2019, Issue MAR
- 02 The January 2019 Bank Lending Survey in Spain
by Álvaro Menéndez Pujadas - 03 The loan to value ratio for housing in Spain over the period 2004-2016
by Olympia Bover & María Torrado & Ernesto Villanueva - 04 The Eurosystem’s monetary policy following the end of net asset purchases
by Óscar Arce & Galo Nuño & Carlos Thomas - 05 Adapting lending policies against a background of negative interest rates
by Óscar Arce & Miguel García-Posada & Sergio Mayordomo - 06 Results of non-financial corporations to 2018 Q4: preliminary year-end data
by Álvaro Menéndez & Maristela Mulino
2019, Issue JUN
- 07 Artificial intelligence in financial services
by Ana Fernández - 08 The April 2019 Bank Lending Survey in Spain
by Álvaro Menéndez Pujadas - 09 Recent housing market developments in Spain
by Pana Alves & Alberto Urtasun - 10 World economic outlook for 2019
by Pedro del Río & Esther Gordo - 11 The latest protectionist trade trends and their impact on the European Union
by Francesca Viani - 12 Report on the Latin American economy. First half of 2019
by Banco de España - 13 Capital flows to emerging economies: recent developments and drivers
by Luis Molina & Francesca Viani - 14 The impact of China on Latin America: trade and foreign direct investment channels
by Jacopo Timini & Ayman El-Dahrawy Sánchez-Albornoz - 15 Some implications of new data sources for economic analysis and official statistics
by Corinna Ghirelli & Juan Peñalosa & Javier J. Pérez & Alberto Urtasun - 16 The balance of payments and international investment position of Spain in 2018
by Pana Alves & César Martín & Irene Roibás - 17 Real-time regional GDP forecasting: statistical aspects and a forecasting model
by Concha Artola & María Gil & Danilo Leiva & Javier J. Pérez & Alberto Urtasun - 18 Financial flows and balance sheets of households and non-financial corporations in 2018
by Víctor & Juan Carlos Casado - 19 The impact of TLTROs on banks’ lending policies: the role of competition
by Miguel García-Posada Gómez - 20 Characterisation of self-employment in Spain from a European perspective
by Pilar García Perea & Concepción Román - 21 Results of non-financial corporations in 2019 Q1
by Álvaro Menéndez
2019, Issue DEC
- 28 Results of non-financial corporations to 2019 Q2
by Álvaro Menéndez - 29 Leveraged loans: definition and market development
by Carlos González Pedraz - 30 Tariff protectionist measures and Spanish goods exports
by Eduardo Gutiérrez Chacón & César Martín Machuca - 31 Bank Lending Survey in Spain: October 2019
by Álvaro Menéndez Pujadas - 32 The Federal Reserve review of its monetary policy framework
by Susana Párraga & Pedro del Río & Juan Luis Vega - 33 Report on the Latin American economy. Second half of 2019
by Banco de España - 34 The household saving rate in Spain between 2007 and 2016: decomposition by population group and possible determinants
by Brindusa Anghel & Cristina Barceló & Ernesto Villanueva - 35 A crisis early warning model for euro area countries
by Jose González Mínguez & Carmen Martínez Carrascal - 36 Results of non-financial corporations in 2018 and in the first three quarters of 2019
by Álvaro Menéndez & Maristela Mulino - 37 Global impact of a slowdown in China
by Xu Bing & Moritz Roth & Daniel Santabárbara - 38 Survey of household finances (EFF) 2017: methods, results and changes since 2014
by Banco de España
2018, Issue SEP
- 10 Reference variables for analysing inflation in Spain
by Luis Julián Álvarez & Isabel Sánchez - 17 Trade patterns of China and India
by Elena Vidal - 18 Recourse to Eurosystem funding by Spanish banks
by Ricardo Gimeno & Ana del Río - 19 Investment and financing of Spanish non-financial corporations: an analysis using firm-level data
by Daniel Dejuán & Álvaro Menéndez & Maristela Mulino - 21 Monetary policy implications of central bank-issued digital currency
by Galo Nuño - 22 Creditor countries and debtor countries: some asymmetries in the dynamics of external wealth accumulation
by Ángel Estrada & Francesca Viani - 23 Results of non-financial corporations in the first half of 2018
