April 2018, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 65-73 The De-globalized City
by Haselmayer Sascha - 75-90 Global Cities and the Ends of Globalism
by Curtis Simon - 91-102 Religious Diversity, Social Cohesion, and the Role of Interfaith Cooperation in Resilient Global Cities
by Banout Tony & Henderson Brad - 103-106 New York at its Core: A Review of an Exhibition at the City Museum of New York
by Wide Thomas - 107-115 Owen Hatherley: Landscapes of Communism, Yuri Slezkine: The House of Government and John Davies, Alexander J. Kent: The Red Atlas
by Klaus Ian - 117-118 Andrew Brooks: The End of Development. A Global History of Poverty and Prosperity
by Munck Ronaldo - 119-121 Tim Dunne and Christian Reus-Smit: The Globalization of International Society
by McKeil A.C.
December 2017, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 165-196 Diversity and (In)equality in the Global Art World: Global Development and Structure of Field-Configuring Events
by Morgner Christian - 197-209 The “Idea” of Universal History: What the Owl Heard, the Angel Saw, and the Idiot Said
by Bowden Brett - 211-229 Once Again, They Have a Word for It: Greeks Talk about Our Global Age
by Epitropoulos Mike-Frank & Markoff John - 231-241 Biography and (Global) Microhistory
by Gamsa Mark - 243-263 Thinking Globally: Reassessing the Fields of Law, Politics and Economics in the US Academy
by Darian-Smith Eve - 265-268 Andrew Pettegree: The Invention of News: How the World Came to Know About Itself
by John Richard R. - 269-272 Caroline A. Jones: The Global Work of Art: World’s Fairs, Biennials, and the Aesthetics of Experience
by Meskimmon Marsha - 273-275 Stephen D. King: Grave New World: The End of Globalization, The Return of History
by Nederveen Pieterse Jan
July 2017, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 77-84 Introduction
by Scott-Smith Giles - 85-100 Violent Conflicts and Neutral Legations: A Case Study of the Spanish and Swiss Legations in Wartime Japan
by Lottaz Pascal - 101-115 Global Trends in Local Contexts: The Finnish Embassy in Paris, 1956–1990
by Clerc Louis - 117-131 Bevin’s Boys Abroad: British Labor Diplomacy in the Cold War Era
by Van Goethem Geert - 133-150 Edges of Diplomacy: Literary Representations of the (Honorary) Consul and the Public-Private Divide in Diplomatic Studies
by Scott-Smith Giles - 151-155 Coda: Ten Questions for a Diplomat
by Weisbrode Kenneth - 157-159 Van Vleck, Jenifer: Empire of the Air: Aviation and the American Ascendancy
by Gutfreund Owen - 161-163 Copper John F.:China’s Foreign Aid and Investment Diplomacy
by Rimner Steffen
April 2017, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-28 Cooperative Authoritarians and Regime Stability
by Fuller Clay Robert - 29-44 FDI Uppers and Downers: A Macedonian Case Study
by Apostolov Mico - 45-46 Bruce Mazlish and Global History
by Iriye Akira - 47-53 Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott: Blockchain Revolution
by Klaus Ian - 55-67 America’s Global Moment: Italy Witnesses the Spanish-American War
by Gürsel Bahar - 69-72 Barry Buzan and George Lawson: The Global Transformation: History, Modernity and the Making of International Relations
by Sargent Daniel - 73-75 Tim Bartley, Sebastien Koos, Hiram Samel, Gustavo Setrini and Nik Summers: Looking Behind the Label: Global Industries and the Conscientious Consumer
by Lekakis Eleftheria J.
