July 2006, Volume 74, Issue 4
- 526-548 Direct And Indirect Measures Of Capacity Utilization: A Non‐Parametric Analysis Of Us Manufacturing
by Subhash C. Ray & Kankana Mukherjee & Yanna Wu
June 2006, Volume 74, Issue 3
- 251-265 Optimal Decisions With Linear Random Payoff
by Carmen F. Menezes & X. Henry Wang - 266-272 The Choice Of Capacity In Mixed Duopoly Under Demand Uncertainty
by Yuanzhu Lu & Sougata Poddar - 273-293 Have Employees In Germany Received Full Wage Compensation After A Cut In Standard Hours?
by Thorsten Schank - 294-313 Mixed Oligopoly, Product Differentiation And Competition For Public Transport Services
by Pedro Cantos‐Sánchez & Rafael Moner‐Colonques - 314-333 Tariffs And Subsidies Under Asymmetric Oligopoly: Ad Valorem Versus Specific Instruments
by David R. Collie - 334-349 Complementary Monopoly And Welfare: Is Splitting Up So Bad?
by Jolian Mchardy - 350-354 On Labour Market Dualism In The Lewis Model: A Comment
by Richard P. C. Brown - 355-359 Labour Market Dualism In The Lewis Model: Reply
by Gary S. Fields - 360-388 Fiscal Policies And Output In The Long Run: A Panel Cointegration Approach Applied To The Oecd
by Diego Romero‐Avila - 389-413 Skill Specificity And Labour Mobility: Occupational And Sectoral Dimensions
by Robert J. R. Elliott & Joanne Lindley
March 2006, Volume 74, Issue 2
- 123-137 Preferences Over Temporal Frames In Dynamic Decision Problems: An Experimental Investigation
by John D. Hey & Massimo Paradiso - 138-155 Profit Maximization And Social Optimum With Network Externality
by Uriel Spiegel & Uri Ben‐Zion & Tchai Tavor - 156-169 Wholesale Pricing When Buyers Are Asymmetric Cournot Competitors
by Giuseppe Colangelo - 170-189 Income Thresholds And Growth Convergence: A Panel Data Approach
by Tsung‐Wu Ho - 190-213 Dynamic Incentive Contracts Under No Commitment To Periodic Auditing And A Retrospective Penalty System
by Hsiao‐Chi Chen - 214-230 Canadian Money Demand Functions: Cointegration‐Rank Stability
by Alfred A. Haug - 231-249 On Third‐Degree Price Discrimination In Oligopoly
by Krishnendu Ghosh Dastidar
January 2006, Volume 74, Issue 1
- 1-22 Competition In The Media And Advertising Markets
by Jean J. Gabszewicz & Didier Laussel & Nathalie Sonnac - 23-39 To Sample Or Not To Sample
by Hans Haller & Anthony Pavlopoulos - 40-51 R&D Competition And Endogenous Spillovers
by Jim Y. Jin & Michael Troege - 52-63 The Role Of R&D Technology In Asymmetric Research Joint Ventures
by Sami Dakhlia & Flavio M. Menezes & Akram Temimi - 64-84 Quality Choice, Sales Restriction And The Mode Of Competition
by Nicolas Boccard & Xavier Wauthy - 85-102 Spillovers And Absorptive Capacity In A Patent Race
by Christine Halmenschlager - 103-122 International Cooperation, Coalitions Stability And Free Riding In A Game Of Pollution Control
by Michèle Breton & Karima Fredj & Georges Zaccour
September 2005, Volume 73, Issue s1
- 1-31 A Generalized Earnings‐Based Stock Valuation Model
by Ming Dong & David Hirshleifer - 32-57 Returns To Equity, Investment And Q: Evidence From The Uk
by Simon Price & Christoph Schleicher - 58-76 Macroeconomic Uncertainty And Macroeconomic Performance: Are They Related?
