June 2020, Volume 68, Issue 2
- 148-175 A Nation of Joiners. Volunteer Firefighters and Slovenian Nation- and State-Building from Below
by Kladnik Ana - 148-175 A Nation of Joiners. Volunteer Firefighters and Slovenian Nation- and State-Building from Below
by Kladnik Ana - 176-199 The Postsocialist Transformation of Youth Voluntarism in Serbia
by Ljubojević Ana - 176-199 The Postsocialist Transformation of Youth Voluntarism in Serbia
by Ljubojević Ana - 200-224 The Mother Teresa Society. Volunteer Work for the Kosovo‑Albanian ‘Parallel Structures’ in the 1990s
by Nietsch Julia - 225-251 Volunteering in the Context of Women’s Activism in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Popov-Momčinović Zlatiborka - 225-251 Volunteering in the Context of Women’s Activism in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Popov-Momčinović Zlatiborka - 252-273 Shifting Resources, Shifting Forms. Spontaneous Solidarity, Virtual Voluntarism and the Legacy of Radne Akcije in Postsocialist Serbia
by Matthiesen Anna - 252-273 Shifting Resources, Shifting Forms. Spontaneous Solidarity, Virtual Voluntarism and the Legacy of Radne Akcije in Postsocialist Serbia
by Matthiesen Anna - 274-281 Will the World’s Glass after the Coronavirus Pandemic Be Half-Empty or Half-Full?
by Stojanović Dubravka - 274-281 Will the World’s Glass after the Coronavirus Pandemic Be Half-Empty or Half-Full?
by Stojanović Dubravka - 282-283 Extremism and Violent Extremism in Serbia. 21st Century Manifestations of a Historical Challenge
by Jovanović Srđan Mladenov - 284-285 Corruption and Democratic Transition in Eastern Europe. The Role of Political Scandals in Post-Milošević Serbia
by Jurkat Kathrin - 284-285 Corruption and Democratic Transition in Eastern Europe. The Role of Political Scandals in Post-Milošević Serbia
by Jurkat Kathrin - 286-288 Security Community Practices in the Western Balkans
by Kudlenko Anastasiia - 286-288 Security Community Practices in the Western Balkans
by Kudlenko Anastasiia - 288-290 Norm Dilemmas in Humanitarian Intervention. How Bosnia Changed NATO
by Bassuener Kurt - 288-290 Norm Dilemmas in Humanitarian Intervention. How Bosnia Changed NATO
by Bassuener Kurt
March 2020, Volume 68, Issue 1
- 1-24 The Berlin Process. Bringing the Western Balkan Region Closer to the European Union
by Griessler Christina - 25-43 Retracing Labor in Yugoslav Socialism . Reflections on Research and Archival Approaches
by Vukliš Vladan - 44-78 ‘Our’ vs. ‘Inherited’ Museums. PiS and Fidesz as Mnemonic Warriors
by Radonić Ljiljana - 79-100 Narrating the ‘Liberation of Kosovo’ in Switzerland . Transnational Strategies of Boundary-Making
by Farquet Romaine - 101-111 The Archive Iris Meder in Vienna, Austria
by Feiersinger Elise - 112-113 Kosovo. Geschichte und Gegenwart eines Parastaates
by Troch Pieter - 114-116 Romania and the Quest for European Identity. Philo-Germanism without Germans
by Şerban Stelu - 116-119 Class Cultures in Postsocialist Eastern Europe
by Birešev Ana - 119-121 Adam Fabry, The Political Economy of Hungary. From State Capitalism to Authoritarian Neoliberalism
by Juhász András - 121-122 Novak Bjelić, Kazivanja o Trepči, 1303-2018
by Ceropita Mihail
December 2019, Volume 67, Issue 4
- 447-475 Promoting ‘Positive Stories’ of Help and Rescue from the 1992-1995 War in Bosnia and Herzegovina. An Alternative to the Dichotomy of Guilt and Victimhood?