December 2016, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 201-216 Editors’ Note: Situating Internationalism 1919–1940s
by Auberer Benjamin & Holste Timo & Liebisch Carolin - 217-251 Defending Turkey on Global Stages: The Young Turk Reşit Saffet’s Internationalist Strategy in 1919
by Liebisch Carolin - 253-281 The Politics of Music in International Organizations in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
by Sibille Christiane - 283-306 International Experts or Fascist Envoys? Alberto Theodoli and Pietro Stoppani at the League of Nations
by Tollardo Elisabetta - 307-344 Tourists at the League of Nations. Conceptions of Internationalism around the Palais des Nations, 1925–1946
by Holste Timo - 345-372 “The Muslim World” Question during the Interwar Era Global Imaginary, 1924–1945
by Aydin Cemil - 373-392 The Red Swastika Society’s Humanitarian Work: A Re-interpretation of the Red Cross in China
by Pfeiff Alexandra - 393-426 Digesting the League of Nations: Planning the International Secretariat of the Future, 1941–1944
by Auberer Benjamin - 427-433 Immanuel Ness: Southern Insurgency: The Coming of the Global Working Class
by Ovetz Robert - 435-437 Robert D. Kaplan: In Europe’s Shadow: Two Cold Wars and a Thirty-Year Journey Through Romania and Beyond
by Holom Brittany
July 2016, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 113-131 Global South and North: Why Informality Matters
by Hodder Rupert - 133-161 The Future of Resources: A New Chapter
by Benedikter Roland & Kühne Kjell & Benedikter Ariane & Atzeni Giovanni - 163-173 José Manuel Barroso: The EU as a Flexible Global Institution
by Sacks Benjamin - 175-181 Paris Agreement on Climate Change: A Diplomatic Triumph – How Can It Succeed?
by Hall Jan Erik - 183-185 Dieter Grimm: Sovereignty: The Origin and Future of a Political and Legal Concept
by Chabal Emile - 187-191 John Ikenberry: Power, Order, and Change in World Politics
by Stuenkel Oliver - 193-195 Patricia L. Rosenfield: A World of Giving: Carnegie Corporation of New York – A Century of International Philanthropy
by Parmar Inderjeet - 197-199 Stephen J. Macekura: Of Limits and Growth: The Rise of Global Sustainable Development in the Twentieth Century
by Kjellén Bo
April 2016, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-25 MERCOSUR and the Brazilian Leadership Challenge in the Era of Chinese Growth: A Uruguayan Foreign Policy Perspective
by Urdinez Francisco & Burian Camilo López & de Oliveira Amâncio Jorge - 27-48 Global Power Movements, Uncertainty and Democracy in the Middle East
by Guner Selin - 49-54 Frank Ninkovich: The Global Republic: America’s Inadvertent Rise to World Power / Henry Kissinger: World Order
by Stephanson Anders - 55-71 David Milne: Worldmaking: The Art and Science of American Diplomacy
by Ninkovich Frank - 73-99 Mismeasuring Humanity: Examining Indicators Through a Critical Global Studies Perspective
by Darian-Smith Eve - 101-104 Randall L. Schweller: Maxwell’s Demon and the Golden Apple: Global Discord in the New Millennium
by Brookfield Jonathan - 105-107 Gordon Chang: Fateful Ties: A History of America’s Preoccupation with China
by Hsu Madeline Y. - 109-112 Charles S. Maier: Leviathan 2.0: Inventing Modern Statehood
by Branch Jordan
December 2015, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 209-221 Editors’ Note
by Reimer Jennifer A. & Subialka Michael - 223-243 The Counter Narrative: Critical Analysis of Liberal Education in Global Context
by Godwin Kara A. - 245-266 Liberal Education in Asia: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities
by Lewis Pericles & Rupp Katherine - 267-274 Whose Cosmopolitanism Is It Anyway? Musings from the Global Academy
by Horta Paulo Lemos & Roth Nadine - 275-294 Reading with Borders: Text, Context, and Comparative Literature from Korea
by Walsh Kelly - 295-312 Shifting Proximities: A Case for Global Reading in US Higher Education
by Hartwiger Alexander - 313-329 Americans Abroad: Melville and Pacific Perspectives
by Gniadek Melissa - 331-350 Transposing Pedagogic Boundaries: Global America in an Australian Context
by Giles Paul - 351-353 Masuda Hajimu: Cold War Crucible: The Korean Conflict and the Postwar World
by Matray James - 355-357 Christopher McKnight Nichols: Promise and Peril: America at the Dawn of a Global Age
by Meiser Jeffrey - 359-362 Gaia Vince: Adventures in the Anthropocene
by Dorling Danny
August 2015, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 101-124 The Moral Economy of Global Crowds: Egypt 1977, Brazil 2013
by Drainville A. C. - 125-157 Bringing Local Voices to the Global Negotiation Table: Norm Dissemination and Consensus Building on Tropical Forests and Climate Change
by Rodrigues Maria G. - 159-165 A Trajectory of Globalization
by Mazlish Bruce - 167-198 Global Systemic Shift Redux: The State of the Art
by Benedikter Roland & Siepmann Katja - 199-200 Diego Olstein: Thinking History Globally
by Smith Dennis - 201-204 David A. Pietz: The Yellow River: The Problem of Water in Modern China
by Hevia James - 205-208 Nuno P. Monteiro: Theory of Unipolar Politics
by Stuenkel Oliver
April 2015, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-25 Globalization and the Emergence of Violent Non-state Actors: The Case of Human Trafficking
by Zhidkova Tatiana - 27-56 Sustainable Development in a Global Context: A Success or a Nuisance?
