December 2022, Volume 45, Issue 4
September 2022, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 329906 Impact of Captive Supply on Cash Price in the U.S. Cattle Procurement Market: A Dynamic Modeling Approach
by Lee, Jungmin & Chung, Chanjin - 330838 Analysis of Asymmetric Price Transmission and Market Power of the U.S. Grain Export Market: Focused on Korea and Japan
by Seung, Junho - 330839 The Subsurface Drainage Facility Project: Performance Evaluation and Economic Feasibility
by Lee, Jungmin
June 2022, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 330835 Analysis of the Price Impact and Supply Shortage Effects of Imported Grains
by Lee, Yonggeon - 330836 The Impact of out-of-pocket Payments for Public Meal Service on the Use of Organic/Local Food
by Hong, Yeona - 330837 An Analysis of Factors Affecting Healthy Food Consumption Intention and Behavior: Focusing on Ginseng and Red Ginseng Products
by Ju, Jongyun
March 2022, Volume 45, Issue 01
- 330831 Analysis of Factors Influencing Agri-food Exporters’ Participation in Online Exports and Intentions of Investment in Digital Technology
by Lee, Douyoung - 330832 A Research on Mid-to-long-term Supply and Demand Model of Korean Beef Using Cattle Slaughter Rates
by Jeon, Sanggon - 330833 Effects of Consumption Competency and Food Safety Perception on Concern about the Origin of Agrifood
by Kim, Jisu - 330834 Examining the Greenhouse Gas Emission Efficiency of the Food and Beverage Industry
by Kang, Hyonyong
December 2021, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 330827 An Analysis of Meat Demand System using Multi-stage Budgeting Model
by Kim, Jongjin - 330828 A Study of Forecasting Cabbage Yields using a Mixed Data Sampling Model
by Moon, Jineon - 330829 COVID-19 and Changes in Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Organic Food
by Kim, Jeonghwan - 330830 A Study on Rural Regeneration Keywords by Using Text Network Analysis
by Choi, Moonhyeong
September 2021, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 330822 Forecasting Bulb Weight of Median-Late Variety Onion Using Growth Indicators and Meteorological Factors
by Kim, Jisu - 330823 The General Equilibrium Impacts of Reducing Agricultural Nutrient Emissions in Korea
by Kwon, Ohsang - 330824 The Domestic Wood Industry’s Contribution to the National Economy and Its Growth Factors
by Nam, Kyungsoo - 330825 Estimation of Willingness to Pay for Public Benefit Evaluation of Forest Roads in Recreational Forests
by Jeon, Chulhyun - 330826 A study on the Legal Characteristics of a Farming Association Corporation and the Rights and Liabilities of its Members in South Korea
by Lee, Haejin
June 2021, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 330818 Economic Fluctuations and Agricultural Employment: Focusing on Self-Employed Farmers in Korea
by Im, Donggeon - 330819 A Decomposition of Total Factor Productivity Growth in the Food Manufacturing Industry in Korea: A Stochastic Frontier Approach
by Choi, Soon - 330820 The Empirical Analysis of Production Cost Reduction Effects from the Agricultural Machinery Rental Policy
by Nam, Kyungsoo - 330821 The Current Status of Unregistered Foreign Workers in the Agricultural Sector and Tasks for Improvement
by Eom, Jinyoung
March 2021, Volume 44, Issue 01
- 330813 A study on the convergence test of livestock prices
by Joo, Hyunjung - 330815 A factor analysis of urban-to-rural migrants’ intention of transition to farming
by Hong, Yunsil - 330816 Rural residents' decision and compensation amount for providing community care for the elderly
by Kim, Nam-hoon - 330817 A gap in economic power between urban and rural area and the role of Saemaul Undong: focusing on Gyeongsangbuk-do in the 1960s and 1970s
by Kim, Wanjoong
December 2020, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 330789 Estimation of Hanwoo Farms’ Willingness to Pay for Livestock Disease Insurance
by Ji, Yeongu - 330790 Analysis of HPAI Incidence Factors in Duck Farms Using a Negative Binomial Regression Model
by An, Meilan - 330803 The Effect of the 'Improper Solicitation and Graft Act' on Fruit Demand
