- 122 Direct effects of base money on aggregate demand: theory and evidence
by Edward Nelson - 121 Sovereign liquidity crises: analytics and implications for public policy
by Michael Chui & Prasanna Gui & Andrew G Haldane - 120 UK monetary policy 1972-97: a guide using Taylor rules
by Edward Nelson - 119 Optimal horizons for inflation targeting
by Nicoletta Batini & Edward Nelson - 118 How well does a limited participation model of the monetary transmission mechanism match UK data?
by Shamik Dhar & Stephen P Millard - 117 A limited participation model of the monetary transmission mechanism in the United Kingdom
by Shamik Dhar & Stephen P Millard - 116 Persistence and volatility in short-term interest rates
by Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou & James Proudman & John Spicer - 115 Trade credit and the monetary transmission mechanism
by Marion Kohler & Erik Britton & Tony Yates - 114 Testing the stability of implied probability density functions
by Robert R Bliss & Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou - 113 A small structural empirical model of the UK monetary transmission mechanism
by Shamik Dhar & Darren Pain & Ryland Thomas - 112 Inventory investment and cash flow
by Ian Small - 111 Liquidity traps: how to avoid them and how to escape them
by Willem H Buiter & Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou - 110 Imperfect competition and the dynamics of mark-ups
by Erik Britton & Jens D J Larsen & Ian Small - 109 The effects of increased labour market flexibility in the United Kingdom: theory and practice
by Stephen P Millard - 108 The sensitivity of aggregate consumption to human wealth
by Hasan Bakhshi - 107 Must the growth rate decline? Baumol's unbalanced growth revisited
by Nicholas Oulton - 106 Monetary policy surprises and the yield curve
by Andrew G Haldane & Vicky Read
- 105 Caution and gradualism in monetary policy under uncertainty
by Ben Martin - 104 Openness and its association with productivity growth in UK manufacturing industry
by Gavin Cameron & James Proudman & Stephen Redding - 103 Inflation and real disequilibria
by Mark S Astley & Tony Yates - 102 Monetary stabilisation policy in a monetary union: some simple analytics
by Andrew Brigden & Charles Nolan - 101 Monetary policy loss functions: two cheers for the quadratic
by Jagjit Chadha & Philip Schellekens - 100 Money, credit and investment in UK corporate sector
by Andrew Brigden & Paul Mizen - 99 Should uncertain monetary policy-makers do less?
by Ben Martin & Chris Salmon - 98 The non-linear Phillips curve and inflation forecast targeting
by Eric Schaling - 97 To trim or not to trim? An application of a trimmmed mean inflation estimator to the United Kingdom
by Hasan Bakhshi & Tony Yates - 96 Uncertainty and Simple Monetary Policy Rules - An illustration for the United Kingdom
by Simon Hall & Chris Salmon & Tony Yates & Nicoletta Batini - 95 Price formation and transparency on the London Stock Exchange
by Victoria Saporta & Giorgio Trebeschi & Anne Vila - 94 Asset price reactions to RPI announcements
by M A S Joyce & V Read - 93 Business cycles and the labour market can theory fit the facts?
by Stephen Millard & Andrew Scott & Marianne Sensier - 92 Coalition formation in international monetary policy games
by Marion Kohler - 91 Forward-looking rules for monetary policy
by Nicoletta Batini & Andrew G Haldane - 90 Bank capital and risk taking
by Alistair Milne & A Elizabeth Whalley
- 89 Optimal currency areas and customs unions: are they connected?
by Marion Kohler - 88 Incentive schemes for central bankers under uncertainty: inflation targets versus contracts
by Eric Schaling & Marco Hoeberichts & Sylvester Eijffinger - 87 Why has the female unemployment rate fallen so much in Britain?
by Phil Evans - 86 Shoe-leather costs reconsidered
by Jag Chadha & Andrew Haldane & Norbert Janssen - 85 Exchange rates and prices: sources of sterling real exchange rate fluctuations 1973-94
by Mark S Astley & Anthony Garratt - 84 Averaging in a framework of zero reserve requirements: implications for the operation of monetary policy
by Haydn Davies - 83 The demand for M0 in the United Kingdom reconsidered: some specification issues
by Norbert Janssen - 82 Downward nominal rigidity and monetary policy
by Anthony Yates - 81 Are UK inflation expectations rational?