by Don Bredin & Stilianos Fountas - 77-98 Measuring Monetary Policy In The Uk: A Factor‐Augmented Vector Autoregression Model Approach
by Gianluca Laganà & Andrew Mountford - 99-127 Estimating A Risky Term Structure Of Brady Bonds
by Aneel Keswani
December 2005, Volume 73, Issue 6
- 653-663 Foreign Competition With Licensing
by Arijit Mukherjee & Soma Mukherjee - 664-685 Measuring Welfare Changes In Labour Supply Models
by John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb - 686-708 Wage Growth, Human Capital And Financial Investment
by Sarah Brown & Karl Taylor - 709-727 Forecasting Quarterly Aggregate Crime Series
by Michael P. Clements & Robert Witt - 728-736 Output Stabilization And Real Rigidity
by George J. Bratsiotis & Christopher Martin - 737-753 Fractional Cointegration And Aggregate Money Demand Functions
by Guglielmo Maria Caporale & Luis A. Gil‐Alana
September 2005, Volume 73, Issue 5
- 563-581 The Relationship Between Patent Licensing And Competitive Behavior
by Ana I. Saracho - 582-598 Licensing Contract In A Stackelberg Model
by Ho‐Chuan (River) Huang & Ya‐Kai Chang - 612-619 On Labour Demand And Equilibria Of The Firm
by Robert L. Vienneau - 620-649 Jevons, Mill And The Private Laboratory Of The Mind
by Harro Maas
July 2005, Volume 73, Issue 4
- 369-434 The Macroeconomics Of Poverty Reduction
by Pierre‐Richard Agénor - 435-478 Dual Economy Models: A Primer For Growth Economists
by Jonathan Temple - 479-499 Forecasting Manufacturing Output Growth Using Firm‐Level Survey Data
by James Mitchell & Richard J. Smith & Martin R. Weale - 500-521 Distributional Conflict, Political Cycles And Growth
by Christiane Clemens & Maik Heinemann - 522-541 The Interaction Between Endogenous Fertility And Inequality In The Political Economy
by Andreas Schäfer - 542-562 A Comparison Of Exchange Economies Within A Monetary Business Cycle
by Szilárd Benk & Max Gillman & Michal Kejak
June 2005, Volume 73, Issue 3
- 269-280 A Monopoly Reason Why Autarky Might Be Best For A Large Country
by Yochanan Shachmurove & Uriel Spiegel - 281-299 Subsidy In Licensing: Optimality And Welfare Implications
by Chun‐Hsiung Liao & Debapriya Sen - 300-320 Earnings And Linguistic Proficiency In A Bilingual Economy
by Andrew Henley & Rhian Eleri Jones - 321-342 Employee Training And Wage Compression In Britain
by Filipe Almeida‐Santos & Karen Mumford - 343-363 Consumption Asset Pricing Models: Evidence From The Uk
by Stuart Hyde & Mohamed Sherif - 364-367 Book Reviews
by Terry Peach
March 2005, Volume 73, Issue 2
- 123-140 Modelling The Us/Uk Real Exchange Rate–Real Interest Rate Differential Relation: A Multivariate Regime Switching Approach
by Angelos Kanas - 141-164 Regional Trade In Sub‐Saharan Africa: An Analysis Of East African Trade Cooperation, 1970–2001
by Colin Kirkpatrick & Matsuo Watanabe - 165-213 Optimal And Adaptive Semi‐Parametric Narrowband And Broadband And Maximum Likelihood Estimation Of The Long‐Memory Parameter For Real Exchange Rates
by Saeed Heravi & Kerry Patterson - 214-227 Labour Market Distortion, Technology Transfer And Gainful Effects Of Foreign Capital
by Sarbajit Chaudhuri - 228-245 Patent Licensing By A Standard Auction In The Presence Of Network Externality
by Sumit Sarkar - 246-265 Pricing In The Customer‐Market Model With Uncertainty
by M. Ali Choudhary
January 2005, Volume 73, Issue 1
- 1-28 Technology Transfer In A Stackelberg Structure: Licensing Contracts And Welfare
by Tarun Kabiraj - 29-39 Innovation, Licensing And Welfare
by Arijit Mukherjee - 40-49 Cournot Competition In A Two‐Dimensional Circular City
by María Isabel Berenguer Maldonado & Santiago Carbó Valverde & Miguel Ángel Fortes Escalona - 50-74 Information Sharing And Optimum Financing Mode
by Gabriella Chiesa - 75-91 Meaning Of ‘More Risk Averse’ When Preferences Are Over Mean And Variance
by Timothy Mathews - 92-100 Correlation Coefficients, Heteroskedasticity And Contagion Of Financial Crises
by Gawon Yoon - 101-122 A Century Of Economic Growth: The Social Returns To Investment In Equipment And Structures
by Jakob B. Madsen
September 2004, Volume 72, Issue s1
- 1-18 Elements of a Theory of Design Limits to Optimal Policy
by William A. Brock & Steven N. Durlauf - 19-33 Strategic Delegation in Monetary Unions
by V. V. Chari & Larry E. Jones & Ramon Marimon - 34-54 Optimal Dynamic Taxation with Indivisible Labour
by Parantap Basu & Laura Marsiliani & Thomas I. Renström - 55-71 Endogenous Markups and Fiscal Policy
by Luís F. Costa - 72-93 UK Business Investment and the User Cost of Capital
by Colin Ellis & Simon Price
December 2004, Volume 72, Issue 6
- 677-678 Introduction
by Armando Barrientos & Colin Kirkpatrick - 679-690 The Lewis Model After 50 Years
by Colin Kirkpatrick & Armando Barrientos - 691-711 Unlimited Supplies Of Labor1
by Gustav Ranis - 724-735 Dualism In The Labor Market: A Perspective On The Lewis Model After Half A Century
by Gary S. Fields - 736-750 W. Arthur Lewis Versus The Lewis Model: Agricultural Or Industrial Development?
