
by Hunt, Janet C. - 435-435 Educational finance and resources : W.F. Dennison. Beckenham: Croom Helm, 1984. pp. 271. [UK pound]15.95 (cloth)
by Hough, J. R. - 435-435 Managing school finance : B. Knight. London: Heinemann, 1984. pp. 232. [UK pound]9.50 (cloth)
by Hough, J. R. - 435-436 Value for money in education : R. Lord. London: Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy. 1984. pp. 78. [UK pound]7.50 (paper)
by Hough, J. R. - 436-437 Women's wages and work in the twentieth century : James P. Smith and Michael P. Ward. Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corporation, 1984. pp. 96. $7.50 (paper)
by Jones, Ethkl B. - 437-438 Applying corporate management strategies : Edited by Roger J. Fecher. New directions for higher education. No. 50. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, June 1985. pp. 85. $9.95 (paper)
by Wattenbarger, James L. - 438-439 Education versus qualifications? : Edited by John Oxenham. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1984. pp. 246. $25.00 (cloth), $9.95 (paper)
by Woodhall, Maureen - 439-440 Education and economic performance : Edited by G.D.N. Worswick. National Institute of Economic and Social Research, Policy Studies Institute, and Royal Institute of International Affairs: Joint Studies in Public Policy 9. Aldershot, England and Brookfield, Vermont: Gower Publishing Co., 1984. pp. 147. $29.95. (cloth)
by Denison, Edward F. - 440-441 Teachers, unions, and change: A comparative study : D.K. Jessup. New York: Praeger, 1985. pp. x + 256. Price: $33.95 (cloth)
by Alpert, William T. - 441-442 Integrating women's studies into the curriculum: An annotated bibliography : Compiled by Susan Douglas Franzosa and Karen Massa. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1984. pp. xiv, 100. Price: $29.95 (cloth)
by Levin, Carole - 442-442 Higher education finance: An annotated bibliography and guide to research : Edward R. Hines and John R. Mc Carthy. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1985. pp. 350. Price: $50 (cloth)
by Flynn, Patricia M.
June 1986, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 227-237 Graduate degrees and job success: Managers in one U.S. Corporation
by Woo, Jennie Hay - 239-256 Children's education and the intergenerational transmission of inequality: a simulation
by Birdsall, Nancy & Meesook, Oey Astra - 257-264 Farmer education and efficiency: a frontier production function approach
by Phillips, Joseph M. & Marble, Robert P. - 265-272 Assessing personnel practices in higher education: A case study in the hiring of females
by Becker, William E. & Williams, Arlington W. - 273-286 Expanding education through user charges: What can be achieved in Malawi and other LDCs?
by Mingat, Alain & Tan, Jee-Peng - 287-295 A disaggregated investigation of learning functions in introductory economics
by Fizel, John L. & Fiedler, John L. - 297-307 Production frontier estimates of scale in public schools in California
by Sengupta, Jati K. & Sfeir, Raymond E. - 309-317 Earnings and the decision to return to school
by Marcus, Richard D. - 319-323 Fritz Machlup's swan song
by Cohen, Jacob - 325-326 Crisis management in American higher education : Barbara Ann Scott. New York: Praeger, 1984. pp. 368. Price: $37.50 (cloth)
by Conrad, Clikton F. - 326-327 Black Colleges and Universities: Challenges for the future : Antoine Garibaldi (Ed.). New York: Praeger, 1984. pp. 305. forward, preface and index. Price: $29.95 (cloth)
by Rivers, Larky E. - 327-328 Financial incentives for academic quality : John Folger (Ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1984. pp. 104. Price: $8.95 (paper)
by Leonard, W. Patrick - 328-330 Keeping graduate programs responsive to national needs, new directions for higher education series : Michael J. Pelczar Jr and Lewis C. Solmon (Eds). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1984. pp. 126. Price: $8.95 (paper)
by Lecht, Leonard A. - 330-331 World Bank Staff working paper, no. 661. user charges for education: The ability and willingness to pay in Malawi : Jee-Peng Tan, Kiong Hock Lee and Alain Mingat. Washington, DC: World Bank, 1984. pp. 98. Price: $5.00 (paper)
by Chiswick, Carmei. U. - 331-332 Youthjobs: Toward a private/public partnership : David Bresnick. Westport, CT: Quorum books, 1984. Price: $29.95
by Freedman, Marcia - 332-333 Toward International Tele-Education : Wilbur T. Blume and Paul Schneller (Eds). Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1984. pp. 256. Price: $19.50
by Hoye, Robert E. - 333-334 Social welfare spending: Accounting for changes from 1950 to 1978 : Robert J. Lamp-Man. New York: Academic Press. 1984. Price: $29.00 (cloth)
