April 2012, Volume 60, Issue 4
- 607-611 Marko Valenta / Sabrina Ramet (eds.), The Bosnian Diaspora: Integration in Transnational Communities
by Winland Daphne - 611-613 Thorsten Gromes, Ohne Staat und Nation ist keine Demokratie zu machen. Bosnien und Herzegowina, Kosovo und Makedonien nach den Bürgerkriegen
by Segert Dieter - 613-614 Joachim Ruecker, Standards and Status. How Kosovo Became Independent
by Smeets Sandrino
March 2012, Volume 60, Issue 3
- 303-320 Zwei Wahlen im Zeichen der Krise. Ergebnisse, Hintergründe und Folgen / Two Elections under Crisis Conditions. Outcome, Background and Consequences
by Auernheimer Gustav - 321-345 Griechenland, das Kalkül der Linkspopulisten und der Euro / Greece, Left-Populist Calculations and the Euro
by Axt Heinz-Jürgen - 346-362 Im Südosten nichts Neues? Ein historischer Blick auf die griechische Finanzkrise / Nothing New in Southeastern Europe? The Historical Roots of the Greek Fincancial Crisis
by Zelepos Ioannis - 363-386 Labour and Pensions in the Greek Crisis: The Microfoundations of Disaster
by Lyberaki Antigone & Tinios Platon - 387-409 Verkappter Lokalismus und selbstregulierte Urbanität: Stadtentwicklung in Griechenland (am Beispiel Athens) / Covert Regionalism and Self-regulating Urbanism: The Development of Cities in Greece with Particular Reference to Athens
by Terizakis Georgios - 410-432 Griechenland und seine Ausländer: Integration und Exklusion in Zeiten der Krise / Greece and its Foreigners: Integration and Exclusion in Times of Crisis
by Bacas Jutta Lauth - 433-454 Die Krise ist kein Fußballspiel: Bemerkungen zu einem medial inszenierten Konflikt / The Crisis is not a Football Match: Remarks on the Media’s Staging of a Conflict
by Panagiotidis Jannis - 455-457 Máire Braniff, Integrating the Balkans. Conflict Resolution and the Impact of EU Expansion
by Schwarz Oliver - 457-459 Mark Biondich, The Balkans: Revolution, War, and Political Violence since 1878
by Gledhill John - 459-462 Josip Glaurdić, The Hour of Europe. Western Powers and the Break-Up of Yugoslavia
by Lučić Robert - 462-464 Delina Cici, Regional Cooperation and European Integration in the Western Balkans: The Effectiveness of Regional Cooperation Policies on Albania, Achievements and Shortcomings
by Hoxha Blerta - 464-466 Gerard Toal / Carl T. Dahlman, Bosnia Remade. Ethnic Cleansing and Its Reversal
by Meurs Wim van
February 2012, Volume 60, Issue 2
- 152-166 Populismus und Euroskeptizismus in Südosteuropa seit 1989 / Introduction: Populism and Euroscepticism in Southeastern Europe
by Mehler Daniela & Petrović Ksenija & Bieber Florian - 167-192 Euroskeptizismus vor und nach dem EU-Beitritt: Mittelost- und südosteuropäische Parteien im Vergleich / Euroscepticism before and after EU Accession: East Central and Southeast European Parties Compared
by Beischl Martin - 193-216 Rechte Parteien im Europäischen Parlament und der Beitritt Südosteuropas – eine Gefahr für die europäische Demokratie? / Right-wing Parties in the European Parliament and the Accession of Southeastern Europe: a Danger for European Democracy?
