December 2006, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 413-426 Joan Robinson's “Secret Document” A Passage from the Autobigraphy of an Analytical Economist
by Aslanbeigui, Nahid & Oakes, Guy - 427-438 Needs, the Principle of Minimum Means, and Public Goods in de Viti de Marco
by Fossati, Amedeo - 439-460 Fifty Years after Samuelson's “The Pure Theory of Public Expenditure”: What are we Left With?
by Pickhardt, Michael - 461-488 “Looking at the Other Side of the Coin”: Allyn Young and the Early Development Theory
by Perälä, Maiju - 489-495 The R. D. Freeman Collection of Foxwell's Papers—Its Rescue
by Freeman, R. D. - 497-499 Mie Augier and James G. March (Eds), Models of a Man: Essays in Memory of Herbert A. Simon (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004) pp. xv, 553, $45, ISBN 9-780262-012089
by Sent, Esther-Mirjam - 500-502 Michel De Vroey, Involuntary Unemployment: The Elusive Quest for a Theory (London and New York: Routledge, 2004) pp. xv, 296 $140, ISBN0-415-08074-6
by Snowdon, Brian - 502-504 Steven Kates (Ed) Two Hundred Years of Say's Law: Essays on Economic Theory's Most Controversial Principle (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003) pp. 232, $100, ISBN: 1-84064-866-X
by Schoorl, Evert - 504-507 John Maloney, The Political Economy of Robert Lowe (New York and London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005) pp. ix, 188, $69.95 ISBN 1 4039 4782 1
by Middleton, Roger - 507-509 J. M. Pullen and Trevor Hughes Parry (Eds) T. R. Malthus: The Unpublished Papers in the Collection of Kanto Gakuen University, Vol. I (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press for the Royal Economic Society, 1997), pp. xxiv, 140, $70, ISBN 0-521-58138-9; Vol. II (2004), pp. xviii, 341, $110.00, ISBN 0-521-58871-5
by Waterman, A. M. C. - 509-511 Warren J. Samuels, Jeff E. Biddle, and John B. Davis (Eds) A Companion to The History of Economic Thought (Oxford: Blackwell, 2003) pp. xvii, 712, $134.95, ISBN: 1-405-134593
by Bateman, Bradley W. - 511-514 Brian Snowdon, Howard Vane, and Peter Wynarczyk (1994) A Modern Guide to Macroeconomics: An Introduction to Competing Schools of Thought (Brookfield, VT and Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar), pp. 460, $30. ISBN 1-8527-888-28
by Meardon, Stephen - 514-516 James Ronald Stanfield and Jacqueline Bloom Stanfield (Eds) Interviews with John Kenneth Galbraith (Jackson MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2004), XXI, 247, $48, 1-57806-610-7
by Colander, David - 517-519 Léon Walras, Studies in Applied Economics: Theory of the Production of Social Wealth, Jan van Daal (Trans) (London and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2005) Vol. 1, Ixx, 193, 1 photograph; Vol. II, xii, 223; $195, ISBN 0-415-34616-9
by Walker, Donald A.
September 2006, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 267-294 The Early Reception and Diffusion of Irving Fisher's work in Italy
by Pavanelli, Giovanni - 295-308 Thomas Edison's Monetary Option
by Hammes, David L. & Wills, Douglas T. - 309-314 Hayek, The Road to Serfdom, and the British Conservatives
by Shearmur, Jeremy - 315-332 Schumpeterian Entrepreneurship Revisited: Historical Specificity and the Phases of Capitalist Development
by Ebner, Alexander - 333-357 Knut Wicksell and Ludwig von Mises on Money, Interest, and Price Dynamics
by Festré, Agnès - 371-373 Response to Caldwell and Reiss's “Hayek, Logic, and the Naturalistic Fallacy”
by Angner, Erik - 375-381 A Note on Textual Editing: A Rejoinder to Young
by Besomi, Daniele - 383-386 Tony Aspromourgos and John Lodewijks (Eds) History and Political Economy: Essays in Honour of P. D. Groenewegen (Routledge: London, 2004) pp. xvii, 305, ISBN 0-415-32762-8
by Freedman, Craig - 386-388 D. P. O'Brien, The Classical Economists Revisited (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2004) pp. xviii+423, $33.21 ISBN 0-691-11939-2
by Tribe, Keith - 388-391 D. P. O'Brien, The Classical Economists Revisited (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2004), pp. xviii + 423, $33.21. ISBN 0-691-11939-2
by Waterman, A. M. C.
