2016, Issue XVII
- 285-294 The Ethics of the Fieldwork – Methodological Research and Rule for Objectivity
by Gabriela BOANGIU - 295-300 The Doppler Echography – From Greek Mythology to Modern Cardiology
by Diana DĂNIŞOR & Octavian ISTRĂTOAIE - 301-310 The Land Area Owned by the Monastery of Sadova
by Ileana CIOAREC - 311-317 New Information on the Churches in Gorna and Dolna Verenitsa in the Context of an Unpublished Document
by Katerina I. DYULGEROVA - 319-324 The Pure Being, Liberty and Discourse from the Perspective of Hegel
by Gheorghe DANIŞOR - 325-336 The Observation of the Human Being Dignity, as Mirrored in Conventions, Treaties and Other International Documents
by Antoaneta-Laura (Mirea) SAVA
2015, Issue XVI
- 9-17 Aspects of the Edilitary Activity in Craiova at the End of the XIXth Century and the Beginning of the XXth Century: Draining the Swamps
by Cezar AVRAM - 19-28 Ways of Dealing with Personal and Public Hygiene in Craiova, in the Second Half of the 19th Century
by Daniel MOTOI - 29-37 Historiographic Considerations for an Urban History of Oltenia
by Gabriel CROITORU - 39-47 Aspects Concerning Foreign Economic Relations of Romania in the Years 1965-1989
by Mihaela BĂRBIERU - 49-57 Les relations culturelles franco-roumaines à l’époque communiste – sous le signe d’une permanente négociation
by Georgiana MEDREA - 59-70 Theoretical and Practical Aspects on Application of Law by the International Rogatory Commission
by Florin NACU & Alexandra OANŢĂ (NACU) - 71-83 From the History of Employment Law in Romania: Elaboration, Adoption and Implementation of Law on Children’s and Women’s Labor in Industrial and Mining Establishments from 1906
by Roxana RADU - 85-92 Modalities to Exploit the Estates Owned by Strehaia Monastery
by Ileana CIOAREC - 93-100 The studies–occupation Bond in the Context of Profession Diversification on the Labour Market
by Gabriela MOTOI & Gabriel PRICINĂ - 101-110 Contribute Factors to the Romanian Demographic Body
by Gabriel PRICINĂ & Gabriela MOTOI - 111-116 The Decree of Ceauşescu Regarding the Granting of a Pension for Adina Brătianu
by Petre OPRIŞ & Laura-Antoaneta SAVA - 117-124 Towards Europe? The European Neighbourhood Policy, EU Conditionality and Public Administration History of Change Dynamics in the Balkans
by Cătălina Maria GEORGESCU - 125-136 Achieving Integration of the Roma in the EU: Descriptive Representation as a Policy Solution for Romania
by Rareş DUMITRAŞ - 137-144 Romanian Traditional Institutions. Midwifery
by Anca CEAUȘESCU - 145-152 Funerary Remnants of the Geto-Dacians in the Romanian Popular Culture
by Loredana-Maria ILIN-GROZOIU - 153-160 The Apparent Absence of Heirs – a Central Motif in Certain Romanian Fairy-tales
by Gabriela BOANGIU - 161-170 The Biblical Flood and Parallel Mesopotamian Myths
by Radu Cosmin SĂVULESCU - 171-175 Le problème du passage de l’un au Multiple / The Problem of the Passage from one to multiple
by Gheorghe DĂNIŞOR - 177-184 Karl Marx – L’erreur originaire / Karl Marx – The Original Error
by Ion MILITARU - 185-192 Les termes d’appartenance juridique exclusive dans le Nouveau Code civil / Terms with exclusive affiliation to legal vocabulary in the new Civil Code
by Diana-Domnica DĂNIŞOR - 193-202 Denominations Based on Feminine Names in the Toponymy from Oltenia and Muntenia
by Iustina BURCI - 203-213 Shakespeare in Eminescu’s Vision
by Diana COTESCU & Tudor NEDELCEA - 215-224 Shakespeare’s Timeless Women
by Ramona-Alexandrina Chiribuță (Mitroi) - 225-231 The Involvement of the Priests When Founding the Economic Societies from Oltenia (1899-1948)
by Georgeta GHIONEA - 233-244 The Contribution of the Church for the Founding of School Canteens in Oltenia
by Narcisa Maria MITU - 245-251 Short Chronicle of a Monastery – Missionary Expectations in Contemporary Context
by Laurenţiu RADU & Maria MĂLĂESCU - 253-262 Considerations About the History of Research Concerning Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in Oltenia
by Simona LAZĂR - 263-276 El canon literario de la España del siglo de oro en la cultura rumana/ The Literary Canon of Golden Age Spain in the Romanian Culture
by Oana Andreia SÂMBRIAN - 277-289 Pour unde histoire culturelle des groupes intellectuels. Reflexions sur les pratiques culturelles de l’elite intellectuelle roumaine pendant l’Entre-Deux-Guerres
by Constantin MIHAI & Nicolae MIHAI - 291-300 The Apotheosis of the Romanian Communist Worker. The Case of Romanian Socialist Realist Art
by Gabriel LOHON - 301-308 The High Reputation of Priest Niculae M. Popescu, Member of the Romanian Academy, in the Romanian Cultural Life
by Dorin-Demostene IANCU - 309-315 The Family of Puţureanu from Craiova
by Şerban PĂTRAŞCU