by Moll Nicolas - 476-499 The New Independent Orthodox Church in Ukraine
by Mykhaleyko Andriy - 500-533 The Serbian Orthodox Church’s Involvement in Carrying the Memory of the Holocaust
by Hofmeisterová Karin - 534-554 Into the Grey Zone, Or: How to Track Fading Multiculturalism in Southeastern Europe: The Exhibition ‘“We Live Word to Word.” Banat – Transylvania – Bukovina. Ethnograffiti of Southeastern Europe’ at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, 2018-2020
by Dippel Anne & Bopp-Filimonov Valeska - 555-557 Remigration to Post-Socialist Europe. Hopes and Realities of Return
by Göler Daniel - 557-559 Lesbian Activism in the (Post-)Yugoslav Space. Sisterhood and Unity
by Antulov Sandra - 559-562 Activist Citizenship in Southeast Europe
by Kojanić Ognjen - 562-563 Health and Wealth on the Bosnian Market. Intimate Debt
by Pantović Ljiljana - 564-566 Politics of Identity in Post-Conflict States. The Bosnian and Irish Experience
by Milekić Sven - 566-568 State-graphy. Toward a Relational Anthropology of the State
by Pejović Astrea
September 2019, Volume 67, Issue 3
- 297-303 Contemporary Borders as ‘Phantom Borders’. An Introduction
by Zajc Marko - 304-327 The Schengen Border and the Criminalization of Migration in Slovenia
by Bajt Veronika - 328-346 Administrative Legacies and ‘Phantom Borders’ in Transnistria, 1996-2003. The Case of the Rybnitsa Sugar and Alcohol Factory
by Lesanu Alexandru - 347-368 The Oder-Neisse Line and Nation-Building in Poland since 1989. Phantom-Like Characteristics of Current Borders
by Klomp Jasper - 369-392 Administrative Legacy and the River Mura Border Dispute between Slovenia and Croatia
by Zajc Marko - 393-420 Tourism Urbanization in Croatia. The Cases of Poreč in Istria and Makarska in Dalmatia
by Kranjčević Jasenka & Hajdinjak Sanja - 421-433 Beyond Corruption? Romania’s Future after the EU Presidency
by Gatejel Luminita & Grama Adrian - 434-436 Mapping Versatile Boundaries. Understanding the Balkans
by Franzinetti Guido - 436-437 Revolutionary Totalitarianism, Pragmatic Socialism, Transition
by Beuk Sergej - 437-439 Versunken im Mittelmeer? Flüchtlingsorganisationen im Mittelmeerraum und das Europäische Asylsystem
by Brenner Manuela - 440-442 The Emergence of Historical Forensic Expertise. Clio Takes the Stand
by Duijzings Ger - 442-444 Dissense über sexuelle Differenz in Serbien und Kroatien. Eine qualitative Dispositivanalyse postjugoslawischer Massenmedien (2009-2013) und quantitative Sekundärdatenauswertung der European Values Study (2008) zu Homophobie im Westbalkan
by Ajanović Edma - 444-446 Sprachliche Verhältnisse und Restrukturierung sprachlicher Repertoires in der Republik Moldova
by Ciscel Matthew
June 2019, Volume 67, Issue 2
- 143-149 Social Policies, Demographic Patterns, and Inclusion Strategies. An Introduction
by Skoglund Ekaterina - 150-174 Silent Non-Exit and Broken Voice. Early Postcommunist Social Policies as Protest-Preempting Strategies
by Vanhuysse Pieter - 175-195 The State Policy towards the Homeless in Moldova between the ‘Left Hand’ and the ‘Right Hand’. The Case of Chișinău Shelter
by Negură Petru - 196-210 Generational and Intergenerational Care and Mobility Networks in Kosovo