June 2006, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 139-142 Woodford's Interest and Prices from the Perspective of the History and Methodology of Economic Thought: A Mini-Symposium
by Boianovsky, Mauro - 143-149 A Neowicksellian in a New Classical World: The Methodology of Michael Woodford's Interest and Prices
by Hoover, Kevin D. - 151-159 Woodford and Wicksell on Interest and Prices: The Place of the Pure Credit Economy in the Theory of Monetary Policy
by Laidler, David - 161-170 Mr. Woodford and the Challenge of Finance
by Mehrling, Perry - 171-185 Wicksell after Woodford
by Boianovsky, Mauro & Trautwein, Hans-Michael - 187-198 Comments on the Symposium on Interest and Prices
by Woodford, Michael - 199-219 Population and Policy in Marshall's Economics
by Bowman, Rhead S. - 221-241 Sexual Division of Labor in Adam Smith's Work
by Shah, Sumitra - 243-257 James M. Buchanan and Edmund Burke: Opposite Sides of the Same Fiscal Constitution Coin
by Considine, John - 259-261 Heinz D. Kurz and Neri Salvadori (Eds) The Legacy of Piero Sraffa (Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2003) Vol. I, pp. xlvi, 690; Volume II, pp. xii, 668, $670. ISBN 1-84064-439-7
by Andrews, David R. - 261-264 Perry Mehrling, Fischer Black and the Revolutionary Idea of Finance (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken: NJ, 2005), pp. xv, 374, $29.95, ISBN 13 978-0-471-45732-9
by Goodhart, C. A. E.
March 2006, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-27 Economic Man as Model Man: Ideal Types, Idealization and Caricatures
by Morgan, Mary S. - 29-55 Is Economics Performative? Option Theory and the Construction of Derivatives Markets
by Mackenzie, Donald - 57-79 The Wicksellian Unanimity Rule: The Competing Interpretations of Buchanan and Musgrave
by Johnson, Marianne - 81-93 Conceptualizing Inequality and Risk
by Persky, Joseph & Bassett, Gilbert W. - 95-109 Do Prudent Agents Play Lotteries? Von Neumann's Contribution to the Theory of Rational Behavior
by Giocoli, Nicola - 111-118 Further Thoughts on Clarifying the Idea of Dissent: The Russian and Soviet Experience
by Barnett, Vincent - 119-123 Roger Backhouse on the Study of Dissent
by Samuels, Warren J. - 125-126 The Social Context of Dissent: A Response to Barnett and Samuels
by Backhouse, Roger - 127-130 Leonidas Montes, Adam Smith in Context: A Critical Reassessment of Some Central Components of His Thought (Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004), pp. xii, 186, $69.95, ISBN 1-4039-1256-4
by Fleischacker, Samuel - 130-134 Robert Skidelsky, John Maynard Keynes, 1883–1946: Economist, Philosopher, Statesman (London: Macmillan, 2003) pp. xxi, 1021, 30.00, ISBN 0-333-90312-9
by Moggridge, D. E.
December 2005, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 359-373 The Oldest Extant Undergraduate Essay in Economics?
