August 2008, Volume 61, Issue 3
- 765-766 Institutional change and economic development – Edited by Ha‐Joon Chang
by Eric Jones - 766-767 A history of world agriculture from the neolithic age to the current crisis – By Marcel Mazoyer and Laurence Roudart
by Michael Turner - 767-768 Internationalisation and globalisation of the insurance industry in the 19th and 20th centuries – Edited by Peter Borscheid and Robin Pearson
by Geoffrey Clark - 769-769 Contours of the world economy, 1–2030 AD: essays in macroeconomic history – By Angus Maddison
by Giovanni Federico - 770-771 Manifestos for history – Edited by Keith Jenkins, Sue Morgan, and Alun Munslow
by Penelope J Corfield
May 2008, Volume 61, Issue 2
- 277-301 Usury legislation, cash, and credit: the development of the female investor in the late Tudor and Stuart periods1
by Judith Spicksley - 302-325 Identifying the poor in the 1870s and 1880s1
by Alan Gillie - 326-359 Ticket to trade: Belgian labour and globalization before 19141
by Michael Huberman - 360-379 When did Antwerp replace Bruges as the commercial and financial centre of north‐western Europe? The evidence of the Borromei ledger for 14381
by J. L. Bolton & Francesco Guidi Bruscoli - 380-408 New estimates of age‐ and sex‐specific earnings and the male–female earnings gap in the British cotton industry, 1833–19061
by H. M. Boot & J. H. Maindonald - 409-431 Private transnational governance in the heyday of the nation‐state: the Council of European Industrial Federations (CEIF)1
by Neil Rollings & Matthias Kipping - 432-466 The City of London and slavery: evidence from the first dock companies, 1795–18001
by N. Draper - 467-495 Adaptable and sustainable? Male farm service and the agricultural labour force in midland and southern England, c.1850–19251
by Alun Howkins & Nicola Verdon - 496-497 Peasants and production in the medieval north‐east: the evidence from tithes, 1270–1536 – By Ben Dodds
by David Stone - 497-498 The character of English rural society: Earls Colne, 1550–1750 – By Henry R. French and Richard W. Hoyle
by Robert Von Friedeburg - 498-499 Perceptions of retailing in early modern England – By Nancy Cox and Karin Dannehl
by Jon Stobart - 500-501 The culture of commerce in England, 1660–1720 – By Natasha Glaisyer
by David Ormrod - 501-502 Emporium of the world: the merchants of London, 1660–1800 – By Perry Gauci
by John Smail - 502-503 Spaces of consumption: leisure and shopping in the English town, c.1680–1830 – By Jon Stobart, Andrew Hann, and Victoria Morgan
by Laura Ugolini - 503-504 War, wine and taxes: the political economy of Anglo‐French trade, 1689–1900 – By John V. C. Nye
by Anthony Howe - 505-506 The experience of urban poverty, 1723–82: poverty, charity and credit – By Alannah Tomkins
by Leonard Schwarz - 506-507 A life of John Julius Angerstein, 1735–1823: widening circles in finance, philanthropy, and the arts in eighteenth‐century London – By Anthony Twist
by Stanley Chapman - 507-508 Women's work in industrial England: regional and local perspectives – Edited by Nigel Goose
by Katrina Honeyman - 508-509 Public health and municipal policy making: Britain and Sweden, 1900–1940 – By Marjaana Niemi
by John Stewart - 509-510 Managing British colonial and post‐colonial development: the Crown Agents, 1914–1974 – By David Sunderland
by Nicholas J. White - 511-512 The development of monetary economics: a modern perspective on monetary controversies – By Denis P. O'Brien
by Forrest Capie - 512-513 Keynes and his battles – By Gilles Dostaler
by G. c. Peden - 513-514 The early information society: information management in Britain before the computer – By Alistair Black, Dave Muddiman, and Helen Plant