by Mark Figueroa - 751-773 Institutions And Politics In A Lewis‐Type Growth Model
by Paul Mosley
September 2004, Volume 72, Issue 5
- 569-590 Is the Feldstein–Horioka Puzzle History?
by Jerry Coakley & Ana‐Maria Fuertes & Fabio Spagnolo - 591-600 Income Distribution, Price Elasticity and the ‘Robinson Effect’
by Corrado Benassi & Alessandra Chirco - 601-617 Job Creators
by Marc Cowling & Mark Taylor & Peter Mitchell - 618-625 Implementation of the Socially Optimal Outcome
by Chun‐Hsiung Liao & Yair Tauman - 626-640 Non‐Linear Error Correction: Evidence for UK Interest Rates
by David G. McMillan - 641-657 Interest Rates and Information
by Ferdinando Colombo - 658-676 Casual Jobs and Internal Labour Markets
by Colin Green & Gareth Leeves
July 2004, Volume 72, Issue 4
- 423-442 Constructing a Quality‐Adjusted Price Index for a Heterogeneous Oligopoly
by David Prentice & Xiangkang Yin - 443-462 Tradeable Emissions Permits, Emissions Taxes and Growth
by Bertrand Crettez - 463-482 Research and Development, Regional Spillovers and the Location of Economic Activities
by Alberto Franco Pozzolo - 483-496 Testing Export‐Led Growth in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka Using a Multivariate Framework
by Jim Love & Ramesh Chandra - 497-514 Quantile Regression Estimates of the Union Wage Effect for Great Britain
by N. C. O'Leary & P. D. Murphy & D. H. Blackaby - 515-534 Wage Bargaining and Employer Objectives
by Torberg Falch - 535-559 Over‐Education and Ethnic Minorities in Britain
by H. Battu & P. J. Sloane - 560-567 Monotonicity and the Roy Model
by Arnaud Chevalier & Gauthier Lanot
June 2004, Volume 72, Issue 3
- 283-297 Incompletely informed policymakers and trade policy in oligopolistic industries
by Mustafa Caglayan & Murat Usman - 298-316 Why are realignments postponed? A model of exchange rate revisions with opportunistic governments
by Pierre‐Guillaume Méon - 317-346 Ethnicity, educational attainment and the transition from school
by Steve Bradley & Jim Taylor - 347-362 Industrial output and stock price revisited: an application of the multivariate indirect causality model
by Bwo‐Nung Huang & Chin‐Wei Yang - 363-381 The profitability of european banks: a cross‐sectional and dynamic panel analysis
by John Goddard & Phil Molyneux & John O. S. Wilson - 382-402 On (Ultra) rationality and the corporate and government veils
by Yannis A. Monogios & Christos Pitelis - 403-413 Habit formation, work ethics and technological progress
by João Ricardo Faria & Miguel A. León‐Ledesma - 414-421 A note on capolupo's ‘output taxation, human capital and growth’
by Antonio Minniti
March 2004, Volume 72, Issue 2
- 167-178 Successive Monopolies and Regulation in a Spatial Model
by John S. Heywood & Debashis Pal - 179-187 On the Risk–Downside Risk Tradeoff
by Carmen F. Menezes & X. Henry Wang - 188-205 Patent Licensing in a Leadership Structure
by Tarun Kabiraj - 206-220 The Evolution of the Financial Contract in Economic Development
by Niloy Bose & Maria Pereira - 221-242 Inflation, Inflation Uncertainty and a Common European Monetary Policy
by S. Fountas & A. Ioannidis & M. Karanasos - 243-260 Infrequent Shocks, Output Persistence and Economic Growth
