- 11-04 Should we reconsider competition in residential electricity supply? Survey results in North Carolina
by Tanga M. McDaniel & Peter A. Groothuis - 11-03 Coordination in games with incomplete information: experimental results
by T. M. McDaniel - 11-02 Punishment History and Spillover Effects: A Laboratory Investigation of Behavior in a Social Dilemma
by David L. Dickinson & E. Glenn Dutcher & Cortney S. Rodet - 11-01 The Endogenous Formation of Coalitions to Provide Public Goods: Theory and Experimental Evidence
by David M. McEvoy & Todd Cherry & John K. Stranlund
- 10-14 Wind Turbines and Coastal Recreation Demand
by Craig E. Landry & Tom Allen & Todd Cherry & John C. Whitehead - 10-13 Was There a Structural Break in Barry Bonds’ Bat?
by Stephen Clayton & Michael Nieswiadomy & Mark C. Strazicich - 10-12 Water Quality and Residential Property Values: A Natural Experiment Approach
by O. Ashton Morgan & Stuart E. Hamilton & Victoria Chung - 10-11 Investigating Behavioral Responses to Positive Inducements for Filing Tax Returns
by James Alm & Todd Cherry & Michael McKee & Michael L. Jones - 10-10 Inducing Private Wildfire Risk Mitigation: Experimental Investigation of Measures on Adjacent Public Lands
by Tyler Prante & Joseph M. Little & Michael L. Jones & Michael McKee & Robert P. Berrens - 10-09 On the Robustness of the Trade-Inducing Effects of Trade Agreements and Currency Unions
by Jayjit Roy - 10-07 Garden Leave vs. Covenants not to Compete
by Timothy J. Perri - 10-06 Thoughtful Days and Valenced Nights: How Much Will You Think About the Problem?
by Todd McElroy & David L. Dickinson - 10-05 The Draft and the Quality of Military Personnel
by Timothy J. Perri - 10-04 Race and Survival Bias in NBA Data
by Peter A. Groothuis & James Richard Hill - 10-03 Macroeconomic Volatility and Economic Freedom: A Cross-Country Analysis
by John W. Dawson - 10-02 Angler Heterogeneity and the Species-Specific Demand for Marine Recreational Fishing
by Timothy Haab & Robert L. Hicks & Kurt Schnier & John C. Whitehead - 10-01 Benefit Transfer in the Field: Measuring the Benefits of Heterogeneous Wetlands using Contingent Valuation and Ecological Field Appraisals
by Steve A. McIntosh & Rob Southwick & John C. Whitehead
- 09-24 Spatial Hedonic Models for Measuring the Impact of Sea-Level Rise on Coastal Real Estate
by Okmyung Bin & Ben Poulter & Christopher F. Dumas & John C. Whitehead - 09-23 Estimating a Payment Vehicle for Financing Nourishment of Residential Beaches using a Spatial-lag Hedonic Property Price Model
by O. Ashton Morgan & Stuart E. Hamilton - 09-22 Using Revealed and Stated Preference Data to Estimate the Scope and Access Benefits Associated with Cave Diving
by O. Ashton Morgan & William L. Huth - 09-21 Measuring the Willingness to Pay for Fresh Water Cave Diving
by William L. Huth & O. Ashton Morgan - 09-20 Long Term Growth and the Wealth of a Nation: Growth Miracles and Lost Decades
by Jean-Pierre Courbois - 09-19 Correcting for Survival Effects in Cross Section Wage Equations Using NBA Data
by Peter A. Groothuis & James Richard Hill - 09-18 Weathering the Storm: Measuring Household Willingness-to-Pay for Risk-Reduction in Post-Katrina New Orleans
by Craig E. Landry & Paul Hindsley & Okmyung Bin & Jamie B. Kruse & John C. Whitehead & Kenneth R. Wilson - 09-17 Rationality around the clock. Sleep and time-of-day effects on guessing game responses
by David L. Dickinson & Todd McElroy - 09-16 Flying Airplanes: Realizing Circadian Effects (FARCE)
by David L. Dickinson & Todd McElroy - 09-15 Time on Camera: An Alternative Explanation of NASCAR Tournaments
by Peter A. Groothuis & Jana Groothuis & Kurt W. Rotthoff - 09-14 Not It: Opting out of Voluntary Coalitions that Provide a Public Good
by David M. McEvoy - 09-13 Using Revealed and Stated Preference Data to Estimate the Demand and Consumption Benefits of Sporting Events: An Application to National Hockey League Game Trips