by Edward Higgs - 514-515 Miners' lung: a history of dust disease in British coal mining – By Arthur McIvor and Ronald Johnston
by Joseph Melling - 515-517 Having it so good: Britain in the fifties – By Peter Hennessy Never had it so good: a history of Britain from Suez to the Beatles – By Dominic Sandbrook
by Jim Tomlinson - 517-518 From dreams to disillusionment: economic and social planning in 1960s Britain – By Glen O'Hara
by Neil Rollings - 518-519 A spirited exchange: the wine and brandy trade between France and the Dutch Republic in its Atlantic framework, 1600–1650 – By Henriette de Bruyn Kops
by Donald J. Harreld - 519-521 Before the deluge: public debt, inequality and the intellectual origins of the French Revolution – By Michael Sonenscher
by Keith Tribe - 521-522 Papal banking in renaissance Rome: Benvenuto Olivieri and Paul III, 1534–1549 – By Francesco Guidi Bruscoli
by Matthew Vester - 522-523 Economic policy and microeconomic performance in interwar Europe: the case of Austria, 1918–1939 – By Jens‐Wilhelm Wessels
by Theo Balderston - 523-524 Testimonies of the city: identity, community and change in a contemporary urban world – Edited by Richard Rodger and Joanna Herbert
by Natasha Vall - 524-525 The political economy of sentiment: paper credit and the Scottish enlightenment in early republic Boston, 1780–1820 – By Jose R. Torre
by Howard Bodenhorn - 525-527 Financing innovation in the United States, 1870 to the present – Edited by Naomi R. Lamoreaux and Kenneth L. Sokoloff
by B. zorina Khan - 527-528 Household accounts: working‐class family economies in the interwar United States – By Susan Porter Benson
by Peter Fearon - 528-529 The economics of the great depression: a twenty‐first century look back at the economics of the interwar era – By Randall E. Parker
by Robert W. Dimand - 530-531 The United States since 1980 – By Dean Baker
by Monica Prasad - 531-532 The making of an Indian metropolis: colonial governance and public culture in Bombay, 1890–1920 – By Prashant Kidambi
by Kaushik Bhaumik - 532-533 Production organizations in Japanese economic development – Edited by Tetsuji Okazaki
by Janet Hunter - 533-534 The shock of the old: technology and global history since 1900 – By David Edgerton
by Christine Macleod - 535-536 Economic disasters of the twentieth century – Edited by Michael J. Oliver and Derek H. Aldcroft
by Peter Howlett - 536-537 Time and the shape of history – By Penelope J. Corfield
by Simon Gunn - 537-539 Farewell to alms: a brief economic history of the world – By Gregory Clark
by Knick Harley
February 2008, Volume 61, Issue 1
- 1-25 Labour market adjustment a hundred years ago: the case of the Catalan textile industry, 1880–19131
by Jordi Domenech - 26-53 Consumption, retailing, and medicine in early‐modern London
by Patrick Wallis - 54-79 Successful workers or exploited labour? Golf professionals and professional golfers in Britain 1888–19141
by Wray Vamplew - 80-98 Charcoal ironmaking in nineteenth‐century Shropshire
by Richard Hayman - 99-124 Did owner‐occupation lead to smaller families for interwar working‐class households?1
by Peter Scott - 125-154 Blonde and blue‐eyed? Globalizing beauty, c.1945–c.19801
by Geoffrey Jones - 155-174 Craft guilds in the pre‐modern economy: a discussion
by S. R. Epstein - 175-182 Rehabilitating the guilds: a reply
by Sheilagh Ogilvie - 183-230 Review of periodical literature published in 2006
by David Pratt & P. R. Schofield & Henry French & Peter Kirby & Mark Freeman & Julian Greaves & Hugh Pemberton - 231-232 The medieval antecedents of English agricultural progress – By Bruce M. S. Campbell
by John S. Moore - 232-233 A social history of England, 1200–1500 – Edited by Rosemary Horrox and W. Mark Ormrod
