March 1989, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 39-52 Negotiations on GATT Reform and Political Incentives
by Joachim Zietz - 53-68 Case for a GATT Code on Temporary Measures
by Jorge F. Perez-Lopez - 69-84 Intellectual Property Rights and Parallel Imports
by J. S. Chard & C. J. Mellor - 85-104 Large Costs and Small Benefits of the American Sugar Programme
by Keith E. Maskus - 105-115 Iberian Countries, Iberoamerica and the European Community
by Alfred Tovias - 117-120 From the Trade-policy Kitchen: How Practitioners Cater for Discriminating Tastes
by Rodney de C. Grey
December 1988, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 445-464 Dumping and the Far East Trade of the European Community
by Brian Hindley - 465-484 Anti-dumping Actions in Brussels and East-West Trade
by Seev Hirsch - 485-500 Consistency of Export-restraint Arrangements with the GATT
by John H. Jackson - 501-514 Trade Discrimination in the Thirties and Eighties
by Alfred Tovias - 515-528 What about a Liberalization Club for an Open World Economy?
by Holger Schmieding - 529-542 How Closed is Japan's Market? Additional Evidence
by Mordechai E. Kreinin - 543-563 Assessing High Unemployment in West Germany
by Michael C. Burda & Jeffrey D. Sachs - 565-568 A Service or Not a Service — Defining the Question by its Terms
by Seev Hirsch - 568-570 Object Lesson in Domestic Transparency
by Hugh Corbet - 570-570 Casting Light upon an Evil Spectre
by Sir Alec Cairncross - 570-571 Evangelical Economist Condemns Debt
by George C. Abbott - 571-572 Whither the Twain Shall Meet
by T.E. Josling - 572-573 Rising Sun Shines on the Land of Carnival
by Rodrigo Fiaes - 573-574 Simplicity is a Many Splendoured Thing
by David Greenaway - 574-574 Exploring the Mysteries of the East
by Valdas Samonis
September 1988, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 313-326 Macro-economic Determinants of Trade Protection
by Enzo Grilli - 327-354 Integration of China into the Asian-Pacific Region
by John Wong - 355-376 Different Tariff Treatments and the Uruguay Round
by Tamotsu Takase - 377-396 Asian Preferences and the Gains from MFN Tariff Reductions
by Dean A. DeRosa - 397-416 Auctioning of Quotas: Lots of Pain for Little Gain
by Laura Megna Baughman - 417-435 Resolving Latin America's Transfer Problem
by Robert Grosse - 437-442 The New International Economics and the Economists’ Dilemma
by J. Michael Finger
June 1988, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 165-186 A Proposal for a Debt-adjustment Facility in the IMF
by Arjun Sengupta - 187-202 Constructing a Constitution for Trade in Services
by John H. Jackson - 203-216 Services as the Quid Pro Quo for a Safeguards Code
by Bernard M. Hoekman - 217-232 Intellectual Property Rights and the Uruguay Round
by Robert P. Benko - 233-248 Tropical Products in the Uruguay Round Negotiations
by Murray A. Cobban - 249-266 Agricultural Protection in Britain and its Economy-wide Effects
by Lynden Moore - 267-280 Divided Opinions on Sanctions against South Africa
by J.P. Hayes - 281-300 An Analysis of the American-Israeli Free Trade Area Agreement
by Moshe Goldberg & Seev Hirsch & D.M. Sassoon - 301-302 Impracticalities of the Sampson Proposal for Phasing Out the MFA
by Aubrey Silberston - 302-304 Sampson Proposal — a Reply to Aubrey Silberston
by Carl B. Hamilton - 305-310 The Little Dragons have Different Tales
by Burnham O. Campbell
March 1988, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-18 Is Non-discrimination Really Dead?
