2017, Volume 7, Issue 5
- 165-175 Evaluation of Concrete Structures Reinforced with Fiber Reinforced Polymers Bars: A Review
by Masoud Abedini & Ebrahim Akhlaghi & Javad Mehrmashhadi & Mohamed H Mussa & Mohammad Ansari & Tohid Momeni - 176-186 Application of Lean Six Sigma and Theory of Inventive Problem Solving to Reduce Waste and Improve the Quality Motorcycle Rear Arm
by Rahmat Nurcahyo & Riadhi Apdillah & Yadrifil - 187-195 Amelioration of Acquisition of a Degraded Signal in a GNSS Receiver Embeded in an Observation Satellite by Using Double Bloc Zero Padding Method (DBZP)
by Dib Djamel Eddine & Djebbouri Mohamed & Taleb Ahmed Abddelmalik - 196-205 Hidden Markov Model for Time Series Prediction
by Muhammad Hanif & Faiza Sami & Mehvish Hyder & Muhammad Iqbal Ch
2017, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 86-98 Numerical Investigation on the Non-Linear Response of Reinforced Concrete (RC) Columns Subjected to Extreme Dynamic Loads
by Masoud Abedini & Azrul A Mutalib & Sudharshan N Raman & Ebrahim Akhlaghi & Mohamed H Mussa & Mohammad Ansari - 99-118 Nonlinear Analysis of Flexible Four Linkage Mechanism
by Ahmad Salah Edeen Nassef & Abdelfattah Abdelhamid - 119-128 Bacteriological and Physicochemical Characterisation of Aora Loko Stream Water, Maseno, Kenya
by Musyimi M David & Wekulo K John & Jiveri Bonface - 129-133 Use of Impulse Response Instrument in Concrete Pavement: A Review
by Shrikant M Harle & Prakash S Pajgade - 134-144 A Study on Host Mortality Rate of a Three Species Multi Ecology with Unlimited Resources for the First Species
by B. Hari Prasad
2017, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 46-51 Using Head Measurement Standard to Evaluate the Body Proportion of Ethiopian Women: A Case Study of Bahir Dar University Students
by Abebaw Bizuneh Alemu & Adhiambo M Odhuno & Jula Kabeto Binkure - 52-62 A Review on Reduction of Air Consumption in Air Jet Loom: The Possible Setting Points
by Upama Nasrin Haq & Mohammad Mobarak Hossain - 63-70 Modern Assessment Method of Research Outcome Methodological Significance
by Olga Popova & Dmitry Romanov & Marina Evseeva - 71-76 Analysis of Malnutrition and Associated Factors among Under Five Years in Kaura Local Government, Kaduna State, Nigeria
by Mangbon T.A & Mangbon I.L & Chintem D.G.W - 77-85 Determination of Cod and Color Reduction of Stabilized Landfill Leachate by Fenton Process
by Anita Maslahati Roudi & Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan & Samaneh Sadat Mohseni Armaki
2017, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 22-37 Estimating Air Particulate Matter 10 Using Landsat Multi-Temporal Data and Analyzing its Annual Temporal Pattern over Gaza Strip, Palestine
by Abdallah Shaheen & Aqeel Ahmed Kidwai & Noor Ul Ain & Midyan Aldabash & Aatif Zeeshan - 38-45 Aggression Theories Revisited: Lorenz’s Neoinstinctivism, Wilson’s Socio-Biology and Skinner’s Behavioral Theories
2017, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-11 A Study of Entrepreneurship Development in Bangladesh: Pros and Cons
by Fatema Nusrat Chowdhury - 12-21 Decomposed Effects of Agricultural Policies: A Social Accounting Matrix Approach in Burkina Faso
by Daniel P KABORE
2016, Volume 6, Issue 12
- 158-168 The Effects of Nickel Additions on Microstructural and Hardness of Ball Milled of Al-6wt%Zn-3wt%Mg-2wt%Cu Alloys Underwent the Artificial Aging
by Haider Tawfiq Naeem - 169-173 Comparison Survey of Receiving the Plasmid 253pil by Bacillus Cereusatcc1098 and Bacillus Cereus ATCC14579 by Using of Electroporation and Thermal Shock Method
by Ciamak Ghazaei
2016, Volume 6, Issue 11
- 148-157 Perception of Youth in Selected Tertiary Institutions on Agricultural Education as a Means of Ensuring Food Security in Ogun State, Nigeria
by Oyediran W. O & Omoare A. M & Dick T. T & Shobowale A. A
2016, Volume 6, Issue 10
- 143-147 Geospatial Model of Regional Natural Resources as a Basis for Sustainable Environmental Management
by Lyudmila K Trubina & Olga N Nikolaeva
2016, Volume 6, Issue 9
- 138-142 Determination of Some Blood Parameters and Macro Elements in Coccidiosis Affected Akkaraman Kangal Lambs
by Mustafa Koçkaya & Yusuf Özşensoy
2016, Volume 6, Issue 8
- 128-137 Simulated Annealing Approach to Solution of Integrated Circuit Problems
by Samuel Kwame Amponsah & Simon Kojo Appiah & Alex Kwaku Peprah & Felix Siaw-Yeboah
2016, Volume 6, Issue 7
- 112-119 What Factors Contribute to the Smallholder Farmers Farm Income Differential? Evidence from East Hararghe, Oromia, Ethiopia
by Beyan Ahmed - 120-127 Effectiveness of Psychological Empowerment in Promotion of General Health in Women-Headed Households
by Sedigheh Salmanpour & Horye Bayramnejad & Fahime Rajabi
2016, Volume 6, Issue 6
- 95-98 Negative Effects of Delayed Planting on Yield and Yield Components of Wheat Common in Khuzestan Province, Iran