by Phillipp R. Schofield - 234-235 Records of Feckenham Forest, Worcestershire, c.1236–1377 – Edited by Jean Birrell
by James A. Galloway - 235-236 The self‐contained village?: the social history of rural communities, 1250–1900 – Edited by Christopher Dyer
by Brian Short - 236-237 The senses in late medieval England – By Christopher M. Woolgar
by Paul Freedman - 237-238 Food in early modern England: phases, fads, fashions, 1500–1760 – By Joan Thirsk
by Christopher Dyer - 239-239 Trade, empire and British foreign policy, 1689–1815: the politics of a commercial state – By Jeremy Black
by S. d. Smith - 239-240 Riotous assemblies: popular protest in Hanoverian England – By Adrian Randall
by Robert B. Shoemaker - 240-241 Ireland's great famine: interdisciplinary perspectives – By Cormac Ó Gráda
by David Dickson - 242-243 A south‐Asian history of Britain: four centuries of people from the Indian sub‐continent – By Michael H. Fisher, Shompa Lahiri, and Shinder Thandi
by Francis Robinson - 243-244 The origin of the welfare state in England and Germany, 1850–1914: social policies compared – By Peter Hennock
by Noel Whiteside - 244-245 Arms, economics and British strategy: from dreadnoughts to hydrogen bombs – By George C. Peden
by Till Geiger - 245-246 Triumph of the south: a regional economic history of early twentieth century Britain – By Peter Scott
by David M. Higgins - 247-248 Psychological socialism: the Labour Party and qualities of mind and character, 1931 to the present – By Jeremy Nuttall
by Laura Beers - 248-249 Mutualism and health care: British hospital contributory schemes in the twentieth century – By Martin Gorsky and John Mohan with Tim Willis
by John Stewart - 249-251 Cities in decline?: a comparative history of Malmö and Newcastle after 1945 – By Natasha Vall
by Stuart Howard - 251-252 Twentieth century Britain: economic, cultural and social change – Edited by Francesca Carnevali and Julie‐Marie Strange
by Alan Booth - 252-253 Guilds and association in Europe, 900–1900 – Edited by Ian A. Gadd and Patrick Wallis
by James Shaw - 253-254 The rural history of medieval European societies: trends and perspectives – Edited by Isabel Alfonso
by Ben Dodds - 254-255 Money, markets and trade in late medieval Europe: essays in honour of John H. A. Munro – Edited by Lawrin Armstrong, Ivana Elbl, and Martin M. Elbl
by Pamela Nightingale - 255-257 Matters of exchange: commerce, medicine and science in the Dutch golden age – By Harold J. Cook
by Herman Van Der Wee - 257-258 The power of entrepreneurs: politics and economy in contemporary Spain – By Mercedes Cabrera and Fernando del Rey
by Joseph Harrison - 258-259 The European economy since 1945: coordinated capitalism and beyond – By Barry J. Eichengreen
by Andrea Boltho - 259-260 Breaking away from Russia: economic stabilization in Estonia, 1918–1924 – By Jaak Valge
by John Hiden - 261-262 Aden and the Indian Ocean trade: 150 years in the life of a medieval Arabian port – By Roxani Eleni Margariti
by Ghulam A. Nadri - 262-263 The business of Civil War: military mobilization and the state, 1861–1865 – By Mark R. Wilson
by Walter Licht - 263-265 The machine in America: a social history of technology – By Carroll W. Pursell
by Nathan Ensmenger - 265-266 Staples and beyond: selected writings of Mel Watkins – Edited by Hugh Grant and David Wolfe
by Robin Neill - 266-268 Fighting famine in north China – By Lillian M. Li
by Cormacó Gráda - 268-269 Age of enterprise: rediscovering the New Zealand entrepreneur, 1880–1910 – By Ian Hunter
by G. r. Hawke - 269-271 Kin: a collective biography of a New Zealand family – By Melanie Nolan
by Kerry Taylor - 271-272 The moral consequences of economic growth – By Benjamin M. Friedman