by John C. Whitehead & Bruce K. Johnson & Daniel S. Mason & Gordon J. Walker - 09-12 Spatial Heterogeneity in Environmental Regulation Enforcement and the Firm Location Decision among U.S. Counties
by O. Ashton Morgan & Simon Condliffe - 09-11 Measuring the Economic Effects of Sea Level Rise on Beach Recreation
by John C. Whitehead & Ben Poulter & Christopher F. Dumas & Okmyung Bin - 09-10 Disentangling Access and View Amenities in Access-restricted Coastal Residential Communities
by O. Ashton Morgan & Stuart E. Hamilton - 09-09 Demand for Diving on Large Ship Artificial Reefs
by O. Ashton Morgan & D. Matthew Massey & William L. Huth - 09-08 Oyster Demand Adjustments to Counter-Information and Source Treatments in Response to Vibrio vulnificus
by O. Ashton Morgan & Gregory S. Martin & William L. Huth - 09-07 Cross-country Variation in Factor Shares and its Implications for Development Accounting
by Brad Sturgill - 09-06 Can Foreign Aid Buy Investment? Appropriation Through Conflict
by David M. Bruner & Robert J. Oxoby - 09-05 Good Fences Make Good Neighbors: Endogenous Property Rights in a Game of Conflict
by John R. Boyce & David M. Bruner - 09-04 Changing the Probability versus Changing the Reward
by David M. Bruner - 09-03 Naturally-occurring sleep choice and time of day effects on p-beauty contest outcomes
by David L. Dickinson & Todd McElroy - 09-02 Federal Regulation and Aggregate Economic Growth
by John W. Dawson & John J. Seater - 09-01 Bargaining and Trust: The Effects of 36hr Total Sleep Deprivation on Socially Interactive Decisions
by Clare Anderson & David L. Dickinson
- 08-12 Land Use Issues: Resort Rural Ramifications
by Peter A. Groothuis - 08-11 The Organizational Design of Intelligence Failures
by Michael McKee - 08-10 The Problem of Maintaining Compliance within Stable Coalitions: Experimental Evidence
by David M. McEvoy & James J. Murphy & John M. Spraggon & John K. Stranlund - 08-09 Measuring the Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Marine Recreational Shore Fishing in North Carolina
by John C. Whitehead & Ben Poulter & Christopher F. Dumas & Okmyung Bin - 08-08 Stochastic Dominance, Entropy and Biodiversity Management
by Catherine M. Chambers & Paul E. Chambers & John R. Crooker & John C. Whitehead - 08-07 Value and Outcome Uncertainty as Explanations for the WTA vs WTP Disparity: Theory and Experimental Evidence
by William Neilson & Michael McKee & Robert P. Berrens - 08-06 Giving To Ingrates?
by Michael Jones & Michael McKee - 08-05 Hand in the Cookie Jar: An Experimental Investigation of Equity-based Compensation and Managerial Fraud
by David Bruner & Michael McKee & Rudy Santore - 08-04 Economic Growth and Threatened and Endangered Species Listings: A VAR Analysis
by Catherine M. Chambers & Paul E. Chambers & John C. Whitehead - 08-03 Effect of US Policies on Offshore Oil Leasing, 1983-2006: A Random Parameter Logit Regression Analysis
by Brett R. Gelso & John C. Whitehead - 08-02 Effects of Information about Invasive Species on Risk Perception and Seafood Demand by Gender and Race
by Timothy C. Haab & John C. Whitehead & George R. Parsons & Jammie Price - 08-01 The Provision Point Mechanism and Scenario Rejection in Contingent Valuation
by Peter A. Groothuis & John C. Whitehead
- 07-17 Convergent Validity of Revealed and Stated Recreation Behavior with Quality Change: A Comparison of Multiple and Single Site Demands
by John C. Whitehead & Daniel Phaneuf & Christopher F. Dumas & Jim Herstine & Jeffrey Hill & Bob Buerger - 07-16 The Peter Principle: An Experiment
by David L. Dickinson & Marie-Claire Villeval - 07-15 Costly Enforcement of Voluntary Environmental Agreements with Industries
by David M. McEvoy & John K. Stranlund - 07-14 Estimating Environmental Benefits of Natural Hazard Mitigation with Benefit Transfer: Results from a Benefit-Cost Analysis of FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grants
by John C. Whitehead & Adam Z. Rose - 07-13 The Empirical Institutions-Growth Literature: Is Something Amiss at the Top?
