October 1997, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 178-195 American Institutionalism and the History of Economics
by Rutherford, Malcolm - 196-221 Policy Implications of W. S. Jevons's Economic Theory
by Bowman, Rhead S. - 222-240 Hicks on Economic Theory in Time
by Allgoewer, Elisabeth - 241-260 Was Fisher a Practicing Quantity Theorist?
by Steindl, Frank G. - 261-285 Austrian Capital Theory: Help or Hindrance?
by Ahiakpor, James C. W. - 286-300 Origins and Development of the Trend Toward Value-Free Economics
by Drakopoulos, S. A. - 301-310 Anonymous Pamphlets by John Cazenove
by Pullen, John - 311-312 The Coming of Keynesianism to America: Conversations with the Founders of Keynesian Economics, edited by David Colander and Harry Landreth, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham and Brookfield, 1996. Pp. xi, 244. $59.95. ISBN 1-85898-087-9
by Bateman, Bradley W. - 312-314 Rationalism and Anti-Rationalism in the Origins of Economics: The Philosophical Roots of 18th Century Economic Thought, by William Oliver Coleman. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Aldershot and Brookfield. 1995. Pp. viii, 177. $63.95. ISBN 1 85278 995 6
by Heyne, Paul - 315-317 “Die Vereinigung des europäischen Kontinents”: Friedrich List: Gesamteuropäische Wirkungsgeschichte seines ökonomischen Denkes [“The Unification of the European Continent”: Friedrich List: A History of the Influence of His Economic Thought Throughout Europe], edited by Eugen Wendler. Schäffer-Poeschel, Stuttgart, 1996. Pp. xx, 623. ISBN 3-7910-1094-8
by Maneschi, Andrea - 317-319 Economic Efficiency and Social Justice: The Development of Utilitarian Ideas in Economics from Bentham to Edgeworth, by John Bonner. Edward Elgar Publishing, Aldershot, 1995. $63.95, Pp. vii, 211. ISBN 1-85278-295-1
by Roncaglia, Alessandro
April 1997, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-23 W. T. Thornton: Savant, Idiot, or Idiot-Savant?
by Ekelund, Robert B. - 24-48 Among the Most Fascinating of Scholarly Objects: A Memoir
by Moggridge, D. E. - 49-70 Newmarch, Cairnes and Jevons on the Gold Question and Statistics
by Kim, Jinbang - 71-92 Albert Aftalion's Macrodynamic Theory of Endogenous Business Cycles
by Dangel, Cecile & Raybaut, Alain - 93-113 Ricardo's Capital Levy Proposal: “By-Product of A Visionary”?
by Churchman, Nancy - 114-126 The Origins of Malthus's Data on Population: The Political and Religious Biases in the American Sources
by Peterson, Dean - 127-140 Adam Smith on the Virtues: A Partial Resolution of the Adam Smith Problem
by Pack, Spencer J. - 141-159 Rothbard and Mises on Interest: An Exercise in Theoretical Purity
by Lewin, Peter - 160-162 Alfred Marshall's Lectures to Women: Some Economic Questions Directly Connected to the Welfare of the Labourer, edited by Tiziano Raffaelli, Eugenio Baiagini, and Rita McWilliams Tullberg. Edward Elgar, Aldershot and Brookfield, 1995. Pp. xv, 198. $70.00. ISBN 1-85898-310 X
by Gee, J. M. Alec - 162-164 The Peasant in Economic Thought: “A Perfect Republic,” edited by Evelyn L. Forget and Richard A. Lobdell. Edward Elgar, Brookfield and Aldershot. Pp. xv, 146. $71.95. ISBN 1-85278-856-9
by Grabowski, Richard - 164-166 The Life of Knut Wicksell, by Torsten Gḁrdlund. Translated from the Swedish by Nancy Adler. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham and Brookfield, 1996. Pp. xi, 355. $79.95. ISBN 1-85898-404-1
by Herlitz, Lars - 167-168 Keynes's Uncertain Revolution, by Bradley W. Bateman. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1996. Pp. x, 183. $42.50 ISBN 0-472-10708-9
