2011, Volume 1, Issue 5
- 254-264 DRIS model parameterization to access pineapple variety ’Smooth Cayenne’ nutrient status in Benin (West Africa)
by Emile C Agbangba & Elvire Line Sossa & Gustave D Dagbenonbakin & Sekouna Diatta & Léonard Elie Akpo - 265-270 Solution of Multi - Objective Optimization Power System Problems Using Hybrid Algorithm
by S Jaganathan & S Palaniswami - 271-284 Effect of Azadirachtin A systemic injection on Coelaenomenodera lameensis Berti and Mariau (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) an Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis L) Pest
by TANO Djé Kévin Christian & SERI-KOUASSI Badama Philomène & ABOUA Louis Roi Nondenot & KOUA Kouakou Hervé
2011, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 137-142 Dyeing of cotton using flower of Cordia Sebestena: Effects of mordanting and fastness properties
by M Kumaresan & P.N Palanisamy & P.E Kumar - 143-149 Effects of 8-weeks Circuit Training Programme on Physiological and Performance Characteristics of University Racket Game Players
by Babalola J.F - 150-158 Management and Employee Perspective on Diversity: A Review Essay
by Muhammad Ali Gondal & Sami Ullah - 159-175 Mouthpart Morphology, Anatomical and Histological Study of the Alimentary Canal of Coelaenomenodera lameensis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Leaf Miner of Oil Palm
by KOUA Kouakou Hervé & OUALI-N’GORAN San-Whouly Mauricette & D’ALMEIDA Marie-Anne & HAN Sun Heat - 176-193 Facilitating Expatriates Cross Cultural Adjustment (A Case study of Expatriates from Pakistani Organization on Foreign
by Shahzad Ghafoor & Uzair Farooq Khan - 194-203 Using mother tongue as a medium of instruction in the teaching of mathematics in the Zimbabwean junior primary schools: Desirable or feasible?
by Albert Mufanechiya & Tafara Mufanechiya - 204-211 Income Inequality measurement in Pakistan and its four provinces by Lorenz curve
by Hina Amir & Kanwal Bilal - 212-215 Thermal and Structural Study of A Perovskite Layer [NH3 (CH2)3 - COOH] CdCl4
by S Tamsamani & J Aazza & K Elmebrouki & M Khechoubi & A Khmou & A Kaiba - 216-219 Synthesis and Characterization of New Materials Like Perovskite [NH3-(CH2)n-NH3] ZnCl4 avec n=8 et 10
by K Elmebrouki & S Tamsamani & J Aazza & M Khechoubi & A Khmou
2011, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 87-101 Development of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in India
by Ravi Shankar & Leslie Chadwick & Shahzad Ghafoor & Uzair Farooq Khan - 102-111 A Study of Contract Employment as a Suitable Alternative to Permanent Employment
by Muhammad Azhar Sheikh & Farrukh Naveed - 112-130 Impact of Culture in Multicultural Groups: Cross Analysis between China and India
by Jae Chung & Leslie Chadwick & Shahzad Ghafoor & Uzair Farooq Khan - 131-136 Advanced Scintillator Crystal for Various Radiation Detection
by Rastgo Hawrami & Aziz Hama-Rahim Fatah & Kharman Akram Faraj
2011, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 57-64 Local Communities' Perception of Parks And Reserves in Cote d'Ivoire: Do the Wanne People Consider the Monogaga Classified Forest as A Natural Patrimony
by ADOU YAO Constant Yves & AKE-ASSI Emma & OUATTARA Djakalia & N’GUESSAN Kouakou Edouard - 65-68 Comparative Analysis of the Antiseptic Properties of Some Disinfectants on Bacteria And Fungi of Public Health Importance Isolated from Barbing Clippers
by Omoruyi M. I & Idemudia M. I - 69-72 Towards Democracy or simply the Regime Change in the Middle-east and North Africa: The Double Stands of Imperialism
by Akhilesh Chandra Prabhakar - 73-86 Physiological Studies for Different Concentration from Biochikol 020 PC (Chitosan) on Bean Plant
by Saad Al Abdel Kareem Sheikha
2011, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-6 A New Photovoltaic Charge Controller Using Dc-Dc Converter
by Sathish Kumar K & S Prabhakar Karthikeyan & Nitish Chandra & Kumar Gaurav & Mohamed Raihan & Manish Jain - 7-17 Seasonal Dynamics in the Physiochemical Parameters of Hospital Effluent from a University Teaching Hospital based in Southern Nigeria
by Ibeh I. N & Omoruyi M. I - 18-26 Poverty and Inequality: The New Dynamic of History
by Akhilesh Chandra Prabhakar - 27-56 Biomedical Applications of Silver Nanoparticles
by Shikha Behera & Ashutosh Debata & P.L Nayak