by John W. Dawson - 07-12 Green vs. Green: Measuring the Compensation Required to Site Electrical Generation Windmills in a Viewshed
by Peter A. Groothuis & Jana D. Groothuis & John C. Whitehead - 07-11 Cognitive Dissonance, Pessimism, and Behavioral Spillover Effects
by David L. Dickinson & Robert J. Oxoby - 07-10 Recreational Boater Willingness to Pay for a Dredging and Maintenance Program for the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway in North Carolina
by John C. Whitehead & Jim Herstine & Christopher F. Dumas - 07-09 Linking Recreation Demand and Willingness to Pay with the Inclusive Value: Valuation of Saginaw Bay Coastal Marsh
by John C. Whitehead & Peter A. Groothuis & Rob Southwick - 07-08 Economic Efficiency and Damage Awards in Personal Injury Torts
by George A. Schieren - 07-07 Assessing Economic Damages in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Litigation: The State of North Carolina
by George A. Schieren & Gary R. Albrecht - 07-06 Expected Benefits of Voting and Voter Turnout
by Richard J. Cebula & Garey C. Durden - 07-05 The Impact of Social Conditioning (Internal Motivation) on the Probability of Voting
by Garey C. Durden & Richard J. Cebula & Patricia Gaynor - 07-04 The Empirical Instituions-Growth Literature: Is Something Amiss at the Top?
by John W. Dawson - 07-03 Going Home: Evacuation-Migration Decisions of Hurricane Katrina Survivors
by Craig E. Landry & Okmyung Bin & Paul Hindsley & John C. Whitehead & Kenneth Wilson - 07-02 Exit Discrimination in Major League Baseball: 1990-2004
by Peter A. Groothuis & Richard Hill - 07-01 The Dilemma of Choosing Talent: Michael Jordans are Hard to Find
by Peter A. Groothuis & Richard Hill & Timothy Perri
- 06-15 Valuing Beach Access and Width with Revealed and Stated Preference Data
by John C. Whitehead & Christopher F. Dumas & Jim Herstine & Jeffery Hill & Bob Buerger - 06-14 Willingness to Pay for Amateur Sport and Recreation Programs
by Bruce K. Johnson & John C. Whitehead & Daniel S. Mason & Gordon J. Walker - 06-13 Work effort effects in the classical labor supply model
by David L. Dickinson - 06-12 Cash or Credit? The importance of reward medium and experiment timing in classroom preferences for fairness
by David L. Dickinson - 06-11 Nepotism or Family Tradition?: A Study of NASCAR Drivers
by Peter A. Groothuis & Jana D. Groothuis - 06-10 Economic Values of Saginaw Bay Coastal Marshes
by John C. Whitehead & Peter A. Groothuis & Rob Southwick & Pat Foster-Turley - 06-09 Testing for Hypothetical Bias in Contingent Valuation Using a Latent Choice Multinomial Logit Model
by Steven B. Caudill & Peter A. Groothuis & John C. Whitehead - 06-08 Willingness to Pay for Low Probability, Low Loss Hazard Insurance
by John C. Whitehead - 06-07 The Economics of US Civil War Conscription
by Timothy J. Perri - 06-06 The Effects of Total Sleep Deprivation on Bayesian Updating
by David L. Dickinson & Sean P.A. Drummond - 06-05 Estimating Peak Demand for Beach Parking Spaces
by Christopher F. Dumas & John C. Whitehead & James H. Herstine & Robert B. Buerger & Jeffery M. Hill - 06-04 The Willingness to Pay to Remove Billboards and Improve Mountain Views
by Peter A. Groothuis & Jana D. Groothuis & John C. Whitehead - 06-03 The Economic Value of Marine Recreational Fishing: Analysis of the MRFSS 1998 Pacific Add-on
by Timothy C. Haab & Robert L. Hicks & John C. Whitehead - 06-02 Benefit-Cost Analysis of FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grants
by Adam Rose & Keith Porter & Nicole Dash & Jawhar Bouabid & Charles Huyck & John C. Whitehead & Douglass Shaw & Ronald T. Eguchi & Craig Taylor & Thomas R. McLane & L. Thomas Tobin & Philip T. Ganderton & David Godschalk & Anne S. Kiremidjian & Kathleen & Carol Taylor West - 06-01 Time Series Tests of Income Convergence with Two Structural Breaks: An Update and Extension
by John W. Dawson & Mark C. Strazicich
- 05-22 New Evidence on the Convergence of International Income from a Group of 29 Countries
by John W. Dawson & Amit Sen - 05-21 Raiding and Signaling in the Academic Labor Market
by Timothy J. Perri - 05-20 Nonrenewable Resource Prices: Deterministic or Stochastic Trends?