by Bakari Mohamed El-Kamel - 57-71 “We Want What Everybody Else in an Advanced Society Seems to Have”: Why Chinese Democracy Is Inevitable
by Davis Michael T. - 73-87 The Venture of Marshall Hodgson: Visionary Historian of Islam and the World
by Tamari Steve - 89-91 Hilary E. Kahn: Framing the Global: Entry Points for Research
by Bonnie G. Smith - 93-96 Maxine Berg: Writing the History of the Global: Challenges for the Twenty-First Century
by Christian David - 97-99 Hartmut Berghoff and Thomas Kühne: Globalizing Beauty: Consumerism and Body Aesthetics in the Twentieth Century
by Teresa Riordan
December 2014, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 213-221 Rethinking China’s Soft Power
by Houlden Gordon & Schmidt Heather - 223-243 Reporting for China: Cosmopolitan Attitudes and the “Chinese Perspective” among Chinese Correspondents Abroad
by Nyíri Pál - 245-258 Rewriting the Chinese National Epic in an Age of Global Consumerism: City of Life and Death and The Flowers of War
by Yang Jing - 259-277 Fei Cheng Wu Rao (非诚勿扰): Staging Global China through International Format Television and Overseas Special Episodes
by Morrow Katherine - 279-305 Exporting the Communist Image: The 1976 Chinese Peasant Painting Exhibition in Britain
by Williams Emily - 307-329 Projecting the Good Life at Home and Abroad: Lineages of the Chinese National Image from 1949 to the Present
by Hulme Alison - 331-352 New Public Diplomacy Meets Old Public Diplomacy – the Case of China and Its Confucius Institutes
by Hartig Falk - 353-375 The Politics of Affect in Confucius Institutes: Re-orienting Foreigners towards the PRC
by Schmidt Heather - 377-385 Nader Hashemi and Danny Postel: The Syrian Dilemma
by Viden Anna - 387-390 Jaesok Kim: Chinese Labor in a Korean Factory: Class, Ethnicity, and Productivity on the Shop Floor in Globalizing China
by Smith David - 391-394 J. H. Elliott: History in the Making
by Deringer William - 395-398 Daniel Brook: A History of Future Cities
by Kudva Neema & Subramanyam Nidhi
July 2014, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 153-176 The Global Economic Imbalances: The Dangers of Not Rebalancing
by Sharma Shalendra D. - 177-182 The Imprint of the global
by Mazlish Bruce - 183-201 South–South Cooperation and IBSA: More Trade in Politics
by Schor Adriana - 203-205 Europe: The Struggle for Supremacy. From 1453 to the Present, by Brendan Simms
by Berenson Edward - 207-210 The Power of Currencies and Currencies of Power, edited by Alan Wheatley
by Coats Warren - 211-212 History and Hope: The International Humanitarian Reader, edited by Kevin M. Cahill
by Fassin Didier
March 2014, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-7 Introduction: Private Diplomacy, Making the Citizen Visible
by Scott-Smith Giles - 9-29 The “Piano Virtuosos” of International Politics: Informal Diplomacy in the late nineteenth and early twentieth Century Ottoman Empire
by Rathberger Andreas - 31-47 Activism, Diplomacy and Swedish–German Relations during the First World War
by Jonas Michael - 49-63 The International Relations of Thomas Mann in Early Cold War Germany
by Marcus Kenneth H. - 65-86 “The Best Diplomats Are Often the Great Musicians”: Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic Play Berlin
by Rosenberg Jonathan - 87-101 Winning the Cold War: Anti-Communism, Informal Diplomacy, and the Transnational Career of Jean Violet
by Großmann Johannes - 103-119 Between Dinner Table and Formal Diplomacy: Ernst van der Beugel as an Unofficial Diplomat for an Atlantic Community
by Bloemendal Albertine - 121-140 Humanitarian Aid or Private Diplomacy? Norman Cousins and the Treatment of Atomic Bomb Victims
by Pietrobon Allen - 141-152 A Dutch Dartmouth: Ernst van Eeghen’s Private Campaign to Defuse the Euromissiles Crisis
by Scott-Smith Giles