by Waterman, A. M. C. - 375-382 Dangers of the One-Good Model: Böhm-Bawerk's Critique of the “Naïve Productivity Theory of Interest”
by Murphy, Robert P. - 383-398 The Greek “Society for the Freedoms of Trade” (1865–67): Rise, Activities, Decline
by Psalidopoulos, Michalis - 399-403 A Note on Pareto's “Sunto”
by Mclure, Michael - 405-420 Dismissal, Expulsion, and Emigration of German-Speaking Economists after 1933
by Hagemann, Harald - 421-425 Reflections of a “Second Generation” German Emigré: The Impact of my Emigré Professors on a Future Economist
by Rima, Ingrid H. - 427-437 Emigré Economists and American Neoclassical Economics, 1933–1945
by Mongiovi, Gary - 439-441 Comments on Papers on Emigré Economists
by Samuels, Warren J. - 443-450 Richard A. Musgrave and Ludwig von Mises: Two Cases of Emigrè Economists in America
by Moss, Laurence S. - 451-458 Paternity Denied: Self-Interest, Nature's Dupes and Enlightenment Economic Anthropology in Mandeville, Rousseau, and Smith
by Henderson, Willie - 459-462 Daniele Besomi (Ed.), The Collected Interwar Papers and Correspondence of Roy Harrod, 3 vols (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003), pp. 1680, $595. ISBN 1-84376-366-4
by Young, Warren - 462-465 Samuel Fleischacker, On Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations: A Philosophical Companion (Princeton, NJ and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2004), pp. xv, 329. ISBN 0-691-11502-8
by Berry, Christopher J. - 465-467 Pierre Force, Self-Interest Before Adam Smith: A Genealogy of Economic Science (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), pp. ix, 279, $65.00. ISBN 0-52183060-5
by Pack, Spencer J. - 467-470 Michael D. Gordin, A Well-Ordered Thing: Dmitrii Mendeleev and the Shadow of the Periodic Table (New York: Basic Books, 2004), pp. xx + 364, $30, ISBN 0-465-02775-X
by Barnett, Vincent
September 2005, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 231-250 David Hume's Account of Luxury
by Cunningham, Andrew S. - 251-281 Economic Sociology: The Recursive Economic System of J. S. Mill
by Witztum, Amos - 283-304 W. E. Johnson's 1913 Paper and the Question of his Knowledge of Pareto
by Moscati, Ivan - 305-307 E. E. Slutsky on William Petty—A Short Introduction
by Barnett, Vincent - 309-319 E. E. Slutsky on Sir William Petty: A Short Essay on his Economic Views—Kiev, 1914
by Anonymous - 321-344 Reconstructing Allyn A. Young's Theory of Increasing Returns
by Colacchio, Giorgio - 345-346 Leonard Gomes, The Economics and Ideology of Free Trade: A Historical Review (Cheltenham and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2003) pp. X, 350, $120.00, ISBN 1-84376-131-9
by Backhouse, Roger E. - 347-348 Blair Hoxby, Mammon's Music: Literature and Economics in the Age of Milton (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2002) pp. xii, 320, $45, ISBN 0-30009378-0
by Finkelstein, Andrea - 348-351 J. E. King (Ed.) The Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics (Northampton, MA, USA. and Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2003), pp. xiii, 405, $169, ISBN 1-84064-630-6
by Baddeley, Michelle - 351-353 Charles R. McCannJr. (Ed.) The Elgar Dictionary of Economic Quotations (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2004) pp. xi, 315, $150, ISBN 1-84064-820-1
by Medema, Steven G. - 353-354 Roman A. Ohrenstein, Economic Analysis in Talmudic Literature: Rabbinic Thought in the Light of Modern Economics, second edition, revised and enlarged, (New York: Vantage Press, 2003) pp. XX, 233, $26.95, ISBN 0-533-14298-9
by Lowry, S. Todd - 355-357 Theodore M. Porter and Dorothy Ross (Eds) The Cambridge History of Science, Volume 7: The Modern Social Sciences (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), pp. xxv, 762, $125. ISBN 0-521-59442-1
by Hands, D. Wade
June 2005, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 109-139 “Who's Afraid of Arthur Burns?” The NBER and the Foundations
by Rutherford, Malcolm - 141-160 The Valuation of Coins in Medieval Jewish Jurisprudence
by Schiffman, Daniel A. - 161-178 Noyola's Institutional Approach to Inflation
by Danby, Colin - 179-205 Herodotus's Statistics: Quantitative Commentary
by Hombas, Vassilios C. - 207-214 Russian Economic thought and its Debilitating Legacy
by Balabkins, Nicholas W. - 215-217 Richard Arena and Cécile Dangel-Hagnauer (Eds) The Contribution of Joseph Schumpeter to Economics (London: Routledge, 2002) pp. xix, 264, $60.00, ISBN 0-415-22824-7
by McCann, Charles R. - 217-220 William Oliver Coleman, Economics and its Enemies: Two Centuries of Anti-Economics (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002) pp. 328, $110. ISBN 0-3337-9001-4
by Peart, Sandra J. - 220-223 Kathleen G. Donohue, Freedom from Want: American Liberalism and the Idea of the Consumer (Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore, 2003) pp: xii, 326, $45.95, ISBN 0-8018-7426-2
by Rutherford, Malcolm - 223-226 Orhan Kayaalp, The National Element in the Development of Fiscal Theory (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004) pp. x, 181, $69.95, ISBN 1-4039-2077-X
by Wagner, Richard E. - 226-228 Frank G. Steindl, Understanding Economic Recovery in the 1930s: Endogenous Propagation in the Great Depression (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2004), $55.00, pp. xi + 228. ISBN 0472113488
by Sandilands, Roger J.