by Álvaro Menéndez & Maristela Mulino
2018, Issue MAR
- 01 Labour market participation rate in the euro area: performance and outlook, a long-term view
by Cristina Fernández & David Martínez Turégano - 02 The effects of the Eurosystem’s corporate sector purchase programme on Spanish companies
by Óscar Arce & Ricardo Gimeno & Sergio Mayordomo - 03 The January 2018 Bank Lending Survey in Spain
by Alvaro Menéndez Pujadas - 04 Regional government access to market funding
by Mar Delgado & Javier J. Pérez - 04 The role of the social environment in household consumption decisions in Spain
by Jose María Casado - 05 Euro area inflation expectations
by Ricardo Gimeno & Eva Ortega - 06 The flattening of the yield curve in the United States
by Juan Carlos Berganza & Alberto Fuertes - 07 Global funding trends in capital markets in 2017
by Alberto Fuertes & Luis Molina & Luna Romo & Emilio Muñoz de la Peña - 08 Results of non-financial corporations to 2017 Q4: preliminary year-end data
by Álvaro Menéndez & Maristela Mulino
2018, Issue JUN
- 07 Developments in public debt in Spain in 2017
by Mar Delgado & Blanca García & Leonor Zubimendi - 09 Global economic situation and outlook at the start of 2018
by Dirección General - 10 The April 2018 Bank Lending Survey in Spain
by Álvaro Menéndez Pujadas - 12 The balance of payments and international investment position of Spain in 2017
by Pana Alves & Esther López & César Martín & Irene Roibás - 13 An analysis of the trade exposure of Spanish firms to the United Kingdom
by Eduardo Gutiérrez Chacón & César Martín Machuca - 14 The IMF’s concessional lending policy: situation and outlook
by Xavier Serra Stecher - 15 Financial flows and balance sheets of households and non-financial corporations in 2017
by Víctor García-Vaquero & Juan Carlos Casado - 16 Results of non-financial corporations in 2018 Q1
by Álvaro Menéndez & Maristela Mulino
2018, Issue DEC
- 24 Recent movements in the euro exchange rate and the impact on inflation in the Spanish economy
by Danilo Leiva & Jaime Martínez-Martín & Eva Ortega - 25 Wage moderation in Spain and in the euro area
by Pilar Cuadrado & Federico Tagliati - 26 Distributed ledger technology (DLT): introduction
by José Luis Romero Ugarte - 27 Composite indicators of inflationary pressures
by Luis Julián Álvarez & Isabel Sánchez - 31 Argentina: economic challenges in an adverse international setting
by Xavier Serra & Jacopo Timini & Enrique Martínez Casillas & Julia Estefanía - 32 Recent developments in non-bank financing of Spanish firms
by Víctor García-Vaquero & Irene Roibás - 33 The International Monetary Fund and its Role as a Guarantor of Global Financial Stability
by Sonsoles Gallego & Pilar L´Hotellerie-Fallois & Fernando López-Vicente - 34 Results of non-financial corporations in 2017 and in the first three quarters of 2018
by Álvaro Menéndez & Maristela Mulino - 35 The increase in TARGET balances in the euro area since 2015
by Pana Alves & Antonio Millaruelo & Ana del Río
2017, Issue SEP
- 19 Spanish deposit-taking institutions’ net interest income and low interest rates
by Jorge Martínez Pagés - 20 Spain in the global value chains
by Elvira Prades & Paloma Villanueva - 23 Private-sector economic developments in the euro area in 2016
by Ana del Río & José Antonio Cuenca - 24 The oil market: recent developments and outlook
by Daniel Santabárbara - 25 The EU’s new-generation trade agreements: the CETA treaty
by M.ª Jesús González & Esther Gordo & Marta Manrique - 26 The impact of unconventional monetary policy on euro area public finances
by Pablo Burriel & Francisco Martí & Javier J. Pérez - 27 Regional convergence in Spain: 1980-2015
by Sergio Puente
2017, Issue MAR
- 02 Population of Spain: latest developments and projections
by Pilar Cuadrado - 02 Survey of Household Finances (EFF) 2014: methods, results and changes since 2011
by Banco de España - 03 Changes in the degree of financial pressure borne by Spanish non-financial corporations: 2007-2016