by Leiße Olaf - 217-238 Populismus in Bulgarien? Ausdrucksformen des Politischen im gegenwärtigen bulgarischen Mediendiskurs / Populism in Bulgaria? Forms of Expressing the Political in the Current Bulgarian Media Discourse
by Gehl Katerina - 239-263 Der politische und mediale Diskurs in Serbien und Kroatien zwischen Euroskeptizismus und Populismus / The Language of the Current Political and Media Discourses in Serbia and Croatia between Euroscepticism and Populism
by Salamurović Aleksandra - 264-285 Die russische Elite in der Republik Moldau: Populismus und Euroskeptizismus? / Euroscepticism and Populism within the Russian Elite in the Republic of Moldova
by Dom Rosanna - 286-288 Kosta Nikolić / Vladimir Petrović (Hgg ), Od mira do rata: Dokumenta Predsedništva SFRJ 1991 , Tom I (januar – mart 1991 )
by Lučić Robert - 288-290 Dejan Djokić / James Ker-Lindsay (Hgg ), New Perspectives on Yugoslavia Key Issues and Controversies
by Živojinović Marc - 291-293 Thomas M Bohn / Marie-Janine Calic (Hgg ), Urbanisierung und Stadtentwicklung in Südosteuropa vom 19 bis zum 21 Jahrhundert, 47 Internationale Hochschulwoche der Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft in Tutzing, 6 -10 10 2008
by Popova Kristina - 293-295 Oliver Schwarz, Erweiterung als Überinstrument der Europäischen Union? Zur Europäisierung des westlichen Balkans seit der EU-Osterweiterung
by Smeets Sandrino - 295-297 Manfred Sapper / Volker Weichsel (Hgg ), Quo vadis, Hungaria? Kritik der ungarischen Vernunft
by Müller Christine - 297-299 Damian Popolo, A New Science of International Relations Modernity, Complexity and the Kosovo Conflict
by Silander Daniel - 299-300 Jochen Töpfer, Politische Eliten in Slowenien und Makedonien Rationale oder symbolische Politik?
by Sterbling Anton
January 2012, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 2-30 Ownership and Political Influence in the Post-socialist Mediascape: the Case of Slovenia
by Ramet Sabrina P. & Kuhar Roman - 31-52 The Instrumentalisation of Media in Albania
by Kajsiu Blendi - 53-77 Distorted Representation and Active Citizenship. Digital Media and Spontaneous Street Demonstrations in Bulgaria (2006-2010)
by Gueorguieva Valentina - 78-110 Bauernparteien und rurale Wählerschaften
by Meurs Wim Van - 111-133 Administrative Hürden bei der Einführung der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik in Bulgarien und Rumänien
by Wegener Stefan & Marquardt Doris & Petrick Martin & Labar Kelly - 134-136 Wilfried Heller (Hg.), Identitäten und Imaginationen der Bevölkerung in Grenzräumen. Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa im Spannungsfeld von Regionalismus, Zentralismus, europäischem Integrationsprozess und Globalisierung
by Meurs Wim van - 136-137 Dimitar Bechev, Constructing South East Europe: The Politics of Balkan Regional Cooperation
by Samardžija Višnja - 137-139 Ivan Čolović, The Balkans: The Terror of Culture: Essays in Political Anthropology Ivan Čolović, Kulturterror auf dem Balkan. Essays zur Politischen Anthropologie
by Schwandner-Sievers Stephanie - 139-142 Nicola Henry, War and Rape. Law, Memory and Justice
by Karge Heike - 142-143 Wolfgang Benedek / Christopher Daase / Vojin Dimitrijević / Petrus van Duyne (Hgg.), Transnational Terrorism, Organised Crime and Peace- Building. Human Security in the Western Balkans
by Dobovšek Bojan - 144-146 Aidan Hehir (Hg.), Kosovo, Intervention and Statebuilding: The International Community and the Transition to Independence
by Coppieters Bruno - 146-148 Sarah Reichel, Anspruch und Wirklichkeit der EU-Krisenbewältigung: Testfall Balkan
