June 1975, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 63-66 An alternative procedure for taking a random sample
by Hugo C. Hamaker - 67-73 Enige ervaringen met kursussen in de OR met behulp van management games
by A. J. Droppert - 75-76 Commentaar op “Lineaire regressie, ook bij gegevens in strijd met het model“
by J. G. Baaij
March 1975, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-7 Discounted semi‐Markov decision processes: linear programming and policy iteration
by J. Wessels & J. A. E. E. van Nunen - 9-21 Some models of truck allocation for household refuse collection
by C. van de Panne - 23-27 Een bedrijfseconomische toepassing van de theorie der Markov‐ketens
by G. Bruyneel & H. Muller(‐Malek) & S. de Samblanckx
December 1974, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 175-207 Een criterium voor het kiezen van een proefopzet
by H. J. L. VAN Oorschot - 209-221 An empirical Bayes rule for testing simple hypothesis against simple alternative
by J. C. van Houwelingen
September 1974, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 127-138 Practical recipes to solve the Behrens‐Fisher problem
by A. H. Thomasse - 139-152 Theory and numerical solution of a discrete queueing problem
by J. Ponstein - 153-172 De oplossing van een kwaliteitsprobleem door het gebruik van proefschema's
by P. M. Upperman & A. M. Dévény
June 1974, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 55-67 Some aspects of queueing theory
by J. W. Cohen - 69-108 Steekproeftrekkiog met ongelijke kansen
by J. W. E. Vos - 109-116 Lineaire regressie‐analyse, ook bij gegevens in strijd met het model
by M. A. J. van Montfort
March 1974, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-10 Some ideas and models in reliability theory
by J. W. Cohen - 11-49 Steekproeftrekking met ongelijke kansen
by J. W. E. Vos - 51-51 Addendum to “Multiplicative effects in two‐way analysis of variance”
by L. C. A. Corsten & A. C. van Eijnsbergen
December 1973, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 139-161 Statistical inference and subjective probabilities
by J. Koerts & E. de Leede - 163-168 Comparison of power for the D'Agostino and the Wilk‐Shapiro test of normality for small and moderate samples
by J. A. Theune - 171-179 On the robustness of an estimator of the mean of the dependent variable in a multiplicative model
by R. Teekens & J. Koerts & A. S. Louter - 181-183 A lower bound for the relative precision of proportional to Neyman allocation
by J. J. A. Moors - 185-186 A note on the relationship between ‐the feasible regions of several types of chance constraints
by A. L. Hempenius
September 1973, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 97-102 On the existence of bivariate moments of lower order given the existence of moments of higher order
by H. Robert van der Vaart - 103-113 Determination of sample size for tests concerning means and variances of normal distributions
by William C. Guenther - 115-123 A priority queueing system with service interruptions
by K. C. Madan - 125-126 On order statistics when the sample size has a binomial distribution
by J. M. Buhrman - 127-130 De BLUF‐schatter: een rechtstreekse afleiding
by H. Neudecker
June 1973, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 59-67 The maximum of a number of independent residual waiting times
by Paul van Beek - 69-75 On a simple transformation for second‐order autocorrelated disturbances in regression analysis
by F. B. Lempers & T. Kloek - 77-88 Enige ervaringen met economisch‐technische bedrijfsmodellen
by J. L. P. van Ek & C. B. Tilanu
March 1973, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-10 Repeated testing for outliers
by Douglas M. Hawkins - 11-17 Non‐normal bivariate densities with normal marginals and linear regression functions
by F. H. Ruymgaart - 19-20 The null distribution of Spearman's S when n= 13(1)16
by A. Otten - 21-28 Optimal packing systems
by B. M. S. van Praag & F. van Doeland - 29-45 The pair chart
by Dana Quade - 47-54 A generalization of the logistic growth function and its estimation