by Richard H. Snape - 19-38 Consequences of the Advanced Welfare State
by Assar Lindbeck - 39-54 Interest of Developing Countries in the Uruguay Round
by Bela Balassa - 55-90 Strengthening GATT Procedures for Settling Trade Disputes
by Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann - 91-108 Liberalizing Airline Services: How to Get from Here to There
by Daniel M. Kasper - 109-118 Farm-support Policies Compatible with Trade Liberalization
by Thomas Grennes - 119-134 Tread Carefully in the Field of TRIP Measures
by Theodore H. Moran & Charles S. Pearson - 135-150 Towards a GATT Code on Trade in Telecommunication Equipment
by Daniel Roseman - 151-156 Trade in Services, the Developing Countries and the Uruguay Round
by K.A. Koekkoek - 157-161 By Land or by Sea, the Merchant shall Inherit the Earth
by Deepak Lal
December 1987, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 381-399 War-time Anglo-American Talks and the Making of the GATT
by Jay Culbert - 409-423 The View of Trade Problems from Washington's Capitol Hill
by Keith E. Maskus - 425-453 Export-restraint Arrangements and Trade Liberalization
by Michel Kostecki - 455-468 Pseudo-economics of the MFA — a Proposal for Reform
by Gary P. Sampson - 469-482 East Asia's Lessons for Latin American Resurgence
by John D. Macomber - 483-496 How the United States Broke into Korea's Insurance Market
by Cho Yoon-Je - 497-518 Upstart or Flying Start? The Rise of Airbus Industrie
by Badiul A. Majumdar - 519-522 Law's Subservient Role in the Japanese Economy
by Gary N. Horlick & Jerome M. Lehrman - 522-524 Taming the Economic Animal
by Phedon Nicolaides - 524-525 If it Grows, Plant it and Hang the Expense
by Andy Stoeckel - 525-526 Trojan Horse of ‘Temporary’ Protection
by Deepak Lal
December 1986, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 341-358 National Interest and International Trade Negotiations
by W. B. Carmichael - 359-364 Edmund Dell's Manifesto for Mercantilist Liberation
by Brian Hindley & Alasdair MacBean - 365-384 The Dollar: Fickle Fundamentals or Misguided Markets?
by Shafiqul Islam - 385-408 Export‐credit Mercantilism à la Française
by Patrick A. Messerlin - 409-426 Technology Transfer to Developing Countries via Multinationals
by Katherin Marton - 427-440 Reform of China's Banking System
by On‐Kit Tam - 441-444 Airline De‐regulation in the United States Eight Years On
by Raymond Colegate - 444-448 Whither the World Steel Industry?
by Hans Mueller
September 1986, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 217-238 Will there be a Canadian‐American Free Trade Association?
by Richard G. Lipsey - 239-258 Japan's Intractable Trade Surpluses in a New Era
by Gary R. Saxonhouse - 259-274 Dependency and Trade Orientation
by Bela Balassa - 275-294 Private Capital and the Proposal for a South Bank
by George C. Abbott - 295-310 The OECD ‘Consensus’ on Export Credits
by John E. Ray - 311-312 Redefining Global Security in the Face of Threats on the Economic Front
by James D. Robinson III - 313-318 European Community's Trade Relations with Developing Countries
by E. M. Schoo - 321-324 Japanese Business Practices and their Implications for the West
by T. D. Ross - 325-326 Hard Truths for American and Japanese Policy Makers
by Gary N. Horlick
June 1986, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 125-140 Of Free Trade and Reciprocity
by Edmund Dell - 141-152 The Political Problem of Adjustment
by Gary Banks & Jan Tumlir - 153-170 Importance of a GATT Review in the New Negotiations
by Gardner Patterson & Eliza Patterson - 171-192 Game Theory and the Analysis of Protectionist Trends
by Hans Christoph Rieger - 193-210 Oil and International Activities of Arab Banks
by Naiem A. Sherbiny - 211-215 De‐Stalinisation of Chinese Economic Policy and the World Bank
by Cyril Zhiren Lin - 215-216 Getting and Spending in a Democracy
by Patrick Minford
March 1986, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-18 Fiddling While the GATT Burnsa
by Martin Wolf - 19-36 Defusing Conflict between Traders and Non‐traders
by Gerard & Victoria Curzon - 37-50 Informal Systemic Change in the GATT
by Per Magnus Wijkman - 51-64 A Global Outlook from the Old Hermit Kingdom
by Soogil Young - 65-78 Some Thoughts on Mexico's Foreign Indebtedness
by Leopoldo Solís & I. M. D. Little - 79-96 Do Performance Requirements and Investment Incentives Work?
by Stephen E. Guisinger - 97-111 New Trends in Anti‐dumping Practice in Brussels
by Christopher Norall - 113-121 Economic, Legal and Political Functions of the Principle of Non‐discrimination
by Ernst‐Ulrich Petersmann
December 1985, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 325-338 Common Interests of Industrial and Developing Countries
by Sumitro Djojohadikusumo - 339-352 Case for a Tribunal to Assist in Settling Trade Disputes
by Guy Ladreit de Lacharrière - 353-372 Chronic Unemployment in Western Europe Forever?
