July 2004, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 325-347 Thinking about Monetary Policy without Money
by Charles T. Carlstrom & Timothy S. Fuerst
March 2004, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-24 The Euribor Futures Market: Efficiency and the Impact of ECB Policy Announcements
by Kerstin Bernoth & Jürgen von Hagen - 25-59 Identifying the Role of Moral Hazard in International Financial Markets
by Steven B. Kamin - 61-84 An Empirical Analysis of Inflation in OECD Countries
by Jane Ihrig & Jaime Marquez - 85-116 Structural Traps, Politics and Monetary Policy
by Robert H. Dugger & Angel Ubide - 117-127 Why the Federal Reserve Should Adopt Inflation Targeting
by Frederic S. Mishkin - 129-136 Why the Federal Reserve Should Not Adopt Inflation Targeting
by Benjamin M. Friedman - 137-150 Argentina and the IMF During the Two Bush Administrations
by Domingo Cavallo - 151-168 Systemic Bank and Corporate Distress From Asia to Argentina: What Have We Learned?
by Anna Gelpern
November 2003, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 309-328 Monetary Policy Announcements and Money Markets: A Transatlantic Perspective
by Michael Ehrmann & Marcel Fratzscher - 329-347 Standing Facilities and Interbank Borrowing: Evidence from the Federal Reserve's New Discount Window
by Craig Furfine - 349-380 Forecast‐Based Monetary Policy: The Case of Sweden
by Per Jansson & Anders Vredin - 381-414 Does Exchange Rate Policy Matter for Growth?
by Jeannine Bailliu & Robert Lafrance & Jean‐François Perrault - 415-447 Do Collective Action Clauses Influence Bond Yields? New Evidence from Emerging Markets
by Anthony Richards & Mark Gugiatti - 449-454 Towards a Transatlantic Capital Market
by Frits Bolkestein - 455-466 Technology and the Infrastructure of Financial Flows
by Mark Kritzman
July 2003, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 157-178 What Is International Financial Contagion?
by Thomas Moser - 179-199 Does International Financial Contagion Really Exist?
by G. Andrew Karolyi - 201-225 Contagion Phenomena in Financial Crises: Evidence from the Portuguese and Spanish Exchange Rate Crises in the Early 1990s
by Margarida Abreu - 227-247 Tobin Tax Effects Seen from the Foreign Exchange Market's Microstructure
by Alexander Mende & Lukas Menkhoff - 249-271 Effective Foreign Exchange Intervention: Matching Strategies with Objectives
by Michael R. King - 273-295 Japan's Financial Administration Under My Watch
by Hakuo Yanagisawa - 297-308 The Future of the Stability and Growth Pact
by Graham Bishop
March 2003, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-26 Is Business Cycle Volatility Costly? Evidence from Surveys of Subjective Well‐Being
by Justin Wolfers - 27-59 Financial Centres and the Geography of Capital Flows
by Francis E. Warnock & Chad Cleaver - 61-88 A Proposed Monetary Regime for Small Commodity Exporters: Peg the Export Price (‘PEP’)
by Jeffrey Frankel - 89-108 Business Cycles and Macroeconomic Policy in Emerging Market Economies
by Philip R. Lane - 109-127 Intervention and Exchange Rate Stabilization Policy in Developing Countries
by Michael M. Hutchison - 129-144 Trajectories Towards the Euro and the Role of ERM II
by Tommaso Padoa‐Schioppa - 145-155 Sovereign Debt Restructurings – The Market Knows Best
by Sergio J. Galvis
November 2002, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 311-333 Path Dependence, Corporate Governance and Complementarity
by Reinhard H. Schmidt & Gerald Spindler - 335-357 Financial Globalization: Unequal Blessings
by Augusto De La Torre & Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Sergio L. Schmukler - 359-399 Lessons from the Russian Meltdown: The Economics of Soft Legal Constraints
by Enrico Perotti - 401-436 Pure Contagion and Investors’ Shifting Risk Appetite: Analytical Issues and Empirical Evidence
by Manmohan S. Kumar & Avinash Persaud - 437-461 Volatility in US and European Equity Markets: An Assessment of Market Quality
by Deniz Ozenbas & Robert A. Schwartz & Robert A. Wood - 463-469 Macro Policy Coordination: Domestic and International
by Laurence H. Meyer - 471-484 Review: Making the Case for Free Trade
by L. Alan Winters
2002, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 139-164 Monetary Policy and Asset Prices: Does ‘Benign Neglect’ Make Sense?
