December 2012, Volume 1, Issue 14
- 99-103 Tax legal relationship
by Narcis Eduard MITU & Alia Gabriela DUTA - 104-113 Empirical study regarding the relation between the Romanian banking system and economic growth
by Alina Georgiana MANTA & Roxana Maria BADÎRCEA - 114-120 Do structural break tests identify capital increase?
by Maria-Lenuta CIUPAC-ULICI - 121-130 Identifying arbitrage opportunities on SIBEX market
by Maria-Miruna POCHEA & Angela-Maria FILIP - 131-142 Recent trends in foreign direct investments in Romania
by Bianca Maria LUDOSEAN (STOICIU) - 143-150 Convergence versus divergence in the regional development process
by Madalina OPRITESCU - 151-156 Differentiated taxation - a requirement of fiscal equity
by Ionut-Catalin CROITORU & Coralia Emilia POPA - 157-163 The management of interest rate in the context of the monetary policy promoted by the National Bank of Romania
by Coralia POPA & Ruxandra BUSNEAG
December 2011, Volume 1, Issue 13
- 9-15 The Eurozone where to?
by Marin OPRITESCU & Mircea PERPELEA & Mihaita DUTA - 16-21 Global Tendencies in Investment Funds Market Development
by Ioan E. NISTOR & Ioana RADU - 22-26 The fiscal regime of the non-residents in the community legislation. The problems of the fiscal convention of the O.C.D.E. Model regarding the taxes on income and capital
by Marius HERBEI & Dacian Sorin DUDAS - 27-31 The Place of Indirect Taxes in the Tax System Architecture of the European Union Countries
by Marcel DRACEA & Nicoleta DRACEA - 32-43 Advantages and Limitations of VAR Models Used in Managing Market Risk in Banks
by Ioan TRENCA & Simona MUTU & Eva DEZSI - 44-50 The Analysis of Capital Structure in Large Romanian Companies in Terms of Maturity of Resources
by Dorel BERCEANU & Nicolae SICHIGEA & Oana DUTA - 51-59 Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements – Intricate Aspects Based on Romanian Regulatory Statements
by Szora Attila TAMAS & Adela SOCOL - 60-65 Economic Value Added: Pros and Cons
by Laura VASILESCU & Ana POPA - 66-75 Reasons for Tax Harmonization in the EU
by Gheorghe MATEI & Daniela PÎRVU - 76-81 About "Sovereign" Loans and Why it Must Become "Ordinary"
by Jenica POPESCU - 82-88 Green Taxation in the European Union
by Narcis MITU & Marcel DRACEA & Nicoleta DRACEA - 89-95 An Empirical Model for Assesing Risk and Performance in the Romanian Banking System
by Ioan TRENCA & Simona MUTU - 96-101 Budget Debt Collection in the Euro-Regional Context
by Marius Herbei & Gheorghe MOCAN - 102-106 Practical and Theoretical Aspects on Transfer Pricing
by Radu BUZIERNESCU & Mihai ANTONESCU - 107-124 The Analysis of the Financing Method for Hospital Services providers. The Situation Of Municipal Hospitals in Romania
by Iulian Bogdan DOBRA - 125-132 The Impact of Capital Account Liberalization on Romanian Financial Account
by Ioan Alin NISTOR & Maria-Lenuta ULICI & Anca NAN - 133-137 Possible Methods and Models to Evaluate Absorption and Impact at the Level of the National Strategic Reference Framework
by Oana GHERGHINESCU - 138-145 Factors Generating Tax Evasion in Romania
by Alia Gabriela DUTA & Iudit FODOR & Octavian PERPELEA - 146-153 Trends in the Evolution of the Credit Risk Indicators at BRD-Groupe Société Générale
by Alina Georgiana MANTA - 154-160 Financial Liberalization and Stock Market Efficiency
by Maria-Lenuta ULICI & Ioan Alin NISTOR - 161-167 Measures Promoted in Romania Against Tax Evasion in the Context of Economic and Financial Crisis
by Iudit FODOR & Sebastian – Florin MICLEA - 168-174 Financial Performance Indicators – Instruments in Lending Decision Making
by Dan Florentin SICHIGEA & Mirela GANEA & Lorena TUPANGIU - 175-180 Central Bank Transparency – Implications and Importance