by Hasan Bakhshi & Anthony Yates - 80 Are there downward nominal rigidities in product markets?
by Simon Hall & Anthony Yates - 79 Bank Capital and Value at Risk
by Patricia Jackson & David Maude & William Perraudin - 78 Some costs and benefits of price stability in the UK
by Hasan Bakhshi & Andrew Haldane & Neal Hatch - 77 Productivity convergence and international openness
by Stephen Redding & James Proudman - 76 Electronic versus open outcry markets: The case of the Bund futures contract
by Francis Breedon & Allison Holland
- 75 The Information Content of the Inflation Term Structure
by Francis Breedon & Jag Chadha - 74 Some Issues in Inflation Targeting
by Andrew Haldane - 73 Deconstructing Growth in UK Manufacturing
by Gavin Cameron & James Proudman & Stephen Redding - 72 The cyclicality of Mark-ups and Profit Margins: Some Evidence for Manufacturing and Services
by Ian Small - 71 The effects of Stamp Duty on the Level and Volatility of Equity Prices
by Victoria Saporta & Kamhon Kan - 70 The Determinants of Successful Financial Innovation: an Empirical Analysis of Futures Innovation on LIFFE
by Jo Corkish & Allison Holland & Anne Fremault Vila - 69 Agency Incentives and Reputational Distortions: a Comparison of the Effectiveness of Value-at-Risk and Pre-commitment in Regulating Market Risk
by Arupratan Daripa & Simone Varotto - 68 The Industrial Impact of Monetary Policy Shocks: Some Stylised Facts
by Joe Ganley & Chris Salmon - 67 How do UK companies set prices?
by Simon Hall & Mark Walsh & Anthony Yates - 66 Implied risk-neutral probability density functions from option prices: theory and application
by Bhupinder Bahra - 65 Real Interest Rate Linkages: Testing for Common Trends and Cycles
by Darren Pain & Ryland Thomas - 64 Persistence and Mobility in International TradeName: James Proudman
by Stephen Redding - 63 Is International Openness associated with faster economic growth?
by James Proudman & Stephen Redding & Marco Bianchi - 62 The Demand for M4: A Sectoral Analysis Part 2 The Corporate Sector
by Ryland Thomas - 61 The Demand for M4: A Sectoral Analysis. Part 1 - The Personal Sector
by Ryland Thomas - 60 Testing the predictive power of dividend yields: non-parametric evidence from the G5
by Francis Breedon & Marco Bianchi & Darren Sharma - 59 Which Inter-dealer Market Prevails? An analysis of inter-dealer trading in opaque markets
by Victoria Saporta - 58 The determinants of UK business cycles
by Allison Holland & Andrew Scott
- 57 Why do the LIFFE and DTB bund futures contracts trade at different prices?
by Francis Breedon - 56 Inflation Forecast Targeting: Implementing and Monitoring Inflation Targets
by Lars E O Svensson - 55 The information content of the short end of the term structure of interest rates
by Marco Rossi - 54 Monetary Policy Uncertainty and Central Bank Accountability
by Charles Nolan & Eric Schaling - 53 What Determines the Short-run Output-Inflation Trade-off?
by Anthony Yates & Bryan Chapple - 52 Feasible Mechanisms for Achieving Monetary Stability: a Comparison of Inflation Targeting and the ERM
by Matthew B Canzoneri & Charles Nolan & Anthony Yates - 51 UK Asset Price Volatility Over the Last 50 Years
by Nicola Anderson & Francis Breedon - 50 Unemployment persistence: Does the size of the shock matter?
by Marco Bianchi & Gylfi Zoega - 49 Independence and Accountability
by Clive Briault & Andrew Haldane & Mervyn King - 48 The Construction of the Bank's new UK Commodity Price Index
by Andrew Logan & Lucy O'Carroll - 47 Measurement Bias in Price Indices: An Application to the UK's RPI
by Alastair Cunningham - 46 A Market for Intra-day Funds: Does it Have Implications for Monetary Policy?