by Jureković Predrag - 148-150 Alina Mungiu-Pippidi, A Tale of Two Villages. Coerced Modernization in the East European Countryside
by Dorondel Ştefan
April 2011, Volume 59, Issue 4
- 396-411 Völkermord vor Gericht. Kriegsverbrecherprozesse, Emotionen und der Umgang damit in Serbien / Genocide at Court. War Crime Trials, Emotions, and Coming to Terms in Serbia
by Bašić Natalija - 412-447 Der Einsatz von EU-Konditionalität bei den Verhandlungen um eine Polizeireform in Bosnien und Herzegowina / The Use of EU Conditionality in the Negotiations of a Police Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Tolksdorf Dominik - 448-477 Zwischen Kooperation und Konfrontation. Die EULEX-Mission und der Aufbau von Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Kosovo / Between Cooperation and Confrontation. The EULEX Mission and Building Rule of Law in Kosovo
by Richter Solveig - 478-502 Tito’s Children? Language Learning, Educational Resources, and Cultural Capital in the Life Histories of Interpreters Working in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Baker Catherine - 503-518 Politik und Orthodoxie in Griechenland / Politics and Orthodoxy in Greece
by Auernheimer Gustav - 519-521 Anja Sieber Egger, Krieg im Frieden: Frauen in Bosnien-Herzegowina und ihr Umgang mit der Vergangenheit
by Jenichen Anne - 521-522 Lejla Starčević-Srkalović, The Democratization Process in Post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Role of the European Union
by Tolksdorf Dominik - 522-524 Jens Stilhoff Sörensen, State Collapse and Reconstruction in the Periphery. Political Economy, Ethnicity and Development in Yugoslavia, Serbia and Kosovo
by Troy Jodok - 524-526 Erich Rathfelder, Kosovo. Geschichte eines Konflikts
by Chiari Bernhard - 526-528 Engin Karatas, Die Europäische Union und Zypern. Der EU-Beitritt der Mittelmeerinsel unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Politik Griechenlands und der Türkei
by Schwarz Oliver - 528-528 Anna Krasteva / Anelia Kasabova / Dia na Karabinova (Hgg.), Migrations from and to Southeastern Europe
by Brunnbauer Ulf - 528-531 Vida Bakondy / Simonetta Ferfoglia / Jasmina Janković / Cornelia Kogoj / Gamze Ongan / Heinrich Pichler / Ruby Sircar / Renée Winter (Initiative Min derheiten) (Hgg.), Viel Glück! Migra tion heute. Wien, Belgrad, Zagreb, Istanbul
by Brunnbauer Ulf - 531-533 Roumiana Taslakowa (Hg.), 20 Jahre Wandel – Von Zeitzeugen betrachtet. Bulgarien im Aufbruch
by Christova Christiana - 533-535 Charles King, Extreme Politics: Nationalism, Violence, and the End of Eastern Europe
by Kolstø Pål
March 2011, Volume 59, Issue 3
- 286-300 Rapprochement as a Paradigm Shift: Does the Wheel Come Full Circle in Former Yugoslavia?
by Ristić Irena - 301-314 Twin Cultures and Rubik’s Cube Politics: The Dynamics of Cultural Production in Pro-YU, Post-YU, and Other YU Inventions
by Slapšak Svetlana - 315-329 The Political Dimension of Post-Socialist Memory Practices: Self-Organized Choirs in the Former Yugoslavia
by Petrović Tanja - 330-348 The Image of Yugoslavia among Post-Yugoslav Youth in 2009
by Flere Sergej & Kirbiš Andrej - 349-372 The Struggle of Memory. Practices of the (Non-)Construction of a Memorial at Omarska
by Brenner Manuela - 373-375 Henry H Perritt, Jr , The Road to Independence for Kosovo A Chronicle of the Ahtisaari Plan
by Džihić Vedran - 375-377 Ann Kennard, Old Cultures, New Institutions Around the New Eastern Border of the European Union
by Michalon Bénédicte - 377-379 Gergana Bulanova-Hristova, Von Sofia nach Brüssel Korrupte Demokratisierung im Kontext der europäischen Integration