March 2005, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-11 2004 HES Presidential Address: Autobiographical Memory and the Historiography of Economics
by Weintraub, E. Roy - 13-39 Structure and Virtue in United States Political Economy
by Furner, Mary O. - 41-58 Robert Lowe, The Times, and Political Economy
by Maloney, John - 59-70 Can Jealousy be Reduced to a Science? Politics and Economics in Hume's Essays
by Mankin, Robert - 71-85 Friedrich Hayek, Austrian Economist
by Horwitz, Steven - 87-99 Sleights of the Invisible Hand: Economists' Interventions in Political Theory
by Mirowski, Philip - 101-103 “The Labor-Less Labor Supply Model”: A Reply to David A. Spencer
by Derobert, Laurent - 105-106 Rejoinder on Laurent Derobert's “the Labor-Less Labor Supply Model: A Little Further”
by Spencer, David A.
December 2004, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 445-477 Human Nature and Economic Institutions: Instinct Psychology, Behaviorism, and the Development of American Institutionalism
by Asso, Pier Francesco & Fiorito, Luca - 479-492 “To Be” or “Ought To Be”: The Questions of Empirical Content and Normative Bias in Léon Walras's Methodology
by Debs, Alexandre - 493-518 Marshall: Just how Interested in Doing Good was he?
by Bowman, Rhead S. - 519-536 Alfred Marshall's Idea of Progress and Sustainable Development
by Caldari, Katia - 537-542 Wilhelm Launhardt and Bid-Rent Curves: A Note
by Shieh, Yeung-Nan - 543-555 Mill as Romantic Idealist
by Winch, Donald
September 2004, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 285-310 “Between Worlds,” or an Imagined Reminiscence by Oskar Morgenstern about Equilibrium and Mathematics in the 1920s
by Leonard, Robert - 311-329 Sympathy for the Devil: H. D. Macleod and W.S. Jevons's Theory of Political Economy
by White, Michael V. - 331-347 Scope and Method of Schumpeter's Universal Social Science: Economic Sociology, Instrumentalism, and Rhetoric
by Shionoya, Yuichi - 349-361 Did Hayek Commit the Naturalistic Fallacy?
by Angner, Erik - 363-378 The Historical Development of Hierarchical Behavior in Economic Thought
by Drakopoulos, S. A. & Karayiannis, A. D. - 379-399 The Discovery of Comparative Advantage
by Aldrich, John - 401-413 The Macroeconomic thought of Sir William Petty
by Ullmer, James H. - 415-418 Jürgen Backhaus, ed., Joseph Alois Schumpeter: Entrepreneurship, Style and Vision (Boston, Dordrecht and London: Kluwer, 2003), pp. 356, $113. ISBN 1-4020-7463-8
by Shionoya, Yuichi - 418-420 Robert Leeson, Ideology and the International Economy: The Decline and Fall of Bretton Woods (New York and London: Palgrave, 2003) pp. vii, 242, $75. ISBN 1-4039-0370-0
by Middleton, Roger - 420-423 Randall E. Parker, Reflections on the Great Depression (Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing) pp. xii, 230, $85.00, ISBN 184064-745-0. Paperback: $30.00 ISBN 1-84376-335-4
by Dimand, Robert W. - 423-426 Tiziano Raffaelli, Marshall's Evolutionary Economics (London and New York: Routledge, 2003) pp. xiii, 178, $90.00. ISBN 0-415-25989-4
by Whitaker, John K. - 426-428 Thomas J. Sargent and François R. Velde's The Big Problem of Small Change (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2002), pp. xxii + 405, $55. IBSN 0-691-02932-6
by Hoover, Kevin - 428-430 Lawrence H. White, ed., The History of Gold and Silver (London: Pickering & Chatto, 2000) 3 vols; Volume 1, pp. xxxiii + 249; volume 2, pp. 1–267; volume 3, pp. 1–231, $480. ISBN 1-851-196517-3
by Hoover, Kevin D.