by Florin DUMITER - 181-187 Fiscal Policy Impact on Inflation Volatility in Romania in The Economic Crisis Context
by Eugenia Ramona MARA & Eva DEZSI - 188-197 The Early Exercise Premium for American Options. Empirical Study on Sibex Market
by Maria-Miruna POCHEA & Angela-Maria FILIP - 198-203 Regulation of Romania’s Labor Market between Flexibility and Security – Present Trends
by Costin Daniel AVRAM - 204-210 The Strategy of Direct Inflation Targeting: Between Theory and Practice
by Ramona-Andreea TEICA - 211-217 Study Regarding the Efficiency Measure of Construction Firms from Western Europe
by Bianca MOGOSEANU - 218-224 The Financial Crisis and the Crisis Within European Health Insurance Systems
by Bianca MIHART - 225-231 Landmarks of Contemporary Fiscal Policy in The European Union
by Ionut - Catalin CROITORU - 232-236 Considerations on the Reform of Pension Systems in Romania and Hungary
by Daniel Nicolae MILITARU
December 2010, Volume 1, Issue 12
- 9-11 December 2010, a new beginning for the national economy
by Constantin IONETE - 12-20 European monetary integration: between hope and fulfillment
by Marin OPRITESCU & Alina MANTA - 21-28 The impact of Lehman Brothers on Romanian banks listed on BVB
by Ioan NISTOR & Maria ULICI - 29-35 Causes and effects of the international double taxation. Solutions of the conventions, model for avoiding the international double taxation
by Marius HERBEI & Sorin DUDAS & Aura COSTEA - 36-43 Financial balance - basic tool in approaching financial diagnosis for firm valuation
by Dorel BERCEANU & Nicolae SICHIGEA & Marcel DRACEA - 44-53 The integration of capital markets: correlation analysis
by Ioan TRENCA & Eva DEZSI - 54-58 Smes’ financing – effects of the small business act in Europe
by Ana POPA & Laura GIURCA VASILESCU - 59-67 The impact of corporate income taxation on the location of FDI in the European Union
by Gheorghe MATEI & Daniela PIRVU - 68-75 Exchange rate and foreign exchange market during the pre-accession of Romania to the European Monetary Union
by Jenica POPESCU & Dan SICHIGEA - 76-82 The lending activity and economic growth in Romania in the global crisis context
by Cristi SPULBAR & Mihai NITOI - 83-93 The limitations of the engagements to perform agreed-upon procedures regarding financial information according to ISRS 4400
by Szora Attila TAMAS - 94-97 Considerations on the macroeconomic impact of structural funds absorption. The Herom model
by Anca BANDOI & Oana GHERGHINESCU - 98-107 Some aspects concerning business ethics in Romania
by Narcis MITU & Roxana NANU - 108-122 Economic growth and macroeconomic variables influences in Romania
by Raluca DRACEA & Mirela CRISTEA - 123-126 Practical issues in relation to the tax base of VAT
by Radu BUZIERNESCU & Mihail ANTONESCU - 127-136 Sustainability planning policy collecting the revenues of the tax administration
by Marius HERBEI & Gheorghe MOCAN - 137-146 Options evaluation - Black-Scholes model vs. binomial options pricing model
by Ioan TRENCA & Maria Miruna POCHEA & Angela Maria FILIP - 147-158 Econometric model for analysing the structural funds absorption at regional level – the Regional Operational Programme
by Oana Gherghinescu & Paul RINDERU - 159-162 Speculation from morality to profitability
by Mircea CIOLPAN & Mihaita Victor DUTA - 163-168 Dimensioning techniques of the transnational companies cost of capital. The financing decision of the transnational company
by Dan BOGOI & Sebastian ENE & Danut CHILAREZ - 169-173 The recovery of the value added tax paid in another country by taxable persons
by Mihail ANTONESCU & Radu BUZIERNESCU - 174-177 Discounting, time and value. Variability or preference