by Pleines Heiko - 379-382 Liljana Radonić, Krieg um die Erinnerung Kroatische Vergangenheitspolitik zwischen Revisionismus und europäischen Standards Tanja von Fransecky u a (Hgg ), Kärnten, Slowenien, Triest Umkämpfte Erinnerungen
by Rutar Sabine - 382-384 Berit Bliesemann de Guevara / Florian P Kühn, Illusion Statebuilding Warum sich der westliche Staat so schwer exportieren lässt
by Schoch Bruno - 384-387 Merle Vetterlein, Konfliktregulierung durch Power-Sharing-Modelle: das Fallbeispiel der Republik Makedonien
by Willemsen Heinz - 387-389 Dareg A Zabarah, Nation- and Statehood in Moldova Ideological and Political Dynamics since the 1980s
by Meurs Wim van - 389-394 Kilian Graf, Der Transnistrien-Konflikt Produkt spätsowjetischer Verteilungskämpfe und Zerfallskonflikt der implodierenden Sowjetunion
by Zabarah Dareg A
February 2011, Volume 59, Issue 2
- 192-213 Balkan Ethnoconfessional Nationalism: Analysis and Management
by Bardos Gordon N. - 214-237 The Role of the Orthodox Churches in Defining the Nation in Post-Soviet Moldova
by Zabarah Dareg A - 238-266 Organisierte Kriminalität als historisches Forschungsfeld. Überlegungen zu Ost- und Südosteuropa
by Buchenau Klaus - 267-268 Erhard Busek / Björn Kühne (Hgg.), From Stabilisation to Integration. The Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe
by Meurs Wim van - 268-271 Chris Cviić / Peter Sanfey, In Search of the Balkan Recovery: The Political and Economic Reemergence of South-Eastern Europe
by Bartlett Will - 271-273 Robert Kulpa / Joanna Mizielińska (eds.), De-Centering Western Sexualities: Central and Eastern European Perspectives
by Hodžić Amir - 273-274 René Toth, Zwischen Konflikt und Kooperation. Fünfzehn Jahre Friedenskonsolidierung in Bosnien und Herzegowina
by Keil Sören - 274-276 Wolfgang Petritsch / Vedran Džihić (Hgg.), Conflict and Memory: Bridging Past and Future in (South East) Europe
by Möntnich Ute - 276-278 Damir Arsenijević, Forgotten Future: The Politics of Poetry in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Zabarah Dareg A - 278-280 Neža Kogovšek (ed.), The Scars of the Erasure
by Stojić Mitrović Marta - 280-284 Juli Zeh, Das Übergangsrecht. Zur Rechtsetzungstätigkeit von Übergangsverwaltungen am Beispiel von UNMIK im Kosovo und dem OHR in Bosnien-Herzegowina
by Weber Sebastian
January 2011, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 2-24 Nation-State Homogenization and the Battle for Legal Status: The Erased Residents of Slovenia
by Kogovšek Šalamon Neža - 25-49 Resisting Change: Same-sex Partnership Policy Debates in Croatia and Slovenia
by Kuhar Roman - 50-76 Bosnien und Herzegowina in der Sackgasse? Struktur und Dynamik der Krise fünfzehn Jahre nach Dayton / Bosnia and Herzegovina at an Impasse? The Structure and Dynamics of the Crisis 15 Years After Dayton
by Džihić Vedran - 77-96 Aspekte der Marginalität von Roma in Bulgarien / On the Marginality of Roma in Bulgaria
by Schüler Sonja - 97-127 Rettung, Überleben oder Vernichtung? Geschichtspolitische Kontroversen über Bulgarien und den Holocaust / Salvation, Survival, or Annihilation? Bulgaria, the Holocaust, and the Politics of History
by Troebst Stefan - 128-167 Nie wieder Srebrenica: Eine Dokumentation der Srebrenica-Erklärungen und ihrer Wirkungen / Never Again Srebrenica: A Documentation of the Declarations on Srebrenica and their Effects
by Karge Heike - 168-170 Jelena Čvorović, Roast Chicken and Other Gypsy Stories
by Krauß Joachim - 170-172 Todor Kuljić, Umkämpfte Vergangenheiten Die Kultur der Erinnerung im postjugoslawischen Raum Maria Todorova / Zsuzsa Gille (Hgg ), Post-Communist Nostalgia
by Meurs Wim van - 172-174 Nina Caspersen, Contested Nationalism – Serb Elite Rivalry in Croatia and Bosnia in the 1990s
