Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 2501 The future spatial distribution of onshore wind energy capacity based on a probabilistic investment calculus
by Yannik Pflugfelder & Christoph Weber
- 2408 Can an Obligation Bridge Germany’s PV Capacity Gap? Insights from a Regional Case Study
by Felix Meurer & Marco Sebastian Breder & Michael Bucksteeg & Hannes Hobbie & Dominik Moest & Hendrik Scharf & Christoph Weber - 2407 Deriving multivariate probabilistic solar generation forecasts based on hourly imbalanced data
by Yannik Pflugfelder & Aiko Schinke-Nendza & Jonathan Dumas & Christoph Weber - 2406 Investigating Inefficiencies in the German Rental Housing Market: The Impact of Disclosing Total Costs on Energy Efficiency Appreciation
by Christopher Jahns - 2405 Economic analysis of behavioral aspects of electromobility with a focus on consumers – A Review
by Marco Sebastian Breder & Arnd Hofmann & Michael Bucksteeg & Christoph Weber - 2402 Hydrogen in the European power sector – A case study on the impacts of regulatory frameworks for green hydrogen
by Julian Radek & Marco Sebastian Breder & Christoph Weber
- 2306 Disentangling Small-Scale Solar Photovoltaic Adoption: A Spatial Analysis of Decision Factors and Localized Interactions in Germany
by Tobias Stein & Lisa Sieger & Christoph Weber - 2305 Investigating Inefficiencies in the German Rental Housing Market: The Impact of Disclosing Total Costs on Energy Efficiency Appreciation
by Lisa Sieger - 2303 Assessment of generation adequacy taking into account the dependence of the European power system on natural gas
by Maike Spilger & Dennis Schneider & Christoph Weber - 2302 Incentives for flexible consumption and production on end-user level - Evidence from a German case study and outlook for 2030 -
by Andreas Dietrich
- 2203 Spatial Incentives for Power-to-hydrogen through Market Splitting
by Marco Sebastian Breder & Felix Meurer & Michael Bucksteeg & Christoph Weber - 2202 Inefficient markets for energy efficiency - Empirical evidence from the German rental housing market
by Lisa Taruttis & Christoph Weber - 2201 Auswirkungen von Energieeffizienz auf Immobilienpreise: Eine Analyse fuer Schleswig-Holstein, Dithmarschen und Heide
by Lisa Taruttis & Christoph Weber
- 2102 Multi-Day-Ahead Electricity Price Forecasting: A Comparison of fundamental, econometric and hybrid Models
by Philip Beran & Arne Vogler
- 2004 Estimating the impact of energy efficiency on housing prices in Germany: Does regional disparity matter?
by Lisa Taruttis & Christoph Weber
- 1912 Probabilistic methodology for adequacy assessment under uncertainty for a multi-region system
by Julia Bellenbaum & Benjamin Böcker & Thomas Kallabis & Christoph Weber
- 1801 Modelling German electricity wholesale spot prices with a parsimonious fundamental model – Validation and application
by Philip Beran & Christian Pape & Christoph Weber - 383-402 Photovoltaics and Heat Pumps - Limitations of Local Pricing Mechanisms
by Bjoern Felten & Jessica Raasch & Christoph Weber
- 1710 KWK-Mindest- und Maximaleinspeisung - Die Erzeugung von Zeitreihen fuer die Energiesystemmodellierung
by Bjoern Felten & Jan Paul Baginski & Christoph Weber - 1708 A Consumer Decision-making Process? Unfolding Energy Efficiency Decisions of German Owner-occupiers
by Paul Baginski & Christoph Weber - 1707 Optimal Extraction Paths with Electric Power Generation
by Andreas A. Renz & Christoph Weber - 1706 Consistent and robust delimitation of price zones under uncertainty with an application to Central Western Europe
by Tim Felling & Christoph Weber - 1705 Forecasting the distributions of hourly electricity spot prices
by Christian Pape & Arne Vogler & Oliver Woll & Christoph Weber - 1704 Decentralized Local Pricing – Improving Network Usage in a Smart-Grid Environment under Limited Informationation
by Jessica Raasch & Christoph Weber - 1703 Welfare optimal reliability and reserve provision in electricity markets with increasing shares of renewable energy sources
by Fridrik Mar Baldursson & Julia Bellenbaum & Ewa Lazarczyk & Lenja Niesen & Christoph Weber - 1701 Impact of Coordinated Capacity Mechanisms on the European Power Market
by Michael Bucksteeg & Stephan Spiecker & Christoph Weber
- 1506 The german market for system reserve capacity and balancing energy