by Latifi Tahir - 211-233 Precarious Retirement for Ageing Albanian (Return) Migrants
by Duci Veronika & Dhembo Elona & Vathi Zana - 234-263 Starting Early with Language Learning. Enhancing Human Capital and Improving the Integration of Migrant Families in the Danube Region. Examples from Bavaria
by Skoglund Ekaterina & Bretthauer Astrid - 264-284 Electronic Democracy in Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine. Patterns and Comparative Perspectives
by Khutkyy Dmytro - 285-286 Nostalgia, Loss and Creativity in Southeast Europe. Political and Cultural Representations of the Past
by Bostenaru Dan Maria - 286-289 ‘Den Balkan gibt es nicht’. Erbschaften im südöstlichen Europa
by Pranzl Joachim - 289-291 Mehrsprachigkeit in der Republik Moldau aus autobiographischer Perspektive
by Weirich Anna-Christine - 291-294 Migrating Borders and Moving Times. Temporality and the Crossing of Borders in Europe
by Zajc Marko - 294-296 Everyday Life in the Balkans
by Thiemann André
March 2019, Volume 67, Issue 1
- 1-23 Exhibiting Memories of a Besieged City. The (Uncertain) Role of Museums in Constructing Public Memory of the 1992-1995 Siege of Sarajevo
by Banjeglav Tamara - 24-49 Doing Science in Futureless Times. War, Political Engagement, and National Mission in Croatian Ethnology during the 1990s
by Cosovschi Agustín - 50-74 Psychic Landscapes, Worker Organizing and Blame. Uljanik and the 2018 Croatian Shipbuilding Crisis
by Hodges Andrew - 75-109 Permanently in Transit. Middle Eastern Migrants and Refugees in Serbia
by Galijaš Armina - 110-128 Freedom of Culture in and after Yugoslavia. An Interview with Branka Prpa
by Nießer Jacqueline - 129-140 How Generations Remember. Conflicting Histories and Shared Memories in Post-War Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Trošt Tamara - 131-134 Social Movements in the Balkans. Rebellion and Protest from Maribor to Taksim
by Zunneberg Christel - 135-137 Reporting the Attacks on Dubrovnik in 1991, and the Recognition of Croatia
by Pejović Astrea - 137-139 Turkish-Azerbaijani Relations. One Nation – Two States?
by Beilinson Orel - 139-140 Legacies of Twentieth-Century Communism
by Komnenović Dora
December 2018, Volume 66, Issue 4
- 451-480 Macedonian Monument Culture Beyond ‘Skopje 2014’
by Reef Paul - 481-502 The Dveri Movement Through a Discursive Lens. Serbia’s Contemporary Right-Wing Nationalism
by Jovanović Srđan Mladenov - 503-531 The Far Right in Greece. Paramilitarism, Organized Crime and the Rise of ‘Golden Dawn’
by Tsoutsoumpis Spyridon - 532-553 Traditional Home Slaughtering of Animals in the Framework of EU Legislation. Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Kumalić Ismet - 554-576 Politics Going Civil. Contentious (Party) Politics in Montenegro
by Sartori Alberto & Pranzl Joachim - 577-593 Citizenship, Ethnicity, History, Nation, Region, and the Prespa Agreement of June 2018 between Macedonia and Greece
by Rohdewald Stefan - 594-596 Yearnings in the Meantime. ‘Normal Lives’ and the State in a Sarajevo Apartment Complex
by Duijzings Ger - 597-598 Phantomgrenzen und regionale Autonomie im postsozialistischen Südosteuropa. Die Vojvodina und das Banat im Vergleich
by Koç Haşim - 599-601 Ethnic Minorities and Politics in Post-Socialist Southeastern Europe