by Avner Offer - 272-274 Prophet of innovation: Joseph Schumpeter and creative destruction – By Thomas K. McCraw
by David Reisman - 274-275 Pricing theory, financing of international organisations and monetary history – By Lawrence H. Officer
by Mark E. Duckenfield - 275-276 The global securities market: a history – By Ranald C. Michie
by Larry Neal
November 2007, Volume 60, Issue 4
- 649-684 ‘Whatever is, is right’? Economic institutions in pre‐industrial Europe
by Sheilagh Ogilvie - 685-711 Calculating credibility: print culture, trust and economic figures in early eighteenth‐century England
by Natasha Glaisyer - 712-741 An ‘art’, not a ‘science’? Central bank management in Portugal under the gold standard, 1863–87
by Jaime Reis - 742-765 Financial market analysis can go mad (in the search for irrational behaviour during the South Sea Bubble)
by Gary S. Shea - 766-772 Pitfalls in the quest for South Sea rationality
by Richard Dale & Johnnie E. V. Johnson & Leilei Tang - 773-826 List of publications on the economic and social history of Great Britain and Ireland published in 2006
by Matthew Hale & Richard Hawkins & Catherine Wright - 827-828 England on the Eve of the Black Death: an atlas of lay lordship, land and wealth, 1300–49 – By Bruce M. S. Campbell and Ken Bartley
by Peter Coss - 828-830 Medieval villages in an English landscape: beginnings and ends – By Richard Jones and Mark Page
by P. d. a. Harvey - 830-832 Victoria county history: a history of the county of Chester, vol. V, 2, The city of Chester: culture, buildings and institutions – Edited by Christopher P. Lewis and Alan T. Thacker Victoria county history: a history of the county of Durham, vol. IV, Darlington – Edited by Gillian Cookson Victoria county history: a history of the County of Oxford, vol. XV, Carterton, Minster Lovell, and environs (Bampton Hundred part three) – Edited by S. Townley
by Nigel Goose - 832-834 Gender, taste and material culture in Britain and North America, 1700–1830 – Edited by John Styles and Amanda Vickery
by Richard Sheldon - 834-835 Illegitimacy in Britain, 1700–1920 – Edited by Alysa Levene, Thomas Nutt, and Samantha Williams
by Leonard Schwarz - 835-837 Creating capitalism: joint‐stock enterprise in British politics and culture, 1800–1870 – By James Taylor
by Robin Pearson - 837-838 Rethinking nineteenth‐century liberalism: Richard Cobden bicentenary essays – Edited by Anthony Howe and Simon Morgan
by Peter Cain - 838-840 ‘We might be trusted’: women, welfare and local politics, 1880–1920 – By Steven King
by Marjorie Levine‐clark - 840-842 The English countryside between the wars: regeneration or decline? – Edited by Paul Brassley, Jeremy Burchardt, and Lynne Thompson
by E. j. t. Collins - 842-843 Unemployment, poverty and health in interwar south Wales – By Steven Thomson
by Bernard Harris - 843-844 The front line of freedom: British farming in the Second World War – Edited by Brian Short, Charles Watkins, and John Martin
by Erin Gill - 845-846 Dennis Robertson: essays on his life and work – By Gordon A. Fletcher
by Susan Howson - 846-847 The slow failure: population decline and independent Ireland, 1922–73 – By Mary E. Daly
by Enda Delaney - 847-848 Work and pay in twentieth‐century Britain – Edited by Nicholas Crafts, Ian Gazeley, and Andrew Newell
by Nicholas Woodward - 848-850 The politics of free markets: the rise of neoliberal economic policies in Britain, France, Germany and the United States – By Monica Prasad
by Neil Rollings - 850-851 From physick to pharmacology: five hundred years of British drug retailing – Edited by Louise Hill Curth
by Elaine Leong - 851-853 Le commerce du Nord: les échanges commerciaux entre la France et l'Europe septentrionale au XVIIIe siècle – By Pierrick Pourchasse