by Álvaro Menéndez & Maristela Mulino - 03 Macroeconomic uncertainty: measurement and impact on the Spanish economy
by María Gil & Javier J. Pérez & Alberto Urtasun - 04 Towards efficient capital flow management
by Ángel Estrada & Luis Molina & Paula Sánchez & Francesca Viani - 05 Services regulation, input prices and exports
by Mónica Correa-López - 06 Global funding trends in capital markets in 2016
by Alberto Fuertes & José Manuel Marqués & Luis Molina - 07 The natural interest rate: concept, determinants and implications for monetary policy
by Alessandro Galesi & Galo Nuño & Carlos Thomas - 08 Situation of and outlook for the world economy at the start of 2017
by Banco de España - 09 Results of non-financial corporations: summary 2016 year-end data
by Álvaro Menéndez & Maristela Mulino
2017, Issue JUN
- 01 The cost of interventions in the financial sector since 2008 in the EU countries
by Antonio Millaruelo & Ana del Río - 06 Developments in public debt in Spain in 2016
by Mar Delgado & Blanca García & Leonor Zubimendi - 10 The cost of interventions in the financial sector since 2008 in the EU countries
by Antonio Millaruelo & Ana del Río - 14 The effect of oil price fluctuations on Spanish inflation
by Luis Julián Álvarez & Isabel Sánchez & Alberto Urtasun - 16 Federal unemployment insurance in the United States
by Silvia Albrizio & Juan Carlos Berganza & Iván Kataryniuk - 17 The recovery of private consumption in Spain by product type and household
by Marta Martínez Matute & Alberto Urtasun
2017, Issue DIC
- 29 China’s economic imbalances and the role of the financial sector
by Jacopo Timini - 30 A short-term forecasting model for GDP and its demand components
by Ana Arencibia Pareja & Ana Gómez Loscos & Mercedes de Luis López & Gabriel Pérez Quirós
2017, Issue DEC
- 10 Developments in public investment during the crisis and the recovery
by Javier J. Pérez & Irune Solera - 12 General government employment over the past decade
by Marta Martínez Matute & Javier J. Pérez - 32 The October 2017 Bank Lending Survey in Spain
by Irene Roibás - 33 Human capital formation in the labour market
by Juan Jimeno & Aitor Lacuesta & Marta Martínez & Ernesto Villanueva - 34 An assessment of the effectiveness of rebates for keeping the over-60s in employment
by Mario Izquierdo Peinado & Sergio Puente Díaz - 35 Contingent convertible bonds and subordinated debt of euro area credit institutions
by Ignacio Fuentes & Juan Carlos Casado - 37 Migratory pressures in the long run: international migration projections to 2050
by Rodolfo Campos
2016, Issue SEP
- 35-44 Skills mismatch between labour supply and demand in Spain
by Sergio Puente & Alejandro Casado - 45-56 The challenges for monetary policy normalisation in the United States in the current economic situation
by Juan Carlos Berganza & Javier Vallés
2016, Issue OCT
- 3-10 Synergies between monetary policy and national policies in a monetary union
by Óscar Arce & Samuel Hurtado & Carlos Thomas - 33-41 Islamic finance: developments and outlook
by Isabel Garrido & María Méndez & Pablo Moreno
2016, Issue NOV
- 19-26 National Productivity Boards
by Aitor Lacuesta & Patrocinio Tello - 27-33 The Eurosystem corporate sector purchase programme and its effect on the external financing of Spanish non-financial corporations
by Sergio Mayordormo
2016, Issue MAY
- 3-19 The Balance of Payments and International Investment Position of Spain in 2015
by César Martín & Álvaro Menéndez & Fernando Nieto - 21-34 Developments in Spanish Public Debt in 2015
by Mar Delgado & Blanca García & Luis Gordo & Francisco Martí - 35-48 Financial liberalisation in China: economic policy outlook and global implications
by Lucía Cuadro-Sáez & Sonsoles Gallego
2016, Issue JUN
- 33-39 Financial flows and balance sheets of households and non-financial corporations in 2015
by Víctor García-Vaquero & Maristela Mulino - 41-49 Competitive adjustment and recovery: the British experience following the depreciation of sterling
by Teresa Sastre
2016, Issue JUL
- 3-13 The recent application of negative policy interest rates in the euro area and in other economies: rationale and preliminary evidence on their effects