June 2004, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 149-164 Lost Causes
by Hoover, Kevin D. - 165-177 The Culture of Quantification and the History of Public Reason
by Porter, Theodore M. - 179-195 New Light on Harry Dexter White
by Boughton, James M. - 197-219 Corporatism and the Theory of the Firm: Lessons from the Portuguese Experience
by Bastien, Carlos & Luís Cardoso, José - 221-239 “Old” Economic History in the United States: 1939–1954
by de Rouvray, Cristel - 241-259 Constructing Identity: The Post Keynesians and the Capital Controversies
by Mata, Tiago - 261-271 A Suggestion for Clarifying the Study of Dissent in Economics
by Backhouse, Roger E.
March 2004, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 5-18 E. E. Slutsky: Mathematical Statistician, Economist, and Political Economist?
by Barnett, Vincent - 19-44 The “Technology of Happiness” and the Tradition of Economic Science
by Bruni, Luigino - 45-68 British Economists and Philosophers on Marx's Value Theory, 1920–1925
by Steedman, Ian - 69-89 Jeremiah Jenks: A Pioneer of Industrial Organization?
by Brown, John Howard - 91-105 James Buchanan's Economic Theory of Morals: The Case of the Work Ethic
by Smith, James F. - 107-114 A Note on Francesco Ferrara's Cost of Reproduction
by Minelli, Enrico & Guidi, Marco E. L. & Guccione, Antonio - 115-122 Making Betty Crocker Assume the Position
by Leonard, Thomas C. - 123-127 Pier Francesco Asso, ed., From Economists to Economists: The International Spread of Italian Economic Thought, 1750–1850 (Firenze, Italy: Edizioni Polistampa), pp. 7–367, $19.00 ISBN 88-8304-352-9
by Coats, A. W. Bob - 127-130 Χρστος Μπαλγλον, Πληθώνεια Οικονομικ Μελετματα (Christos Baloglou, Plethonian Economic Studies), (Athens: Eleftheri Skepsis, 2001), pp. 215. ISBN 960-7931-69-6, pb (In Greek) €12. - Χρστος Μπαλγλον, Γεώργιος Πλθων-Γεμιστς: Επ των Πελοποννησιακών Πραγμτων Βυζαντιν Κεμενο—Μετπρασις—Σχλια (Christos Baloglou, Georgios Plethon—Gemistos: On the Peloponnesian Affairs, Byzantine Text—Translation—Comments), (Athens: Eleftheri Skepsis, 2002), pp. 295. ISBN 960-7931-78-5, pb (In Greek) €15
by Petrochilos, George A. - 130-132 Luigino Bruni, Vilfredo Pareto and the Birth of Modern Microeconomics (Cheltenham and Northampton: Edward Elgar, 2002) pp. x, 166, $75.00. ISBN 1-84064-532-6
by Weber, Christian E. - 132-134 Sherryl Davis Kasper, The Revival of Laissez-Faire in American Macroeconomic Theory: A Case Study of the Pioneers (Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2002), pp. viii, 177, $80.00. ISBN 1-84064-606-3
by Hammond, J. Daniel - 134-137 Jeffrey Sklansky, The Soul's Economy:Market Society and Selfhood in American Thought, 1820–1920 (Chapel Hill and London: University of North Carolina Press, 2002), pp. xiii, 313, $45. ISBN 0-8078-2725-8
by Johnson, Marianne - 137-140 Max Weber, The History of Commercial Partnerships in the Middle Ages, translated and introduced by Lutz Kaelber (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2003), pp. vi, 197, $35. ISBN 0-7425-2049-8
by Oakes, Guy
December 2003, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 397-411 Of Rats and Economists
by McDonough, Terrence - 413-435 Ramsey's theory of National Saving: A Mathematician in Cambridge
by Gaspard, Marion - 437-459 Wagner's Swedish Students: Precursors of the Middle Way?