by Michael D. Bordo & Olivier Jeanne - 165-191 Monetary Policy in the New Neoclassical Synthesis: A Primer
by Marvin Goodfriend - 193-211 Monetary Policy, Price Stability and Output Gap Stabilization
by Vitor Gaspar & Frank Smets - 213-227 The Role of Output Stabilization in the Conduct of Monetary Policy
by Frederic S. Mishkin - 229-249 Fiscal Policy and Uncertainty
by Alan J. Auerbach & Kevin A. Hassett - 251-284 A New Design for Automatic Fiscal Policy
by Laurence S. Seidman & Kenneth A. Lewis - 285-309 Macroeconomic Vulnerabilities in the Twenty–first Century Economy: A Preliminary Taxonomy
by J. Bradford DeLong
2002, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-22 Stock Market Wealth Effects and the New Economy: A Cross‐Country Study
by Hali Edison & Torsten Sløk - 23-45 The International Financial Architecture: Old Issues and New Initiatives
by Peter B. Kenen - 47-71 The Opportunistic Approach to Disinflation
by Athanasios Orphanides & David W. Wilcox - 73-96 Central Bank Accountability and Transparency: Theory and Some Evidence
by Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger & Marco Hoeberichts - 97-114 Are Banks Different? Evidence from International Data
by Claudia M. Buch - 115-127 Promoting Financial Stability
by William J. McDonough - 129-137 Central Banking as Art or Science?: Lessons from the Fed and the ECB
by Paul De Grauwe
2001, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 335-362 Growth and Finance: What Do We Know and How Do We Know It?
by Paul Wachtel - 363-380 The HIPC Initiative: True and False Promises
by Daniel Cohen - 381-400 The Lag from Monetary Policy Actions to Inflation: Friedman Revisited
by Nicoletta Batini & Edward Nelson - 401-439 Core Inflation and Monetary Policy
by Marianne Nessén & Ulf Söderström - 441-462 The Single Monetary Policy of the European Central Bank: One Size Fits All
by Otmar Issing - 463-489 Monetary Policy Under the Zero Interest Rate Constraint and Balance Sheet Adjustment
by Masaaki Shirakawa - 491-506 The Economic, Business, and Policy Components of Political and Country Risk Management
by J. Marc Michel Léonard
2001, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 161-187 Hedge Funds and Financial Stability: An Analysis of their Factor Exposures
by Richard A. Brealey & Evi Kaplanis - 189-219 Do Governments Use Financial Derivatives Appropriately? Evidence from Sovereign Borrowers in Developed Economies
by Gustavo Piga - 221-255 Liquidity, Volatility and Equity Trading Costs Across Countries and Over Time
by Ian Domowitz & Jack Glen & Ananth Madhavan - 257-278 Creating Securities Markets in Developing Countries: A New Approach for the Age of Automated Trading
by Benn Steil - 279-302 On the Road to Reg ATS: A Critical History of the Regulation of Automated Trading Systems
by Ian Domowitz & Ruben Lee - 303-320 New Perspective on FX Markets: Order‐Flow Analysis
by Richard K. Lyons - 321-333 Clearing and Settlement — The Barrier to a Pan‐European Capital Market
by Don Cruickshank
2001, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-14 Which Types of Capital Inflows Foster Developing‐Country Growth?
by Helmut Reisen & Marcelo Soto - 15-45 Domestic Crony Capitalism and International Fickle Capital: Is There a Connection?
by Shang‐Jin Wei - 47-64 Analysing UDROP: An Instrument for Stabilizing the International Financial Architecture
by Axel Lindner - 65-99 The Eurosystem's Operational Framework in the Context of the ECB's Monetary Policy Strategy
by Michele Manna & Huw Pill & Gabriel Quirós - 101-125 The Vulnerability of Banks to Government Default Risk in the EMU
by Ivo Arnold & Jan Lemmen - 127-144 Financial Markets and Systemic Risk in an Era of Innovation
by Andrew Crockett & Benjamin H. Cohen - 145-159 Whose Rules of the Game? Defining the Globalization Divide
by Elaine Buckberg
November 2000, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 329-356 Exchange Rates in Search of Fundamentals: The Case of the Euro–Dollar Rate
by Paul De Grauwe - 357-373 Tracking the Euro's Progress
by Menzie D. Chinn & Ron Alquist - 375-389 Monetary Policy Design: Institutional Developments from a Contractual Perspective
by Carl E. Walsh - 391-411 Sollbruchstelle: Deep Uncertainty and the Design of Monetary Institutions
by Susanne Lohmann - 413-437 Is the MCI a Useful Signal of Monetary Policy Conditions? An Empirical Investigation
by Pierre L. Siklos - 439-469 Monetary Policy Without Central Bank Money: A Swiss Perspective
by Georg Rich - 471-486 Capital Controls: Theory, Evidence and Policy Advice
by Simon J. Evenett
July 2000, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 187-187 Editor's Foreword
by Benn Steil - 189-209 Can Central Banking Survive the IT Revolution?
by Charles A. E. Goodhart - 211-227 Monetary Policy Implementation: Past, Present and Future – Will Electronic Money Lead to the Eventual Demise of Central Banking?
by Freedman - 229-260 Monetary Policy in a World Without Money
by Michael Woodford - 261-272 Decoupling at the Margin: The Threat to Monetary Policy from the Electronic Revolution in Banking
by Benjamin M. Friedman - 273-286 The Present and Future of Monetary Policy Rules
by Bennett T. McCallum - 287-308 Toward a Common Currency?