by Landreth, Harry - 169-170 Economic Thought Since Keynes: A History and Dictionary of Major Economists, by Michel Beaud and Gilles Dostaler. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Aldershot, England, 1995. pp. x, 488, index. ISBN 85278-6671
by Rima, Ingrid H. - 170-173 Theory and Measurement: Causality Issues in Milton Friedman's Monetary Economics, by J. Daniel Hammond. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York, 1996. Pp. x, 238. $44.95. ISBN 0-521-55205-2
by Steindl, Frank G. - 174-176 Monetary Interpretations of the Great Depression, by Frank Steindl. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1995. pp. x, 197. $42.50. ISBN O-472-40600-7
by Wicker, Elmus
October 1996, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 186-206 Emerging Learned Societies: Economic Ideas in Context
by Henderson, James P. - 207-228 On John Rae's Controversial Contributions to Economics
by Ahmad, Syed - 229-249 The Practical Economics of Walter Bagehot
by Moore, Gregory C. G. - 250-270 Memoirs of an Economist Watcher
by Coats, A. W. Bob - 271-286 From Utilitarianism to Hedonism: Gossen, Jevons And Walras
by Daal, Jan Van - 287-308 Capital Theory, Inflation and Deflation: The Austrians and Monetary Disequilibrium Theory Compared
by Horwitz, Steven - 308-313 Comment on Horwitz's Article
by Cottrell, Allin - 314-318 Reply to Cottrell
by Horwitz, Steven - 319-346 The Decay of Trade: The Politics of Economic Theory In Eighteenth-Century Britain
by Kleer, Richard A. - 347-364 Hayek and Spontaneous Orders
by Sabooglu, Müfit
April 1996, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-12 Formalism in Economics
by Golland, Louise Ahrndt - 13-36 What is Economic Action? From Marshall and Robbins to Polanyi and Becker
by Khalil, Elias L. - 37-75 My Work as a Historian of Economic Thought
by Samuels, Warren J. - 76-95 The “Alternative” Theories of Knight and Coase, and the Modern Theory of the Firm
by Foss, Nicolai J. - 96-114 Of Pangloss, Pigouvians and Pragmatism: Ronald Coase and Social Cost Analysis
by Medema, Steven G. - 115-132 To What Extent Did Mill's Economic Thought Evolve During his Final Decade, and Why?
by Lipkes, Jeff - 133-153 Three French Socialist Economists: Leroux, Proudhon, Walras
by Herland, Michel - 154-156 Institutions in Economics: The old and new institutionalism, by Malcolm Rutherford. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York and Melbourne, 1994. Pp. xi, 225. $54.95. ISBN 0-521-45189-2
by Alston, Lee J. - 156-159 The English Gentleman in Trade: The Life and Works of Sir Dudley North, by Richard Grassby. Oxford University Press, London, 1994. Pp. xvii, 390. $69.00. ISBN 0-19-820439-6
by Choksy, George D. - 159-162 Feminism and Political Economy in Victorian England, edited by Peter Groenewegen. Edward Elgar Publishing Company, Aldershot, England and Brookfield, VT, 1994. Pp. viii, 197. $59.95. ISBN 1 85278 928 X
by Ferber, Marianne A. - 162-165 The Mediterranean Tradition in Economic Thought, by Louis Baeck. Routledge, London, 1994. Pp. 272. $75.00. ISBN 0-415-09301-5
by Moss, Laurence S. - 165-168 Monopolistic Competition Theory: Origins, Results, and Implications, by Jan Keppler. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 1994. Pp. x, 220. $37.50. ISBN 0-8018-4813-X
by Reinwald, Thomas P. - 168-170 Carl Menger's Lectures to Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria, edited by Erich W. Streissler and Monika Streissler. Translated by Monika Streissler and David F. Good. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Aldershot, England and Brookfield, Vermont. Pp. vii, 228. $79.95. ISBN 1-85898-075-5
by Vaughn, Karen I.