by Hans Levenbach - 55-57 A maximin test for means
by Yves Lepage
December 1972, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 97-102 Een lading van kraaltjes
by J. M. Buhrman - 103-111 The distribution of lifetime earnings: a problem of intertemporal aggregation
by M. M. G. Fase - 113-120 Variables sampling plans for the Poisson and the binomial
by William C. Guenther - 121-126 On order statistics for random sample size
by K. Raghunandanan & S. A. Patil - 127-142 A new class of disturbance estimators in the general linear model
by C. Dubbelman & A. P. J. Abrahamse & J. Koerts - 143-157 A new matrix product and its applications in partitioned matrix differentiation
by Derrick S. Tracy & Rana P. Singh
September 1972, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 1-1 Foreword
by L. C. A. Corsten & R. Doornbos & J. Wessels - 3-7 Tribute to H. C. Hamaker
by J. W. Sieben & F. G. Willemze - 15-20 From univariate‐ to multivariate analysis
by A. J. Bosch - 21-23 A life distribution for great tits (parus major)
by J. Keen - 25-28 Probabilité subjective et efficacité industrielle
by Jean Mothes - 29-36 Grouping of high (or low) values in observed data
by Paul S. Olmstead - 37-41 The applied statistician as a professional
by Milton E. Terry - 43-54 Ueber die einfache lineare Regression (bei positiver Einflussgrösse) mit einer Nebenbedingung
by K. Stange - 55-56 A bivariate distribution with instructive properties as to normality, correlation and dependence
by J. van Yzeren - 57-60 Von der Erhaltung der Information
by Adolf Adam - 61-68 Multiplicative effects in two‐way analysis of variance
by L. C. A. Corsten & A. C. van Eijnsbergen - 69-78 Methods for evaluating similarity of marginal distributions
by R. Gnanadesikan - 79-83 Residuals analysis ‐ an example
by G. J. Levenbach - 85-99 OMNITAB II: A computing system for statistical problem solving using Dutch rather than FORTRAN or ALGOL
by David Hogben - 101-105 Some theory on the influence of the inspector and environmental conditions
by W. Edwards Deming - 107-112 An example
by Morris H. Hansen & W. Edwards Deming - 113-117 The application of statistical theory to technology
by Charles A. Bicking - 119-129 Principal components, analysis of variance and data structure
by John Mandel - 131-135 Some remarks on the sequential probability ratio test
by A. Hald - 137-143 A method for taking road traffic censuses
by J. B. D. Derksen - 145-154 A comparison of two nonparametric k ‐sample slippage tests
by R. Doornbos & W. L. M. M. Senden - 155-164 Exact distribution of Durbin's distribution‐free test statistic for Balanced Incomplete Block Designs, and comparison with the Chi‐square and F approximation
by P. van der Laan & J. Prakken - 165-170 A special screening program for many treatments
by Ellis R. Ott & Frank W. Wehrfritz - 171-181 The estimation of guaranteed fatigue life under random loading
by Frantšek Jaroš & Agnes H. ŽAludová - 183-189 Hamaker type acceptance tests for the occurrence rate in a Poisson process
by Benjamin Epstein - 191-196 An asymptotic problem in renewal theory
by M. S. Klamkin & J. H. van Lint - 197-201 Attuning two successive sampling systems (for instance supplier‐customer)
by F. J. Stommels - 203-209 The vacuum‐cleaner and attachment
by H. N. Linssen - 211-226 Understanding some long‐tailed symmetrical distributions
by William H. Rogers & John W. Tukey - 227-242 A data‐analytic look at Goldbach counts
by Frederick Mosteller - 243-251 Inventory control with unknow demand distribution: a slow‐mover case
by J. Wessels
June 1972, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 47-54 Estimation in sampling on two successive occasions
by M. S. Avadhani & B. V. Sukhatme - 55-60 Reliability estimation of a system comprised of k elements from the same truncated exponential model
by R. P. Gupta - 61-68 Een symmetrische walsh transformatie
by A. W. van Lennep - 69-83 An application of Pitman‐efficiency to acceptance sampling procedures
by J. Wouters & M. C. A. van Zuylen