by Ristić Irena - 174-178 Pål Kolstø (ed ), Media Discourse and the Yugoslav Conflicts: Representations of Self and Other
by Pavlaković Vjeran - 178-181 Alina Mungiu-Pippidi / Wim van Meurs (Hgg ), Ottomans into Europeans State and Institution Building in South-East Europe
by Mady Christian - 181-184 Christine Eifler / Ruth Seifert (Hgg ), Gender Dynamics and Post-Conflict Reconstruction
by Bašić Natalija - 184-187 Dimitar Bechev / Kalypso Nicolaidis (eds ), Mediterranean Frontiers Borders, Conflict, and Memory in a Transnational World
by Cocco Emilio - 187-190 Marc Stegherr / Kerstin Liesem, Die Medien in Osteuropa Mediensysteme im Transformationsprozess
by Franqué Friederike von
April 2010, Volume 58, Issue 4
- 478-519 The Politics of Reintegration and War Commemoration. The Case of the Kosovo Liberation Army
by Ströhle Isabel - 520-541 The International Community’s Modus Operandi in Postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Kosovo: A Critical Assessment
by Krasniqi Gëzim - 542-567 Verschuldung in Griechenland: Ursachen einer hausgemachten Krise und Folgen für den Euro-Raum / Indebtedness in Greece: Causes of a Homemade Crisis and Consequences for the Eurozone
by Axt Heinz-Jürgen - 568-576 Albania – Vulnerable or Immune to Potential Risks from the Greek Crisis?
by Elbasani Arolda & Elbasani Seimir - 577-584 The Effects of the Greek Crisis on Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Sarajlić-Maglić Denisa & Miraščić Goran - 585-594 Die Auswirkungen der Griechenland-Krise auf Bulgarien / The Effects of the Greek Crisis on Bulgaria
by Georgiev Yasen - 595-604 Kroatien und die Auswirkungen der Griechenland-Krise / Croatia and the Effects of the Greek Crisis
by Kušić Siniša - 605-611 The Effects of the Greek Economic Crisis on the Republic of Macedonia
by Pettifer James - 612-619 The Greek Economic Crisis and Its Effects on Serbia
by Cetinić Goran - 620-632 Anmerkungen zur ungarischen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft / Remarks on the Hungarian EU Presidency
by Inotai András - 633-635 Björn Egner / Georgios Terizakis (Hgg.), Das politische System Griechenlands. Strukturen, Akteure, Politikfelder
by Nagopoulos Nikos - 635-638 Sabrina P. Ramet (Hg.), Central and South east European Politics since 1989
by Steindorff Ludwig - 638-641 Kenneth Morrison, Montenegro: A Modern History
by Pavlović Srdja - 641-642 Sibylle Thelen, Die Armenierfrage in der Türkei
by Ihrig Stefan
March 2010, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 318-339 “Building the Ship at Sea” Revisited. Lessons Learned from the European Union Accession of Post-communist Europe
by Mungiu-Pippidi Alina - 340-362 Fiscal Governance in East Central Europe Before and After European Union Accession: What is the Role of Europeanization?
by Hallerberg Mark & Yläoutinen Sami - 363-388 Generals, Christians and Turkey’s European Revolution
by Knaus Gerald & Güzeldere Ekrem Eddy - 389-412 Kosovo – a State Sui Generis?
by Preuss Ulrich K. - 413-413 Introduction: Documenting the Greek-Macedonian Name Controversy
by Rutar Sabine - 414-435 The Macedonian Name Controversy. Texts and Commentary
by Kofos Evangelos - 436-467 David vs. Goliath: The Macedonian Position(s) in the Socalled “Name Dispute” with Greece
by Vankovska Biljana - 468-469 Simone Schuller, Versöhnung durch strafrechtliche Aufarbeitung? Die Verfolgung von Kriegsverbrechen in Bosnien und Herzegowina
by Pintarić Tomislav - 469-471 Bülent Küçük, Die Türkei und das andere Europa. Phantasmen der Identität im Beitrittsdiskurs
by Ihrig Stefan - 471-473 Adam Fagan, Europe’s Balkan Dilemma: Paths to Civil Society or State- Building?
