2008, Issue JAN
- 155-168 Simplification of IMF lending
by Miguel de Las Casas & Xavier Serra
2008, Issue APR
- 131-139 A model for the real-time forecasting of GDP in the euro area (EURO-STING)
by Máximo Camacho & Gabriel Pérez Quirós - 141-153 The composition of public spending in Europe and long-term growth
by Francisco de Castro Fernández & José González Mínguez
2007, Issue JUL
- 97-109 Labour share developments in the euro area
by Esther Moral & Veronique Genre
2007, Issue JAN
- 89-97 Cyclical characteristics of the Spanish economy in the period 1980-2005
by Eva Ferraz & Eva Ortega - 99-105 Estimates of the potential growth rate of the Spanish economy
by Mario Izquierdo & Javier Jareño
2007, Issue APR
- 113-120 Overnight interest rate volatility and its transmission along the euro area money market yield curve
by Francisco Alonso & Roberto Blanco - 121-129 Current accounts in the euro area: an intertemporal approach
by José Manuel Campa & Ángel Gavilán - 133-142 Capacity utilisation and its relationship to inflation in the euro area
by Esther Moral & Carlos Vacas
2006, Issue JUL
- 83-91 House prices in Spain: is the evidence of overvaluation robust?
by Juan Ayuso & Fernando Restoy - 93-118 Workers remittances in the Spanish Balance of Payments
by Francisco Javier Álvarez de Pedro & María Teresa García Cid & Patrocinio Tello Casas - 119-133 Macroeconomic divergences between euro area countries: size, causes and implications
by Ana Buisán & Fernando Restoy
2006, Issue JAN
- 95-106 Inflation differentials in the euro area: the case of the Spanish economy
by J. David López-Salido & Fernando Restoy
2006, Issue APR
- 115-127 IMF financial facilities: signalling versus insurance
by Javier Díaz Cassou & María Jesús Fernández & Santiago Fernández de Lis
2005, Issue JUL
- 87-109 The wealth of Spanish households: a microeconomic comparison with the United States, Italy and the United Kingdom
by Olympia Bover & Carmen Martínez-Carrascal & Pilar Velilla
2005, Issue JAN
- 89-109 Survey of Household Finances (EFF): description, methods, and preliminary results
by Banco de España - 111-124 Has the pass-through of movements in the euro exchange rate into import prices changed since the start of EMU?
by José M. Campa & José M. González Mínguez
2004, Issue JUL
- 85-96 The effects of EU enlargement on the Spanish economy: productive structures and trade flows
by Esther Gordo - 99-104 An estimate of the equilibrium interest rate in the United States and Germany
by Marta I. Manrique & José Manuel Marqués
2004, Issue JAN
- 73-82 Determination of manufacturing exports in the euro area countries using a supply-demand model
by Ana Buisán & Juan Carlos Caballero & Noelia Jiménez
2004, Issue APR
- 1-9 A comparison between bank rates in Spain and in the euro area
by Luis A. Maza & Alicia Sanchís - 81-89 Spanish export market share in the past decade
by Soledad Bravo & Coral García
2003, Issue OCT
- 69-74 House prices in Spain
by Juan Ayuso & Jorge Martínez & Luis A. Maza & Fernando Restoy - 75-87 The determinants of competitiveness and its indicators for the Spanish economy
by Soledad Bravo & Esther Gordo
2003, Issue JUL
- 67-75 Comparative analysis of export demand for manufactures in the euro area countries
by Ana Buisán & Juan Carlos Caballero
2003, Issue JAN
- 71-75 Persistent inflation differentials in Europe
by Eva Ortega - 77-87 The effects of economic integration on the specialisation and geographical distribution of industrial activity in the EU countries
by Esther Gordo & María Gil & Miguel Pérez - 89-100 The Spanish experience in EU accession
by José Luis Malo de Molina - 95-100 The significance of sectoral composition in recent stock market developments
by Francisco Alonso & Roberto Blanco
2003, Issue APR
- 67-72 The Argentine crisis a year on
by Daniel Navia & Enrique Alberola - 73-82 How relevant are balance-of-payments disequilibria in the industrialised countries? The case of the euro area and the United States
by Juan Mª Peñalosa
2002, Issue OCT
- 75-84 The housing market in Spain
by Jorge Martínez & Mª de los Llanos Matea - 85-96 Productive investment in the recent cycle
by Banco de España
2002, Issue JUL
- 67-74 The new framework for the Spanish regional (autonomous) governments
by Pablo Hernández de Cos
2002, Issue JAN
- 71-84 Quality bias in the measurement of prices: empirical evidence and macroeconomic implications for Spain
by Olympia Bover & Mario Izquierdo & Mª de los Llanos Matea
2001, Issue OCT
- 67-72 Implications of the conversion of prices into euro for inflation
by Luis Julián Álvarez & Javier Jareño - 73-80 The contribution of information and communication technologies to the growth of the Spanish economy
by Soledad Núñez - 81-87 Using indicators to monitor real convergence
by Banco de España
2001, Issue JUL
- 67-77 The opening up of the network industries to competition: regulatory aspects and effects on prices
by Mª de los Llanos Matea
2000, Issue JAN
- 65-97 Spanish financial markets and intermediaries
by Banco de España
2000, Issue APR
- 61-70 Interpreting inflation differentials in the euro area
by Enrique Alberola - 71-78 The disinflation process in Spain. A look at the role of wages
by Banco de España
1999, Issue OCT
- 63-71 Unit labour costs and monetary policy decision-making in the context of EMU
by Banco de España
1999, Issue JAN
- 69-73 Is there scope for inflation differentials in EMU?
by Enrique Alberola