2013, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 99-101 World History: An Introduction, by Eric Vanhaute. Translated by Linda Weix. London: Routledge, 2013, 182pp. ISBN: 9780415535793
by Manning Patrick - 103-106 The Making of the Middle Class: Toward a Transnational History, edited by A. Ricardo López and Barbara Weinstein. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2012, 464pp. ISBN: 9780822351177
by Peterson Benjamin - 107-108 The Undivided Past: Humanity Beyond Our Differences, Cannadine, David. New York: Knopf, 2013, 352pp. ISBN 9780307269072
by Stearns Peter N.
November 2013, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-22 Families’ Emotion Work in Transnational Settings: The Case of Military Families
by Atwood Kristin - 23-56 Globalization and Sustainable Development: False Twins?
by Bakari Mohamed El-Kamel - 57-86 Globalization and the Environment in the Emerging Economies: Increased Imbalance, New Momentum, or Stalemate?
by Kochtcheeva Lada V. - 87-97 Detroit and the Ruhr: Two Post-industrial Landscapes
by Sattler Julia
July 2013, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 73-100 Imagining the Arctic, the Russian Way: Concepts and Projects for the Arctic Ocean in the Eighteenth Century
by Winkler Martina - 101-116 Scientists and Heroes: International Arctic Cooperation at the End of the Nineteenth Century
by Kraus Alexander - 117-128 Between Facts and Fiction: Greenland and the Question of Sovereignty 1945–1954
by Olesen Thorsten Borring - 129-154 Transforming Greenland: Imperial Formations in the Cold War
by Nielsen Kristian H. - 155-182 From International Governance to Region Building in the Arctic?
by Sørensen Anne Toft - 183-204 All Is Well in the High North? Contemporary Sources of Tension in the Arctic
by Scassola Andrea
2013, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 57-58 Preface
by Schulz-Forberg Hagen - 59-72 Introduction: The Practice of Arctic Governance – Historical and Contemporary Cases
by Ingimundarson Valur & Magnúsdóttir Rósa - 205-206 Planet Taco: A Global History of Mexican Food, Jeffrey M. Pilcher Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012, 300 pp. ISBN 978-0199740062
by Gremillion Kristen - 209-210 Gordian Knot: Apartheid and the Unmaking of the Liberal World Order, Ryan M. Irwin. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013, xi–244 pp. ISBN: 978-0-19-985561-2
by Barchiesi Franco
2013, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 47-49 Planning the Lower Mekong Basin: Social Intervention on the Se San River, Ly Thim, Lit. Verlag Dr. W. Hopf Berlin, 2010. 223pp. ISBN 978-3-643-10834-0
by Lap James - 50-53 Europe’s Unfinished Currency: The Political Economics of the Euro, Thomas Mayer, London and New York: Anthem Press, 2012. 272 pp. ISBN 978-0-85728-548-5
by Kendall Chris A. - 54-56 At Home with the Diplomats: Inside a European Foreign Ministry, Iver B. Neumann, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2012, 216 pp. ISBN 978-0-8014-4993-2
by Gram-Skjoldager Karen
April 2013, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-24 Putting Refugees in Their Place
by Gatrell Peter - 25-31 The New Global Merchants of Light
by Mazlish Bruce - 32-46 Global Systemic Shift: A Multidimensional Approach to Understand the Present Phase of Globalization
by Benedikter Roland
December 2012, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-4 Review of Noel Salazar's Envisioning Eden
by Walton John K. - 1-5 Review of Jürgen Osterhammel, Die Verwandlung der Welt. Eine Geschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts
by Rimner Steffen - 1-17 Stigmas and Memory of Slavery in West Africa: Skin Color and Blood as Social Fracture Lines
by Thioub Ibrahima - 1-20 The History of Human Rights: The Big Bang of an Emerging Field or Flash in the Pan?