October 1995, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 179-204 Finding New Wine In Old Bottles: What Historians Must Do When Leontief Coefficients are no Longer the Designated Drivers of Economics
by Moss, Laurence S. - 205-227 Oskar Morgenstern and the Heterodox Potentialities of the Application of Game Theory to Economics
by Innocenti, Alessandro - 228-246 Adam Smith on Economic Justice in the Labor Market
by Noell, Edd S. - 247-265 Marshall and the Mathematization of Economics
by Vazquez, Andres - 266-284 John Neville Keynes: The Social Philosophy of a Late Victorian Economist
by Tilman, Rick & Porter-Tilman, Ruth - 285-306 “It's an Ill Wind…”: A Memoir
by Hollander, Samuel - 307-313 The Rate of Profit and Crises in a Socialist Economy
by Lianos, Theodore P. - 313-315 A Reply to Lianos's Critique
by Khalil, Elias L. - 316-328 Rothbard's Austrian Perspective: A Review Article
by Trescott, Paul B. - 329-331 The Political Economy of Trade and Growth: An Analytical Interpretation of Sir James Steuart's Inquiry, by Hong-Seok Yang. Edward Elgar, Aldershot, England and Brookfield, Vermont, 1994. Pp. x, 323. $74.95. ISBN 1-85898-093-3
by Akhtar, M. A. - 331-332 Origins of Economic Thought in Modern Japan, by Chuhei Sugiyama. Routledge, London and New York, 1994. Pp. viii, 142. $59.95. ISBN 0-415-08591-8
by Bronfenbrenner, Martin - 333-335 Strategies of Economic Order: German Economic Discourse 1750–1950, by Keith Tribe. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York, 1995. Pp. ix, 285. $59.95. ISBN 0-521-46291-6
by Grabowski, Richard - 335-337 Quesnay's Tableau Economique, A Critique and Reassessment, by Steven Pressman, Augustus M. Kelley, Fairfield, 1994, pp. xii, 192, $35.00, ISBN 0-678-01471-X
by Gram, Harvey - 338-340 The State as a Monster: Gustav Cassel and Eli Heckscher on the Role and Growth of the State, by Benny Carlson. University Press of America, Lanham, Maryland, New York, and London, 1994. Pp. xii, 292. $36.50. ISBN 0-8191-9417-4
by Higgs, Robert - 340-343 Hayek and the Keynesian Avalanche, by Brian C. McCormick. St. Martin's Press, New York, 1992. Pp. xiii, 289. $59.95. ISBN 0-312-08359-9
by Klein, Peter G. - 343-346 Mercantilism: The Shaping of an Economic Language, by Lars Magnusson. Routledge, London and New York, 1994. Pp. vii, 222. $65.00. ISBN 0-415-07258-1
by Landreth, Harry - 346-348 The Theory of Wages in Classical Economics, by Antonella Stirati. Edward Elgar Publishing, Aldershot, 1994. Pp. xviii, 221. $59.95. ISBN 1-85278-7104
by Vint, John
April 1995, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-20 The Methodological Roots of J. Laurence Laughlin's Anti-quantity Theory of Money and Prices
by Skaggs, Neil T. - 21-34 Austrian and American Capital Theories: A Contrast of Cultures
by Dorfman, Robert - 35-56 Why are There No Austrian Socialists? Ideology, Science and the Austrian School
by Boettke, Peter J. - 57-77 T. E. Cliffe Leslie and the English Methodenstreit
by Moore, Gregory C. G. - 78-85 Macroeconomic Conversion Déjà Vu
by Brems, Hans - 86-105 Adam Smith's Advisory Style as Illustrated by his Trade Policy Prescriptions
by Endres, A. M. - 106-132 Smith's Legacy and the Definitions of the Natural Wage in Ricardo
by Stirati, Antonella - 133-152 David Ricardo on Public Policy: The Question of Motive
by Churchman, Nancy - 153-155 Irving Fisher: A Biography, by Robert Loring Allen. Blackwell, Cambridge, Mass. and Oxford, 1993. Pp.xv, 324. $39.95. ISBN 1-55786-305-9