by Ioan Alin NISTOR - 184-188 The private health insurance market in Romania – past, present and future
by Ioan Alin NISTOR & Viorela Ligia VAIDEAN - 189-195 The correlation between the macroeconomic variables and the Bucharest stock exchange share prices
by Cristina CURUTIU BALINT - 196-199 The beginnings of the concept of corporate social responsibility and Andrew Carnegie’s writings
by Radu LOLESCU - 200-206 Co-payment mechanisms within various social health insurance systems
by Bianca MIHART
May 2010, Volume 1, Issue 11
- 9-13 Global financial crisis and integration into world economy
by Constantin IONETE - 14-20 Quantifying the effects of the macroeconomic variables on the loan portofolio quality for the Romanian banking system using the VAR model
by Marin OPRITESCU & Alina MANTA & Mircea PERPELEA - 21-25 The perspective of spatio-temporal variability of Romanian economy in European space
by Ioan TALPOS & Oana Ramona LOBONT & Nicoleta MOLDOVAN - 26-34 Banking crisis. Case of U.S. banks versus UK banks
by Ioan NISTOR & Maria ULICI - 35-47 The state and the tax evasion
by Horia CRISTEA & Cristina NICOLESCU & Claudiu BOTOC - 48-52 Crisis management fiscal policy action of member states
by Marcel DRACEA & Narcis MITU & Nicoleta DRACEA - 53-59 Trends and expectations regarding lending activity
by Dorina POANTA & Vera MORARIU - 60-67 Banking’s implications on Romanian’s business environment in context of global financial crisis
by Nicolae SICHIGEA & Marcel DRACEA - 68-72 New approach of measurement methods and forms of tax policy effects in Romania
by Marilen PIRTEA & Oana Ramona LOBONT & Ana Cristina NICOLESCU - 73-78 European Central Bank – independence, transparency and accountability
by Marius HERBEI & Florin DUMITER - 79-83 Modeling risk using elements of game theory and fractals
by Constantin TULAI & Ioana POPOVICI - 84-90 Considerations regarding credit portfolio risk management of the banking institution
by Ioan TRENCA & Mihail-Dragos BOLOCAN - 91-95 Funding schools based on state education standards cost per student
by Marta Christina SUCIU & Elena GLODEANU & Cristinel GLODEANU - 96-100 Financial stability or economic stability?
by Ana POPA & Laura GIURCA VASILESCU - 101-107 Principles and rules for defining of common consolidated tax base in the European Union
by Gheorghe MATEI & Daniela PIRVU - 108-121 Applicability of the EWMA model to estimate the volatility of Istanbul stock exchange bonds and bills market
by Riza ASIKOGLU & Canturk KAYAHAN - 122-127 Economic theory and current global financial crisis
by Jenica POPESCU & Dorina POANTA - 128-140 The analysis of the monetary policy dynamics in Romania using a Structural Vector Autoregressive model
by Cristi SPULBAR & Mihai NITOI & Lavinia NETOIU - 141-154 Considerations regarding the influence of the base leading rate over actualization rate of investment projects financed by EU funds
by Attila TAMAS SZORA & Iulian DOBRA - 155-161 The market value added and the return on invested capital for industrial Romanian firms
by Dorel BERCEANU & Marian SIMINICA & Daniel CIRCIUMARU - 162-168 The global financial crisis and its implications on the convergence of Romania with the economic and monetary union
by Veronel AVRAM & Marioara AVRAM - 169-176 The particularities of the analysis of cost – profit in the railway system in Romania
by Tudor CIUREZU & Anduena FIRTAT - 177-183 Euro-dollar ratio of forces in the current stage of economic-financial crisis
by Roxana NANU & Gheorghe PIRVU & Ramona GRUESCU - 184-190 Does credit market accelerate economic growth in Romania? Statistical approaches
by Mirela CRISTEA & Raluca DRACEA - 191-195 News on VAT regime applicable to intra-community services