by Vrăbiescu Ioana - 601-603 Das politische System Bosnien und Herzegowinas. Herausforderungen zwischen Dayton-Friedensabkommen und EU-Annäherung
by Kapidžić Damir - 603-605 Migration in the Southern Balkans. From Ottoman Territory to Globalized Nation States
by Haksöz Cengiz
September 2018, Volume 66, Issue 3
- 418-425 Future Challenges of Corruption Studies
by Ledeneva Alena - 426-440 ‘Georgian Film Is a Completely Unique Phenomenon.’ A Film Scene with History, or Georgian Cinema in the Emancipation Loop
by Buder Bernd - 441-442 Building Democracy in the Yugoslav Successor States. Accomplishments, Setbacks, Challenges since 1990
by Komnenović Dora - 443-444 Die Balkankrisen von 1908-1914 und die Jugoslawienkonflikte von 1991-1999 im Beziehungsgeflecht der Großmächte. Das Verhalten von internationalen Akteuren bei der Ausbreitung von Konflikten auf dem Balkan
by Boeckh Katrin - 444-446 Replicating Atonement. Foreign Models in the Commemoration of Atrocities
by Zunneberg Christel - 447-449 EU, Europe Unfinished. Mediating Europe and the Balkans in a Time of Crisis
by Dogot Cristina-Maria
October 2018, Volume 66, Issue 3
- 293-298 Corruption in Southeastern Europe and Latin America. An Introduction
by Buchenau Klaus - 299-324 The Ideological Malleability of Corruption. A Comparative Analysis of Official Corruption Discourses in Albania and Colombia, 2010-2017
by Kajsiu Blendi - 325-348 Turkeys Do Not Vote for Christmas. The Brazilian Anti-Vote-Buying Law
by Carmo Andreia reis do - 349-370 ‘One Does Everything to Make Life Better.’ Petty Corruption and Its Legal Implications in Hungary
by Burai Petra - 371-391 Not-So-Informal Relationships. Selective Unbundling of Maternal Care and the Reconfigurations of Patient–Provider Relations in Serbia
by Pantović Ljiljana - 392-417 Questioning Anticorruption in Postcommunist Contexts. Romanian MPs from Commitment to Contestation
by Iancu Alexandra
June 2018, Volume 66, Issue 2
- 143-152 Montenegro. Capitalist Transformation at the European Periphery
by Lazić Mladen - 153-181 Change, Continuity and Crisis. Montenegro’s Political Trajectory (1988-2016)
by Morrison Kenneth - 182-202 Everyday Life and Lifestyles of Social Classes in Montenegro
by Djukanović Borislav - 203-220 Economic Inequalities in Montenegro
by Petrović Irena - 221-244 Value Orientations and Systemic Changes in Montenegro, 1989-2015
by Lazić Mladen - 245-271 State Liability for Failure to Protect Others. Srebrenica Cases
by Delpla Isabelle - 272-281 A Word on Kosovo’s First Ten Years
by Austin Robert C. - 282-284 Beyond Mosque, Church, and State. Alternative Narratives of the Nation in the Balkans
by Kordas George - 284-286 Yugoslavian Inferno. Ethnoreligious Warfare in the Balkans
by Niebuhr Robert - 286-288 Promena vrednosnih orijentacija u postsocijalističkim društvima Srbije i Hrvatske. Politički i ekonomski liberalizam (Change in value orientations in the postsocialist societies of Serbia and Croatia. Political and economic liberalism)
by Resanović Milica - 288-290 Hunger and Fury. The Crisis of Democracy in the Balkans
by Meurs Wim van - 290-292 Party Responses to the EU in the Western Balkans. Transformation, Opposition or Defiance?