by Jorge Martínez Pagés & Antonio Millaruelo
2016, Issue JAN
- 3-12 The global real interest rate: past developments and outlook
by Ignacio Hernando & Daniel Santabárbara & Javier Vallés - 13-26 The weakness of business investment in the advanced economies
by Juan Carlos Berganza & María Romero & Teresa Sastre & Pablo Burriel & Marc Folch - 27-42 The new map of international financial institutions
by Isabel Garrido & Pablo Moreno & Xavier Serra
2016, Issue FEB
- 3-13 Regional government access to market funding: international experience and recent developments
by Mar Delgado & Javier J. Pérez & Clara I. González
2016, Issue DEC
- 18-23 Thresholds in the relationship between inflation and economic activity
by Pilar Cuadrado & Enrique Moral-Benito - 24-37 Inclusion of the renminbi in the Special Drawing Rights basket: technical and economic implications
by Pilar L’Hotellerie-Fallois & Lucía Sánchez & Xavier Serra
2016, Issue APR
- 3-13 The Eurosystem's quantitative easing measures and the financial account
by Jorge Martínez Pagés
2015, Issue SEP
- 29-37 Consumption dynamics in Spain by product type
by José González Mínguez & Alberto Urtasun - 39-46 Spanish credit market activity and structure, 2004-2015
by Ignacio Fuentes Egusquiza
2015, Issue OCT
- 3-16 Household formation and the need for new primary dwellings in the medium term
by M.ª de los Llanos Matea Rosa & M.ª del Carmen Sánchez Carretero
2015, Issue NOV
- 3-9 Asymmetries in the relationship between inflation and activity
by Luis Julián Álvarez & Ana Gómez Loscos & Alberto Urtasun
2015, Issue MAY
- 3-10 The cyclical resilience and determinants of the participation rate in Spain
by José Manuel Montero & Ana V. Regil
2015, Issue MAR
- 29-44 Adjustment and growth prospects in the developed economies
by Ignacio Hernando & Pedro del Río & Irene Pablos - 45-57 Global funding trends on the capital markets in 2014
by Carmen Broto & Alberto Fuertes & Emilio Muñoz de la Peña
2015, Issue JUN
- 21-25 Wage response to changes in the cyclical situation: an estimate based on MCVL social security administrative labour records
by Mario Izquierdo & Sergio Puente
2015, Issue JAN
- 3-12 Recent behaviour of the trade credit of non-financial firms in Spain
by Víctor García-Vaquero & Maristela Mulino Ríos
2015, Issue DEC
- 1-10 The internationalisation of Spanish SMEs: main developments and their determinants
by M. Jesús González Sanz & César Martín Machuca - 23-31 Euro area corporate debt issuance during the crisis
by Eduardo Orellana & Ana del Río
2015, Issue APR
- 1-6 Collective bargaining, wage rigidities and employment: an analysis using microeconomic data
by Ernesto Villanueva - 31-94 Situation of and outlook for the global economy at the start of 2015
by Associate Directorate General International Affairs
2014, Issue OCT
- 29-35 A procedure for short-term GDP forecasting
by Luis Julián Álvarez & Alberto Cabrero & Alberto Urtasun - 37-46 A disaggregated analysis of the determinants of the increase in lending rate spreads in Spain during the crisis
by Banco de España
2014, Issue MAR
- 31-52 The world economy faced with a change in scenario. Developments, outlook and risks
by Associate Directorate General International Affairs
2014, Issue JUN
- 1-8 A disaggregated analysis of recent developments in lending to corporations
by Carmen Martínez & Álvaro Menéndez & Maristela Mulino
2014, Issue JUL
- 13-21 The new revaluation and sustainability factor of the Spanish pension system
by Roberto Ramos - 23-31 Impact of restructuring plans on lending to non-financial corporations
by Jorge Martínez Pagés
2014, Issue JAN
- 13-44 Survey of household finances (EFF) 2011: methods, results and changes since 2008
by Banco de España - 45-52 Bank lending to Spanish corporations in terms of their size. An analysis based on the joint exploitation of information from the CCR and the CBI
by Carmen Martínez Carrascal & Maristela Mulino Ríos - 53-64 Does the international monetary fund have sufficient financial resources?
