June 2016, Volume 64, Issue 2
- 119-141 History’s debris. The many pasts in the post-1989 present
by Iacob Bogdan C. - 142-166 ‘Brotherhood and Unity’ dissolved. Yugoslav radio broadcasting in (west) berlin and the changing politics of representation, 1988-95
by Thaden Matthias - 167-187 Integrating victims, externalising guilt? commemorating the Holocaust in Hungary
by Laczó Ferenc - 188-205 Educational policies in Romania from Ceauşescu’s heritage to European mimicry
by Ruşitoru Mihaela-Viorica - 206-225 Remembering and forgetting the SFR Yugoslavia. Historiography and history textbooks in the Republic of Macedonia
by Stefoska Irena & Stojanov Darko - 226-255 Greek education. Explaining two centuries of static reproduction
by Kelpanides Michael & Poimenidou Despoina & Malivitsi Zoe - 256-260 Michael Kelpanides (18 July 1945–29 February 2016)
by Axt Heinz-Jürgen & Poimenidou Despoina - 261-262 Verfassungskonflikte zwischen Politik und Recht in Südosteuropa
by Raffeiner Andreas - 262-265 Narrating Victim-hood
by Malenica Brigita - 265-267 Transcending Fratricide
by Luteijn Geert - 267-270 Imaginary Trials
by Oprel Marieke - 270-273 Srebrenica
by Duijzings Ger - 273-275 Radovan Karadžić
by Francissen Janneke
March 2016, Volume 64, Issue 1
- 1-4 Migration in and out of Southeastern Europe. Values, Networks, Wellbeing
by Jerger Jürgen & Knogler Michael - 5-26 Bosnian ‘Returnee Voices’ Communicating Experiences of Successful Reintegration. The Social Capital and Sustainable Return Nexus in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Porobič Selma - 27-41 Motives for Remittances Change During the Financial Crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Oruč Nermin & Tabakovič Amina - 42-57 Remittances, Spending, and Political Instability in Ukraine
by Kuntsevych Iuliia - 58-78 East European Migrant Women in Greece. Intergenerational Cultural Knowledge Transfer and Adaptation in a Context of Crisis
by Michail Domna & Christou Anastasia - 79-95 Transnational Experts, Rooted Careers. Migrant Professionals from Macedonia in Germany
by Aceska Ana - 96-108 The Greek ‘Forced Loan’ during the Second World War. Demand for Reparations or Restitution?
by Kilian Jürgen - 109-110 Xavier Bougarel, Survivre aux empires. Islam, identité nationale et allégeances politiques en Bosnie-Herzégovine
by Moll Nicolas - 110-113 Boris Previšić and Svjetlan Lacko Vidulić, eds, Traumata der Transition. Erfahrung und Reflexion des jugoslawischen Zerfalls
by Duijzings Ger - 114-115 Hariz Halilovich, Places of Pain. Forced Displacement, Popular Memory and Trans-Local Identities in Bosnian War-Torn Communities
by Scherpenisse Susan - 115-118 Shane Brennan / Marc Herzog, eds, Turkey and the Politics of National Identity. Social, Economic and Cultural Transformation
by Mady Christian
April 2015, Volume 63, Issue 4
- 531-548 The Making of a New Economic Elite in Serbia
by Lazić Mladen - 549-569 The Economic Position of the Economic Elite in Serbia
by Manić Željka & Mirkov Aićnđelka - 570-595 The Recruitment of the Economic Elite in Serbia. Continuity and Changes
by Lazić Mladen - 596-617 Political Orientations of the Economic Elite in Serbia
by Anđelković Milica Vesković - 618-641 Changes in Value Orientations Among the Economic Elite During the Postsocialist Transformation. Economic and Political Liberalism in Serbia
by Pešić Jelena - 642-664 Managers’ Morality. A Contribution to Business Ethics Research in Postsocialist Serbia
by Radoičić Jelena Manić - 665-669 Vangelis Kechriotis (30 September 1969-26 August 2015): Paving a Road between the Past and Today’s Real Life
by Fuhrmann Malte - 670-688 Everybody Likes History, But What About the Historian?