by Fatemeh Fateminick & Khosro Azizi - 99-111 Asset Specificity in the Industrial Waste Management Industry
by Yeh Wen-Chih & Tseng Ming-hsun & Lee Chun-Chang
2016, Volume 6, Issue 5
- 76-87 Mixed-Methods Case Study of Parent Involvement in the Special Education Schools of Isfahan City, Iran
by Leila Ghaedi & Azlina binti Mohd Kosnin & Ahmad Abedi - 88-94 Identifying the Mediating Impact of Innovation Culture on the Work Satisfaction between Strategic Human Resource Management and Possession
by Fakhraddin Maroofi & Seyed Hamid Mahdiun & Jamshid Taghsimi
2016, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 54-65 Design, Estimate, Costing and Execution of a Two Tier Outdoor Fountain
by T. K Lohani & K.P Dash & S.K Jena & P.K Parida - 66-75 Profit Efficiency among Paddy Farmers: A Cobb-Douglas Stochastic Frontier Production Function Analysis
by Yahaya Kaka & Mad Nasir Shamsudin & Alias Radam & Ismail Abd Latif
2016, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 41-47 An Update on New Vaccines for Tuberculosis
by Afshan Sumera & Leong Chia Inn & Ankur Barua - 48-53 Development of a Cognitive Radio Model Using Wavelet Packet Transform - Based Energy Detection Technique
by Oluseye A Adeleke & Olagoke L Babawale
2016, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 24-33 Improvement of Pest Detection Using Histogram Adjustment Method and Gabor Wavelet
by Mostafa Bayat & Mahdi Abbasi & Ali Yosefi - 34-40 Dialogical Learning Strategies to form Character in the Alternative School Qaryah Thayyibah in Kalibening Village, Salatiga, Central Java
by Fakhruddin & Utsman
2016, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-8 The Flame Propagation of Various Fuels in a Particular Combustion Chamber of 4.-Valve Engines
by Zoran Jovanovic & Zoran Masonicic - 9-23 Examine How Data Collection Directly and Indirectly, Impacts CRM Data Quality and Customer Performance
by Fakhraddin Maroofi & Somayeh Amiri
2015, Volume 5, Issue 12
- 522-533 Analyzing Sustainability of SMEs in Automotive Component Industry in Bekasi Regency
by Medyana Juniarty & Yunita Ismail - 534-544 Effectiveness of Multi-Modal Lazravs and Multi-Modal Spiritual - Religious, of Physical Symptoms and Quality Life in Patients with Functional Dyspepsia
by Niloofar Mikaeili & Nader Hajloo & Mohammad Narimani & Sobhan Pournikdast
2015, Volume 5, Issue 11
- 499-512 Load Settlement Behaviour of Sandy Soil Blended with Coarse Aggregate
by Kesharwani R.S & Sahu A. K & Khan N.U - 513-521 Evaluation of in Vitro Digestibility of Dried Matter and Organic Matter of Solid Waste of Bioethanol Fermentation from Cassava by Trichoderma Viride and Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
by Iman Hernaman & Ana Rochana & Poniah Andayaningsih & Yani Suryani & Muhammad Ali Ramdhani
2015, Volume 5, Issue 10
- 482-488 Environmental Assessment of Urban Areas: Approaches Based on Geospatial Data Integration
by Lyudmila K Trubina & Tatyana A Khlebnikova & Olga N Nikolaeva - 489-498 Evaluation of the Level of Transmission of Solar Radiation by Eyeglasses (Spectacles) and its Effects on the Human Eye
by Safiyanu Abdulrahim & Yusuf Musa Abubakar & Bello Idris Tijjani
2015, Volume 5, Issue 9
- 439-451 Model of Tree Shade Value by Contingent Valuation Technique on the Cocoa Agroforestry of Central Sulawesi Province
by Syukur Umar & Indrianto Kadeko - 452-464 Identification of Congestion with DEA Approach Applied to a Sample of Turkish Universities
by Feyyaz Cengiz Dikmen - 465-472 Evaluation of Traits Related to Drought Stress in Sesame (Sesamum Indicum L.) Genotypes
by Masoud Golestani & Hassan Pakniyat - 473-481 Synthesis and Structural Investigations of Layered Perovskite System: [NH3-(CH2)3-COOH]2MCL4 ( M= Cd, Hg)
by Mahmoud Ettakni & Abdellah Kaiba & Jawad Aazza & F Haiki & Mostafa Khechoubi
2015, Volume 5, Issue 8
- 385-393 Meunasah, Power and Self-Critics towards Government and Aceh Political Elite on Aceh Women Political Struggle
by Umaimah Wahid - 394-405 Brand Identification Model of Sport Industry (Case Study: Iranian Soccer Pro League)
by Hojat Vahdati - 406-417 Green Chittagong, Clean Chittagong: How Collaboration of Government & Business Can Create a Better Place for All
by Mehedi Shahnewaz Jalil - 418-430 Implementation of Management Zakat as a Local Revenue
by Oyong Lisa - 431-438 Decision Support System for Determining the Location of Seminar
by Muttaqin & Agus Harjoko
2015, Volume 5, Issue 7
- 328-339 Time-Cost Relationship Model on the Construction of Education Building in Aceh Province
by Tety Sriana & Kemala Hayati - 340-348 Revenue Independence of East Kalimantan Province, Indonesian
by Titin Ruliana - 349-356 Analysis on the Impact of the Development of Lamphuuk Beach as the Tourism Location in Aceh against Business Strategy and Business Doers Welfare and Society around the Beach after 10 Years Tsunami