by Carlson, Benny - 461-486 Praxeology, Entrepreneurship and the Market Process: A Review of Kirzner's Contribution
by Jakee, Keith & Spong, Heath - 487-503 Frank Knight and the Productivity of Capital: Another Piece of the Puzzle
by Mehta, Nimai - 505-513 “The Labor-Less Labor Supply Model” in the Era Before Philip Wicksteed
by Spencer, David A. - 515-517 John Berdell, International Trade and Economic Growth in Open Economies: The Classical Dynamics of Hume, Smith, Ricardo and Malthus (Northampton, MA and Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2002) pp. xi, 186, $80.00. ISBN 1-85898-164-6
by Meardon, Stephen - 518-520 Kenneth E. Carpenter, The Dissemination of the Wealth of Nations in French and in France: 1776–1843 (New York: The Bibliographical Society of America, 2002) pp., lxiii, 255, $45, ISBN 0-91430-17-6
by Charles, Loïc - 520-523 Peter E. Earl, ed., The Legacy of Herbert Simon in Economic Analysis, Volumes I and II (Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2001) pp. xlv, 1163, $400.00. ISBN 1-85898-526-9
by Sent, Esther-Mirjam - 523-526 John King, A History of Post Keynesian Economics Since 1936 (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2002), pp. vii, 315, $95.00. ISBN 1 84064 1420 6
by Lee, Frederic S. - 526-529 D. P. O'Brien, ed., The History of Taxation, 8 vols. (London: Pickering and Chatto, 1999) 2800 pp. £575/$940. ISBN 1-85196-516-5 (set)
by Medema, Steven G.
September 2003, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 261-288 Denying Human Homogeneity: Eugenics & The Making of Post-Classical Economics
by Peart, Sandra J. & Levy, David M. - 289-301 McCulloch, Scrope, and Hodgskin: Nineteenth-Century Versions of Julian Simon
by Kern, William S. - 303-325 Kjeld Philip and His Views on Fiscal Policy
by Topp, Niels-Henrik - 327-348 Emil Lederer: Business Cycles, Crises, and Growth
by Allgoewer, Elisabeth - 349-364 That which is Desired, which Pleases, and which Satisfies: Utility According to Alfred Marshall
by Martinoia, Rozenn - 365-367 Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer, eds., A Biographical Dictionary of Dissenting Economists, 2nd edition (Northampton, MA.: Edward Elgar, 2000), pp. xiv, 722, $225. ISBN 1-85898-560-9
by Prasch, Robert E. - 367-369 Jack High, ed., Competition (Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 2001) pp. xlv + 501, $200. ISBN 1-84064-076-6
by Bridel, Pascal - 369-372 Kevin D. Hoover, Causality in Macroeconomics (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001), pp. xiii, 311, hb $70.00, ISBN 0-521-45217-1; pb $25.00, ISBN 0-521-00288-5
by Hammond, J. Daniel - 372-376 Robert Leeson, ed., A. W. H. Phillips: Collected Works in Contemporary Perspective (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000) pp. xvii, 515, $100. ISBN 0-521-57135-9
by Boumans, Marcel - 376-378 Michalis Psalidopoulos and Maria Eugenia Mata, eds., Economic Thought and Policy in Less Developed Europe: The Nineteenth Century (London and New York: Routledge, 2002), 320 pp., $100. ISBN: 0-41525-820-0
by Rashid, Salim - 379-381 Donald A. Walker, ed., The Legacy of Lon Walras (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2001), Volume I: xiviii + 592 pages, Volume II: xii + 676 pages. $420. ISBN: 1-858-98526-9
by van Daal, Jan
June 2003, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 133-143 Remembering Economics
by Hammond, J. Daniel - 145-156 The Formalist Revolution of the 1950s
by Blaug, Mark - 157-176 The Aging of an Economist
by Colander, David - 177-197 Thomas Tooke, Henry Thornton, and the Development of British Monetary Orthodoxy
by Skaggs, Neil T. - 199-220 Knut Wicksell and Gustav Cassel on the Cumulative Process and the Price-Stabilizing Policy Rule
by Humphrey, Thomas M. - 221-237 The Austrians on Relative Inflation as a Cause of Crisis
by Klausinger, Hansjörg - 239-242 Roger E. Backhouse, ed., Keynes: Contemporary Responses to the General Theory (Bristol, UK: Thoemmes Press, 1999) pp. ix, 257, $75, ISBN 1-855-066106 (hb); (South Bend, IN: St. Augustine Press, 2000) pp. 267, $25, ISBN 1-890318-28-0 (pb)