by Allen, William R. - 155-157 Austrian Economics in America: The Migration of a Tradition, by Karen I. Vaughn. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York, 1994. Pp. xiv, 198. $49.95. ISBN 0-521-44552-3
by Clark, Charles M. A. - 158-160 Between Marginalism and Marxism: The Economic Sociology of J. A. Schumpeter, by Tom Bottomore. St. Mārtin's Press, New York, 1992. Pp. 150. $39.95 ISBN 0-312-09105-2
by Dahms, Harry F. - 160-162 Profits, Priests, and Princes: Adam Smith's Emancipation of Economics from Politics and Religion, by Peter Minowitz. Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1993. Pp. xv, 345. ISBN 0-8047-2166-1
by Heyne, Paul - 163-165 The Equilibrium Economics of Léon Walras, by Jan van Daal and Albert Jolink. Routledge, London and New York, 1993. Pp. xiii, 193. £ 40.00. ISBN 0-415-00517-9
by Lallement, Jérôme - 166-167 Economic Thought in Spain: Selected Essays of Marjorie Grice-Hutchinson, edited by Laurence S. Moss and Christopher K. Ryan. Edward Elgar, Aldershot, United Kingdom, and Brookfield, VT, 1993. Pp. xxix, 158. $59.95. ISBN 1-85278-868-2
by Perlman, Mark
October 1994, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 188-201 The Role of Numeracy in the History of Economic Analysis
by Rima, Ingrid H. - 202-228 Two Classics: Böhm-Bawerk's Positive Theory and Fisher's Rate of Interest Through Modern Prisms
by Samuelson, Paul A. - 229-247 Demand Conditions and the Interpretation of Ricardo
by Caravale, Giovanni A. - 248-269 Misinterpreting Ricardo: A Review Essay
by Mongiovi, Gary - 270-291 Menger and Hayek on Institutions: Continuity and Discontinuity
by Garrouste, Pierre - 292-309 The Implication for Socialism of Marx's Theory of the Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall
by Khalil, Elias L. - 310-321 The Technological and Institutional Context of Cold War Growth Theory
by Neill, Robin - 322-324 The Moral Philosophy of Management: From Quesnay to Keynes, by Pierre Guillet de Monthoux. M. E. Sharpe, Armonk, NY and London, 1993. Pp. xv, 304. Cloth $55.00 Paper $24.95. ISBN 1-56324-081-5, cloth. ISBN 1-56324-377-6, paper
by Brandis, Royall - 324-326 The Market, Competition and Democracy, by Stavros Ioannides. Edward Elgar Publishing, 1992. Pp. xiii, 194. ISBN 1-85278-531-4
by Chamlee, Emily - 327-329 Thomas Joplin and Classical Macroeconomics: A Reappraisal of Classical Monetary Thought, by D. P. O'Brien. Edward Elgar Publishing, Aldershot, Hampshire, and Brookfield, Vermont, 1993. Pp. xiv, 289. $69.95. ISBN 1-85278-676-0
by Peake, Charles F. - 329-331 Visions of a New Industrial Order: Social Science and Labor Theory in America's Progressive Era, by Clarence Wunderlin, Jr. Columbia University Press, New York, 1992. Pp. xiii, 230. ISBN 0-231-07698-3
by Ramstad, Yngve - 332-334 Economic Theory and Natural Philosophy: The Search for the Natural Laws of the Economy, by Charles Michael Andres Clark. Edward Elgar Publishing, Aldershot, Hants and Brookfield, Vermont, 1992. Pp. x, 198. $59.95 ISBN 1-85278-445-8
by Shearmur, Jeremy F. - 334-336 Wicksell's Monetary Theory, by Gugliemo Chiodi. St. Martin's Press, New York, 1991. Pp. xii, 129. $65.00. ISBN 0-312-05369-X
by Siven, Claes-Henric - 336-339 Controversies in Money and Economics: Ideas, Issues and Policy, by John Smithin. Edward Elgar Publishing, Aldershot, United Kingdom and Brookfield, VT, 1994. Pp. ix, 211. $59.95. ISBN 1-85278-399-0
by Skaggs, Neil T. - 339-341 Capitalism as a Moral System: Adam Smith's Critique of the Free Market Economy, by Spencer J. Pack. Edward Elgar Publishing, Aldershot, England, 1991. Pp. viii, 199. $49.95. ISBN 1-85278-442-3
by Young, Jeffrey T.