by Massimo Caruso - 261-282 A Cautionary Note on the Order of Integration of Post‐war Aggregate Wage, Price and Productivity Measures
by Robert Sollis & Mark E. Wohar
January 2004, Volume 72, Issue 1
- 1-23 Credibility of European Monetary System Interest Rate Policies: A Markov Regime‐Switching Approach
by Philip Arestis & Kostas Mouratidis - 24-49 Hedonic Price Indexes and the Matched Models Approach
by Mick Silver & Saeed Heravi - 50-59 The Advertising of Credence Goods as a Signal of Product Quality
by Sunku Hahn - 60-71 Cointegration Theory, Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Economics
by Karim Maher Abadir - 72-99 Interactions between Money, Lending and Investment in the UK Private Non‐Financial Corporate Sector
by Andrew Brigden & Paul Mizen - 100-118 Trade Liberalization and the Balance of Payments in Selected Developing Countries
by Amelia U. Santos‐Paulino - 119-130 Corporate Retentions and Consumers’ Expenditure
by Michael Sumner - 131-151 Segmentation Versus Integration: The Case of Non‐Homogeneous Groups
by U. Spiegel & J. Templeman - 152-166 Fiat Money in a Search‐Theoretical Model with Generalist Consumers
by Xavier Cuadras‐Morató
September 2003, Volume 71, Issue s1
- 1-20 Can Pay‐as‐You‐Go Pensions Raise the Capital Stock?
by Mark A. Roberts - 21-38 Behavioural Central Bank Loss Functions, Skewed Risks and Certainty Equivalence
by Ali Al‐Nowaihi & Livio Stracca - 39-53 Purchasing Power Parity Adjustment Speeds in High Frequency Data when the Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate is Proxied by a Deterministic Trend
by Ivan Paya & David A. Peel - 54-67 Testing the Expectations Hypothesis of the Term Structure of Interest Rates in the Presence of a Potential Regime Shift
by Markku Lanne - 68-84 Testing for Common Cycles in Money, Nominal Income and Prices
by Stephen Hall & David Shepherd
December 2003, Volume 71, Issue 6
- 567-592 Propagation of Nominal Shocks in Open Economies
by Torben M. Andersen & Niels C. Beier - 593-610 Are Employment Effects of Gender Discrimination Important? Some Evidence from Great Britain
by Michael P. Kidd & Euan Phimister & Ivan Ferko - 611-625 Durable Goods, Commitment Power and Public Monopolies
by Gregory E. Goering & Michael K. Pippenger - 626-640 On the Theory of the Price‐ and Quality‐Setting Firm with Uncertain Demand
by Iltae Kim - 641-658 The Revenue Responsiveness of Income and Consumption Taxes in the UK
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - 659-672 Foreign Direct Investment, Technology Sourcing and Reverse Spillovers
by Nigel Driffield & James H. Love - 673-679 Bounds Tests of the Gibson Paradox and the Fisher Effect: Evidence from Low‐Frequency International Data
by Frank J. Atkins & Apostolos Serletis - 680-710 The Faculty of Commerce and Manchester Economics, 1903–44
by Keith Tribe
September 2003, Volume 71, Issue 5
- 473-477 Editorial Introduction
by Philip Arestis & Georgios Chortareas - 478-497 Monetary policy transparency: transparent about what?
by Daniel L. Thornton - 498-520 Imperfect transparency and the strategic use of information: an ever present temptation for central bankers?
by Andrew Hughes Hallett & Nicola Viegi - 521-540 Does monetary policy transparency reduce disinflation costs?