March 1972, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-13 The distribution of random variables reduced modulo a
by B. B. van der Genugten - 15-17 The null distribution of Spearman's S when n= 12
by C. de Jonge & M. A. J. van Montfort - 19-23 Note on the generation of most probable frequency distributions
by J. H. C. Lisman & M. C. A. van Zuylen - 25-27 Simplified estimation of parameters in a cauchy distribution
by K. Raghunandanan & R. Srinivasan - 29-44 Probability distributions of two‐component soil samples
by Ph. Th. Stol - 45-45 Book review
by C. L. Scheffer & M. Keuls
December 1971, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 191-202 On the use of best tests to obtain best β‐content tolerance intervals
by William C. Guenther - 203-210 An alternative derivation of the k‐class estimators
by D. Neeleman - 211-226 Some results for the dynamic (s, S) inventory model
by H. C. Tijms
September 1971, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 143-145 A note on the moments of a certain GCL estimator
by R. P. Gupta & D. G. Kabe - 147-151 On residuals and their autocorrelations in fitted time series models
by David A. Pierce - 153-157 On the Kuiper test for normality with mean and variance unknown
by R. Srinivasan - 159-180 Skew probability curves with negative powers of time and related to random walks in series
by M. E. Wise
June 1971, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 89-100 The information content of patterns A tentative investigation on the statistical evaluation of mosaics
by J. H. C. Lisman - 101-112 A revised method of scoring
by Walter H. Vandaele & S. R. Chowdhury - 113-115 A test for normality
by R. Srinivasan - 117-128 De frequentistische opbouw van de waarschijnlijkheids‐rekening volgens R. von Mises
by J. van Daal
March 1971, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-27 The Neyman‐Pearson theory for testing statistical hypotheses
by Willem Schaafsma - 29-43 The optimality of (s,S) inventory policies in the infinite period model
by H. C. Tijms - 45-55 Estimation of the covariance matrix of structural disturbances in a complete equation system
by P. N. Misra & Y. P. Gupta - 57-62 A generalization of Cochran's procedure for the combining of r×c contingency tables
by Carl E. Hopkins & Alan J. Gross - 63-84 A procedure to estimate relative powers in binary contacts and an application to Dutch Football League results
by P. S. H. Leeflang & B. M. S. van Praag
December 1970, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 163-165 Herinneringen dt het losse geheugen
by J. H. Enters - 169-181 Statistiek in de wereld van nu
by J. van Ettinger - 183-193 De ezel van Buridanus
by H. Freudenthal - 195-208 Oorlog en vrede
by J. J. Meinardi - 209-217 Gezond ‐ ziek: Problemen bij het onderzoek van nieuwe geneesmiddelen
by H. de Jonge - 219-236 Arm ‐ en ‐ rijk oftewel: leren ‐ de dommekracht onder de inkomenslift
by W. H. Somermeijer - 241-244 Benoeming van Prof. Dr. J. Hemelrijk tot erelid van de vereniging
by F. G. Willemze - 245-253 Toeval en‘ wetmatigheid
by J. Hemelrijk
September 1970, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 109-123 A note on the moments of the Wald's estimator
by Y. P. Gupta & Amanullah - 125-126 Het schatten van het binnenwerk van een matrix bij gegeven randtotalen
by P. H. J. J. Terhal - 127-131 On applied econometric research
by A. R. G. Heesterman - 133-141 Confidence intervals for batch properties based on both sampling and analytical variance
by W. M. Kalmijn - 143-153 An input system for linear programming problems
by Jac. M. Anthonisse - 155-160 Boekbespreking
by J. P. A. Holtzer
June 1970, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 61-70 Short‐run auction price adjustments
by S. P. Burley - 71-81 An input system for linear programming problems
by Jac. M. Anthonisse - 83-87 On the Kuiper test for normality with mean and variance unknown
by A. S. Louter & J. Koerts - 89-97 On certain type of Queues in series
by Parkash Lal Maggu