by Kechriotis Vangelis - 689-692 Srećko Horvat / Igor Štiks, eds, Welcome to the Desert of Post-Socialism. Radical Politics after Yugoslavia
by Rajković Ivan - 692-694 Jan Zofka, Postsowjetischer Separatismus. Die pro-russländischen Bewegungen im moldauischen Dnjestr-Tal und auf der Krim 1989-1995
by Meurs Wim van - 694-696 Timothy William Waters, ed, The Milošević Trial. An Autopsy
by Ristić Katarina
March 2015, Volume 63, Issue 3
- 365-371 Environmental Politics in Southeastern Europe
by Meurs Wim van & Grift Liesbeth van de - 372-392 EU Conditionality and Environmental Policy in Southeastern Europe
by Baker Susan - 393-411 International Policy Transfer and Domestic Politics. The Limited Effectiveness of National Environmental Strategies in Romania
by Nordbeck Ralf - 412-439 The Making of Environmental Policy in Georgia
by Troschke Manuela - 440-466 Intertwined and Contested. Green Politics and the Environmental Movement in Turkey
by Şahin Ümit - 467-490 History, Memory and Everyday Environmentalism. The Case of New Belgrade
by Johnson Charlotte & Milić Nela & Broto Vanesa Castán - 491-514 Representation and Participation in Movements. Strategies of Environmental Civil Society Organizations in Hungary
by Buzogány Aron - 515-520 Mirrors on the Wall. Outsiders Looking at Europe, and at Themselves
by Meurs Wim van - 521-522 Mats Braun, Europeanization of Environmental Policy in the New Europe. Beyond Conditionality, Farnham
by Goris Yannicke - 523-525 Saska Petrova, Communities in Transition Protected Nature and Local People in Eastern and Central Europe
by Goris Yannicke - 525-526 Adam Fagan / Indraneel Sircar, Europeanization of the Western Balkans. Environmental Governance in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia
by Goris Yannicke - 526-528 Özge Zihnioğlu, European Union Civil Society Policy and Turkey. A Bridge Too Far?
by Yildirim Senem - 528-530 Andrea Lorenzo Capussela, State-Building in Kosovo. Democracy, Corruption and the EU in the Balkans
by Wittkowsky Andreas
February 2015, Volume 63, Issue 2
- 167-172 Hungary on the Way from a Liberal to an Illiberal System. Introductory Remarks
by Inotai András - 173-200 Hungary’s Constitutional Evolution During the Last 25 Years
by Vörös Imre - 201-222 The Transformation of the Hungarian Party System. From Democratic Chaos to Electoral Autocracy
by Ágh Attila - 223-248 Permanent and Changing Features of Foreign Policy in Hungary since 1989
by Banai Károly - 249-271 The Hungarian Economy. On the Wrong Trajectory
by Vértes András - 272-318 The Hungarian Media System. Stopping Short or Re-Transformation?
by Polyák Gábor - 319-350 Poland and Hungary after the 2008 Global Crisis
by Góralczyk Bogdan J. - 351-353 Paul Stubbs / Christopher Solioz (eds.), Towards Open Regionalism in South East Europe
by Dangerfield Martin - 353-355 Eric Gordy, Guilt, Responsibility, and Denial. The Past at Stake in Post- Milošević Serbia
by Luteijn Geert - 355-357 Florentina C. Andreescu, From Communism to Capitalism. Nation and State in Romanian Cultural Production
by Pistrick Eckehard - 357-358 Uwe Hinrichs / Thede Kahl / Petra Himstedt-Vaid (eds.), Handbuch Balkan. Studienausgabe
by Meurs Wim van - 359-360 Gabriela Vojvoda, Raum und Identitätskonstruktionen im Erzählen Dževad Karahasans. Der Dritte Raum als Verhandlungsinstanz für eine bosnische kulturelle Identität
by Zabarah Dareg - 360-362 Jelena Obradović-Wochnik, Ethnic Conflict and War Crimes in the Balkans. The Narratives of Denial in Post-Conflict Serbia
by Silander Daniel - 362-364 Ana Juncos, EU Foreign and Security Policy in Bosnia. The Politics of Coherence and Effectiveness
by Keil Soeren
January 2015, Volume 63, Issue 1
- 1-6 Introduction: Political Dynamics in Post-Communist Romania
by Gherghina Sergiu - 7-24 What Grounds for Representing the People? An Analysis of Post-Communist Romania through the Lens of Discourse Theory
by Mișcoiu Sergiu - 25-46 Enhancing Democracy through Constitutional Reforms. Is Semi-Presidentialism Romanian Democracy’s Achilles’ Heel?