by Spencer Dale & Marco Rossi - 45 Base Money Rules in the UK
by Andy Haldane & Bennett McCallum & Chris Salmon - 44 A Comparison of Methods for Seasonal Adjustment of the Monetary Aggregates
by Marco Bianchi - 43 International Bank Lending to LDCs - an Information-Based Approach
by Prasanna Gai - 42 Bidding and Information: Evidence from Gilt-Edged Auctions
by Francis Breedon & Joe Ganley
- 41 Optimal Commitment in an Open Economy: Credibility vs. Flexibility
by Sylvester Eijffinger & Eric Schaling - 40 Rules, Discretion and the United Kingdom's New Monetary Framework
by Andrew G Haldane - 39 Valuation of underwriting agreements for UK rights issues: evidence from the traded option market
by Francis Breedon & Ian Twinn - 38 The Microstructure of the UK gilt market
by James Proudman - 37 Wage Interactions: Comparisons or Fall-back Options?
by Jennifer Smith - 36 Testing for convergence: evidence from non-parametric multimodality tests
by Marco Bianchi - 35 Money as an Indicator
by Mark S Astley & Andrew G Haldane - 34 How Cyclical is the PSBR?
by Joanna Paisley & Chris Salmon - 33 Granger causality tests in the presence of structural changes
by Marco Bianchi - 32 An assessment of the relative importance of real interest rates, inflation and term premia in determining the prices of real and nominal UK bonds
by David Barr & Bahram Pesaran - 31 Measuring Core Inflation
by Danny Quah & Shaun Vahey - 30 Modelling UK Inflation Uncertainty: The Impact of News and the Relationship with Inflation
by Mike Joyce - 29 Pricing Deposit Insurance in the United Kingdom
by David Maude & William Perraudin - 28 The Construction of RPIY
by Roger Beaton & Paul Fisher
- 27 Inflation, inflation risks and asset returns
by Jo Corkish & David Miles - 26 New currencies in the Former Soviet Union: a recipe for hyperinflation or the path to price stability
by Chris Melliss & Mark Cornelius - 25 Potential credit exposure on interest rate swaps
by Ian Bond & Gareth Murphy & Gary Robinson - 24 Estimating the Term Structure of Interest Rates
by Mark Deacon & Andrew Derry - 23 Deriving Estimates of Inflation Expectations from the Prices of UK Government Bonds
by Mark Deacon & Andrew Derry - 22 A Model of Building Society Interest Rate Setting
by Joanna Paisley
- 21 An Empirical Analysis of M4 in the United Kingdom
by Paul Fisher & Juna Vega - 20 M0: Causes and Consequences
by Francis Breedon & Paul Fisher - 19 The Effect of Futures Trading on Cash Market Volatility: Evidence from the London Stock Exchange
by Gary Robinson - 18 Interest rates and the channels of monetary transmission: some sectoral estimates
by Spencer Dale & Andrew Haldane - 17 Interest rate control in a model of monetary policy
by Spencer Dale & Andrew Haldane - 16 The Statistical Distribution of Short-Term Libor Rates Under Two Monetary Regimes
by Bahram Pesaran & Gary Robinson - 15 Tradable and non-tradable prices in the UK and EC: measurement and explanation
by C L Melliss - 14 House prices, arrears and possessions: A three equation model for the UK
by F J Breedon & M A S Joyce - 13 Temporary cycles or volatile trends? Economic fluctuations in 21 OECD economies
by Gabriel Sterne & Tamim Bayoumi - 12 Regional Trading Blocs, Mobile Capital and Exchange Rate Co-ordination
by Gabriel Sterne & Tamim Bayoumi - 11 Tax Specific Term Structures of Interest Rates in the UK Government Bond Market
by Andrew Derry & Mahmood Pradhan - 10 The effect of changes in official UK rates on market interest rates since 1987
by Spencer Dale - 9 Divisia Indices for Money: An Appraisal of Theory and Practice
by Paul Fisher & Suzanne Hudson & Mahmood Pradhan - 8 Bank Credit Risk
by E P Davis - 7 A simple model of money, credit and aggregate demand
by Spencer Dale & Andrew Haldane - 6 An investigation of the effect of funding on the slope of the yield curve
by D M Egginton & S G Hall
- 5 Financial Deregulation and Household Saving
by Tamim Bayoumi - 4 Testing for short-termism in the UK stock market
by David Miles - 3 Output, Productivity and Externalities - the Case of Banking
by R J Colwell & E P Davis - 2 Testing real interest parity in the European Monetary System
by Andrew G Haldane & Mahmood Pradhan - 1 Real interest parity, dynamic convergence and the European Monetary System
by Andrew G Haldane & Mahmood Pradhan