by Sebastian Just - 1505 The Role of Heterogeneous Agents in Fuel Markets: Testing Tales of Speculators in Oil Markets
by Andreas Fritz & Michael Stein & Christoph Weber - 1503 Trading Volumes in Intraday Markets - Theoretical Reference Model and Empirical Observations in Selected European Markets
by Simon Hagemann & Christoph Weber - 1501 Individual Choice in a residential building and heating model - An application case for Germany
by Klaas Bauermann & Christoph Weber
- 1402 Impacts of Res-Generation and Demand Pattern on Net Transfer Capatity: Implications for Effectiveness of Market Splitting in Germany
by Michael Bucksteeg & Katrin Trepper & Christoph Weber - 1401 Valuation Of Multiple Hyro Reservoir Storage Systems In Competitive Electricity Markets
by Bastian Felix
- 1321 Refinancing under Yardstick Regulation with Investment Cycles–The Case of Long-Lived Electricity Network Assets
by Dominik Schober - 1319 An integrated approach to model redispatch and to assess potential benefits from market splitting in Germany
by Katrin Trepper & Michael Bucksteeg & Christoph Weber - 1317 An Empirical Analysis of Liquidity and its Determinants in The German Intraday Market for Electricity
by Simon Hagemann & Christoph Weber - 1304 The Impact Of Carbon Capture And Storage On A Decarbonized German Power Market
by Stephan Spiecker & Volker Eickholt - 1303 Perfect Competition vs. Riskaverse Agents: Technology Portfolio Choice in Electricity Markets
by Malte Sundkötter & Daniel Ziegler - 1302 Does One Design Fit All? On The Transferability Of The PJM Market Design To The German Electricity Market
by Katrin Schmitz & Christoph Weber
- 1206 A Hotelling Model for Fixed-Cost Driven Power Generation
by Andreas A. Renz & Christoph Weber - 1205 European Electricity and interrelated Futures Markets: A cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Analysis
by Andreas Fritz - 1204 Strategic Behavior in the German Balancing Energy Mechanism: Incentives, Evidence, Costs and Solutions
by Sebastian Just & Christoph Weber - 1203 Technical Uncertainty and Value of Information with Application to Optimal Network Component Replacement
by Stephan Schaeffler & Dominik Schober & Christoph Weber - 1202 Evaluation of Different Approaches to Capital Structure Regulation
by Stephan Schaeffler - 1201 Gas Storage Valuation: A Comparative Simulation Study
by Bastian Felix
- 11056 Fuel mix characteristics and expected stock returns of European power companies
by Malte Sunderkötter - 1107 Prospects for pumped-hydro storage in Germany
by Bjarne Steffen - 1105 Mean-Variance optimization of power generation portfolios under uncertainty in the merit order
by Malte Sunderkötter & Christoph Weber - 1104 Efficient storage capacity in power systems with thermal and renewable generation
by Bjarne Steffen & Christoph Weber - 1103 Informational Efficiency in Futures Markets for Crude Oil
by Andreas Fritz & Christoph Weber - 1102 Optimal Environmental Policy Design In The Presence Of Uncertainty And Technology Spillovers
by Patrick Himmes & Christoph Weber - 1101 The Cost of Equity of Network Operators - Empirical Evidence and Regulatory Practice
by Stephan Schaeffler & Christoph Weber
- 1002 Appropriate Contract Durations in the German Markets for On-line Reserve Capacity
by Sebastian Just - 1001 Quantification of Political Risk in Energy Foresight - A Method Overview
by Christoph Weber
- 0904 Valuing fuel diversification in optimal investment policies for electricity generation portfolios
by Malte Sunderkoetter & Christoph Weber - 0903 Gas Storage Valuation Under Limited Market Liquidity: An Application In Germany
by Bastian Felix & Oliver Woll & Christoph Weber - 0902 Energieeinsparverordnung 2009 und Erneuerbare-Energien-Waermegesetz Methodik zur Berechnung des Heizkostenvergleichs
by Volker Eickholt & Klaas Bauermann & Christoph Weber - 0901 Efficiency versus Robustness of Markets - Why improving market efficiency should not be the only objective of market regulation
by Christoph Weber
- 0703 Modelling the impact of different permit allocation rules on optimal power plant portfolios
by Christoph Weber & Philip Vogel & Oliver Woll - 0702 Portfolio Optimization In Electricity Trading With Limited Liquidity
by Christoph Weber & Oliver Woll - 0701 Merit-Order-Effekte Von Erneuerbaren Energien - Zu Schoen Um Wahr Zu Sein?