by Radu BUZIERNESCU - 196-203 The emerging role of expectations in conducting and coordonating monetary policy
by Marius HERBEI & Florin DUMITER - 204-207 Business environment and national tax
by Narcis MITU & Ionut Eugen DRACEA - 208-217 Using stress testing methodology in evaluating banking institution’s exposure to risk
by Ioan TRENCA & Simona MUTU & Maria-Miruna POCHEA - 218-221 Means to combat tax evasion in the European Union
by Alia Gabriela DUTA - 222-228 A review of early warning system models
by Cristian STANCIU - 229-235 Households lending crisis for the most important countries of Central and Eastern Europe
by Octavia Maria GIBESCU - 236-242 Specificities of using the cost-benefit analysis for public projects financed by the structural funds
by Oana GHERGHINESCU & Anca BANDOI - 243-249 Empirical study on the risk – performance correlations at BRD – Groupe Société Générale
by Alina Georgiana MANTA - 250-253 The adjustment of banking systems to the demands of contemporary economies
by Rodica Viorica COANA & Iudit FODOR - 254-259 Developments of credit default swap contracts under the influence of global crisis
by Mircea Gabriel CIOLPAN - 260-264 The euro-leu argument in the population’s preferences for savings placement
by Dan Florentin SICHIGEA & Lorena TUPANGIU - 265-269 Tax evasion – a more and more controversial concept
by Iudit FODOR & Rodica Viorica COANA - 270-276 Banking supervising in Romania – attribute of the National Bank of Romania
by Claudia MITITELU & Stefan MITITELU - 283-288 The capitalization of banks during crisis
by Mihaela RADU & Paula GEZA - 289-296 The social responsibility and the deontology of the banking profession under the conditions of the global financial crisis
by Costin Daniel AVRAM - 297-300 The impact of the corporate social responsibility concept of the Romanian banking system
by Radu LOLESCU - 301-307 New options of financing the health insurance system in Romania
by Bianca MIHART - 308-315 Coordination of fiscal policies at European level
by Ionut Catalin CROITORU
December 2009, Volume 1, Issue 10
- 9-13 The global financial crisis goes down
by Constantin IONETE - 14-21 Prudential politics promoted by NBR where to?
by Marin OPRITESCU & Alina MANTA - 22-31 Impact of financial crisis over the evolution of banks from the capital market
by Ioan NISTOR & Maria ULICI - 32-39 The British public atitude survey regarding inflation and interest rates
by Marius HERBEI & Florin DUMITER - 40-47 The improvement of the financial structure in the domain of administrating the railway infrastructure
by Nicolae SICHIGEA & Anduena FIRTAT - 48-56 Interest rate risk management - calculating Value at Risk using EWMA and GARCH models
by Ioan TRENCA & Simona MUTU - 57-64 Trends and prospects for tax evasion
by Marcel DRACEA & Iudit FODOR - 65-70 The real estate investments and the financial crisis in Romania
by Ana POPA & Laura GIURCA VASILESCU - 71-77 The future and perspectives of financing the healthcare system
by Gheorghe MATEI & Bianca MIHART - 78-85 The commpliance of price stability, financial stability and financial efficiency
by Marius HERBEI & Florin DUMITER - 86-91 Weaknesses in the regulatory policy of financial derivatives instruments and their impact on international financial crisis
by Jenica POPESCU & Dorina POANTA - 101-107 Capital budgeting
by Dorel BERCEANU & Costel IONASCU - 108-119 The audit risk associated to the depreciation adjustments of the tangible assets during the financial instability period
by Adela SOCOL & Szora Attila TAMAS - 120-126 Efficiency and limits of monetary policy in the financial instability. Romania's case
by Anca BANDOI & Ion TOMITA - 127-131 Microrofinance – a possible anticrisis measure?