by Ballinger Pamela - 1-22 International Law and Human Rights: Diverging and Converging Histories
by Quataert Jean H. - 1-24 NGOs and Development Reconsidered
by Ranis Gustav & Xiong Shirley & Singer Olivia - 1-24 Counter-Elites Swimming Up-Stream: The Challenge of Pursuing a Political Rights Agenda where Economic Rights Trump
by Grodsky Brian Keith - 1-26 Decision-Makers in the Dock: How Trials, Human Rights Advocacy and International Law are Shaping the Justice Norm
by Booth Walling Carrie
July 2012, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-4 Review of The World As It Is:Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress
by Sargent Daniel - 1-5 Review of World 3.0: Global Prosperity and How to Achieve It
by Finel-Honigman Irene - 1-17 The Global Role of an Intermediate Power: Brazil and the Iranian Nuclear Program
by Santos Vieira de Jesus Diego - 1-17 Nice White Girls in/from Africa: the Visibility of Culture and Invisibility of Globalization
by Kennedy Tanya Ann - 1-22 Narratives of Resistance: Comparing Global News Coverage of the Arab Spring
by Robertson Alexa - 1-22 A Perspective on Ghana's Mining Sector
by Sarpong Sam - 1-27 Periodizing Globalization: Histories of Globalization
by Nederveen Pieterse Jan - 1-30 "Peace Based on Social Justice": The ALBA Alternative to Corporate Globalization
by Broadhead Lee-Anne & Morrison Robert
May 2012, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-5 Review of Overcoming Evil
by Jordan Jenna - 1-5 Review of Nazi Empire: German Colonization from Bismarck to Hitler
by Artur Lakatos - 1-9 The Transatlantic Relationship: Common Interests?
by van Heuven Marten H.A. - 1-9 Crimes and Sovereignty
by Mazlish Bruce - 1-18 The Tribalism Index: Unlocking the Relationship Between Tribal Patriarchy and Islamist Militants
by Jacobson David & Deckard Natalie - 1-19 "This is What Democracy Looks Like": Is Representation Under Siege?
by Zuquete Jose Pedro - 1-26 The Impossible Mission: Global Justice Movement Against Transnational Organized Crime
by Cayli Baris - 1-28 Can We be Civil? The Proliferation of Global Plural Society
by Gilligan Daniel - 1-29 Do Oil and Democracy Only Clash in the Global South?: Petro Politics in Alberta, Canada
by Shrivastava Meenal & Stefanick Lorna
December 2011, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-5 Review of The Unfinished Global Revolution
by Drezner Daniel - 1-6 Review of Worse Than a Monolith: Alliance Politics and Problems of Coercive Diplomacy in Asia
by Lee Sung-Yoon - 1-10 Social Bonding, Globalization, and Humanity
by Mazlish Bruce - 1-10 Al-Qaida versus the Arab Awakening: The Muslim World's Past and Future
by Ahrari Ehsan - 1-10 The State under Globalization : Weakened State or Reinforced Economic Planner?