by Wentholt Niké
March 2018, Volume 66, Issue 1
- 1-9 Urban Ethnography. An Introduction
by Duijzings Ger - 10-26 The Everyday Life of a Homo Sacer. Enclave Urbanism in Podgorica, Montenegro
by Brković Čarna - 27-44 The Politics of Simulation. Fake Repairs in a Serbian Industrial Town
by Jovanović Deana - 45-68 Postsocialist Informal Urbanism between Creativity and Power. Notes on Four Projects from Romania
by Văetişi Şerban - 69-93 ‘And When the Heart is Sick, the Whole Body is Sick.’ Repairing the Person and the Urban Fabric through Everyday Sufi Ethics in Postwar Sarajevo
by Kostadinova Zora - 94-118 Constitutional Justice in Credit Crises. The Hungarian Case
by Gárdos-Orosz Fruzsina - 119-130 The Border Monster Refuses to Die
by Zajc Marko - 131-133 Of Red Dragons and Evil Spirits. Post-Communist Historiography between Democratization and New Politics of History
by Zunneberg Christel - 133-135 Post-Conflict Europeanization and the War of Meanings. The Challenges of Eu Conditionality in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo
by Moisé Gian Marco - 135-136 Balkan Legacies of the Great War. The Past Is Never Dead
by Mayr-Veselinović Claudia - 136-138 NATO and the Western Balkans. From Neutral Spectator to Proactive Peacemaker
by Hoebens Roos - 139-141 Feminist Activism at War. Belgrade and Zagreb Feminists in the 1990s
by Bonfiglioli Chiara
December 2017, Volume 65, Issue 4
- 607-631 In Search of Catharsis. Theatre in Serbia in the 1990s
by Šentevska Irena - 632-653 Denying the Unknown. Everyday Narratives about Croatian Involvement in the 1992-1995 Bosnian Conflict
by Sokolić Ivor - 654-678 ‘I’m Both a Worker and a Shareholder.’ Workers’ Narratives and Property Transformations in Postsocialist Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia
by Calori Anna & Jurkat Kathrin - 679-695 The Size and Effects of Emigration and Remittances in the Western Balkans. A Forecasting Based on a Delphi Process
by Petreski Marjan & Petreski Blagica & Tumanoska Despina & Narazani Edlira & Kazazi Fatush & Ognjanov Galjina & Jankovic Irena & Mustafa Arben & Kochovska Tereza - 696-706 Istanbul and Turkey One Year Later. Intriguing–Tense–Inspiring
by Luthar Oto - 707-709 Re-Making Kozarac. Agency, Reconciliation and Contested Return in Post-War Bosnia
by Brenner Manuela - 709-711 Performing Nostalgia. Migration Culture and Creativity in South Albania
by Jusufi Islam - 711-713 Welcome to the Desert of Post-Socialism. Radical Politics After Yugoslavia
by Luteijn Geert - 714-716 Emotions and Memory Politics in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe
by Paul Johanna
September 2017, Volume 65, Issue 3
- 449-458 Household Strategies in Southeast European Societies in the Period of Economic Crisis
by Cvetičanin Predrag & Lavrič Miran - 459-494 Typology of Household Strategies of Action in Four Countries of Southeastern Europe in a Period of Economic Crisis
by Cvetičanin Predrag & Lavrič Miran - 495-519 Thriving and Surviving Activities of Households During the Crisis Period. Empirical Evidence from Southeastern Europe
by Efendić Adnan & Cvetičanin Predrag & Kumalić Ismet - 520-541 Making Ends Meet. How Roma Families Living in Poverty Cope
by Šikić-Mićanović Lynette - 542-564 Coping Strategies of Economically (Partially) Inactive Households: The Case of Croatia
by Bagić Dragan & Dobrotić Ivana & Lažnjak Jasminka & Rodik Petra & Vučkovićjuroš Tanja - 565-588 Small Farmers in Four Southeast European Countries. A Qualitative Analysis of Life Strategies in Twenty-Five Agricultural Households
by Krstić Nemanja & Derado Augustin & Naterer Andrej & Kumalić Ismet - 589-595 Scholars (Not) Investigating Srebrenica. Academic Feuds and Other Shortcomings