by Orlić Dejan - 473-478 Catherine Baker, Sounds of the Borderland: Popular Music, War and Nationalism in Croatia since 1991
by Brentin Dario
February 2010, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 146-172 Die Länder des westlichen Balkan auf dem Weg in die NATO. Vom Krisenmanagement zur Integration
by Biermann Rafael - 173-197 Krise(n) im Sandžak als Testfall für die Demokratie in Serbien: Alte Konflikte, neue Konstellationen
by Džihić Vedran & Wieser Angela - 198-219 Blickregime und Bildgewalt. Eine Inventur des neuen makedonischen Films
by Petzer Tatjana - 220-249 Jargon der eigentlichen Geschichte: Vom Nichtverstehen und dem Fremden. Zur Diskussion um Holm Sundhaussens Geschichte Serbiens in der serbischen Öffentlichkeit
by Stefanov Nenad - 250-272 Das Projekt und der Skandal „Batak“
by Vezenkov Alexander - 273-302 Skanderbegs Gefangene: Zur Debatte um den albanischen Nationalhelden
by Schmidt-Neke Michael - 303-306 Augusta Dimou (Hg.), „Transition“ and the Politics of History Education in Southeast Europe
by Low-Beer Ann - 306-308 Sabrina P. Ramet, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia at Peace and at War. Selected Writings, 1983-2007
by Ramšak Jure - 308-310 Anđelko Milardović, Zapadni balkon. Fragmenti o ideologiji i politici Zapada
by Maršić Tomislav - 311-316 Emir Suljagić, Srebrenica – Notizen aus der Hölle Carla Del Ponte / Chuck Sudetic, Im Namen der Anklage. Meine Jagd nach Kriegsverbrechern und die Suche nach Gerechtigkeit
by Karge Heike
January 2010, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 2-14 Democratic Values and Ethnic Polarization in the Western Balkans: An Introduction
by Ramet Sabrina P. - 15-40 Serbia since July 2008: at the Doorstep of the EU
by Ramet Sabrina P. - 41-66 The Political Landscape in Kosovo since the Declaration of Independence
by Haug Hilde Katrine - 67-82 Was There a Decline in Ethnic Polarization in Macedonia Between 2003 and 2005? Results from a National Panel Analysis
by Simkus Albert & Ringdal Kristen & Listhaug Ola - 83-97 Ethnic Intolerance, Voting Preferences, and Political Change in Croatia
by Strabac Zan & Valenta Marko - 98-108 Democratic Values, Ethnic Competition, and Electoral Participation in Bosnia
by Sandovici Maria Elena & Listhaug Ola - 109-127 Social Dimensions of Party Choice in Albania
by Ringdal Kristen & Starova Teuta - 128-134 After the Wars: Narratives, Memories, and Coming to Terms with the Wars in Ex-Yugoslavia (Regensburg, 10 - 13 December 2009)
by Karge Heike & Brenner Manuela - 135-137 Jochen Walter, Die Türkei – „Das Ding auf der Schwelle“. (De)Konstruktionen der Grenzen Europas
by Ihrig Stefan - 137-139 Bekim Baliqi, State-Building durch die Vereinten Nationen. Am Fallbeispiel des Kosovo
by Peilert Andreas - 139-141 Tom Gallagher, Romania and the European Union. How the Weak Vanquished the Strong
by Kreuter Peter - 141-144 John Ashbrook, Buying and Selling the Istrian Goat. Istrian Regionalism, Croatian Nationalism, and EU Enlargement
by Rutar Sabine
April 2009, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 340-365 Wirtschaftliche Konsequenzen der globalen Migration aus der Sicht der Sendeländer / Economic Consequences of Global Migration in the Context of the Sending Countries
by Inotai András - 366-385 Trends, Driving Forces and Impacts of Migration in Hungary
by Majoros András - 386-403 Migration and Its Consequences for Romania
by Horváth István & Anghel Remus Gabriel - 404-424 Bulgarien im Fokus: Migration und ihre Auswirkungen zwanzig Jahre nach der Wende / Bulgaria in Focus: Migration and its Impacts Twenty Years after the Fall of Communism
by Georgiev Yasen - 425-451 Labor Migration in Southeast Europe. A Review of the Literature and a Look at Transversal Issues
by Kupiszewski Marek - 452-471 The Economic Effects of Expatriates and Migrants on the Home Country: The Serbian Case
by Grečić Vladimir - 472-499 Regionale und lokale Auswirkungen von Migrationen in Albanien / Regional and Local Effects of Migration in Albania
by Göler Daniel - 500-503 Wolfgang Petritsch / Goran Svilanović / Christophe Solioz (eds ), Serbia Matters: Domestic Reforms and European Integration
by Mady Christian - 503-505 Henry H Perritt Jr., Kosovo Liberation Army The Inside Story of an Insurgency
by Ströhle Isabel - 505-508 Dragomir J Pantić / Zoran M Pavlović, Political Culture of Voters in Serbia
by Maršić Tomislav - 508-510 Josefina Bajer, YU-Nostalgie in Slowenien Das Phänomen der Nostalgie als Produkt der Transformation
by Rutar Sabine
February 2009, Volume 57, Issue 2-3
- 146-167 The Quality of Democracy and Market Economy in Southeast Europe
by Brusis Martin - 168-190 Bosnia and Herzegovina: Will Europe Make Democracy Work?