by Zenitha Maulida & Dewi Rosa Indah & Ferdi Nazirun Sijabat - 357-372 Application of Theory of Reasoned Action in Predicting the Consumer Behavior to Buy the Toyota Avanza Veloz at Pt. Putera Auto Perkasa Medan
by Sahat Simbolon - 373-384 Forecasting Determinant of Cement Demand in Indonesia with Artificial Neural Network
by Edy Fradinata & Sakesun Suthummanon & Wannarat Suntiamorntut
2015, Volume 5, Issue 6
- 269-279 Application of Mathematical Models in Science and Engineering
by Mutiawati - 280-290 The Influences of the Architecture and Ornamentation in Melaka Traditional Houses: A Case Study of Rumah Demang Abdul Ghani, Merlimau, Melaka
by Fadhlina binti Ahmad @ Taufik & Raja Nafida binti Raja Shahminan & Fawazul Khair bin Ibrahim - 291-302 Building Higher Education Institution Capacity in Indonesia through Strategic Faculty Development
by John Tampil Purba - 303-319 The Role of Consumer Involvement as a Moderating Variable: The Relationship Between Consumer Satisfaction and Corporate Image on Service Loyalty
by Rifyal Dahlawy Chalil & Basu Swastha Dharmmesta - 320-327 The Effectiveness of Urban Independent Community Empowerment Program (PNPM) in Tackling Poverty in Indonesia
by Rita Nengsih & Juli Dwina Puspita Sari & Zenitha Maulida & Ferdi Nazirun Sijabat
2015, Volume 5, Issue 5
- 219-227 Assessment of Outer and Inner Slope Profiles of Volcanic Craters on Biu Plateau, Borno State, Nigeria
by John Abdullahi & J.K Nyanganji & Bala Bello Wanah - 228-242 Technology for Sustainable Agriculture from Waste
by R Joshua & V Vasu - 243-250 Combined Parameters Estimation Methods of Linear Regression Model with Multicollinearity and Autocorrelation
by K Ayinde & A. F Lukman & O.T Arowolo - 251-260 Exploratory Study on Causes of Valuable Costumers Turnover in Irans Private Banking Industry (Case Study: Physician Specialists Society)
by Mirza Hassan Hosseini & Mahdi Rezaei - 261-268 Solving Job Shop Scheduling Problem Using an Ant Colony Algorithm
by Habibeh Nazif
2015, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 165-176 Analysis of the Digital Divide in Asia-Islamic Countries: A TOPSIS Approach
by Sayyid Ali Banihashemi & Zahra Rejaei - 177-184 Energy Consumption and GDP in Selected Asian Countries: A Cointegrated Panel Analysis
by Mohammad Vafaeirad & Mohsen Mohammadiha & Yazdan Goodarzy - 185-197 Factors Affecting the Competitiveness of the Food Industry by Using Porters Five Forces Model Case Study in Hamadan Province, Iran
by Meysam Jafari Eskandari & Meysam Miri & Sedigheh Gholami & Hamid Reza Sajadi Nia - 198-204 Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) Among Pregnant Women in University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH) Benin City, Nigeria
by Raphael M Mordi & Moghene E Burke & Emmanuel E Odjadjare & Stephen A Enabulele & Onyinye Jecinta Umeh - 205-218 The Effect of Social Capital on Creativity of Employees a Case Study: Productive Firms of Electrical Household Appliances in the North of Iran
by Mir Hadi Moazen Jamshidi & Narjes Haghparast Kenarsari
2015, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 120-125 Synthesis and Identification of Fe3o4/Clinoptilolite Magnetic Nanocomposite
by A Mollahosseini & M Toghroli - 126-130 Control Against Armyworm Caterpillars on the Coastal of the Rio Nunez-Boke, Republic of Guinea
by Gandéka Mamadou & Ali Niaz & Billy Ratemo & Adedze Yawo Mawunyo Nevame & Lansana Mariama Camara & Jean Pierre Camara - 131-142 Time Sharing Algorithm with Dynamic Weighted Harmonic Round Robin
by Mohammad Saber Iraji - 143-148 Effects of Vechicles Velocity in Traffic Noise in Highway
by Ali Mansour Khaki & Amir Esmael Forouhid & Hootan Chegini - 149-164 Identifying Perceptual Factors Affect Intrinsic Career Success by Delphi Method
by Mohsen Jajarmizadeh & Hojat Moshtaghian Abarghooi
2015, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 60-72 The Interrelationship among Locus of Control, Sexual Satisfaction and Marital Satisfaction
by Askari Asgharianji & Kamo Vardanyan & Shokouh Navabinejad - 73-91 Effect of Employee Branding on Market Share in Iranian Banking Industry (Case Study: Mellat Bank)
by Mohammad Mahmoudi Maymand & Rasoul Sanavi Fard - 92-95 Changes in the Structural Ordering of Hemoglobin under Extreme Conditions of the Arctic Region
by Kunitsyn V.G & Panin L.E & Osipova L.P & Tabikhanova L.E & Churkina T.V & Rozumenko A.A - 96-110 Adoption of Water and Soil Conservation Technologies: Determinant Factors In the Central Plateau of Burkina Faso
by Souleymane Ouedraogo & Lodoun Tiganadaba - 111-119 Flipped Classroom with Poll Everywhere: Engaging Students with Active Learning in Large Group Settings
by Archana Singh Sikarwar
2015, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-15 Automatic Texts Summarization: Current State of the Art
by Nabil ALAMI & Mohammed MEKNASSI & Noureddine RAIS - 16-30 Does Visceral Adiposity Influence the Standard of Care Response for Hepatitis C Patients?