by Kang, Minseong - 330804 Willingness to Pay for GM Soybean Oil and Labeling Effects
by Kang, Hyeonjoo - 330808 The Impacts of Improved Transportation Accessibility on Agricultural Productivity
by Choi, Eunji - 330810 Implication of the Korean Agricultural Technology Group Activities during the Vietnam War
by Lee, Sinjae
September 2020, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 330785 The Analysis of the WTP for Sustainable Livestock Production in Korea
by Sung, Jaehoon - 330786 An Analysis of Seasonal Demand for Coffee Beans
by Joo, Joonhyung - 330787 The Efficiency Test of the North Korean Rice Market
by Kim, Sangdeok - 330788 Analysis of Factors affecting Urban-to-Rural Migrants’ Intention and Behavior to Re-migrate to Urban Areas
by Choi, Wonsil
June 2020, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 330781 An Analysis of Changes Onion Yields in Korea using Panel Regression Analysis and Bayesian Network Model
by Lee, Seungin - 330782 Analysis of the Impact of Imported Grain Prices on Consumer Prices
by Kim, Jongjin - 330783 Measuring the Social Welfare through changing the GAP Standards
by Nam, Kyungsoo - 330784 The Relationship of Consumer Anxiety of Food Hazard, and Food Consumer Information Literacy with Dietary Life Satisfaction
by Choi, Kyoungsook
March 2020, Volume 43, Issue 01
- 330777 An Estimation of Production Coupling Effects of Direct Payments for Rice Farms
by Lee, Moonho - 330778 An Impact Assessment of Weather Changes on Yield and Price for Chinese cabbage and Korean radish
by Choi, Byungok - 330779 Consumer Factors Affecting the Gap between Food Price Index and Consumer Sentiment Price
by Heo, Taeho - 330780 An Analysis of Forestry Companies’ Willingness to Pay for Forest-certified Timber
by Jeon, Chulhyun
December 2019, Volume 42, Issue Special Issue
- 303009 Examining the Effect of Corn Price Risk on Import Source Diversification
by Suh Donghee - 303010 The Use of Price Elasticity to Estimate Future Volatilities in Stochastic Simulation: an Application to the Korean Rice Market
by Soon Byungmin & Patrick Westhoff & Han Sukho, Wyatt Thompson - 303011 Economic Ripple Effects of Health-Functional Food Industry Applying Input-Output Analysis
by Kim Donghoon & Ji Inbae - 303012 Does the Farmer Field Schools Program Improve Farmers’ Behavior to Adopt the Drought-tolerant Rice Varieties in Pangasinan, the Philippines?
by Cho Sunmee & Kim Taeyoon
December 2019, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 330771 Determinants in Participation Rate of Female Farmers’ Farming Activities by Age Groups
by Eom, Jinyeong - 330772 Performance Analysis on Agricultural Human Resource Development Investment Using Agricultural Education Panel Data
by Kim, Sangtae - 330773 Demand Forecast for Agricultural Labor for Years 2020-2025
by Jung, Jinhwa - 330774 Does Domestic Agricultural Production Strengthen Food Security?
by Kim, Taehwa - 330775 The Effect of School Dietary Education on Adolescent Fruit and Vegetable Intake
by Yeon, Kwanghun - 330776 Profitability and Risk Analysis of the Solar Power Generation Project by the Korea Rural Community Corporation
by Kim, Taehoo
September 2019, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 330764 The Decomposition of Productivity and Profitability of Rice Production in Korea
by Sung, Jaehoon - 330765 Demand Analysis of Processed Food Using the Usage Differentiated AIDS model
by Ji, Jeonghun - 330766 Effects of Nutrition Information and Exercise on Dietary Pattern of Hypertensive Group
by Won, Jingi - 330767 The Economic Incentives of Achieving the Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Target of the 2030 Reduction Roadmap of Korea
by Lee, Seungho - 330768 Prosocial Preference for the Consumption of Livestock Products
by Chang, Jaebong - 330769 The Relationship between Korean Rural Development Policy and Saemaul Undong in 1970s
by Kim, Wanjoong - 330770 An Analysis of HPAI Risk Factors by Characteristics of Poultry Farm
by An, Miran
June 2019, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 330758 Does the Internet Search Index Precede the Purchase of Agro-food Products?