by Duijzings Ger - 596-597 Europe’s Balkan Muslims. A New History
by Zdravkovski Aleksander - 598-602 Gender (In)equality and Gender Politics in Southeastern Europe. A Question of Justice
by Malenica Brigita - 602-604 Civic and Uncivic Values in Kosovo. History, Politics and Value Transformation
by Pustina Lorik - 604-606 Entangled Histories of the Balkans. Volume Three. Shared Pasts, Disputed Legacies
by van Meurs Wim
June 2017, Volume 65, Issue 2
- 195-220 The Second World War in Southeastern Europe. Historiographies and Debates
by Rutar Sabine - 221-238 The German Occupation Regimes in Southeastern Europe as a Research Problem in Yugoslav and Serbian Historiography
by Ristović Milan - 239-259 Beyond the Myth of the ‘Good Italian’. Recent Trends in the Study of the Italian Occupation of Southeastern Europe during the Second World War
by Fonzi Paolo - 260-283 Holocaust Research in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia. An Inventory
by Vulesica Marija - 284-315 Nationalization through Internationalization. Writing, Remembering, and Commemorating the Holocaust in Macedonia and Bulgaria after 1989
by Ragaru Nadège - 316-333 The Greek Historiography of the 1940s. A Reassessment
by Voglis Polymeris & Nioutsikos Ioannis - 334-363 Slovenia. Occupation, Repression, Partisan Movement, Collaboration, and Civil War in Historical Research
by Troha Nevenka - 364-387 Rethinking the Place of the Second World War in the Contemporary History of Albania
by Kera Gentiana - 388-411 From Heroisation to Competing Victimhoods. History Writing on the Second World War in Moldova
by Suveica Svetlana - 412-436 Academic Freedom in Danger. Fact Files on the ‘CEU Affair’
by Trencsényi Balázs & Rieber Alfred J. & Iordachi Constantin & Hîncu Adela - 437-439 A Concise History of Bosnia
by Roginer Oskar - 439-441 Negotiating Social Relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Semiperipheral Entanglements
by Senjković Reana - 441-443 Remembrance, History, and Justice. Coming to Terms with Traumatic Pasts in Democratic Societies
by Scherpenisse Susan - 443-446 Minorities under Attack. Othering and Right-Wing Extremism in Southeast European Societies
by Bikic Delila - 446-448 Fragile Loyalität zur Republik Moldau. Sowjetnostalgie und ‘Heimatlosigkeit’ unter den russischen und ukrainischen Minderheiten
by van Meurs Wim
March 2017, Volume 65, Issue 1
- 1-9 Changes in the narratives of Europeanization. Reviewing the impact of the union before the crisis
by Agarin Timofey - 10-34 Securitization reversed. Does Europeanization improve minority/majority relations?
by Nancheva Nevena - 35-55 Europeanization and minority policies in post-conflict Kosovo. Genuine inclusion or window dressing?
by Potter Michael - 56-76 Security sector reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A case study of the Europeanization of the Western Balkans
by Kudlenko Anastasiia - 77-98 Mirroring transitional justice. Construction and impact of European Union ICTY-conditionality
by Wentholt Niké - 99-124 European style electoral politics in an ethnically divided society. The case of Kosovo
by Wise Laura & Agarin Timofey - 125-148 Counting for what purpose? The paradox of including ethnic and cultural questions in the censuses of Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Macedonia
by Hoh Anna-Lena - 149-169 Talk the talk, or walk the walk? Changing narratives in Europeanization research
by Agarin Timofey & Yilmaz Gözde - 170-182 Macedonia’s colourful revolution and the elections of 2016. A chance for democracy, or all for nothing?