by Emad Emam & Ayman R Abdelhai & Waleed A Ismail & Heba H Gawish - 31-37 Experimnental Method to Measure the Mechanic Behavior of Compressed Earth Blocks in Continuous Compression
by BOUFFOUE Moro Olivier & KOUAKOU Conand Honoré & KOUADIO Koffi Clément & ASSANDE Aka Alexandre & OUATTARA Souleymane & EMERUWA Edjikémé - 38-45 Exploring Impact of Marketing Mix on Brand Equity in Insurance Industry (Case Study: Asia Insurance Firm, Iran)
by Mirza Hassan Hosseini & Hamed Moezzi - 46-59 Evaluation of Rectangular Concrete-Filled Steel-Hollow Section Beam-Columns
by Kamyar Bagherinejad & Emad Hosseinpour & Seyed Hamed Hosseini
2014, Volume 4, Issue 12
- 704-710 Holdings of Quran and Sunnah towards Excellence of Malays
by Shuhairimi Abdullah & Nur Salimah Alias & Hj Huzili Hussin & Noor Salwani Hussin - 711-722 The Relationship between Psychological Meaningfulness and Employee Engagement: Moderating Effect of Age and Gender
by Ruswahida binti Ibnu Ruslan & Md. Aminul Islam & Idris Mohd Noor - 723-728 Green Management: Opportunities and Challenges in International Business for Malaysian SME
by Muhammad Faisal Bin Hamidi @ Abdul Rani & Shankar Chelliah & Muhammad Nazri Bin Abdul Halim - 729-740 The Scope and Extent of Extra Work Caused By Management and Workers Issues in the Turkish Furniture Industry
by Tahsin Cetin & Mehmet Colak & Samet Yilmaz & Talip Yildiz & Yilmaz Korkmaz - 741-756 Analysis and Identification of Competitive Positions of Companies Operating in Iranian Battery Industry Using Hierarchical Analysis
by Amir Hooshang Nazarpoori & Mohammad Hakkak & Mehdi Mohammadi - 757-767 Theoretical Analysis of Reactive Flow of Mass and Heat Transfer over a Semi-Infinite Vertical Plate
by Abah Sunday Ojima & Suleiman Umar & Ibrahim Bawa Kafur - 768-783 Analyzing the Impacts of Informal Organizations on Formal Routines in A Networked Organization
by Mohammad Ali Sarlak & Yashar Salamzadeh - 784-798 Design and Production of Multimedia Training Programs for Problem Solving Skill and its Effect on the Mental Health of High School Female Students in Kermanshah
by Shahnaz Bahrami & Saeed Vaziri Yazdi
2014, Volume 4, Issue 11
- 603-617 The Effects of Conflicts Handling in Teamwork of Hotel Industry Located in Northern Region of Malaysia
by Bibi Noraini Bt Mohd Yusuf & Siti Norsyafawani Bt Shamsul Anuar - 618-630 The Effects of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Group Intervention on Self Esteem among Drug Users Based on Age
by Huzili Hussin & Nur Salimah Binti Alias & Mohamad Hashim Othman & Nordin Abd Razak - 631-639 Determinants of Successful Financial Management among Micro Entrepreneur in Malaysia
by Nurulhasanah Abdul Rahman & Zulnaidi Yaacob & Rafisah Mat Radzi - 640-648 Islamic Sukuk: Pricing Mechanism and Rating
by Essia Ries Ahmed & Md. Aminul Islam & Tariq Tawfeeq Yousif Alabdullah - 649-663 Succession Planning As an Economic Education to Improve Family Business Performance in East Java Province of Indonesia
by Sentot Imam Wahjono & Wahjoedi & Syafei Idrus & J.G Nirbito - 664-676 Economic Literacy for the Basis of Organizational Performance Improvement: Evidence from Muhammadiyah Hospital Indonesia
by Anna Marina & Bambang Sugeng & Hari Wahyono & J.G Nirbito - 677-689 Pendalungan Culture as the Root of Character Education Entrepreneurship
by Nanis Hairunisya - 690-703 Critizm Rationale of A. Hassan Bangil in Validity on Hadith
by Zainuddin MZ
2014, Volume 4, Issue 10
- 534-540 Coping Strategies of Job Stress among Managers of Electronics Industries in Malaysia
by Kumaresan V Sathasivam & N Kumaraswamy - 541-546 Perceived Usefulness and Trust towards Consumer Behaviors: A Perspective of Consumer Online Shopping
by Lim Yi Jin & Abdullah Bin Osman & Mohd Suberi Bin AB. Halim - 547-557 A Conceptual Framework to Build Brand Loyalty in the Modern Marketing Environment
by Wasib B Latif & Md. Aminul Islam & Idris Bin Mohd Noor - 558-573 Entrepreneurship Development and Poverty Alleviation: An Empirical Review