by Ruggles, Nancy D. - 334-335 Extending the Educational Ladder: The changing quality and value of postdoctoral study : William Zumbta. Lexington, MA: Heath Lexington Books. 1984. No price given
by Ochnek, Nancy L. - 335-336 Women in higher education administration : Adrian Tinslhy, Cynthia Secor and Shuila Kaplan (Eds). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1984. Price: $8.95 (paper)
by Sagaria, Mary Ann D. - 337-337 High schools and the changing workplace: The employers' view : Report of the panel on secondary school education for the changing workplace. Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy. National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine, Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1984. pp. xiv, + 50. Price: $2.00 (paper)
by Williams, C. Glyn - 337-338 Teaching and aging : Chanora M.N., Men-Kotra (Ed.). San Francisco. CA: Jossey-Bass, 1984. Price: 38.95 (paper)
by Furchgott, Ernest - 338-339 Managing human resources in special education : Michael J. Fimian, Mary Beth Fafard and Kenneth W. Howell. New York: Praeger, 1984. pp. 336. Price: $32.95 (cloth)
by Whelan, Richard J. - 339-340 The measurement of equity in school finance: Conceptual, methodological, and empirical dimensions : Robert Berne and Leanna Stiefel. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984. pp. xvii, + 297. Price: $35.00
by Frey, Donald E. - 340-341 The dilemma of education in a democracy : Richard H. Powers. Chicago, IL: Regnery Gateway, Inc., 1984. pp. 253. Price: $16.95 (cloth)
by Marcus, Richard D. - 341-343 The Handbook of Organizational Development in Schools : (3rd edition). Richard A. Schmuck and Phillip J. Runkel. Palo Alto: Mayfield Publishing Co., 1985. pp. 550. Price: $22.95 (cloth)
by Keys, Christopher B. - 343-344 Women in nontraditional occupations: Choice and turnover : Linda J. Waite and Sue E. Berryman. Santa Monica: Rand, R-3106-FF, 1985. pp. 85. Price: $7.50 (paper)
by Dex, S. - 344-344 Financing information services: Problems, changing approaches, and new opportunities for academic research libraries : Peter Spyers-Duran and Thomas W. Mann (Eds). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. 1985. pp. vi, + 193. Price: $29.95 (cloth)
by Prentice, Ann E. - 344-346 The World Crisis in Education: The view from the '80s : Phillip H. Coombs, Oxford University Press, 1985. pp. xiv, 353. Price: $19.95 (cloth)
by Willams, Gareth - 346-347 Apartheid and education : Peter Kalloway (Ed.). Johannesburg: Ravan Press, 1984. pp. 409. Price: $24.95 (paper)
by Siebert, W. S. - 347-348 Youth education and employment -- international perspectives : Keith Watson with assistance from Tony Bates, Kate Berry and Gillian Beardsley (Eds). Beckenham: Croom Helm Ltd., 1983. pp. 180. Price: $32.00 (cloth)
by Hollenbeck, Kevin - 348-349 Systematic planning for educational change : William G. Cunningham, Palo Alto: May-Field Publishing Company, 1982. pp. 323. Price: $19.95 (cloth)
by Michaelsen, Jacob B. - 349-349 Weeding out the target population: The law of accountability in a manpower program : James Latimore. Westport, Connecticut: Green Wood Press, 1985. pp. 176, + x. Price: $29.95 (cloth)
by Mangum, Garth L. - 349-350 Jobs for the nation: Challenges for a society based on work : Anthony Patrick Carnevale Alexandria, VA: American Society for training and development, 1985. pp. 269. Price: members $16.00, non-members $20.00 (paper)
by Williams, C. Glyn
April 1986, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 105-106 Introduction
by Erekson, O. Homer - 107-117 Wealth neutrality in higher education: The effects of student grants
by Schwartz, J. Brad - 119-128 The social security student benefit program and family decisions
by Ehrenberg, Ronald G. & Luzadis, Rebecca A. - 129-133 The effects of student higher education grants
by Siegfried, John J. - 135-145 An adult life cycle perspective on public subsidies to higher education in three countries
by Bowman, Mary Jean & Millot, Benoit & Schiefelbein, Ernesto - 147-158 Reform of budget control in higher education
by Jones, L. R. & Thompson, Fred & Zumeta, William - 159-163 Issues in higher education budgeting policy
by McKeown, Mary P. - 165-166 Reform of budget control: Reply
by Jones, L. R. & Thompson, Fred & Zumeta, William - 167-178 Tax reform and individual giving to higher education
by Auten, Gerald E. & Rudney, Gabriel G. - 179-190 Determinants of state aid and voluntary support of higher education
by Coughlin, Cletus C. & Erekson, O. Homer - 191-195 Aid sources for higher education: Taxes and other determinants
by Dye, Richard F. - 197-204 Price-induced substitution of faculty in academe: Does mission make a difference?