by Christoph Weber & Oliver Woll
- 0501 Decentralized energy supply and electricity market structures
by Christoph Weber & Philip Vogel
- 2101 Identifying key elements for adequate simplifications of investment choices - The case of wind energy expansion
by Arne Pöstges & Christoph Weber - 2006 Rolling-horizon optimization as a speed-up method - assessment using the electricity system model JMM
by Thomas Kallabis - 2005 Thesenpapier: Constructing Consistent Energy Scenarios using Cross Impact Matrices
by Roland Broll & Gerald Blumberg & Christoph Weber - 2003 Thesenpapier: Managing combined power and heat portfolios in sequential spot power markets under uncertainty
by Andreas Dietrich & Christian Furtwängler & Christoph Weber - 2002 Thesenpapier: A primer about storage in bottom-up models of future energy systems. Fundamentals of storage operation and investment in competitive long-term equilibria
by Benjamin Boecker & Christoph Weber - 2001 Thesenpapier: Ökonomische und regulatorische Fragestellungen zum enera-FlexMarkt
by Gert Brunekreeft & Marius Buchmann & Jonas Höckner & Martin Palovic & Simon Voswinkel & Christoph Weber - 1911 On The Evaluation Of Binary Event Probability Predictions In Electricity Price Forecasting
by Arne Vogler & Florian Ziel - 1905 Market distortions in flexibility markets caused by renewable subsidies – The case for side payments
by Jonas Höckner & Simon Voswinkel & Christoph Weber - 1904 Spatio-temporal diffusion of solar thermal systems in Germany: A spatial panel data analysis
by Jan Paul Baginski - 1903 How the design of retail prices, network charges, and levies affects profitability and operation of small-scale PV-Battery Storage Systems
by Jessica Thomsen & Christoph Weber - 1902 Coherent estimations for residential photovoltaic uptake in Germany including spatial spillover effects
by Jan Paul Baginski & Christoph Weber - 1901 Supply Curves for Hydro Reservoirs - Estimation and Usage in Large-Scale Electricity Market Models
by Christopher Jahns & Caroline Podewski & Christoph Weber - 1806 Optimal capacity adjustments in electricity market models – an iterative approach based on operational margins and the relevant supply stack
by Benjamin Böcker & Robin Leisen & Christoph Weber - 1805 Estimating the value of flexibility from real options: On the accuracy of hybrid electricity price models
by Benjamin Botor & Benjamin Boecker & Thomas Kalabis & Christoph Weber - 1804 Estimating the value of flexibility from real options: On the accuracy of hybrid electricity price models
by Christian Pape & Oliver Woll & Christoph Weber - 1803 Reserve Provision by CHP Units and its Impact on Equilibria in Spot and Reserve Markets
by Christian Furtwaengler & Christoph Weber - 1802 Flexible Use of Residential Heat Pumps - Possibilities and Limits of Market Participation
by Jessica Raasch - 1709 Modeling the Value of Flexible Heat Pumps
by Bjoern Felten & Christoph Weber - 1403 Support mechanisms for renewables: How risk exposure influences investment incentives
by Lena Kitzing & Christoph Weber