by Pilar L’Hotellerie-Fallois & Pablo Moreno
2014, Issue FEB
- 11-23 ECB action and the Spanish economy during the first fifteen years of the euro
by José Luis Malo de Molina - 25-28 Analysis of composition effects on wage behaviour
by Sergio Puente & Sofía Galán - 29-43 Global funding trends on the capital markets in 2013
by Alberto Fuertes & Luna Romo
2014, Issue DEC
- 9-22 Financing in the US and UK recoveries
by Clara Isabel González Martínez
2014, Issue APR
- 43-54 Assessment of external imbalances and country risk perception
by Teresa Sastre & Francesca Viani
2013, Issue SEP
- 17-25 The 2012 labour reform: an initial analysis of some of its effects on the labour market
by Mario Izquierdo & Aitor Lacuesta & Sergio Puente - 27-35 Changes in household saving and consumption in Spain during the crisis
by Óscar Arce & Elvira Prades & Alberto Urtasun
2013, Issue OCT
- 19-35 An analysis of the situation of lending in Spain
by Juan Ayuso
2013, Issue NOV
- 19-29 Private-sector deleveraging channels: an international comparison
by Daniel Garrote & Jimena Llopis & Javier Vallés
2013, Issue MAY
- 3-12 The export activity and non-price competitiveness of European firms
by César Martín & Patrocinio Tello
2013, Issue JUL
- 11-17 Variation in the cyclical sensitivity of Spanish inflation: an initial approximation
by Luis Julián Álvarez & Alberto Urtasun - 19-36 Developments in Spanish public debt since the start of the crisis
by Luis Gordo & Pablo Hernández de Cos & Javier J. Pérez - 37-45 The European Central Bank’s response to the crisis
by José Luis Malo de Molina
2013, Issue JAN
- 15-21 Spanish non-financial corporations’ debt since the start of the crisis. A disaggregated analysis
by Álvaro Menéndez & María Méndez
2013, Issue FEB
- 3-8 Statistical effects on Spanish credit institutions’ balance sheets of the recent restructuring and recapitalisation operations
by Juan Peñalosa - 9-14 Changes in bank capital and lending: a microeconomic approach
by Ignacio Hernando & Ernesto Villanueva
2013, Issue DEC
- 3-10 Recent developments in non-financial corporations’ mark-ups
by José Manuel Montero & Alberto Urtasun
2013, Issue APR
- 13-25 The new budgetary stability law
by Pablo Hernández de Cos & Javier J. Pérez - 27-34 Employment in the euro area in 2012
by José María Casado & Roberto García
2012, Issue SEP
- 15-22 Analysis of recent changes in bank deposits in Spain
by Jorge Martínez Pagés
2012, Issue OCT
- 21-35 Analysis of the import activity of European firms
by Cristina Fernández & Coral García & Antonio Rodríguez & Patry Tello
2012, Issue JUL
- 85-96 The adjustment of the external imbalance in the Spanish economy
by Juan Peñalosa - 97-105 Sectoral change and implications for occupational mismatch in Spain
by Aitor Lacuesta & Sergio Puente & Ernesto Villanueva
2012, Issue JAN
- 91-101 Labour flows in the EU at the beginning of the crisis
by José María Casado & Cristina Fernández-Vidaurreta & Juan F. Jimeno - 103-111 Competitiveness indicators: the importance of an efficient allocation of resources
by Aránzazu Crespo Rodríguez & Gabriel Pérez-Quirós & Rubén Segura Cayuela
2012, Issue DEC
- 3-9 An estimation of the impact changes in the minimum wage have on employment
by Sofía Galán & Sergio Puente - 11-16 The role of credit as a predictor of the economic cycle
by Gabriel Pérez Quirós & María Dolores Gadea Rivas
2012, Issue APR
- 81-92 The import content of the industrial sectors in Spain
by Alberto Cabrero Bravo & Miguel Tiana Álvarez - 93-103 A real-time disaggregated forecasting model for euro area GDP
by Pablo Burriel
2011, Issue OCT
- 3-15 The role of central banks in the financial crisis: lessons for the future
by Juan Ayuso & José Luis Malo de Molina - 3-17 The process of economic adjustment following financial crises: a historical perspective
by Galo Nuño - 3-19 The reform of the fiscal framework in Spain: constitutional limits and the new public spending growth rule