by Laura GIURCA VASILESCU - 132-135 Considerations regarding the quality of taxable person in respect of VAT for natural persons
by Radu BUZIERNESCU - 136-143 The consolidation of own funds of credit institutions in the current stage of economic-financial crisis
by Roxana NANU & Gheorghe PIRVU & Ramona GRUESCU - 144-149 Changes in Japanese corporate governance
by Ioan Alin NISTOR - 150-155 Is there any correlation between the economic growth and budget expenditure allocated to education? Case study Romania
by Raluca DRACEA & Mirela CRISTEA - 156-160 Technology transfer – financing opportunities and limits in European Union
by Laura GIURCA VASILESCU & Maria BUSE & Nicoleta DRACEA - 161-167 Inflation targeting in the context of the current financial crisis
by Daniela Gerogeta BEJU & Angela Maria FILIP - 168-172 Tax federalization – an important step in the process of decentralization
by Narcis Eduard MITU & Nicoleta DRACEA - 173-177 Combating tax evasion: between goals and achievements
by Alia Gabriela DUTA - 178-183 About the US trade deficit and the US “easy money” policy
by Sabin RIZESCU & Cristian STANCIU & Cristi SPULBAR - 184-189 Application of the funding GAP method in the process of financing regional development in Romania
by Oana GHERGHINESCU - 190-195 New financial derivatives on Romanian market - contracts for difference
by Mircea CIOLPAN - 196-200 The macroeconomic impact evaluation of the cohesion structural funds
by Elena GLODEANU & Cristinel GLODEANU
May 2009, Volume 1, Issue 9
- 9-16 The global financial crisis follows its way
by Constantin IONETE - 17-26 Basel II versus the global financial crisis
by Marin OPRITESCU & Alina MANTA - 32-36 The financial information's vulnerability
by Horia CRISTEA - 37-44 The internal issues management of banking profitability on centers of liability
by Ioan NISTOR & Grigore LUPULESCU - 45-58 Using credit scoring method for probability of non-financial companies default estimation at industry level
by Ioan TRENCA & Annamaria BENYOVSZKI - 59-65 Social protection in the European Union. Empirical study
by Marcel DRACEA & Gheorghe MATEI - 66-69 The analysis of cost-profit-volume in making a decision about the volume of activity of a company
by Nicolae SICHIGEA & Tudor CIUREZU - 70-75 The Collateral Central Bank Management Project (CCBM2) - a single plaform for Eurosystem in managing collateral for domestic and cross-border operations
by Marius HERBEI & Florin DUMITER - 81-90 The analysis of localized competition among organizations and a research in banking sector
by Asli EKMEKCI & Murat KASIMOGLU & Mirela CRISTEA - 91-96 The main theories of the dividend decision
by Dorel BERCEANU & Marian SIMINICA - 97-109 The importance of monitoring the operational risk at the level of banking companies
by Adela SOCOL & Attila SZORA - 110-115 The public debt of Romania considering the integration in the European Union
by Marcel DRACEA & Cristian TOMESCU & Cornelia TOMESCU DUMITRESCU - 116-121 Some considerations of the main determining variables in the models used to estimate inflation
by Anca BANDOI & Ion TOMITA - 122-126 Financial instability threatens the investments for environmental protection in Romania
by Ana POPA & Laura GIURCA VASILESCU - 127-133 Aspects concerning corporate taxation in the European Union
by Gheorghe MATEI & Daniela PIRVU - 134-139 Characteristics that form customer value in banks: a research on ATMs
by Nilsun SARIYER - 140-144 The banking marketing in sustainability conditions
by Jenica POPESCU & Dorina POANTA - 145-150 Mezzanine finance and corporate bonds
by Libena TETREVOVA - 151-159 Operational risk in banking - card fraud
by Ioan TRENCA & Daniela BOJAN - 160-167 The global financial crisis and its implications on the Romanian banking systems
by Ioan NISTOR & Maria ULICI & Mirela-Oana PINTEA - 168-173 The monetary policy of the Eurosystem
by Marius HERBEI & Florin DUMITER - 174-178 Strengthening Romanian banks' role in the European funds absorption
by Cristi SPULBAR & Dorel BERCEANU & Oana GHERGHINESCU - 179-184 Fiscal settlements regargind taxing the incomes of non-resident individuals and legal persons in Romania
by Radu BUZIERNESCU & Mihai ANTONESCU - 185-188 Considerations regarding the fair evaluation of real estate securities by the banks
by Dan BOGOI & Gheorghe BIRAU & Mircea PERPELEA - 189-196 The evaluation of the internal audit risk regarding public procurements
by Bogdan Iulian DOBRA - 197-201 The entropy theory implications in behavioural finance
by Aurora MURGEA - 202-211 Empirical analysis of the correlation between fiscality rate-GDP-tax incomes. Romania's case
by Raluca DRACEA & Mirela CRISTEA & Ionut TOMESCU - 212-219 Problems of access to structural funds by the private sector
by Roxana NANU & Ramona GRUESCU - 220-222 Brief foray into taxation ethics
by Narcis Eduard MITU - 223-230 Analysis of structural and cohesion funds absorption in Romania
by Oana GHERGHINESCU & Paul RINDERU & Cristi SPULBAR - 231-235 Electronic ways for the submission of fiscal declarations
by Mihai ANTONESCU & Radu BUZIERNESCU - 236-247 Rethinking of organizational context paradoxes according to Power School
by Refika BAKOGLU DELIORMAN & Mukaddes BAHAR - 248-250 The harmonization of advance tax rulings systems in European Union member states - Why?