by Juergen B. Donges - 373-392 Myth and Reality of Japan's Industrial Policies
by Sueo Sekiguchi & Toshihiro Horiuchi - 393-408 Trade in Steel: Another Turn in the Protectionist Spiral
by Kent Jones - 409-411 Manufacturing, Trade and the Far‐sighted Manager in Britain
by John Cassels - 412-417 Private Lending to Sovereigns — from Florence to Seoul
by Richard O'Brien
September 1985, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 201-218 The Cambridge Group and the Developing Countries
by Bela Balassa - 219-234 Follies of Policies for Textile Imports in Western Europe
by Carl Hamilton - 235-248 How to Unravel the Multi‐fibre Arrangement
by Martin Wolf - 249-266 Multinational Ownership of Shipping Activities
by Charles P. Kindleberger & Harry G. Johnson - 267-286 A High Road for the American Automobile Industry
by Arthur B. Laffer & Victor A. Canto & Richard V. Eastin & Charles W. Kadlec - 287-298 The Scope, Limits and Function of the GATT Legal System
by Frieder Roessler & Antoine‐Augustin Cournot - 299-315 Surges of Imports: Perceptions versus Evidence
by Charles Pearson & Mark Ellyne - 317-319 French Attitude to a New GATT Round
by Edith Cresson - 320-321 Regulating Banking beyond National Boundaries
by Ingo Walter
June 1985, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 93-108 Importance of General Policies to Promote Economic Growth
by Anne O. Krueger - 109-118 Ineffectiveness of Protection in Promoting Social Goals
by Robert E. Baldwin - 119-134 Agriculture and Developing Countries in the GATT
by Julio J. Nogués - 135-152 Changing Stresses on the World Economy
by William R. Cline - 153-170 What is Wrong with the West European Economies?
by Assar Lindbeck - 171-182 Identifying the Issues in Trade in Services
by Gary P. Sampson & Richard H. Snape - 183-188 Tell us Where the New Jobs will Come from
by W. M. Corden - 189-192 Role of the International Energy Agency
by Helga Steeg - 194-196 Modern Japan: Economic Prosperity and Social Poverty?
by Paul Josef Lantz
March 1985, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-9 Current Illusions about the International Debt Crisis
by Lawrence J. Brainard - 11-26 Negotiating International Rules for Trade in Services
by Harald B. Malmgren - 27-42 North‐South Issues in Trade in Services
by André Sapir - 43-62 Wider Implications of Protecting Japan's Rice Farmers
by Jimmye S. Hillman & Robert A. Rothenberg - 63-80 Interdependence, Macro‐economic Policies and all that
by Paul de Grauwe & Michele Fratianni - 81-83 More on Choosing the Right Rules for Exchange‐rate Management
by John Williamson - 83-84 Still More on Choosing …
by Hans Genberg - 85-87 Conceptions of the International Economic and Legal Order
by Jan Tumlir
December 1984, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 361-368 Lessons from Textile Experience for General Trade Policy
by Arthur Dunkel - 369-390 Comparative Advantage and Trade in Services
by Brian Hindley & Alasdair Smith - 391-406 On Choosing the Right Rules for Exchange‐rate Management
by Hans Genberg - 407-420 Features of the Omnibus Trade Act in the United States
by Eliza Patterson - 421-434 Milk Surpluses till the Cows Come Home?
by Alfred S. Friedeberg - 435-442 Importance of Getting Rural Development into Sequence
by S. C. Hsieh - 442-444 Europe's Finances over Five Centuries
by C. M. McMahon
September 1984, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 229-240 World Trade Issues Require More than a Piecemeal Approach
by Moriyuki Motono - 241-256 Role of the Trade Ombudsman in Liberalising Japan's Market
by Saburo Okita - 257-276 Agenda for Action on Issues in Euro‐Japanese Relations
by Jean‐Pierre Lehmann - 277-294 Empty Economics in the Case for Industrial Policy
by Brian Hindley - 295-312 Realities Confronting China's Foreign Investment Policy
by Friedrich Wu - 313-332 Sustained Economic Growth — Prospect or Mirage?
by Martin Wolf - 333-340 Albania's Economy Today and Tomorrow
by Michael Ellman - 341-344 Reflections on the Byatt Report
by D.J. Morris - 345-346 Rejoinder on the Byatt Report
by I.C.R. Byatt - 347-353 Reindustrialisation of Western Economies — Is it Desirable or Feasible?
by Seev Hirsch
June 1984, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 133-144 Splintering and Disembodiment of Services and Developing Nations
by Jagdish N. Bhagwati - 145-162 On the Consequences of Muddling Through the Debt Crisis
by Rudiger Dornbusch - 163-178 Byatt Report on Subsidies to British Export Credits
by I.C.R. Byatt - 179-196 Industrial Protection in the Developed Countries
by Bela Balassa & Carol Balassa - 197-214 Re‐industrialising America: Policy Makers and Interest Groups
by Robert Ballance & Stuart Sinclair - 215-217 Internal Market Problems of the European Community
by Karl‐Heinz Narjes - 218-222 Economic Sanctions and Foreign Policy
by Hedley Bull
March 1984, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 5-22 Impasse of the 1980s: Locomotives who Can't or Won't
by James Tobin - 23-32 Strengthening the International Trade and Financial Systems
by Jonkheer Emile van Lennep - 33-46 Is European Integration now Due to Inertia or Conviction?