by Soare Sorina - 47-74 Fiddling while Rome Burns: Institutional Conflict and Party Politics in Romania since 2007
by Brett Daniel - 75-94 Electoral Reform in Romania: From the Need for Party System Consolidation to Concern for Improved Quality of Representation
by Coman Emanuel Emil - 95-113 The Dilemmas of Political (Mis-)Representation: Political “Cruising” in Romania
by Cinpoeș Radu - 114-135 The Interethnic Stalemate in Romania: Origins and Risks
by Jiglău George - 136-156 Ethnic Relations in Mixed Communities in Romania after 1989
by Dragoman Dragoș - 157-159 Ivana Maček (ed ) Engaging Violence: Trauma, Memory and Representation
by Duijzings Ger - 159-162 Enikő Dácz (ed ), Minderheitenfragen in Ungarn und in den Nachbarländern im 20 und 21 Jahrhundert
by Walsch Christopher - 162-164 Đorđe Tomić / Roland Zschächner / Mara Puškarević / Allegra Schneider (eds ), Mythos Partizan (Dis-)Kontinuitäten der jugoslawischen Linken: Geschichte, Erinnerungen und Perspektiven
by Rutar Sabine - 165-166 Maria Koinova, Ethnonationalist Conflict in Postcommunist States. Varieties of Governance in Bulgaria, Macedonia and Kosovo
by Meurs Wim van
April 2014, Volume 62, Issue 4
- 393-396 Introduction: Formal and Informal Labour Relations in Southeastern Europe
by Jerger Jürgen & Knogler Michael - 397-420 Informal Employment and Subjective Well-being in Europe: Evidence from the European Social Survey Data
by Karabchuk Tatiana & Soboleva Natalia - 421-439 Labor-market Informality and Nonstandard Employment in Serbia during the Global Financial Crisis
by Monastiriotis Vassilis & Martelli Angelo - 440-456 Transformation in the Culture of Informality in Post-socialist Bulgaria. A Case Study on the Borovetz Tourist Resort
by Luleva Ana - 457-478 Economic Regimes, Local Worlds and the Changing Meanings of Work in Rural Transylvania
by Szabó Árpád Töhötöm - 479-499 Mary Poppins Comes Back: The Revival of Paid Domestic Work in the Informal Labour Market in Ukraine
by Tolstokorova Alissa - 500-522 Euroscepticism, the Croatian Way: Explaining Croatian Attitudes towards the EU
by Boduszyński Mieczysław P. - 523-524 Soeren Keil, Multinational Federalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Meurs Wim van - 525-526 Anna Triandafyllidou / Ruby Gropas / Hara Kouki (eds.), The Greek Crisis and European Modernity
by Axt Heinz-Jürgen - 526-528 Kristen Ringdal / Albert Simkus (eds ), The Aftermath of War Experiences and Social Attitudes in the Western Balkans
by Karge Heike - 528-529 Stefan Dorondel / Stelu Șerban (eds ), At the Margins of History The Agrarian Question in Southeast Europe
by Meurs Wim van - 530-532 Will Bartlett / Sonja Maleković / Vassilis Monastiriotis (eds ), Decentralization and Local Development in South East Europe
by Katunarić Vjeran - 532-534 Cecilie Endresen, Is the Albanian’s Religion Really “Albanianism”? Religion and Nation According to Muslim and Christian Leaders in Albania
by Elbasani Arolda
March 2014, Volume 62, Issue 3
- 275-304 The Islamic Community in Croatia: Between Ethnic Bosniak and Civic Croatian Identity
by Mujadžević Dino - 305-325 EU Social Rights Accession Conditionality and the Western Balkans: the Example of Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Poulou Anastasia - 326-347 60 Years of Diplomatic Relations between Greece and Bulgaria: Challenges and Benefits of the Reconciliation Process