March 1970, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-9 Raised conditional level of significance for the 2 × 2‐table when testing the equality of two probabilities
by R. D. Boschloo - 37-39 Note on forecasting
by T. Lancaster - 41-50 Solving non‐linear systems by computer; a new method
by A. A. van der Giessen - 51-59 A fractile programming approach with extreme sample estimates of parameters
by J. K. Sengupta & B. C. Sanyal
December 1969, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 263-264 Bij het afscheid van de hoofdredacteur Prof. Dr. J. Hemelrijk
by Ir. F. G. Willemze & Dr. J. H.C. Lisman - 265-267 Het “Muzikale dobbelspel” van Mozart
by J. H. C. Lisman - 269-276 Stemmingen zonder winnaar
by W. R. van Zwet - 277-285 De chi‐kwadraat‐toets voor aanpassing van continue verdelingen
by J. Hermans - 287-294 Schatting van een populatiegemiddelde bij ongelijke trekkingskansen
by W. J. Voorn - 295-300 Invariantie in de schattingstheorie
by P. C. Sander - 301-303 Indexcijfers met een meerjarige basisperiode
by J. B. D. Derksen - 305-320 Investeren en onzekerheid
by P. A. Verheyen
September 1969, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 179-191 De Wet en de kansspelen
by H. C. Hamaker - 193-202 Kans en behendigheid
by J. Hemelrijk - 203-207 Nogmaals de Wet en de Kansspelen; commentaar op Hemelrijks beschouwingen
by H. C. Hamaker - 209-212 Discussie bijdrage
by Ir. J. W. Cohen - 213-225 Rechtszekerheid bij onzekerheid
by J. Sittig - 226-234 Some remarks concerning the quotient of sample median and sample range for a sample of size 2n+1 from a normal distribution
by L. de Haan & J. Th. Runnenburg - 235-239 Percentiles and approximations of the sample median over the sample range for samples of size 3, 5, 7 and 9 from a standard normal distribution
by N. Bouma & A. Vehmeyer - 241-241 Additional remark on “How to poison Poisson (when approximating binomial tails)”
by W. Molenaar - 243-248 Toepassing van Kosten's lotingsas in sirnulaties
by J. de Boer - 249-251 Suggestie betreffende het combineren van overschrijdingskansen
by J. El. M. de Kroon
June 1969, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 97-111 Inleiding over de verdeling van extremen
by M. A. J. van Montfort - 113-114 Toets op ongeassocieerdheid in een 2×2‐tabel bij trekking zonder teruglegging
by M. A. J. van Montfort - 115-149 “How to obtain the optimum from a linear programming problem, when the calculations have to be carried out in a decentralized way”
by J. A. V. D. Heiden - 151-159 Adjustments for seasonal movements with the Census Method II; recent experiences
by J. B. D. Derksen - 161-171 De ontwikkeling van de inkomensongelijkheid gemeten volgens informatietheoretische maatstaven
by A. I. V. Massizzo & W. Kok & J. H. C. Lisman
March 1969, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-17 Limit theorems for stochastic processes occurring in studies of the light‐sensitivity of the human eye
by J. Th. Runnenburg - 19-40 How to poison Poisson (when approximating binomial tails)
by W. Molenaar - 41-51 Some goodness of fit tests for exponential distributions
by J. van Soest - 53-65 Representation of ANOVA models with vectors and vector spaces
by L. R. Verdooren - 67-77 Asymptotical independence of the lengths of subintervals of a randomly partitioned interval; a sample from S. Ikeda's work
by J. Th. Runnenburg & W. Verváat - 79-86 Upper bounds for the distance in total variation between the binomial or negative binomial and the Poisson distribution
by W. Vervaat - 87-89 Back to “Back to the Laplace definition”
by B. van Rootselaar & J. Hemelrijk
December 1968, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 235-240 Afschatting van verdelingen van kwadratische vormen met toepassingen op aanpassingstoetsen voor normaliteit en exponentialiteit
by J. Van Soest - 241-248 Toets voor normaliteit van Shapiro en Wilk
by J. H. Van Frankenhuysen - 249-255 Enige statistische aspecten van simulatie
by H. J. M. Lombaers - 257-266 Simultaneous minimization of the error probabilities in a statistical test: An economic example
by A. P. J. Abrahamse & J. Koerts - 267-271 Forecasting the Past