by Junsoo Lee & John A. List & Mark C. Strazicich - 05-19 Combining Revealed and Stated Preference Data to Estimate the Nonmarket Value of Ecological Services: An Assessment of the State of the Science
by John C. Whitehead & Subhrendu K. Pattanayak & George L. Van Houtven & Brett R. Gelso - 05-18 Sex Discrimination in Faculty Salaries: Evidence from Economics
by Todd L. Cherry & Garey C. Durden & Patricia E. Gaynor - 05-17 The Effects of Beliefs versus Risk Preferences on Bargaining Outcomes
by David L. Dickinson - 05-16 Regulation and the Macroeconomy
by John W. Dawson - 05-15 The Potential Economic Benefits of Integrated and Sustainable Ocean Observation Systems: The Southeast Atlantic Region
by Christopher F. Dumas & John C. Whitehead - 05-14 Positive Assortative Mating and Spouses as Complementary Factors of Production: A Theory of Labor Augmentation
by Paul Gabriel & Peter Groothuis - 05-13 Nonbinding Suggestions: The Relative Effects of Focal Points versus Uncertainty Reduction on Bargaining Outcomes
by David Dickinson & Lynn Hunnicutt - 05-12 Does Monitoring Decrease Work Effort? The Complementarity Between Agency and Crowding-Out Theories
by David Dickinson & Marie-Claire Villeval - 05-11 Statistical Discrimination in Labor Markets: An Experimental Analysis
by David Dickinson & Ronald Oaxaca - 05-10 What is the Value of Public Goods Generated by a National Football League Team: A CVM Approach
by Bruce K. Johnson & Michael J. Mondello & John C. Whitehead - 05-09 Improving Willingness to Pay Estimates for Quality Improvements through Joint Estimation with Quality Perceptions
by John C. Whitehead - 05-08 Contingent Valuation and Random Utility Model Estimates of the Recreational Value of King Mackerel
by John C. Whitehead - 05-07 The Equivalence of Panel Data Estimators under Orthogonal Experimental Design
by David Dickinson & Ronald Oaxaca - 05-06 Are Regional Incomes Converging in the U.S.? Evidence from Panel Unit Root Tests with Heterogeneous Structural Breaks
by Mark C. Strazicich & Junsoo Lee - 05-05 Mediation, Walrasian Tatonement, and Negotiations as an Exchange Economy
by David Dickinson - 05-04 Voting, Punishment and Public Goods: An Experimental Investigation
by Todd L. Cherry & Stephan Kroll & Jason F. Shogren - 05-03 Stationarity of Global Per Capital Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Implications for Global Warming Scenarios
by Mark C. Strazicich & Ross McKitrick - 05-02 The Macroeconomic Effects of Federal Regulation
by John W. Dawson & John J. Seater - 05-01 The Welfare Effects of Pfiesteria-Related Fish Kills in Seafood Markets: A Contingent Behavior Analysis
by George R. Parsons & Ash O. Morgan & John C. Whitehead & Timothy C. Haab
- 04-23 Temporal Reliability of Willingness to Pay from the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation
by John C. Whitehead & Richard Aiken - 04-22 Expectations and Comparative Arbitration Institutions
by David Dickinson - 04-21 Willingness-to-Pay for Information: Experiex-post, have been developed to mitigate or eliminate the overstatement of hypothetical willingness to pay. The ex-ante approach addresses hypothetical bias in the survey design stage while the ex-post approach addresses hypothetical bias with follow-up questions to the hypothetical willingness to pay question. We find that willingness to pay estimates are similar when either the ex-ante or ex-post approach is employed. We argue the approaches should be considered as complements and not substitutes. Employing both approaches to mitigate hypothetical bias we estimate that the annual benefits of the regional amenities associated with a green energy program in North Carolina are $186 million