by Pablo Hernández de Cos
2011, Issue JUL
- 89-123 Survey of Household Finances (EFF) 2008: Methods, results and changes since 2005
by Banco de España
2011, Issue JAN
- 91-104 The residential investment adjustment in Spain: the current situation
by Luis Ángel Maza & Juan M.ª Peñalosa - 105-111 Holdings of liquid assets, firm size and access to external financing: an analysis for the euro area
by Carmen Martínez-Carrascal - 113-129 The repositioning of the large emerging economies in the world economy
by Carmen Carrasco & Luis Molina & Luis Orgaz
2011, Issue APR
- 133-142 Sovereign CDS premia during the crisis and their interpretation as a measure of risk
by Carmen Broto & Gabriel Pérez-Quirós - 143-154 Wage adjustment to shocks in Spain
by Pilar Cuadrado & Pablo Hernández de Cos & Mario Izquierdo
2010, Issue OCT
- 129-136 A possible role for asymmetric standing facilities in liquidity management
by Gabriel Pérez Quirós & Hugo Rodríguez Mendizábal
2010, Issue JUL
- 100-112 Debt of Spanish non-financial corporations. Development over time and comparison with the euro area
by Arturo Fraile Izquierdo & Carmen Martínez Carrascal - 124-130 The cyclical behaviour of residential investment: some stylised facts
by Luis Julián Álvarez & Alberto Cabrero
2010, Issue JAN
- 93-104 A comparison of recent real estate cycles in Spain, the United States and the United Kingdom
by José Manuel Marqués & Luis Ángel Maza & Margarita Rubio - 105-120 A constant market share analysis of the euro area in the period 1994-2007
by Noelia Jiménez & Esther Martín - 121-137 International debt markets after the financial crisis
by Adrian van Rixtel & Luna Romo González
2010, Issue APR
- 129-137 Employment fluctuations in a dual labour market
by James Costain & Juan F. Jimeno & Carlos Thomas - 139-148 Foreign trade in non-tourism services in Spain
by Arturo Pablo Macías & César Martín Machuca
2009, Issue OCT
- 127-135 Do institutional changes affect business cycles?
by Eva Ortega
2009, Issue JUL
- 103-121 The functioning of the labour market and unemployment growth in Spain
by Ángel Estrada & Mario Izquierdo & Aitor Lacuesta - 123-144 Pros and cons of various fiscal measures to stimulate the economy
by Carine Bouthevillain & John Caruana & Cristina Checherita & Jorge Cunha & Esther Gordo & Stephan Haroutunian & Geert Langenus & Amela Hubic & Bernhard Manzke & Javier J. Pérez & Pietro Tommasino - 145-157 Survey of non-financial corporations on conditions of access to credit
by Banco de España - 159-178 The economic and financial crisis, policy responses and their impact on public finances. A global perspective
by Enrique Alberola & Fernando Gutiérrez del Arroyo
2009, Issue JAN
- 91-100 Changes in the loan-deposit gap and in its funding in the current decade
by Ignacio Fuentes Egusquiza - 101-112 European labour market reforms in the period 2000-2006
by Esther Moral & Carlos Vacas
2009, Issue APR
- 151-163 The challenges the international financial crisis poses for the Spanish economy
by José Luis Malo de Molina - 165-177 A disaggregated view of the cyclical developments in euro area investment
by Noelia Jiménez
2008, Issue OCT
- 124-132 Wealth inequality and household structure: a comparison between Spain and the United States
by Olympia Bover
2008, Issue JUL
- 94-110 Commodities, inflation and monetary policy: a global perspective
by Paula López Urruchi & Juan Carlos Berganza & Enrique Alberola - 111-125 Labour market trends in the euro area in the last decade
by Esther Moral & Carlos Vacas - 127-139 Indexed bonds and inflation expectations in the euro area
by Juan Ángel García
2008, Issue JAN
- 125-141 Flexicurity as a model for European labour markets
by José González Mínguez & Carlos Vacas - 143-153 The internationalisation of Spanish firms through foreign direct investment
by Esther Gordo & César Martín & Patrocinio Tello