by Ahiakpor, James C. W. - 242-245 Philip Mirowski, Machine Dreams: Economics Becomes a Cyborg Science (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), pp. xiv, 655, $75, ISBN 0-521-77283-4 (hb); pp. 648, $35, ISBN 0-521-77526-4 (pb)
by Fuller, Steve - 245-247 Philip Mirowski, Machine Dreams: Economics Becomes a Cyborg Science (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), pp. xiv, 655, $75, ISBN 0-521-77283-4 (hb); pp. 648, $35, 0-521-77526-4 (pb)
by Heap, Shaun P. Hargreaves - 247-249 Antoin E. Murphy and Renee Prendergast, eds., Contributions to the History of Economic Thought: Essays in Honour of R.D.C. Black (London and New York: Routledge, 2000), pp. 328, $115, ISBN 0-415-21552-8
by Backhouse, Roger E. - 249-252 Roy Weintraub, How Economics Became a Mathematical Science (Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 2002) pp. xiv, 313, $18.95, ISBN 0-8223-2871-2
by Porter, Theodore
March 2003, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 5-38 John Neville Keynes's Solution to the English Methodenstreit
by Moore, Gregory - 39-61 On Central Banking “Rules”: Tooke's Critique of the Bank Charter Act of 1844
by Smith, Matthew - 63-90 Das Adam Smith Problem: Its Origins, the Stages of the Current Debate, and One Implication for Our Understanding of Sympathy
by Montes, Leonidas - 91-102 Romantic Political Economy: Donald Winch and David Levy on Victorian Literature and Economics
by Waterman, A. M. C. - 103-105 Stefan Collini, Richard Whatmore, and Brian Young, eds., Economy, Polity, and Society: British Intellectual History 1750–1950 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000) pp. viii, 283, $23.00. ISBN 0 521 63978 6 (paperback). - Stefan Collini, Richard Whatmore, and Brian Young, eds., History, Religion, and Culture: British Intellectual History 1750–1950 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000) pp. viii, 289, $23.00. ISBN 0 521 62639 0 (paperback)
by Lipkes, Jeff - 106-108 Stephen Edgell, Veblen in Perspective: His Life and Thought (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2001) pp. xiii, 209, $22.95. ISBN 1-56324-117-X
by Brown, Doug - 108-110 Anthony Grafton and Nancy Siraisi, eds., Natural Particulars: Nature and the Disciplines in Renaissance Europe, (MIT Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1999) pp. xi, 426, $55. ISBN 0-262-07193-2
by Kaye, Joel - 110-112 Geoffrey M. Hodgson, How Economics Forgot History: The Problem of Historical Specificity in Social Science (London and New York: Routledge, 2001), pp. xix, 422, $36.95. ISBN 0 415 25717 4
by Backhouse, Roger E. - 113-115 Michael McLure, Pareto, Economics and Sociology: The Mechanical Analogy (London and New York: Routledge, 2001), pp. 240, $90. ISBN 0 41524174 X
by Bruni, Luigino - 115-117 Donald A. Walker, ed., Equilibrium; Vol. I: Introduction to Equilibrium Economics; Vol. II: Equilibrium in Traditional Models; Vol. III: Some Recent Types of Equilibrium Models, Critical Ideas in Economics (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2000), pp. XXIII, 583, 598, 621, 400, $640. ISBN 1 855898 928 0
by De Vroey, Michel
December 2002, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 405-426 Equilibrium and Disequilibrium in Walrasian and Neo-Walrasian Economics
by De Vroey, Michel - 427-441 The “Protective State” Approach to the “Productive State” in The Wealth of Nations: The Odd Case of Lay Patronage
by Leathers, Charles G. & Raines, J. Patrick - 443-449 An Introduction to “Anarchism, Socialism and Social Reform” by John Bates Clark
by Prasch, Robert E. - 451-462 Anarchism, Socialism, and Social Reform
by Clark, John Bates - 463-474 Some Properties of R. G. D. Allen's Treatment of Kalecki's 1935 Model of Business Cycles
by Baxley, John V. & Moorhouse, John C. - 475-478 Which was the “Real” Kondratiev: 1925 or 1928?