April 1994, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-26 America's Alternative to Marshall: Property, Competition, and Capitalism in Hadley's Economics of 1896
by Davidson, Audrey B. & Ekelund, Robert B. - 27-39 The Origins of Keynesian Fiscal Activism
by Brems, Hans - 40-60 Launhardt's Model of Exchange
by Creedy, John - 61-85 The General Theory and the Critique of Decreasing Returns
by Sardoni, Claudio - 86-105 Quesnay's Theory of Taxation
by Pressman, Steven - 106-125 John Bates Clark's Transformation
by Henry, John F. - 126-145 Liang Chi-Chao and the Introduction of Western Economic Ideas into China
by Trescott, Paul B. & Wang, Zhaoping - 146-154 McCulloch on Hidden Actions, Hidden Information and Piece Work
by Milgate, Murray - 155-156 John R. Hicks: The Economist's Economist, by O. F. Hamouda. Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, 1993. Pp. xviii, 316. ISBN 1-55786-065-3
by Baumol, William J. - 156-159 The Life of an Economist: An Autobiography, by Charles P. Kindleberger. Basil Blackwell, Cambridge and Oxford, 1991. Pp. xii, 228. ISBN 1-55786-109-9
by Elmslie, Bruce T. - 159-161 Ricardian Politics, by Murray Milgate and Shannon C. Stimson. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1991. Pp. xiii, 169. ISBN 0-691-04278-0
by Hollander, Samuel - 161-163 Economic Analysis in Talmudic Literature: Rabbinic Thought in the Light of Modern Economics, by Roman A. Ohrenstein and Barry Gordon. Studia Post-Biblica, vol. 40. E. J. Brill, Leiden, New York and Koln, 1992. Pp. xv, 152. ISBN 90-04-09540-3
by Kleiman, Ephraim - 164-166 Institutional Economics Revisited, by Shigeto Tsuru. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993. Pp. xii, 205. $44.95. ISBN 0-521-44021-1
by Mayhew, Anne - 166-168 Public Choice Analysis in Historical Perspective, by Alan Peacock. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992. Pp. xi, 231. $49.95. ISBN 0-521-43007-0
by Mueller, Dennis C.
October 1993, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 174-183 Why Teach the History of Economics?
by Vaughn, Karen I. - 184-209 The Early History of Experimental Economics
by Roth, Alvin E. - 210-228 Pareto on International Trade Theory and Policy
by Maneschi, Andrea - 229-248 A Reassessment of Scholastic Monetary Theory
by Niehans, Jürg - 249-264 Evolving Financial Institutions in Veblen's Business Enterprise System
by Patrick Raines, J. & Leathers, Charles G. - 265-281 The Turning Point in Marx's Monetary Theory and its Relation to his Political Positions
by Cohen, Avner - 282-300 The Misinterpretation of Marx's Theory of Value
by Keen, Steve - 301-319 Derailing Value Theory: Adam Smith and the Aristotelian Tradition
by Winfrey, John C. - 320-322 Histoire de la théorie économique, by Claude Jessua. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1991. Pp. 584. ISBN 2-13-0437737
by van Daal, Jan - 322-325 David Ricardo: Notes on Malthus's “Measure of Value,” edited by Pier Luigi Porta. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York, 1992. Pp. xxi, 62. $34.95. ISBN 0-521-402-98-0
by Hollander, Samuel - 325-328 Richesse, liberté et société, by Walras Auguste. Edited by Goutte Pierre-Henri and Servet Jean-Michel. Vol. 1 of Auguste et Léon Walras, Œuvres économiques complètes. Economica, Paris, 1990. Pp. clxxii, 577. ISBN 2-7178-1272-5. - Les associations populaires coopératives, by Léon Walras, Edited by Claude Hébert and Jean-Pierre Potier, Vol. 7 of Auguste et Léon Walras, Œuvres économiques complètes. Economica, Paris, 1990 . Pp. xliii, 562. ISBN 2-7178-1277-6
by Larson, Bruce - 328-330 Opening Doors: The Life and Work of Joseph Schumpeter, 2 vols., by Robert Loring Allen, with a foreword by Walt W. Rostow. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick and London, 1991. Vol. 1, pp. 314. ISBN 0-88738-362-9. Vol. 2, pp. 348. ISBN 0-88738-380-7
by Leathers, Charles G. - 330-333 Eminent Economists: Their Life Philosophies, edited by Michael Szenberg. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1992. Pp. xvi, 304. ISBN 0-521-38212-2
by Perlman, Mark - 333-334 Feminism and Anti-Feminism in Early Economic Thought, by Michele Pujol. Edward Elgar, Aldershot, England and Brookfield, Vermont, 1992. Pp. 228. $49.95. ISBN 1-85278-456-3