by Mohammad Delwar Hussain & Abul Bashar Bhuiyan & Rosni Bakar - 574-584 Customer Satisfaction of Retail Chain Stores: Evidence from Bangladesh
by S M Sohel Rana & Abdullah Osman & Md. Aminul Islam - 585-589 Propagating Occupational Safety and Health Programmes among Small Scalefarmers and Entrepreneursin Essential Oils Industry
by Madya Lt Kol (B) Azuddin Bin Bahari & Hanum Binti Hassan & Faridah Binti Wahab - 590-596 Development in Corporate Sustainability: The Green Supply Chain Management Perspective and Challenges
by Solomon C & Mohamad M. N & Jamaluddin R - 597-602 A Pilot Study on the Relationship between Some Determinants of SME Performance in Nigeria
by Aliyu Mukhtar Shehu & Rosli Mahmood
2014, Volume 4, Issue 9
- 473-489 Effect of Government Mediated Access Pricing on Prices of Targeted Drugs in The Philippines
by Jesus N Sarol Jr - 490-503 Molecular Characterization of Some Iraqi Date Palm Cultivars Using Rapd and Issr Markers
by Hussam S.M Khierallah & Sarah K. I Al-Sammarraie & Haider I Mohammed - 504-512 Steepness of the Lateral Distribution Function of Secondary Hadrons in Extensive Air Showers
by M. Roshan Nasab & G Rastegarzadeh - 513-521 Estimating the Spectral Power Density Function of Non-Gaussian Second Order Autoregressive Model
by Abdul-Majeed H Al-Nassir & Mohammed Qadoury Abed & Wadhah S Ibraheem - 522-533 Simulation of Reinforced Concrete Blast Wall Subjected to Air Blast Loading
by Mohammed Alias Yusof & Rafika Norhidayu Rosdi & Norazman Mohamad Nor & Ariffin Ismail & Muhammad Azani Yahya & Ng Choy Peng
2014, Volume 4, Issue 8
- 413-427 Expression of the Growth Hormone and Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Genes in Male and Female Blue Gourami (Trichogaster Trichopterus) At Different Temperatures
by Gad Degani - 428-435 Preliminary Studies on Immobilized Cells-Based Microbial Fuel Cell System on Its Power Generation Performance
by Mohd Hadi Mesran & Syafikah Mamat & Yee Rui Pang & Tan Yi Hong & Muneera Z & Nazlee Faisal Md Ghazali & Md Abbas Ali & Nik Azmi Nik Mahmood - 436-447 Mathematical Modeling of Domestic Violence and Its Trends, Case Study Tamale Metropolis, Ghana
by D Otoo & C Sebil & S. K Amponsah - 448-459 Compiling Strategies and Determining Strategic Situation E-Learning System of PNU (Payam Noor University) in Iran
by Alireza Hamidieh - 460-472 Capacitated Clustering and Collection of Solid Waste in Kwadaso Estate, Kumasi
by D Otoo & S. K Amponsah & C Sebil
2014, Volume 4, Issue 7
- 314-319 Enhancement of Instrumented Car Design for Driver Behaviour Research
by Abdullah Sukardi & Mohd Khairul Alhapiz Ibrahim & Muammar Quadaffi Mohd Ariffin - 320-327 Antidesma Bunius (Bignay) Fruit Extract as an Organic Pesticide Against Epilachna Spp
by Rosario M Belmi & Joey Giron & Myra L Tansengco - 328-338 Hypoxia Promotes Growth and Viability of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells with Increased Growth Factors Secretion
by Jane Ru Choi & Belinda Pingguan-Murphy & Wan Abu Bakar Wan Abas & Mat Adenan Noor Azmi & Siti Zawiah Omar & Kien Hui Chua & Wan Kamarul Zaman Wan Safwani - 339-347 Preliminary Model Framework To Study Natural Ventilation Performance Through Passive Design (Case Study: Tapak Semaian Mantin, Seremban)
by S.C Chan & W.S Yeaw & A.I Che Ani - 348-355 Preparation, Characterization and Application of Rice Hull-Derived Zeolites in Water Treatment
by Danila S Paragas & Joel R Salazar & Michael O Ginez - 356-363 Child Restraints System Use among Children While Travelling To Day Care Centres Kajang, Malaysia
by Muammar Quadaffi Mohd Ariffin & Nor Fadilah Mohd Soid & Nurulhana Borhan & Abdullah Sukardi - 364-374 When A Fully D-Stable Module is Quasi-Projective
by M.S Abbas & A. M. A Al-Hosainy - 375-380 Weak Separation Axioms Via Ω-Open Set And Ω-Closure Operator
by Mustafa H Hadi & Luay A Al-Swidi - 381-391 Effectiveness of Granted Credits of Saderat Bank on Investment and Employment in the Agricultural Sector (Case Study: Guilan Province)