by Georgios Chortareas & David Stasavage & Gabriel Sterne - 541-565 The inflation bias revisited: theory and some international evidence
by Alex Cukierman & Stefan Gerlach
July 2003, Volume 71, Issue 4
- 363-380 Growth and Finance
by John Driffill - 381-395 Recursive Modeling of Nonlinear Dynamics in UK Stock Returns
by Massimo Guidolin & Allan Timmermann - 396-416 A Small Open Economy with Staggered Wage Setting and Intertemporal Optimization: The Basic Analytics
by John Fender & Neil Rankin - 417-447 The Distributional Heterogeneity of Growth Effects: Some Evidence
by Brendan M. Cunningham - 448-469 Stochastic Pollution and Environmental Care in an Endogenous Growth Model
by Susanne Soretz - 470-471 Book Review
by Rob Elliott
June 2003, Volume 71, Issue 3
- 217-241 Maximum Sustainable Government Debt in the Overlapping Generations Model
by Neil Rankin & Barbara Roffia - 242-264 On Public Investment, the Real Exchange Rate and Growth: Some Empirical Evidence from the UK and the USA
by Sugata Ghosh & Iannis A. Mourmouras & Sarmistha Pal & Ivan Paya - 265-292 A Tale of Two Cycles: Co‐Fluctuations Between UK Regions and the Euro Zone
by Salvador Barrios & Marius Brülhart & Robert J.R. Elliott & Marianne Sensier - 293-307 Some Econometric Issues in Convergence Regressions
by Adriana Di Liberto & James Symons - 308-329 Wage Centralization and the Scope of Firm–Union Bargaining: ‘Efficient Bargains’ or ‘Labour Demand’?
by Minas Vlassis - 330-340 Indexation Rules, Risk Aversion and Imperfect Information
by Corrado Benassi & Antonello E. Scorcu - 341-362 Estimation of Technical and Allocative Inefficiency Using Fourier Flexible Cost Frontiers for Taiwan's Banking Industry
by Tai‐Hsin Huang & Mei‐Hui Wang
March 2003, Volume 71, Issue 2
- 97-112 Overtime Working, The Phillips Curve And The Wage Curve: British Engineering, 1926–66
by Robert A. Hart - 113-131 Option Or Obligation? The Determinants Of Labour Supply Preferences In Britain
by René Böheim & Mark P. Taylor - 132-155 Housing Markets And Regional Unemployment Flows In Great Britain
by Martin T. Robson - 156-171 Real Exchange Rate Dynamics Under The Current Float: A Re–Examination
by Michael Bleaney & Stephen J. Leybourne - 172-204 The Functional Form Of The Demand For Euro Area M1
by Livio Stracca - 205-216 The Capital Investment Problem With Technological Change
by Neslihan Ozkan
January 2003, Volume 71, Issue 1
- 1-19 ‘Footloose’ Multinationals?
by Holger Görg & Eric Strobl - 20-34 Financial Liberalization And The Sensitivity Of House Prices To Monetary Policy: Theory And Evidence
by Matteo Iacoviello & Raoul Minetti - 35-50 The Backward–Bending Phillips Curve And The Minimum Unemployment Rate Of Inflation: Wage Adjustment With Opportunistic Firms
by Thomas I. Palley - 51-64 Does The Exchange Rate Regime Affect Export Volume? Evidence From Bilateral Exportsin US–UK Trade: 1900–98
by Stilianos Fountas & Kyriacos Aristotelous - 65-77 Real Interest Rates And Real Exchange Rates: Evidence From Indexed Bonds
by Michael Bleaney & Douglas Laxton - 78-88 Twin Peaks—A Reassessment
by Joseph G. Pearlman
2002, Volume 70, Issue S1
- 1-15 The Responsiveness of Consumer Prices to Exchange Rates: A Synthesis Of Some New Open Economy Macro Models
by Charles Engel - 16-36 Credit Channel and Industrial Firms’ Market Power
by Marco Mazzoli - 37-54 Multiple Banking Relationships: Evidence from the Italian Experience
by Stefania Cosci & Valentina Meliciani - 55-86 Monetary Policy with an Endogenous Capital Stock When Inflation is Persistent
by Richard Mash - 87-106 Explaining Stock Market Correlation: A Gravity Model Approach
by Thomas J Flavin & Margaret J Hurley & Fabrice Rousseau - 107-126 The Impact of Information and Communications Technology Investment on UK Productive Potential 1986–2000: New Statistical Methods and Tests
by Peter Spencer
December 2002, Volume 70, Issue 6
- 747-767 Selecting From Amongst Non–Nested Conditional Variance Models: Information Criteria and Portfolio Determination
by Chris Brooks & Simon P. Burke - 768-791 The Stochastic Structure of the Time–Varying Beta: Evidence from UK Companies
by Taufiq Choudhry - 792-811 The Utilization of Education and Skills: Evidence from Britain
by Francis Green & Steven McIntosh & Anna Vignoles - 812-821 On the Effectiveness of the Lifetime–Employment–Contract Policy
by Kazuhiro Ohnishi - 822-832 Term Structure Forecasts of Inflation: Some Further Results
by N. Blake & S.G.B. Henry & D. Robertson
September 2002, Volume 70, Issue 5
- 651-665 Seasonal Time Series and Autocorrelation Function Estimation
by Hahn Shik Lee & Eric Ghysels & William R. Bell - 666-681 A Note on Estimating Market–based Minimum Capital Risk Requirements: A Multivariate GARCH Approach
by C. Brooks & A. D. Clare & G. Persand - 682-709 Comparison of Economic Efficiency Estimation Methods: Parametric and Non–parametric Techniques
by Tai–Hsin Huang & Mei–Hui Wang - 710-730 Real and Nominal Shocks to Exchange Rates: Does the Regime Matter?