by Polkinghorn, Bette - 334-337 Gunnar Myrdal and His Work, edited by Gilles Dostaler, Diane Ethier and Laurent Lepage. Harvest House, Montreal, 1992. Pp. ix, 259. $35.00. ISBN 0-88772-250-4
by Pressman, Steven
April 1993, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-30 Maurice Dobb, Joan Robinson and Gerald Shove on Accumulation and the Rate of Profits
by Araujo, J. A. T. R. & Harcourt, G. C. - 31-53 Entrepreneurists and Firmists: Knight vs. The Modern Theory of the Firm
by Gunning, J. Patrick - 54-71 Professor Arrow's Ricardo
by Johnson, L. E. - 72-89 The Capitalist Entrepreneur In Eighteenth-Century Economic Literature
by Fontaine, Philippe - 90-106 Ricardo's Theory of Profit and the Third Edition of the Principles
by Davis, John B. - 107-121 Use-Value, Exchange Value, and the Demise of Marx's Labor Theory of Value
by Keen, Steve - 122-147 Bibliography of Published Works by W. S. Jevons
by Inoue, Takutoshi & White, Michael V. - 148-150 Schumpeter: A Biography, by Richard Swedberg. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1991. Pp. vii, 293. ISBN 0-691-04296-9
by Bethune, John J. - 150-153 La Pensée économique pendant la Révolution française, edited by Gilbert Faccarello and Philippe Steiner. Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, Grenoble, 1990. Pp. 659. FF165.00. ISBN 2-7061-0397-3
by Fontaine, Philippe - 153-156 Demand and Exchange in Economic Analysis, by John Creedy. Edward Elgar Publishing Company, Aldershot, 1992. Pp. 212. $59.95. ISBN 1-85278-530-6
by Forget, Evelyn L. - 156-158 Keynes, Coordination and Beyond: The Development of Macroeconomics and Monetary Theory since 1945, by Harry Garretsen. Edward Elgar, Aldershot, Pp. ix, 228. $59.95. ISBN 1-85278-620-5
by Guthrie, William - 158-160 Revolution, Economics and Religion: Christian Political Economy, 1798–1833, by A.M.C. Waterman. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1991. Pp. xv, 310. $49.50. ISBN 0-521-39447-3
by Heyne, Paul - 160-162 Theorists of Economic Growth from David Hume to the Present: With a Perspective on the Next Century, by W. W. Rostow. Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford, 1990. Pp. 712. $42.00. ISBN 0-19-505837-2
by Shields, Michael P. - 173-173 Errata
by Anonymous
October 1992, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 133-142 Secondary Gains from Professionalization: A French Tale
by Hebert, Robert F. - 143-167 Marx on Rent: A Failure to Transform Correctly
by Samuelson, Paul A. - 168-188 The Folklore of H. L. Moore on the Demand for Pig Iron
by Wulwick, Nancy J. - 189-208 Heinrich von Stackelberg: Relinking German Economics to the Mainstream
by Niehans, Jürg - 209-224 Knowledge Problems and the Problem of Social Cost
by Cordato, Roy E. - 225-243 The Wealth of Nations and Historical Facts
by Rashid, Salim - 244-256 Senior's Abstinence Theory of the Supply of Business Savings
by Gootzeit, Michael J. - 257-270 Alfred Marshall's Attitude Toward the Economics of Industry
by Tullberg, Rita McWilliams - 285-286 Carl Menger and the Origins of Austrian Economics, by Max Alter. Westview Press, Boulder, CO, 1990. Pp. viii, 256. $74.00. ISBN 0-8133-0945-X
by Egger, John B. - 287-289 Thomas Tooke: Pioneer of Monetary Theory, by Arie Arnon. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1990. Pp. viii, 200. ISBN 0-472-10199-4
by Glasner, David - 289-292 R. G. Hawtrey and the Development of Macroeconomics, by Patrick Deutscher, with a Foreword by D. E. Moggridge. Macmillan, London, 1990. Pp. x, 285. $37.50. ISBN 0-333-48709-5
by Patinkin, Don - 292-295 The Golden Age of the Quantity Theory, by David Laidler. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1991. Pp. xv, 220. ISBN 0-691-04295-0
by Schwartz, Anna J. - 295-297 Alfred Marshall in Retrospect, edited by Rita McWilliams Tullberg. Edward Elgar, Brookfield, Vermont, 1990. Pp. vii, 228. $59.95. ISBN 1-85278-344-3
by Trescott, Paul B. - 297-298 Cambridge and the Monetary Theory of Production, by Robert Bigg. St. Martin's, New York, 1990. Pp. xii, 228. $45.00. ISBN 0-312-04072-5
by Trescott, Paul B.