by Alia DUTA - 251-254 Some remarks of the recent "quantitative easing" action take by FED
by Sabin RIZESCU & Cristian STANCIU & Raluca DRACEA & Cristi SPULBAR - 255-260 Correlations between risk management indicators and performance levels on the example of S.C. Bancpost S.A
by Alina MANTA & Dan Florentin SICHIGEA - 261-266 Dynamics of budgetary revenue in the conditions of Romanian integration in the European Union - a consequently of the tax and harmonization policy
by Madalin CINCA - 267-272 Optimal financial structure, bankruptcy risk and the right to a new beginning
by Cornelia NITU - 273-276 Manifestations of world economic crisis in Romania - cause and effect
by Elena GLODEANU & Cristinel GLODEANU - 277-285 The management of liquidity risk
by Claudia MITITELU & Stefan MITITELU - 286-292 The technical and financial decline of the railway infrastructure in Romania
by Anduena FIRTAT & Catalin ADAM - 293-298 The global derivatives trend in 2008
by Mircea CIOLPAN & Catalin ADAM - 299-304 Tax burden - the tax evasion generator
by Iudit FODOR - 305-313 Taxation and fiscal pressure
by Nicoleta Mihaela DRACEA
December 2008, Volume 1, Issue 8
- 9-12 Modern challenges of the monetary policy
by Constantin IONETE - 13-19 New approaches in the analysis of banking performances
by Marin OPRITESCU & Alina MANTA - 20-24 The budget of the European Union - present and future
by Dumitru TODOROI & Elena GLODEANU - 25-29 Current trends in the evolution of bank costs within the framework of the Romanian banking system
by Robert DESPATIE & Rodica Coana & Iudit FODOR - 30-36 Marketing of the banking services in Romania - an analysis regarding the evolution of the influence factors
by Ioan TRENCA & Cristina CURUTIU - 37-42 Determination of the internal cession price in the commercial banks through mathematical methods - A case study
by Ioan NISTOR & Grigore LUPULESCU & Ion DUBREU - 43-50 Interdependencies between Romanian fiscal policies and inflationary tensions in the current Europe
by Marcel DRACEA & Madalin CINCA - 51-56 The investment - strategic decision for entreprise
by Nicolae SICHIGEA & Anduena FIRTAT - 57-62 The Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) - the pan - European market for the European integration
by Marius HERBEI & Florin DUMITER - 63-68 Environmental sustainability between investments needs and financing possibilities in Romania
by Sandor SIMON & Ana POPA & Laura GIURCA VASILESCU - 69-76 Target2-securities - a central settlement hub for the euro
by Marius HERBEI & Florin DUMITER - 77-82 Descentralization in education - premise of the Romanian education efficiency
by Dumitru TODOROI & Cristinel GLODEANU - 83-88 Financial stability - coordinate of contemporary monetary policy
by Anca BANDOI & Ion TOMITA - 89-92 Financial structure of the firm
by Dorel BERCEANU & Cristi SPULBAR - 93-98 Risk insolvability management through optimizing insurance portfolio - mathematical calculations
by Mirela CRISTEA & Raluca DRACEA & Murat KASIMOGLU - 99-106 Disputes about the tax harmonization and the tax competition in the European Union
by Gheorghe MATEI & Daniela PIRVU - 107-110 Harmonizing directions in the field of direct taxation
by Aleksandar BJELIC & Narcis MITU & Cristian STANCIU - 111-116 Romanian economy evolution's risks in conditions of U.S. housing and real estate market crisis
by Jenica POPESCU & Sabin RIZESCU & Alia DUTA - 117-125 Stock Markets and their informational inefficiencies - the BSE case
by Ioan TRENCA & Adrian ZOICAS-IENCIU - 126-131 Financial globalization - from challenge to crisis
by Cristi SPULBAR & Dorel BERCEANU & Tatiana SPULBAR