by Chang, Cyril F. & Tuckman, Howard P. - 205-217 The impacts of tuition rate changes on college undergraduate headcounts and credit hours over time -- a case study
by Chressanthis, George A. - 219-224 A review of two studies of elasticity in academe
by Hoffman, Emily P.
February 1986, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-16 The educational credit trust: a proposal for reconstitution and reform of the student loan system
by Dresch, Stephen P. - 17-24 Evaluation of education projects: the case of the perry preschool program
by Gramlich, Edward M. - 25-39 The structure of educational costs: Multiproduct cost functions for primary and secondary schools in latin America
by Jimenez, Emmanuel - 41-48 Some new evidence on teacher and student competencies
by Strauss, Robert P. & Sawyer, Elizabeth A. - 49-55 A sequential logit model of the access effects of higher education institutions
by Weiler, William C. - 57-64 Race and demographic trends: the employment of minority teachers in California public schools
by Richards, Craig E. - 65-76 The early labor force experience of college students and their post-college success
by San, Gee - 77-81 An analysis of the private rate of return to vocational nursing education in Nigeria
by Enaohwo, J. Okpako & Osakwe, H. O. - 83-86 Publication performance of fifty top economics departments: a per capita analysis
by Golden, John & Carstensen, Fred V. & Weiner, Paul & Kane, Steve - 87-87 Innovation through recession : Geoffrey Squires (ed.). Guildford: society for research into higher education, 1983 (distributed in the U.S. by Humanities Press. Atlantic Highlands, N
by Horn, Robin - 88-89 Social policy evaluation: an economic perspective : Elchanan Helpman, Assaf Razin and Efraim Sadka (eds). New York: Academic Press. 1983. pp. xiv -- 313. price: $44.00 (cloth)
by Stager, David - 89-90 The business school in the 1980s: Liberalism versus vocationalism : Paul S. Hugstad. New York: Praeger, 1983. pp. 147. $29.95 (cloth)
by Tutile, Donald L. - 90-90 Changing practices in faculty evaluation : Peter Seldin, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1984. pp. 200. $15.95 (cloth)
by Holbrook, Robert S. - 90-91 Evaluating teaching : Kenneth O. Doyle Jr. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books. 1983. pp. 173. No price given
by Holbrook, Robert S. - 91-92 Terminal degrees: the job crisis in higher education : Emily K. Abel. New York: Praeger, 1984. pp. 253, $24.95 (cloth)
by Tuckman, Howard P. - 92-94 Public schools in hard times. The great depression and recent years : Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1984. pp. 328. $20.00 (cloth)
by Johns, Roe L. - 94-95 State and campus: State regulation of religiously affiliated higher education : Fernand N. Dutile and Edward McGlynn Gaffney, Jr. Notre Dame. IN: University of Notre Dame Press. 1984. pp. 502, $22.95 (cloth) and $19.95 (paper)
by Sorenson, Gah Paulus - 95-96 New directions for institutional research, no. 41. determining the effectiveness of campus services : Robert A. Scott (ed.), San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. 1984, $8.95 (paper)
by Conrad, Clifton F. - 96-97 Educational policy: an international survey : J.R. Hough (ed.). New York: St. Martin's Press. 1984. pp. 300. price: $27.50 (cloth)
by Sanyal, Bikas C. - 97-97 The education of the black adult in the United States: an annotated bibliography : Compiled by Leo Mcgee and Harvey G. Neufeldt London, Greenwood Press, 1985. X. 108 pp. price: $29.95
by White, Arthur O. - 101-101 Erratum
by Kiker, B. F. & Heath, Julia A.