by Richard N. Cooper - 309-327 How to Promote Growth in the Euro Area: The Contribution of Monetary Policy
by Otmar Issing
April 2000, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-23 Multiple Equilibria and the Credibility of the Brazilian ‘Crawling Peg’, 1995–1998
by Marco Lyrio & Hans Dewachter - 25-51 Financial Contagion in Five Small Open Economies: Does the Exchange Rate Regime Really Matter?
by Zsolt Darvas & György Szapáry - 53-94 The Euro and International Capital Markets
by Carsten Detken & Philipp Hartmann - 95-122 The Impact of Foreign Equity Ownership on Emerging Market Share Price Volatility
by Mark Coppejans & Ian Domowitz - 123-160 A Dynamic and Stochastic Beta and Its Implications in Global Capital Markets
by Hong‐Jen Lin & Winston T. Lin - 161-166 Notice to Stock Exchange Members: Dining Room Closed. Silicon Chips Being Surfed in Basement. All Welcome
by John L. Langton - 167-185 Central Bank Independence and Credibility: Is There a Shred of Evidence?
by James Forder
November 1999, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 321-338 The Future of Monetary Policy: The Central Bank as an Army with Only a Signal Corps?
by Benjamin M. Friedman - 339-360 Myths about the Lender of Last Resort
by C.A.E. Goodhart - 361-378 Should Banking Supervision and Monetary Policy Tasks be Given to Different Agencies?
by Carmine Di Noia & Giorgio Di Giorgio - 379-410 Pegging to the Dollar and the Euro
by Patrick Honohan & Philip R. Lane - 411-440 The Regulator's Dilemma: Hedge Funds in the International Financial Architecture
by Barry Eichengreen - 441-447 The Coming Global Digital Stock Market
by Frank G. Zarb - 449-470 The Changing International Economic Order: Rival Visions for the Coming Millennium
by David Henderson
July 1999, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 167-202 Derivatives, Volatility and Price Discovery
by Benjamin H. Cohen - 203-226 Predicting Stock and Bond Returns: the Impact of Global Variables
by David Ely & Mehdi Salehizadeh - 227-247 UDROP: A Contribution to the New International Financial Architecture
by Willem H. Buiter & Anne C. Sibert - 249-272 The Asian Crisis: Lessons for Crisis Management and Prevention
by Richard Brealey - 273-293 Boom and Bust and Sovereign Ratings
by Helmut Reisen & Julia Von Maltzan - 295-308 EMU and Banking Supervision
by Tommaso Padoa‐Schioppa - 309-318 Review: Globalism: New Reality, Old Strategy
by Albert Fishlow
April 1999, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-31 Explaining Recent European Exchange‐Rate Stability
by Paul De Grauwe & Hans Dewachter & Dirk Veestraeten - 33-61 Institutionalization and EMU: Implications for European Financial Markets
by E. Philip Davis - 63-83 Efficient Rules for Monetary Policy
by Laurence Ball - 85-116 The Taylor Rule: A Useful Monetary Policy Benchmark for the Euro Area?
by Gert Peersman & Frank Smets - 117-138 Inflation, Volatility and Growth
by Ruth Judson & Athanasios Orphanides - 139-148 European Equity Markets after the Euro: Competition and Cooperation Across New Frontiers
by Paul Arlman - 149-165 A New International Financial Architecture?
by Geoffrey Wood
December 1998, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 207-228 When the Euro Falls Apart
by Hal S. Scott - 229-259 Risk Management and Public Policy in Payment, Clearing and Settlement Systems
by Richard Dale - 261-287 Financial Crises: Plus ça Change, plus c'est la Même Chose
by Charles Goodhart & P. J. R. Delargy - 289-310 The Asian Crisis in Context
by Barry Bosworth - 311-325 Can there be an International Lender‐of‐Last‐Resort?
by Forrest Capie - 327-338 The East Asian Economic Crisis: A Japanese Perspective
by Kazuo Ueda - 339-355 Confronting Asymmetry: Global Financial Markets and National Regulation
by Brandon Becker & David A. Westbrook
October 1998, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editors' Introduction
by Benn Steil & Adam Posen & Kazuo Ueda - 3-34 EMU and Capital Markets: Big Bang or Glacier?
by Daniel Gros - 35-57 Interest Rates in the North and Capital Flows to the South: Is There a Missing Link?
by Barry Eichengreen & Ashoka Mody - 59-79 Crawling Bands or Monitoring Bands: How to Manage Exchange Rates in a World of Capital Mobility
by John Williamson - 81-101 The Dangers of Exchange‐Rate Pegging in Emerging‐Market Countries
by Frederic S. Mishkin - 103-125 Are Investment Incentives Blunted by Changes in Prices of Capital Goods?
by Kevin A. Hassett & R. Glenn Hubbard - 127-159 Personal Liabilities and Bankruptcy Reform: An International Perspective
by Michelle Alexopoulos & Ian Domowitz - 161-172 Financial Services Trade Liberalization in the Wake of the Asian Crisis
by Renato Ruggiero - 173-205 Do Better Institutions Make Better Policy?
by Adam S. Posen