by Liam A. Gallagher & Ella Kavanagh
June 2002, Volume 70, Issue 4
- 483-486 Editors’ Introduction
by Philip Arestis & Jagjit S. Chadha - 487-527 Does Institutional Change Really Matter? Inflation Targets, Central Bank Reform and Interest Rate Policy in the OECD Countries
by V. Anton Muscatelli & Patrizio Tirelli & Carmine Trecoci - 528-545 Does Inflation Targeting Affect the Trade–off Between Output Gap and Inflation Variability?
by Philip Arestis & Guglielmo Maria Caporale & Andrea Cipollini - 546-569 Inflation Targeting, Exchange Rate Volatility and International Policy Coordination
by Fernando Alexandre & John Driffill & Fabio Spagnolo - 570-595 Inflation and Price Level Targeting in a New Keynesian Model
by Jagjit S. Chadha & Charles Nolan - 596-618 Policymakers’ Revealed Preferences and the Output–Inflation Variability Trade–off: Implications for the European System of Central Banks
by Stephen G. Cecchetti & Margaret M. McConnell & Gabriel Perez–Quiros - 619-650 Inflation Targets as a Stabilization Device
by Lavan Mahadeva & Gabriel Sterne
June 2002, Volume 70, Issue 3
- 291-314 Foreign Direct Investment and the Single Market
by J. Peter Neary - 315-335 The Process of European Integration and the Determinants of Entry by non–EU Multinationals in UK Manufacturing
by Sourafel Girma - 336-363 Fiscal Incentives, European Integration and the Location of Foreign Direct Investment
by Florence Hubert & Nigel Pain - 364-379 Foreign Direct Investment, Infrastructure and the Welfare Effects of Labour Migration
by Frank Barry - 380-397 The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on US Direct Investment
by Holger Görg & Katharine Wakelin - 398-419 Foreign Direct Investment as Technology Transferred: Some Panel Evidence from the Transition Economies
by Nauro F. Campos & Yuko Kinoshita - 420-459 Integration, Foreign Direct Investment and Labour Markets: Microeconomic Perspectives
by Noel Gaston & Douglas Nelson - 460-482 Regional Integration Agreements and Foreign Direct Investment: Theory and Preliminary Evidence
by V. N. Balasubramanyam & David Sapsford & David Griffiths
March 2002, Volume 70, Issue 2
- 185-203 The Determinants of Technology Diffusion: Evidence from the UK Financial Sector
by Adrian Gourlay & Eric Pentecost - 204-228 Efficiency in Banking: Empirical Evidence from the Savings Banks Sector
by S. Carbo & E. P. M. Gardener & J. Williams - 229-245 Real Exchange Rate Behaviour under Fixed and Floating Exchange Rate Regimes
by James R. Lothian & Cornelia H. McCarthy - 246-261 The Welfare and Political Economy Dimensions of Private versus State Enterprise
by Paul Cook & Raul V. Fabella - 262-278 Jevons’s Debt to Bentham: Mathematical Economy, Morals and Psychology
by Nathalie Sigot
January 2002, Volume 70, Issue 1
- 7-15 Patent Licensing: The Inside Story
by Morton I. Kamien & Yair Tauman - 16-35 Network Competition and Access Charge Rules
by Toker Doganoglu & Yair Tauman - 36-55 Coalitions and Networks in Industrial Organization
by Francis Bloch