by Reef Paul - 183-185 Anthems and the making of nation states. Identity and nationalism in the Balkans
by Kreuter Peter Mario - 185-187 Erinnerungen an die ‘Nicht-Zeit’. Das sozialistische Rumänien im biographisch-zeitgeschichtlichen Gedächtnis der Nachwendezeit (1989-2007)
by van Meurs Wim - 187-189 Transnationalism, Diaspora and Migrants from the Former Yugoslavia in Britain
by Bernard Sara - 189-191 Politicization of Religion. The Power of Symbolism. The Case of Former Yugoslavia and its Successor States: Politicization of Religion. The Power of State, Nation, and Faith. The Case of Former Yugoslavia and its Successor States
by Boeckh Katrin - 191-193 From Class to Identity. The Politics of Education Reforms in Former Yugoslavia
by Cosovschi Águstin
December 2016, Volume 64, Issue 4
- 433-437 Memories and Narratives of the 1999 NATO Bombing in Serbia
by Fridman Orli & Rácz Krisztina - 438-459 Memories of the 1999 NATO Bombing in Belgrade, Serbia
by Fridman Orli - 460-481 Official Commemoration of the NATO Bombing of Serbia. A Case Study of the Fifteenth Anniversary
by Mandić Marija - 482-499 ‘The Song Has Kept Us’: Soundscape of Belgrade during the NATO Bombing
by Atanasovski Srđan - 500-519 ‘Achieved without Ambiguity?’ Memorializing Victimhood in Belgrade after the 1999 NATO Bombing
by Bădescu Gruia - 520-543 Trauma or Entertainment? Collective Memories of the NATO Bombing of Serbia
by Rácz Krisztina - 544-559 Agents of Change. Women’s Advocacy during Democratization in Croatia
by Rošul-Gajić Jagoda - 560-573 #Kosovo: 30 students of the German National Academic Foundation embarked on a self-organised seminar trip to Kosovo to examine the country's development since 1999
by Hermanns Sophie & Rieger Kevin & Stolle Johannes & Weeger Maren - 574-576 The Killing Compartments. The Mentality of Mass Murder
by Duijzings Ger - 576-580 Phantomgrenzen. Räume und Akteure in der Zeit neu denken
by Rutar Sabine - 580-582 The War in Our Backyard. The Bosnia and Kosovo Wars through the Lens of the German Print Media
by Ihrig Stefan - 582-584 Strategies of Symbolic Nation-Building in South Eastern Europe
by Reef Paul - 584-586 Engineering Revolution. The Paradox of Democracy Promotion in Serbia
by Bockman Johanna K. - 586-588 Prosecuting Slobodan Milošević. The Unfinished Trial
by van Meurs Wim
September 2016, Volume 64, Issue 3
- 277-283 Living after the Fall. Contingent Biographies in Postsocialist Space
by Scarboro Cristofer - 284-306 Between Trauma and Nostalgia. The Intellectual Ethos and Generational Dynamics of Memory in Postsocialist Romania
by Georgescu Diana - 307-324 ‘Project 1990’ as an Anti-Monument in Bucharest and the Aestheticisation of Memory
by Preda Caterina - 325-343 Confessions of a ‘Mixed Marriage Child’. Diary in the Study of Yugoslavia’s Breakup
by Buric Fedja - 344-364 Negotiating Socialist Lives after the Fall. Narrative Resources and Strategies of the First Socialist Generation in Bulgaria
by Koleva Daniela - 365-371 Europe on the Move. A Commentary
by Busek Erhard - 372-380 Brexit and Europe. A Commentary
by Breuilly John - 381-395 Beyond the ‘Balkan route’, or Why Southeastern Europe Remains a Core Issue for Europe: A Discussion among Andrea Despot, Hannes Grandits, Wolfgang Höpken, Dušan Reljić, Gabriella Schubert, and Sevasti Trubeta
by Despot Andrea & Grandits Hannes & Höpken Wolfgang & Reljić Dušan & Schubert Gabriella & Trubeta Sevasti - 396-418 New literature on the architecture of socialist modernity in Yugoslavia
by Meder Iris - 419-421 The Survived Country
by Moll Nicolas - 421-422 The Revival of Islam in the Balkans
by Bougarel Xavier - 423-424 Disrupted Landscapes. State, Peasants and the Politics of Land in Postsocialist Romania
by Meurs Wim van - 424-426 The European Debt Crisis. The Greek Case
by Luteijn Geert - 426-429 Der Balkan zwischen Ost und West. Mediale Bilder und kulturpolitische Prägungen
by Fiedler Johanna - 429-432 Workers and Revolution in Serbia. From Tito to Milošević
by Rutar Sabine