by David Dickinson & Dee Von Bailey - 04-19 Bargaining Outcomes with Double-Offer Arbitration
by David Dickinson - 04-18 Prices as Indicators of Scarcity: An Experimental Study of a Multistage Auction
by Tanga McDaniel & Andreas Nicklisch - 04-17 Minimum LM Unit Root Test with One Structural Break
by Junsoo Lee & Mark C. Strazicich - 04-16 Regulatory Federalism and the Distribution of Air Pollutant Emissions
by Erwin Bulte & John A. List & Mark C. Strazicich - 04-15 Contingent Valuation of Sports Stadiums and Arenas: Temporal Embedding and Order Effect
by Bruce Johnson & Mike Mondello & John C. Whitehead - 04-14 Historical Net Discount Rates and Future Economic Losses: Refuting the Common Practice
by Bradley Braun & Junsoo Lee & Mark C. Strazicich - 04-13 Environmental Risk and Averting Behavior: Predictive Validity of Revealed and Stated Preference Data
by John C. Whitehead - 04-12 Measuring the Economic Benefits of Water Quality Improvement with the Benefit Transfer Method: An Introduction for Non-Economists
by Chris Dumas & Pete Schuhmann & John C. Whitehead - 04-11 Transboundary Pollution and the Clean Air Act: Evidence from California
by Todd L. Cherry - 04-10 The Impact of Endowment Heterogeneity and Origin on Contributions in Best-Shot Public Good Games
by Todd L. Cherry & Stephan Kroll & Jason Shogren - 04-09 A Competitive Model of (Super)Stars
by Timothy Perri - 04-07 Modeling Hidden Alternatives in Random Utility Models: An Application to Don’t Know Responses in Contingent Valuation
by Steven Caudill & Peter Groothuis - 04-06 The Analytics of Taxes, Infrastructure, and Growth--With Evidence from the States
by John Dawson & Frank Stephenson - 04-05 Early Entry in the NBA Draft: The Influence of Unraveling, Human Capital and Option Value
by Peter Groothuis & Richard Hill & Timothy Perri - 04-04 Trend Breaks and Seasonality in the Yugoslav Black Market for Dollars, 1974-1987
by John Dawson & Steven Millsaps & Mark Strazicich - 04-03 Does Rank-Order Grading Improve Student Performance: Evidence from a Classroom Experiment
by Todd L. Cherry & Larry Ellis - 04-02 Consumer Benefits of Labels and Bans on GMO Foods: An Emprical Analysis Using Choice Experiments
by Fredrik Carlsson & Peter Frykblom & Carl-Johan Lagerkvist - 04-01 Examining the Role of Fairness in High Stakes Allocation Decisions
by Todd L. Cherry & John A. List
- 03-10 Regulation, Investment, and Growth Across Countries
by John W. Dawson - 03-09 Voting, Punishment, and Public Goods: An Experimental Investigation
by Todd L. Cherry & Stephan Kroll & Jason F. Shogren - 03-08 Valuing Farm Animal Welfare: Using Choice Experiments to Test for Market Failure
by Fredrik Carlsson & Peter Frykblom & Carl-Johan Lagerkvist - 03-07 Benefits Transfer: A Comparison of Approaches
by Peter A. Groothuis - 03-07 Benefits Transfer: A Comparison of Approaches
by Peter A. Groothuis - 03-06 Does Rank-Order Grading Improve Student Performance? Evidence from the Classroom
by Todd L. Cherry & Larry Ellis - 03-05 The Impact of Endowment Heterogeneity and Origin on Public Good Contributions: Evidence from the Lab
by Todd L. Cherry & Stephan Kroll & Jason F. Shogren - 03-04 Adam Smith and the Payment of Professors
by Timothy Perri - 03-03 LDC National Income and Specialization in Quality: An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Income and Quality Choice
by Teresa Beckham Gramm & Kellie L. Maske - 03-02 Cost-benefit analysis in Sweden: General Use and an Application to Coastal Water Quality Management
by Peter Frykblom & A. Helgesson & T. Scharin & T. - 03-01 Are Preferences for Skewness Fixed or Fungible?