by Kostadinova Tonka - 348-362 Beyond National Interests: Identity Conflict and Serbia’s Neutrality toward the Crisis in Ukraine
by Ejdus Filip - 363-372 The Annexation of Crimea and the Secessionist War in Eastern Ukraine: A View from the Republic of Moldova
by Bîrlădeanu Virgiliu - 373-384 Ukraine, Romania, and Romanians in Ukraine
by Iglesias Julien Danero - 385-392 Turkey and the European Union. Many Questions and No Easy Answers
by Ihrig Stefan
February 2014, Volume 62, Issue 2
- 93-94 Editorial
by Brunnbauer Ulf - 95-98 Introduction: Football and Society
by Brentin Dario & Galijaš Armina & Paić Hrvoje - 99-125 The Rise and Fall of Yugoslavia: Politics and Football in the Service of the Nation(s)
by Andjelić Neven - 126-144 The Rules of Football: Inside-out Perspectives
by Stanić Mario & Paić Hrvoje - 145-169 Football Hooliganism in Croatia: A Historical and Sociological Analysis
by Lalić Dražen & Wood Shay - 170-186 Football as a Political Passion. Football and the Political Life of Bosnian Serbs after the Dissolution of the SFRY
by Galijaš Armina - 187-207 “Now You See Who Is a Friend and Who an Enemy.” Sport as an Ethnopolitical Identity Tool in Postsocialist Croatia
by Brentin Dario - 208-220 Crisis in Ukraine: A Quest for Moldovan Territorial Integrity
by Suveica Svetlana - 221-237 The Echo of the Ukrainian Crisis in Macedonia
by Vankovska Biljana - 238-249 Kosovo’s Reaction to and Usage of the Ukrainian Crisis
by Jano Dorian - 250-264 Caught on the Horns of a Diplomatic Dilemma: the Ukrainian Crisis and Turkey’s Response
by Önsoy Murat - 265-267 Ralf Nordbeck, Internationaler Politiktransfer und nationaler Politikwandel. Ausbreitung und Effektivität des Umweltaktionsprogramms in Mittel- und Osteuropa
by Meurs Wim van - 267-269 Mihaela Narcisa Niemczik-Arambașa, Alltag am östlichen Rand der EU Raum aneignung der Bevölkerung im Grenzraum Rumänien/Republik Moldau
by Dom Rosanna - 269-271 Victor C. De Munck / Ljupcho Risteski (eds ), Macedonia The Political, Social, Economic and Cultural Foundations of a Balkan State
by Brunnbauer Ulf - 271-271 Timon Perabo, Jeton Neziraj, Sehnsucht im Koffer: Geschichten der Migration zwischen Kosovo und Deutschland
by Ströhle Isabel - 271-274 Id., Atdheu në valixhe. Rrëfime të emigrantëve kosovarë në Gjermani [Heimat im Koffer. Erzählungen kosovarischer Emigranten in Deutschland]
by Ströhle Isabel
January 2014, Volume 62, Issue 1
- 1-18 Die Bemühungen der Europäischen Union um eine Verfassungsreform in Bosnien und Herzegowina
by Tolksdorf Dominik - 19-33 The Ohrid Peace Process: The Past, the Present, and the Future Perspective
by Reka Blerim - 34-49 The Threat of Diversity? Explaining Attitudes towards Ethnic Conflict in Romania
by Gherghina Sergiu - 50-66 Sport and Nationhood. Commemorating Hero-Athletes in Post-Yugoslav States
by Perica Vjekoslav - 67-69 Branislav Radeljić (ed ), Europe and the Post-Yugoslav Space
by Meurs Wim van - 69-71 Caterina Ruggeri Laderchi / Sara Savastano (eds ), Poverty and Exclusion in the Western Balkans New Directions in Measurement and Policy
by Selezneva Ekaterina - 71-74 Arolda Elbasani (ed ), European Integration and Transformation in the Western Balkans Europeanization or Business as Usual?