by A. R. G. Heesterman - 273-278 Steriel of niet steriel, dat is de vraag
by E. F. Drion
September 1968, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 151-157 Het verdelen van steekproeven over subpopulaties bij accountantscontroles
by J. Kriens - 159-172 Statistische eigenschappen van een vlambeveiliging met behulp van een gasontladingsbuis welke gevoelig is voor ultraviolet licht
by R. P. Adriaanse & P. Van Der Laan - 173-177 Abraham de Moivre en zijn “Doctrine of Chances”
by S. C. Van Veen - 179-198 Een toepassing van “importance sampling”
by J. P. C. Kleijnen - 199-205 Afleiding van kwartaalcijfers uit jaartotalen
by R. Doornbos & J. H. C. Lisman - 207-212 Tabel en nomogram voor het aflezen van jaarlijkse groeipercentages van grafieken op semi‐logaritmisch papier
by C. B. Tilanus - 213-217 Een berekeningsmethode voor de logistische curve
by J. Erkelens - 219-219 Correction to “Uncertainty in Measurement and Control”
by P. M. E. M. Van Der Grinten - 219-219 Correctie bij Een indelingsprobleem“
by Jac. M. Anthonisse
June 1968, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 91-96 Over Factoranalyse
by L. C. A. Corsten - 97-101 Steekproeven uit de halve cauchy verdeling
by J. L. Mijnheer - 103-118 Een indelingsprobleem
by Jac. M. Anthonisse - 119-131 Autoverkopen en autopark in Nederland, 1950–1970
by J. S. Cramer - 133-139 Het rekenkundig gemiddelde stijgingspercentage – een ondoelmatige groei‐indicator
by C. B. Tilanus
March 1968, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-12 Certainty about Uncertainty
by M. G. Kendall - 13-21 Back to the Laplace definition
by J. Hemelrijk - 23-32 On convexity preserving families of probability distributions
by W. R. Van Zwet - 33-36 On the efficiency of least squares estimators in non‐linear models
by K. Kubik - 37-41 The conduct of the sample average when the first moment is infinite
by J. L. Mijnheer - 43-63 Uncertainty in measurement and control
by P. M. E. M. Van Der Grinten - 65-68 Optimal allocation in J‐stage sampling with stratification from finite population
by Regina C. Elandt‐Johnson - 69-82 The Kronecker Matrix Product and Some of its Applications in Econometrics
by H. Neudecker
September 1967, Volume 21, Issue 3‐4
- 225-228 The hypergeometric, the normal and chi‐squared
by J. Hemelrijk - 231-244 Random division of an interval
by F. W. Steutel - 245-268 Uitgedund en gerekt Poissonproces
by W. Vervaat - 269-285 Voorwaardelijke verwachtingen en martingalen
by J. Fabius - 287-289 De Poisson benadering voor de binomiale verdeling
by J. Fabius - 291-292 A note on the estimation of the covariance between two random variables using extra information on the separate variables1
by J. Boas
June 1967, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 117-130 Het Hachelijk Oordeel
by W. R. van Zwet - 131-149 The distribution of the brightness of stars. A Poisson‐process with “time”‐dependent parameter
by H. J. Prins - 151-155 Transformatie van niet‐normale verdelingen
by P. Flapper - 157-159 Oneindige verwachting en de wet van de grote aantallen
by J. L. Mijnheer - 161-174 Vergelijking van voorspelling en realisatie als bijdrage tot economisch bestuur
by C. A. van den Beld - 175-198 Bepaling van de personeelssterkte op kostenbasis
by J. v. d. Knaap - 199-209 Principles of mathematical programming
by R. Timman
March 1967, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-10 Principles of statistical classification
by W. H. Somermeyer & R. Teekens - 11-30 Estimation of the distribution of diameters of spherical particles from a given grouped distribution of diameters of observed circles formed by a plane section
by J. Meisner - 31-38 On Horvitz and Thompson's T, class of linear estimators for Midzuno's (Ikeda's generalised) sampling procedure
by S. G. Prabhu Ajgaonkar - 39-53 Stochastic Programming
by J. Wessels - 55-68 Experimental determination of the power functions of the two‐sample rank tests of WILCOXON, VAN DER WAERDEN and TERRY by Monte Carlo techniques
by P. van der Laan & J. Oosterhoff