by Silvia Marzagalli - 853-855 La fonction consulaire à l'époque moderne: l'affirmation d'une institution économique et politique, 1500–1700 – Edited by Jörg Ulbert and Gérard Le Bouëdec
by Xavier Labat Saint Vincent - 855-856 At the centre of the old world: trade and manufacturing in Venice and the Venetian mainland, 1400–1800 – Edited by Paola Lanaro
by Maria Fusaro - 856-858 Networking Europe: transnational infrastructures and the shaping of Europe, 1850–2000 – Edited by Erik van der Vleuten and Arne Kaijser
by Thomas J. Misa - 858-859 Modernization in Russia since 1900 – Edited by Markku Kangaspuro and Jeremy Smith
by Vincent Barnett - 859-860 The economic history of India, 1857–1947 – By Tirthankar Roy
by Bishnupriya Gupta - 860-862 Networked machinists: high‐technology industries in Antebellum America – By David R. Meyer
by Ralf Richter - 862-864 Selling the race: culture, community and black Chicago, 1940–1955 – By Adam Green
by Rachel Roseman - 864-865 America transformed: sixty years of revolutionary change, 1941–2001 – By Richard M. Abrams
by Howell John Harris - 865-866 From silver to cocaine: Latin American commodity chains and the building of the world economy, 1500–2000 – Edited by Steven Topik, Carlos Marichal, and Zephyr Frank
by Marshall C. Eakin - 866-868 The ambivalent consumer: questioning consumption in East Asia and the West – Edited by Sheldon Garon and Patricia L. Maclachlan
by Peter N. Stearns - 868-869 The revolution that bit its own tail: how economic history changed our ideas on economic growth – By J.W. Drukker
by Leandro Prados De La Escosura - 869-871 Inside the economist's mind: conversations with eminent economists – Edited by Paul A. Samuelson and William A. Barnett
by Roger Middleton - 871-872 Capitals of capital: a history of international financial centres, 1780–2005 – By Youssef Cassis
by Ranald Michie - 872-874 Emerging markets and financial globalization: sovereign bond spreads in 1870–1913 and today – By Paolo Mauro, Nathan Sussman, and Yishay Yafeh
by Marc Flandreau - 874-875 Monetary theory and Bretton Woods: the construction of an international monetary order – By Filippo Cesarano
by Forrest Capie - 876-877 Gunpowder, explosives and the state: a technological history – Edited by Brenda J. Buchanan
by John F. Guilmartin
August 2007, Volume 60, Issue 3
- 457-485 After the Black Death: labour legislation and attitudes towards labour in late‐medieval western Europe
by Samuel Cohn - 486-512 Downhill from devaluation: The battle for sterling, 1968–721
by Michael J. Oliver & Arran Hamilton - 513-544 Serfdom and social capital in Bohemia and Russia1
by T. K. Dennison & Sheilagh Ogilvie - 545-573 The changing role of fairs in the long eighteenth century: evidence from the north midlands1
by Ian Mitchell - 574-595 Regions and time in the European fertility transition: problems in the Princeton Project’s statistical methodology1
by John C. Brown & Timothy W. Guinnane - 596-597 Charters and custumals of Shaftesbury Abbey, 1089–1216 – Edited by Neil E. Stacy
by Edmund King - 597-598 Children remembered: responses to untimely death in the past – By Robert Woods
by Colin Heywood - 598-599 Industry, trade and people in Ireland, 1650–1950: essays in honour of W. H. Crawford – Edited by Brenda Collins, Philip Ollersenshaw, and Trevor Parkhill
by S. j Connolly - 600-602 The British–Atlantic trading community, 1760–1810: men, women and the distribution of goods – By Sheryllynne Haggerty
by David Hancock - 602-603 Financing medicine: the British experience since 1750 – Edited by Martin Gorsky and Sally Sheard
by John Stewart - 603-604 The business of women: female enterprise and urban development in Northern England, 1760–1830 – By Hannah Barker