by Dobra Alexandra - 1-23 Zelig in the Jungle: Neozapatismo and the Construction of the International Indigenous Subject
by Leetoy Salvador - 1-24 "Planetarity" as the Armature for Comparing Alice Walker and Bama Faustina
by Balakrishnan Vinod Valiathakidi & Robinson C.S. - 1-28 Interpreting the Transforming World: Perspectives from Peace Research
by Kakonen Jyrki
July 2011, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-4 Review of The End of Byzantium
by Proctor David J. - 1-5 Review of The Globalization Paradox: Democracy and the Future of the World Economy
by Waddell Jasmine M - 1-17 The Outer and the Inner Transformation of the Global Social Sphere through Technology: The State of Two Fields in Transition
by Benedikter Roland & Giordano James - 1-21 Another World is Possible? Utopia Revisited
by Zúquete José Pedro - 1-23 Rethinking the Impact of Transnational Advocacy Networks
by Rodrigues Maria G - 1-28 Towards a Democratization of Standards Development? Internal Dynamics of ISO in the Context of Globalization
by Ruwet Coline
April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-5 Review of Essays on Twentieth Century History
by Wertheim Stephen - 1-5 Review of Climate Change and Displacement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
by Suzenski David Adam - 1-8 The Transatlantic Relationship: The Interplay between Values and Interests
by van Heuven Marten - 1-9 Arab Democratic Uprisings: Domestic, Regional and Global Implications
by Benantar Abdennour - 1-13 Lebanon against the Backdrop of the 2011 Arab Uprisings: Which Revolution in Sight?
by Fakhoury Tamirace - 1-29 Anti-Colonial to Anti-Globalization Nationalism: Pepetela's Angolanidade
by Myambo Melissa Tandiwe - 1-33 Resisting Dispossession: Indigenous Peoples, the World Bank and the Contested Terrain of Policy
by Eastwood Lauren E
March 2011, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-4 Review of Lindholm and Zúquete, The Struggle for the World: Liberation Movements for the 21st Century
by Fitzsimons William - 1-5 Review of Knight and Keating, Global Politics
by Bibbs Caitlin E - 1-9 The Joy of War and the Future of Humanity
by Mazlish Bruce - 1-22 Theorising Global Media Events: Cognition, Emotions and Performances
by Ribes Alberto J. - 1-28 From Citizen-Duty to State-Responsibility: Globalization and Nationhood in Singapore
by Sun Shirley Hsiao-Li - 1-31 "In America, the Young Men and Women Would be Told HOW, not WHAT, to Think": Transnational Exchanges that Shaped U.S. Youth Politics, 1932-43
by Nicholson Bryan W
November 2010, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-4 Review of Globish: How the English Language Became the World's Language
by Russell Nicholas - 1-10 India and China: Going Behind the News
by Werlin Herbert H - 1-15 From Critical Globalization Studies and Public Sociology to Global Crisis Studies and Global Justice Work: A Manifesto for Radical Social Change
by Foran John - 1-22 Global Opinion Theory and the English School of International Relations
by Rusciano Frank L. - 1-25 India, Brazil and South Africa: Collective Action, Divergent Positions
by de Oliveira Amâncio Jorge & Onuki Janina - 1-35 Russia's Response to Globalization: Europeanization, Americanization and Self-Determination
by Kochtcheeva Lada V
August 2010, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-5 The Giant and the Temple: A Review of Dietmar Rothermund's India: The Rise of an Asian Giant and Maria Misra's Vishnu's Crowded Temple: India since the Great Rebellion
by Slate Nico - 1-5 Introduction
by Manjapra Kris - 1-6 Not Just Made in the U.S.A: Seeing National Culture Transnationally
by Levitt Peggy - 1-6 Between American Studies and Comparative Literature
by Sollors Werner - 1-7 Transnational Feminist Studies: A Brief Sketch
by Tambe Ashwini - 1-8 Exile Economics: The Transnational Contributions and Limits of the League of Nations' Economic and Financial Section
by Ekbladh David - 1-9 Transnationalism and the Scalar Politics of Imperialism
by Legg Stephen - 1-9 Jurisdiction Leap, Political Drain, and Other Dangers of Transnational History
by Slobodian Quinn - 1-9 Cities and Strategic Elsewheres: Developments in the Transnational Politics of Remaking Urban Space
by Centner Ryan