by Puto Artan - 74-76 Gergana Noutcheva, European Foreign Policy and the Challenges of Balkan Accession
by Urdze Sigita - 77-79 Pavlos I Koktsidis, Strategic Rebellion. Ethnic Conflict in FYR Macedonia and the Balkans
by Vankovska Biljana - 79-81 Hristina Markova, Regeln sozialer Schließung im Zeitalter gesellschaftspoliti scher Transformation Eine empirische Untersuchung über die Zusammensetzung und Rekrutierung der politischen Elite in Bulgarien
by Sterbling Anton - 81-83 Nigel Swain, Green Barons, Force-of-Circumstance Entrepreneurs, Impotent Mayors Rural Change in the Early Years of Post-Socialist Capitalist Democracy
by Meurs Wim van - 83-86 Dušan I Bjelić, Normalizing the Balkans Geopolitics of Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry
by Karge Heike - 86-87 Robert M Hayden, From Yugoslavia to the Western Balkans
by Bieber Florian - 87-89 Vesna Goldsworthy, Inventing Ruritania The Imperialism of the Imagination
by Kreuter Peter Mario - 89-92 János Mátyás Kovács / Violetta Zentai (eds ), Capitalism From Outside? Economic Cultures in Eastern Europe After 1989
by Mady Christian
April 2013, Volume 61, Issue 4
- 471-477 Introduction. Twenty Years Later: Why this Special Issue?
by Bougarel Xavier & Grandits Hannes & Stefanov Nenad - 478-497 „Gewaltschock Jugoslawien“ – Perzeptionen und Projektionen in Deutschland und Frankreich / The „Shock of Violence“ Yugoslavia – Perceptions and Projections in Germany and France
by Höpken Wolfgang - 498-521 Missed Encounters: Engaged French Intellectuals and the Yugoslav Wars
by Ragaru Nadège - 522-534 Shared Concepts, Diverging Perceptions. Left-liberal Intellectuals and the Wars in Yugoslavia
by Stefanov Nenad - 535-542 Das „Neue Serbische Forum“ im Kontext der Antikriegsinitiativen in Jugoslawien und Deutschland / The “New Serbian Forum” in the Context of Anti-War Initiatives in Yugoslavia and Germany
by Bremer Thomas - 543-554 How Has the ICTY Changed Our Perceptions of War?
by Delpla Isabelle - 555-567 Das „Schweigen der Lämmer“ und andere Ver(w)irrungen in den 1990er Jahren / The “Silence of the Lambs” and Other Aberrations and Confusions
by Sundhaussen Holm - 568-577 Twenty Years Later: Was Ethnic War Just a Myth?
by Bougarel Xavier - 578-594 Wie die Gewalt der Jugoslawienkriege konzeptionalisieren? Wissenschaftliche Ansätze seit den 1990er Jahren / How to Conceptualize the Violence of the Yugoslav Wars? Scholarly Approaches Since the 1990s
by Grandits Hannes - 595-597 Harris Mylonas, The Politics of Nation-Building: Making Co-Nationals, Refugees, and Minorities
by Belloni Roberto - 597-599 Arlinda Merdani, Das Verhältnis der Religionen in Albanien: Neue Perspektiven für die Europäische Union
by Endresen Cecilie - 599-601 Claire Gordon / Marko Kmezic / Jasmina Opardija (eds ), Stagnation and Drift in the Western Balkans The Challenges of Political, Economic and Social Change
by Silander Daniel - 601-603 Angelos Giannakopoulos, Europa-Türkei-Identität Der „ewige Kandidat“ und die EU seit der Zollunion
by Bürgin Alexander - 603-605 Norma Osterberg-Kaufmann, Erfolg und Scheitern von Demokratisierungsprozessen Fallstudien Albanien und Kroatien
by Londo Gledis - 605-607 Michael G Kraft (Hg.), Soziale Kämpfe in Ex-Jugoslawien
by Petrungaro Stefano - 607-610 Will Bartlett / Jadranka Božikov / Bernd Rechel (Hg.), Health Reforms in South-East Europe
by Sauer Michael
March 2013, Volume 61, Issue 3
- 325-331 Autonomism and Decentralization in Serbia’s Regions: An Introduction
by Ramet Sabrina P. & Listhaug Ola - 332-362 Autonomism in Vojvodina
by Komšić Jovan - 363-389 Serbia and Regionalization: The Case of Southern Serbia
by Biserko Sonja - 390-413 The Struggle for Autonomy in Sandžak
by Zdravkovski Aleksander - 414-431 In Search of a Right Measure for Decentralization: Weighing the State’s Involvement and Performance in Southwestern Serbia
by Lazic Sladjana - 432-452 New Ecclesiastical (Dis)order: The Serbian Orthodox Church in Serbia’s Raška after 2000
by Zdravkovski Aleksander - 453-455 Branislav Radeljić, Europe and the Collapse of Yugoslavia. The Role of Non-State Actors and European Diplomacy
by Meurs Wim van - 455-457 Olivera Simić / Zala Volčič (Hgg.), Transitional Justice and Civil Society in the Balkans
by Pintarić Tomislav - 457-457 Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic / James Ker-Lindsay / Denisa Kostovicova (Hgg.), Civil Society and Transitions in the Western Balkans
by Meurs Wim van - 457-457 Gülcan Akkaya, Nichtregierungsorganisationen als Akteure der Zivilgesellschaft. Eine Fallstudie über die Nachkriegsgesellschaft im Kosovo
by Meurs Wim van - 457-460 Adam Fagan, Europe’s Balkan Dilemma. Paths to Civil Society or State- Building?