by Rho, Hoyoung - 330759 International Comparison of Rates and Major Functions in the Wholesale Market of Fruits and Vegetables - Mainly Korea, Japan and France
by Choi, Byungok - 330760 Income Inequality of Korea for Urban, Farm and Fishery Households, and Determinants of Household Income
by Sung, Myungjae - 330761 An Analysis of Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction and Employment Determination of College Graduates in Agriculture, forestry and fishing Industry
by Kang, Hyejung - 330762 Effects on Depression of Social Exclusion of Older People in Rural Areas: Focus on Mediating Effects of the Experiences of Discrimination
by Kim, Soojin - 330763 Analyzing the Determinants of Purchashing Behavior on Imported Korean Fresh Agricultural Products in Ulan Bator, Mongolia
by Yi, Hyangmi
March 2019, Volume 42, Issue 01
- 330753 Decomposition of Farm Household Income Inequality by Farm Types
by Lee, Douyoung - 330754 Factors Affecting the Successful Settlement of Young Beginning Farmers
by Ma, Sangjin - 330755 An Analysis of Manufacturers' Perceptions on the Certified Raw Materials of Health Functional Foods
by Nam, Kyungsoo - 330756 An Analysis of the Effects of Return-to-farm Related Policies on the Household Income of People Returning to Farming
by Jun, Iksu - 330757 The Welfare Impacts of the Egg Pesticide Contamination Incident in Korea
by Cho, Hyunkyoung
December 2018, Volume 41, Issue Special Issue
- 303003 A Multivariate Tobit Estimation of Rural Land Rental and Labor Market Participation Decisions of Farm Households in Ethiopia
by Zegeye Tirfe & Kim Kyung-ryang - 303004 An Asymmetric Price Transmission Analysis in the U.S. Pork Market Using Threshold Co-integration Analysis
by Yoon Jong-yeol & Scott Brown - 303005 Impacts of Aid for Trade on Agricultural Development and Trade
by Ahn Soojung & Lee Sanghyeon - 303006 Impacts of Aid for Trade on Agricultural Development and Trade
by Ahn Soojung & Lee Sanghyeon - 303007 Influence of Household Types on Food and Grocery Store Choices
by Kim Man-Keun & Lee Yoon-geum & Kim Sung-sook - 303008 Time-Saving Food Preparation Pattern and its Relationship to Income and Age Cohort in Korea
by Elizabeth Jiyoon Kim & Byeong il Ahn
December 2018, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 330749 Shapley-Value Decomposition Analysis of Farm Household Income Inequality by Income Source in South Korea
by Heo, Deungyong - 330750 World Grain Price Forecasting using Dynamic Factor Models
by Kim, Jongjin - 330751 An Analysis of User Satisfaction for Renovation Projects of Irrigation Facilities
by Han, Jaehwan - 330752 A Study on the Determinants of the Vietnamese Consumers' Purchase Intentions of Korean Agro-food
by Kim, Sanghyun
2018, Volume 41, Issue 3
September 2018, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 330744 The Economic Effects of Droughts: Focused on Rice Production
by Sung, Jaehoon - 330745 Developing a Supply and Demand Model of Hanwoo Using Beef Traceability Data
by Kim, Chunghyeon - 330747 Factors Affecting Households' Kimchi Procurement Channels
by Jeong, Hongju - 330748 Willingness-to-Pay for and Welfare Analysis of Senior-Friendly Foods
by Jin, Hyunjoung
June 2018, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 330741 Contributions of Agricultural R&D to Farm Income by Farm Household Types
by Kwon, Ohsang - 330742 Contributions of Agricultural R&D to Farm Income by Farm Household Types
by Cheu, Sungmin - 330743 Factors Affecting Restaurant Business Performance
by Jeon, Yongpil
April 2018, Volume 41, Issue 01
- 330737 The effects of public stockholdings on rice prices at harvest season
by Yoon, Jongyeol - 330738 An analysis of the factors affecting the degree of dietary satisfaction of Korean adolescent
by Kim, Dajung - 330739 The Effects of Information on Agricultural Multifunctionality on the Consumers' Willingness-to-Pay(WTP)
by Kim, Seonwoong - 330740 An analysis on spatial spillover effects of rice pest and disease damages under climate change
by Kim, Gwanwon
December 2017, Volume 40, Issue Special, December 2017
- 266395 Forest Carbon Sequestration And Optimal Harvesting Decision Considering Southern Pine Beetle (Spb) Disturbance: A Real Option Approach
by An, Hyunjin - 266400 An Economic Effect Of The Crop Insurance At The Farmland In Korea
by Park, Jiyun & Kim, Chang-gil - 266401 The Production And Dissemination Of Agricultural Knowledge At U.S. Research Universities: The Role And Mission Of Land-Grant Universities
by Lee, Yoo Hwan & Graff, Gregory D. - 266402 Impact Of Increased Imports Of Agricultural Products Due To Ftas On Domestic Price Decline
by Jeong, Min-kook & Moon, Hanpil & Song, Woo-jin - 266403 Trends In South Korea’S Grants-Based Aid For Agricultural Sector In Developing Countries
by Lee, Hyejin
December 2017, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 330733 Is A Target Price Responsible for Rice Oversupply?