by Barnett, Vincent - 479-489 Adam Smith and All That
by Creedy, John - 491-496 Groenewegen Peter, Eighteenth Century Economics: Turgot, Beccaria and Smith and Their Contemporaries (London: Routledge2002) pp. xxiv, 421, $135. ISBN 0 415 27940 2
by Henderson, Willie - 497-499 Michael A. Bernstein, A Perilous Progress: Economists and Public Purpose in Twentieth-Century America (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2001) pp. xi, 358, $39.50. ISBN 0 691 04292 6
by Middleton, Roger - 499-501 Phyllis Deane, The Life and Times of J. Neville Keynes: A Beacon in the Tempest (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2001), pp. xvii, 315, $100. ISBN 1 84064 534 2
by Moore, Gregory - 502-503 Robert W. Dimand, Mary Ann Dimand, and Evelyn Forget, A Biographical Dictionary of Women Economists (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2000) pp. xxviii, 491, $150. ISBN 1 85278 964 6
by Madden, Kirsten K. - 503-506 Alan Ebenstein, Friedrich Hayek: A Biography (New York: Palgrave for St. Martin's Press, 2001) pp. xiii, 403, $29.95, ISBN 0 312 23344 2
by Kresge, Stephen - 506-508 Walter Eltis, The Classical Theory of Economic Growth, second edition (Hampshire and New York: Palgrave, 2000) pp. xlvii, 373. $79.95 hb, $24.95 pb. ISBN 0 333 80300 0 and 0 333 91998 X
by Young, Jeffrey T. - 508-509 Pierre Garrouste and Stavros Ioannides, eds., Evolution and Path Dependence in Economic Ideas: Past and Present (Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2001), pp. viii, 247, $90. ISBN 1 84064 081 2
by Hodgson, Geoffrey M. - 510-513 D. Wade Hands, Reflection Without Rules: Economic Methodology and Contemporary Science Theory (Cambridge, UK and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001) pp. xi, 480, $95, hardcover. ISBN 0521497159; $35, paperback. ISBN 0 521 79796 9
by Weintraub, E. Roy - 515-515 Errata
by Anonymous
September 2002, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 261-290 Morris A. Copeland: A Case Study in the History of Institutional Economics
by Rutherford, Malcolm - 291-305 For Different Audiences, Different Arguments: Economic Rhetoric at the Beginning of the Latin American School
by Bianchi, Ana Maria - 307-311 There are Many Alternatives: Margaret Thatcher in the History of Economic Thought
by Bateman, Bradley W. - 313-334 The Macroeconomics of Margaret Thatcher
by Backhouse, Roger E. - 335-355 Testing Social Democracy's Inner Limits: From Collectivism to the Politics of Dissonance in Britain
by Krieger, Joel - 357-368 Margaret Thatcher's Place in History: Two Views
by Clarke, Peter - 369-371 W. Robert Brazelton, Designing US Economic Policy: An Analytical Biography of Leon H. Keyserling (Houndsmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire and New York: Palgrave, 2001), pp. ix, 181, $65. ISBN 0 333 77575 9
by Barber, William J. - 371-373 Gordon A. Fletcher, Understanding Dennis Robertson: The Man and His Work (Northampton MA and Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2000), pp. xii + 432, $120. ISBN 1 84064 343 9
by Moggridge, D. E. - 374-376 William B. Greer, Ethics and Uncertainty: The Economics of John M. Keynes and Frank H. Knight (Cheltenham and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2000) pp. viii, 146, $75.00. ISBN 1 84064 445 1
by Emmett, Ross B. - 376-379 Geoffrey C. Harcourt, 50 Years a Keynesian and Other Essays (Hampshire and New York: Palgrave, 2001) pp. xii, 364, $69.95, ISBN 0-333-94633-2; Selected Essays on Economic Policy (Hampshire and New York: Palgrave, 2001) pp. xvi, 354, $69.95. ISBN 0 333 94632 4
by Lodewijks, John - 379-383 Emma Rothschild, Economic Sentiments: Adam Smith, Condorcet and the Enlightenment (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001) pp. ix, 353, $45. ISBN 0 674 00489 2
by Henderson, Willie