April 1992, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-17 Economic Justice in The Natural Law Tradition: Thomas Aquinas to Francis Hutcheson
by Young, Jeffrey T. & Gordon, Barry - 18-35 How Should We Approach the History of Economic Thought, Fact, Fiction or Moral Tale?
by Backhouse, Roger E. - 36-54 Kaldor's Growth Theory
by Wulwick, Nancy J. - 55-69 Jevons's Complex Cases in the Theory of Exchange
by Creedy, John - 70-83 Marx, Jones, Rodbertus and the Theory of Absolute Rent
by Howard, M. C. & King, J. E. - 84-95 Analysis and Vision in Economic Discourse
by Boettke, Peter J. - 96-109 Foxwell's Aims and Pigou's Military Service: A Malicious Episode?
by Aslanbeigui, Nahid - 110-112 A History of Macroeconometric Model-Building, by Ronald G. Bodkin, Lawrence R. Klein, and Kanta Marwah. Edward Elgar, Aldershot, England; Brookfield, Vermont, 1991. Pp. xvii, 573. $97.95. ISBN 1-85278-369-9
by Christ, Carl F. - 112-114 A World Ruled by Number. William Stanley Jevons and the Rise of Mathematical Economics, by Margaret Schabas. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1990. Pp. xii, 192. $29.95. ISBN 0-69-08543-9
by Marchi, Neil de - 114-116 Schumpeter's Theory of Capitalist Motion: A Critical Exposition and Reassessment, by Allen Oakley. Edward Elgar Publishing Co., Brookfield, Vermont; Aldershot, England, 1991. Pp. xiii, 256. $54.95. ISBN 1-85278-055-X
by Early, James S. - 116-118 Essays on the Intellectual History of Economics, by Jacob Viner. Edited by Douglas A. Irwin. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1991. Pp. viii, 408. $49.95. ISBN 0-691-04266-4
by Perlman, Mark - 118-121 The Economics and Sociology of Capitalism, by Joseph A. Schumpeter. Edited by and with an Introduction by Richard Swedberg. Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford, 1991. Pp. viii, 492. $19.95 paperback, $59.50 cloth. ISBN 0-691-00383-1
by Yeager, Leland B.
October 1991, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 134-143 Are there Limits to the Past in the History of Economic Thought?
by Lowry, S. Todd - 144-158 On the Historiography of Economics: A Correspondence
by Samuelson, Paul A. & Patinkin, Don & Blaug, Mark - 159-174 On the Endogeneity of the Margin and Related Issues in Ricardian Economics
by Hollander, Samuel - 175-183 On the Role of Demand in Ricardo and Marshall
by Caravale, Giovanni A. - 184-204 Adam Smith's Influence on Hegel's Philosophical Writings
by Henderson, James P. & Davis, John B. - 205-221 John Stuart Mill, Francis Longe and William Thornton on Demand and Supply
by Forget, Evelyn L. - 222-242 A Biographical Puzzle: Why Did Jevons Write The Coal Question?