by Sarajlić-Maglić Denisa - 191-216 Bulgaria: European Union Membership and Democratic (Un-)Accountability
by Markova Elitsa & Zahariev Boyan - 217-234 Croatia: Strengthening the Rule of Law and Economic Competitiveness
by Kasapović Mirjana - 235-260 Kosovo: Internationalized Democracy-Building
by Deda Ilir - 261-283 Macedonia: Challenges of Interethnic Powersharing and Integration
by Daskalovski Zhidas - 284-304 Romania: New Membership and Old Habits?
by Meurs Wim van - 305-328 Serbia: Reforms under Stress
by Brusis Gordana - 329-332 Emma Lantschner / Joseph Marko / An tonija Petricusic (eds ), European Integration and Its Effects on Minority Protection in South East Europe
by Elbasani Arolda - 332-334 Andreas Veres, Slowenien – Ein Grenzland mit Vorbildfunktion
by Rutar Sabine - 334-336 Vassil Vassilev, Nationalismus unterm Roten Stern Vorgeschichte, Durchführung und Auswirkungen der Namensänderungskampagne 1984-89 gegenüber der türkischen Minderheit in Bulgarien
by Hein Michael - 336-338 Rıfat N Bali, New Documents on Atatürk – Atatürk as Viewed Through the Eyes of American Diplomats
by Ihrig Stefan
January 2009, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 2-24 Erst der Staat – dann die Nation: Staats- und Nationsbildung in Montenegro
by Bieber Florian & Winterhagen Jenni - 25-54 The Political Life of Milo Djukanović
by Morrison Kenneth - 55-69 Floating Signifiers. Negotiations of the National on the Internet Forum Café del Montenegro
by Brković Čarna - 70-90 Enlargement Instruments and Domestic Constraints: Public Administration Reform in Post-Communist Albania
by Elbasani Arolda - 91-112 Der jugoslawische Partisanenkampf – Revision einer Legende am Beispiel Kroatiens und Serbiens
by Bašić Natalija - 113-135 Kroatisches Kino. Filmische Verarbeitungen der Kriegsvergangenheit
by Šošić Anja - 136-137 András Inotai, The European Union and Southeastern Europe Troubled Waters Ahead?