by Hamid Reza Alipour & Masoud Rahmati & Pantea Alipour - 392-407 Effectiveness and Impact of Community Governance Approach to Alleviate Poverty: A Case Study of Care International Hambantota Sri Lanka
by A. J. M Chandradasa - 408-412 Correlation between Students Academic Performance and Entrepreneurial Ability When Taught Saponification Reaction Using Kitchen Resources
by NJA Cecilia OBI & NEJI Hope Amba
2014, Volume 4, Issue 6
- 260-269 Towards The Adaptation of Green Building Material Systems to the Egyptian Environment
by Sherif Mohamed Sabry Elattar & Eman Badawy Ahmed - 270-279 Biochemical Characteristics and Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Fishes, Water and Sediments of the River Buriganga and Shitalakhya of Bangladesh
by Md. Monirul Islam & Syed Lutfor Rahman & Saleh Uddin Ahmed & Md. Kabir Ikramul Haque - 280-291 Chromosome Aberrations in a Mexican Pediatric Hospital. Ring Chromosomes 4, 13 and 18
by Aparicio Rodríguez Juan Manuel & Barrientos Pérez Margarita & Sergio Chatelain Mercado - 292-299 Lepidochronological Characterization of Two Seagrass Meadows of Posidonia Oceanica (Linneaus, 1813) Delile of the West Coast of Algeria (Oran and Arzew)
by F Chahrour & S Dermeche & Z Boutiba - 300-313 Impact of the Establishment of a Treatment Unit of Natural Rubber (Hevea Brasiliensis) On the Flora of Attingue, In the South of Cote Divoire
by KOUASSI Kouadio Henri & KOUASSI Roland Hervé & SORO Dodiomon & N’GUESSAN Koffi
2014, Volume 4, Issue 5
- 214-221 First Detection of Shv-Type Extended Spectrum Β-Lactamases in The University Hospital Complex Paediatric Charles De Gaulle (CHUP-CDG) of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso
by Mètuor Dabiré Amana & Zongo K Jacob & Zeba Boukaré & Traoré/Ouedraogo Rasmata & Moussawi Jihad & Baucher Marie & El Jaziri Mondher - 222-229 The Effect of Senescence and Smoke on Human Immunoglobulin Concentrations
by Al Bayatte L.A.A & Shnawa I.M.S - 230-238 Theoretical Treatment of Krypton Ion Beam Bombardement in Zinc Target
by A.M Abdelraheem & M.M Abdelrahman & H El-Khabeary - 239-247 Cyanide Removal from Wastewater by Using Banana Peel
by Mohammed Nsaif Abbas & Firas Saeed Abbas & Suha Anwer Ibrahim - 248-259 Domination in Rhombus Chessboard
by Essam EL-Seidy & Ahmed A Omran
2014, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 159-173 Support Vector Machine Based Tool for Plant Species Taxonomic Classification
by Manimekalai K & Vijaya MS - 174-181 Outliers Detection Using Control Charts for Oil Wells
by Daniel Francisco Maranhão Evangelista & José Augusto Andrade Filho & Glaucio José Couri Machado & Gabriel Francisco da Silva & Suzana Leitão Russo - 182-193 Role of Training on the Development and Improvement of Entrepreneurship Process
by Ramezan Jahanian & Setareh Mahjoubi - 194-206 Water and Environmental Engineering: Embracing Multi-Disciplinary Approach through Advanced and Integrated Technologies for Sustainability
by Suhaimi Abdul-Talib & Chia-Chay Tay & Nor-Azazi Zakaria & Aminuddin Ab-Ghani & Lariyah Mohd-Sidek & Ngai-Weng Chan - 207-213 About The Study of Stresses for Desmopan Membrane by Finite Elements Method (FEM)
by Adrian Botean & Mihaela Suciu & Lucian Fechete & Gavril Balc & Marius Gheres & Sorin Grozav
2014, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 112-119 Signals Spectral Analysis and Distortion Measurements Using an Oscilloscope, A Camera and a PC
by A. A Azooz & S. K Talal - 120-124 D-Optimal Design for Logistic Regression Model with Three Independent Variables
by Habib Jafari & Soliman Khazai & Yazdan Khaki & Tohid Jafari - 125-138 A Novel Method for the Treatment of Eshidiya Industrial Wastewater
by Sadeq Emeish - 139-148 The Ionization Potential of DNA and Liquid Water
by Awfa Zuhair Khudiar & Khalid Abdul Wahab & Riayhd K. A Al-Ani - 149-158 Energy Spectra and Angular Distribution Analysis of 54Fe (N, D) Reaction
by Mahdi H Jasim & Zahida A Dakhil & Rasha J Kadhum
2014, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 47-58 Contingency Factors and Performance of Research and Development (R&D): The Moderating Effects of Government Policy