by Christine Wiskin - 604-606 Landlords, tenants, famine: the business of an Irish land agency in the 1840s – By Desmond Norton
by Gerald J. Lyne - 606-607 From the corn laws to free trade: interests, ideas and institutions in historical perspective – By Cheryl Schonhardt‐Bailey
by Boyd Hilton - 607-609 Clara Collet, 1860–1948: an educated working woman – By Deborah McDonald
by Hester Barron - 609-610 Alfred Herbert Ltd and the British machine tool industry, 1887–1983 – By Roger Lloyd‐Jones and M. J. Lewis
by Geoffrey Tweedale - 610-612 Jewish Ireland in the age of Joyce: a socioeconomic history – By Cormac Ó Gráda
by Todd M. Endelman - 612-613 Psychological subjects: identity, culture and health in twentieth‐century Britain – By Matthew Thomson
by Joseph Melling - 613-615 The Cambridge companion to Keynes – Edited by Roger E. Backhouse and Bradley Bateman
by Mauro Boianovsky - 615-617 Visual culture and decolonisation in Britain – Edited by Simon Faulkner and Anandi Ramamurthy
by Stephen Howe - 617-618 Using history, making British policy: the Treasury and the Foreign Office, 1950–76 – By Peter J. Beck
by Hugh Pemberton - 619-620 The Chancellors' tales: managing the British economy – Edited by Howard Davies
by Nicholas Woodward - 620-621 Britain's pension crisis: history and policy – Edited by Hugh Pemberton, Pat Thane, and Noel Whiteside
by Paul Bridgen - 621-623 Liverpool 800: culture, character and history – Edited by John Belchem
by John K. Walton - 623-624 Institutions and the path to the modern economy: lessons from medieval trade – By Avner Greif
by Karl Gunnar Persson - 624-625 The rise of the Amsterdam market and information exchange: merchants, commercial expansion and change in the spatial economy of the Low Countries, c.1550–1630 – By Clé Lesger
by Wantje Fritschy - 626-627 The city, the duke and their banker: the Rapondi family and the formation of the Burgundian state (1384–1430) – By Bart Lambert
by Graeme Small - 627-628 The political economy of virtue: luxury, patriotism and the origins of the French Revolution – By John Shovlin
by William Doyle - 628-630 Planning ahead and falling behind: the East German economy in comparison with West Germany, 1936–2002 – By Jaap Sleifer
by Mathieu Denis - 630-631 Civil society, associations and urban places: class, nation and culture in nineteenth‐century Europe – Edited by Graeme Morton, Boudien de Vries, and Robert J. Morris
by Philip Nord - 632-633 The economy of east central Europe, 1815–1989 – By David Turnock
by Max‐stephan Schulze - 633-634 The road to prosperity: an economic history of Finland – Edited by Jari Ojala, Jari Eloranta, and Jukka Jalava
by Ola Honningdal Grytten - 635-636 A history of Russian economic thought – By Vincent Barnett
by Yuri Tulupenko - 636-638 Historical statistics of the United States – Edited by Susan B. Carter, Scott Sigmund Gartner, Michael R. Haines, Alan L. Olmstead, Richard Sutch, and Gavin Wright
by Kenneth Morgan - 638-639 The world's newest profession: management consulting in the twentieth century – By Christopher D. McKenna
by M. w. Kirby - 639-640 Plantation Jamaica, 1750–1850: capital and control in a colonial economy – By Barry W. Higman
by Gad Heuman - 641-642 The role of tradition in Japan's industrialization: another path to industrialization – Edited by Masayuki Tanimoto
by Alan Booth - 642-643 Globalization and the poor periphery before 1950 – By Jeffrey G. Williamson
by Edward Anderson - 644-645 Eli Heckscher, international trade and economic history – Edited by Ronald Findlay, Rolf G. H. Henriksson, Håkan Lindgren, and Mats Lundahl
by John J. Mccusker - 645-646 Global imbalances and the lessons of Bretton Woods – By Barry Eichengreen