by Rhew, Chanhee - 330734 A Decomposition of the Changes in Household Food Expenditure
by Kim, Sungyong - 330735 An Analysis of Chinese Urban Householder’s Food Consumption at the Province-level
by Park, Yunsun - 330736 Estimating the Damage Function of Disease and Insect Pest of Ginseng Considering Spatial Autocorrelation
by Kim, Yongjoon
September 2017, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 330728 A Study on the Improvement of Price Forecasting Model for Harvested Rice
by Kim, Jongjin - 330729 An Ex-ante Assessment on the Korean Beef Industry with Respect to Ending the Import Ban of EU Beef SPS
by Han, Sukho - 330730 The Effect of Introducing the U.S. Reinsurance System to the Korean Crop Insurance Program
by Kang, Sujin - 330731 A Cost-effectiveness Analysis on Integrated Care of Health and Social Welfare Programs in Rural Areas
by Eom, Jinyoung - 330732 Optimal Speculative and Hedging Decisions of Competitive Importing Firms with Commodity and Foreign Exchange Rate Futures
by Sagong, Yong
June 2017, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 330722 The Consumer Welfare Impacts of Public Food Quality Control
by Kwon, Ohsang - 330723 An Economic Impacts of the FTA’s on Korean Dairy Industry
by Jeon, Sanggon - 330724 Comparison of Time Series Forecasting Models in Garlic's Wholesale Price
by Lee, Hyungyong - 330725 Analysis on the Consumers’ Preferences for the Equestrian Service
by Kim, Hyunjoong - 330726 A Study on the Determinants of Corn and Wheat Futures Prices: Using Bayesian Model Averaging
by Choi, Sujin - 330727 Determinants for the Vegatable Farmers in Participating Cooperative Sales
by Yi, Hyangmi
March 2017, Volume 40, Issue 01
- 330701 Land to the Tiller: A Comparison of Land Reform in South Africa and South Korea
by Claassen, Casper Hendrik & Jin-Sang, Lee - 330702 Global Food Insecurity and the Unequal Playing Field in World Agriculture
by Moon, Wanki - 330721 A Socio-Economic structure of Korean Rural communities based on Polanyi’s view
by Kwon, Byungoug
December 2016, Volume 39, Issue Special, December 2016
- 1-24 Assessment Of Market Power And Cost Efficiency Effects In The U.S. Beef Packing Industry
by Ji, Inbae & Chung, Chanjin - 1-24 Multilevel Analysis On Mother’S Nutrition Label Use And Children’S Propensity For Being Overweight
by Cho, Sungju & Lee, Sanghyeon - 1-26 A Way Forward To Sustainable International Forestry Cooperation: A Case Study Of The ‘Greenbelt Plantation Project In Mongolia’
by Lee, Daeseob & Ahn, Gyumi - 1-30 Revisiting The Classified Milk Pricing System: Seasonal And Spatial Milk Pricing In The U.S
by Seo, Hongseok & McCarl, Bruce A. - 1-30 Construction Of The Rural Development Index: The Case Of Vietnam
by Kim, Tae-hwa & Yang, Seung-ryong - 1-34 Comprehensive Rural Development Strategies Of Korea And Their Implications To Developing Countries
by Heo, Jang & Kim, Yunjung
September 2016, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 330695 An Empirical Analysis on Market Differentiation between Hanwoo and Imported Beef
by Lee, Hyungwoo - 330696 A Decomposition of Income Variability: A Case Study on Rice and Spicy Vegetables Farms
by Jeon, Jiyeon - 330697 The Economic effect of End to the Import Ban of Apples SPS: Application of Price-wedge Method
by Han, Sukho - 330698 Effects of Meal Regularity on Adult Obesity
by Park, Misung - 330699 Estimating the WTP for Demand-Responsive Transport Services
by Ki, Myungsung - 330700 A Study on Consumer Preference for Seafood to Lifestyle
by Jung, Yeonhee
June 2016, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 330688 Analyzing Crop Choice Adaptation to Climate Change Using a Korean Regional PMP Model
by Kwon, Ohsang - 330689 Developing a Dishonest Application Suspicion Index for Implementation Inspection Efficiency Improvement of Direct Payment Programs
by Chung, Wonho - 330690 An Analysis of the Impact of Demand Shifts in Beef Grades on Producer Welfare
by Jeon, Sanggon - 330691 A Study on Developing an Early Warning Index for Worldwide Grain Markets Using an Artificial Neural Network Model
by Kim, Jongjin - 330692 An Analysis of the Change in the Agricultural Trade Network
by Han, Bohyun - 330693 An Analysis of the Determinants of Beef Consumption and Consumer Preference Using BWS