by Emad Harash & Suhail Nassir Al-Timimi & Fatima Jasem Alsaad & Abdulkhaliq Y Zaier Al-Badran & Essia Ries Ahmed - 59-69 Evaluation of Acute Toxicity of Copper Sulphate in Different Tissues of Euphlyctis Cyanophlyctis
by Preetpal Kour & N.K Tripathi & Poonam - 70-82 High Level of Serum Calcium and Iron Influences the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Periodontitis
by D.S Pushparani & S Nirmala - 83-98 Land Cover Changes along the Coastal Marine Ecosystems of Zanzibar
by Hidaya O Senga & N. I Kihupi & Evaristo Liwa & Didas Kimaro - 99-111 On A New Class of Univalent Functions with Application of Fractional Calculus Operators Defined By Hohlov Operator
by Waggas Galib Atshan & A. H Majeed & Kassim A Jassim
2014, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-5 Large Group Teaching, An Effective and Efficient Teaching Methodology
by Afshan Sumera - 6-13 Genetic Variation of MF (Alpha) 1 Gene among Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Population
by X.Z Liu & H.Y Zhang - 14-26 Tuned Simulated Annealing Based on Boltzmann and Bose-Einstein Distribution Applied to Maxsat Problem
by Juan Frausto-Solis - 27-38 A New Induced Bidirectional Associative Fuzzy Cognitive Dynamical System
by K Thirusangu & K. S Bharathan - 39-46 Prevalence of Stunting and Thinness among Adolescents in Rural Area of Bangladesh
by Mohammad Azizur Rahman & Rezaul Karim
2013, Volume 3, Issue 12
- 1128-1137 Comparative Study of the Mechanical Behavior and Corrosion of Alloys Commonly Used in Orthodontic Applications with New Alloy Free Nickel
by João Roberto Sartori Moreno & Juliete N Pereira & Neide Aparecida Mariano - 1138-1147 Use of Rosiglitazone for Clomiphene Resistant Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): A Randomized Controlled Trial
by Somsubhra De & Pratap Kumar & Ankur Barua - 1148-1156 Evidence of Climate Change in the Middle East
by Nada I. B Jallo - 1157-1172 Optimal Gain Kalman Filter Design with Dc Motor Speed Controlled Parameters
by Khalaf S Gaeid - 1173-1180 Elderly Patients with Severe Anemia Refusing Blood Transfusion: Case Studies & Review of Literature
by Anshoo Agarwal & Saidunnisa Begum & Meghna Chudasama & Emadullah Raidullah - 1181-1190 Assessment of Physicochemical and Mineral Characters of the Orange (Citrus Sinensis) Peels
by ASSA Rebecca Rachel A & KONAN Brou Roger & Konan N’guessan Ysidor & BIEGO Godi Henri - 1191-1209 Craniofacial Syndromes and Genetic Variability in a Pediatric Hospital in Mexico
by Juan Manuel Aparicio-Rodríguez & San Martin Brieke Walter & Lucero Vázquez de Lara & Alejandra Peral García & Sergio Chatelain Mercado - 1210-1219 Impacts of New Media Technology on Muslim-Western Relation
by Abdi O Shuriye & Bello K Adeyemi & Shittu Huud
2013, Volume 3, Issue 11
- 1058-1071 Scientific Advance and the Effectiveness of Democracy in Mena
by Hoda Abd El Hamid Ali Mohamed - 1072-1077 Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Study of Four Perovskite Layer Compounds [NH3-(CH2)3-COOH]2 CuCl4 , [CH3-(CH2)7-NH3]2CuCl4 , [NH3-(CH2)8-NH3]CuCl4, AND [NH3-(CH2)10-NH3] CuCl4
by J. Aazza & K Elmebrouki & M Khechoubi & A Khmou - 1078-1082 UV-Visible Absorption Study of Some Perovskite Layer Compounds
by J Aazza & K Elmebrouki & M Ettakni & M Khechoubi & A Khmou - 1083-1089 Estimation of Global Solar Radiation on Horizontal Surface from Sunshine Hours and Other Meteorological Parameters for Calabar, Nigeria
by Mfon David Umoh & Sunday O Udo & Ye-Obong N Udoakah - 1090-1104 Artificial Neural Network Models Investigation for Euphrates River Forecasting & Back Casting
by Cheleng A Arslan - 1105-1108 Alcoholism among Adolescent Students of Tadong in East Sikkim
by Ankur Barua & Shuva Dasgupta & Bani Mitra & Passang Chiki Sherpa & Milan Tirwa & Kumaraswamy Kademane & Kumar Shiva Gubbiyappa & Rohit Kumar Verma & Muhammad Shahid Iqbal - 1109-1118 A Tool for Decision-Making in Norm-Referenced Survey Questionnaires with Items of Continuous Variables