by White, Michael V. - 243-265 Sunspots and Expectations: W. S. Jevons's Theory of Economic Fluctuations
by Peart, Sandra J. - 266-267 Keynes's Lectures. 1932–35. Notes of a Representative Student, transcribed, edited and constructed by Thomas K. Rymes. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1989. Pp. xiii, 197. $37.50. ISBN 0-472-10131-5
by Dimand, Robert - 268-270 Alfred Marshall's Mission, by David Reisman. St. Martin's Press, New York, 1990. Pp. 309. $45. ISBN 0-312-04491-7
by Henderson, James P. - 270-272 The Keynesian Revolution in the Making, 1924–1936, by Peter Clarke. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988. Pp. xii, 348, $64.00. ISBN 0-19-828304-0; ISBN 0-19-820219-9 (Pbk)
by Hoover, Kevin D. - 273-275 The History of Econometric Ideas, by Mary S. Morgan, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York, 1990. Pp. xv, 296. ISBN 0-521-37398-0
by Klein, Lawrence R. - 275-279 Adam Smith and Modern Economics: From Market Behaviour to Public Choice by E. G. West. Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 1990. Pp. vii, 212. ISBN 1-852-78313-3. - Adam Smith's Theory of Value and Distribution by O'Donnell Rory. St. Martin's Press, New York, 1990. Pp. viii, 284. ISBN 0-312-04508-5
by Rashid, Salim - 279-281 The Origins of the Keynesian Revolution: The Development of Keynes's Theory of Employment and Output, by Robert W. Dimand. Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 1988. Pp. vii, 213. $32.50. ISBN 1-85278-062-2
by Rymes, Thomas K.
April 1991, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-18 The School of Mathematical Formalism and the Viennese Circle of Mathematical Economists
by Punzo, Lionello F. - 19-36 Biological Analogies in Marshall's Work
by Niman, Neil B. - 37-53 Price Trends and Economic Crises in Marshall's Monetary Theory
by Gaynor, W. B. - 54-69 Prices and Distributive Antagonism in the Work of Smith and Kalecki
by Nisticò, Sergio - 70-77 Ricardo's Work as Viewed by Later Economists
by Arrow, Kenneth J. - 78-89 Schumpeter on Invention, Innovation and Technological Change
by Parayil, Govindan - 90-98 Henry George and the Environment
by Backhaus, Jürgen G. - 99-108 Mangoldt and Inter-related Goods
by Creedy, John - 109-110 The Life and Political Economy of Lauchlin Currie: New Dealer, Presidential Adviser, and Development Economist, by Roger J. Sandilands. Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 1990. Pp. xi, 441. ISBN 0-8223-1030-9
by Barber, William J. - 110-112 Milton Friedman: Economics in Theory and Practice, by Abraham Hirsch and Neil de Marchi. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1990. Pp. vii, 321, index. $34.50. ISBN 0-472-10175-7
by Boland, Lawrence A. - 112-113 Pioneers of Modern Economics in Britain: Volume 2, edited by David Greenway and John R. Presley, St. Martin's Press, New York, 1989, Pp. xvi, 215. $39.95. ISBN 0-312-03199-8
by Brandis, Royall - 114-115 Joan Robinson and the Americans, by Marjorie S. Turner. M. E. Sharpe, Armonk, New York and London, 1989. Pp. xv, 313. $29.95. ISBN 0-87332-533-8
by Gram, Harvey - 116-117 A History of Econometrics, by R.J. Epstein. North Holland, Amsterdam, 1987. Pp. x, 254
by Jolink, Albert & Tinbergen, Jan - 117-119 The Money Doctor in the Andes: The Kemmerer Missions, 1923–1933, by Paul Drake. Duke University Press, Durham and London, 1989. Pp. xiii, 235. $50.00. ISBN 0-8223-0-880-0
by Kemmerer, Donald L.
October 1990, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 110-123 Does Scholarship in the History of Economics Have a Useful Future?
by Barber, William J. - 124-145 The Birth of Concepts of the Trading Space in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
by Dockès, Pierre - 146-161 Ricardo and Morishima on Machinery
by Negishi, Takashi - 162-178 Veblen and Hayek on Instincts and Evolution
by Leathers, Charles G. - 179-195 The Transformation Problem: Exposition and Appraisal
by Wolfson, Murray - 196-221 An Assessment of Gunnar Myrdal's Early Work in Economics
by Dostaler, Gilles