by Meurs Wim van - 460-461 Biljana Sikimić / Petko Hristov / Biljana Golubović (eds.), Labour Migration in the Balkans
by Bernard Sara - 462-464 James Pettifer, The Kosovo Liberation Army: Underground War to Balkan Insurgency, 1948-2001
by Reuter Jens - 464-466 Ursel Alice Reich, Internationale Verwaltung im Kosovo. Rechtsgrundsätz e internationaler Administration am Beispiel der UNMIK
by Küpper Herbert - 466-468 Oliver Schwarz / Franz-Lothar Altmann / Hansjörg Brey (Hgg.), Griechenland in der Schulden- und Staatskrise? Ursachen, Folgen und Auswege
by Panagiotidis Jannis - 469-469 Peter-Christian MÜller-Graf / Haluk Kabaalioğlu (Hgg.), Turkey and the European Union – Different Dimensions
by Ihrig Stefan - 469-472 Claus Schönig / Ramazan Çalik / Hatice Bayraktar (Hgg.), Türkisch- Deutsche Beziehungen – Perspektiven aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart
by Ihrig Stefan
February 2013, Volume 61, Issue 2
- 167-192 Sozialmodelle in der erweiterten EU: Kroatien / Models in the Enlarged EU: Croatia
by Knogler Michael & Lankes Fidelis - 193-218 Judicial Anti-Corruption Reforms in Bulgaria and the Role of the EU in Bulgaria’s Judiciary Regulation
by Panov Stoyan - 219-243 Die lange Reise bis zur Reisefreiheit: Eine Analyse der Verhandlungen zwischen der EU und der Türkei über die Abschaffung der Visapflicht für Türken / The Long Road to the Freedom to Travel: The EU-Turkish Negotiations on the Abolition of the Visa Requirement for Turkish Citizens
by Bürgin Alexander - 244-267 Who Moves within the Country? Who Emigrates? Who Immigrates? Current Migrational Trends in Romania
by Heller Wilfried - 268-289 How Public Spending is Fuelling Electoral Strategies in Romania
by Volintiru Clara - 290-311 Future EU Members or Europe’s Internal Other? The Reciprocal News Coverage between Western Balkan Countries and EU Member States in View of the Support for a Further EU Enlargement
by Wöhlert Romy - 312-315 Jo Shaw / Igor Štiks (Hgg ), Citizenship after Yugoslavia
by Pezo Edvin - 315-317 Sirkka Ahonen, Coming to Terms with a Dark Past How Post-Conflict Societies Deal with History
by Meurs Wim van - 317-320 Ksenija Petrović, Nationale Identität und Religion in Serbien und Kroatien im Vergleich
by Ristić Irena - 320-322 Ute Möntnich, Aufarbeitung nach Bürgerkriegen Vom Umgang mit konkurrierender Erinnerung in Bosnien und Herzegowina
by Brenner Manuela - 323-324 Alex Jeffrey, The Improvised State: Sovereignty, Performance and Agency in Dayton Bosnia
by Toal Gerard
January 2013, Volume 61, Issue 1
- 1-24 Labour Migrations of Bulgarian Turks to Turkey since 1990. A Case Study on Migrants from Svishtov, Bulgaria
by Erolova Yelis - 25-51 Current Trends in Literary Agenting, the Roles of Literary Agents and the Hardships of Getting Published in Contemporary Romania
by Culea Mihaela - 52-78 Legacies, Particularism, and the Irrelevance of EU Policy for Addressing Corruption: A Case Study of Bulgaria and the CVM
by Papakostas Nikolaos - 79-113 They Have Failed Again! Donor-driven Promotion of the Rule of Law in Serbia
by Mendelski Martin - 114-145 Confounding the Voter: Political Corruption in Late Democratizers
by Ivanova Daniela - 146-148 Daniel Šuber / Slobodan Karamanić (Hgg.), Retracing Images. Visual Culture after Yugoslavia