by Brunnbauer Ulf - 137-140 Wolfgang Petritsch, Christophe Solioz (Hgg ), Regional Cooperation in South East Europe and Beyond Challenges and Prospects
by Ristić Irena - 140-142 Geert-Hinrich Ahrens, Diplomacy on the Edge: Containment of Ethnic Conflict and the Minorities Working Group of the Conferences on Yugoslavia
by Brentin Dario - 142-144 Oliver Jens Schmitt, Kosovo Kurze Geschichte einer zentralbalkanischen Landschaft
by Elliott Justin
April 2008, Volume 56, Issue 4
- 458-479 Armut und sozialer Zusammenhalt in Südosteuropa / Poverty and Social Cohesion in Southeast Europe
by Knogler Michael - 480-502 Southeast European Pension Systems and Three Types of Reform Unsustainability
by Guardiancich Igor - 503-527 Roma in der Europäischen Union und der sozialen Wirklichkeit Rumäniens / Romanies in the European Union and in Romania’s Social Reality
by Krauss Joachim - 528-555 The Political Uses and Social Lives of “National Heroes”: Controversies over Skanderbeg’s Statue in Skopje
by Ragaru Nadège - 556-571 Nationale Fragen und Kriegsverbrechen im post-jugoslawischen Dokumentarfilm / National Questions and War Crimes in ex-Yugoslav Documentary Films
by Buder Bernd - 572-583 Proteste in Griechenland: Beginn einer sozialen Bewegung? / Protests in Greece: the Beginning of a Social Movement?
by Auernheimer Gustav - 609-610 Ellen Bos, Jürgen Dieringer (Hgg.), Die Genese einer Union der 27. Die Europäische Union nach der Osterweiterung
by Axt Heinz-Jürgen - 611-614 Robert Bideleux, Ian Jeffries, The Balkans. A Post-Communist History
by Dimou Augusta - 614-616 Siniša Kušić, Zwischen Euphorie und Ernüchterung – Kroatien auf dem Weg in die EU
by Jureković Predrag - 616-618 Darja Zaviršek, Jelka Zorn, Liljana Rihter, Simona Žnidarec Demšar (Hgg.), Ethnicity in Eastern Europe: A Challenge For Social Work Education
by Seifert Ruth - 618-622 Georgia Kretsi, Verfolgung und Gedächtnis in Albanien. Eine Analyse postsozialistischer Erinnerungsstrategien
by Ströhle Isabel
March 2008, Volume 56, Issue 3
- 318-335 Serbien zwischen Europa und Kosovo. Politische Entwicklungen seit der Unabhängigkeitserklärung / Serbia Between Europe and Kosovo: Political Developments Since the Declaration of Independence
by Bieber Florian - 336-352 Serbien und die Europäische Union: Gründe für die Ambivalenz / Serbia and the European Union: Reasons for the Ambivalence
by Ristić Irena - 353-375 The New Role of the Orthodox Church in Serbia
by Aleksov Bojan - 376-389 Die Vojvodina – europäische Identität trotz eingeschränkter Autonomie / The Vojvodina – European Identity In Spite of Limited Autonomy
by Boarov Dimitrije - 390-402 Hürdenlauf: Politische Kultur als Modernisierungshindernis in Serbien / Steeplechase: Political Culture as an Obstacle to Modernization in Serbia
by Stojanović Dubravka - 403-406 Greek Foreign Policy with Regard to Kosovo’s Independence
by Tziampiris Aristotle - 407-411 Albaniens Kosovo-Politik – nicht Akteur, sondern Faktor / Albania’s Kosovo Policy - Factor Rather Than Actor
by Schmidt Fabian - 412-417 Kosovo: Macedonia’s Perspectives
by Vankovska Biljana - 418-423 Montenegro’s Kosovo Crisis
by Morrison Kenneth - 424-428 Bosniens Reaktionen auf die Unabhängigkeit Kosovos: Zuspitzung der Staatskrise / Bosnia’s Reactions to Kosovo’s Independence: Worsening of the State’s Crisis
by Džihić Vedran - 429-434 Kroatiens Kosovo-Politik / Croatia’s Kosovo Policy
by Jureković Predrag - 435-440 Slowakei: Keine Anerkennung, aber Partnerschaft / Slovakia: Partnership Rather Than Recognition
by Lang Kai-Olaf - 441-448 Rumäniens Kosovo-Komplex zwischen doppeltem Präzedenzfall und EU-Verpflichtungen: Siebenbürgen, die Republik Moldau, Transnistrien / Romania’s Kosovo Complex Between Double Precedence and EU Obligations: Transylvania , the Republic of Moldova, Transnistria
by Buzogány Áron - 449-450 Roland Paris, Wenn die Waffen schweigen. Friedenskonsolidierung nach innerstaatlichen Gewaltkonflikten
by Senghaas Dieter