- 352149 How to solve large recursive-dynamic Computable General Equilibrium models
by Britz, Wolfgang
- 348369 Agricultural Mechanization Around the World
by Roman, Shahrear & Hadi & Wuepper, David
- 338200 A critical assessment of neural networks as meta-model of a farm optimization model
by Seidel, Claudia & Shang, Linmei & Britz, Wolfgang
- 324710 Promoting extensive cattle production in the European Union has major implications for global agricultural trade and climate change
by Haddad, Salwa & Escobar, Neus & Bruckner, Martin & Britz, Wolfgang
- 316369 The replicability crisis and the p-value debate – what are the consequences for the agricultural and food economics community?
by Heckelei, Thomas & Huettel, Silke & Odening, Martin & Rommel, Jens - 313251 Single plots or shares of land - How modeling of crop choices in bio-economic farm models influences simulation results
by Pahmeyer, Christoph & Kuhn, Till & Britz, Wolfgang
- 305631 Who is Most Vulnerable to Climate Change Induced Yield Changes? A Dynamic Long Run Household Analysis in Lower Income Countries
by Wilts, Rienne & Latka, Catharina & Britz, Wolfgang - 305287 ‘Fruchtfolge’: A crop rotation decision support system for optimizing cropping choices with big data and spatially explicit modeling
by Pahmeyer, Christoph & Kuhn, Till & Britz, Wolfgang - 305270 Modelling policy induced manure transports at large scale using an agent-based simulation model
by Schaefer, David & Britz, Wolfgang & Kuhn, Till - 303683 Automated calibration of farm-scale mixed linear programming models using bi-level programming
by Britz, Wolfgang - 303668 Step-by-step development of a model simulating returns on farm from investments: the example of hazelnut plantation in Italy
by Spiegel, Alisa & Severini, Simone & Britz, Wolfgang & Coletta, Attilio - 302922 Maintaining plausible calorie intakes, crop yields and crop land expansion in long-run simulations with Computable General Equilibrium Models
by Britz, Wolfgang - 301858 Can Food Waste Reduction in Europe Help to Increase Food Availability and Reduce Pressure on Natural Resources Globally?
by Jafari, Yaghoob & Britz, Wolfgang & Dudu, Hasan & Roson, Roberto & Sartori, Martina
- 298428 Integrated assessment of legume production challenged by European policy interaction: a case-study approach from French and German dairy farms
by Julia Jouan & Julia Heinrichs & Wolfgang Britz & Christoph Pahmeyer - 287343 Identifying effects of farm subsidies on structural change using neural networks
by Storm, Hugo & Heckelei, Thomas & Baylis, Kathy & Mittenzwei, Klaus
- 279702 A farm typology for North Rhine-Westphalia to assess agri-environmental policies
by Till Kuhn, David Schäfer
- 265665 An analysis of the interdependence between cash crop and staple food futures prices
by Amrouk, El Mamoun & Grosche, Stephanie-Carolin & Heckelei, Thomas - 263448 Policy analysis of perennial energy crops cultivation at the farm level: the case of short rotation coppice (SRC) in Germany
by Spiegel, Alisa & Britz, Wolfgang & Djanibekov, Utkur & Finger, Robert - 262055 How where I shop influences what I buy: the importance of the retail format in sustainable tomato consumption
by Baum, Chad M. & Weigelt, Robert - 262054 The revision of the German Fertiliser Ordinance in 2017
by Till Kuhn
- 250254 Prospects of the Food Processing Sector under Tariff and Non-Tariff Measures Liberalization in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
by Jafari, Yaghoob & Britz, Wolfgang - 250253 Monte-Carlo Simulation and Stochastic Programming in Real Options Valuation: the Case of Perennial Energy Crop Cultivation
by Kostrova, Alisa & Britz, Wolfgang & Djanibekov, Utkur & Finger, Robert - 250230 Pricing behaviour of cooperatives and investor-owned dairies under spatial competition
by Zavelberg, Yvonne & Storm, Hugo
- 232876 Reducing unwanted consequences of aggregation in large-scale economic models - a systematic empirical evaluation with the GTAP model
by Britz, Wolfgang & Drud, Arne & van der Mensbrugghe, Dominique - 212930 Trends and Drivers of Crop Biomass Demand: Sub-Saharan Africa vs the Rest of the World
by Kuhn, Arnim & Endeshaw, Kassahun - 206560 Going Green for Esteem: An Extended Uzawa-Lucas Model with Status Driven Environmentalism
by Zhou, Sophie Lian - 206384 Impacts of policies to implement the EU Water Framework Directive on development strategies and income of typical pig farms in an intensively farmed region of Germany
by Garbert, Johanna & Holm-Mueller, Karin
- 172077 Price dynamics and financialization effects in corn futures markets with heterogeneous traders
by Grosche, Stephanie & Heckelei, Thomas - 166079 Directional Volatility Spillovers between Agricultural, Crude Oil, Real Estate and other Financial Markets
by Grosche, Stephanie & Heckelei, Thomas - 165088 Entry deterring effects of contractual relations in the dairy processing sector
by Zavelberg, Yvonne & Wieck, Christine & Heckelei, Thomas - 163046 Eco-regional Cartels on the Genetic Resource Market and the case of the Andean Community's legislation
by Winands, Sarah & Holm-Müller, Karin - 163043 Agri-investments and public spending in selected vulnerable countries – will they contribute to reduce food insecurity?