by Petrungaro Stefano - 148-151 Klaus Bochmann / Vasile Dumbrava / Dietmar Müller / Victoria Reinhardt (Hgg.), Die Republik Moldau. Ein Handbuch
by Dom Rosanna - 151-151 Bálint Balla / Wolfgang Dahmen / Anton Sterbling (Hgg.), Korruption, soziales Vertrauen und politische Verwerfungen. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung südosteuropäischer Gesellschaften
by Wolf Sebastian - 151-155 Tina Olteanu, Korrupte Demokratie? Diskurs und Wahrnehmung in Österreich und Rumänien im Vergleich
by Wolf Sebastian - 155-157 Anne Jenichen, Politische Innovation in internationalisierten Nachkriegskontexten. Bosnische Frauenrechtspolitik in vergleichender Perspektive
by Rosul-Gajic Jagoda - 157-159 Adamantios Skordos, Griechenlands Makedonische Frage. Bürgerkrieg und Geschichtspolitik im Südosten Europas 1945-1992
by Schwarz Oliver - 159-161 Alojz Ivanišević (Hg.), Re-Sakralisierung des öffentlichen Raums in Südosteuropa nach der Wende 1989?
by Kreuter Peter Mario - 161-163 Alexander Kratochvil / Renata Makarska / Katharina Schwitin / Annette Werberger (Hgg.), Kultur grenzen in postimperialen Räumen: Bosnien und Westukraine als transkulturelle Regionen
by Meurs Wim van - 163-167 Plamen K. Georgiev, Self-Orientalization in South East Europe
by Ihrig Stefan
April 2012, Volume 60, Issue 4
- 467-469 Introduction: Methodology and the Study of State-Building in the Western Balkans
by Woodward Susan L. & Kostovicova Denisa & Bojicic-Dzelilovic Vesna - 470-482 Can We Measure Legitimacy?
by Woodward Susan L. - 483-496 Legitimacy Matters: Managing the Democratization Paradox of Foreign State-Building in Bosnia-Herzegovina
by Gilbert Andrew - 497-513 An Ethnography of “Political Will”: Towards a Thick Description of Internal Scripts in Post-War Kosovo
by Schwandner-Sievers Stephanie & Ströhle Isabel - 514-525 Must the State Be a Vertical Network? Considering Kosovo
by Stroschein Sherrill - 526-535 Reconceptualizing the Study of Power-Sharing
by Bieber Florian - 536-544 Within State-Building: Studying Parties from Guerrillas in Croatia and Macedonia
by Taleski Dane - 545-554 The End of State-Building and a Return to “Democracy”: The Legacy of the Arab Spring for Studying the Successor States of the Former Yugoslavia
by Fagan Adam - 555-564 Unpacking Post-Communist Socio-Political Transformations in the Western Balkans: A Citizenship-Centred Approach
by Krasniqi Gëzim - 565-573 Gauging the Impact of State-Building at the Local Level in the Western Balkans
by Pickering Paula M. - 574-588 The Informal and the Criminal: State-Building as an Extralegal Field
by Strazzari Francesco - 589-600 Locating Power in State-Building: The Conflict Network Perspective
by Bojicic-Dzelilovic Vesna & Kostovicova Denisa - 601-603 Oliver Jens Schmitt, Die Albaner: Eine Geschichte zwischen Orient und Okzident
by Neuwirth Hubert - 603-605 David J. Galbreath / Carmen Gebhard (Hgg.), Cooperation or Conflict? Problematizing Organizational Overlap in Europe
by Mayer Sebastian - 605-607 Enver Hasani / Péter Paczolay / Michael Riegner (Hgg.), Constitutional Justice in South East Europe. Constitutional Courts in Kosovo, Serbia, Albania and Hungary between Ordinary Judiciaries and the European Court of Human Rights
by Küpper Herbert