by Juergen B. Donges - 47-62 Employment and Competitiveness in the European Community
by Brendan M. Walsh - 63-86 Meeting the Challenges of the World Information Economy
by Geza Feketekuty & Jonathan D. Aronson - 87-102 Forces Shaping International Maritime Transport
by Elliot Schrier & Ernest Nadel & Bertram E. Rifas - 103-106 International Deficits — Pragmatism and Strategy
by Lard Lever of Manchester - 107-111 International Monetary System under Scrutiny
by Otmar Emminger - 112-117 Optimal Development Policies: Lessons from Experience
by Jan Tinbergen
December 1983, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 373-392 Maginot Line of European Farm Policies
by Malcolm D. Bale & Ulrich Koester - 393-408 Need for an Open Multilateral Trading System
by Jan Tumlir - 409-420 The ‘SPELC’— a Tale of Post‐war Western Europe
by Jean Waelbroeck - 421-438 Economic Costs of Sectoral Protection in Britain
by Vincent Cable & Martin Weale - 439-440 On Finding the Way Back to Sustained Economic Growth
by John Williamson - 440-445 A Rejoinder on the Question of How to Achieve Sustained Growth
by Martin Wolf - 445-447 Disillusion with the European Community in Business Circles
by Guido Carli - 447-449 The Soviet Gas Pipeline: Not so Bad an Idea after All?
by Erik Dirksen - 451-456 Critical Issues in American‐Japanese Relations
by Kiyoshi Kawahito
September 1983, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 229-244 Public Administration and Economic Development in LDCs
by Goh Keng‐Swee - 245-252 Need for the Developing Countries to Play their Part in the GATT
by Kim Jae‐Ik - 253-274 What is All This about ‘Industrial Targeting’ in Japan?
by Gary R. Saxonhouse - 275-290 Political Arithmetic of Yen for Dollars
by Kazuo Nukazawa - 291-304 The Moral Hazard of IMF Lending
by Roland Vaubel - 305-324 International Debt Quagmire — to Whom do We Owe It?
by Larry A. Sjaastad - 325-352 Current Issues and Progress in European Shipping Policy
by Hans Böhme - 353-356 Consideration in the European Community of Trade and Finance Issues
by Peter Rees - 357-361 American Trade Law and the Steel Pact between Brussels and Washington
by Gary N. Horlick - 363-363 Weaving a Web around Multinational Enterprises
by Simon Webley
June 1983, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 101-126 The Way Back to Sustained Economic Growth
by Jan Tumlir & Martin Wolf - 127-136 Joining Hands to Overcome Economic Turmoil
by Emil Salim - 137-145 Why There is No Mileage Left in Global Negotiations
by Jagdish N. Bhagwati - 147-157 Industrial Adjustment in East Asia's Resource‐poor Economies
by Sueo Sekiguchi - 159-182 The Economics and Politics of Countertrade
by Gary Banks - 183-194 Going against the Grain: Lessons of the 1980 Embargo
by Animesh Ghoshal - 195-214 Protectionist Threat to Trade and Investment in Services
by Jeffrey J. Schott - 215-218 Outward versus Inward Orientation Once Again
by Bela Balassa - 219-219 Trade and Employment in the Third World
by Alasdair I. MacBean
March 1983, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 5-26 Failure of Economic Liberalism in the Cone of Latin America
by Larry A. Sjaastad - 27-38 An Appraisal of Japanese Financial Policies
by Masaru Yoshitomi - 39-58 What is Different about European Agricultural Protectionism?
by Stefan Tangermann - 59-72 Financial Implications of a Sweeping CAP Reform
by Hugo Dicke & Horst Rodemer - 73-88 Stakes and Risks in Economic Sanctions
by Thomas O. Bayard & Joseph Pelzman & Jorge Perez‐Lopez - 89-90 More Aspects of the Manioc Agreement between Brussels and Bangkok
by Ammar Siamwalla - 90-92 Barriers to be Overcome in Liberalising International Civil Aviation
by Knut Hammarskjöld - 93-93 More Evidence from Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz
by T. G. Congdon
December 1982, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 341-360 Is it Time to Re‐regulate the Airline Industry?
by Alfred E. Kahn - 361-366 Protectionism and the Financial Structure of the World Economy
by Kenneth Durham - 367-378 Incorporating the Gains from Trade into Policy
by J. M. Finger - 379-406 The 1980s: Twilight of the Open Trading System?
by C. Michael Aho & Thomas O. Bayard