by Bernard J. Foley - 646-648 Global labour history: a state of the art – Edited by Jan Lucassen
by Chris Wrigley
May 2007, Volume 60, Issue 2
- 241-266 Night watchman, extractive, or developmental states? Some evidence from late colonial south‐east Asia1
by Anne Booth - 267-312 China and the world financial markets 1870–1939: Modern lessons from historical globalization1
by William N. Goetzmann & Andrey D. Ukhov & Ning Zhu - 313-332 The organization of the grain trade in the early Roman Empire
by David Kessler & Peter Temin - 333-372 Where there’s muck, there’s brass:1 the market for manure in the industrial revolution2
by Liam Brunt - 373-399 Ancient and early modern mortality: experience and understanding1
by Robert Woods - 400-401 Food in medieval England: diet and nutrition – Edited by Christopher M. Woolgar, Dale Serjeantson, and Tony Waldron
by John Langdon - 401-402 The business of everyday life: gender, practice and social politics in England, c.1600–1900 – By Beverly Lemire
by Lynn Abrams - 403-404 Slavery, family and gentry capitalism in the British Atlantic: the world of the Lascelles, 1648–1834 – By Simon D. Smith
by William J. Ashworth - 405-406 A foot in the past: consumers, producers and footwear in the long eighteenth century – By Giorgio Riello
by Nancy Cox - 406-407 China trade and empire: Jardine, Matheson & Co. and the origins of British rule in Hong Kong, 1827–1843 – Edited by Alain Le Pichon
by Paul A. Van Dyke - 407-409 The English rural poor, 1850–1914 – Edited by Mark Freeman
by Steven King - 409-411 Charles Knight: educator, publisher, writer – By Valerie Gray
by James Thompson - 411-412 Writers, readers and reputations: literary life in Britain, 1870–1918 – By Philip J. Waller
by James Thompson - 412-414 The debate on the rise of the British empire – By Anthony Webster
by Stephen Howe - 414-415 The Labour governments, 1964–1970 – Edited by Peter Dorey
by Jim Tomlinson - 415-417 Age discrimination: an historical and contemporary discussion – By John Macnicol
by Robin Blackburn - 417-419 Craft guilds in the early modern Low Countries: work, power and representation – Edited by Maarten Prak, Catharina Lis, Jan Lucassen, and Hugo Soly
by James R. Farr - 419-421 The emergence of modern business enterprise in France, 1800–1930 – By Michael Stephan Smith
by Peter Wardley - 421-422 The wages of destruction: the making and breaking of the Nazi economy – By Adam Tooze
by Ray Stokes - 422-424 Überholen ohne einzuholen: Die DDR‐Wirtschaft als Fußnote der deutschen Geschichte? – Edited by André Steiner
by Jeremy Leaman - 424-425 Evolution of Italian enterprises in the 20th century – Edited by Renato Gianetti and Michelangelo Vasta
by Paolo Di Martino - 425-427 An anatomy of trade in medieval writing: value, consent and community – By Lianna Farber
by James Davis - 427-428 Cultures of selling: perspectives on consumption and society since 1700 – Edited by John Benson and Laura Ugolini
by Lesley Whitworth - 429-430 An economic history of Europe: from expansion to development – Edited by Antonio Di Vittorio
by Herman Van Der Wee - 430-432 Monetary circulation in Central Europe at the beginning of the early modern period: attempts to establish a shared currency as an aspect of the political culture of the 16th century (1524–1573) – By Petr Vorel
by Ian Blanchard - 432-434 The Palestinian peasant economy under the Mandate: a story of colonial bungling – By Amos Nadan
by Jacob Metzer - 434-435 Chinese medicine men: consumer culture in China and Southeast Asia – By Sherman Cochran
by Matthew Hilton - 435-437 Technology gatekeepers for war and peace: the British ship revolution and Japanese industrialization – By Miwao Matsumoto
by Janet Hunter