by Chang, Jaebong - 330694 A Study on Estimating Animal Products Grading Fees
by Ji, Inbae
March 2016, Volume 39, Issue 01
- 330684 Effects of Tariff Reduction on Welfare in Korean Orange Market
by Choi, Yongho - 330685 A Study on Improving Early Warning Models for World Grain Markets
by Kim, Jongjin - 330686 An Analysis of Economic Impacts of Horse Industry in Korea
by Yu, Woong - 330687 Factors Affecting the Farmer-to-Comsumer Direct Marketing and Its influence on the Sale Increase of Agricultural Products
by Lee, Daye
December 2015, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 330677 An Analysis on Seasonality and Substitution in the Demand for Fruits
by Kim, Sungyong - 330678 A Study on the Determination of Base Price for Crop Revenue Insurance
by Choi, Yejun - 330679 An Analysis on Cost Efficiency for Agricultural Cooperatives in Korea and Its Determinants
by Park, Changsuh - 330680 Effects of the Attitude toward Food Safety on the Consumption of Processed Food
by Jeon, Younghyun - 330681 An Analysis on the Changes of Productivity Efficiency Distribution of Greenhouse Grape Farms
by Lim, Seungju - 330682 Estimation of Rice Price Flexibility Coefficient without Government Intervention
by Sagong, Yong - 330683 A Case Study of India’s Janmabhoomi as Voluntary Adoption of Saemaul Undong
by Choi, Jungug
September 2015, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 330672 Rural Welfare and the Marginal Rate of Population Aging
by Park, Gil H. - 330673 An Analysis on the Market Concentration of Korea Food Processing Industry
by Jeong, Hoyeon - 330674 Evaluating the Economic Value of Environmentally Sound Functions of Environment-Friendly Agriculture
by Jeong, Hakkyun - 330675 Analysis on the Economic Impacts of the Revised Calf Production Stabilizing Law of 2012
by Choe, Jinyong - 330676 Forecasting Accuracy Comparison of EPIC Crop Simulation and Time Series Model
by Choi, Jongsan
June 2015, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 1-16 Supply Driven Input-Output Analysis: Case of 2010-2011 Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Korea
by Kim, Man-keun - 330654 An Analysis on the Asymmetric Price Transmission in South Korean
by Kim, Jongjin - 330655 A Comparative Analysis of FTA Effects between Non-Timber
by Lee, Gaseul - 330656 An Analysis of the Effect of Concentration on the Profitability of Food Processing Business Firms
by Shin, Yoojin - 330657 An Analysis on the Optimum Location of Cabbage Processing
by Kang, Hyejung - 330669 An Evaluation on Korean Agriculture and Rural Statistics in Response to UN Global Strategy
by Lee, Kyeiim - 330670 An Empirical Analysis on the WTO Disputes Related with Agricultural Products
by Kwon, Youngmin - 330671 The Relationship between Poverty and Depression: Urban-rural Comparison
by Kim, Taewan
March 2015, Volume 38, Issue 01
- 1-31 An Economic Impact Analysis of the 2014 Farm Bill on the U.S. Crop Sector
by Rhew, Chan-hee - 330651 An Analysis of the Determinants of Female Marriage Immigrant's Socioeconomic Status Recognition
by Kang, Hyejung - 330652 Factors Analysis on Relationship Satisfaction between Supplier and Consumer in Market of Agricultural Product Brands
by Kwon, Kidae - 330653 The Order of Priority on the Support Programs in the Functional Sericulture Industry
by Kim, Kyungphil
December 2014, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 1-20 Estimating Willingness to Pay for Livestock Industry Support Policies to Solve Livestock's Externality Problems in Korea
by Ji, In-Bae & Kwon, Oh-Sang & Song, Woo-Jin & Kim, Jin-Nyeon & Lee, Yong-Geon - 1-21 Analysis of Social Welfare Effects of Crop Revenue Insurance
by Chung, Wonho - 330648 Selecting Method of Sensitive Agricultural Products in FTA Negotiations Focused on Food Crops, Animal Products, Dairy Products in RCEP Negotiation
by Chung, Daehee - 330649 Demand for Pork Meats: A Multiple-Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value Model Analysis
by Kwon, Ohsang - 330650 Review on the Raw Milk Pricing System from a Supply-Demand Balance Point of View
by Lee, Changsu
2014, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 1-21 Assessing Korean Consumers' Valuation for BSE-Tested and Country of Origin Labeled Beef Products
by Lee, Sang Hyeon & Lee, Ji Yong & Han, Doo Bong & Nayga, Rodolfo M. Jr.