by Todd L. Cherry & Sara Gunnarsson & Jason F. Shogren
- 02-15 Does Don't Know Mean No? Analysis of 'Don't Know Responses in Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Questions
by Peter A. Groothuis & John C. Whitehead - 02-14 Hypothetical Bias and Willingness to Accept
by Peter Frykblom & Glenn Harrison & Clay Lesley & Stephen Nape - 02-13 Laboratory Testbeds and Nonmarket Valuation: The Case of Bidding Behavior in a Second Price Auction with an Outside Option
by Todd L. Cherry & Peter Frykblom & John List & Jason Shogren & Melonie Williams - 02-12 Determinants of Scholarly Productivity Among Male and Female Economists
by Garey C. Durden & Patricia Gaynor & Kellie Maske - 02-11 Exit Discrimination in the NBA: A Duration Analysis of Career Length Using Flow and Stock Samples
by Peter A. Groothuis & J. Richard Hill - 02-10 Efficient Markets, Fair Bets, and Profitability in NBA Totals 1995-96 to 2001-02
by Rodney J. Paul & Andrew P. Weinbach & Mark Wilson - 02-09 Public Funding of Professional Sports Stadiums: Public Choice or Civic Pride?
by Peter A. Groothuis & Bruce K. Johnson & John C. Whitehead - 02-08 Educational Externalities
by Timothy J. Perri - 02-07 Regulation and the Macroeconomy
by John W. Dawson & John Seater - 02-06 Hardnose the Dictator
by Todd L. Cherry & Peter Frykblom & Jason F. Shogren - 02-05 Is Class Attendance a Proxy Variable for Student Motivation in Economics Classes? An Empirical Analysis
by Garey C. Durden & Larry V. Ellis - 02-04 Measuring Federal Regulatory Activity in the U.S.: 1938-1994
by John W. Dawson - 02-03 Rationality Crossovers
by Todd L. Cherry & Jason F. Shogren - 02-02 The Cost of Specialized Human Capital
by Timothy J. Perri - 02-01 Voting, Punishment and Public Goods: An Experimental Investigation
by Todd L. Cherry & Stephan Kroll & Jason F. Shogren
- 01-06 The Contributions and Impact of Professor William H. Riker
by Garey C. Durden & Kellie Maske - 01-05 The Social Cost of Coal: A Tale of Market Failure and Market Solution
by Todd L. Cherry & Jason Shogren - 01-04 Causality in the Freedom-Growth Relationship
by John W. Dawson - 01-03 Valuing Safer Food: Lessons from a Decade in the Lab
by Todd L. Cherry & Dermot Hayes & John Fox & Jason F. Shogren - 01-02 Rationality Spillovers
by Todd L. Cherry & Thomas Crocker & Jason F. Shogren - 01-01 Costly Coasean Bargaining and Property Right Security
by Todd L. Cherry & Jason F. Shogren
- 21-05 Willingness to pay for COVID-19 environmental health risk reductions in consumption: Evidence from U.S. professional sports
by Brad R. Humphreys & Gary A. Wagner & John C. Whitehead & Pamela Wicker - 17-05 The Influence of Scientific Information on the Willingness to Pay for Stormwater Runoff Abatement
by Peter A. Groothuis & Tanga A. Mohr & John C. Whitehead & Kristan A. Cockerill & William P. Anderson, Jr. & Chuanhui Gu - 17-01_R A Comment on “An Adding Up Test on Contingent Valuations of River and Lake Quality”
by John C. Whitehead - 04-08 How Might Adam Smith Pay Professors Today?
by Timothy Perri