by Ankur Barua & Kumaraswamy Kademane & Kumar Shiva Gubbiyappa & Rohit Kumar Verma & Muhammad Shahid Iqbal & Sami Abdo Radman AL-Dubai - 1119-1127 Prioritization and Complexity Evaluation of Airborne Volatile Organic Compounds Characteristics
by Sarawut Thepanondh & Thansinee Lertchaianon
2013, Volume 3, Issue 10
- 956-973 Drought Risk and Maize Production in Southern Africa
by Girma T Kassie & Augustine Langyintuo & Olaf Erenstein & Debrah Maleni & Simon Gwara & Tsedeke Abate - 974-982 An Overview on Medicinal Importance of Thymus Vulgaris
by Hina Javed & Shazia Erum & Sobia Tabassum & Farhana Ameen - 983-994 Effect of Sublethal Doses of Chlorpyriphos-Ethyl on Some Parameters of Mating and Laying in the Locust Schistocerca Gregaria Forskal, 1775 (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
by Ouali-N’goran San-Whouly Mauricette & Boga Jean-Pierre & KRA Kouadio Dagobert & Kouassi Kouassi Philippe & Fouabi Kouahou - 995-1010 The Physico-Chemical Characteristics, Chlorophyll A Levels and Phytoplankton Dynamics of the East Mole Area of the Lagos Harbour, Lagos
by Onyema I. C & Popoola R. T - 1011-1021 Adsorption of Cationic Dyes from Synthetic Textile Effluent by Iraqi Porcelanite Rocks
by M.A AL Da,amy & E.T AL Rubaeey & A.B AL Khaleeli & M.N. Abdul Majeed & Z.A AL Njar - 1022-1035 An Electromagnetism-Like Mechanism Method for Solving Dynamic Cell Formation Problems
by Nai-Chieh Wei & Tzu-Jou Liao & I-Ming Chao & Peitsang Wu & Yu-Chung Chang - 1036-1045 Prevalence of Non-Specific Self-Reported Back Pain Among Adolescents at Hail Territory-KSA
by Walaa Sayed Mohammad & Walaa Mohamed El-Sais - 1046-1057 Antiradical, Antioxidant Activities and Anti-Inflammatory Potential of the Essential Oils of the Varieties of Citrus Limon and Citrus Aurantifolia Growing in Cameroon
by Pierre Michel Jazet Dongmo & François Tchoumbougnang & Fabrice Fekam Boyom & Eliane Tchinda Sonwa & Paul Henri Amvam Zollo & Chantal Menut
2013, Volume 3, Issue 9
- 876-881 Gentamicin Induced Biochemical Changes in Auditory Cortex of Adult Albino Rats
by Asad Mohammad Rehan & Nasir Nazim & Afzal Kamran & Sami Waqas & Jafari Fahim Haider - 882-890 Resistances to the Oxyimino-Cephalosporins by Ctx-M-15 Producing Klebsiella Isolated From the Urines Samples of Patients in the University Hospital Complex Paediatric Charles De Gaulle (Chup-CDG) Of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso
by METUOR DABIRE Amana & ZONGO K Jacob & ZEBA Boukaré & MOUSSAWI Jihad & BAUCHER Marie & EL JAZIRI Mondher - 891-902 On A Certain Class of Multivalent Functions Defined By Hadamard Product
by Waggas Galib Atshan - 903-909 Should Iraqis Go Solar on Household Level?
by N. I. B Jallo - 910-923 Recreational-Health Use of Saunas by 19-20-Year Old Polish University Students
by Robert Podstawski & Antti Honkanen & Anja Tuochino & Ewelina Kolankowska - 924-932 Knowledge on the Health Effects of Welding Smoke, Use of PPE Among Electric-Arc Welders in Ilorin South, North Central Nigeria
by Kayode Rasaq ADEWOYE & Ademola Olugbenga AWOYEMI & Demilade Olusola IBIRONGBE & Oluwole Adeyemi BABATUNDE & Tayo IBRAHIM - 933-944 A Metafrontier Production Function for Estimation of Technical Efficiencies of Wheat Farmers under Different Technologies
by K.M Earfan Ali & Q.A Samad - 945-955 Adsorptive Removal of Dye from Industrial Effluents Using Natural Iraqi Palygorskite Clay as Low-Cost Adsorbent
by Dakhil Nassir Taha & Isra'a Sadi Samaka & Luma Ahmed Mohammed
2013, Volume 3, Issue 8
- 786-799 Existence and Uniqueness Linear Partial Differential Equations Depending Initial and Boundary Conditions
by Hayder Jabber Abood & Ahmed Hadi Hussain - 800-809 (2,4- Dioxo-1,4 - Dihydro - 2h - Quinazolin - 3 - Yl) - Acetic Acid Hydrazide: Synthesis and Reactions
by Ahmed Mohamed Mosallem Younes & Mohamed Mobark Taha & Abou-Bakr Haredi Abdel-Monsef - 810-820 Juvenile Hyaline Fibromatosis is an Autosomal Recessive Genetic Disease. Four Cases Report
by Aparicio-Rodríguez J Manuel & Hurtado-Hernández MdL & Barrientos-Pérez Margarita & Chatelain-Mercado Sergio