by Wieck, Christine & Rudloff, Bettina & Heucher, Angela
- 162878 Industry, firm, year, and country effects on profitability in EU food processing
by Schiefer, Jan & Hartmann, Monika - 162877 Trade-off of feasibility against accuracy and cost efficiency in choosing indicators for the abatement of GHG-emissions in dairy farming
by Lengers, Bernd & Britz, Wolfgang & Holm-Müller, Karin
- 162880 Payments for Environmental Services (PES) and the Characteristics of Social Ecological Systems: the Case of Lake Naivasha Basin
by Willy, Daniel Kyalo & Kuhn, Arnim & Holm-Müller, Karin - 162879 Differences of farm structural change across European regions
by Zimmermann, Andrea & Heckelei, Thomas - 122123 Participation, compliance and synergies at the farm level between the single payments scheme and farm certification labels
by Wieck, Christine & Annen, Dominic N. - 122022 Assessment of the Impact of Avian Influenza Related Regulatory Policies on Poultry Meat Trade and Welfare
by Wieck, Christine & Schlueter, Simon W. & Britz, Wolfgang - 121868 Limitations of Granger Causality Analysis to assess the price effects from the financialization of agricultural commodity markets under bounded rationality
by Grosche, Stephanie
- 162894 Bayesian estimation of non-stationary Markov models combining micro and macro data
by Storm, Hugo & Heckelei, Thomas & Mittelhammer, Ron - 162893 Determinants of Bilateral Food Related Disputes
by Götz, Christian & Heckelei, Thomas - 162892 Modelling regional input markets with numerous processing plants: The case of green maize for biogas production in Germany
by Delzeit, Ruth & Britz, Wolfgang & Holm-Müller, Karin
- 162896 Determinants of spatial dynamics of dairy production: a review
by Mosnier, Claire & Wieck, Christine - 162895 Demand Estimation for Irrigation Water in the Moroccan Drâa Valley using Contingent Valuation
by Storm, Hugo & Heckelei, Thomas & Heidecke, Claudia
- 56972 Regulatory SPS instruments in meat trade
by Schlueter, Simon W. & Wieck, Christine & Heckelei, Thomas
- 56974 What makes countries initiate WTO disputes on food-related issues?
by Goetz, Christian & Heckelei, Thomas & Rudloff, Bettina - 56973 A Bayesian Alternative To Generalized Cross Entropy Solutions For Underdetermined Econometric Models
by Heckelei, Thomas & Mittelhammer, Ronald C. & Jansson, Torbjorn
- 57033 The nature of the relationship between international tourism and international trade: the case of German imports of Spanish wine
by Fischer, Christian & Gil-Alana, Luis A. - 57032 Towards a certification of biomass: Feasibility of a certifications scheme of sustainability standards for trade and production of bioethanol in Brazil
by Delzeit, Ruth & Bohle, Hans-Georg & Holm-Muller, Karin - 57031 Performance payments for carnivore conservation in Sweden
by Zabel, Astrid & Holm-Muller, Karin - 57030 Estimation of supply response in CAPRI
by Jansson, Torbjorn
- 18787 Two Ways of Estimating a Transport Model
by Jansson, Torbjorn - 18785 Schnellwachsende Baumarten - Chance fur zusatzliches Einkommen im landlichen Raum?
by Pallast, Gregor & Breuer, Thomas & Holm-Muller, Karin - 18775 Das neue Gentechnikgesetz - ein Gentechnikverhinderungsgesetz?
by Becker, Alexander & Holm-Muller, Karin
- 18773 The Final Agenda 2000 Agreement on Agriculture: An Assessment
by Knaster, Beatriz
- 18788 The World Agricultural Trade Simulation System WATSIM: An Overview
by von Lampe, Martin - 18780 Veranderung von Einkommenselastizitaten im Verlauf der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung - Problematik und Umsetzung im WATSIM
by von Lampe, Martin - 18778 Comparative Analysis of World Market Projections with Special Regard to Wheat Prices
by Heckelei, Thomas & Krebs, Elvira & Mollmann, Claus & von Lampe, Martin - 18777 Erfahrungen mit einer Polypolversion des Pachtmarktspiels "Wachsen oder Weichen"
by Witzke, Heinz Peter - 18774 Notwendigkeit und Moglichkeiten der Politikberatung
by Henrichsmeyer, Wilhelm
- 18783 Bayesian Analysis of a Japanese Meat Demand System: A Robust Likelihood Approach
by Heckelei, Thomas & Mittelhammer, Ronald C. & Wahl, Thomas I. - 18779 Analyse der Bestandsentwicklung landwirtschafticher Familienarbeitskrafte in Westdeutschland
by Pavel, Ferdinand
- 18786 Bayesian Bootstrap Analysis of Systems of Equations
by Heckelei, Thomas & Mittelhammer, Ronald C. - 18784 Okonomische Analyse der geplanten EU-Richtlinie zur integrierten Vermeidung und Verminderung von Umweltverschmutzung
by Karl, Helmut & Orwat, Carsten - 18782 Environmental and Regional Problems of Contaminated Sites
by Kramer-Eis, Helmut & Karl, Helmut - 18781 Capital Stocks and Their User Costs for West German Agriculture: A Documentation
by Witzke, Heinz Peter - 18776 Okonomische Uberlegungen zum Begriff des Oko-Dumping
by Ranne, Omar