September 2014, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 330624 An Analysis of Consumers' Preferences for Quality-Graded Beef Products
by Kim, Sungyong - 330628 Impacts of Food Consumption Lifestyle on the Expenditure for the Processed Food: Using Cluster Analysis and Matching Method
by Park, Misung - 330630 Development and Measurement of the Index of Agrifood Consumer Competency Index
by Lee, Kyeiim - 330632 A Study on the Characteristics of Women Returning to Rural Areas and Their Settlement from the Gender Perspective
by Jinyang, Myongsuk - 330644 Lifelong Learning Participations of Rural People and Their Related Variables
by Ma, Sangjin - 330645 Factor Analysis on Need for Children in a Rural Area with the Lowest Fertility Rate: Married Women in Cheongdo-gun
by Kim, Nayoung - 330646 A Study on the Evaluations on Korea’s Official Development Assistance in the Forest Sector and the Way to Improve its Development Effectiveness
by Yoo, Byoungil - 330647 Unit Cost Estimation of Forest Offset Program Reflecting Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Deforestation
by Bae, Jaesoo
2014, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 1-21 Development of a Consistent Food Security Index For Early Warning Systems
by Yang, Seung-Ryong & Kim, Wonyong - 1-24 Technical Efficiency of Cocoa Farmers in Ghana
by Besseah, Felix A. & Kim, Sangho - 1-29 Determinants of Household Food Security in Rural Ethiopia: An Empirical Analysis
by Abafita, Jemal & Kim, Kyung-Ryang
March 2014, Volume 37, Issue 01
- 330618 The effects of Korean immigrants on pear exports of Korea
by Cho, Guedae - 330619 Welfare analysis of economic agents in distribution before and after FTA; imported grape, orange
by Park, Hanul - 330620 An Analysis on the Agricultural FTA Rules of Origin of Korea and other Major Countries
by Chong, Hairyon - 330621 Effects of Maternal Labor Force Participation on Childhood Obesity
by Kim, Taeyang - 330622 Animal Disease and Hog Price Impacts: An Event Study of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Outbreaks in Korea
by Kim, Jeonghyun
December 2013, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 1-19 The Food Miles Effect of the Korea-China Free Trade Agreement
by Son, Eun-ae & Lim, Song-Soo - 330611 Trends in land productivity from 1910 to 1961 in Korea; a case study on Juksan-myeon, Gimje-si
by Cho, Seokgon - 330613 Analysis of Food Consumption Behavior in Vulnerable Group
by Lee, Kyeiim - 330614 Attitudes towards in-migrants of rural residents
by Hwang, Jeongim - 330615 Analysis of Economies of Scope and Production Efficiencies in Combined Agriculture
by Kang, Hyejung - 330616 Effects of Cheap Talk on Hypothetical Bias
by Choi, Jihyeon - 330617 Analysis of Competitiveness Indicators in Rural Business Ecosystem
by Lee, Jinhong
October 2013, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 330585 The Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture: A Global CGE Analysis
by Kwon, Ohsang - 330586 Effects of Aging Farm Households on Income Inequality : Focusing on Empirical Analysis of the Age Effects
by Yun, Youngseok - 330587 Study of Saemaul Undong and the Role of Government from the Perspective of Development State Theory : The usefulness of the developing country application
by Lee, Misuk